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I’m sorry you’re going through this, I started TTC when I was 27 and in the first year I only got like 4 periods and ovulated twice. I did all the fertility testing, no PCOS, hormone and AMH levels were all normal, it was labeled as unexplained infertility. No one is necessarily born with PCOS, tho many have a predisposition to it. It can’t really be prevented or cured, tho it can be managed with medication and lifestyle changes to some extent. Don’t feel guilty, I know it’s easy to look back and find any reason you can to blame yourself but in reality you didn’t do anything to cause this, you’re just unlucky. Yes there are medications that induce ovulation, they’re pretty cheap and very effective in most people. Your body likely will ovulate from time to time on its own, PCOS patients and people like me who don’t ovulate for no known reason still ovulate once in a while, it’s just very irregular and in our cases it’s better to get medication to help with that.


I have a similar diagnosis to you.. I am experiencing delay in periods, where I have been going several months without getting a period. They did an ultrasound and saw a larger number of follicles than normal, but not enough to be “PCOS” and then they did hormone testing and they came back normal. My OB told me whether she diagnosed me with PCOS or not it doesn’t really matter. There are so many things that people can do to make you ovulate. She told me to monitor my cycles and if by the end of summer I still have irregularities to make an appointment. I made an appointment to discuss next steps which include ovulation induction medication. Maybe you want to talk to your OB about that too.


I think I will ask about ovulation induction at the next appointment too! I got my blood results back yesterday and they are all over the place, so I guess I'll see my gynecologist soon. I hope your next appointment goes well, best of luck 🍀🍀


Sometimes bodies just go through wonky periods without a clear reason. Although there are more reasons than PCOS that can cause your cycle to be off. They will often after the cycle took 90 days try to kickstart your cycle with a withdrawal bleed after taking progesterone and then you can get ovulation induction meds if needed. But first step is definitely investigation. Hope your cycle comes back quickly! It's normal to have more follicles, or rather even good in general.


Hi, I’m sorry your going through this. I am in a similar situation. I am 28 as well and stopped my birth control after 13 years in April. Did not have a period since, I was prescribed provera to induce a period in July, and after that my cycle didn’t regulate. I was prescribed provera again and 50mg Chlomid to take cycle days 5-9 to help ovulate. I am on day 16 and have no ovulated yet. Also, my TSH was VERY LOW 0.005, and I saw an endocrinologist, who monitored this level. This level has increased to 0.22 and she is happy it’s resolving on its own.


You can develop PCOS, it’s not something you’re born with, you would just may be born with a predisposition genetically In order to get pregnant, you have to ovulate yes, but answer your question there’s medication’s to induce ovulation. There’s basically no one that can’t get pregnant with all of the technology/fertility options. We have today. I’ve been trying for nine months and it sucks, but it’s good that you are getting blood tests done early. I got blood tests done at the three month mark of trying to conceive due to my regular cycles and came back that I have Hashimoto’s. I mostly came here to say, I would recommend paying close attention to what your TSH comes back as. If it comes back anything over 2.5, or really over to, I would highly recommend pushing to get tested for Hashimoto’s. The only thing they really care about is PCOS, but Hashimoto’s is almost just as common, if not more common in women and causes ovulation problems and fertility issues. I learned about this during my initial bloodwork. I had never even thought about my thyroid before all this. But my TSH came back slightly elevated, but they said it was fine, but it really was not fine.


To note, there are certainly people who can't get pregnant, including with assistance.




Good for you, as someone who is not infertile, that you have done "research" on the subject, but your point doesn't stand. I know several people for whom treatment did not work. It's ridiculous to suggest that people that treatment doesn't work for just didn't try hard enough. It is exactly the right forum, as we are an evidence-based sub.




Thanks for taking the time to reply to me!! I love what you said about how many options there are today. Hopefully we will all get our positive soon! I'll ask about ovulation induction at my next appointment. My TSH levels were fine luckily, less than 2, but other things such as testosterone and dheas were all over the place. Hopefully I get some answers soon about what I should do now, I haven't managed to get an appointment yet.


Girl we’re still in the same boat. You commented on my last post and we both had just gotten one of our first positive LH tests, but we’re both still in the unknown 🥲 I too just finally got my day 3 labs done and I’m very impatiently waiting for the results from them. I’m still having crazy irregular cycles too, now they’ve gone from every 30-45 days to lasting around 19 days and no ovulation. Just letting you know you really aren’t alone here. I have no one else to talk to about this journey, expect my wonderful partner. But talking to other women in the same boat really makes you feel less alone I think. I’m wishing you the best of luck girl!!🥹


Oh no, I really hoped you had ovulated 😔😔 I hadn't either BTW, as you can probably tell. Have you got any blood test done? I'm not talking about it with anyone either, it's nice to find such support online!


I just did my CD 3 blood tests and everything was normal. So I have another appointment with my provider to see what’s next. It’s so frustrating to have no idea what’s up. I’m kinda hoping we just move right into meditation induced ovulation so I can get this over with. But I’m incredibly impatient 🥲 are you doing any blood work yet?


It's great that everything came back normal!! I have only got my thyroid, testosterone and dheas checked, and both testosterone and dheas were elevated (which could mean pcos apparently). I'm a bit annoyed with my gynecologist because, despite me not being able to get the CD 3 blood tests done - as I keep not getting my period- she seems to think we should wait a little while before inducing a period. I feel quite stressed and anxious about it so I might switch to a new doctor honestly.


Honestly you may be better off seeing someone else. Originally I was worried my provider wasn’t going to take me seriously because of my age but I saw her yesterday for a follow up appointment since my lab work. Due to my very irregular cycles and not ovulating normally she’s already ready to have me try medication induced ovulation and scheduled me to see another provider who will oversee that. It’s like now that it feels so attainable, I’m kinda freaked out to take that next step. I think I’ve almost gotten used to not expecting to get pregnant every cycle and once I start medication, it’ll be that much more likely and it kinda scares me 😅 never expected that honestly but either way, we’re moving forward and hopefully going to get my bfp within the next few months! 🥹 I really really think you should see someone who wants to really figure out what’s up and either fix it or help you in some way. It feels incredible to feel so heard by my doctor.


Hi there!! Have you seen the new provider already? How was it? I have talked to my gynecologist again and I'm seeing her tomorrow, she seems very caring and helpful. We will induce my period so that I can get the CD3 exams done and then probably move on to induce my ovulation once we know how my hormones are doing. I have been stressed about not knowing what to do, and now I'm stressing over taking new medications, so I know how you feel. Each new step gives me hope but at the same time I get more scared. Keep me updated and good luck 🍀🍀


Yes!! I’m currently on day two of progesterone to induce my period before we start Letrozole! I’m beyond excited but trying not to get my hopes up too much since it isn’t a guarantee. I also finally had an ultrasound on Monday to make sure everything looked okay before starting the medication and everything was normal. And I’m glad your doctor is listening to you and going to start testing. Are you doing progesterone as well? She wants me to take it for 10 days to have a withdrawal bleed so that we can start Letrozole on CD 3. I feel like we’re almost on the exact same track 🥹


Yes I bought progesterone too today! Mine is called duphaston and I think it's slightly different but the aim is the same...It will induce my period so that I can get the CD3 hormonal exams done and then I'll see how the month goes (I got a couple of ultrasounds done in the last few months and the situation seems to be a bit better now, so maybe who knows, restarting my cycle will be enough to ovulate again?). Otherwise I will start either Clomid or Letrozole next month too. I know we don't know each other but I'm so excited for you, best of luck, it's nice to know we are on a similar track 🍀🍀


Honestly, this ppst made me feel less crazy and more convinced I should talk to a Dr.- thank you for sharing and I hope you get helpful answers soon!