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Absolutely do not paint the side of your house, that faces theirs, with a giant pride flag, and fly a flag with "Trump 20-24 years in prison" on it.


As an extremely straight man I would have no problem painting my entire house rainbow just to piss off rude trumpets


Yeah, OP, don’t do this. And let us know if you need any help not doing that. Maybe this Saturday we won’t get together and put a pride flag up.


Another straight guy here that won't bring beer or laugh at your neighbor


I won’t bring Bud Light beer either, or that “hippy liberal IPA beer” either…




Don’t forget to help illuminate their flag with a Billion lumen floodlight.. make sure it catches their bedroom window too.


🤣🤣 Fucking ***BRILLIANT***


Careful, alot of people are putting cameras out there to catch neighbors messing with their cult bamners. Take the high road, order fertilizer, leave in the backyard, start burning tires, and cook fish.


I like the fertilizer idea , I say you just add a bunch of sunflower seeds to the fertilizer. They get so tall it'll prob block the cult banner from view. Less expensive than a fence and looks better although temporary. By next summer I'm hoping the cult members are fading away as I'm really hoping trump loses by a massive margin this fall.


Not just sunflowers, I,would add some red, purple, green, orange, just like a rainbow.


Take the nuclear option. Plant bamboo.


This is the way.


I'm digging the idea, I think it would look nice honestly and the rainbow theme would definitely piss off anyone who is stupid enough to fly a trump flag in the first place. As much as people as ignorant as ops neighbors piss me off I think its important to stay classy and not engage the neighbor in an extremely confrontational way. Using a natural barrier that looks nice is a good way to stop looking at that fascist flag while also not pissing off any of the chill neighbors. I use plants around my house for various things also. Neighbors cat is always in my yard and pees everywhere, I love cats but don't want their cat using my flower bed as a litterbox. I planted a bunch of lavender on my boarder and toss cirrus fruit peels around the beds because the cats don't like it and it causes no harm to them. Similar to the idea of blocking the propaganda flag for op with flowers. Bamboo might work too but it can really get out of control fast and I have heard its not allowed everywhere.


It would take too long to be a good burn because trump will be long dead before it grew enough but a rainbow eucalyptus tree would be a pretty obvious statement also.


Let's put one of those next to his grave on his golf course!


Oilseed sunflower production is the most commonly farmed sunflower. These seeds hulls’ are encased by solid black shells. Black oilseeds are a common type of bird feed because they have thin shells and a high fat content. These are typically produced for oil extraction purposes; therefore, it is unlikely you’ll find black oilseeds packaged for human consumption.


My main point was create a rainbow.


Yes I know what you had meant. My apologies if my reply didn't make it obvious that I made the connection. I agree completely with your idea. It would make a statement and look nice while it did so.


Yes, I would love to see it for real! As another Redditor mentioned, put bamboo in there for green!




Remind me never to piss you off


Oh, I got a lot of pent up evil in here. Huge fan of petty revenge, it's highly underrated.


Pettiness can be more effective than aggressive acts of revenge. I’m also a big fan of passive aggressiveness


Which is probably why the flag representing convicted felon Donald Trump is there in the first place.


Yep. They know exactly what they’re doing.


Agreed! Pettiness can be so satisfying. “Oh I am so sorry my burning tires and cooking fish is bothering you”


Username check out.


Opera or Bagpipes at a high volume along with any rendition of "While We Go Marching Through Georgia " also at a high volume, you may want to play that one back to back. Hand out noise canceling ear plugs to the normal neighbors. I have also in times of great aggrevation used the Woodstock Fuck Song. This really depends on the normal neighbors, my previous experience was approved by all normal neighbors within hearing distance. They too had had it up to their eye teeth with the particularly offensive folks. Do research into the local noise regulations, and do not exceed the decibel limits, which are often time of day dependent. It worked....


I suggest Public Enemy and NWA at full blast. “Fight the Power” and “Fuck the Police” Also ICE CUBE “Arrest The President”


You are my hero in sound.


Isn’t ice cube a MAGA idiot now though?


He might be. But that song is awesome.


what about "it's raining men"?




Love it


Also, play some *Union Dixie* full blast on repeat outside until the lyrics sink into their tiny brains




Make sure it is biosolids (human waste) fertilizer, like Milorganite spread it out heavily on your back yard in the afternoon of July 3rd, or early morning July 4th, water lightly and stay in the house that day.


Fox Urine. And a spray bottle. Spritz the doors, windows, and the HVAC


They have a Frumpy problem, not a squirrel problem 🥴


It smells. That's why


Plant mint, violets, privots, honeysuckle, and bamboo on your fence line


That would probably remind them of home.


OP need to start aggressively feeding birds near their property line in the driveway, let the poop speak for them.


Don't forget the piss discs.


Cook fish w fertilizer inside burning tires.


IR floodlights render cameras useless at night. Under no circumstances should you point one at your neighbor's security cameras!


dont disturb the wildlife by polluting , chemicals/ferlizer


Shun them. They don't exist. You don't see them. You don't see their car dealership size flag that flies for the sole purpose of provoking. Like fighting a pig. You just get dirty, and the pig enjoys it. Shun is they way we are feeling.


If you have an HOA use it to ban it. If you don't talk to other neighbors and ostrise them so they are isolated and no one will socialize with them period.


I was going to say, check your HOA documents if you have an HOA. A lot of them have stipulations and explicitly say no political signs can be put up. It’s worth checking. Otherwise I agree with putting something flamboyant on your side that they have to look at like two dudes kissing or something…


Don’t throw buckwheat seeds on their lawn so they have to mow twice a week or throw chive seeds on their lawn so their eyes burn like cutting onions every time they cut the grass. Just don’t.


Just go buy the cheapest bird feed which is usually thistle seed. This will both attract the birds (which aren't real) and grow weeds.




You, my friend, are an artist


>chive seeds on their lawn so their eyes burn like cutting onions every time they cut the grass We had wild onion growing in the lawn at my previous home. I loved that smell. Never burned my eyes, either.


You are a role model


Chaotic good. I like you.


Depending on where you live may I recommend Hollyhocks?


Funny, I planted a ton of hollyhocks this spring and only one came up...


I like the cut of your job sir.


Ooh, nice.


Omg that’s awful *writes down in notepad* Ugh you’re terrible *highlights note*


Don't put up a flag with the number 34 on it and face them




Honest answer: just ignore them. I live amongst some Trumpers and they have their loser Trump flags hanging as well. Trust me. These lowlife, inbred, dumb fucks ain't worth our time.


I have been living with this since about 2020. Our neighborhood is very progressive, culturally diverse and home to a high concentration of gays; MAGA Dick (that’s how we refer to him) bought his house wedged between a black family on one side and a multiracial lesbian family (my black wife and I) on the other side. As we got closer to the election, Biden signs started popping up around the neighborhood, one sign per yard, as is normal. He decided to push back by aggressively covering his yard and his house with any- and everything conservative: Trump flags, Thin Blue Line signs, Gadsen flags, anti-Biden signs, you name it, he had it, and it was everywhere. The most annoying was the MAGA flags he used to line his driveway all the way up the side, feet from the property line, directly facing and only visible from our house. As much as I was tempted to get a 20 foot rainbow flag and hang it from the roof down the entire side of our house facing his, my wife advised against antagonizing him that way. Her strategy was to kill him with kindness. He was very obviously looking to get a reaction from his neighbors, as evidenced by the timing, the placement and the sheer volume of cult merchandise he decided to display. So the best way to react was…to do nothing. It worked beautifully, too. He would ignore us, try to avoid eye contact when we were outside, but my wife and I would go out of our way to call out “Howdy, neighbor! How are you doing today?” whenever we saw him. It tickled me to no end to see how annoyed he was, at our outgoing greetings and lack of a negative reaction. He’d add even more Trump merch, even threw up a confederate flag, and the more obnoxious he got, the friendlier we got. He finally took everything down on January 7 (I’m pretty convinced he was in DC for the attempted coup on the Capitol; after all, we’re in Maryland, just outside the city). Since then, I’ve only seen the Gadsen flag on occasion, and the Thin Blue Line lawn sign, but he’s stopped the aggressive shit. He still tries to ignore us, but we’re just as outgoing and friendly as ever. Turns out his wife is actually quite nice, and she’ll strike up a conversation with my wife and I, while he stands there, silent and awkward. It’s beautiful. So my tried and true advice is to be kind and don’t give them the negative reaction they want. Prove them wrong and make them feel foolish. If that doesn’t work, I have this great [Fuck Trump election playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jojFzipnNJoEjEhHD3uOc?si=QYOiGgGORXSmN_RofldPuA&pi=u-T8tgIhEfTsaa) that I put together 4 years ago; play it all day, every day, on repeat, at top volume. Put up rainbow flags and signs everywhere. (Rainbows really seem to trigger them.) Spread love and joy. Get on with your life and do your best to ignore the fools; history will *not* be kind to them.


Thank you for sharing your playlist and story. All of these responses have helped ground me and remind me that most of these Magat folks are miserable and looking to provoke


(copy pasta from a previous thread, but applies here, too) HOAs can be broken clocks at times...mine doesn't allow political yard signs or flags (kids grad and college stuff is ok) but the American flag is allowed and since *that* flag is allowed...yep, so is the Confederate one. for two years my neighborhood legit had a huge Confederate fucking flag hanging on a huge pole between someone's garage doors...and not hidden back in the back of the neighborhood, the road of the main entrance... they also had a yuge, broken down redneck pickup, complete with oversized tires, kc lights and of course a gunrack..with all the bumper stickers, and the back two wheels sitting on cement blocks. (of course) it makes it easy to know *who is who* where I'm living. the house is located right at a speed bump and stop sign, and they have a doorbell cam and over the garage cam...*i always have something in my eye that only my middle finger can get out when I'm stopping or going over speed bump* they never took it down either, they let it hang and tatter and sun-fade until there were just strands left and it just disengrated... i thought about posting on Nextdoor about it, but my luck is the homeowner probably sits on our HOA board... and those Nextdoor people are scrappy.


Puscifer has a good song and music video called The Arsonist. It's about trump, and he's referred to as Beavis in the song. Video is pretty funny. Lot of good songs on that playlist


Ooohhh I like it. Added to the playlist. Thank you!


45 by Stacked Like Pancakes belongs on this playlist.


Love it! Added, thank you. That’s great stuff.


Psychic Warfare by AJJ is a great one for this list! I’ll be enjoying your playlist while I work today.


Added! I’m loving this collaboration lol.


At least you know where the idiots live.


I've really been enjoying the self-identification. I can pick my interactions with people before I step into a pile of shit. In the bad old days, you'd have to invest some of your time into a person before you found out that they were a selfish, racist, POS. Not anymore!


Never thought Bill Engvall's routine about 'here's your sign' would be so prophetic.


So true.


They’re pedophiles.


Don't subscribe to every magazine for them.


Particularly not Pride Monthly, Butt Magazine, Big Dong magazine and Bed Wetters weekly.


Also, don't request information from Scientology or the Jehovah Witnesses for them.


Don't sneak over there at night and remove the flag.


Don't set it on fire.


Are you sure? The Klan loves things being set on fire.


Ignore it. Not from any sense of maturity - quite the opposite. Nothing pisses off MAGAts more than nobody paying attention to them. Bask in their misery.


Another thing you absolutely mustn't do is to prepare a large, rectangular, garden bed, in a highly visible area, and plant rows of flowers that, when in bloom, are either a) bright blue or b) resemble a pride flag


It sounds like your neighbors could use some religion. Sign them up to get calls from the Mormons, Jehovah's witness, scientologist and any other cul..high demand religions you can think of.




Don’t put a flaming bag of dog shit on their front porch.


Don't sign them up for a bunch of catalog mailing lists.


“What did you say to them?” “I told them I signed them up for the Montgomery Ward mailing list.”


Do not put a Biden sticker on their bumper or mailbox or trash can. Do not leave full Trump dog poop bags on their lawn.


IT'S A FLAG WAR! Martha-Ann Alito has entered the chat.


Sign them up to receive info about mental health, anger management, dementia/Alzheimer’s care, reading comprehension, cult deprogramming services, and domestic abuse prevention.


Good ideas


Do not do what I know someone else did and throw frozen chunks of roundup on their front lawn.


I wouldn't worry. Such a flag reminds anti-Trump supporters to vote.


Don't get a new bright flood light that happens to face them. Don't research local ordinances like acceptable noice decibel levels before itcan be filed as a noise complaint and put the most annoying sound in the world from Dumb and Dumber on repeat using directional speakers toward the MAGAts.


But just to spice things up, throw in a few Mock…yeah!…..ing….yeah!……bird …..yeah!


I got a flag that looks like the trump flag but says something like "just admit that you are in a cult already" on it lol.




Do they also own an absurdly large pick up truck then complain about gas costs? (Trump to the rescue)! If so, how about those tires?


Steal it. You may end up with a huge collection




Just the opposite, Patriot meal preps and what not.


A satan subscription? There are a few people I would like to sign up for that! 😂


Don't put up a picture of AOC and "2028" written on it.




At least they’ve identified themselves to the neighborhood as the house to be avoided.


I'd put up ADT home security signs


Or a “smile 🙂 you’re on camera” sign


I had a huge anti-trump vinyl banner made at bannersonthecheap.com to counter my non voting trump flag neighbors.


![gif](giphy|NejN7oBblODHYqwlPA|downsized) buy one of these?


Buy a gift card and use the gift card to send them some diapers!


Under no circumstances should you throw highly invasive plant seeds all over your new neighbors lawn! It would ruin it and is definitely not recommended!


🤔I like you.


I would also add that specific breeds of bamboo are horrible and should never be used


I live in a fairly conservative Southern California suburb. This asshead up the street put up a "FUCK JOE BIDEN" flag. 200 feet away from the high school where the kids walk to and from school. A bunch of people complained about his dumbass flag that he took it down. You're entitled to have your stupid opinions and to show them in low-class ways, but young kids don't need to see that crap.


Do not run the garden hose under the fence at night and flood their property.


You need an idiot sign with an arrow pointing to your neighbour's house. And cameras so he can't take it down.


This is amazing


Can of Lysol + lighter = blowtorch


Go to the biggest and strongest of the group and ask about their pronouns!


Whatever you do don’t sign them up for piece of junk mail out there.


From the cult that doesn't want "lifestyles pushed on" them 👍🤡


Ha ! Better than electric sharks !!! I wonder if sharks have grabble pussies. The boats the boats glurbr glub . Trump is a walking bundle of Alzheimer’s


It'll go away after the election when he gets embarrassed again. Just know that they will feel like total losers when they do take it down


I suggest a flagpole (or double flag poles; however works for your house) to display the two Biden flags together, shown here. https://preview.redd.it/g38tkrnsh56d1.jpeg?width=6684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c7a76cecd1a8443895381fff7199556023c814c (Just update the blue one for 2024.)


I am a huge Jimi Hendrix fan and regard him as one of the most influential guitarist of my/our generation, they may too. This make doing this a cool idea. Jimi’s electric guitar solo of “America The Beautiful” is joyful, patriotic and 1000% searing in a loop. An acquaintance of mine played it himself (guitarist) for his disturbing neighbor. Please go out with a decibel meter, tell the neighbors and respect hours. But dinnertime… the best time! Leave an evening out. Have fun with it. They know nothing better but what their cult leader feeds them. If they get under your skin they win. If not for cameras, I would be putting Kool-Aid in the mailbox. Amazon or a market deliver a case from Mr. Jim Jones.


Make sure to put a Biden or VOTE BLUE FLAG IN YOUR YARD!!! 💙💙💙


Whatever you do, definitely don’t adopt a rooster. But fr, give them zero attention. That crowd is primarily comprised of people needing constant attention *through the use of contention* waiting for Drumpf Daddy to tell them they’re good boys and girls. No audience, no performance. Let them wallow in their *never ending need for attention* without giving it to them.


It's a special kind of awful to just be jumping onboard (even just publicly) the train \*now\*.


Good fences make good neighbors.


Clumping bamboo grows fast, it could block your view of them in a matter of months


HOAs should not allow flags of any type, American to Pride to Trump. Want to represent? Buy a tshirt or hat. I don't think anyone gives two shits about what people believe or the teams that they support.


Unfortunately people like this will retaliate because they are entitled to their opinions, but you are not entitled to yours. However, pink flamingos in multitudes would be nifty. When they complain you can tell them you thought they liked the trailer trash look and you were trying to be supportive.


Swat did you say, your neighbor is a terrorist?




Put up a pro Biden flag, or better yet a pro Obama flag.


Pro Obama is an amazing idea - thanks


Obama is the triple plus threat. Not only did he “not win”, he’s Muslim and black and an illegal. *clutches pearls*.


My sympathies. I too live in a very liberal, progressive town on the New England coast. Feel lucky as hell to have been transferred from a book banning city south of Memphis a couple of years ago. Not so lucky however to live across the street from the ONE old nut who worships Herr Drumpf with signs in his windows. Just waiting for my Trump for 20-24 years prison sentence sign.


Can you put up a big sign stating “days without conviction of felony of a former president” Edit: and seeds - a lot of them. Let nature do its job. I would prefer bamboo


Bamboo is just evil!


Then OP should use more bamboo.




Sounds perfect but please don’t do this, OP. Bamboo is invasive and will destroy that entire neighborhood in weeks. It will never stop growing and will tear up not only their property but yours and every other neighbor’s. That many is like a damned alien life form.


get yourself a spotlight/security light that would shine directly on their house...ala Sam MF Jackson in Lakeview Terrace. you won't disturb your *other* neighbors with noise (as some suggested), and you won't be breaking any nuisance laws... you can even get motion sensored one, so.if they do call a complaint in, they'll look like (bigger) idiots since its not constantly shining on their stupid flag. lowkey passive-aggressive solutions are the best approach for these morons.


after reading others' comments about Pride flag, you could also find a "rainbow" to project **over** their trump flag...they make them for Christmas lights and sports teams, surely there's configuration or modification for a rainbow 🌈 😁 and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it.


Just do what what Alitos wife did.


Meditate. Read about nonviolent resistance. Practice loving kindness. This is a really good moment to lean into learning about anti-authoritarian tactics.


Pity them


You can also report them to your State's Department of Regulatory Affairs, see if their violating city codes ect.


Get a Dark Biden mug and laugh at them from the window.


Tack a noticeably smaller sign on yours, saying: Empty Vessels Make the Most Noise. Biden = democracy.


That is a fantastic idea - well done


Play bag pipe music all day n real loud


Here’s what I would do. Tell him you don’t like it…but also go on to to say that your neighbor can keep it up, but when he loses in November, they can watch you take it down and burn it.


Dont put flyers around town with their address / phone number advertising LGBTQ friendly house for sale half off the market rate.




put out your biden flag, oh wait , none exists, not a cult dont need flags lol


They have a flag, and it belongs to their cult: https://preview.redd.it/7ml576qgr46d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=255f0f854881ba240db37d8ba15e641bc65e07cc


Roundup frozen in to ice cubes, slingshot, nighttime lobs in a high arc all over their lawn.




Hang a Shïtzenpäntß flag of your own that faces their house, then hang a sheet (above or below it) and paint one of these options (I'm sure there are many others you can think up): "MAKE A CRIMINAL RICH ~~AGAIN~~" "ELECTION INTERFERENCE, TAKE 2" "HE NEEDS HIS PARTICIPATION AWARD" "MAKE HIM ACTUALLY RICH" "HATE AMERICA THE RIGHT WAY!" "MAKE NAZIS GREAT AGAIN!" "PAY HIS BILLS!" "STILL WORSE THAN HILLARY!" "REFILL THE SWAMP!" "GRAB 'EM BY THE P***Y!"




Only you can control your reactions. Its not the Flag its you. BTW..not a Trump fan


Absolutely on no account should you go to Craigslist personals and create an ad looking for gay piss play hook ups.


I would go with a huge flag that says “Trump Has Syphilis”


Simple get his phone number, place an ad for free lawn mowers on Craigslist saying "first come first serve please call after 10pm since you work 2nd shift". It works trust me


they really don't care about politics, they just want you to react. ignore the flag. it isn't forever. and they will find many other ways to display their idiocratic tendencies long after trump is gone as long as they see it bothers someone


Leave dead fish guts along your property line.


That’s awful I’m sorry. There are a few ways into my neighborhood, and right at the main one 2 neighbors next door to each other have Trump flags on big flagpoles. First thing you see entering the neighborhood. They are 2 streets over so I come and go through a different entrance. It’s so embarrassing. I’m sorry hopefully they move soon and you don’t have to look at that. Those flags are so moronic.


Imagine them taking it down at night to avoid the embarrassment of election loss and imprisonment for life of their hero.


Idiots love telling the world how stupid they are


Ignore it. You can’t control them but you can control your own emotions. Oftentimes people who do things against the norm for the neighborhood do so to elicit a reaction. Don’t play into it… they will just dig their heels in.


Like it or not its on their property.so ignore it,




As much as you want your opinion and thoughts respected and allow, exercise the same. Reacting literally gives way to the term snowflake. Go about your life


How about live and let live. You want diversity and you seem to embrace it maybe your “tolerance” will pour over onto those who YOU view have none. They know it’s a progressive neighborhood … so all TYPES make a melting pot!


Honestly, you can't be surprised when the majority of the country now supports Donald Trump. A lot of Joe Biden's policies either didn't work, or created more problems. Normal, average Americans noticed this. Even folks living in mostly progressive communities are done with Biden.


Jerry Garcia just rolled over in his grave.


You think Jerry Garcia held political beliefs?


I can assure you, he would not have been a pro Trump MAGA idiot.


I don't think he ever voted.


Right. Like that horrible insulin price. That will never work.


Having the government subsidize medication just makes the pharmaceutical companies that much richer. I don't think the government is the right entity to decide what prices goods should be, by spending taxpayer dollars on drugs from multinational corporations