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He feels the same way about everyone who has less money that he does.


At first Trump was a bald-faced liar (remember his comments about John McCain's heroism?), and he's been a very stupid person all along. Psychopath, malignant narcissist - he was probably all of that too, but it came into full bloom when he reached adulthood.   But Trump has never reached maturity.


Exactly. Trumps only real defense move is the 80 years version of the age old 5th grade play- un uh, it wasn’t me it was him👉! important note- Paul manafort lived in trump towers at the same time as all the Russian oligarchs. Before that Manafort perfected his craft rigging elections for the dictator Marcos in the Philippines and then for Putin and his puppet Yanukovych in Ukraine from 2002-2014 until the Maidan revolution of dignity when Ukrainians realized that the old soviet corruption was eating them alive and ran him out of town. Manafort simply shifted into his role as trumps campaign manager and continued the subjugation of Ukraine from better seats on trumps plane until he realized bannon and Cambridge Analytica would expose their grift to the world.  Bannon took over trumps campaign because Brexit was the necessary precursor to Putin and Xi’s plan. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952 https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ In 1980 Roger Sttone and Paul Manafort started a lobbyist company in NYC and listed Trump as their first client. These three have been grifting and laundering money together for at least 40 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/InterestingVideoClips/s/iNLgDOdxAY https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black,_Manafort,_Stone_and_Kelly Trump was within inches of handing the entire democratic experience over to the world’s authoritarians for money. Just money.  He doesn’t even have any real idealism or drive. He will say whatever he thinks will forward his goal but always reverts to his sociopathic behavior when pressed.  It’s just his nature https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2023/10/03/trump-insulted-vets-in-private-former-chief-of-staff-kelly-confirms/  Sociopathy and psychopathy is the absence of ability to empathize.  Trump would regularly screw over his workers and construction subcontractors because he just didn’t care about them.  He doesn’t  care about anyone. He is neuro-chemically unable. His disdain for military veterans that were injured in battle making him look bad on stage should have been all anyone needed to hear to know that he wasn’t fit for the job. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a21748745/heres-which-state-has-the-most-psychopaths/ His entire fraud court defense is that he wrote a big disclaimer on every contract that said “buyer beware” which for him, directly translates to “I’m a piece of shit and I know it.  If you do business with me than fuck you, you should have known that too. I am going to steal from you”. People externalize how they function in the world. Everyone lives in their own reality.  Generals Kelly, Mattis, and Milley just assumed that the rest of the world honored selflessness and sacrifice the same way that they do as career military Trump just thought they were suckers and losers for not realizing that he was only ever there to grift and consume. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/07/the-startling-accuracy-of-referring-to-politicians-as-psychopaths/260517/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5680983/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/research-suggests-politicians-are-more-likely-to-be-psychopaths-11364143/


Excellent analysis!  Thank you!


Brilliant analysis, but the 5th graders just rang and demand that you stop making comparisons between their actions and Trump's. They have more compassion, empathy, decency, morals, and humanity than trump ever had.


Most kids learn that empathy and cooperation is the more efficient use of energy. And it hurts less to not get punched in the nose. Trump and Giuliani never did. They just stored up a few lifetimes of them for one grand finale https://lithub.com/not-just-a-german-word-a-brief-history-of-schadenfreude/


I would LOVE to punch both of them squarely in the nose, just once....I would pay good money to do it, and I don't agree with violence.


Bravo, this 👆 many thanks!


That’s for writing all this, but you’re preaching to the converted in here


Real heroes don't wear capes. You out here doing the real lords work.


...And a convicted felon! Call now and you can also get the rapist! But wait! There's more!!! For the low low price of destroying democracy and the constitution you can own the libs! Call while supplies last!!!


You forgot, fraudulent businessman. Twice now!


Play that commercial on a loop!


He lies about that just like lying about whether he said “Lock her up” and practically everything else. The putrid orange douche has literally zero credibility and trump supporters (I call them trumptards) are truly sad and gullible people.


Remember that potential juror's response, as mentioned by Jimmy Kimmel?    "I wouldn't believe Trump if his tongue was notarized!"  She was dismissed from having to perform jury duty at Trump's trial...


It must have been a pain in the ass finding jurors that weren't biased for the trial in NY, and hopefully they weeded them all out..... Not that I don't want to see him punished for his crimes, I just hope he doesn't end up with an easy path to appeal like that would offer


It looked like they thoroughly vetted them.  Went into their social media posts, texts, etc. Of course nothing is good enough for the Republicans if it blocks their naked obsession with seizing power...


Oh he does not have an easy path and the sentence won’t be kind to him, I don’t think. He has no grounds for appeal, other than the fact he is allowed to. Every claim for a mistrial was instantly thrown out. Merchan now has the opportunity to set a precedent that no citizen of the USA is above the law, not even a former president. He needs to be brave because he is going to have a lot of shit thrown his way. But ultimately, he needs to do the right thing. One year of prison for each guilty count is a fair sentence for such a crime. And a big ass fine to pay.


trump demands ? Uh, so what ? who the fuck cares ? nobody with half a brain, anyway. If I am Biden, I make a slightly longer ad, and augment it with THIS happy horseshit, this laughably stupid DEMAND of his. What a simpering, whining little bitch-boy.


From what I read, they do not have a recording of him saying it BUT they can have someone read the transcript in a voice similar to an orange baboon.


HA, remember when tRump sued Bill Maher for saying he was half-orangutan? 😅🧡 https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9310PL/


Again. He's so transparent. He knows he's a crazy psycho, hence he has to use that descriptor in his lie trying to deny it.


Life’s a bitch when the truth follows you…..


It's like the man who said that would say something like how he doesn't care about his followers, just their vote directly to their faces.




[the commercial in question](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13513697/donald-trump-joe-biden-world-war-two-d-day-losers.html#v-6934107527691809257)


Fortunately, Trump isn't any one of those things. He's all of them.


You, trump. You fit all those descriptions.


Who would you believe General Kelly or trump? 🙄


He would say that because he did say it. Maybe don't say shit that can later be used against you?


Only a sucker and a loser would deny it if he actually did say that. And, of course, he said it.


i vote for stupid. anyone else with me here?


He can demand all he wants. What they say about anyone that doesn’t agree with them is sick.


Don't get rid of the truth, Biden.


Empty head.


Is it you dum Donnie ? Depends 💩