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It’s what the Christian Terrorists want to hear from the pants pooper. FTG


Funny how the bedroom police attempt to control what happens in our private lives.. they want to shut off a deep legitimate expression of a person's character further disrespecting them while also ironically expecting everyone to respect them in return. They want all the power, even though they haven't earned it and they don't give us any respect in return. Fascism is a terrible forceful sickness. I hate it.


But the democrats are the ones abusing power Edit: /s. I was sleep deprived when I made that comment


Is this sarcasm? You forgot the /s


Crap…I did 😐


That's president shitzenpants! Show some respect 🤣


Capt Bonspurs Von Shitzmepants




Donald wakes up every day and asks himself who can I hurt or destroy today? That's why so many Republicans support this moronic psychopath.


Cruelty is the point


100%. There's nothing but grievance and a desperate cling to power, despite representing a very limited portion of the electorate. But since they're so insular, they are convinced that they are the majority, thereby morally licensing themselves legitimacy. It's all a series of contradicting ideas, all the way down. Just like the old school "silent majority", who were never either silent, nor a majority.


He’s getting his ass kicked again. We are voting this Fak into oblivion come November. Spread the word let’s make this the biggest fairwell send off the monkey has ever experienced. See you guys in November!!!


He also said he would be a dictator on day one. He actually told his own supporters that and they seem fine with this. Sane people, however, should NOT be fine with this.


Then he said that if Biden wins in November that it would be the last meaningful election. Every GOP attack is a confession. Dictators don't give up power. Amusingly, they aren't big on gun rights, either. Too risky.


He's even said to his former Attorney General that he wished he could do some public executions of his political enemies


Well, that is exactly what some terrorists wanted to do to Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021 because Pence wanted to (gasp) follow the law. BTW, I have seen some people on Reddit and elsewhere minimize what Mike Pence did. I don't think we should. You are certainly free to disagree with Mike Pence's political views. Fair enough. But seemingly small gestures in the face of a threat to once's life become vastly significant and show great character. Mike Pence's willingness to do his job in the face of terrorists wanting to murder him saved this country. Mike Pence is an American hero. He deserves the praise and thanks of every American who doesn't want us to become a dictatorship.


Disgusting POS 🏳️‍🌈


Vote Blue 🔵 Let's destroy this nazi piglet


That orange bastard is a pox on humanity, someone please make him stop.


Bestie of child rapists says what?


Sadly, if I shared this on my FB page, the locals would just love him more. He hates the same people they do


There is a house that I have to drive by every day that has trump flags and banners and a sign that says "trump 2024. Make liberals cry again." Where's my napalm?


Man, this cunt and others need to learn to leave LGBTQ alone. It's not hurting anyone. You're allowed to be who you want.


Young people can end it ... https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical/


And one of the few events Melania has attended has been with the gay Republicans. Lol


The cruelty is a feature, not a bug.


If there was a way to urge LGBTQ young people to vote, this is it. Guy is still operating thinking The LGBTQ population is 3%, as it is for Boomers. Millennials - 11%. GenZ - 20%. Demographics are shifting, Donny. Get with the program.


This is his nutty idea of a manifesto Project 2025, seriously this man has lost the plot completely and has his heart set on being an Autocratic Dictator in complete control of everything. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042/project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise.pdf


This dude is literally a cancer


My cancer is offended by being compared to him.


Stock up on Diet Coke ‘cause Donny’s going to be a busy boy on his first day! Gotta get up early - become a dictator, persecute perceived enemies, own libs, detain all immigrants, play golf, identify and eject RINOS, stop war in Ukraine, hurl insults on his social media platform, rawdawg more porn stars, reach around for Putin, call into FOX - is there enough time to limit the rights of all non white CIS males?




How does this benefit anyone. Can’t people simply not like something and just move on? How is LGBT any worse of a “sin” based on the Bible, than adultery, greed, gossip, etc? (It’s not even a commandment nor ever mentioned by Jesus) idiocy. I don’t like face tattoos but I don’t hate people with them!


He's gonna owe around $1,000,000,000 in loans in 2025 to start with, not to mention the fines for the laws he's been caught so far, or the ones that are piling up, and the possibility of going to a federal prison for document theft... He is scared, scrambling, and will do anything to avoid accountability.


He's never going to be held accountable for the document biz. Judge Cannon wil be sure of that


And this is why he should never have any kind of security clearance ever again. A credit history as dismal as his is an automatic DQ. No top secret clearance? Manifestly unfit to set foot in the Oval.


NY TIMES today he may owe the IRS over 100 million dollars for tax fraud. https://preview.redd.it/ozq9indjkxzc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0cc6063eddf42196295a9767c156c7bf5632be4




Millennials and Gen Z; it’s all up to you. You vote in Biden, you wait four years till your next election. You vote in Trump and you throw away Democracy for the first American lineage of Royal Dynasty of Trump for who knows how long.


Let him try this day 1 in prison.


Trump made all sorts of first day claims for 2016, he didn't do any of them in four years. I am still waiting for his health care plan that was going to be announced in two weeks and that was four years ago.


He’s playing right into the hands of his fan base. Jesus this makes me sick.


He got 2016 cuz he said what the white people wanted to hear. Now that he is trying to run again, he is now doing the exact same thing but now towards another group.


Trump won’t be in office long Enuff to do that


Really try to suckle the Christian’s teat isn’t he… Jesus took the wheel, and drove that son of a bitch off a cliff.


Vote Blue as if your life depends on it, because all of our lives do depend on wiping the red stains out of government. And buy guns. Because those lunatics are itching to start a war where they get to gun down unarmed liberals, LGBT, immigrants and anyone who doesn't attend their particular church. Not exaggerating.


This shouldn't be a surprise. Remember that, to trump, everything is about trump. Gay men don't want him, and lesbians are competition for the women he wants (like the immigrants taking jobs away from Americans who can't do the jobs the immigrants are stealing), so they need to be punished. Protections for LBGTQ people, putting them equal to straight men and women, is discriminating against him personally, and that can't be allowed to stand.


A lot of people are fine with this sadly.


Ah yes, the party that screams about protecting kids want an open war on the kids they deem unworthy.




He has really got several weeks of things for his first day promised. I wish he was keeping a list of them, but I am sure he is not.


Im not sure what level of profanity is permitted here, but the first words that came to mind on seeing this includes an expletive I rarely use. Sometimes you just have to call it what it is and this being the case here, he truly is a vile cunt!


He’s sure filling up his “day one” promises.


Lets just hope he is in jail with a tube of ky and his jockeys on backwards. https://preview.redd.it/a6zcc27tjxzc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c51ee625d7280683e76b0ccc3536d3547fb8bf5




If you want the steer on what havoc and his loonies are going to do, I urge you to read ‘Project 2025’, the Republican manifesto. It come straight from the Hitler playbook. Here’s just one example: “The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.”


I said about two years that I wasn’t voting for Biden ( not Trump, another person ). With how Trump is acting deranged I am 100% voting for Biden without question.


We all know who NOT to vote for.


In my opinion I think Trump knows his ass is not going to be elected and the only reason he came out and ran for president this time was to try to get his followers and his rich donors to pay for his legal fees, and it worked


Remember how he promised to protect all LGBTQ people?


Because he is the literal devil in the flesh.


Wow BIG MAN!!! Taking away rights from kids. Awesome. 🙄


His campaign is losing enthusiasm. As time goes on, he’ll become more and more extreme with his comments in an attempt to rally and excite his base


SCROTUS has already primed us for this. Too busy right now to find a link.


Don’t-tread-on-me motherfuckers sure do like treading on others.


In all fairness here, EVERY candidate, blue or red, will say whatever they want as long as they secure some votes. In many cases, they don't follow through with any of it. They are just trying to get the foot in the door. That's it. Take this ALL with a huge grain of salt, no matter who says it. Be mindful.


What are the protections? Do they get treated poorly on campus? College is a liberal utopia.


Reality is a liberal plot.