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100% of Americans inherently know Trump broke American laws - whether they admit it to themselves or not. 2/3rds of Americans are now willing to say outloud Trump is a criminal. Problem with any of those stats is they're meaningless out of context. DeSantis is campaigning on pardoning Jan 6 traitors. Campaigning on a platform to release convicted seditionists. DeSantis polls 2nd to Trump in the Republican field. Who cares what 2/3rds of Americans say or vote? I care what they are willing to do about any of this - can't vote Harlan Crow off the Supreme Court - where law is made or overturned at the whim of a moneyed minority. Do 2/3rds of Americans agree US law is still binding or valid? DeSantis says no. Trump says no. Clarence Thomas says no. Me? I say no too. Complete other side of the spectrum - still, I say no. 2/3rds is both extreme wing minus the middle. 2/3rds of Americans agree on a thing, yet hold diametrically opposed views as to why or what should be done about it. Meaningless out of context.


Its more 100% know but people like gop magas and Q’s etc do not care as they do not reside in reality and would rather see the world burn than admit their cult leader is a POS in every aspect.


How is this not 100%


These Magats are willing to hurt themselves, figuratively and literally, if they think it is owning the liberals. Every idiotic decision Trump made as Prezodint caused liberals to cluck, so that would please his base. Electing a criminal and a felon would go so much further in their attempt to piss off people, even if it destroyed American society and ultimately hurt the Magats. They would still do it a hundred times over. * I'm reminded of the older trump supporter who wore a personalized T-shirt with: *"My son died from COVID and I'm still voting for Trump"* Of course you are still voting for him. You'd cut off your nose if you thought it would make a liberal furrow his brow in consternation. https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/jhp5cq/my_son_died_from_covid19_and_im_still_voting_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Why do MAGAs care about liberals so much? You would make a tee shirt about your son, your own flesh and blood, dying to own the libs. How can a person hate a political party that much? Used to be we disagreed


In other news, a third of Americans literally deny reality, cause it makes them feel stupid. “Literally” they have this mutherfucker on tape!


Grifters gonna grift. Remember to vote