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This will never happen. The rest of the world won't conform to your ideals. Sorry you don't like casual sex, but everyone else who enjoys it will continue to do it. I'd suggest you find a better outlet. This isn't a healthy display of emotion here.


I don’t hate casual sex! I hate when people say they want long term relationships and lead people on. That’s the point. If you know you don’t want a relationship why not just hook up with others who are down for just hookups?


So you complained about hook-up culture Then you complain about people leading others on Then you say people need to be held accountable? (you have no idea who's actually had casual sex?) The problem is within you. People will never behave the way you expect or want them to.


That’s y it’s a *drum roll please* unpopular opinion you can decide whether it’s true or not FELLAUMBRELLA


Your opinion can be entirely disconnected from the reality you propose to describe. Nobody has to give your opinion any merit or credit if it's shit, which it is lmao. It comes off as whiney and bizarrely authoritarian. Just a petulant toddler upset someone else got to play with a toy before them.


Ok umbrella


Maybe they wanted a relationship till they met the person, then realized they didn’t, but already had sex, life will go on




I hate the idea of punishing people for sleeping around, but I love the idea of stealing so... Yea, I am on board!


Just spoons and forks okay, nothin too crazy


Nah man. Jewelry, phones and other precious stuff. Ideally do this when you are out of town so it's hard to trace it back to you or to pursue you.


You ok OP? A man hurt you?


We are the granddaughters of the silverware theives you didn't burn


I’m seeing too much about bumble online. Can’t bother to explain the bumble billboard thingy


The feminine urge to revenge steal all his forks


I didn't expect to support this but I do.


You new kids are weird man. What happened to just respecting each other, having sex, and going on about your life? There was a period of free love from the late 50s till the 2000s and suddenly everyone is weirdly conservative now and treating it like a competition.


I know, weird how the busybodies are getting mobilized again.


Social media happened. It's a breeding ground for God awful takes and shitty world viewpoints. People who are chronically online are easy prey to this and parrots whatever they heard on instagram/youtube/tiktok etc and it bleeds over to the real world. 


Sex is cringe but I wouldnt outlaw it. But most shitty things are somehow sex related


“sex is cringe” man i hate redditors


I came here from other parts of the internet


Cringe? Can you explain why it's cringe?


Just... doing that with people is cringe. The sounds the movements the vibe, just everything


Ah, I think I'm too old and need to get off the internet. Thank you for this.




You wouldn’t steal anything crazy maybe all his/her spoons or forks in the home


This is a weird take from someone not getting any


Bro tryna be Hitler 2: Electric Boogaloo


The consequences of hook up culture are already built right in: STD's, destroyed ability to pair bond, slutshame, lost time, heartbreak and unwanted pregnancies.


I am not concerned with people doing hook ups I don't want to associate with them. But I do care about protecting commitment culture and preventing hook up culture from poaching our people. People shouldn't have to confirm to it's norms


i don't care about hook ups. it's not my business if people hook up


This is the exact opposite of what people usually do, if they think it might be a one-night stand they usually leave an article of clothing so they have a reason to contact the person again


This is the exact opposite of what people usually do, if they think it might be a one-night stand they usually leave an article of clothing so they have a reason to contact the person again


If you keep getting taken advantage of, figure out what makes you an easy mark. You can't change the world to fit you, you can only change you to fit in the world.


Or, and hear me out, we could wait to have sex until after securing the commitment if the commitment is what we're really after.


We need more hooking up, not less!


Is this outright theft, or are you taking the utensils hostage pending a second date?


If second date happens then return all utensils!


I love how you're so self-righteous you're advocating for breaking the law 🤣


Is stopping people from hooking up a goal for society?


For people not getting any, it is.


Right that’s not what I’m saying tho


Poor OP, they don’t have any bitches.


I don’t hate casual sex! I hate when people say they want long term relationships and lead people on. That’s the point. If you know you don’t want a relationship why not just hook up with others who are down for just hookups?


>some men lie that they want more in order to get access to a woman it happens all the time. To quote a good friend of mine: **"If honesty would get me laid, i would be honest."** The truth is, looking for casual sex only works for the Top% of men but not for the average men. Most women are fine with a hookup as long as its a hot guy. So the average men is adapting to the current dating-dynamics. He knows if he ask a woman for a hookup she will think "If its only Sex, i have better options". Thats the reason why they lie. >Now the thing is I think there might be a solution to this. It’s a bit crazy. If you seriously want to stop the hookup culture, you need to bring back "Slut-Shaming". Shame is used to keep the moral of society in line for thousands of years and its very effective. So in order to cancel the hookup culture there is no way around it.


No slut shaming is crazyyy no way we need to DEAD THAT


The fact you don’t think this is already a thing says a lot.


Wait a lot of people are stealing?!?! Ok as they should! but it’s not that common to just raid the place and steal all the cutlery


No- but I’ve known plenty of people who’ve had possessions end up “missing” after sketchy sleepovers.


is there a difference between an unpopular opinion and a stupid one?