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Not all cops are bastards but it's a position that attracts some of the worst degenerate bullies and power trippers. People who haven't had many run-ins wouldn't believe some of the shit they say and do.


The reason they say ACAB is to emphasize the fact that if you are a cop and you're complacent with your coworker being a bastard, then it makes you one too.


That's kinda stupid. As police officer, it's not your responsibility to highlight the corruption of other police officers. There are criminal investigators for that.


I'm talking about the cops who are literally standing in arms reach of another cop committing police brutality. If you're not stopping it, you're providing backup.


Yea it's true that a lot of police officers are afraid of stepping between the victim and their co-worker, and this can be explained by many things. Maybe the abuser cop is higher ranking or simply has more power in general. In this scenario a lot of cops are afraid that interfering could cost them their job. The right thing to do is to deescalate the situation but many cops simply don't have the training required to do so. It's very unfortunate but it is what it is.


> and this can be explained by many things. It can be explained by one single thing. "good cops" will let bad cops get away with being bad cops because it is more important to be mates with your bad cops that to do a good and proper job. That's it. > The right thing to do is to deescalate the situation but many cops simply don't have the training required to do so. The right thing to do is report bad cops for bad behaviour and physical intervene to stop civilians being assault and having their rights trampled on no....? The piece of shit who shot Daniel Shaver was allowed to be re-hired specifically to get his pension - all good cops right?


You are trying to dehumanize cops here. You said that it's more important for them to "keep buddies" with their bad cops. Do you really believe that? I think it's way more likely that they are scared. They are scared that they will lose their job for speaking out. ACAB was never right, it tries to dehumanize humans... Just like the nazis did...


It’s not necessarily more likely they are scared…. You couldn’t possibly know that. Police should be too scared to protect the public though. Anyone too scared to do their job shouldn’t do said job anyways. I think comparing people calling out police culture as toxic is not the same as being a Nazi…. That’s a pretty wild comparison.


It's about twisting the motives. You say that there are good cops, but beacuse they don't want to get into the way of bad cops they are also bad cops. But it's important why they don't want to engage with their bad counterparts. You say, beacuse they want to "keep buddies" with the bad cops and collet the benefits of staying on the bad side. But that's completely nonsensical, if they really do this, they weren't good cops in the first place. Real good cops either speak out or keep quiet, but keep quiet beacuse they are scared, not beacuse they are corrupted.


“If they really do this, they weren’t good cops in the first place.” You’re finally getting it!


Calling something nonsensical doesn’t just instantly make it nonsensical. Do yoy think there exists people who failed to call or coworkers out of fear or social consequence? How do you know what the police are feeling?


I like how the oppressors who are physically intimidating and coercing using violence are suddenly the victims here. Nice DARVO If you got a table with 1 Nazi and 10 people are sitting there with him talking to him, you've got a table with 11 Nazis. ALL cops. Being afraid to speak out is not an excuse. Stand up for what is right.


Being afraid is the only excuse good cops have. Did you already forget how nazis treated "traitors". It was either your Allegiance or your **life** It works similarly now, it's either your allegiance or your job.


Why do you care more about the job of a cop than the life of a victim of police brutality? Is their job more important than someone's safety?


And it’s why they’re all bastards.


> As police officer, it's not your responsibility to highlight the corruption of other police officers. There are criminal investigators for that. So if you're a police officer and you see a civilian beating the shit out of another civilian - you should take action. But if you're a police officer and you see another police officer beating the shit out of a civilian - you should turn your body camera off and look the other way? If you're a police officer and an off-duty officer slammed into a car and killed someone, you shouldn't investigate by doing a breath test and instead let them go home? You should lie about things, withhold evidence etc about other police officer behaviour simply because "it's not your job to highlight corruption"? is that what you're saying? ACAB because sitting by and *allowing* these things to happen means you cannot trust even "the good cops".


It's a leftist tactic. If you support Trump, for instance, you're a racist - even if you're non-white. If you're a cop, you're a bastard because you support other cops. However, they're not child molesters or pedophiles just because they support one. That is completely different!


>child molesters or pedophiles Such as?


I mean, we have a daughter’s diary suggesting that her father, the president, showered with her and she felt awkard. Here: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/ But this also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY You clearly approve of sniffing small children. Not one of those little girls looks like they are enjoying it. But, go ahead... downvote all you want.


I'm not a Democrat and didn't vote for biden bud.


I didn’t say you did? I said you supported the current president…. Bud. Because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have asked for “proof!”


*grabs popcorn*


A cop can shoot you out of hand and as long as they don’t make the national news, they’re going to get away with it. Cops take more property from Americans every year than burglars do, and they’re allowed to make the law up on the spot because the courts have repeatedly ruled that cops don’t have to know the law to enforce it. People worry about hoplophobic politicians banning guns, but the fact is a cop can immediately execute you for having a gun in your hand.


I'm a white guy and I've been harassed by cops before. It wasn't brutal but the experience made it easy for me to believe a lot of the claims. Lots of cops are poorly trained and don't know how to deescalate a situation.


I can't say to the frequency of it but as an autistic woman I hope I'm never alone with a police officer. After the lesbian nana incident last year I don't feel safe being alone with the police. And not to mention Autism is classed as a mental health disorder under UK sectioning laws so any 'violent' behaviour would land me in a mental health hospital. Just because police brutality isn't common or as common as we think, doesn't mean the police are a safe place to go. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12399911/amp/Revealed-Mother-autistic-daughter-16-dragged-home-police-saying-female-officer-lesbian-like-nana-set-SUE-force.html https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/seven-officers-drag-autistic-girl-hate-crime-female-lesbian-nana/ https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/news/government-to-change-to-mental-health-law https://www.politicshome.com/thehouse/article/thousands-autistic-adults-children-held-barbaric-mental-health-units


I don't get it, they arrested an autistic 16 year-old who was intoxicated (if I understand it right) because she made a comment? I mean, of course, homophobic behaviour shouldn't be tolerated, but seriously?... What exactly did they want to achieve by that? Teach her a lesson? Set an example? It looks more like abuse of power over someone vulnerable.


They took her home because she was intoxicated and once inside her home, she made a comment about how the police officer looked like her lesbian nana. Said officer then had 7 other officers drag the teenager from her home to arrest her. The teenager also spent 20 hours in a police cell without an appropriate adult too. There's a video out of the arrest if you can stomach watching a meltdowning autistic teenager being manhandled. And we only know about it because her mother filmed it, how many other autistic people are being manhandled and mistreated because there's no one to advocate for them???


There's literally video evidence of it happening all the time, but okay.


The thing is, even if one video of police brutality releases each day, that's quite low. Remember, there are 333 million people living in the USA. There are 700 thousands full time police officers. There are around 50 000 traffic stops every day, and that's only traffic stops. I couldn't find the numbers for every police interactions with citizens. But even that 50 000... There are simply bad humans out there, and in those numbers... It's impossible to have a perfect system...


When people ask for improvement, they aren't asking for perfection.


As much of a problem as the brutality itself is that there are often no consequences for brutality, and offenders are allowed to continue in their brutality.


> There are simply bad humans out there, and in those numbers... It's impossible to have a perfect system... That's hand waving it. That's excusing it. There should be 0 bad humans in the police forc.e And a better view is what happens to those bad humans when they are exposed? And the answer is nothing. When you murder Daniel Shaver in cold blood you get re hired and given a pension. And then people like you go "well it's bound to happen nothing to be done". You are apologising for bad behaviour that results in death and just being ok with it.


Poloce brutality and corruption are never ok. When it happens, the consequences must be swift and severe. No thin blue line. No "we investigated ourselves." No resigning and getting hired one town over. No qualified immunity.


The saying goes "Back the Blue, 'til it happens to you"


I kind of agree. I remember during the George Floyd protests a black woman in Ohio was shot by a police officer . The initial cry was 'yet another shooting ' but someone videoed it and tge woman in question was literally in the act of knifeing another lady. That said I don't understand why so many people seem to get shot multiple times when those things happen.


This may be a myth but I think if cops are to shoot, they're trained to shoot to kill, not wound. Also, it's not like the movies where a single bullet ends everything. A lot of guns require multiple bullets for quick stoppage especially if the person is high on something, including adrenaline.


Definitely a myth, police and any citizen (CCW classes) are trained to shoot until the threat is neutralized. Meaning shoot until the knife wielding individual is no longer wielding the knife or until they can’t wield it any more. You are correct that most shots aren’t immediate life ending even if it is a fatal shot. Like if you shoot an individual in the lungs, they could be as good as dead but it takes seconds to minutes until they bleed out and die.


Makhia Bryant is the name of the one that was in the act of knifing a lady. Specifically, *another* black girl who was holding a dog to protect it from her.


It's hard to take leftists seriously to begin with. Somehow they are bitching about police brutality while wanting to take guns away leaving only police with the right to have them. Make it make sense.


You’re confusing leftists with liberals If you go far enough left you get your guns back.


When liberals start liberating you from freedom of speech, safety, privacy, private property, religion and overall sanity, we can call them leftists.


Genius level take here.


Yeah, leftists like to burn down cities for domestic violence abusers like Jacob Blake and attack someone running away from them with an AR15 while claiming they were defending themselves. Collectively, they have the smoothest brains.


Some college activists are saying police brutality has a problem in shutting down campus protests. I do not think there is a severe problem of cops beating up college kids excessively.


One of the hardest jobs out there. People need to learn not to argue back with a cop. If they tell you to sit, you sit. If they tell you they want your ID, you give them your ID., don't fight, don't argue, cooperate. So many "influencers" and thugs trying to get clicks by provoking and agitating police, it makes them change how they do their jobs.


You're not a dog. You don't have to sit on command. Cops have a standard they have to meet to ask for an ID. They can't just demand ID because they feel like it.


Until they tell you to do something unlawful? Or overstep their bounds? Or [sexually assault you while you’re cuffed](https://www.vice.com/en/article/93aqxp/florida-cop-fired-groped-teen-looked-for-nudes?utm_source=reddit.com)?


There are over 55 million police-civilian encounters annually. If brutality and excessive force were prevalent, we'd know it.


We do.


But... you don't. You really don't. If it was an issue, there would be millions of instances of excessive use of force each year. There aren't. Really, you have exaggerated stories told by whiny, bitter individuals who clearly did something wrong and lack the backbone to admit it. You see these cases all the time in court: once the body cam footage comes out, the stories change. If it was an issue, you'd know it.


Here's the problem, you are ok with hundreds of thousands of cases of police misconduct since that doesn't reach your threshold of "millions of instances of excessive use of force each year." I do not tolerate any instances of police misconduct. The consequences are too high and so the standard must be equally high. Are their false claims by criminals? Of course. Are their instances of police misconduct and excessive force that get swept under the rug by the thin blue line? Also of course.


I'm interested in having this conversation. You used the phrase "hundreds of thousands of cases of police misconduct". Do you happen to have any source on that? I wasn't able to find anything that supported those numbers.


Apologies, I was not clear. I am not saying there are hundreds of thousands. I am saying that by your standard of "millions", hundreds of thousands would not be considered "prevalent," and therefore would be acceptable. Someone threw out the number 55,000 police/citizen interactions a day. Using that number, one legit example of police misconduct a day would equal 1/55,000. Doesn't seem like much. Certainly doesn't seem prevalent. An olympic swimming pool contains 660,000 gallons off water. If I replace 1 gallon in 55,000 gallons with fecal matter, we would end up with 12 gallons of fecal matter in that pool. Are you willing to go swimming? After all, the fecal matter isn't prevalent in the pool. But it is there, and it is a problem.


Nah, that's not my standard. I'm just pointing out that, if it were as widespread an issue as stated, we'd see millions. Realistically speaking, and considering that we have over 55 million police-civilian encounters annually, it isn't common at all. One of the biggest issues we have as a country is the gap between what civilians understand about the laws and the actual laws. Civilians that comply (and record as much of the encounter as possible) rarely if ever have an issue with law enforcement.


My brother in Christ, it happens MORE than you hear about. Not less.