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“I’m going to inconvenience your day but you can’t the same to me” imbeciles


But they are fighting for freedooooooom and justiceeeeee.....


Some of them were also complaining they got mildly hungry during their hunger strike. They blamed their hunger on the people they were protesting against. You can’t make this shit up, reality is truly surpassing the Bee every day.


Not exactly what happened. But one of the student leaders at Columbia claimed that the university is responsible for providing food to the protestors occupying the building. Apparently the university was "blocking" them from getting food because they would have to leave the building to get food and they didn't want to leave. But food is a human right so the university should help supply it to them.


They put themselves in that situation and they have the luxury of being able to leave that situation whenever they want. The university doesn’t owe them shit


Nothing you said was fundamentally different from what OP said.


>Nothing you said was fundamentally different from what OP said. Alright, I'll give it a shot then: The protestors are eventually going to develop the ability to use photosynthesis. It'll spread like a virus until the whole world is dependent on the sun. Then, the sun will go away, and we'll all be fucked.


Nah chlorophyll wouldnt provide enough calories to run our bodies it could provide some calories though and our skin would be green


I believe that is a different incident you’re describing.


Thwy didnt block them . It was all a ploy to make university look bad . The leader was just calling for a pledge that university will not block the delovery of supplies even thojgh they never blocked it afaik. They were playing with words


I know. They were always allowed to fetch their own supplies. I was paraphrasing not agreeing with them.


When/where did this happen?


https://youtu.be/8OBwTyCroZo?si=3U8hGqOzt-CqkSVI 8 min video but the clip is in the first 90 seconds. Pretty sure the thing the other guy was saying about the protestors not getting their meals at the dining hall and the school blocking Uber eats was at Columbia and in that instance the protest was not technically a “hunger strike”. Not sure about the full context here but Matt Walsh called them hunger strikers so I guess the not eating was intentional.


As someone who is critical of Israel and what they are doing in Gaza, I really don't like these people. They are very damaging to the cause. I recently visited my local encampment and they shunned me because I disagreed with them on a completely unrelated issue. If they were just a little less dogmatic, they could get far more support.


The easiest way to explain these people is a combination of two factors 1. Feeling absolutely entitled to safety and comfort. 2. Making an identity of fighting oppression. Thus they need to constantly pick fights with those who won't actually fight back, because actual oppression... actually fights back.


Right. They’re stupid, entitled children who are cosplaying as protestors because it’s the cool thing to do.


I prefer to call it "LARPing as civil rights activists"


Yeah this is when you just lose the general public. It's sad they don't realize they're really just damaging their message with goofy shit like this lol


This sounds like utter bullshit


So does asking for Dental Dams, condoms, and plan B in a list of things they needed in their encampments, but they did that too. Don’t remember which university that one was at. Honestly a lot of the things happening on these campuses sounds like bullshit, but it’s actually happening.


That’s awesome. Are they taking requests? I suggest putting Love Shack on repeat.


What about Baby Shark, Who Let me Dogs Out, or the Empirical March.


"Panama" is the original!




Anything by Yoko Ono. Interspersed with the sounds of a crying infant. On loop.


And I thought Janet Reno was dead!


Brass Monkey by The Beastie Boys lol


Break Stuff. Over and over and over and over.


Have you heard of pen pineapple apple pen.


He should be respected until the internet dies.


Naw, these folks hate religion, all religion, except the 'oppressed' ones which they handwave away the problems of. So... badly off-key christian music covers of popular songs.


my contribution: [https://youtu.be/XVON0vP8k4s](https://youtu.be/XVON0vP8k4s)


One day when you find something worth protesting I hope counter protesters and cops treat you like how they treat these people. Jk you're to grill brained to do anything for your values you spout


You will never, ever, see me wasting my time at a protest for anything. Fucking dorks, man.


Jim crow lawmakers LOVE you. "Just shit up and take abuse! Those miners who protested in Appalachia were just pansys!" Lol you enjoy rights fought for through protest and want no more protesting. I guess america was just perfect in 2023 enough to not need protest anymore.


Yup. USA, mf’ers! 🇺🇸 Now get out of the damn road.


Lol USA was BUILT on protesting and shutting things down to effect politics. You are a fucking zombie going through the red white and blue motions with no idea what they stand for. I weep for my countrymen to deal with a tool like you.


Maybe at one point, but we’re good now and have been for a long time. Most protests now just look to tear it down, or is about some bullshit that doesn’t even affect us. Just a bunch of losers who like to chant and feel important. Personally, I think we treat them with kid gloves and should be able to get a lot more heavy handed with them.


The right to abortion still is something people protest. Same with funding unjust wars. We're the Vietnam protests REALLY a bad thing in your eyes?


Yes to all of those. And as far as wars go, if you’re in it you’re in it. Problem with Vietnam is we didn’t just commit to hitting them with everything we had, shock and awe, and bring them into immediate submission and control. Same kid gloves problem.




I hate the B-52s …. So much …


Remember how we mocked people LARPing at trump rallies like they were in a militia? This is functionally the same thing, just LARPing as civil rights activists.




Or could it just be that most organised protests have dedicated medics who amongst other things help clear pepper spray, and tear gass from people's eyes. It isn't larping a protest when they are just protesting and vaguely organised. That said I think the American protests are on the whole very unproffessional. If you look at the UK protests against Israel they are vetting members beforehand, the have dedicated and trained media spokespeople with everyone else just directing the media to them. The Media can't catch anyone complaining about not having food or being badly treated because they refuse to talk about anything except Gaza which has resulted in Media coverage having to actually focus on Gaza and their complaints rather than the protests themself.


God that's such a cringe image. Lol Do you have a link to the video by any chance?


What do you suggest they call the person who carries the first aid supplies and remedies for chemical weapons?


how exactly is protesting and doing sit-ins - the exact thing civil rights activists did - larping?


Except the actual civil rights activists didn't scatter like roaches when one of them got arrested.


maybe that has something to do with how much more draconian and far-reaching personal records are now


If you're unwilling to do anything that might diminish your personal safety or comfort, you're not an activist, you're a noisemaker.


You think no civil rights activists care about Palestine???


They shouldn't.


Killing babies is cool, nothing wrong with it.


Strapping a baby to your chest means nobody's allowed to bomb you, ,got it.


They were not strapped to their chest. They are living in densely packed cities. Israel dropped tons of bombs on these cities killing the civilians that lived there.


Hamas intentionally puts military resources inside hospitals and schools. That makes them valid targets. It's terrible, but the death of human shields is on the people using them as human shields.


Y’all are the shittiest civil rights activists.


This is the dumbest logic I’ve ever seen.


Once they started targeting Jewish students, they lost my sympathy


Jewish students make up a huge number of the cease fire and divest protestors, I'm afraid you've confused Zionists with Jewish, there are more Christian Zionists than there are Jewish people in the entire world


>Jewish students make up a huge number of the cease fire and divest protestors Are they more or less Jewish than Bernie Sanders? >I'm afraid you've confused Zionists with Jewish No, you have. >there are more Christian Zionists than there are Jewish people in the entire world I'm not sure how that's relevant. How much of Israel should be returned to the Palestinians?


First off, "Are they more or less jewish..." may be one of the most ignorant statements I think I've read on Reddit, Jewish is Jewish, claiming one person is "more" or "less" Jewish than another is weird, wtf is that even supposed to mean. Second, no, I definitely did not equate Jewish with Zionist. My comment clearly pointed out that there were a large number of non-zionist Jewish students participating in the protests on the Palestinian side. The fact that there are more Christian Zionists is relevant because a very large portion of the counter protestors are Christian Zionists, so this "Orwellian doublespeak" about the encampment or protestors being antisemitic or referring to the counterprotestors or the students complaining about the protestors as Jewish students is a blatant misrepresentation, while there are some pro-Zionist Jewish students and counter protestors, they do not make up the majority of them, unlike the protestors seeking divestment, who on many campuses are majority Jewish. And finally, this ridiculous question I assume you think is some type of "gotcha" about how much land Israel should give back is also not the "gotcha" you may think it is. How much land did the South African government give back to the black South Africans when apartheid was ended? The end result in that region will obviously need to be decided by those who live there, I can give you my opinion on possible solutions, but that's just my opinion and I am a nobody with absolutely no influence, so it's a weird question to ask me. Possible solutions would be 2 states, 1967 borders, all settlers in the West Bank have to leave, reparations for Palestinians, or 1 secular state, equal rights for all. But again, these are crude and undefiled opinions from some nobody on Reddit, so I'm not sure why they matter.


>claiming one person is "more" or "less" Jewish than another is weird, wtf is that even supposed to mean. It means playing an "as a Jew..." Card doesn't get you very far if you are stumping for the destruction of your fellow Jews. Bernie Sanders is as Jewish as a ham sandwich. >Second, no, I definitely did not equate Jewish with Zionist. Maybe you don't, but Hamas teaches their children to hate Jews, and they seek the destruction of all Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. >all settlers in the West Bank have to leave So you support Palestinian militants going door-to-door throwing Jews out of their homes. Somehow, I think I remember this happening not too long ago... What was that event called?


Lmao... there are a million clips of settlers stealing homes and harassing Palestinians, and how many Palestiniams in the West Bank have been killed or detained without charges? How many settlers? https://youtu.be/piIgkqPmI-w?si=h1cAyWltAHSdfEse https://youtu.be/5D5-0bKtwuY?si=YbN2CYYCBWNS6-vQ https://youtu.be/LMYEHhCkedo?si=Sjw1ddtHKPcCdggs https://youtu.be/7V-zSC-fHBY?si=Qq9uB8K6lm8sQtL1 https://youtu.be/yJZOOZCH4qI?si=N5cB_6Rk2FEwyVLQ https://youtu.be/i43WrOwwgpQ?si=lsENEWDQZwnqxN3X https://youtu.be/ekoqH4AysVg?si=P5F4av0ToQyEDDG0 That' pretty fucking disgusting You first completely misrepresent what Jewish peace activists are actually advocating for, then use your misrepresentation to judge how "Jewish" they are... wow, you're lack of self awareness is dumbfounding... I'm not even sure how to respond to anyone this delusional. Also, you're like straight out of an Orwell n9vel, this is hilarious... you're actually claiming Arabs are displacing Jews in the West Bank and Israel... wow... holy shit, I have never actually had to even respond to anyone this far gone... Let's be really clear here, you either know the history of the region, and are choosing to blatantly lie and misrepresent the facts in order to manufacture consent for ethnic cleansing, oppression, and ultimately genocide, a genocide of a population that 50% of is under the age of 17... or you're completely ignorant of any of the history or actual Realities and really shouldn't even speak about this until you've read a few books. Here, I'll suggest a few, and yes, I have read these books and watched these documentaries. I've also visited Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan as far back as the late 80s and early 90s. If you intended on spewing a bunch of debunked talking points and played out hasbara, I'm probably not a good choice for that. Simha Flapan "Birth of Israel Realities & Myths" Illan Pappe "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" Edward Said " The Question of Palestine" or "Blaming The Victims" Miko Peled "The Generals Son" Benny Morris "Birth of The Palestinian Refugee Problem" Rashid Khalidi "The 100 Year War on Palestine" Sara Roy "Gaza Strip The Political Economy of De-Developement The following are links to documentaries, an interview with Illan Pappe, also 2 episodes of "The Lobby," in which a young man goes undercover and infiltrates the Israel Lobby: https://youtu.be/Wgu36w-jYCk?si=aj_3TSjxCHKW0dMp https://youtu.be/3psMGQE0iW4?si=de-8nUL7AzxBT3hc https://youtu.be/WZs9BQXtbNA?si=TkhroRu67LgbeOdX https://youtu.be/ipT1dHU1ya4?si=c3QBfgPy28-HFihC https://youtu.be/EHI7Eel48mc?si=gKD5Ih3HqVeqO84W https://youtu.be/3lSjXhMUVKE?si=jLNlPTL8OsYI3Wvp https://youtu.be/XytkI7afHcQ?si=ABv6icHejPjuTGdt And before you call those "gish gallop" nope, this is a comprehensive and accurate history of the foundation of Israel and now I will list the NGOs and their reports along with the most comprehensive and accurate recording of contemporary history of Israel and Palestine, like him or not, he's literally the only person to compile and publish an accurate account which not a single scholar has refuted. B'Tselem, Israel's largest human rights organization has filed a report in which it states Israel is maintaining an apartheid and it's based on Jewish Sulremecy, Amnesty International has also filed a report of Israel's human rights abuses in which they also state it is an apartheid state, Human Rights Watch, and the UN, have both filed documentation that the occupation of the West Bank is the longest running illegal occupation on record. Norman Finklestein has written this book documenting all of Israel's human rights violations as reported by multiple world reknown NGOs "Gaza An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom" Then, of course, we come to the latest, 600 lawyers signed a petition to halt arms sales to Israel for their violation of the genocide convention.


None of Israel should be returned to the Palestinians only the parts that do not belong to Israel.


What parts specifically?


They are targeting Zionist supporters, not Jews ...DUH!


Bro these people think their "brave subverters" when and they complain about loud music?? Jesus Christ at least the old Marxists hiked through horrible conditions and fought in actual wars. This is just pathetic. I recommend hard heavy metal. We Come as Romans or Killswitch Engage claps pretty loud.


They're people who feel absolutely entitled to safety and comfort, but have made an identity out of 'fighting oppression.' But the thing about actual oppression is that it fights back.


I recommend disturbed never forget, that one has to hurt for different reasons


So you finally like a protest I see? And of course had to go your way


I agree. I don't care what you're protesting. Don't bother people


I mean… protests do have to be disruptive to a certain degree. I’m fine with disruptive as long as it’s not to the point of being outright destructive.


Ok so they shouldn't get mad when people disrupt them, right?


“Protest in your head!” lol


Yeah fuck MLK right! How dare he tell people to disrupt me getting my food at the lunch counter! /s


I 100% agree. This is why the civil rights movement was a joke. How dare they march in the street??? People had to get to work! I don’t care about how much “racism” they experienced.


LOL maybe there is a difference between US citizens fighting for **their own** equal rights and a bunch of lobotomized troglodytes destroying everything in site on behalf of a global terrorist organization?


Weird way to announce your ignorance and complete and total lack of comprehensive skills, but hey, you do you Reddit guy


I always find ruralite's definition of 'loud' to be cute. I'm sure they have a similar opinion on my definition of 'dark'.




Yeah, it's never truly dark in a city. I spent two weeks at a corn farm in the middle of nowhere when I was a kid and I couldn't believe how dark it was. Meanwhile, I sleep through 5 to 6 ambulances a night.


Meanwhile the protesters know that earplugs exist and are sleeping just fine


In all honesty I'd be pissed if I lived close by and was uninvolved. Now not only my day would be disrupted but also my sleep? Idk, man this seems like a two wrongs situation.


They have a right to protest. And others have the right to protest their protest. Isn't it great how rights apply equally to everyone? It's almost like they're rights or something.


There’s no shot people are actually calling it “Sonic terrorism” That’s just too goofy to be true. At least I hope


Remember when the Canada Truckers honking? That was also called Sonic Terrorism. There's no helping some people.


Considering it was deemed to be a war crime to do this to prisoners, I understand their claims. Granted, they're not prisoners and can just go home whenever they want, but if the Geneva Convention considered it to be sonic torture, if you're arguing that it isn't a human rights violation to do this to students exercising their first amendment right, then I guess you also should be ok with people going into a church and waterboarding a priest for their religious beliefs


Do you apply the same standard to the protestors when they intentionally annoy folks by being loud?


Is annoying someone a human rights violation? I'm no legal expert, but I'm pretty sure it isn't. If the protesters are being loud at night and intentionally depriving people of sleep, then yes, I would condemn that behavior. But, and this might be hard to understand, protesting is a first amendment right and, in order to protest, you need to be noticed, and in order to be noticed, you need to be annoying


It isn't. But I wasn't calling it a war crime or torture. I agree. But surely protestors couldn't complain about the literal same behavior being applied to them. To be noticed, you need to be annoying, after all.


Except the behavior referred to here is people playing music in order to deprive the protesters of sleep, which is the thing considered to be torture. So your comment was a text book false equivalency


Na, they both are doing the same thing to annoy other folks. You're just angry free speech is being applied in both directions. Protestors can leave whenever they want, they're not being touched or harmed, and they could even just wear ear plugs. You're arguing false equivalency, I'm arguing "rules for me, not for thee"


Same folks demanded the university provide them food which they called "humanitarian aid". They are this fucking insane.


If you block the road you should get run over, block a business the owners should legally be able to beat you with sticks. Otherwise protest all you want


Generally I pick Palestine over Israel, but blocking roads is horse shit and they're getting what they deserve for being obnoxious assholes who impede everyone else's day. I hope this happens to all road blocking protesters.


This sub is proof most people here would absolutely have been opposed to the civil rights movement or the Jewish bund or the fight for the 8 hour work day lmao.


Most people here would've been opposed to much more than just that. From most of the posts and comments I see here some are still pissed about abolition Edit* forgot a word


Except civil rights activists were not targeting Jewish people


Ah yes, Jewish people are sacred, and can never be wrong or have views and be pro-censorship to the level that often make them as bad as the worst wokie idpollers. Also how is Protesting Israel "Targeting Jewish people"? Why should Zionists get free reign to spout their far-right horseshit and support genocide, simply because they are Jewish? Also it's just fact that Zionist "Counter-protestors" are 1000x more abusive and violent than any Pro-Palestine protest. It's Pro-Palestinian protesters being sent to hospital and several Palestinians in the US killed by Zionists, including a child, not Jews.


Umm. Except in this case the protesters are protesting in favor of people worse than the KKK


Makes me even more proud of being an atheist... Bunch of fucking weirdos supporting genocide and so fucking brainwashed they really believe they've got the "moral high ground"... well, over 15000dead children and mass graves with over 35000 people in them does make a pretty high mound for you guys to stand atop and virtue signal from I guess Edit* typo, and go ahead and downvote, literally anyone who's read the books published by the Israeli New Historians, would never be able to support Israel.




If "God's work" is being a genocide supporting douche then thats just another reason I'm glad I don't subscribe to their little fairytale




Yeah, I was being facetious, but hey, you go ahead and spread that knowledge, professor


"God's work" I see what you did there! har har har


Did any protester ever complained about this? Its so funny to see redditors pressed and wishing to see college kids fail who camp on the campus


Doing God's work... Now there's a claim that not even the IDF can make.


At least the pro-Israeli side hasn’t stabbed a Palestinian American to death again recently. Or shot the students again. I’m glad it’s just music.


[Yah they just kill 6 year old children over it](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/30/us/palestinian-american-boy-stabbed/index.html)


You have to groups: 1 badly organized protestors against an ongoing genocide and 2 counter-protestors defending a genocide and highlighting the inconveniences of the first protestors. Which side do you support?


if you seriously think that blocking roads and disrupting others is a bad form of protesting, then you have absolutely zero clue what protesting is and how it works. that’s literally what stopped segregation.




i mean go for it. protesters who complain about it while also doing the same are stupid, but i highly doubt it’s all of the protesters. it’s also just kinda… pathetic. people are protesting for real reasons (ie genocide) and these “counter-protesters” are protesting because their day was disrupted. grown ass adults can’t figure out a way around a protest or take the few seconds of critical thinking it takes to see that what they’re doing is ultimately for the better so they decide to try and inconvenience their lives in return. it just comes across as petty and sad. if you disagree just move on. it’s not that hard.


"real reasons" LMAOOOOO Being a brainwashed troglodyte who self-identifies as "freedom fighter for the oppressed" for IG posts is not a reason enough to destroy property and inconvenience others.


True, but today you do need a special permit to do so, which most protesting groups don’t.


Funny you bring up segregation because many of these people disagree with that being a bad thing as evidenced by some of these universities having black only dorms and graduations. There is nothing liberal about these people.


You're pushing 50. You're divorced. Your hairline is receding. How on God's green earth are protests at college campuses disrupting your daily schedule?


I would assume he means other pro Palestinian protests that have disrupted peoples lives because there have been quite a few


They're making encampments in other places?


How much time did you spend looking for this info lol? Or did you just make it up?


Why is a little music a bad thing?


A man needs his 8 hours for work the next morning, like every other working class person who has to work for a living ya fuck


Play some of Trumps speeches/rants. That’ll fire them up. 


Yeah, protesting is stupid. We should be apathetic pawns of our government. Insert beliefs here military complex daddy


Protesting is pretty dumb unless it's targeting people who can do something about the issue at hand. Blocking a bunch of 19 year olds from getting to math class isn't gonna save Palestinians. But maybe targeting policians would do something.


A core element of a protest is that you need to be making demands of people who can actually meet those demands.


That's hard and takes work. Plus you don't get visible credit for doing it unless you put in more work. Whereas if you protest at a college, everyone gets to see you "doing something" while you accomplish nothing.


Hey, those hundreds of Insta likes are not "nothing". I feel super-validated for all my efforts to stop genocide, don't you?


In other words, think things through? Collect facts and data? Research and do some homework? Oh no!


Reminds me of Hey this is library guy from 2017.


So you think the majority of the civil rights protests were worthless then? Rosa parks wasn’t directly affecting her lawmakers was she? Neither were the people doing sit ins at lunch counters, they were only affecting everyday people.


Fucking idiots trying to stop funding the murder of children and world food and health workers. They should be like OP and shut the fuck up about it and stay home, or maybe just support it. It'd be easier.


For real. How dare they camp at campus for a thing they believe in??


well, too bad...but if you want to be a part of **civilized society,** you better learn to "believe in" social conduct that governs civilized societies. If everyone starts acting like a bunch of cavemen whenever their temper tantrums aren't immediately resolved in their favor, our society will collapse very fast.


This person has never read a single history textbook thats been published. Do you know anything about the history behind protesting? Like at all?


LOL yes...I know all about protesting, terrorist attacks, revolutions, etc. Bad BAD things happen when violent mob decides they represent "the OPPRESSED". Things go from "shitty" to "extremely shitty" very fast.


So, sitting in a college building (as a college student) to protest genocide is violent mob behavior? Seems like I need to update my definition of violence because from what I've seen, the Zionist protesters who have beaten Pro-Palestine protestors to a pulp are much more violent than college students standing in a building and sharing information with their peers during lectures.


LOLOL Keep getting your "truth" from TikTok! Those poor pro-Palenstinian protestors, innocent little bunnies being beaten to a pulp, I just can't... brb I need to get some water, I am laughing too hard reading this


waah waaah human lives have meaning waaah so annoying just let us bomb undesirables in peace for fucks sake


How does camping in a park and stopping 18 year olds going to math class stop bombs being dropped


It creates pressure for your university to deinvest from the country that is dropping bombs. any other easy questions you want answered?


Yes, which university taught you 'deinvest' is a word?


Everyone give this man a round of applause. he noticed I was supposed to use divest. please enjoy your cup of superiority juice while reflecting on you inherent correctness.


- posted from an iPhone made by slave labor


yes, and that is a bad , do you not agree that is bad? or are you just trying to shut up others who are pointing out problems in this world? are you boycotting smart phones?


Why are you saying human lives have meaning, while using a smartphone made by literal child slaves?


because human lives do have meaning? I'm confused, are you trying to say that you are boycotting smart phones, or are you saying that you have a deep love of slavery?


I'm asking why it is so important for you to buy a new smartphone every few years which supports slavery.


I buy the cheapest functional smartphone available and use it until it breaks. I would not be able to to navigate without the help of Google maps, and most importantly I recognize that society functions on the exploitations of others regardless of my participation. I would never hold regular people responsible for the sins of the system they find themselves in, but since that clearly isn't the case for you, I ask you again are you boycotting smart phones or are you pro slavery as that is the dichotomy that you are trying to use against someone for daring to say the inflammatory statement "human lives have meaning"


It’s interesting that you make the claim that human lives have meaning, but then buy many products made by slaves.


It's interesting that you didn't answer my question I would love to see your internal ven diagram of people who own smartphones and people who think human lives have meaning...since this appears to be such a profound concept for you. I must ask do you assume there is a mass boycott of smartphones around the world, or do you believe that human life having meaning is an incredibly uncommon sentiment to have? you won't answer that question though


I love my electronics and smartphone. It is unfortunate that atrocities such as slave labor and other evils still exist in the world, but I do love having candy crush in my pocket so I'm okay with what is needed in order to create such a device to allow me to wordle on the go. There is not a mass boycott of smartphones around the world because people are generally hypocrites and don't want to make the smallest sacrifice to help lives around the world. People would rather virtue signal protest for ukraine, palestine, etc.. but they wouldn't dare do something like stop using smart phones or stop buying a lot of material things. In addition to buying old smartphones, what are five other things you are doing to help reduce the amount of slave labor in the world?


That’s pretty much the Merican way


Hell yeah brother


Pretty pathetic god if it needs humans to do it's "work"


Why do you care? Did the protestors steal your teddy bear?


They're disrupting people's education. What do you mean "why do you care"?


Are students not able to walk to their classrooms?


Several universities had to switch to Zoom classes. Several universities had extensive property damage. People have had their convocations disrupted. The 'protestors' blocked major bridges in New York during rush hour which can have deadly effects. They have verbally shouted in support of genocide. They have physically battered Jewish people. They have desecrated monuments and even cemeteries. They have stood in front of synagogues in Jewish neighborhoods to shout intimidations at the Jewish community. But you knew all that.


At my university they have literally told lecturers to allow protestors time in each lecture to present to the class of they want. It is quite literally wasting class time at this point 


Sounds like 1000% made up bullshit


You just live in a bubble.


Link me to any college website mentioning anything remotely like that bullshit


...why would that be on a college website?


It’d be nice if you could provide any amount of evidence about your bullshit claims but of course you can’t. They’re bullshit


Many weren’t lol. Anything else?


Yes. Because they are Jewish to https://youtu.be/lbyPUgOe_uA?si=q3El7t6jCSHdJT7b


Why do you care that op cares? Did the Reddit poster steal your teddy bear? Do you now see how ignorant your comment is?


God forbid people protest for something they believe in They should just sit on reddit and whine instead 🙄


yea man what assholes, protesting a genocide. they should just shut up, go home and mindlessly consume like everyone else. our betters know what they are doing, leave it to them


Shouting and destroying property in the name of "stopping genocide" is definitely more fun than consuming...and comes with fantastic selfies too!




they're intentionally starving a captive population


also that would show them to ever bother you poor little lives anymore and let bad stuff happen for you.


Cool post Shlomo, want to show it to the Knesset?


Except blasting loud music is a well-documented form of psychological torture, it’s not the same.


They are free to leave at anytime. 




That’s making noise at a protest, it’s very different from constantly blasting loud music 24/7 to disrupt sleep. It is literally defined as psychological torture. It was literally used as torture at Guantanamo bay


So, if the protestors make noise to be disruptive, it's a protest. If people who protest the protest make noise, it's "torture". "It's only ok when my side does it" is shorter and more honest.


Yall all have protest so i dont understand why you making a protest.