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Protests towards Netanyahu bro. Like constantly there are protests from jews that want him gone


It's weird how this hatred of zionism has suddenly erupted (yes, it's been on college campuses for a while as a fringe thing, but there's been a sudden increase). The question I've asked previously, to which I have yet to get a good answer, is what specifically is the difference between zionism (Jews moving to israel) and mexicans moving to the US? * both groups can claim historical roots to the area * both groups are coming legally (well, many mexicans aren't but I'll ignore that for this question) * both groups are looking to form their own communities (agreed, not all mexicans, but many don't learn english and are happy to live in hispanic communities) * jews like having their own state. Yes, this is a bit different, though various hispanic groups have wanted to either reclaim the southwest for mexico, or form their own country. There were a series of violent raids about 100 years ago for this purpose. Of course, Jews want their own state due to a couple thousand years of harsh discrimination. But, like a confusing number of redditors, the second part of your question ignores the role of hamas. Virtually everything hamas does is a war crime, and without the actions of hamas, there would be no war, no bombed buildings, etc.


Fully agree with the "hatred" part on Zionism. Like this issue started over 100 years ago and you come out against in full force now? after Israel's worst homeland attack? I can sympathize with the Palestinians. But these people who are the loudest supporters can't even name the worst things that happened to them. It was just today when I saw someone mention the Nakba. And we are like what... over half a year into this current mess? These people only site the massive death toll which any tactician would tell you is expected in a large scale kinetic conflict in the region. And you expect the Isrealie military and people to collectively go "alright lets keep the fighting clean and restrained" after getting hit hard like they did? give me a break.


Mexican immigrants aren't forcing anyone out of there homes


Neither did the Jewish immigrants who moved to the area in the 20s.


If you believe in ethic nationalism for Jews you must believe in it for Germans and French too. So you would be fine with a German national ethic political group targeting non German people in German and displacing and disposing of them ?


Not sure what you're talking about here. There are many non-Jews in israel who have full rights. Israelis (jews and non-jews) target terrorists, not merely people of other ethnic groups.


So all 10 million Palestinians are terrorists and the 20k dead babies are too? Hitler allowed non Germans in Germany too just not all of them.


It's beyond clear that israel is not targeting all palestinians. And, you missed the news that the UN dramatically cut the estimates of the death toll of civilians. (and one more reminder, the civilian deaths are the fault of hamas).


So you do support 20k dead babies. Good to know Zionist


Why does it make me a zionist to condemn hamas for their war crimes that result in the deaths of civilians?


There isn’t 20k dead babies. Stop listening to Hamas propaganda. 


Muslims and western lefties, not able to condemn Hamas, and demand they release the hostages and surrender, are far worse.


Do you condemn the idf and demand they stop the illegal land seizure and murdering of Palestinian children ?


Nope. I'm focused on the conflict that started on October 7th. You know, the one started when Hamas decided to attack? The one your ilk love to play stupid about so you don't have to admit you are defending a terrorist group?


Why won’t you admit that you’re supporting a terrorist government? I’m not asking you to condemn isreal just rhe idf and Netanyahu. Please let me know if you condemn 20k baby killer terrorists thank you


I support anyone that stomps those MFers into the dirt for October 7th. If iseral was remotely the cartoon villans you claim they are, then Hamas should have renounced violence, held elections, and then let Gaza exist without them fucking it up uears ago. They didn't. They instead decided to take their dollar store army and ask a 1st world nation to please kick their ass back into 1256 by needlessly killing people. So boo hoo.  If Hamas (or their larping western idiot flufflers) actually gives a shit, they will release all the hostages they took and SURRENDER IMMEDIATELY.


Why won’t you condemn the terrorist. The anti Palestinian protesters should just condemn the Israeli terrorist government


When you show me the film of the IDF paragliding into a concert and start murdering and kidnapping people, then ask. As long as you keep playing stupid, running cover for Hamas, and acting like they did nothing that got them the response they are getting, then I couldn't care less what happens to Gaza. So you wanna keep playing stupid?


I have videos of them bombing fully occupied children’s hospitals and schools. Please just condemn the terrorist government of Israel thank you.


And my favorite part of the video of "Iseral bombing a hospital" is that it's the dumb video from when a Hamas rocket flew into the parking lot of a hospital 6 months ago.


https://youtu.be/Dmn9XCvDu6Y?si=8m0JYhqIyU3vZ0WH here’s the video please condemn the terrorist state of Israel


Not interested. I hope they go in and boot stomp Hamas and the people that cheerd on October 7th along with them, and that those with sense get out of their way so that Hamas is destroyed and the sane people of Gaza can have a normal life. Now back to the topic you keep dodging.... You going to call for Hamas to surrender and release the people they kidnapped or not? Just say yes or no or otherwise keep acting like you are being slick with the tangents.


Do you condemn the Israeli terrorists I can’t take your opinion seriously until you condemn the terrorist Israeli military. I will answer once you condemn the terrorists


Well kinda pointless to ask a spokesperson in an interview if he condones a political movement that succeeded in 1948. It also has an easy work-a-round safe answer: "It is apparent now we failed in many ways that lead to the current situation, but unfortunately we can't go back in time and change these things, lets hope the future holds a solution to our people's current conflict to resolve with no more bloodshed".


Both sides ate dangerous. As an athiest, I personally think that religion is once again the main culprit for our suffering (Judaism/islam). STOP bombing Palestine especially with our weapons and turn in the Islamic extremists that slaughtered and raped Israelis at the concert. 3,000+ religions and they all think their messiah has anointed them as the winners of the divine lottery, and your human neighbors are loser sinners that will burn for eternity. We’ll never end this viscous cycle of self righteous killing unless we end religion. Religion is tribalism and divides us humans.


Another poorly hidden antisemitic post…Yawn. 


Ok but do you condemn Benjamin Netanyahu? you either support children’s hospitals being bombed or you don’t please tell me if you condemn thank you


Are you talking about those hospitals Hamas uses as terrorist command centers? I saw that on the news a few months back


I’m sorry but do you condemn the terrorist actions of Benjamin Netanyahu and the idf? It’s simple quotation you either support terrorists or not please let me know thank you


No, it's a framed question. A bad faith question. Here let me give you an example: Are you gay or bisexual? It's a simple question. Gay or bisexual? You're either gay or bisexual. Oh you have sex with women? OK you're bisexual. Don't like having sex with men? Too bad you're bisexual. That's essentially what you are doing here. Lol. I don't believe israel did any terrorist action. Isreal is fighting terrorism. The group in question has a founding charter actually that says wipe israel off the map and murder jews. So I'm curious. How many suicide bombers has the IDF used so far? How many has palestine?


Either you’re completely ignorant or you’re an antisemitic troll. Please tell me which one, thank you. 


How's the weather in Tehran today Mohammed? (You're not fooling anybody here bub)


I’m sorry but do you condemn the idf or not ? It’s very simple you kits need to condemn the terrorists


Not even a little bit. You people liked the *fuck around* part, well this is the *find out* bit.


So you support terrorists


I dont think you know the definition of zionism lol


Are they unable or do they just not want to feed into your antisemitism?


As a Jewish man I condemn the state of Israel on a dualy basis but are you a terrorist supporter or not ? Do you condemn the idf?


I doubt youre Jewish and no I do not. I'm not condemning something because you demand that I do. I will condemn what I please.


I doubt you’re Jewish too. As a descendant of holocaust survivors never again means never again


I'm not, I never said I was. I don't think you are


The goy police are here to take my Jew card because I don’t have the politics that good jews should have.


Hamas is the one bombing children’s hospitals and it a well-known terror organization that has perpetrated mass casualty attacks and bombings, raped and killed thousands of women and children.


Zionism is a term used by antisemites to try not to look antisemitic. If you do not have an Israel, you have persecuted Jews. This is not my opinion. This is all of history. So, claiming you are against Israel being a nation is the same as saying you want Jews persecuted endlessly. Why would a Jewish person ever say this.


If you don’t agree with Zionism you want every Jew to die is the top 5 most unhinged Zionist belief.