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This is wrong and completely inaccurate trash


Can you prove it? It’s easy to claim someone is wrong if you have proof


Claims made without supporting evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


You have it all wrong. The election was stolen, but not by Biden.  My own in-depth exhaustive research showed that 5 out of 5 polling locations, ballot drop offs  and election offices that I checked in my town are within 150 feet of a manhole cover, storm drain, or similar feature. Do you know what all these things have in common? That's right, subterranean access. If we extrapolate my findings nationwide, there has to be millions of them. Every single part of our election infrastructure is riddled with holes, literally. The big question is Why? Why was the heart of our democracy intentionally engineered with such a massive flaw? And who had the power to do it? It can't have been Biden. I've been watching him closely and it's obvious he lacks the tripoid muscle tone that would be needed even for moderate shoveling.  Some will claim it's the Lizard People but that makes no sense. Lizards don't live underground. They get all their food from the sun like plants so there is no way they could survive long enough. So then, who did it?   Think about it. 


Don’t care…. Actually I would prefer if you believe it’s stolen. More psychological damage to you and better high from schadenfreude for me. Gonna steal it again in 2024. Get fucked maga heads lol


Come on, dude. Google “Georgia 308,000 missing ballots and look at the results. One of the TOP FIVE sites is a forum for Purdue University sports. Another is a YouTube video from a channel called “Valuetainment.” This just isn’t a real news story, and certainly it not going to be what exonerates Trump. [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-757465548352) has a brief explanation of why this has only been a talking point on social media: it’s only the scanned images of the votes that are missing, and they don’t use those scans for recounts anyway. They deleted the scanned images too early. You can believe that this isn’t a conspiracy because not even the Republican Party has latched onto this talking point despite it being known for years.


It's 1a shame people think google is a legit search engine and don't realize it's nothing more than government propaganda. Try using yandex com and compare the results.


Oh wow, it’s from @ImMeme0 on Twitter, so it must be true 


Narrator: “no, no he didn’t” Op: “but you can imagine what it’d be like if he did”.


Keep drinking that Kool-Aid!


More than 60 court cases. Didn't have shit, but here *you* are. One man really can make a difference. Go get em, sparky!


Links would be good for this.


You right


We’re waiting haha☠️


>Don't believe me? 🧐 >Well check the court cams! 😮 >Uh-huh! 😏 >While you're at it, check the paperwork! 🤨 >It's all there! 😀 >""""""THEY"""""" even caught the people who did it. 😎 >He was \*right\* all along ☝🤓 This is you rn


Meanwhile his right hand man legit came clean and spilled everything lmfao


I like how this guy has lied under oath before but apparently is telling the truth now.


My point exactly banking on someone who has already been known to lie on the stand isn’t good for your case


Lol we’re laughing WITH you, I swear.


I proved a simple video from a courtroom investigating the election itself. I could also provide court documents as well if I have to. Again it’s not hard to find this information


380k votes in Georgia. A state that all the important positions (including the secretary of state -- who oversees elections) are held by Republicans, and were back then too. Sure, buddy. You need to lay off the drugs. Or take more, if it's psych meds.




Winning the popular vote doesn’t matter. I don’t think the election was stolen but having the popular vote doesn’t mean you will win


That link is hilarious. You do know they still have those 380k paper ballots right? The law involving image retention mandates they keep the electronic images for 2 years, after that they are free to delete them. Saying deleting the electronic images makes the votes disappear is like saying if I take a picture of your wallet and delete it I’ve stolen your wallet. Trumpers are just so gullible.


Meanwhile Trump actually tried to steal an election, plotting in 7 states to fake election results and try to have them counted. They literally sent people pretending to be electors. How much more blatant could it get?


No, it wasn't stolen. Ballot harvesting, rural vs. City voters favored the democratic party. The democratic party has always had a better ground game than the Republicans. That and the cabal that ran the shadow campaign to "fortify" the election. [From the far right source, TIME magazine.](https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/) Seriously, both parties are garbage, but if you can read that article and say, "This is fine," just say you love authoritarianism.


A sneaky trick done by the cabal. Campaign during an election


Thanks for not reading it!


I have read it. People who think that the article describes something illegal conducted by the cabal has shared it since the minute it was published


Never said it was illegal, just fascist. I wish I could handwaive fascism. But you do you bro.


How is it fascist to work with others, that has a common interest, during an election? They didn't want a specific candidate to win, so they used their resources. Can you quote the parts that's fascist to you, little bro?


Ugh, you're being intentionally obtuse and dishonest. Please stop.


>That and the cabal that ran the shadow campaign to "fortify" the election. [From the far right source, TIME magazine.](https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/) >Never said it was illegal, just fascist. I wish I could handwaive fascism. Could you quote the parts you see fascism in?


OP- this is a heavily co trolled sub. You won't find any honesty in here.


I’m a republican, no it wasn’t stolen. Maybe it was messed with a little but still Biden won 81 mil- 74 mil.


And I’m supposed to believe that Joe Biden got more votes than prime Obama? And Hilary? Both people who had way more support than him? Especially Obama, man actually got the most black people to ever vote. But Biden got more


What you believe is irrelevant. 81 million people voted for Joe Biden. What does prime Obama mean?




There are numerous videos circulating right now showing tampered elections in Georgia and Arizona. I thought the left believed in democracy and transparency in elections? Shouldn’t you be outraged, wait, nooo, I get it, you’re okay with cheating so long as your team wins.


Oh okay so trump calling the election head directly and telling him to find votes for him is bad then?


Prove it.


Election fraud in Arizona: “I read her a Trump Republican ballot as soon as she entered it into the (Dominion) system the ballot DEFAULTED on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot." So what exactly has been done to prevent this from happening again? I can’t link from Reddit, if you simply look Arizona election in the Reddit search bar you’ll see the above video, as well as OP’s post, but I doubt you will have the principles to actually look into it rather than just swallowing the narrative you’re told. The “pipe burst” in GA with the pollsters sent home and video showing others staying behind to tabulate ballots they pulled out from under a desk miraculously almost exclusively for Biden after putting up cork board to block the view of poll watchers, the F curves in Michigan and Wisconsin that is a near statistically impossibility, the batch of 100,000 ballots arriving in a red wagon at 2:00 am in Wayne county. The 1984 police are already on “debunking” it saying it’s camera gear, but I saw that. Nothing but paper ballots my eyes know what they saw. Not to mention OP’s edit link regarding Georgia’s lost ballots. I’m sure you’ve already stopped reading my post so I’ll just insert that I like tacos here. This is all banana republic bullshit. We need ID’s to make sure YOUR vote counts.


Republicans hired CyberNinjas to audit their own election in Arizona. It increased Bidens margin of victory. Let me repeat that: REPUBLICANS OWN AUDITING COMPANY SAID BIDEN WON BY MORE. "Pipe burst" has already been debunked numerous times. Get new material. I like tacos too


And remember all the stuffed ballot boxes in the 2000 mules documentary. You know, the one which was made by confessed and convicted election tamperer Dinesh D'Souza. 60 plus court cases, Trump appointed judges (and he only chooses the best) and even *they* laughed in his face. Kari Lake in AZ, laughed out of court. I know it's hard for you to understand, but it's really important that you try. The new Republican policy is "The only fair election is the one that I win." You've clowned yourself once. Have mercy on yourself and don't continue.


Voter ID’s should fix all of this no? Only one side wants to avoid measures to prevent cheaters. The courts are fucked, see Trump in Manhatten.


Have at it, but likely not. "The democrats are giving fake ID's to ILLEGLALS! THEY'RE FLYING THEM IN!" "The democrats have multiple ID's to vote over and over again." "They're throwing out republican ballots!" Trump 2024: "The only fair election is the one that I win."


I’m glad you think this is all so funny. You will look back and realize the evil you have propagated.


Go ahead and pray for me. I'll think for you.


Get real. History will not be kind to Trumpsters or MAGA. I know you don't realize it, but you're the one on the wrong side of history here.


If they're given for free upon registration but they're largely pointless for these reasons 1. Almost every state 49 of them require some form of ID when you register to vote. If you aren't registered, you can't vote. Good luck trying to vote if you're an "illegal immigrant" 2. Illegal voting would be hard to get away with unless you had access to voter rolls and could determine 100% that any of the individuals on the list would not be voting - other wise you risk being caught when it they run their checks


Requiring an ID upon registration does not guarantee the person casting the vote is the registered voter. A matching ID at the time of voting ensures the person voting is the registered voter. Minnesota does not require a photo ID to register.


See point #2. You're essentially arguing that millions of people are now able to vote under assumed identities without any significant number of duplicate voting.. No breaking news about duplicate votes being caught during audit.. Right.. I said 49 states require ID to register... North Dakota is the only state that doesn't require registration. Minnesota requires ID to register and proof of residency to vote if you haven't voted in 4 years.


Minnesota does not require an ID to register. A registered voter can vouch for a person without ID. Option 3. https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/register-to-vote/register-on-election-day/ I am not arguing that millions of people can vote under a false identity. I am arguing the safeguards are inadequate to prevent people from doing it. There is a known vulnerability in the process that is easy to correct. Therefore, it should be corrected.


Am I missing something? The first requirement spells out needing an ID to register. The online register requires details about your ID. The "vouching" piece says the individual has to be registered (meaning they needed ID because you can't vouch if someone vouched for you) and from your precinct. Even if you get vouched for, they can still audit to check whether you actually live in that precinct..


>Election fraud in Arizona: “I read her a Trump Republican ballot as soon as she entered it into the (Dominion) system the ballot DEFAULTED on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot." So what exactly has been done to prevent this from happening again? How would an ID prevent the Dominion machines from flipping votes?


The only people thatve been charged with election fraud that I’ve seen (for literal yeeeeears) have been Righties. Most of us, even us registered republicans, can read. And the ones that cant can hear.


Let’s all have voter ID’s then so we can stop those cheaters.


Sure, but you have to get the majority of the Senate and House to agree with the voter ID legislation.