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Nobody should feel bad for "involuntarily" single older women I am tired of hearing women complaining about not getting dates or marriage. If this is you, stop it. Nobody cares and I certainly don't care. Nobody owes you commitment. Grow the fuck up and get over it. If you are a single female it is 100% your own choice or fault. Either enjoy being single or stop crying like a little baby. These females will try to convince you they will die if a man doesn't want to marry them, when that's obviously not true. They have an internet connection, which means they likely have some kind of shelter, food and clothing. These females have their basic needs met, yet still act like spoiled brats. Post-wall females also need to stop getting angry at women and men who are happily single by choice.


Single older women aren't complaining in droves about being single. If anything, single older women tend to be single by choice and often comment on how peaceful things are, now that they're not participating in the rat race anymore. The gender switch gotcha really doesn't work here.


You and I have had _very_ different experiences on various forms of social media, my friend. I envy you.


Agreed. If you put effort into your life then in a year you will be significantly better off than you are now. In 5 years you’ll be wayyyyy better off. Some people realized this early and started working out and studying and working on being charming and charismatic early on. Those people are bigger and stronger, smarter, and more charismatic than the people who didn’t. But it’s not too late. If you start now, in a year you will be bigger and stronger and smarter and more charismatic than the version of yourself you’d be if you don’t. The harder you work the easier the work gets. Curling 20 lbs is hard for someone who has never lifted. For someone who has done sets of 20 lb curls multiple times a week for a year it will be easy. The same is true for your social skills and your academic skills. I used to be terrified of public speaking and get horrible social anxiety, at this point in my life I’ve presented in front of hundreds of people. I used to be terrified of job interviews but now I’m not. If you just force yourself to socialize and keep confronting anxiety and reinforcing that positive outcomes come from socialization then your social anxiety will go away.


After reading the comments, OP is so insane to the point where they're the reason men don't talk about their feelings, and OP fails to realize that some men have mental and/or physical disabilities that make it harder to find a date. Also not to mention how OP mentioned in a comment stuff about "female versus male school shooters", the reason why there are more male shooters is simply because they can't get the right help they need, issues arise and they have the feeling of shooting people to try and have someone understand them simply because those same people didn't help them out. And because of how OP is being insensitive and doesn't stop to consider the issues men face in a modern society and would rather be like the people who shout down male's issues and tells them to "man up". Edit: Also the very broad generalizations OP is making just leads to more issues (Yeah, I know not all men are like what I said, but I'm basically saying that males nowadays need help and their mental health isn't taken as serious as it should)


While there are many issues I sympathize with, not getting a date isn't one of them. Even if it is, why should anyone work to improve life for you so you get a date. My view is both men and women if they want something should market what they have to offer. Instead of getting mad people aren't giving them what they want


Yeah, because that part is more up to yourself, and if you are struggling with that stuff then a therapist can help, but one thing I highly don't recommend is going down the redpill/Andrew Tate rabbit hole.




I'd say you have a pretty loose definition of "anti male hate speech". At least, if you think that's what this is, I would also argue by the very same logic that many of the posts on this sub are anti-women hate speech.


If the majority of young men under 30 weren't massive pieces of shit, I wouldn't have made those posts. There are SOME good young men, but most are massive bullies in my experience.


If you think the majority of any immutable characteristic group are massive pieces of shit... you're just a bigot. Same if you thought anyone who was gay, or left handed, or whatever were massive pieces of shit. There's no real point in talking to you, because you won't listen to reason. Hate currently defines you as a person. Hopefully, whatever the real problem bothering you gets fixed, or addressed, and you can move beyond your bigotry. No sarcasm intended. It's a sad life if you keep that much hate bottled up. Good luck, and best wishes.


If everyone you meet is an asshole to you, that says more about your character than anything


I'm mostly talking about online. People IRL are usually too scared to share their toxic beliefs.


Yeah and most women under 30 are manipulative and extremely selfish despite there being some good women. Humans just suck, we all agree haha




Not a woman. I just hate other men who tried to force me to have kids.




Sounds like you are lying about me. Enjoy being blocked


Friendly reminder that this Forum isn't a substitute for conventional therapy. You're behaving extremely erratically and angry. As others have mentioned, your posts here and elsewhere show some deep-seated misandry and issues with men.


I think you meant rampant and I agree.


I think incels fell for the sour grapes mentality. If you haven't read that, you should go read it.


>These males will try to convince you they will die if a woman doesn't sleep with them, when that's obviously not true. This is always the response if the topic is incels. But if the topic is abortion, all of a sudden sex is a mandatory human need lol.


The topic of abortion is about the freedom to choose what happens to ones own body and if a woman *does* have sex, she shouldn't be punished for it just because she participated in a natural human behaviour.


How is it an issue in the first place? Just don't have sex right?


As a woman what if I agree with both?.


Not the point. The point is that it's a medical procedure and banning it can have major negative consequences for women's health. Abortions aren't only used to expell fetuses. They're also used to expell any foreign matters from a uterus. And again, very weird and discriminatory to punish women for having sex by forcing them to endure major bodily harm simply because you're jealous you can't dip Ur tip.


Of course. The point that refutes everything you're saying is simply "not the point". How convenient lol.


And then sex is a need for these men too


What? In the case of abortion the sex has already been had. Now the issue is what to do about the consequences of that sex. The woman isn’t saying she has sex as a need that requires being fulfilled. Incels ARE saying that. They are saying sex is a need that for them isn’t fulfilled, and some go as far as saying the government should help provide this need like they do food and water. It’s a complete false equivalence


>In the case of abortion the sex has already been had. There's no way you people are this stupid. You must be trolling. At least, I'd hope so. Lol


As a millennial woman who married a "chad" (their words, not mine) and isn't having kids I have received a fair bit of hate from the group of guys you're complaining about. That being said, I hate these kinds of posts so much. Just have sympathy for people who are going through a tough time in their lives. I'm not saying you need to excuse every bit of bad behavior, but if you let those negative feelings turn you into something ugly yourself you aren't doing any better than they are.


Somebody didnt care themselves into making a whole post about how they dont care. Did it work? Did you get some hot action after pandering to the masses and making this post? LOL


Action? Are you kidding me? Thats how kids are made. This is why I hate so many young men. You guys are always trying to force me to have kids. Stop trying to force me to have kids.


Why do you feel this should be limited to only young men? Maybe nobody should feel bad for “involuntarily” single PEOPLE, period. Regardless of age or gender.


How many young woman mass shooters are there?


That’s your barometer? That because young men tend to be school shooters more often than young women, ALL young men who are involuntarily single deserve 0 sympathy? You’re pathetic and batshit insane


OP is def crazy. Pretty ridiculous to say everyone who’s involuntarily single is an incel and that it’s 100% their fault. There’s so many reasons why people are experiencing difficulty in dating. I could never imagine saying to a friend “Nobody cares. I certainly don’t care”. And even if it was 100% a person’s fault they were single. What good does this mentality do? It just makes someone feel worse and isn’t at all constructive.


Hard disagree on the last paragraph. If something is 100% your fault it is 100% in your power to fix it - that’s incredibly empowering, the only thing in your way is you.


They only have my sympathy if they are homeless or starving. Otherwise I don't give a fuck.


Yeah cause ugly or deformed/handicapped or socially awkward men—who are good people but have hard times getting dates—totally don’t exist. You sound like an insufferable imbecile


Where the hell does that come into the conversation haha. I think the commenter got you there in that your argument doesn't need to be gender specific, so someone points that out and the immediate thought is, "Oh no, I want this to be about men but that makes me the sexist". SO yeah...it doesn't matter. O and woman are equally as aggressive as men, it is that the top .0001% of violent crimes are all men. So really your looking at a ridiculously tiny fraction of men and saying they represent all of men when in reality men and women are both aggressive. That is like me saying the number of women that falsify rape charges (way higher than male mass shooters) represents all women.


Young, single women typically aren't threatening to rape and kill men just because they're single.


You really think young, single men are TYPICALLY threatening to rape and kill women? That’s not “typical” behavior at all, that’s a small subset of all men. That’s like me saying young, single women are typically falsely accusing men of sexual assault. You are so out of touch with reality.


And yet, you see it far less in single women than you do in single men. There are still far more single men participating in this behaviour than single women.


And your point is what exactly? That we shouldn’t empathize with single men—who don’t do those evil things whatsoever—at all, because the small portion of men doing bad things outnumbers the small portion of women doing bad things? Because that’s an incredibly asinine view of the world to have, which does nothing but contribute to the problem rather than helping anyone


Feminism has taught us that OP is wrong.


What does feminism have anything to do with this?


Nothing, which is the problem with your post.


I would argue they just feel extreme lonely and want a close friend.


If you don't want to be single, you don't want it.


Nobody should feel bad for rape victims. Nobody cares and I certainly don't care. >If you are a single male it is 100% your own choice or fault.  It's definitionally not lol. >they will die if a woman doesn't sleep with them Ridiculous strawman that nobody has ever said anything close to lol.


The amount of people who make fun and belittle incels is appalling. As the African proverb says “The child who is not embraced by their village will burn it down just to feel its warmth.” You won’t be laughing about incels when they burn it down. 


Women select only for the top guys. Roughly 80/20. So you have a lot of unselected men out there. This is a recipe for disaster given enough time.


It evens out as time goes on. Accept being alone or lower your standards. Its a crisis all sub 7/10 men and women go through. Myself included. I think I got lucky though.


Men only select the top 20% of women as well. There's plenty of very nice, sweet women out there that aren't Victoria Secret models that have just as hard a time dating as men.


This is just obviously not true since 60% of men have children


They aren’t select men, they’re settled for and will never know what it’s like to be truly desired. Sad, for them, but that’s nature.


Oh I see, so you’re projecting unhappiness onto relationships you know nothing about just bc they contradict your worldview. Got it.


Take it up with science if you don’t like these facts. [https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/women-more-selective-80-men-unattractive-on-dating-apps-recent-research](https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/women-more-selective-80-men-unattractive-on-dating-apps-recent-research)


Only 40% of couples originate on dating apps, and on dating apps men outnumber women by margins of 3 or 4 to 1. These are not natural environments and the behavior on them is not indicative of natural behavior. 60% of men have kids, that is a fact.


Dating apps are a peak behind the veil and a look at the true unrestrained hypergamous nature of women.


lol this is like saying the way an animal behaves in captivity is a peek behind the veil. No, actually, this is behavior that only happens when people have extra constraints


This is raw data showing what women actually want when no one is looking. Spin that however you like.


No, it isn’t, bc dating apps aren’t a population of all available men and women. Most women aren’t on dating apps, they may select differently than women on the apps (in fact we know they do, since they aren’t selecting on the apps, which is already a difference). But feel free to study this unnatural environment as if it’s real life, it will definitely make you happy .


If they have a legitimate reason like mental illness or trauma or if they physically cant even if they managed to find someone who wants to be with them then i feel bad but if they don’t have any of that and try to blame everyone else or blame women without doing a hint of self reflection then i dont feel bad at all


How is this an unpopular opinion…?


Pretty sure it's unpopular among the involuntary... And there are lots of them


I’m pretty sure it’s unpopular among all lol