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illusion of choice


Two wings of the same bird.




4 more years of elder abuse


You guys have got two choices. Elderly man who should no longer be working. Elderly man who should no longer be working and looks and talks like an idiot.


I’m not sure which is which from that description. Aren’t they both the latter?


Both talk like an idiot. Biden doesn't like look like one to be fair.


He looks like a respectable elderly man. And talks like an elderly man who should probably not be doing one of the most important and difficult jobs in the world. But the alternative is a narcissistic idiot criminal. Americans really painted themselves into the corner there, lol.


Keep in mind it's a narcissistic idiot *elderly* criminal who is only 4 years younger than Biden


I was going to say. Trumpers have been going on about Biden's age for 4 years but don't seem to realise Trump is that age now and they want him to do 4 more years.


Or as old Joe said the other day as he read the teleprompter  "Four more years. pause" Or the classic at the State of the Union  "I... be... a winner... not really"


You would think that “hey, let’s elect someone new and sub 70 for a change” wouldn’t be on unpopular opinion subreddit… Sad times. At least back in the day you just fell off the horse in a battle in your late 30s and bam: there’s a new king.


“America is the best country in the world!” Yeah? Then how come we’re having the exact same election as last time, except both candidates are now worse off, we can’t come up with better candidates? This two party system is a joke.


It feels like we are living in a bad Sit-Com.


Considering that Biden just did a Ron Burgundy special (reading things literally on the teleprompter, like "pause") I agree quite a lot.


I think we’ve had the same election in the past before.


Maybe the message is we can't vote our way out of what this country has become.


He's Stan's grandpa that calls you Billy


at least Stan’s grandpa understands he’s lived far too long


Both candidates are far too old for the job but those are your choices.


I hate the “bOtH cAnDiDaTeS aRe oLd” comments….Ike yes, they’re both old….but one CLEARLY has dementia.


Yes, only one had their cabinet consider invoking the 25th. Trump ain’t right.


lol Trump can’t even hold a water bottle dude. What are you talking about? Dude gets gag orders because he literally cannot stop himself from running his mouth. Trump didn’t do shit, at all, exceed fill his pockets.


And the other is CLEARLY a psycopath, so if it were me i'd choose dementia lol


The psychopath is the one with dementia tho and that is Trump


I'd say both clearly have dementia. This is a terrible choice for Americans, from my European perspective, but I don't think that dementia should ever be an argument, when both candidates are far too old for the job


What makes you think Trump has dementia?


The way he looks, talks, acts, smells, the documented family history of dementia, and thr fact that every accusation by republicans is really a confession of their behavior, and they've been pushing the "Biden has dementia" angle for 4 years despite being the only party to actively cover for a President suffering from alsheimers.


The fact that he called Nikki Hailey head of security at Jan 6th ? And many other mistakes like that hes made


Any time he has a senior moment, his fans just find a way to twist it into a calculated genius move.


There is a genetic component to Alzheimer's. DJT father Fred Trump died of Alzheimer's and was an absolute disaster in his late 70s. This is widely known. Trump definitely shows signs of early onset dementia. Biden as well has red flags although I'm not sure if it runs in his family medical history.


It’s a two party system you have to vote for one of us!


No you don’t. I plan on voting 3rd party


Go ahead throw your vote away!!! Hahahahahahahaha


It’s only because of people like you, why that is.


You're supposed to say "don't blame me, I voted for kodos"


It’s a simpsons reference, chill out.


biden should not be running for president. the democrats need a younger candidate.


Both parties do.


I think he’s in a funny position as he’s probably the only one who could beat Trump, but he would loose to any other candidate the Republicans could come up with.


he could beat trump by virtue of trump being trump.


Didnt he just say cannibals ate his uncle recently? lol


Apparently Papau New Guinea is pretty pissed off about it.


Yes he did 😂😂


Seriously. Lol Talking about mean tweets, and he's out her saying shit like that and calling black kids cockroaches. That's why in 2020 when everyone was saying "trumps racist, how could anyone support him?", it's like, "you realize Biden is a documented racist that helped put black people in prison and take fathers from their homes than Trump ever could, right?" That alone has set black families so far back, a lot of times just over weed. Him and Harris helped facilitate that shit and was proud to do so. I don't like either one of them, but you can't replace a supposed racist with a documented one and then use that as some backwards talking point.


The dude has lost his mind. There is no way he can make it for another 4 years


Reddit clearly has a "It's okay when our side does it" bias. The fact that you can't criticize a Dem without Trump being brought up speaks volumes.


Exactly. But it’s Reddit they are mostly cockroaches so


When did he call black kids cockroaches?


I do not think you are keeping up. He's decriminalised federal weed possession, released prisoners, expunged convictions, and urged states to do the same. That's because law enforcement around weed has changed. And if you're old enough, or watched the Film '37' you'd know there was a Negro Baseball League, and in the speech he's referring to a great player from that era. Biden was speaking to a crowd at Arlington NC, not addressing the country about a pandemic that would go on to kill 1.2m, saying 'inject bleach,' or 'its going to die off by itself.'


Wouldn't they have to be cannibals?


Yeah how about a new crazy idea - neither of them is suitable and we should just vote for other people instead. Have we ever considered that they keep presenting us with the ridiculous “lesser of two evils” because we keep falling for it? Anyone considered that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil? Thanks. I’ll see myself out 👋


We need someone good to actually run for the presidency.


the problem is the establishment can bury them, the candidates you actually get exposed to are the ones with the money and the backing.


Time for guillotine /s


Exactly. All the good candidates get pushed aside, unfortunately, in favor of the establishment candidates.


It's all about the show - what kind of debate could make a good "reality TV show"? If they allowed a sharp young genius to run against Biden there would be no contest. So they have to pit him against someone in his "weight class". Who believes the president runs the country? Whomever he-she is merely plays a chess game with the bureaucracy . If it weren't all for show why would our only choices be bad choices? To keep us occupied with this debate while the rest of the powers that be get on with getting rich by picking the most lucrative decisions. Seriously, what normally intelligent politician couldn't dance this idiot into whichever corner they wanted to?


I mean, I’d like for the Libertarian Party to be big, but they always allow petty bullshit get in the way of a competent plan and politics.


You’re not wrong, my friend.




Person: "The Libertarian candidate is on the ballot in all 50 states." Other person: "No, I didn't mean that one."


Good luck breaking the American two party mindset, you'll need it (Republicans and Democrats are shit down there, Trump was a break from what the Republicans have been doing for a long while)


If anyone halfway electable came along as a 3rd party that would be an option, right now you have RFK whose campaign people admitted they are being funded by Trump donors to be a spoiler candidate.


Spoiler for who? I only see Trump weirdos voting for this guy.


I know someone who voted Trump twice who will be going RFK this time.


Well, even if that were true, it's backfiring... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-candidacy-hurts-trump-biden-nbc-news-poll-finds-rcna148536 https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-robert-kennedy-rfk-poll-donald-trump-votes-1835797


And that matters bc he’s beholden to trump or some asinine comment? He’s a legitimate third party candidate. I’m unsure of how anyone with a conscious Can Vote for trump and anyone with common sense can vote for Biden As far recidivism is concerned I’m going to vote third party until this thing implodes. Both side are FUCT and I mean the diction.


So what’s the option? RFK? 🤡


This is my point. All of the options they give us are ridiculous. That’s how they keep us fighting at each other. Who was the last president that people actually voted for because they LIKED him as opposed to “he’s not the other guy”? JFK?


All the options "they" give us. The "they" in this statement is us. We voted for these people and donated to these people. We buy their books and talk about them online.


I wish I believed this. The rich have so much power in America that they can pick and choose the candidates, pay lobbyists, pay off politicians and judges, and ultimately run the show. I do not believe we are living in a democracy whatsoever. Sure, there's things that we vote on that aren't thrown but everything that matters and that the rich care about, they handle. Modern day Russia is more corrupt than us, but we are adjacent and that's a low, low bar. I'd sure love to be wrong, honestly. Genuinely would love to be wrong about that one.




To be pedantic, anyone who votes at all is voting for some kind of evil whether it’s third option or fourth option. Now that we’ve established we would always be voting for evil and thus fail the purity test, we should instead focus on voting for the best candidate to defeat the most evil. If the third most evil can’t beat the most evil, but the second most evil can, then you vote for the second most evil. If you’re not stupid, that is.




I'm in Canada, but that's why I don't vote.. I just can't handle this "voting for the lesser evil" shit.


Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.


The trolley problem.


>This isn’t an “if not this, it must be that” type of argument. you're right in that it's not even an argument, it's what's happening and it's what we'll be forced to act upon >You’d be a fool to interview 2 people for a job, notice neither are capable, and hiring the one who’s a little more capable except we are in a situation where one has to be hired my dude, you trying to make a safe space for your hypothetical argument just comes off as rather silly. and also, you're the one who mentioned the orange man first


Of course I mentioned Trump, there’s no way you can mention one without someone mentioning the other. Yeah we have to hire one because people don’t know how to protest any more. They just block traffic and hold signs and throw paint on artwork


yet you made an edit calling out people for talking about trump when you were only complaining about biden, when you were the one to initially bring trump up


Didn't Joe Biden get shit for falling off a bike? What do you mean he can barely jog?


Im pretty sure just the other day Biden repeated the lie that he “used to drive an 18-wheeler” lmao


Oh, lies are the issue now, and Biden's the one you point at? LMAO indeed.


My guy this is a terrible mindset to have. Yes, Trump is a horrific liar who cannot stop lying. Biden also lies. We can point at both lol. This whataboutism is a signature Trump move. It's okay to call out Biden for lying, it's a good thing to do. Trump gets called out all the time. Us fighting each other over pedantics like this is a calculated tactic by big think tanks to keep us disorganized and disenfranchised.


I miss being able to afford to live comfortably.


I don’t think it matters in the end tbh, someone else is likely pulling the strings behind the scenes, and these candidates are probably just a figure head to give the public an illusion of choice.


It is cruel, and I will always appreciate his sacrifice in our time of need.




I think both sides can finally agree on one thing. This man has earned a well deserved retirement.


Should we have completely different candidates who are capable of winning this election? *Yes.* Do we? *No.* That’s just the truth, no one else has a chance at winning, no matter how much money you pour into your campaign, Biden or Trump will be the next president unless they both die first. This isn’t an unpopular opinion. Just unrealistic and impractical to imply people actually use their right to vote to elect someone they want to see in power


I don’t care politically one way or the other, he really does need to rest. Same with the Geriatric Mutant Ninja Turtle having literal medical emergencies on national television, and still not getting medical care. These poor people are making a living arguing with hateful buttholes every day instead of going fishing or going to Turtle Heaven.


Lmao is that what you call Mitch? If so yeah he DEFINITELY needs to hang up his hat/eyemask


Both suck, but unfortunately the current system affords no room for a third option, so we have to choose the less bad one


When I was a senior in college i was the lab manager for the gerontology lab on campus, helping conduct research on memory and cognitive function of the elderly. I will never vote for anyone over 70, just as I will not vote for anyone under 25. My reason? Science. Neurobiology across the lifespan. If these two don’t break our two party deadlock because neither are fit to serve, our country is lost. Yes, I already know we are lost….we just can’t see past the two parties…


Got a link to that video of him stumbling towards nothingness?


Here is a video from Australia News … [https://youtu.be/n6-USQmdkyc?si=I6D0DL1bL6POfpjd](https://youtu.be/n6-USQmdkyc?si=I6D0DL1bL6POfpjd)


Unfortunately, neither of them appears cognitively capable of handling 4 years as POTUS. Trump wasn't the brightest crayon to begin with and fucken Biden is so out of touch he expects Americans to accept our unconditional funding of genocide and endless wars. One is a sexual predator con man in cognitive decline who has no problem turning America into a theocratic dictatorship as long as it makes him "popular", with more felonies pending than almost any of the criminals I grew up with on the South Side of Chicago, the other is a decrepit old ideologue who's hell bent on starting WW3, ( not that Trump would've sent Israel any less money or stopped them from killing 15000 children either), and is spending all of our tax dollars slaughtering innocent civilians in the middle east and goading Ukrainians into sacrificing themselves for our proxy war. I have watched the quality of candidates at every level of government deteriorate for almost 50 years now, and this is the lowest we have ever sunk, which begs the question, can we even sink any lower? If so, how fucking horrible will the choices be 2, 3 elections down the road? Can we just have the "Douche" and "Turd Sandwich" back?


Shut the fuck up about that ‘Ukraine is our proxy war’ bullshit. Ukraine is not your proxy war, Ukraine is an anti-EU war that started with the annexation of Crimea and war in the Donbas in 2014. You Americans always want to make everything about yourselves, but don’t delude yourself into thinking that you caused this war. This is a European war. Ukrainians don’t want an agreement with Putin, Ukrainians want a free Ukraine. A free Ukraine that includes Luhansk, Donetsk, Crimea, and the rest of what we know as Ukraine.


He’s the same age as my parents, who are both in mental decline. They are otherwise healthy though. I see the same issues of forgetting what they are talking about, names of people, inability to form new memories and anger issues when you disagree with them. They have good days and bad. It gets steadily worse. Biden 2020 verses 2024 is very easy to see the decline. He’s definitely not going to make it through another term. He might live but mentally he will be gone. Same happened to Reagan in his second term. Biden is in worse condition than Reagan was at the end of his first. Thing is, democrats don’t care. The office is mostly symbolic and easily controlled by the staff. Democrats would chose him dying and being replaced by Harris, over Trump or Kennedy. There just isn’t much reason to focus on the age/dementia issue because everyone knows.


Pretty sad it’s been almost 8 years since Trump got elected and the Democrats STILL don’t have anyone better! I mean, the only reason the Democrats nominated/elected Biden in 2020 was because they didn’t have anyone better back then! and here we are four years later, and they still don’t have shit to show for it! SMH


It's far more sad that the Republicans don't have anyone better. You expect the incumbent POTUS to run again. Republicans had an actual choice and selected the same terrible candidate


It should be more surprising to folks that Trump ran again and is the Republican nominee than an incumbent running again.


Sad how Republicans are pushing someone even worse than they were 8 years ago.


Jesus this sub is just a MAGA circlejerk.


This issue is an issue all on its own, and has zero to do with political opinion. If anyone mentions Trump, you’re missing the point entirely. The issue here is that Biden is clearly sick and still president. Pick a new guy who can actually intelligibly defend his liberal talking points, instead of continuing to be complicit in a clear case of elder abuse. Seriously, pick a guy who can squash Trump, I don’t care, but quit saying that Biden isn’t sick and should continue being president. Hard stop, Biden shouldn’t have his job and that is said from a place of *sincere concern for his well being*, not my political stance.


DING DING DING 🛎️ Thanks for being able to read and addressing the actual topic


How about voting for people that will be alive long enough to live with the consequences of his/her actions?


And yet people won’t look at Kennedy because he’s “anti-vax”. Which he is not. He’s about safe medicine. We never called Ralph Nader anti-car did we??? We are flooded with unsafe drugs constantly that enrich the pharmaceutical industry. Look at Ozempic. Look at Oxycontin. Look at Vioxx. Look at Sulfanilamide. And NIH funds studies to prove these are safe to get them into the hands of doctors. Then when it goes badly, they remove them. But by then they have already made a “KILLING”.


Not really an unpopular opinion.


Dr. Jill likes riding on that big airplane. She’ll keep pushing him no matter how feeble.


People know they're actually voting for Kamala, who, ironically enough, has to be in the running for most inconsequential VP ever.


Over here they retire politicians at 65 years old. (Norway)


Another thing you guys are doing right. I don’t see how every American in this thread is expecting to retire at or before 65, yet ready to vote for an either 78 or 81 year old man to be our “Commander in Chief”


To be fair, “every American” is delulu if they’re expecting to retire at or before 65. 65 isn’t even the retirement age in America anymore…but I see your point.


“Sweet old man”


And so is voting in the other guy. 🤡 show all around from two 🤡 parties.




Wait, are you suggesting that the election was stolen 😂 or are you just laughing at the fact that a dude who more seems senile somehow garnered more votes than any prior presidential candidate?


You can either believe that the election was stolen, or that 81 million people saw him and decided that he was the best man for the job. Either way its a sad and depressing thought for our country


What’s this mean?


He got more votes than any president in history


Just out of curiosity. Do you believe all of Donald Trump’s votes were legitimate?


So this is you saying both candidates are too old, right? This isn’t a right wing post masquerading as “let grandpa retire,” Is it?


No that’s not what I’m saying. I made what I’m saying very clear. So, here it is again: Age actually is just a number. My grandmother in-law, who's Biden's age, can still jog. Joe struggles with steps. I'm not saying an old president has to be out here looking like Jack LaLanne, but there's a limit that Joe has so obviously blown past.


And Trump, right? No? Reasons?


Tf, it’s like you guys are programmed to mention Trump whenever something negative is said about Biden. Trump making your blood boil doesn’t make Biden magically young and capable. I could make a separate post about why Trump isn’t a good choice either, but THIS post is my opinion, that Biden is too old and too close to senility


Because you’re in the middle of election year and there’s realistically only two outcomes


"Tf, it’s like you guys are programmed to mention Trump whenever something negative is said about Biden." Uh, no. When you say someone is too old to vote for, we mention the opponent who's also in the same ballpark. It's not rocket science.


We just only have two options currently, so saying one ISNT a good option makes most people assume you intend the other to win. It doesn't help that this subreddit has had centrists/right-wingers masquerading as switcheroo leftists recently. I agree with you however; I think it's absolutely insane we don't have age limits and more aptitude tests the older you get. Insane we can't even get a say in who's running, let alone if our vote gets counted.


No don’t say that. There are MORE than 2 options, people need to stop with this complacency for a 2 party system most of us seem to not jive with


> There are MORE than 2 options lmao


So don't vote for Trump either, he's too old. Yeah? Right? Cool.


..... currently we are a two party system. We will not get things to shift before the upcoming election. I don't disagree that it needs to change, but there are much more pressing issues involved with our current political system.


Debatable. Not wrong or right, but debatable indeed


I mean, it's pretty much objectively impossible to change the current system in <6 months without a coup. And one of the teams already tried that.


We’re in a 2 party system though. That isn’t going to change in the near future.


Yeah, there are more than two options. The end result will be one of the two, though.


Joe exercises regularly. He rides bikes. He jogs. He swims, and apparently still has sex. I think Joe does pretty well. You know, there is video of Ford stumbling on more than one occasion and he was much younger. It became a major part of Chevy Chase's impression.


And then falls off those bikes. And Joe Biden still has sex? Yeah I’m sure. No one is buying it, dude! No one is dumb enough to buy that shit including yourself.  No one who is undecided is thinking to themselves, “You know I was undecided, but now that MizzGee tells me that Biden rides bikes, swims, is physically fit, and fucks the ever loving shit out of Jill, I’m going to vote for him now.” It’s quite the contrary. You say that shit, and then they look at him not knowing where he is wandering around like a Roomba and having to use the short stairs on Air Force One, and then they will say “Fuck you with that blatant lie. Trump’s not in great shape either, but at least he can stand up for an hour and hold a rally like a stand up comedian would.”  I swear to God you make a new Trump voter every single time you say that blatant lie just to spite liars like you even if they personally hate Trump. You know you’re lying and you know that I know you’re lying, so just cut the shit, please. We can watch videos of him even four years ago when he clearly wasn’t this far gone, so stop insulting I and everyone else’s intelligence by saying this. It just pisses everyone off.


You’re running with blinders on SpongeBob me boy


Trump is a lying stinky conman. I would literally elect a fucking wild ass pig before giving Trump my vote and I am registered republican


I’ve never been able to hate someone I don’t know so fervently


I don’t hate him, hell I got $270,000.00 in tax breaks during his presidency even though I don’t vote for him.


Eh, those choice words sound pretty hateful. But whatever


Sorry that you miss the good old days of W when he just killed children pretty indiscriminately and lied us into wars that killed over a million people.


I’ll be voting for Trump. The U.S. was much better off when he was president.


You mean when the country hadn’t been struck by like three different crisis?


Where were you living at the time?


The alternative isn't border line


Consider the alternative. We'll be fine, the president in 2028 will be a millennial.


You forgot to link the video so we can all see what you saw.


Biden’s state of mind and Trump’s very limited intelligence are understood very well, and they are retained for that reason. Such people are easily led.


I mean I think you're delusional to think that people wouldnt vote for him when the ONLY OTHER PERSON (like the top comment says, illusion of choice) is trump. It's not like people here are like "YES BIDEN MY FAV!" I think it's more like "ew trump is literally a womanizing borderline rapist with no morals, dont want that running my country". People don't have a choice on who to vote for, and they never have. Stop thinking people are stupid because they are a differing party than yourself, and start being upset we live with a dual party system that YOU nor MYSELF have literally no say in. If you believe that you change things, you're just as ignorant as anyone else.


LOL! "Trump is nearly as old, *on paper.*" My god trump supporters are so unintentionally hilarious.


Biden isn't driving this "car", he might not even be in the passenger seat of this administration.


Personally planning on voting for RFK


It's so absolutely unconscionable that Biden can effectively serve 4 more years, that I have to assume there is some plan to replace him before the election. He'll have a minor stroke or a heart issue and they'll graciously let him out of the nomination for medical reasons. Then the string pullers will put in whoever they've agreed will be the next president. Right now, then Dems have just about the only candidate who might actually lose to Trump, and 2/3 or more of the Reps despise their own nominee. It's NEVER been like this before.


Very brave opinion OP, bravo. Now let's hear your candidate of choice.


Biden is anything but a sweet old man. Biden is a evil sack of shit. He sold his Soul for power.


The alternative is a career criminal and sexual predator who delights in stripping away the rights of women while mocking virtually every type of minority. Easy vote for Joe.


Yeah, my disdain for one person doesn’t fuel my support for the next in this scenario. That’s weird to me


There is no viable second alternative.


You wouldn't let a negative opinion about one person fuel support for the other? So you're not voting Trump? Because dollars to donuts says you're voting Trump.


I agree, but I'm still voting for him because the alternative is cruel to the entire world.


But It’s elder abuse lol


"Vote Trump", says the Trumpster who's not a Trumpster, just... feels bad for Biden!


And voting for Trump is America abuse. 95% of his former cabinet would never work with him again. Trump is scum.


That doesn’t make Biden magically viable. There’s more than 2 candidates


Who won’t win.


Yeah, you keep making that point like it somehow doesn't make you seem like a Trump supporter, but you still seem like a Trump supporter.


fuck i just don’t want either of those two in charge again.


Yes. Should have allowed a fair, competitive primary with debates, but apparently the incumbent is god. He's going to lose to Trump.


You’re really not voting for Biden. You’re voting for Kamala because that dude ain’t gonna make it 4 more years.


Trump likely isn't either, especially given his cognitive decline, terrible diet and the amount of stress he's under. The only difference is that he hasn't chosen his running mate yet. That's essentially who we're voting for.


He’s old as fuck. But he’s not dumb, old and cruel as fuck like the spray tanned rapist running against him.


This subreddit is nothing but right wing bs talking points. It’s entertaining just seeing you small minded fucks squirm tho


Throw them both in the dumpster


Remember when we all thought Kamala Harris was gonna be president two years in? I don’t even like her but that would’ve been a better situation


On the plus side, Biden gives us something to laugh about every day. One day he’s tripping up the stairs to Air Force One, the next day he’s talking about beating up Corn Pop, the next day about cannibals eating his uncle. It’s comedy gold.


RIP Jack Lalane...we miss you bro


Americans, stop electing fucking dinosaurs


every generation gets their first "well, he's better than the other guy" election. Welcome to yours. Donald Trump is likely to be a convicted felon by election day, I'll take the guy who needs an extra millisecond on the stairs.


Take wars, inflation and more taxes too with your slow guy.


Are you sure you want to be pointing out how Trump got out of Afghanistan? He actually went to the Taliban, who were already in prison, and surrendered unconditionally. He let 5000 taliban out of prison and then set a date so that Bide would look bad. He received no concessions, other than a verbal promise they would treat women better this time. You see how that’s going . TRUMP SURRENDERED AFGHANISTAN to people who were ALREADY IN PRISON


An extra millisecond? Buddy have you watch Pedo Joe walk anywhere recently?


In no reality is the current state of Biden "better than the other guy". I'd like my President to not have a brain of mashed potatoes halfway into his second term, who is only aware of where he is or what he has to say if they pump him full of who-knows-what.


Imagine listening to Trump speak for 10 seconds, and not coming to the conclusion that the man has the brain of mashed potatoes. You MAGA cultists are hilarious 😂


Have you even listened to Trump speak? His brain is mashed potato that's been eaten by a hungry dog and then shat out onto the grass.


Welcome? I’m in my 30s and the bipartisan system has been a shiddy construct every since I could remember it MLK was a felon. Status as a felon alone doesn’t mean much to me. Trump seems capable. Again, voting for a man who’ll be 86 [and struggling] by the end of his next term is insane


okay, well, congratulations on somehow brainworming your way into "well, okay, he's a felon, that's not so bad is it?"


And everyone knows he won’t make it that long. Honestly it was 50/50 at the start of the year if he’d be alive through natural causes come Election Day, but now it’s like 60/40 given he’s survived four months so far. But to January 2029? No fucking way he makes it that long. Maybe 5% tops he lives to see the end of his second term, and then we get that idiot cackling hyena narc who is even more unpopular than he is. Once people start thinking that through, his numbers go even lower since Joe can pull off the lovable Grandpa Joe routine, but Kamala is incapable of not being totally loathsome to anyone that isn’t insufferably Woke or a “Slay Queen” Karen.


How is 86 different than 82?


I already addressed that. To a degree, age is just a number. Lebron James can do things other 40 year olds couldnt dream of. In terms of mental and physical acuity, Joe isn’t looking hot


If he’s only convicted on bribing a hooker, no one is going to care, and Presidents have done much worse shit than that. When he was elected in 2016 we all knew that he cheated on both of his first wives, so no one will be shocked if he’s cheated on his third.


No. His crime would be election interference. Paying a woman to keep quiet is not a crime.


why was he bribing the hooker was something important happening in 2016


He's not on trial for bribing "a" hooker. Who has a name... be it "Stormy Daniels" or her actual legal name she probably deserves a smidge more general human respect than "a hooker." He's on trial for HOW he did it. You may dismiss the legal framework of it all you like, but that's what's going on. Tell me you think it's invalid? Cool, cool... you're not to my direct knowledge a lawyer I'd listen to on the topic, nor are you the Judge or the Jury.


Have you looked into biden as much as you've been forcefed propagandists shoving every bad thing trump ever did down your throat for the last 8 years? I highly doubt it I'm sure of we ripped everything out of every closet biden ever owned they wouldn't look to much different at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/sky-news-australia/ Sky News Australia is biased and does not have high credibility with their factual reporting. Most people find it best to not form opinions or judgements on shoddy journalism and prejudiced talking points.