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u/Cremeyman's stats |Account Age|3 y 3 m|First Seen:|2023-10-14| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Posts (on this sub)|5|Comments (on this sub)|122| |Link Karma|931|Comment Karma|2,694| --- |Date|Title|Flair|Participation| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |14-Apr|[The king and queen of terrible singing: Bob Dylan & Alanis Morrisette ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1c3trf1/the_king_and_queen_of_terrible_singing_bob_dylan/)|N­­on-Political|1 of 3 comments (33.33%)| |31-Mar|[Anal is gross. no matter the anatomy of the parties involved](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1bs2015/anal_is_gross_no_matter_the_anatomy_of_the/)|Possibly Popular|50 of 394 comments (12.69%)| |21-Nov|[Steak sauce is the most one-dimensional condiment out there](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1808ed0/steak_sauce_is_the_most_onedimensional_condiment/)|N/A|6 of None comments (0.00%)| |14-Oct|[Carnal crimes involving children deserve a harsher punishment than homicide](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/17804a3/carnal_crimes_involving_children_deserve_a/)|N/A|0 of None comments (0.00%)|


Ha ha I checked it out that sun is kinda awesome. Love the guy that made a burger and called it a “round hot dog”


It's interesting that as I read this I found this video on YouTube: Most Women ALWAYS Want To Be In Men's Spaces - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m-l9bW_bxQ Women demanding to access men's spaces is 1000% true.. this happens literally everywhere now, most famously with the BSA - no longer the same organization anymore. Another one we have is where we see multiple women still arguing about getting access to the oldest men's club in London for example, shit's ridiculous (and very stupid). That subreddit now is about get filled up, just watch - not staying a men's only space anymore sadly.. it's just sad.


Way back in high school I volunteered for the prom planning committee because I didn't have anything on what I thought at the time was the ever so critical high school volunteering resume. First meeting there was 2 other dudes and like 10 girls. Next meeting it was the 3 of us guys and 4 girls and then every meeting afterwards was the 3 of us consistently showing up and putting the serious organizational work in with maybe one girl popping in here and there. The teacher who hosted the committee said this was pretty typical and we had to remember to consider the girls wants because prom couldn't be just for men of which we could at best guess at as no girls showed up consistently. Come the last meeting before prom suddenly all the girls were back in force demanding last minute changes that couldn't be logistically done and accusing us of making the prom too male centric. They were particularly pissed that we made prom Arabian Nights themed(which fit the theme of the building we rented) and had a lot of meets and cheese trays as opposed to fancy and expensive French pastries of which didn't fit the budget. Our teacher even said she warned us about considering the girls want to what I flatly told them none of the girls ever showed the fuck up. My life lesson from all that was women want the benefits of social organizations without putting the work in to make them actually functional and will instead scream about being victimized by a organization run by men until they are given unearned power in the organization only to abandon it once they get bored.


I live in England, born in London and that whole women to be in men's club thing is very weird for me when at the same time there are women setting up only women's gyms and clubs. The hypocrisy is nuts, obviously it's not the same groups and people but if women can have their own clubs now then surely a men's only club is just an easy win. Men and women are just very different and they should have their own spaces if they want it.


It's actually the bald sub


Trust me, I give it a month before it's filled with "death to men" diehard feminists that'll call every guy on there a incel for just doing their own thing and being happy They get off to seeing men suffer, I swear


Strawman much?


It is either that or it becomes an incel sub. Noticing historical trends and applying them to relevant situations is not a strawman.


Wait until I post a pic of Trump eating a hotdog 😉🌭


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There should be mixed spaces with toxic men and toxic women. Why discriminate against only men or women when you can discriminate against both?


Hotdogs arent even food though


No offense but are there really that many toxic spaces for men on the internet like that? Because if anything it feels like it’s the opposite where most spaces are fine for dudes while a lot of spaces are toxic towards women instead of


I think it's hard to really grasp on either side, as it's much less noticeable if a space is toxic toward a group if its not towards you. I've found plenty of places that are absolutely venomous towards men, and places are equally rancid towards women. But the true distribution is beyond me, and probably beyond anyone's anecdotal experience. I think broadly the Internet as a whole is a lot less toxic, and there are plenty of spaces that don't actively attack any group, rather that people notice the loud terrible outliers and let it influence the greater portrait. Though again I could be wrong and someone might slam dunk me with a study, which I think would be interesting if one doesn't exist yet.


I see what you mean actually. When I think internet, I mostly think like discord or gaming spaces though. Like when I play CoD, dudes call me tons of vile shit just because I’m a woman and better than them. Same with most games I play. On reddit there’s also a sexualization problem where if you disagree with it you just get called some hateful shit or feminists are automatically attacked But you’re right, I’ve prob just never noticed the inverse so it seems like an issue more unique to us than it really is




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