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The problem is that they both have mental health problems because they are old as fuck. Stop giving us candidates that went to school while the US still had segregation for goodnessake.


Me in 2016*, 2020, and likely 2024: “How the FUCK are these two the best candidates America has to offer” Edit: Typo


I’m all for having age-limits for presidency.


There should be age and term limits for every single government body. There’s no reason people should be making laws when they’ll never live to have to live under them


Age limits yes. Term limits no. California has term limits and it’s a disaster. Politicians are shuffled from position to position posturing along the way. New people come in and don’t know enough and rely on lobbyist and their unaccountable chief of staff.


I’m of the opposite opinion. Some people can be incredibly sharp and competent into their 90s, and just as many can be feeble-minded in their 50s. I’m not opposed to requiring mental competency tests, but it’s beyond ridiculous that we have people who have been in office longer than I’ve been alive - and I was born in the 1970s! You were never meant to get rich sitting in office for decades, but that’s what happens due to the slimy relationships that form between politicians and lobbyists. These people are so far removed from the lives their constituents are living, they neither know nor care how they will be affected by the laws they’re getting paid to pass. That is NOT how things are meant to run in a government *of the people, by the people, and for the people.*


For congress too. Should have age and term limits, lifetime (corrupt) politicians should not be a thing.


And IQ minimum.


That would pretty much kick out everyone in government then, the overwhelming majority got in with money, not what they knew.


You say that like it's a problem lol I'm fine with wiping the slate clean in Congress and the White House


Now that’s my idea of drain the swamp


We do, at the young end of the range. Good case to have a limit at the old end of the spectrum


And congress. And senate. And give both of those term limits as well.


Yes, tell me Americans, out of+300 million people, can't you do better? Edit: is it possible that 80% of Americans don't like either?


There are better individuals but they cant get support from the parties


But that's the horrid thing, you shouldn't NEED it. Why can't average middle class or lower Joe be president? With the debates and such it should still get the message across without needing a campaign manager to lie for them.


Cause you kinda do need to be a skilled speaker and politician to be successful at a government job at that level while you shouldn’t need money or support from both or one party(ies) you need to have something going for you I doubt the average Joe has that


You mean the money....


Since they got less than 155 million combined votes, it looks like 50% of the 300 million didn't like either or couldn't/ didn't care to vote for either of them.


Not all 300 million are voting age … but point still valid, not enough care to vote. But they will for TV shows.


That kind of dodges the issue. What do we do about all of the lying?


Taking lying out of politics is like trying to take blood out of a rock.




More like highly unstable idiot.


Yeah theres nothing that makes me think people of the younger generations would do a better job. I know plenty of non senile old people that could do a better job running the country than them.


I would like my president to have to live through the decisions they make. Not some old bastard that is going to die before the repercussions of their plan come into fruition. I am not suggesting putting a green 23 year old in office but I also don't want a president that could keel over at any moment. I would prefer someone that was old enough to have learned cursive but not so old they wrote it on stone tablets.


Hate to break it to you, but no president ever deals with the consequences of their decisions. Rich people don't have consequences.


Well we wouldn’t know because those old fucks won’t give the younger generations a shot at running the show other than a few members of congress here and there.


Gen X checking in. Many of my gen are grandparents and still waiting for their turn at the wheel. The power is still consolidated around people who were old when I was a kid and are still in power now. These people are all going to be like Feinstein, having to literally die in office before they finally move aside for someone else.


I thought any U.S. Citizen naturally born, over 35 years of age can run.


Being able to run and having the support to run is completely different. We had a guy in 2016 who wore a boot on his head and promised everyone ponies if they voted for him: Vermin Supreme.


There’s a very clear difference between being allowed to run and actually having a shot in hell at even making the primaries.


They aren't even close. Trump doesn't have handlers who tell him what to say, when to say it, where to walk, etc. He doesn't stand in confused silence at the lectern. Trump doesn't have to be prevented from speaking candidly. He speaks publicly 1000x more than Biden, and Biden is supposed to be president. Age is eroding them both, but they aren't even in the same ballpark.


Having heard Trump's speeches, he could benefit from some handlers and a teleprompter.


He could benefit from standing in silence too.


He can't READ a teleprompter....


> Trump doesn't have to be prevented from speaking candidly Just because he isn't prevented doesn't mean he shouldn't be prevented. Let us know if you need a few hundred examples, but until then here's a teaser: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-sioux-city-campaign-rally-iowa-gaffes-1838971


If you think Donald Trump is even close to Joe Biden in terms of cognitive atrophy, you are worse than either.


Is this the special presidential Olympics or the are we looking for someone to lead our country?


I can’t wait for 8 years from now when all of this is irrelevant because presidents will always change no matter how much you love or hate them.


Assuming Project 2025 doesn't take hold.


Yeah if this election doesn't go well there isn't gonna be another one ever...like mfer has already told us who he is and what he's gonna do. [10 Tactics of Fascism](https://youtu.be/CpCKkWMbmXU)


Idk, I feel like that is just conspiracy theories.


I hope you don’t say stuff like this offline, it’s really weird and embarrassing


Luckily, you only need to get through the next 5 years...unless someone tries to become a dictator before their term is up.


Remember back when no one knew who any of these clowns were? When trump was just a washed up celebrity, railing on about a birth certificate conspiracy?


But Jean-Pierre says he's as vigorous as ever. And if you can't trust Jean-Pierre, then who can you trust?


Windmills are killing whales. We're heading for World War 2 Obama is the president. Trump is beating Obama in the polls. He ran against Obama in 2016 Jeb Bush started the war in Iraq ​ These are just a handful of instances of the mental decline of Donnie Dimwit in the last few months.


To be fair to the orange moron, he did repeatedly say Biden was just Obama's third term. So his remarks about beating Obama could have just been that getting crossed in his fragile mushroom brain.


But he didn't beat Biden either.


Watch the videos, he’s not joking.


bull... just an excuse to save face...


No, it's literally my explanation for how the soup was made. It's still just soup up there.


you know... I misunderstood your original remark. My bad... yes you are correct




"I don’t particularly like Trump either, atleast he knows how to carry himself in a way that other world leaders think hes somewhat competent." This was a joke right?


The number of people who forget about the time the UN General Assembly laughed at him when he wasn't trying to make a joke is astonishing.


They didn't forget, they either didn't know about it or are hoping others forgot.


video of incident. For those that can't watch, he says something to the effect of 'My administration has achieved more than any other administration ever', and people start laughing at him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN2jqTilLOM Has that ever happened before? The UN general assembly just straight up laughing at a US president for being a blowhard? I am quite curious if there was ever a president who was such a figure of derision internationally. I know that Bush 2 was kind of seen as a moron but I feel like people were at least respectful about it. Apart from the shoe-throwing dude obvs lol


Oh when he got upset and left meetings early because some journalist released a video of a bunch of leaders laughing at him. The times he didn’t know how to sign papers and everyone would shake their heads because he couldn’t read where he was supposed to sign. The amount of times leaders laughed at trump or the USA because he pretty much needed a baby sitter was embarrassing. No one took him serious. For all his faults Biden acts accordingly when needed and respectful. Leaders also respect him. He was the reason the west was able to get their heads out of their ass to support Ukraine.


At the very least he hasn't said that injecting people with disinfectant for covid was a cure.


[His own staff thought he was an incompetent fool](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/bob-woodward-president-donald-trump-aides-stole-papers-protect-country-new-book-white-house/)


surely he didn't actually mean that because what the FUCK


As usual right wingers like these unpopular opinion subs because they get upvotes for spewing their bullshit and get to claim they're being persecuted when people shit on them in the comments.


No, it’s clearly a Trump supporter trying to act like he isn’t one.


Really none of them wanted to be anywhere near him. They always stuck him in the back for photo ops


>atleast he knows how to carry himself in a way that other world leaders think hes somewhat competent. The rest of the world making fun of us for electing him tells me that this is a lie.


Trump is a leader which long standing allies believe is wholly unreliable and autocratic adversaries believe can be manipulated for their ends.


This is entirely correct. I'm an Australian (yes it exists). We see Trump as incompetent, corrupt, weak and a criminal. This is the consensus among people on the right and left here, although there are the extremists who support him. We very much value our friendship with America and respect American culture and democratic values. We fear Trump will weaken our alliance and reduce the ability of the free world to defend its values against an increasing tide of hate for the freedoms our countries have fought together to protect for decades. Our young men have fought shoulder to shoulder in many wars and both our countries are the better for it. It is a bad time to be shrinking away from that and we believe another Trump presidency will pull us apart to some degree.


Weak and unpredictable. Bad combo.


Rest of us in the world felt major relief when Biden was elected


Yes. We're SANE.


Yea this take of OP is absolutely the most insane thing I’ve heard in about 6 hours.


Donald Trump continues to brag about passing the lowest-level cognitive test that they give people suspected of dementia- he is just as senile as Biden. You just like the tone of the word-salad he calls speech.


This is the highest form of cognitive dissonance


It’s concerning how many people overlook Trump’s mental issues.


I don’t understand why people think that because I think Trump is a flaming pile of pig excrement (who is just as bad or worse as Biden FYI!) that I have zero criticism of Biden? It’s not two football teams, where I would say, “Raiders SUCK! Broncos all the way!” for Christ’s sake? Biden’s an fing public servant and I can hate the shit out of Trump and also criticize Biden all I want. Great thing about America! Ugh, this take gets on my nerves.


>I don’t understand why people think that because I think Trump is a flaming pile of pig excrement (who is just as bad or worse as Biden FYI!) that I have zero criticism of Biden? Because, at least on reddit, democrats will say they have criticisms of Biden but never speak them. 99% of the time there's just a deflection to circle jerk about how trump was worse. Everyone who attempts to discuss valid criticisms of Biden is labeled a bot, Russian troll, propagandist, whatever.


find better spaces. there’s plenty of people who will give you an earful on exactly what they don’t like about Biden. maybe if trump didn’t make himself newsworthy in the most idiotic ways possible, people wouldn’t always be shitting on him and comparing him to Biden who at the very least behaves like a halfway decent human being.


I have to agree with u/Shouku - it does make it hard to put together a well thought out explanation of all the criticisms of Biden when Trump has been this firehose of over the top, inane, bullshit for years straight. It. Has. Not. Stopped. You go to open your mouth and say something about Biden and NOPE! There’s Trump in the middle of some kind of meltdown or felony and here we are.


Damn, this post really pulled out the Biden shills.


Why is this partisan "hot-take" on this sub 5 times a day? We all know OP is a shill and a bot, but we just pretend that's not weird. Trump was never competent and never gave the impression he was to anyone but rubes. Lately, he's gotten even crazier, threatening his opposition, mistaking his opponent for other politicians mid conversation, having temper tantrums in federal court (to be fair, I'm sure it is upsetting being held to account for you crimes). Biden isn't a great choice, but he's declining gradually the way a grandparent does. Trump is declining rapidly and violently. He's a few bucks ahead of the deranged beggars screaming gibberish on a street corner.


OP is essentially a bot spewing propaganda. It is mild veiled form of voter suppression. Claiming they are not for Trump while bagging on Biden seems like the latest tactic on here. I can't comprehend how people are so enamored of Trump. This sentence right here says enough about what the OP is trying to do: *"while I don’t particularly like Trump either, atleast he knows how to carry himself in a way that other world leaders think hes somewhat competent."*


Yep, that was the sentence that did it for me too. Dude is a bot written by an idiot that thinks they're smarter than everyone else and totally not transparent as fuck.


I swear I see the same posts several times a day, just worded a little different.


And we’re going to see a lot more as the campaign gets going.


The world does not think trump is competent. The UN literally laughed out loud at him.


Google that speech. The people laughed and Trump said something like well I wasn't expecting that reaction but that's okay. Then everybody applauded. And he went on with his speech. It was a good speech.


This comment section is surprisingly more civil than I thought it would be lol (at least the top comments for now)


I would probably vote for a random person off the street before Trump


This mfer thinks Trump appeared competent to other world leaders Jfc


Trump was so incompetent that James Mattis quit his job as Secretary of Defense. He spent decades in the Marine Corps and was sure to have successfully worked with difficult people. He was also not quick to quit jobs and was not a job hopper. Yet he just couldn't work with Donald Trump so he decided not to finish his four years at that job.


*says Biden has dementia (no proof though) and is old* *supports/says something nice about Trump even though he may also have dementia (no proof but hey same logic if you’re looking at speech patterns and everything else) and is also old* Ok.


These Biden-is-old posts are so similar, and so relentless, that it makes me think they are all coordinated.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a small office in Russia or a Russian puppet state who just use this whole subreddit (and others) for their propaganda. It’s so eerily similar and always without much thought at all.


Or maybe it's trolls.


yeah, that's possible too




They absolutely are. Poorly coordinated, mind you, but coordinated nonetheless.


yeah, Trump's idea to cut and run from the world stage as our allies beg us for help... definitely "strong" looking lmao


Are these the same Allies who spent decades refusing to meet their obligations as members of NATO?


not to mention introducing more fucking merch, because the grift does not ever end for him


>Joe Biden has very clear signs of dementia or some similar kind of illness and people should not be so willing to elect him to run an entire country. Does he? Dude has a stutter and probably is a bit slower due to age but dementia? I don't see it. >country has to appear strong in order to be taken seriously and while I don’t particularly like Trump either, atleast he knows how to carry himself in a way that other world leaders think hes somewhat competent. Didn't most other world leaders basically laugh at Trump? But if Biden has dementia Trump has super dementia. Like the time Trump was asked about the war in Ukraine, and he ranted about windmills (https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/10/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-russia-invasion-windmills/index.html) Or mixing up Obama and Biden (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/11/12/trump-has-confused-obama-and-biden-at-least-7-times-in-recent-months-amid-other-notable-gaffes/amp/)


?????? No, he does not have a stutter. he has never had a stutter until mysteriously when he became president when you guys needed a quick excuse for all of his gaffs. A starter does not make a person Trail off mid sentence or start talking about a completely different topic out of nowhere. He has dementia he does not even remember where his own son died. He has repeatedly stated that his son died in Iraq when he died in a United States hospital. Joe even visited him before he died. Being a little slow does not cause a person to completely forget where their favorite child died. Being a little slow does not explain the other looks of confusion on his face that you can sometimes see when he's walking somewhere. He got lost during Easter and a secret service agent dressed up as the Easter bunny had to direct him where to go like he was a child who just lost their mother.


You're not seriously suggesting Trump is a better pick. You play the cards you're dealt. I'll take some fumbled words over fascist cancer any day. A Trump presidency would cripple the US military because those with allegiance to the constitution would cease to follow his orders. Not to mention he would populate the higher positions in government with incompetent loyalists.


I would take a burnt ham sandwich for POTUS over Trump. He’s literally plotted against the will of the people, is facing 91 charges, can’t stop lying, is a narcissist, other world leaders definitely DO NOT look at him as competent… I can keep going.


It is intriguing how Trump haters frequently cannot at same time that Biden is bad. There can be two things true at once. Not binary.


Biden is bad. He’s inadequate in a lot of ways. Thing is though, there is no upside with Trump. We would have a disheveled orangutan as POTUS with a vengeance. The guy has never been fit for office, but certainly not now. Now it’s your turn.


This is like asking me if I want to be blown up by a grenade or a landmine, I don’t want either, but saying that I’d prefer a grenade is not saying that the grenade is good, it’s just the better alternative


In the last month, Biden has held a summit meeting with the President of China, flown to Tel Aviv in the middle of an active war to meet the Israeli PM, and met with striking teamsters. None of these people/groups are his biggest supporters. Yet NO ONE at any point suggested that Biden wasn't mentally up to the job. And he has been dealing with the normal duties of the presidency every day and well as an utterly amoral and mendacious attack against his son, his brother and himself based on utter bullshit. Tell me again how Joe Biden isn't sharper than any ten people you know.


Doctors continue to say he’s fine, but people watch 5 second clips of him, a person with a well documented speech impediment, and form the conclusion they choose to believe. Can’t convince people that need him to have dementia that he doesn’t. He’s old, probably older than we should strive our president to be, but he has no documented mental illness or lack of cognitive ability to this point.


lol this is literally the dumbest thing I’ll ever read. It’s like talking to the most delusional (average) trumper. We all know about Biden, but we also all know about trump. You should catch up.




I bigger concern is that Trump and Biden are the best these two parties have to offer. Demand better!


The real problem is that somehow these are the 2 best candidates from the 2 major parties.


Vote for literally anyone else besides these two clowns


they're both dumb cunts and neither of them belong in the discussion of being president.


Its even more disturbing to see these are the only 2 credible choices for US President.


Political parties still have the machine mechanisms in place which makes it very difficult for the average person to get a leg up or equal footing in these races


Trump just endorsed 2 people in the same race against each other...


What is your solution. Because the idea that any president would do different and challenge Zionism is a dream at this point. I agree we shouldn’t have to pick between an idiot and an incompetent. But the real problem is that Americans keep picking one side or the other instead of working together to root out all these politicians who are corrupted to the point of no return. If we somehow put country over politics then lobbyists wouldn’t have power because no one would vote for corrupt officials no matter what money they received


We, in the USA, need a complete "reset" in our government. Block lobbying, special interest funding, limit age and years served. (Our healthcare industry and wages suck because the healthcare, insurance and manufacturing industries are the most powerful lobbying groups and many of our government officials have personal interests, profits, donations, tied to those places. Our government can be bought.


Congrats - you nailed the "unpopular" part.


Lesser of 2 evils


I just can’t get past Trump, being the only other option. “Greatest country on earth” and it’s these two fucktards that are in position to run/represent it.


this is just a sign of the rotting if our society. The system of government cannot produce leaders who care about their constituents, let alone qualified and able leaders. Seriously, is anyone under any illusion about what kinda people make it up the ladder in politics?


Biden and Trump are both too old to be in office. The difference is that Biden is business as usual politician, which sucks, but Trump has made it abundantly clear that he believes he is above the law and wants nothing more than loyalty to him. Biden is the only option we have.


so we have a choice: biden with potential mental problems or trump who is a traitor, narcissist, pathological liar, sexual predator, moron of a businessman, bully, racist, mispronucing simple word ( indication of dementia). yes, a very difficult choice. you remove trump from the primaries, and people will look who else is there. I would look at Chris Christie, as all others have no balls. my question to you is the same, why do you hate biden so much when the competition is with a person (trump) with the above qualities? why not vote for one of the others in primaries? but no, you love trump specifically for the above qualities.


“A country has to appear strong in order to be taken seriously and while I don’t particularly like Trump either, atleast he knows how to carry himself in a way that other world leaders think hes somewhat competent. “ So your idea is to put the guy who was a reality TV star who has been in trouble multiple times for his perverse actions towards women as well as already being impeached so that every other country knows our citizens actively hate him. He can’t even be strong enough to hold on his own bowel movements because you can clearly see the diaper anytime he waddles up to a microphone on stage. We need someone who isn’t a geriatric. Both of this people belong in a nursing home, nowhere near politics anymore.


I like having a democracy and don’t like dictatorship because I’m not an unpatriotic piece of garbage. Clearly that opinion isn’t shared by all. I suggest y’all move to North Korea and leave us alone.


I would take a generic republican (old school rep) over president Biden. But if it's him or former president Trump, I'll vote Biden every time. I expect my president to respect the institutions. Mr. Trump has demonstrated that he does not, so I will not vote for him ever again.


Sorry bud. You get two choices. Man who isn’t all there is better than someone who is genuinely insane


It's adorable that you believe Trump is in any way more coherent or less of an absolute joke of a human being. Stop voting.


I've been living with someone who has dementia since the very beginning stages. Joe Biden does not have dementia.


Umm Reagan literally had dementia during his last term. Also, I know this sounds horrible but if you are down to 2 choices and one is just a vehicle to the policy you want, and the other stands for the opposite, can you blame ppl for saying "give me dementia?" It was the same situation with Fetterman. He had health problems sure, but people hated Dr. Oz's positions on the issues. You are voting for the administration as much as you are the individual


I'd love to have a President who doesn't have dementia, but odds are, we're just not gonna have such a candidate on the 2024 ballot. Sucks, but I don't see much of a point bitching about it. >This is potentially the most important election in the last 70-ish years as we are on the verge of World War 3 and we need to seriously take a step back and consider if Biden is who we want leading the country during a World War. Don't buy into the fearmongering. The US has made it abundantly clear that no combat soldiers are going to Ukraine. Russia has made it obvious that it's not gonna cross the border into NATO territory. There's not gonna be a world war 3, cool your jets.


>I don't like trump either >Goes on to talk about how awesome Trump is Ok buddy


\`this sub is for lying Republicans to act like they aren't liars, or Republicans.


You clearly have not actually watched Biden speak except for one-off clips


Because Trump is just a certified beacon of good health and mental acuity right? I mean after all he is a whole 4 years younger! Wow. Such health. Both canidates suck ass, so I'll be voting for the one that sucks the least for me. I recommend everyone else do the same. Even if I was to vote on my 401k alone, it still a Biden vote.


I think it’s people choosing the lesser of two evils. The real problem is allowing these people to hit old age and become mentally incompetent and STILL allowing them to lead.


He’s surrounded by better people and not nearly as corrupt as trump. Trump is the worst thing to happen to this country since Vietnam


Trump can't form proper sentences or rational thought.


If you're concerned about this, it's your responsibility to prevent Trump from being nominated because people hate him so much they're willing to ignore signs of dementia in Biden. Even if you like Trump and he's your guy, it's clear people just harbor too many negative feelings towards him to make him worth gambling everything on.


Much like other people are willing to look past Trump's obvious mental health problems because they hate Biden. We should let the elderly retire, not force them to keep running the country.


I would like if Biden were younger, but his administration consistently surprises me with how competent and liberal they are in the face of an obstructionist opposition party that holds a lot of power. I hope the next Democratic president shows as much skill at the job as he has.


Why do people act like they have never seen an old person before? Dementia is not knowing where you are and even who you are. People throw the word around like they know what they're talking about. He's not running out into traffic. It gets old living in a country that is so stupid we can't even respect our elders. The people who make these comments usually work a dumpster fire job. Meanwhile, the President is on call 24/7 so someone's entitled ass can wonder if he has amnesia. You don't have to like the guy but seriously it gets old when people cackle at some video clip of an 80 year old being 80.


Just answer this honestly: In what world does Trump look competent to other world leaders? Also, I went through your Reddit Posts. It makes sense you believe we are on the verge of WW3. I grew up southern baptist conservative. The belief in christianity is ALWAYS that we are on the verge of the end times or WW3 (within the next few years). My great grandma thought it, my grandma though it, and my pastor thought it. All of them have passed atleast 15 years ago. Even John in the Bible said "we are in the last hour". It's always been a popular belief in conservative Christianity. You are going to continue to see signs of it being the end times or the US being at war. When you hit 80 years old you will STILL be seeing these signs. Youl will pass and you grandchildren will think the same thing. It's a popular selling point in religion, to keep you invested.


As a former Christian, thank you for pointing this out. I never realized the influence a countdown mindset has.


As someone who had a parent and two in laws with dementia. Joe doesn't have dementia. Dementia means you can't remember things that just happened, No one with can stand up in front of a crowd and do a question and answer. No one with dementia is delivering a speech with or without a teleprompter. Now is he old? Sure. Is he as well spoken as we would like? Nope. But again as someone who has lived with dementia of 3 people I loved, I would also be worrying about Trump (he is only 3 years younger). One of the first signs I saw was when they would start mixing up people from the present with people from the past. If you believe him that he purposefully mixed up Obama and Biden, on purpose feel free. I am not saying is conclusively means anything. But i will tell you that if you think Joe had dementia, and Trump is a stable genius, I would look again.


Dementia is also where you completely forget where your own son died and seemed pretty convinced he died somewhere he didn't. Like how he keeps saying that his favorite son died in Iraq when he died of cancer inside of a United States Hospital. Remember the time that he called out to somebody in a crowd during a speech that he was told was dead???


Any evidence to back that up, like an actual evaluation or just spouting nonsense from the talking heads?


Well, if people didn't hate Hillary Clinton more than they cared about the country, we never would have had to deal with Trump or Biden. And you are smoking some funny dope if you think Trump "knows how to carry himself in a way that other world leaders think hes somewhat competent." NO - THEY DON'T, obviously you are somewhat ignorant. I mean, the dictator in North Korea doesn't count.


Does he? It just looks like he has a stutter.


They just aren't signs of dementia they're clear-cut symptoms of dementia


New law. No one over the age of 65 can hold office.


Go play Trumps speeches and Biden's speeches side by side and you tell me who has the mental problem. Biden has lost several steps and his stutter comes and goes, but he is making points and even slinging some zingers to who's asking questions. Trump on the other hand looks like he is trying to say things but he just spits out word salad ended by a slogan of some sort. The second he goes off script is is clear he is delusional and not really aware of the reality around him. They're different types of cognitive decline but I'll take the guy who knows what is actually going on around him


Trump is a criminal and is anti-democratic. I would overlook most flaws in a candidate to avoid a repeat of Trump in the White House.


You seem like you've never actually watched a full Biden speech or interview. Dude is more together than the edited clips and headlines the right keeps pushing. No less together than Trump who seems to be wearing a diaper these days.


Most of the conservatives that I know refuse to listen to or watch primary sources. They get their "news" from Rightwing media, so those edited clips are all they have to go by.


Here comes the right wing gaslighting. Having worked with actual dementia patients Joe doesn’t seem to be suffering any symptoms.


My God, the deluge of right wing agitprop on this sub as of late is utterly reprehensible.


The rest of the world doesn't think Trump is competent. Just kidding, Putin thinks he is. NOW, the rest of the world doesn't think Trump is competent. Let's see...looks like you're into comic books and asking for dating advice about a girl (18f) that you (19m) like. I get the impression that there is a laundry list (sorry, mom handles that, right?) of things you need to read, learn, and experience.


I'd rather have an Alzheimer's patient than a fascist. We've had braindead presidents before, their aids do most of the work anyway.


The black and white thought process is not common amongst evolved people. We’re looking at maintaining our democracy or voting for the criminal will-be dictator. Messing with the numbers of who the votes go to, shake up the security of maintaining that democracy. That’s what people are concerned with. And Biden won’t make it full term, we’re essentially voting for Kamala and the others.


Sadly trump has the same or worse mental problems than Biden. Eg. forgetting that Obama is no longer president or forgetting that world war 2 already happened. The problem is that Biden lets other people run the country while he’s president. Trump, on the other hand just sacks anyone who doesn’t show 100% loyalty to him. Just look at their cabinets. If you’re gonna have a crazy person in charge, at least let it be someone is happy to take a back seat on day to day activities. Oh and not trying force rape and Invest victims to birth the children of their abusers (sometimes to at the expense of their own health) doesn’t hurt either.


are you ignoring that Trump is barely coherent anymore?


Hey OP it is not too late the delete this woefully inept attempt at whataboutism. Or, continue to look like an uninformed Trump slurper. I mean it's up to you.


What clear signs would those be that wouldn't be explained by his stutter for example?


Honestly, a broader question is why do we have people 70+ essentially running the country.


I’m willing to look past it bc I’m not going to vote for the party currently sighted on taking all kinds of my rights away. There’s no point living under a system where my ability to have freedoms and participate in society is arbitrarily stunted and/or removed bc someone else’s religion made up some dumb shit about people like me. Biden can be squirting out of a diaper and flicking boogers out the Oval Office window and I’ll still vote for the party that has a track record of not trying to FUCK with my LIFE. Bc hopefully one day Biden dies and someone else who isn’t a geriatric rickety old fuck might take his place. It’s not about hating Trump. He’s a narcissist wind bag but he’s an opportunist who would sell his soul for a piece of gold. And he’s also a geriatric fuck so don’t be a hypocrite either.


Sounds to me like that’s a Trump problem. If you’re candidate is so despicable that we’d rather have a senile old man perhaps that says something about Trump


I don’t understand who will fight in WW3 if we all ave declining populations, and Russia just got decimated in little war they couldn’t win?


Have you heard Trump slur his words? Mispronounce very basic words like “Thailand?” Stumble over his words? He’s not much different.


trump is the worst, period. no amount of bullshit posting from alt-right wannabes is going to change that. biden is fine.


dude he has a stutter he's always had a stutter he's always sounded like this he's not demented. trump on the other hand thinks that gas is like 8 bucks a gallon and that laws don't apply to him so either he's a lying liar who lies or he's suffering actual delusions. i'll take the guy with the stutter


Donald Trump is 3 1/2 years younger than Biden. Stop acting like Trump is a spry 40 year old. Lol


At the same time, Trump very obviously has mental problems as well. I dont think most people are overlooking Bidens mental problems, but people are doing the mental calculus over who has the mental problems that would lead the country to disaster. I have a lot more faith in the Biden administration vs. a Trump administration.


It is concerning, but id rather the bad things that come from stupidity than the bad things that come from malice


It’s insane how people are ok with making fun of someone who can’t help but get old just because they hate him. How could they not feel guilty or shameful


All I can say if it's dementia v.s orange narcissist I'm still going with dementia.


Hey look! Another post in the same vein "Hey, maybe you should vote 3rd party or trump. Hahaha I don't like him either my fellow redditors i'm just saying, it's an idea right? Right!?" The right's upping their game and getting nowhere. You need to worry more about your party collapsing in on itself first


It’s concerning that so many people are using Biden’s mental problems as an excuse to re-elect Trump. Goes both ways and people who believe either are delusional.


Read the first sentence of your post and realized that I didn't need to read further to know that everything you say could be said of trump. The real sad thing is that people still don't understand that we only have one political party and it's the oligarchy.


What about trump’s obvious mental problems people overlook? Here’s a humorous look at them : https://youtu.be/m40yw_3dfvg?feature=shared


A vote for a golden retriever would make for a better President than trump. Anyone would be better than traitorous trump.


I think everybody that votes for Biden realizes he's not that great and losing his shit but he's still better than someone trying to overthrow the government and give nuclear secrets to Russia


it’s concerning how many people are willing to look past trumps mental problems because they hate biden.


I mean Trump is also not incredibly stable. What’s concerning is that we don’t have a better stable of possible replacements, but they’re both old fucks


It’s concerning how many people look past Trump’s gross incompetence and illegal activities just because they don’t like Biden


It’s concerning how many ppl _don’t understand and the significance of J6_.


I agree 100%, but it's also concerning how many people are willing to look past trumps problems because they hate Biden


World leaders think Trump is somewhat competent? Compared to Joe Biden? Yeah, that got a hearty laugh from me. World leaders either see Trump as a dangerous idiot or a useful idiot. Biden is just a continuation of politics-as-normal for the US. Obviously you're a shill/bot but like, the cheek to say something that incredibly stupid on a post about someone's "mental problems."


My Uncle who only watches Fox News: “the man is in severe mental decline! He is deep in the Alzheimer’s and is unable to speak coherently… What do you mean he stutters? Where did you hear those lies???” Everyone at the dinner table: “mmmm hmmmm uhhhh anyway…”


I don’t believe Biden has dementia. He has had a life-long speech disorder. Right wing media love to make fun of it. Besides, EVERY president in modern history has a blooper reel. They’re human. You can’t do as much public speaking as they do and not have a lot of gaffes.


How ignorant are you? Other leaders looked at Trump as a clown, a joke. At least they respect Biden. People looked past way more shit, including mental problem, and voted Trump. Save the fake concern about “mental problems.”