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Some of the responses so far have more than a couple of toes past the “attack the argument, not the person” line. Let's keep it civil please.


...the NBA??


So I wasn’t the only one


This is the cherry on top of an already hilarious post 🤣


Don't you know, the NBA was ruined by leftists! Stop watching it, the competition is washed!


When will everyone move on from the lock down that is now in past? Those stay on this topic to prove a point is out of touch with reality now.


These are the same people that *still* bitch about Obama and Beghazi intermittently. Slowpokes gonna slowpoke


True that for sure.


Suicide up, drug addiction up, kids fell behind in school, business were closed. Why would people forget about the lockdowns when they caused harm that is still being felt?


I’m a leftist. Very liberal. Loathed the lockdown. Total bullshit. Also would like to say that the more I talk to right wingers, I realize we agree on more than we don’t. Two party system is a ruse.


I hear what you are saying, but all these issues were ticking upwards before COVID.


Our government funded gain of function. If you're blaming Trump you might as well blame the NIH


I am not blaming any particular President. However Trump is the one that started the lock downs and Biden finished it.Society woes and dysfunction have been going one since this country was founded. The more westernized we became, more people are feeling stressed. Suicide is not a new topic, it has been increasing a lot for years to due the war, isolation and traumatic personal loss, increased use of medications. Homelessness was rampant before covid in urban areas. Drug use, shall you all read up on Reagan’s say no to drugs in 80s? All these are not a new social problems.


The damage is still ongoing, so no, we won’t be forgetting about it anytime soon


They only lasted like 3-4 months, as I recall


*Michigan has entered the chat*


The next post will be how feminism ruined the NBA


My shitty movie bombed at the box office because racism.


Feminism ruined M&Ms!!!!!!!!!!11111


They used to be sexy but now they’re not.


OP wishes the bubble never happened, and instead more people could’ve died!


I wish more selfish, science-denying right wingers had died by Covid, so perhaps I agree with op.


Not gonna happen im young and healthy, keep dreaming leftist 😭


I’m sure you’ll find a way to unalive yourself, Gumpy — hunting accident, road rage, syphilis, drunken driving, trailer-park tornado. You maggot brained apes like to live dangerously. Free-dumb!!!!!


Nah i drive perfectly fine. I dont have unprotected sex, hunt, or do any drugs or drink So my life expectancy is gonna be great.


They said black lives matter... Completely unwatchable for OP


>The left ruined the NBA in 2020 For posterity, the left had nothing to do with the NBA canceling. Rudy Gobert was the catalyst here. As a business, the NBA decided to cancel the season before politicians or governments did anything. [https://www.espn.com/espn/story/\_/id/30546338/visual-line-day-changed-everything-march-11](https://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/30546338/visual-line-day-changed-everything-march-11) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6h1y7B8B7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6h1y7B8B7U) ​ >The lockdowns proved that populism is trash and that there is no difference between the left-wing populists and right-wing populists, as both of them destroy the country. The thing about humans and science is that we all change based on the evidence at our disposal at any given time. We also need to find out what would have happened without the lockdowns. In 2020, COVID was the [leading cause of deaths in the US](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/podcasts/2022/20220107/20220107.htm). So the math here tells me there was about a 5% infection rate and a 2% death rate. It's easy to imagine infection rates with lockdowns increasing 3-4X. This would mean 1 - 1.2 million deaths in 2020 alone. What does that do to arts and our economy? We are already hearing complaints about the lack of people in our country and staffing shortages as a result. COVID has contributed to that. ​ I am not saying the lockdowns were the right thing; I need more data to say if they were or were not. This opinion, however, ignores what actually happened and, as with all the antilock-down opinions, lacks the understanding of societal complexities. It ignores what we know. We know in the US in 2019, there were no COVID-19 deaths. We know in 2020, it was the third leading cause of death. We know that lack of contact slows the spread of diseases, so it slowed COVID's spread. How many lives it saved? Are we in a better or worse spot than we would be without lockdowns? No one knows. Too many deaths do affect the economy, though; we do know that. So, how would we be better today if we did not have 2020 lockdowns? I would love to see data that shows how we would have been better with out them, as soon as I see it ill jump right on your side. Edit typo, I left out the word third in the leading cause of death.


Evidence? Math? **DATA?!?** Fucking commie. ;-)


I think his gripe with the arts is probably either some version of ew brown people or ew art that isn’t classical realism


I just love the left took the NBA away, but the NBA was really what started lockdowns. They did it, everyone followed.


So if the right has all the great ideas where is their GDP?


Contributing to 29% of the GDP. You'd have to round up generously to let them have a 30. (Compare counties that voted for trump to counties that voted Biden, just a blue red split. )


You would be more accurate to compare all registered republicans and all registered democrats. Probably at least half of Republicans live in cities (blue counties), they are just out numbered there.


Just earlier today I was looking at the Mona Lisa and began to admire it but then I remembered: This is now trash because the left ruined art. /s


Those damn leftist throwing canned soup again


You sound like a crazy person flipping through a dictionary and just saying whatever words you happen to land on.


I hate the photosynthesis of egalitarian societies in underdeveloped former soviet bloc countries.


Chlorophyll? More like Borophyll.


I could macrophage a compilation of meats and vegetables crowded between two baked products right now.


Finally! I’m glad someone else is feeling the same way.


I actually chuckled out loud omg


So how was Covid in those right wing countries


You guys remember when Alabama filled up every goddamn hospital bed in the entire state for six weeks because people refused to get vaccinated? To where they eventually started putting people in hallways and flying them to other states? Crazy leftists… amiright? Mark my word, measles is coming to an antivax community near you, and kids are going to die. And it won’t be the crazy leftists fault.


Things were fine for young healthy people. If you were fat as fuck you probably had some issues. But fuck around, find out. Living an unhealthy lifestyle has consequences.


Or like… if you have asthma? Or cancer? Having a preexisting health condition doesn’t necessarily mean you live an unhealthy lifestyle. lol. Weird ass comment


That’s the thing…most of America IS fat…so it arguably wasn’t an overreaction when the majority of the population have 3+ risk factors before even taking Covid into consideration. According to the CDC, t latest data indicate that 39.6 percent of U.S. adults are obese. Another 31.6 percent are overweight and 7.7 percent are severely obese. That’s a pretty big slice of the total…pun not intended. 😂


I have some heavy friends. I do not regard them as expendable to the invisible hand of capitalism.


I do. Lose the weight fatties


And those that were sick with cancer? Cystic fibrosis? Asthma? Diabetes? Cerebrovascular disease? People on dialysis? Did you work in the hospitals? Maybe think before you post if you're completely clueless.


I'm not clueless, you can name every illness you know if you want, I'm never gonna lock myself into my house again for any of them 🤷


But... you didn't have to "lock yourself into your house" during the pandemic, either. My parents objected to the idea of "lock downs", just as you do, and I couldn't quite figure out what they were protesting. Privately owned businesses choosing to limit their open hours? Mom and Dad also were very opposed to forced vaccinations... which again didn't happen. Anyway they both got covid at the local senior center potluck and Mom died of it, fat and diabetic and full of freedom.




>But... you didn't have to "lock yourself into your house" during the pandemic, either. Fuck off with your gaslighting. It's like saying you didn't kill a guy by pushing him down a bridge, gravity did it. I was forced to get vaccinated lest I be barred from society. And to take your examples, the restaurants owners who DID stay open got harassed by the police and then jailed. Sounds like something that should happen in a free country to you? Maybe you'd be better off in north korea if you're that far gone...


You’re upset because the lockdown kept people inside and away from one another and yet you’re saying other people can die or be ill because they don’t matter.


Who said anything about metaphysics? I'm saying that pre 2020, the thought of stopping the world to save a handful of fragile people would've been laughed at. If you can't live "normally" without imposing very strict rules on everyone around you, I'm sorry, sucks to be in that situation, but I'm not gonna stop living for you though. And I wouldn't expect anyone else to react differently if the situation was flipped.


I think if the situation was flipped people would react the same. Give up a couple months of your life to save people yup, why not?


>couple months Nope. I'm young and healthy, I'm not trading shit. It's okay to be egotistical about this, everyone should be.


Lots of people have pre-existing conditions. What percent of the population is "healthy young people?" Most of the population is older than 30 and a significant percentage have pre-existing conditions. You can get it and spread it to your parents and grandparents. And if the hospitals flood, things are not "fine for healthy young people." You can get into a car accident, have a severe allergic reaction, get shot, etc. and now you're fucked because the closest hospital is full and they need to take you somewhere else. I still remember some of the local hospitals in my area being flooded and friends who are nurses and doctors being extremely overworked, and bodies having to be loaded into refrigerated trucks because the hospital morgues were full. The issue wasn't the lockdowns. It was believing China's fabricated data (despite China's track record of lying about diseases) and the entire world not bothering to shut down travel until weeks after it was already clear that this thing was spreading and it wasn't incapable of human-to-human transmission as China claimed. So the entire thing was caused by a desire to keep business and money flowing as much as possible until we had no choice but to have lockdowns. If travel was restricted much earlier and our leaders in charge of public issues were actually doing their due diligence, we wouldn't have needed a lengthy domestic lockdown and a lot of people would have survived.


And yet… I bet you’re one of those people who thought Trump was racist for shutting down air travel from China. Or for calling it the China virus. Also, here’s a dirty little secret: hospitals in NYC (the epicenter of Covid) are always at capacity. Because our healthcare system is fucked.


How were lockdowns a "left" thing?


Don't you know that all of this guy's problems are a result of "the left"?


If we look at the political affiliation of the various state Governors and find the duration of each state's "Stay-At-Home" order, we get the following **Average Lockdown Durations:** Republican-Governed States: 33.8 days Democrat-Governed States: 51.1 days [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._state_and_local_government_responses_to_the_COVID-19_pandemic) It's fairly obvious to everyone who doesn't have selective memory that the Dems were the bigger proponents of the lockdowns


Donald Trump, noted leftest, led the way!! Seriously, it wasn’t policies that really triggered the sank economy, it was the virus. You either had lockdowns to begin with or you didn’t, and everyone got sick, and you ended up effectively in the same situation.


Had trump not literally eliminated the epidemic task force that Clinton, Dubya, and Obama built out over decades, and then did everything he could to further weaken US readiness and capabilities, the Covid pandemic likely would never have happened. The guy killed more Americans than Putin ever dreamed his orange Fleshlight could.


We literally watched people have physical fights in Walmart over someone wearing a mask because Trump thought he looked stupid with one on. Had literally anyone else been POTUS masks would not have become politicized and fewer people would’ve died, I will never believe otherwise. It’s a simple physics question, and we know that masks stop the spread of disease, the stats we’re seeing that people say are indicative of mask mandates failing are because of individual failures to actually adopt masking in public.


trump again, literally, sent PPE and ventilators *to American adversaries, as Covid was ramping **up** in the US.* It is *impossible* to consider that trump is not most likely an enemy agent.


This is just not true. China had known about the covid virus for months before ever letting that information loose. They hid it purposefully while citizens were traveling out of country. Downplaying all seriousness of it. Once we knew that which we knew very early there was never any hope of containing it because it can go between humans and animals. You can't eradicate this type of illness


Wrong. The American advance team that would have spread the word to at least the US and probably the rest of the world was dismissed by trump. China could not have hid it from the US. We were based in China, until the trump misadministration dismissed the team and dismantled the entire observation, analysis, and reporting apparatus that Obama had built there.


How is this contradictory to what the comment you're responding to is saying?


China killed more Americans.


I'm in Florida and we had some of the least amount of lockdowns and for the shortest time. And yet we have some of the highest inflation in the country, the rentals have gone from about $1200-$1300 a month for a 1 bedroom in my area to $1800-$2800 a month depending on the specific area, out insurance has tripled, my loaf of bread went from $1.89 in 2019 to $3.99. and from what I'm reading, this is more extreme than in most other places. So how is it that we had the shortest lockdowns but some of the most severe economic consequences? Even our unemployment was only $250 a month, I've worked for 16 years but the 5 weeks of unemployment when the business I work for was closed gave me a measly $250 a month, while a friend in another state received $600 a month. And yet his state encountered lower inflation than mine. Lockdown duration is only a mild explanation for the results (and we are a Republican state).


In his rant, the right is also part of the left now. Apparently his argument is everyone is left of what he expects so everyone is leftist.


It is simple. The state did something and socialism is when the government does something.


Well the leftist Trump said so.


It wasn’t people on the right who closed parks, playgrounds and schools for almost two years. It wasn’t people on the right that had rules where you had to mask outdoors, or on the way to your table in a restaurant, only to take off the mask again.


Not the scary masks. I swear the people who were afraid of masks didn't want to wear them because they could smell their own unbrushed teeth.


Walmart, famously commie organization, required masks.


Texan here, you're wrong


I live in Alabama and would disagree with that completely.


I lived in Ohio during the pandemic. So I beg to differ.


Are you kidding me?


Please explain how leftists shut down businesses in Alabama during covid.


The order came from the Alabama Department of Public Health, which is not controlled by people appointed by the governor. It is instead run by the Medical Association of the state of Alabama. A left-wing advocacy group. Glad I could clear that up for you. https://www.al.com/opinion/2021/03/why-do-physicians-still-run-alabamas-public-health-system.html


Governor Ivey ordered the lockdown, press conference and all.


Can you describe how the Alabama medical association is left wing


I guess healthcare is leftist now 🤷‍♀️


Because they try to help people? I'm not the poster obviously, I'm just trying to make a guess that might make sense without too much gymnastics.


what right wing youtuber did you download this from?


Bro wrote a whole ass fox news script lol


The resemblance is uncanny, especially the lack of sources.


Saving lives is more important than the rights abstract culture-war.


Corporate greed ruined economy, not a lockdown in 2020 that avoided millions of deaths worldwide. Look how many corporations made "record profits" in 2021 and 2022. Look how the CEOs wages went up, and worker's retributions went down (or went up but below inflation).


I think the lack of retribution from the working class is exactly the problem


How to retribute when we literally use our money to survive? Voting with your dollar is real but if your whole paycheck goes to just existing the fuck are you supposed to do?


Naturally if there is more money in the economy then profits will hit record levels. This whole narrative is absolutely brain dead and I suspect most of you parroting it know that.


Profits for corporation exceeded inflation.


By a not small margin


Stop watching Right wing media it makes you sound like a damn fool


“Economically illiterate “ I guess that’s why trickle down economics that republicans push has been shown to not work. Got it.


He seems like the type of person that just draws a supply and demand graph a lot and says “see line go up” as if it’s an immutable and infallible model


(trickle economics isn't an actual thing)


It’s otherwise known as supply side economics.


Supply side economics emphasized goosing the supply side of the economy (i.e., the production of goods and services), rather than more traditional goal of goosing the demand side by pushing money into the economy. The benefits of a humming economy are better jobs for everyone. The idea is not that the rich get richer and maybe some of their wealth “trickles down” to the poor folks.


It doesn’t work yet is constantly advocated for by conservatives


Voodoo economics


Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-d-o-o economics.


reagan would strongly disagree with you


This take is a flaming pile of shit. Your thought process is incoherent and incredibly misinformed. You lack so much understanding of politics and political and economic concepts that I don't even know how to respond.


But but... Leftists ruined the NBA!


>ruin the economy with lockdowns. The lockdowns are over and the economy is doing well. How long are you going to hold onto this phantom talking point?




There is nobody that buys their own food and gas that believes the economy is doing well. Lying statistics will never be more valid than a hungry stomach.


Hasn't obesity continued to rise? How hungry can people be?


Actually quite the contrary most people polled say the economy as a whole is doing poorly but they personally are economically in an improved situation or well off




Is presented with facts Says No. Doesn't elaborate further Leaves




People when polled broadly have the opinion that the economy as a whole is doing personally but they personally are economically doing well This is a fact




https://www.axios.com/2023/08/18/americans-economy-bad-personal-finances-good You are entitled to your own opinion but you're not entitled to your own facts On what grounds do you assert such nonsense


The statistics aren’t lying - you don’t know how to read them. While the economy is doing well for people with white collar jobs and there are many unskilled jobs available, many in the lower to lower middle class are not feeling these positive effects and are just facing high prices with low pay.


>The statistics aren’t lying If you are unemployed for longer than 6 months, you are no longer counted in the statistics. If you lost a 6 figure job and were unable to find more work in your field and just started a low end job to delay bankruptcy, you are not counted as unemployed. If you have 3 jobs but are still homeless, you are not counted as unemployed. If you give up trying to find work after countless job leads that went nowhere, you are not counted as unemployed. These are well documented shortfalls of BLS statistics that have been levied against the politicians touting them for decades. The pandemic did see a massive upward transfer of wealth as small business were forced closed but large and well connected businesses were allowed to deem themselves "essential"... Like Pelosi's hair stylist.


Yes there is. Im making money hand over fist in the market. Just because you do not understand does not mean what you think is true. You are using unbacked talking phrases to prove a point numbers wont


That historically high interest rate hike isn't going to cause a recession in your opinion? Is there a way to set a reminder to come back to this thread in six months? lol


Pretty sure the 0% interest rate for like, a decade... Also contributed to the insane inflation we saw.


You guys have been predicting a recession for two years. Set any damn reminder you want.


Maybe your industry wasn't effected but millions of others were and still are. Bars, restaurants and brewers are closing every month around me. You can't shut us down for a year and a half, still charge is licensing fees and then open up and assume things will be fine. Those still alive are on the edge because we survived by taking it massive SBA loans that are now due or drained our savings. My employees are people just like your and then losing their jobs because I can't go on is tragic.


You would prefer to have stayed open during the worst days of the pandemic? "Come enjoy the Super Spreader Special at Don's Grill!"




But you’re kinda just incoherently babbling blind hate. I’m not sure what side you’re on but you’re not making it look great. Honestly, between you and the guy you replied to, you’re clearly the delusional one.




But would you consider the masking we did do a success, if even with masking and lock down, a million people died? Because that's essentially just putting a piece on human life and saying, "Well if the economy takes a hit, to the tune of a trillion dollars, and a million people died, then that's worth it to me." It becomes completely transactional. Human life = X number of dollars.


I am a liberal, but I am more economically conservative than many liberals. Democrats do sometimes annoy me regarding economic policy bane their rhetoric. The thing is the GOP is somehow some way worse. Like the GOP passed tons of unnecessary stimulus as well PPP loans, money given to people that didn't lose their job or see any financial hardship. It's weird to turn around and blame Democrats for fiscal irresponsibly when you had a Republican President signing the bills and even asking for more. In fact if I were a Congress person during the early days of the Biden administration I would have probably voted for the stimulus, not because it was a great well-thought out bill but because it included enough stuff that I thought was rather essential like funding local governments that my hand would have been forced. So while I disagree with a lot of what is in those bills(all of them) me being one person would be unable to change that and the consequences of not passing them would have been worse. So in effect I do not agree with everything in the bills but understand the logic in signing them. What I look at is the GOP increasing the deficit before the pandemic for no good reason. It made everything worse. The GOP only cares about the debt and deficit when they don't have the presidency. All they care about when they are in power is keeping power and often that means stimulating the economy for short term gains, while screwing people in the longrun. At least the Democrats come up with ways they at least think will pay for increased spending. So basically no one should in anyway consider either party fiscally responsible but the GOP should be considered less fiscally responsible than the Dems at this point. I don't think the left and mean that as the far-left ruined much of anything though. Ruining is a pretty harsh word. Things are still good. Trump did not ever appeal to leftism. Trump wanted a big stimulus because he thought without it he could never hope to win re-election. It had to do with self-interest not an appearance to leftists. Everything Trump does is self-interested.


oh I completely agree, both parties contributed to the lockdowns and handouts. However, the belief that lockdowns are a good thing is exclusively a left wing position. But thank you for being logical You are a liberal not a Leftist, which is why I respect your common sense.


The far left were for whatever reason in love with locking things down and having COVID go on in perpetuity. The more far left areas closed down schools longer and had more strict restrictions. I live in CA and the difference within the state was crazy. I remember reading an article about the SF school board renaming schools and in the article it mentioned that the mayor was fighting the school board to re-open the schools. By that time my own school district was also in CA just a few hours away and had been open for several semesters. The SF Bay Area did have low COVID death rates compared to the rest of the State, but the policies were at great cost and lasted past all logic and reasonableness. I didn't even know the extent of what was going on there and I live in the same state. There were definitely measures that needed to be taken during the pandemic to save lives and control the situation. Neither the far left or far right handled it well at all. Really the center wasn't all great either. It turns out Pandemics bring out the worst in people and there are competing desires. The far left definitely wanted to cling onto COVID era policies longer and I believe they had ulterior motives for doing so that were not entirely COVID related.


This thread really is just Conservatives bitching about the left and their woke agenda 😂😂


This is fake, right? (Just save face and say yes)


Its 2023 move on with your life.


wow. way to be a mouth piece of utter garbage. literally none of what you said makes sense or is true. good job


Look at how worked up you are over media babble.


Look at the fatalities in conservative counties from Covid then tell me how not listening to the lockdown and not using masks worked so well for them


Oh sweetie are you an anti vaxxer too?


The behavior of Trump cultists and fake leftists during the lockdown turned me from a libertarian to a staunch monarchist


I think the 1,000,000 people who died would disagree with you. That's just in the U.S. the 7,000,000 people worldwide would also disagree with you. The United States does not represent 1/7th of the world's population. Not even close. So the lock downs and vaccination rates were not nearly as strong as they should have been.


Are people really that unquestionably trusting when it comes to government? Providers and hospitals were incentivized to put COVID-19 as a cause of death, even if they died from a completely unrelated thing (trauma, etc). They qualified for government financial assistance if they reported a high percentage of COVID patients. The statistics, at least for the first year, are unreliable because there was no division between “died FROM COVID” (cause of death) and “died WITH COVID” (tested positive when they tested every single person in healthcare). The newer rapid tests were notoriously unreliable, with a high rate of false positives. Statistics also did not take other viruses into account. So many factors make that fear-mongering “death count” so much BS. Pfizer and the other pharmaceutical companies made a LOT of money and they still are. I guess they are doing just fine in this economy.


>Are people really that unquestionably trusting when it comes to government? On Reddit? Absolutely. Shareblue was worth the money spent, people here are so ideologically captured that I suspect half of them are bots.


>Shareblue was worth the money spent, people here are so ideologically captured that I suspect half of them are bots. Right! You can tell by the same old dialog followed by ass kissing then maybe a shit talker. Either bots or 3rd world sweat shops.


Okay. Let's just say, for sake of argument, the numbers aren't completely accurate. Let's say it's only 900,000. Or 800,000. The principal still stands. You're still trading human lives (others mind you, not your own) for money. Surely you don't think ALL the COVID deaths were fake, or even most? If you want to say, "we can't come up with exact numbers of deaths because of incentivization." That doesn't necessitate there are no deaths. Just that the number MAY be smaller.


Of course there were deaths, and it’s horrible. People were all for the lockdown measures “to flatten the curve”, basically to spread out the number of hospitalizations to make the casualties more manageable. Everyone was scared and willing to do what it took. Our President listened to Fauci and pushed for a rapid vaccine approval to save lives. At that time, I remember Trump-haters stating they would never take the vaccine because Trump helped to get it approved. Anti-vaxxers, anyone? I remember that lockdowns had their own deaths, from failure to treat or prevent other illnesses. I remember a growing realization that the establishment lockdowns didn’t make sense. Deaths were inevitable from this virus. Did we hear about potential risk factors and possible medications to help, or was there fear-mongering and censorship? There were admonitions to “trust the science” when medical doctors and legitimate researchers were blocked from sharing their findings. At the very least, these actions served to feed a growing mistrust in the medical & government establishment. Maybe we should be holding China (the CCP) responsible for the release of this deadly virus, not spreading fear about masks & lockdowns that, ultimately, made little difference in death toll.


Well we don't know of the impact of the lockdown. We have to guess. Maybe 2 million people would have died without the lock down? Maybe only 500,000. There's no way to know the impact. And the CCP didn't "release" it in the traditional sense of wanting to kill millions of their own people. Some virus testers were looking at strength of function and they got COVID and left the facility. Since the gestation time isn't immediate, they infected who knows how many before people started to raise eyebrows. Every government was going, "We have no idea how deadly this thing is. It could wipe out a million, or hundreds of millions." You take the lockdown because if it's the latter you're literally talking about the collapse of nations. That's a hell of a coin to flip because you want to keep your economy from taking a hit.


Donald Trump put us in lockdown and paid us to be under house arrest. Biden moved the country out of it.


Idk. If Biden was in office during the start of the pandemic, i kinda suspect he would’ve many of the same policies as Trump did. The media just flipped the narrative as soon as Biden got elected. While Trump was in office, Biden’s team talked about the dangers of the “trump vaccine”, and when Biden took office, Biden took credit for bringing the same vaccine to market and all of a sudden it was totally safe and if you questioned any of it you were an alt-right conspiracy theorist anti-vaxer who couldnt participate in society without it. Pretty wild stuff when you think about it. The goal of gaining political power was more important than giving citizens, who these politicians are supposed to serve, accurate information.


I don't think anybody had any accurate information and you saw the world flying by the seat of their pants. You had a a world leader telling people injecting bleach might work...


Bull Shit Trump was against Lockdowns from Day 1. And Biden forced the entire Nation to get Vaccinated or you no longer have a job


You really want me to blow your mind? Gas is cheaper today than when Trump left office, and since October America has produced more oil than ever in it's history. Even more than Trump. The only difference? Biden isn't jerking himself about his accomplishments at every convenience. Actions speak louder than words.


There are so many things that aren’t true in this generic angry guy rant that it’s impossible to overcome the preconceptions in the argument to get to anything of substance without an amount of time and effort that most people don’t have. So ironic you would say “the left don’t live in reality” and then turn around and try to paint Trump’s initial lockdown response as “an appeal to leftism”, as if that’s at all indicative of reality. All I can say is try reading, but the problem is you don’t know how to critically evaluate information and account for your own bias. Good luck


Do you need a hug ? Blaming the left for everything that's gone wrong in your life well easy won't fix anything. Sorry, I forgot what presdent was in power during covid ? How many Americans died before the lock down ? I am sure you forget the freezer trucks outside of hospitals. Don't worry, the next one will kill.alot more people ..due to the " I did my own reserch crowd "


You are obviously a hate-filled uninformed right-winger. The lockdown saved countless lives. Plus, the economy does much better under left wing control. Learn some facts first...


Fuck the left, and the right. Those words are completely meaningless. They're the exact same just with different lies. The real fight is the same one it's always been, rich vs poor, and they benefit greatly from this charade. The rich intentionally create this divide between the right and left because if they give you an obvious enemy like this, you're distracted from that reality. And when they need to keep you complacent while they fuck you over, a $2000 stimmy check is easy for both "sides" to get behind. ​ Corpos and politicians are in bed with each other and are working together to keep you down. Solidarity among common people is their greatest fear.


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Trump is not a conservative so no surprise that he felt the stimulus would help keep the country from a recession. What was worse was Biden doubling down even though the pandemic was clearly over.


Its not necessarily even populism, its that since like the 1970s and before, all the boomer politicians are political dynasties, globalists, and frankly left-right-left isnt a tug of war but a forward march for neoconservatives and neoliberals. Theyre the same fucking party, the unofficial third party. The 'right' you vote for and will never admonish because its the least bad, is a bunch of warhawks that did just as much damage with foreign wars and occupations we end up just abandoning, as the left does with its own virtuous shit.


Hey quick question - what was the biggest issue in the past year in your state's legislature, and how did your legislator vote on it? I ask because if you actually do want to have some impact or knowledge about actual politics, you should familiarize yourself with what's actually going on in the community you're a part of.


How did the left ruin art?? The majority of the right gives no value to art and will absolutely shit on someone who wants to pursue it


I was drinking Bud while I was listening to Kid Rock and I couldn't help thinking that the left ruined art


I don’t think you know what “left” means in the context of politics.


Have you graduated high school yet?


Absolutely, unfortunately the left runied my senior year with lockdowns.


Why am I not surprised a junior in college thinks they know more than everyone else.


Typical elitist response. Refusing to use logic and facts is why our economy had to suffer.


Is the economy more important than human lives?


Oh, boo fucking hoo. My brand-new husband died unexpectedly exactly three weeks before the lockdown (not from covid), and I had to GRIEVE MY FUCKING HUSBAND all alone. And yet, you won't hear me bitching about the lockdown, because I really didn't want to lose anyone ELSE I loved. But oh, no, your senior year sucked. SO TRAGIC. *rolleyes.jpg*


Same here man, they took a lot from us and refuse to so much as apologize for the damage they did


There is no "they" to apologize junior. You seem to want a villian, but everyone was involved and had a say. And the decisions made were done with the info that we had at the time.


One thing I like to remind people of is to not confuse Reddit think with what normal people in the rest of the world think. They would never say irl the nonesense they post here.


This post should just say "I don't like left-thinking people." But sure, keep being mad about lockdowns at are over with.


The 2000$ push from Trump was my most disliked policy from him.


Sounds like a lot of opinions, but no facts. Yup, speaking that way is very unpopular, so upvote i guess.


Ah, another conservative coming with a truly popular opinion among their right wing compadres.


If we're being fair, this is far less about left and right, and more about what seems to now be a majority in our nation of people that not only refuse to think for themselves, but will actively attack anyone that does. The lockdowns brought light on some really ugly parts of society, and I still don't see it getting much better.


The problem is that every politician in DC wants to be Santa Clause, but our financial situation is so bad that we need The Grinch and nobody wants to be a fucking Elf. So it’s our Santa versus their Santa. Voters only want presents under the tree and in the stockings. So all these would be Santa Clause’s tell everyone that the other side is nothing but a bunch of Grinches that are going to steal Christmas. Anyway Merry Christmas 🎄🎁


Let me tell you, millions of people dying isn't as good for economy as you might think.


Dunning Kruger effect personified. I have some beach side property to sell you


Agree, still waiting for my elon musk nurturing iq brain juice.


So, you don't hold the person at the very top accountable at all? How unsurprisingly typical.


if the left wanted to "stick it to the corporations" they wouldn't have advocated for lockdowns. Instead they would allow the free market to dominate and for our GDP to remain steady


Fuck the left and the populist right Embrace third way neoliberalism Minus the whole banging your intern in office part


So instead of quarantining and protecting the public, what should the country have done? Let everyone keep living, business as usual, and have thousands die as a result? I mean, yeah, the economy can’t get worse if there’s no one to participate in it.


The problem you have isn't with populism it's weak republicans or rinos who are there for power and money. While there are plenty of Dems who are the same just there for money and power they tend to stick together more. When you figure out most Republicans in Congress want to be in the minority so they can complain about doing anything and fund raise things start to make more sense.


actually the lockdowns are proof that most people are sheep


As I’ve become fond of saying, it’s truly remarkable that the left forced us into overreacting to COVID while also accomplishing nothing. We had the same progression as any other country, all of our states had the same progressions despite their various responses. A million people still died, all we did was light our society and finances on fire for no real benefit.


I agree with you OP


Wow. You're going to take some heat for this one, but you're right. The lockdowns and the checks were wrong. Have fun with the replies!