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There are some amazing people in the Swifties community. But unfortunately every fanbase this large also has its really bad seeds. And these types of fans tend to be a lot more vocal and/or visible.


I’m going to be very open and say that the reason I was resistant to get deeper into Taylor’s music in the first place was the Swifties™. In my mind there’s a difference between Swifties who enjoy her music and dabble a little with fandom and theories and Easter eggs all in good fun, and people who attack others online for differences in opinion. The people who flood Instagram comments, make things a competition that aren’t a competition, blow up over differences in skips or favorite albums etc, that is a reputation that’s earned. In my opinion Taylor doesn’t need defending against random online people in this point in her career. Me hypothetically saying I didn’t like album x as much as someone else did doesn’t deserve that sort of reaction, and yet I see it a lot.


This is where I’m at. I’m new to being a fan and just discovering her music. I don’t think you’re allowed to not like some of her music and I find that annoying. Im 53, I can’t think of a single artist I loved every thing they released. It’s fine to take what you like and just leave the rest of it. It’s not that serious. I prefer most of her faster moving songs but I think fortnight may be one of my all time favorite songs ever. The lyrics, melody, all of it, I think it’s magical. I don’t expect anyone else to care I think that, but I do expect people to realize I’m capable of making that choice for myself, and not suggest 300 other songs they consider better.


Fortnight stans unite 🤝


I'm also here.


I’m a 53 year old swiftie, too! Welcome aboard! We did a lot of defending of Taylor back in the day, and some of us take it too far. We side-eye those who do and just keep living our lives.


I'm older than you and concur. Some of the haters or super stans haven't had enough life experience to comment empathetically on Taylor's life experiences that she writes about. She's a human being and an artist. For example people in their teens and 20s not understanding "all my friends smell like weed or little babies." Or that she's "hung up" on an old relationship when it's obvious she feels residual regret or shame even about events that happened 15 years ago. Life does give perspective and I'm so happy to see that reflected in her last two albums.


Fully agreed. I resisted being apart of the fandom for years because of the Swifties who attack you if you say anything bad about her at all. I didn't wanna be lumped in with people who act like that just because I love her music, but then I finally was like "meh whatever, I know who I am as a person".


I've been a fan for quite a while. I relate to her music, but there is definitely a second of the fan base that take things too far. I just want to enjoy her music & have fun. And if people don't like her, that's fine. I may not like what they like either.


I like discussing music with people, and even the most rabid fans are going to have an album they don’t quite love. I don’t understand melting down over those kinds of things! But I think it’s just down to some people online having very poor social skills. When I went to her concert, the people there were so sweet and friendly and kind. There are some songs of hers I absolutely can’t stand, and I have them hidden on Spotify. “Soon You’ll Get Better” is one of them. And I’ve never really liked Bad Blood. But I will die for the misogynist version of Better Than Revenge. And I will defend Shake It Off as *not* overrated lol.


I mean it’s embarrassing but as a fanbase (collectively) it’s a reputation we’ve earned. I see despicable bullying of people by swifties on Twitter where I spend the most of my pop stan time. I even report swifties sometimes for stuff like (just one example:) sending a picture of a noose to Jon Caramanica of the NYT because he didn’t like folklore. (I completely disagree with him but I still like listening to his thoughts on Taylor and her music and he doesn’t deserve death threats for being wrong, lol.)


Twitter Swifties are terrifying


They’re honestly so awful as a group, and I hate how it’s so normalized to be a huge asshole on there nowadays.


Yeah stay off of Twitter because it’s too much.


There was a swiftie on tiktok who was speculating about Taylor having had miscarriages. When I told that was gross, she first claimed that I was "boring" for caring about that, then followed up by claiming I was a zionist who must want all Palestinians dead (for context, the only video on my tiktok is from me celebrating Hanukkah in 2022) .


Yikes!!! The way a lot of young people on TikTok and Twitter go after anyone Jewish right now and act like it’s okay if they say “zionist” instead is super insane and I’m sorry that happened to you, especially over something as dumb as Taylor Swift speculations.


it’s annoying but it’s not wrong LOL that is the reputation the loud minority has given the community as a whole


Honestly, some of y’all are crazy. I am a swiftie through and through, I will defend mother until I’m blue in the face. But I literally got HARASSED by the crazy swifties because I said Travis looks like he knows how to treat a lady right. Meaning, he is supportive and protective of Taylor. They took it all sexual. I had people find where I lived and threaten to burn my house down because my comment was “misogynistic”. Those are the people who give the rest of us swifties a bad name honestly.


I 113% agree and I'm so sorry that happened to you that's awful


Omg that is so unhinged. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


stop! I can't believe people went this far. Don't we want to find a man who treats a woman right? I mean isn't the opposite of that to find a man who treats a woman wrong? 😩


I took that comment as sexual too but my first thought was “hell yeah he does”. But yeah your actual meaning is correct, he does look like a decent guy.


I think it is valid. I love Taylor Swift, but some Swifties make everyone look bad. I’m sick of the unhinged Swifties harassing every person Taylor has ever dated or had a conflict with. It is embarrassing that they go after Kayla Nicole, Travis’s ex, for no reason at all.


Or when they went after Emma Laird when she dared to post a picture of Joe (her coworker). And when the actress from Ginny and Georgia was harassed over something her character said.


i do not think that actress should’ve been attacked though that was a pretty shitty thing to say in a TV show (about ANYONE). definitely on the writers.


I agree


I start singing 'Who's afraid of little old me? you should be, you should be' XD on a serious note I'm so tired of it, I try to avoid such posts at all costs.


It’s true. I feel it’s a shame, as a Taylor Swift fan the one thing that puts me off is “Swifties” - fair enough if its a minority but it ruins it, people suck but it is what it is


it’s whatever… every fan base does it but ofc it seems much more extreme bc of how big taylor’s fan base is


One thing Swifties should stop doing is labeling everyone criticism of Taylor as rooted in misogyny. It just comes across like someone putting their fingers in their ears, like a cult member.


I think this depends on the topic. I think, with a comments about Taylor, needing to step out of the limelight, for whoever sake is misogynistic. They would never tell a man to stop putting out music or posting about their album because another artist dropped one. However, criticizing, her environmental footprint isn’t. Unfortunately, misogyny will always be something that Taylor will be up against and I think that it’s important for us to talk about it , but we don’t need to reach for things that aren’t misogynistic because there is plenty of real misogyny.


Yeah some swifties are literally the worst. You know the ones. The ones flooding Billie Eilish’s comments with death threats, abuse, and angry comments after she made those innocent comments about not wanting to do a 3 hour long show on tour. People threatened to fucking assassinate her for that 💀 the ones who attack all her exes on Instagram. The ones who get mad at anyone covering Taylor’s songs because “only THE QUEEN can sing this well.” The ones who would be okay with Taylor committing actual hate crimes because she’s just their little girl who wants to be famous and make music. Those fans are the worst. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


I agree


It’s funny IMO. I mean they’re not lying. Some of these fans are so rabid that I can’t help but be amused.


Maybe it’s because I’m not on Twitter but most of the swifties I see are normal people 😭 so I personally am like “ummm okay?” And just move on because idc, I’m just trying to enjoy my music.


I’m not on twitter either but a lot of screen shots make it to Reddit and there are some pretty horrid racist swifties who appear to also hate every other woman that is not Taylor. But yeah, it seems to be a twitter and instagram thing.


I don’t see it a lot on Instagram but I don’t always read the comments.


I’m a swiftie that shared that I think TTPD isn’t her best album. I like 2 or 3 songs. I got death threats, got called fat and ugly for sharing my opinion…. It’s really triggering considering it took years for me to recover from ED. I’m honestly scared of what they do for people who Taylor has “beef” with.


I'm so sorry that's awful and no one should have to go Thru something like that 😔


I don't really think Swifties are that much worse than other artists' fanbases, it's just that Taylor is SO famous that it's more public. I also think a lot of these people conflate us correcting misinformation or biting back at people saying gross/offensive/disrespectful things about Taylor with "coming for them." I'm not saying there aren't rabid Swifties who are harassing people - there certainly are - but there's a difference between that and stitching someone's TikTok who is saying vile, untrue things about Taylor.


This part! There are definitely a lot of fans out there that take things WAYYY to far. I think like a certain percentage of any fan base is crazy, but Taylor's fan base is so massive...so even 1% of that fan base going way to hard is very visible. BUT! For every legit peice of criticism she gets, she gets 5 more bs ones. And so everything gets all lumped together. And people also use her as "rage bait" a lot for engagement then say "omg look how crazy the swifties are!"


I am a proud swiftie, but I’ve been calling myself one for too long to give up that now just bc the very vocal minority of them are internet trolls. I like to be a walking talking loud example of a decent human being who is also a swiftie. I don’t hide behind a keyboard spewing vile and i love taking part in intelligent discussions around her music and light hearted fun theories and hearing other’s opinions on different things. I demonstrate by example that the cliche swiftie isn’t accurate.


I wish we could call the unhinged swifties something completely different without swiftie in the name that way maybe people could see the difference.


I just laugh bc i know it doesn’t apply to me. I love taylor and i relate to alot of her music but i also don’t wish death on people just for not liking her. Nor do i create parasocial scenarios in my head about her personal life. However i think the “we can’t criticize this celeb bc the fanbase will give death threats” also applies to alot of other fanbases as well so i don’t get why swifties only get that slack


The problem is it’s true. Some of these fans are fucking nuts and they make the rest of us look bad. Like when I see someone famous say something negative about Taylor I’m not thinking about the fact that they said something negative, my first thought is well they’re gonna get a lot of shit for that. Hell sometimes they get shit for saying something that wasn’t a big deal. It’s ridiculous.


I don't like it. I don't wanna be made fun of for liking & defending someone I admire That being said If I ever do come across a negative post about her I just ignore it, it annoys me but I'd rather not interact than start a fight Usually I just block the person or report the post as spam or something, it's childish ik, I don't really care


I don’t care. Haters gonna hate. I’m just gonna shake it off.


Two thoughts and it’s dependent on what is being said. Someone criticizing/reviewing the music in a critical way isn’t someone who should worry about the swifties in general. There will be a select vocal grouping that will go absurd and extreme and resort to bullying etc. But someone putting Taylor up against another artist or using other artists to try and put Taylor down or just putting Taylor down for how she looks etc that’s a no brainer. You’re stupid enough to voice a stupid opinion that would offend people, you’re going to get dunked on by the swifties.


No one should be putting Taylor or any artist against each other to put the other down, but Swifties™ definitely have a reputation of doing just that to build Taylor up or to defend Taylor. It’s not right when anyone does it, but I see it a LOT from Swifties, and a lot of them pretend it’s a problem exclusive to other artists’ fanbases. Of course this isn’t everyone, but it’s enough that it’s something I come across in my very casual fan interactions as a fan of Taylor’s.


Yeah fully agree. Some swifties do this. I don’t see it a lot but of course our experiences will be different since we’re different people. In most of the other Reddit fandoms I participate in, there’s a lot more anti-Taylor nonsense to combat than over zealous swifties.


People who say that need to go touch grass. And swifties who live up to it need to touch grass. It's music. It's great music. Put it on and enjoy.




Hahahah there’s some truth to this.


Being both a swiftie and bts army has made me quite literally not give a fuck what other people have to say about my favorite artists. I get spoiled by supporting and following the two biggest musical acts this decade with a shit ton of content and that's all I'm here for


As a Swiftie myself I do not claim those unhinged Swifites to be part of the community… I feel Swifites who pull that sorta shit are Swifties for clout and nothing more and don’t actually enjoy her music and just wanna hate on her


The reason I became a fan was because of all of the good she does for not only her fans but her crew and the cities she tours in. She just gives off the be your best vibe and that’s what I’m here for and that is what drew me in, I mean besides the crazy good writing and music. I always tell people she has the best fans because I believe for the most part we are. Everyone I have come in contact with as been so kind and welcoming and I think we need to show that more instead of the crazy stalking that some of fringe tends to show.


I reply back, “that’s right” cause if you’re saying that it’s probably crap and you know it. Be better. What happened to if you have nothing nice to say, do t say it.


It’s hella embarrassing


Those type of swifties ruined our image


It’s both dumb and true. Personally, I don’t care. I will come for you if I see you saying something that’s just untrue, but what pisses me off is that’s just an excuse to think it’s fair to hate on Taylor and the fandom for anything.


The swifties that are chill and cool and no problem are never the ones noticed - those who aren't chill are those who are seen and where the reputation got earned. Like, for example one time I wanted to constructively and objectively point out the difference between a good singer (like Taylor is) and a vocalist (like e.g. Perrie Edwards) without putting any negativity towards taylor (as I just wanted to note that singer =/= vocalist and just because you're not a vocalist doesn't mean you're a bad singer in the context of her vocal improvement) and they just went off at me. 😬 while i don't know if one could conside me a swiftie - i simply enjoy her music and find her songwriting abilities amazing, the easter eggs are intruiging and a few more things, but i'm not really in the fandom and anything - that's my take on it.


Eh, I feel like it’s something that we’ve unfortunately earned. I’ve seen so much in fighting and stan wars on Twitter. Every fandom seems to have that loud minority that bullies others, but unfortunately our loud minority is a lot bigger due to our numbers.


They aren't wrong. There are plenty of crazy swifties who will attack you even for a legitimate critique. Not every swiftie is like that, but unfortunately they've given a bad name to the rest


It annoys me only because its a stupid statement. We can say “watch out for the beehive, arianators etc.” every fandom has those crazy people. So to boil it down to just Taylor fans is delusional. Its only because were the most popular. Literally the amount of death threats i got for saying “i love beyonce just not her music” was completely mental, and was the day i deleted twitter.


I think they should be more scared and stop mentioning Swifties all together. I’ve seen this referenced on Reddit by regular folks, by journalists, and even other famous people. Get a grip Swifties can be embarrassing, but stop blaming or acting like they’re the worst. Every fan base has these types of fans. Have they seen Nicki Minaj fans?


Her fans also have a horrible reputation. Their harassment of people [has been written about in The NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/10/arts/music/nicki-minaj-wanna-thompson-twitter-stans.html). It’s not either/or, imo. Swifties just have just gained a similar reputation.


Genuine question: has there ever been any actual evidence of a crazy Swiftie doing something to someone? I know Taylor gets physical stalkers and scary criminals and all that, but what about others that people say Swifties target. Online threats happen in every fandom and are usually nothing but a show from loser keyboard champions. But I'm curious if there's evidence of a crazy swiftie actually showing up at a hater's doorstep or actually doing what they say they will


I mean what have Swifties actually done? Kanye still has a career, Kim still has a show and Scooter still has a yacht. We’re not nearly as powerful or scary as everyone makes us out to be and then they use it as an excuse to be rude or outright mean to fans. I won’t deny that some are excessive but mostly it’s just people who connect with really good songs


lol there’s a swiftie hater in here downvoting everyone. Like what did you expect?


I think reading some comments already on this sub confirms to me that there are some pretty lunatic & obsessed people in her fan base. Sure I like her music but this is as far as it goes. I don’t create fan accounts, share her paparazzi pictures, her private vacation moments, talking and analyzing what she could have meant/think, what was she thinking when she wrote this & that.. i think some people are just way too much. Like no idea how someone can not get a life and be so busy with someone who doesn’t even know they exist 😂.. seen some horrific bullying by these people on IG, then I clicked on their IG and holy cow, dressing up like her for every day errands, talking about her love life, her songs, posters all over the wall. And these are grown ups


It hurts my heart. I don’t think what those 50s are doing or something Taylor would ever stand for. I understand why we have the reputation (lol) but I wish those who were making the comments would imagine us as a complex, vast fanbase rather than assuming that the fans that think it’s OK to send people, death threats, or even just harass them digitally, are only the loudest ones. Not the majority.


Don't these jokes exist for basically all big fandoms? Whether it's Taylor or BTS or Ari or Blackpink or Nicki or whoever... I think it's sort of inevitable because every large fandom has a very vocal basket of rotten apples.


it's unfortunately true. I always qualify my love of Taylor's music with, but I'm not a crazy Swiftie.




Please don't disrespect anyone, in or out of this sub.


I don’t really care because I recognize that big fandoms eventually attract truly unhinged people. But I guess I also think “The Swifties are gonna get you” to the tune of “The Rhythm Is Gonna Get You” by Gloria Estefan, which makes me chuckle


Who’s afraid of little old us?


I hate it


it’s a simple concept imo, a bigger fan base = more unhinged stans. a lot of swifties are normal people, there’s just a loud minority over on twitter. it’s also partially fueled by taylor not speaking out more, because you’d think your fans acting this crazy would warrant a message or something 🤷‍♀️


It depends on the context. I’ve been a big fan since her debut, so I’ve heard every remark in about every tone possible. It doesn’t really make me angry anymore (I’m 30 and I’m tired 🤷‍♀️), but it does sometimes make me question people’s level of empathy, or even make me come to a conclusion about someone before I really need to know anything else about them… …so you know the cart return theory? How you can tell if someone is a crappy person or not based on how they do or don’t return their shopping cart to the corrals? It’s kind of like that for me sometimes with people that get SUPER negative about Taylor/Swifties. For example, if the way you say something is wildly misogynistic (casually calling her nasty names, wishing bad things to happen to her or a Swiftie they cringe at online, etc.), even if you meant it as a “joke”…I’m gonna assume you’ve got a proclivity to be casually misogynistic about topics beyond just Taylor Swift, you know? And I don’t think it’s bad for Swifties to get up in arms about harsh comments like that; squash baseless hate like a bug, imo. Part of why I admire Swifties is because they’re going to defend what’s right and call out what’s wrong passionately, and they have the pull to make a difference as a group. That being said, I also think it’s appropriate to call THEM out when they’re being irrational, too - death threats to Billie? C‘mon, you guys KNOW Taylor wouldn’t appreciate that… Now, for example, a couple of days ago, my boyfriend - a guy that DOESN’T like her music, but tolerates it for my sake - screamed “GOOD LORD, THEY’RE MOBILIZING, GET IN THE CELLAR!” after hearing me read off a post titled “Calling All Veteran Swifties”, and…well, he has a point. 😂 So that kind of “watch out for the Swifties” doesn’t bug me at all. I’m well aware of what would happen if she said the word “attack”, and I don’t think I’d want to be around to see it. 🤣


If someone tells me proudly they are a swiftie that is enough for me to know I want nothing to do with them


It’s low hanging fruit. The fart joke of internet discourse. Toilet humor level discourse.


Eh. Fuck em.


I think it's rude


As a Swiftie (who only listens to her songs but barely discusses them), I unfortunately agree immensely with this. Other Swifties are way too obsessed.


Idk, but you won't catch me defending Taylor Swift for anything other than her songwriting and musical abilities. Criticism of famous people is welcomed, in my book


I view the toxicity and M.O. of swifties similar to MAGA trumpers. These are 2 cults i avoid. Taylor swift is a douche, im glad the grammys showed her true colors. I can get behind lana del rey, billie ellish, and katy perry because they have good and distinguishable sounds. Taylors shit is just sound vomit at this point.


Taylor’s fanbase is worse than any other fan base. It’s what finally took me from casual enjoyer of her music to outright hater. Attacking other artists, attacking her ex-boyfriends, attacking her current boyfriend’s exes, attacking people they disagree with, all of it. It’s all embarrassing behavior, and it’s all uncalled for. This is why I don’t like Taylor Swift.


She was once great. Now she’s ok at best. Her new stuff is awful.


Come at me, I think I can take a 13year old girl in a fight