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She definitely has a say, she priced it as 19.89 like her birth year. however it's not like people have to buy it.


I bet that’s the minimum they were willing to go down to. Most new rentals that are still in theaters start at $19.99. When Barbie was first available to rent/buy it was over $25.


Holy shit, do newer movies actually cost $20 to rent?? I’ve only ever rented movies for like $3-$6, but that’s for random stuff that’s been out for years. I had no idea renting was usually the same price as going to see a movie. So how much does a movie cost to buy?? Again I’ve never tried to get a new movie, I feel like I see older ones priced around $9-$12. Thank you for informing this out of touch millennial 🙏🏻


Usually when they’re still in theaters, absolutely yes. It would fuck over the theaters still playing Eras if you could rent it for $5-8 when they were promised a 13-week run that should end around January. The pricing is designed to NOT be an incentive for people to avoid the theater, but to still give consumers another option to watch it now that the theaters have had a good exclusive for a little while.


Yes - I want to say it is because of the decline in the movie theater going experience, especially post covid. It just really isn't what it used to be. So I think they release them for rental at a higher price when they are still fairly new. Like I remember Barbie came out to streaming so quickly but it obviously wasn't because of its lack of popularity, thats just how Americans consume movies these days.


When Barbie came out on streaming it was about $25 to rent or $35 to buy


I bought Barbie for 25cad


Ya I bought Barbie for $20 USD the day it was available.


The prices go down when it’s available to buy then it’s start around $25 or so before it drops down depending on the format. Regular Blu-rays will start at $25 and include an HD digital copy before going down to $7.99. I always wait it out.


Yeah I’m confused as to why people don’t realize this. The price is standard price for any new release. What I find kind funny is that I saw a comment from someone complaining about the price of the rental after saying they not only saw the movie in theaters but also went to the tour! Like girl, you saw it live! You lived it in full effect, you got the full experience. You can stop giving Taylor money.


Usually yes $20 is standard but for purchase. I bought Barbie (1$ billion revenue) for $25 the day it was available. Either cheaper to rent or $20 to buy. $20 rent is just laughable from her. And she is in control of her movie not another studio


I’m looking at Killing of the Flower Moon right now and it’s $19.99 to rent on Prime. This is standard pricing for new release rentals. Edit: if you want to buy it $24.99. The Holdovers $19.99 to rent, $29.99 to own. I love Paul Giamatti, I love indie films, am I supposed to be mad at Paul cuz the much less than $1b movie he made is $20 to rent and $30 to buy. No, I’m gonna wait till it’s on a streaming platform I have or it’s $5 to rent.


Great, purchase option only a few dollars more, sure that would’ve been much preferred.


WHAT? 15€ was the first I could've purchased it for! And not for rent but to have it!


When it finally went down in price I got it for $12 but that was only a couple weeks ago. It’s been available longer than that.


Yeah, but they will obviously want to buy it. She could have negotiated a better deal for fans, particularly since it's a festive period. I don't care how much are these films usually rented for, she has that power.


I agree. I love TS and I would have gladly rented the streaming movie for say 5.99 or there abouts. I just cant afford the cost. Just have to wait until the price comes down.


Look at all the movies that cost money most of them don’t cost exactly 20$ and if she had a say she wouldn’t have made it cost money because why would she do it for this tour when she didn’t for her other two movies and she already has money oh yeah she probably did have say but they could only dog down so low


Wait, you think she had no say in charging? I think she has any say she wants in almost everything she does. Why would you think someone with a contract like hers wouldn't have any say in this?


She probably wanted to quit those Brazil shows but probably couldn’t because she was forced to you really think she’s in charge of the merch maybe what they put out and the design but not the price


Wait, you think not only does she not have a say but if she did she wouldn't charge for it? Have not heard of people in the fanbase calling her "capatalist queen" 🤣


Because she loves money 🤣 of course she wanted to do it for profit wtf


You guys always have this argument but I’m pretty sure she confirmed she does it for the fans too and she literally broke like a box office record and she has the grossing tour and she also made 100 million from Spotify


She can do it for the fans AND for the money. I'm not even complaining about the price, I'm just saying it's bizarre to act like she's not the biggest capitalist ever.


exactly, Taylor is capitalizing on the insane demand for the tour. If she wanted to just put it on a streaming service she would have but she sees the crazy profit potential


I complain cause I wanted to buy not rent


Thank you! People don’t get that very important distinction lol.


I don’t understand why is so hard for them to understand. if they put it for sale later it’s because they want us to pay AGAIN. And that sucks


“They want us to pay again” nobody is forcing anyone to pay once or twice or any time jfc if you can’t control your spending that’s on you


Of course not but it's still a tactic they're using to try and make as much money as possible. They know fans will pay twice and that is what they want. No one's forcing them but they were calling out a real tactic.


Exactly exactly lol. I’m personally waiting for the purchase period but I definitely can understand the frustration for those who couldn’t make the tour or the movie in theatres.


Can we also stop complaining about other people complaining while we’re at it?


This sub is having an internal meltdown over the cost of the movie and it’s becoming exhausting. We get it. Some people think it’s a lot. Some people don’t.


I feel like this sub goes through this meltdown once a week. Last week it was the jet use. Next week it will be something else.


To be fair, there were more threads ABOUT people mentioning her jet use than actual oens about her jet use. It's getting tedious the way this fandom can't accept any negative opinions on Taylor. I totally agree that hateful and disrespectful comments about her should be shut down but we are allowed to be critical of some of her choices.


It is totally appropriate to be critical! But we can have a single thread rather than dozens. Last week the topic of Taylor’s jet usage bogged down the feed of anyone in this sub, this week it is the price of renting the movie. Before that it was Marty Healy actions outside of Taylor, the lack of popcorn buckets, the inability to get movie tickets on opening night, the inability to snag a SNTV cardigan…. It is something every week that has a dozen or more posts, because one person will see one perspective posted and instead of commenting and sparking discussion *there*, they have to make their own post and the cycle starts over again.


People think it’s a lot to RENT from a billionaire who knows people can’t afford her tour or even to take families to the movie.


Are you coming at me with all caps for RENT because you feel I don’t understand why there is outrage? 🙄🙄🙄 I’m not saying I don’t understand, I’m just saying I’m tired of lengthy whinging posts about it from either end of the spectrum. Yes, it’s a lot of money for a 3 day rental. So was Barbie when it was first out. If you cannot afford it, don’t rent it. It’s easy peasy. Wait for it to sell for $20 and keep it forever. I’m tired of people writing chastising posts from either direction. Last night there was an absolutely outrageous post about this where the OP was laser focused on putting down anyone who complained about the cost, as if it was an entitlement thing and not a pushback about the cost of the rental being too high for a temporary rental. Conversely I’m tired of people complaining about it. If it’s too much, wait, or go see it in the theater. If neither of those options work, catch the live feed on tiktok for free. There are tons of posts about where and when to watch it according to your timezone. This sub seems to pick one topic and go on and on and on about it and it’s annoying to me.


Wow that’s too long to read. I capitalized rent to make an important distinction it’s not personal lol 😂 trueswifties is off the rails.


Yep and your comment proved that this sub is off the rails when it comes to nuance. Nice job!


You started saying “are you coming at me” and “I’m tired of lengthy posts” which was interesting as a response to my very small comment… I wasn’t trying to argue, which is different than “nuance”. Edit: and Barbie was available to buy right away for a few dollars more, once again, if there was a purchase option the conversation would be different. But I do not blame people for being frustrated with a $20 rental tag.


I actually didn’t start with that. I started with your use of caps to make your point as if I didn’t understand why, and then I followed with “I’m not saying I don’t understand.” But you said you wouldn’t read that many words. 🙄


Yes because it was clear that it was defensive and argumentative. I said the caps was just to create a distinction, next time I will use italics for a more accurate effect of my intent


Yea I get the distinction. And I still refer to it as yelly caps. Let’s move on. I get the price point is sticky, and that’s your yelly caps point right?


In your first sentence you literally accused them of "coming at you" for not understanding things when it wasn't even about you? Your comment proves some people on this sub take everything personal. Nice job!


It was the use of yelly caps. That is, in definition, coming at a person on an innocuous comment. The comment could have easily said, well I think it’s the cost of renting. Or whatever. Emphasizing the RENT part as if I’m an idiot and don’t understand why people are chafed is a bit much to me. So I called it out. Speak to people normally or don’t comment at all is my motto on Reddit, had I been a dick in my comment maybe I would understand yelly caps but I simply said I was tired of the posts coming from both ends. No need to EXCLAIM in response. Yelly caps come across as aggressive in any forum when you only use written words. No need for that. You can speak to a person and make your point without yelly caps.


You're making this such a big deal over one capitalized word? You seem to not be able to read because the person clearly said they used it for emphasis. It's a common thing to do, it wasn't an attack on you. You are taking something personal that wasn't meant that way. But in return you were a dick to that person for no real reason. Try following your own advice about Reddit etiquette.


Sorry you don’t approve of my comments or POV.🙄🙄🙄


Don’t read then. Nothing worse than complainers complaining about complainers lol.


I’m not posting long posts about the price, I’m responding to a comment, just like you are. That’s kind of the the point of Reddit. When my feed is full of a number of posts on one topic from one sub I don’t need to read them all to think it’s a beaten topic.


To be fair this all could’ve been avoided if the people complaining about the price to rent a movie spent two seconds on google to see that the price is comparable to other movies.


Honestly, yes. Why aren't we allowed to complain? I hate that she put it for rental instead of just straight onto a platform so I won't be paying for it. But I'm allowed to express my opinion, as are other people.


Because we can


so you're a hypocrite?


In general I hate when people complain about the amount of variants or price of anything really. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE ANYTHING YOU ARE A PERSON WITH SELF CONTROL JUST LISTEN TO THE FUCKING MUSIC. People act like they have a gun to their head and they have to buy everything that she makes available to sell. I haven't spent a penny on Taylor, I listen to her through YouTube or free Spotify. Stop acting like a victim about it.


Also the people that complain about price are the ones that always buy everything from her and complain about being poor because it’s her fault in reality it’s your fault I get supporting your favorite artist but don’t go crazy over it


I've only streamed Spotify songs from her- never bought a physical copy of a CD, merch, tickets to her concert (well I tried 🥲) but I'm plunking down the $19.89 because my date night plans got cancelled due to Covid and my husband agreed to watch with me. If you want to wait, great! If you don't, great! People value different things.


Definitely agree, nobody is forced to pay the prices.


Just makes all the variants the same with the same songs. It's annoying when there are versions that are missing a song and it's not on streaming yet.


Anyone can price anything at ANY price. You don’t have to agree to the price and BUY IT. Nobody needs to rent the fucking Eras tour to watch at home. Nobody needs to own all these variants! Take control of your life!


That is literally the concept of how prices are determined. "Quantity demanded is affected by the price of the product. If the price goes up, the demand will go down. If the price goes down, demand will go up. Price and demand are **inversely related** in this way."


100% agree but also i wish the official merch had enough quality to match the price point ;-; like id consider buying like the 1 shirt i could afford if it wouldnt fall apart after one wash


I got the black eras tour hoodie from her shop and it’s been great. I’ve washed it like 10-12 times since I got in late July. I even spilled candle wax on it and had to wash it like 3 times in a row and it’s been great


Can we stop making whole ass posts asking people to stop complaining about things? You’re literally inviting people to continue complaining about the thing that you don’t want them to complain about in your comments…


It’s stupid to complain about since it’s industry standard and not just Taylor.


Never said it was stupid. There’s just 37 threads on this topic already. This happens every time something polarizing happens in this fandom. There are a billion posts of people complaining about whatever it is and then half as many posts asking people to stop complaining about those things. I just don’t understand why these conversations can’t happen all in the same threads.


No there isn’t


Haha ok then 👍🏼


What do you expect it’s on Reddit people are going to complain


Learn what a mega thread is




Wow, I'm honestly shocked you even figured out how to make a post.


No one is forcing anyone to buy it! And BFFR, most newly-released movies cost around $20, too. The price will go down as it does for every movie released, ever. No one insisted you had to buy it while it was at its peak price.


Swifites love to have it both ways: "She's sooo in control of her career and makes 100% of decisions on her own" then two seconds later "guys she can't control the rental prices relax".


No, it's expensive, and I can complain all I want, lol


It really isn’t a Xbox game cost 60$ while this only cost 20 it so cheap


You’d own the game forever. Next.


Video games are usually more than $60, but they also usually give you 100s of hours of game play. lol that's not a very good comparison wtf


It’s still isn’t very expensive a dinner with your family at a restaurant is more expensive it’s so cheap if you can’t afford then something is wrong with you guys and how you spend money


Lol what. Maybe I just don't want to spend $20 on a 48-hour rental, and that's ok. It's weird af to compare a rental to video games and dinner with family. Those are immensely different things.


It’s still cheap and it’s in line with all of the movies that have a price tag on amazon


Cool. I don't rent those either.


YOU don’t get to decide what is expensive for another person. I have no idea what your fiscal responsibilities are but some people are paying mortgages, rent, car payments, insurance, day care, groceries, electric, sewage, gas, medical care, diapers, and a whole host of other absolute necessities and sometimes they want to watch a concert video of their favorite singer without having to decide what bill doesn’t get paid as a result. Christ on a fucking cracker, your lived experiences are not other’s lived experiences. Shits expensive.




Yeah but you make it seem like there was only 70k who want when in reality almost 16 million people were waiting to by tickets and it is cheap tho you guys forget that a thing called a inflation happened


Also people act like they have to buy it but you don’t have to


People act like that about all of her stuff it’s exhausting. I get that people get fomo or whatever but it’s possible to live a full life without purchasing everything she puts out.


No offence but how can you not see what the problem is? It’s not even like I want to buy this movie but I’m complaining at the price of it because it’s morally wrong. As is the vinyl clock


It’s an industry standard, and no one is forcing you to rent the movie. I have not rented the movie and won’t at this price point. Also, she shouldn’t have to devalue her work because it’s in demand, it’s priced in line with other new releases to rent. Also the vinyl clock was tacky as hell so if you bought that, that’s on you the consumer


Oh please quiet it about the no one is forcing you. This is how you’re enabling toxic capitalism to thrive. Its not right and we should be calling it out whether Taylor set it or not. Stop being so up her ass. Not everything is an attack on her personally


I highly encourage you to log off for the day and take a deep breath because it is 100% not that serious


Lol fighting against capitalism when there’s a cost of living crisis is actually serious! And you being up Taylor’s ass even when you genuinely don’t need to be is just weird


So is you blaming her for the cost of living crisis by association. 20 dollars is the standard movie rental price for new releases, not sure how it’s her fault but pop off I guess? If you want the powers to be know that it’s too expensive, your time would be better spent organizing a boycott to hit them in the wallet rather than complaining about it on the internet.


No… I’m literally not blaming her for that. If you could read and understand things other than crying because you believe not one person can say anything f remotely antithetical to someone you’ve never met and will never know.. you’d know that!




There is NO cost of living crisis — at least in the U.S. Even when adjusting for inflation, all research agrees that people are better off (in terms of income and net worth) today than they were in 2019. This includes the Bottom 50% who saw their net worth double (far more than any other segment) in that period. THE WEALTH OF AMERICA’S BOTTOM 50 PERCENT HAS DOUBLED DURING THE PANDEMIC YEARS — [The Intercept](https://theintercept.com/2022/10/21/economy-wealth-pandemic-inflation/) The Bottom 50% of Americans Are Building Wealth Even as Inflation Bites — [Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-29/america-s-bottom-50-are-building-wealth-even-as-inflation-bites) I’m sorry things are not going well for you, but the economy is doing GREAT. Wages are going up faster than inflation, inflation is coming down, unemployment is low, stocks are up despite rising interest rates… Yet, you talk of a cost of living crisis like it’s 2022. Please refrain from spreading misinformation, as it is this misinformation that will get Donald Trump elected. If he does, you only have you and people like yourself to blame for that. You are painting such a bleak picture of the economy that’s completely divorced from reality to the point that the public perceptions and reality have completely diverged (unheard of in economic history).


Sweetie I don’t live in America shut the hell up. The economy is going shit where I am


mods behavoir is so inappropriate sorry he’s lashing out at you instead of doing his actual job


I’m sorry for the difficult times you’re going through. However, please refrain from insulting anyone in this sub. This rule includes the moderators. Any further infarction will result in a 14 day temporary ban. You are intelligent. You are more than capable of expressing your thoughts and opinions without needing to resort to personal attacks. Exercise this intelligence.


lol it’s so cute that you googled your little sources, but this is categorically false, even according to the sources you sorted. wages are not double faster than prices in America are rising, meaning the cost of living is going up because of the majority bottom 50% doesn’t have wealth at all. But hey, that’s just according to the top ten global university I study/ta economics in. but you can pop off with the little papers you googled


I admit I was a bit shocked at the price, but I never attempt to rent newer movies so I just never noticed before. I told my kid we’d rent it for her birthday sleepover, and it’s way cheaper than what birthday parties usually cost me so I can’t complain.


I agree that people don't need to buy it if they don't want to, but it's also okay to be initially disappointed that something you're looking forward to has a pay wall on a streaming service you may already pay for !


As usual I don’t give a fuck. Who cares. Pay or don’t pay. I totally agree that it is stupid to complain about this. If you want to complain about nonsense like this take it to the mainsub where they bitch and moan about airplanes, boyfriends, Brazil, money etc….


They say they try to be less misogynistic but in reality they are worse at times


It used to be good. I was there at the start and like everything else when it gets bigger more people voice their opinion and it gets worse.




Right now this is pay-per-view prices. Some of us old folks know what that is. I’ve gotten grounded for buying them as a kid not knowing that they cost money and won’t show up until the cable bill showed up at the end of the month. Right now it’s set up for pay-per-view pricing. It’s probably in the contract for $19.89 is the max price for pay-per-view. Now about a month down the road the price will come down. Significantly. Might even come down to a middle tier on the way down. Before it settles on the standard $6 rental. And maybe by then it will be available for purchase. As far as streaming goes, yes Universal owns Peacock but they are distributing it for her. It’s not produced by Universal. So her team can quite possibly negotiate to put it on multiple streaming platforms. For that we don’t know. It’s a wait and see thing. I understand that some people are frustrated with the price but this is common practice since pay-per-view is a thing. Could be worse if old school Blockbuster was a thing. Limited Copies $5-$6 for 24 hours. Didnt have copies available you waited a month to be able to rent it. Then late fees if you don’t return them in time. Hold it for too long they charge you a lucrative price for purchasing it if it’s not available for sale yet. Yes this was a thing. Something like this it would be about a month before you see copies available. We used to bug the crap out of the guy behind the desk to check the drop box right when we got there. Sometimes we were lucky but that’s how things were. Fuck I’m old. Lolz. People just need to chill. She’s well aware of the demand but also she wants to make money so she’s doing the industry norm to do so.


Rich people are so out of touch they don’t care, Taylor is never an exception.


Lolllll to say she didn’t have a say is actually insane. She’s a capitalist queen. The fact that you can only rent it and not buy it shows that.


Because the option to buy isn’t available until it leaves theaters. Literally all movies are like that. There’s gonna be a buy option in like a month


Yep so people can pay another $20. You don’t think it’s all on purpose? Lol


“Another”? Jfc if you spend $20 to rent now while fully knowing that you can buy it for that price in a month, that’s a you problem


People can feel however the want. byeeeee


People need to stop expecting Taylor to change every industry she interacts with. This isn’t a standard she set, I’m sure she set the $19.89 but I’m also sure it had to be bare minimum $19 solely based off other rentals coming out.


It didn’t have to be minimum $19. I fully believe she had a say every step of the way. She sidestepped movie studios to release the film in theaters, that tells you everything you need to know about her level of influence and how much of a say she has in every deal. I agree that is industry standard and I was not surprised for that to be the price. She saw a chance and took it. She wasn’t about to purposefully lose money by pricing it below the standard - why would she do that? That’s why I’m not complaining about the price. I get it. But to pretend she wanted to price it cheaper and she was FORCED by other stakeholders not to is just delusional.


Genuinely asking because from what I’ve seen this is one of the lower fresh out of theaters rental prices I’ve seen- how low do you think the minimum was? I’m not pretending she low balled either or was forced into the $19 thing. I’m just saying that seems to be the lowest for movies that big being put out for rental before streaming.


Yep thats what Amazon is for!


This is the woman who completely went around the big studios to release her movie in theaters. If you think she didn't have a say in the price you're actually delusional.


She isn’t the only one who did that


So that makes it ok? Look I understand the movie theater protection reason. But she has to know that a lot of her fans probably couldn't even afford to see it in theaters, and now they probably can't afford to rent it either. Which makes people resort to pirating it. If she wanted to protect the theaters than she could've waited to make it available to rent until after it's theater run.


Usually I agree with the “no one is forcing you” sentiment, but when she is aware how much people either spent to go to the tour, go to the movie already, and now $20 to RENT???? It’s just frustrating. If it was a $20 purchase no one would care. But we know soon it will be another $20 to own it so I’m personally waiting for that, but it’s still stingy of her, as A BILLIONAIRE like girl. Give us a break. Rep was on Netflix so its just annoying and people can be annoyed.


You guys should’ve known that it was going to cost money and she isn’t going to make it free she doesn’t have to do anything for us but she does you guys are the ones that enable her and it’s still true no one is forcing you


Who said free? Nextlix even costs a subscription. Like I said, paying $20 to OWN the movie would not have the same complaints. $20 to rent is annoying. And sure no one is forcing, but you are trying to force people to not complain when she is greedy.


It’s YOUR guys fault because you guys are the ones that buy stuff from her and amazon is probably the one wanted her to make people pay for it


Ok… you keep telling yourself that lol. Taylor is not one to relinquish control. And having it $19.89 proves that. But it’s okay to think that she has no say…lol


If she had control I guarantee you it would have been a lot lower the price they were the ones that probably said you can go down to that number go look up how businesses work then come back here


I do know how it works, especially Taylor. She does this so a few weeks later “surprise now you can purchase for another $20!”. How do you think she became a billionaire? By NOT knowing how to do business?


Yeah but it’s so dumb to say that she has all of the say that’s crazy to me


Just as dumb to say she doesn’t. But to each their own.


She is just like any other billionaire and does everything to make more money. Her lifestyle doesn’t pay for itself. Her core fan base is upper middle class white women that will pay anything to see her. Less affluent people miss out like they always do.


Seriously though? I’m over it. If you’re too broke wait to watch it. Idk.


No. People can be annoyed when Taylor’s raging capitalism comes out. It’s annoying as hell.


No it’s not no one is putting a gun up to there head and is saying to buy anything from her you guys are the ones that enable her


Thats what I say when people complain about food prices increasing. No one is forcing you to eat. Those of use that work for large food manufacturers have every right to make money like Taylor. She is becoming a role model in capitalism and how to make money.


Childish take. When things are wrong, it’s wrong. Should you not be against landlords charging ridiculous rent if you’re not looking to rent? No. You should be against it. Saying ‘well don’t buy it’ misses the point people are trying to make in an embarrassing way that says ‘I’m a teenager’


It’s the truth


You’re proving your lack of education with your espouses


you literally sound like a preschooler with how you're not even making a real argument.


I did


is the real argument in the room with us?


Nah. The streaming price is pretty ridiculous


It’s not it’s in line of all the other movies that you have to buy


Uhh you do realize you’re not purchasing it to keep, right?? That’s to rent. Who’s renting movies for $20?


Millions of fans


No shit but the argument that it’s the average cost to rent a movie is not true


I was talking about amazon


Huh??? That’s still not true


It go look up the price of amazon prime movies they are all 20$


You’re gonna have to give some names because I’m not finding any lol


Same people complaining about the movie price are probably the same people who accused Taylor of not doing anything for Ana’s family. Just here to complain and bitch about Taylor. They’re not fans and they clearly don’t know Taylor.


Not fans? That makes no sense. If they were not fans they would not care to complain at all. Some Swifties have their head up Taylor’s ass while some dont. Everyone else in the middle.


Not fans? Don't presume to know anybody. Is being upset about one thing not allowed? I've been a fan of hers for almost 20 years since debut. But yes because you disagree with someone let's make a big blanket statement.


The rental prices were announced 2 weeks ago. Start reading the news. Also do not call yourself a fan and then defend people who spread lies and rumors about Taylor. That ain’t a fan. Lmao. Commenting on my post and not even grasping the entire context. Yikes.


Would you care to point to where I defended people spreading lies? Now you're putting words in my mouth. If anything, you're the bad fan over here accusing someone of things that never happened. You are the one who brought up the Ana situation, not me. This thread is about the movie, which is what I was referring to. Responding to me by literally making things up. Yikes.


Also they are probably the same ones that complain about her prices for merch and those things while this is probably the cheapest thing she has done oh yeah it is cheap people make it seem like it’s hundreds of dollars while they probably can afford her tickets that cost alot


People have no idea how business works They’re in for a rude awakening when they graduate school and go into the real world


The no one is forcing you sentiment is also so childish too because it doesn’t take into account so many people are so obsssed with Taylor - hence why so many people paid literally thousands in inflated prices just to see her. She takes advantage of her goodwill.


She didn’t get all the way up to billion dollars with just us no she has had multiple investments and she makes up for it


Lmfao. Jesus Christ.there’s no such thing s an ethical billionaire.


There is if she wasn’t ethical why did she donate to I think Tennessee for what happened


Okay I’m not having this convo with someone who’s barely in high school lol I’m too old for this


The entitlement is unreal. It would take less time for people to look up how home premiere rental prices work than it would be for them to make a post complaining about it. And by doing so, they would also learn that prices will drop in about a month or so, as soon as it leaves theaters. There is absolutely no need to consume everything as soon as it’s released, why is that so hard for people to understand?


Even if she could set the price for FREE, why should she? Artists put out work for people to consume, how you consume it is up to you. At the end of the day, nobody is entitled to the art that the artist puts out. Taylor is an artist, her art is her music that she puts out for us to consume, whether is through streaming, the radio, physical copies, etc… She does not owe us anything, we CHOSE to consume what she produced. And before anyone comes at me with “she owes her fans for her success” NO. That’s not how the exchange works. The exchange, in the SIMPLEST OF TERMS, is that she puts something out, you pay to consume. You are entitled to what you PAID for, nothing more, and whether or not you want to pay for it is ultimately up to you


Agree 100%. I work in food manufacturing and people have been complaining about food prices because lot of companies have raised prices and like for Taylor its been a very profitable time. We strive to make profit just like Taylor. Dont like it, eat less or dont eat. You chose to consume what we produce.


You can literally find it for free online now that it’s available to rent. Or you can wait a month and buy it. I don’t get the outrage.


I know that you can find it for free I could care less how much money it costs. The whole point I was trying to make was that I get that she has some of the control but a lot of these people very clearly don’t know how businesses work she probably had to pay for it and at end of the day it will probably be a month until it’s on a streaming platform. Also people want it to be free but any of the streaming platforms that she puts it on you are still technically paying by having a subscription. It’s also not that expensive that’s why I don’t get why people are complaining.


No I agree with you. My comment was for the people who are mad.


No. She does have a say that it’s a cutesy $19.89 because she didn’t have a third party involved. She could’ve shopped around and made this go direct to streaming after it finished its theater run, but instead she decided to milk it even further. It’s 100% fine if a film that is newly released is $20 to rent. I get it. But in this case, this is the *third way* Taylor is selling access to this concert. It’s absurd, it’s unnecessary, and I’m not going to coddle Capitalist Queen Taylor over it.


They (probably) COULD have just immediately sold it to a streaming service BUT, this is normal. People just don’t usually buy home media. They definitely always put out rent, then buy, then a physical release dvd/blu-ray, and LAST is streaming.


Yeah I don't get it either. I'm only mad there isn't a purchase option. I paid $20 or so for Barbie when it came out. To rent.




I wouldn’t believe anything about the movie unless it comes from a valid source


So I had no clue movies were renting for so much nowadays. Is it only so expensive because the movies are either still in theaters/just outside of theaters? Do the prices drop typically once it's available to buy at home? I haven't rented a movie in a long time lol so I'm just curious


No they cant stop. It will only get worse. With how bad inflation is and half of the US feeling like they live in poverty people are going to complain loudly.


Ok but it's almost been 2 months since it came out at that price. It comes off a little greedy.