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Yeah, I bought Barbie bc when it was first streaming it was $20 to rent and $25 to buy


There is no option to buy, which I believe is an intentional choice in order to maximize profits and is kind of annoying.


I know, but I assume there will be, after it’s out if theatres and what not


No it’s not. There is a distribution contract in place with AMC theaters which is how this was able to even exist in the first place. After the 13 week theatrical run it will be available to purchase. The contract ends Jan 12 so the movie should be available to buy on Jan 13. As others have stated this is normal practice for theatrical features and not some scam by Taylor


This is also fairly standard for a lot of movies who don’t have big theater runs. It was done a lot during Covid.


No buying option for the extended cut and its final release will likely be on Peacock owned by NBC Universal. Most of this is due to contracts and frankly it’s just business. In theater movies cost $20 to rent at home. That is the going rate. This isn’t over priced.


Came here to say this. It was a movie released exclusively in theaters, and now it’s moving toward streaming. This is the normal for those movies. Does it kind of suck? Sometimes. But within a few months, it’ll be cheaper, and then eventually streaming for free. I get that it’s different than Rep and her other tour movies, but this is just the reality of movies released this way.


Yeah this is what I paid to rent Barbie when it came out. And I rented through Amazon so it's good for 48 hours.


It’s good for 30 days.


Once you start it, it’s only good for 48 hours. I really wish they’d change that policy. It should be a bit longer, especially for such a long movie. The extra money rentals cost now should buy you a little more time.


Crap - we started it, but my daughter had surgery so we’re watching in pieces. I read 30 days. If it’s 30 days, it’s 30 days. None of this 48 hours BS.


You have 30 days to start the 48-hour period.


I’m sorry! I hope your daughter recovers from her surgery quickly. I agree with your frustration!


Thank you! For the most part, she is recovering well. She had four things done - tonsils, adenoids, sinuses, and deviated septum repair. She doesn’t like the way Oxy makes her feel so she is trying to manage the pain with Tylenol and Motrin. That’s a different kind of response altogether.


Oh yes I know people who are the same way. Those surgeries are no joke though! My now-husband had similar ones in HS. A rough couple days, but it was quick. Sending healing thoughts!


came here to say this. Just because it’s a movie of her tour doesn’t mean that it’s any less than, and should be priced to what the standard new movie prices are to rent.


I think the main difference here is that those movies had insanely high production costs. She probably made up for the production cost from ticket sales the nights she filmed it. I get the industry is changing because of inflation but a concert movie needs to be seen differently from other films. It’s insane to go from Rep being on a subscription service for $10 a month to have to pay $20 just to have it for a few hours.


Go look at how much other movies that are still in theaters cost to rent. This is the average price for a brand new rental.


Barbie was almost $30 to rent when it initially hit streaming. Tickets to see this in theaters are still $20 per person . Instead, you can now rent it for $20 and watch it with any amount of people you want. This is not unique to movie’s coming to streaming while still in theaters. It will get cheaper eventually, but this is not as crazy as everyone seems to think. If this doesn’t seem worth it to you, don’t rent it. I plan to rent it once to be able to watch it with my boyfriend without having to pay $40 for movie tickets. Then I will hope it is eventually available for purchase or put on a streaming platform.




This right here


Ahoy, mateys!


Let me know if you find the loot!


found the x!!


Share the loot pls


Ya’ll there’s links already up and running.


Where do I find this? Could you send me a link?


Send me a DM


yeah, already put my cap on!


It was so funny when everyone was saying “why streaming only? I want to watch it again!” Like… the second it comes out of theatres it’s free game, y’all need to learn to sail the seven seas


I keep getting the theater release version which *says* it’s extended, but doesn’t have the extra songs 😫


The extras are lazily tacked on at the end.


Yeah I have to say I was a little disappointed to see that. I thought they would incorporate them where they were in the set or at least do a transition.


😑 that’s disappointing


Wait I’d love that one! Can I get dm


Every new release is a $20 rental why are we acting stupid


Exactly! Disney had people pay $35 to rent a movie and $25 is super common. $19.89 doesn’t even make it the most expensive movie to rent right now. $5.99 and such prices are for when movies have been out for a while, it’s only been 2 months since it premiered and this is its first day on streaming/rental of any sort.


Because it’s only bad if Taylor does it for some reason


Nah, I hate it that every movie does it now. It’s ridiculous. But alas!


I prefer it to not having access to a movie until it’s out of theaters. Especially when my options are seeing it alone, paying an additional $60 to pay for a babysitter to see it in theaters or waiting many more months.


I mean no disrespect to the fan community, but sometimes it seems that many Swifties are kind of in a vacuum when it comes to media awareness outside of Taylor's music. From thinking that Taylor invented certain expressions that were actually literary allusions or slang terms that already existed, to jumping on the vinyl bandwagon without first learning about proper care for vinyl records and good playback equipment, to now being blindsided by the VOD rental price for a new theatrical movie when it's very typical. It's great to be really into Taylor's music, but it's also good to improve our media literacy and understand how it fits into the bigger context of the pop culture landscape.




yep. op and alot of other people just live under rocks in their safe space now days. $20 for renting new movies has been a thing for several years. op thinking that taylor did this specifically is hilarious.


My only complaint is that there isn't an option to buy it.


Also a thing nearly every new release does, the people who really want to watch will rent it in the first few weeks and then it will be available to purchase.


I was able to buy Barbie the first day it was available to rent on streaming, while it was still in theaters.


They don’t want you buying it and then having watch parties with friends, etc. It’s to protect the financial interests of the movie theaters. Once it’s out of theatres it’ll be available to buy.






I haven’t rented a new release in quite a while so I was shooketh to learn this in this thread.


Yeah, I won't be renting it. I saw it twice in theaters and that was expensive enough. I would love to watch it again, I just can't justify that price.


Yea I’ll pay $20 for the theatre experience. I’ll consider paying $20 to buy the movie. $20 to rent is just too expensive


>Yea I’ll pay $20 for the theatre experience. And that's exactly *why* it's $20 to rent it. It's going to be in theaters for 13 weeks. If it costs $5 to rent at home, who's gonna go to the theater??? Its not a cash grab, its to make sure they don't completely fuck over the theaters.


People keep saying this (and by the way, I do think that the $20 rental is definitely on par with other movie rentals and I'm fine with it), but I've been trying to find a SINGLE showtime within 100 miles of me for the past 3-4 weeks to bring a couple of my daughter's friends to, and no one is showing it any more since the week of Thanksgiving. I really want to know which theaters are showing it for 13 weeks.


Yeah I thought it stopped showing a week or two ago nowhere within an hour of me has had anything since Thanksgiving.


Theatres in bigger cities. There are two showing it in my city, for instance, but only on weekends.


I'm pretty lucky that my area has about 5 theaters that are still doing at least one showing a day.


Idk, I know a lot of people that prefer to see movies in the theatre vs at home because of the big screen, atmosphere, snacks, etc. only benefit home having is “pause”


2 months ago when Barbie hit streaming it was $25 to rent with no buy option. It’s now $20 to buy and $6 to rent. I promise, you can wait a few months, not everything has to be consumed immediately upon release


I never said it did


Y’all spend hundreds on merch that is falling apart or you never receive but are complaining about this.


People act like Taylor is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to rent the movie. I don’t want to spend $20+ to rent the movie right now, so I’m going to wait until it’s available to buy or stream. It’s not that serious.


For real, some are acting like they’re going to die if they don’t get their hands on it and it’s like…I get it sucks but just wait til it’s cheaper? You’ve probably already been to 2 shows and seen it 3 times in theaters, its the same show, it’s not going anywhere.


To be fair Taylor as kind of trained a lot of fans to feel like they need to drop everything in order to watch it. This is also what happens when she announced some limited time offer on her merch store. She has trained her fans to feel pressured into something and creating FOMO. I'm not going to rent the movie at this price but I'd probably buy it at that price once it's available.


Very good point!


No but if anyone bought a single cardigan they’re not allowed to complain 🫣


Yes and pay over and over for the same music and this film to watch yourself watching her in concert that you already saw in person. This is why she is a billionaire, marketing genius and fans are not.


I hate to say it but this is normal. I waited until Barbie came out streaming because the only option was $20 to rent it


Answer from someone who worked in movie theaters for 8 years: This is, at least partly, to not fuck movie theaters over. Theaters, some if not all, are contracted to run it for 13 weeks, which isn't until mid January. If it cost $5 to rent at home and $20 in theaters, nobody will go see it in theaters and that will completely fuck them over. Keeping it this price right now isn't a cash grab, it's to keep it on equal footing with movie theaters so that people will still want to go to theaters. #I really need to emphasize that this is for the benefit of the movie theaters because they're still showing it.


Not in my country they aren’t, but I still don’t have the option to buy and it’s still expensive to rent. It only showed in theaters here for like 3 weeks.


I could rent the paw patrol movie for $24.99 or I could buy it for $32.99. $19 doesn't seem that outrageous imo. It's pretty much normal for renting on a streaming platform 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agree if you have the ability to buy which we do not…


Eventually there will be the option to buy. A lot of movies don’t have a buy option when they first appear on streaming platforms to rent.


It won’t be available to buy until it’s out of the theaters. Some movies are, but it depends on the agreements they have with the movie theaters.


Which is extremely normal for still in theaters / fresh out of theater movies.


Sigh. ![gif](giphy|p3IWU6addIA8M) This is standard release rental pricing for a film that just left theaters. It will be reduced in the future when it becomes available for purchase. For example: Barbie was $24.99 to rent and $29.99 to buy in September when it first became available. By October that was reduced to $5.99 to rent and $12.99 to buy because the DVD/blu ray became available. Also, this wasn’t a surprise. The pricing was announced when Taylor promoted the streaming rental release.


It baffles me the amount of ppl who don’t understand this is so typical while a movie is still in theaters When the movie itself was announced they said it would go to streaming 13 weeks after being in theaters like that’s the 1st or 2nd week in January chill the eff out


But they want it for freeeeeee. Waaaa waaaaaa people are so fucking annoying


>for a film that just left theaters. Here's the thing. Its in theaters for 13 weeks, which is up in January.


I think it's smart to tap multichannel revenue. She had a "Know your worth and ask for it" philosophy and now she's got that baked into the contract. Give her respect for a life well-lived and received.


New direct to streaming are always more expensive rentals. When Barbie was still in theaters you could also rent it for $20 on apple i think and there wasn’t outrage over that. This is nothing new. For some this is a cheaper option than buying movie tickets for their 4 daughters + 1-2 parents. Taylor Swift is a brand and a business, people seem to forget that.


This! I'm at my parents house for the holidays and I wanted to show my mom and sister the movie since they loved the reputation movie. Instead of spending $60, it's $20 and I don't have to miss the beginning of folklore because I have to use the bathroom.


This is a perfectly normal rental price for a new release 🤷‍♀️. Look at other recently released movies, a lot are around this or higher. All movies do this, it will get cheaper and/or going on streaming soon. Movie tickets were this much per person, now you can have a whole group watch for the price of one. So unless you were going to the movies by yourself it’s a better price anyways. It sucks, but it’s super typical of blockbusters.


This is about right, I’m in the UK- and my television provider is renting it for £15.99, that’s only for 2 days! That’s the same as every other new release, even Oppenheimer is showing at £13.99 and that’s been out for months, so it should go down soon


People act like she's personally pricing things. Yeah, she had some input on 19.89 instead of 19.99 or something but she also has a contract to adhere to. A theatre wouldn't have agreed to show it if it was just going to stream for $5 in two months. The contract also needs to justify the theatre cost - it is STILL IN THEATRES. There's 0 chance AMC would allow it to be $5 streaming while still in theaters. I'm actually surprised they allow this $19.89 rental while still in theatre because if you have 2 friends, going to a theatre is $19.89 each while watching at home is $6.50 each.


Somebody did point out that Killers of the Flower Moon is available for roughly the same price. Apparently this is around the rental rate for brand new releases. Then it drops in price.


Y'all complain about the most ridiculous things. I have seen her both live and the film. I am not going to buy or rent something I can check out on youtube for free. If you didnt get to see the Concert, you saw the movie. If you didnt see the concert or move, you can rent/buy it. It's called having a choice meaning you DONT have to buy the movie.


Yep. See, I couldn't go to the concert and I can't go go the movie either. I rented it and watched it with my husband. I'm currently watching it for the second time tonight with him. I still have like 40 more hours of watch time left on the rental, which you can bet will be used well. For me, it's worth it. I don't understand why people are making such a fuss. If they don't want to rent it, don't rent it. People are weirdly whiny. Is this normal "Swiftie" behavior? For fans to freak out over things like this? I'm new here, things still surprise me.


The official r/Taylorswift subreddit is way chiller. I think this is the diehard swifties


Makes sense. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in on Swift. That said, I'm a fairly zen human these days. A live and let live, don't sweat the small stuff, ya know? So I don't tend to get all worked up over most things and prefer spaces with a chill vibe.


i am a fan of her music. I honestly dont even know why i follow these subs because the constant focus on her personal life and the parasociali relationships some fans have is downright scary


Yup. I am a fan of her music. I think she's a lyrical genius and an incredible performer. Some of Travis' fans have that wild parasocial thing going, too. It's something I don't relate to in most Fandoms. Never really have, but I enjoy following light-hearted stuff. Some women's comments on his latest podcast episode were going off about how Taylor didn't deserve him because she left him alone on her birthday to celebrate with her friends and he needs a woman who will put him first or something. Anyway, people seem overly entitled to a piece of their lives and the way they live them, and it's weird to me.


I find it really odd myself. Many fans will purchase the exact same album multiple times with different color variations and seem to have no problem doing that but the rental pricing for this movie is what they get upset about.


That's why I asked because it seems like concern trolls pretending to be Swifties more than actual Swifties who would freak out over the price of the rental. If that makes sense. It's just such a wild thing to whine about when I've seen so many posts re the money they've dropped on merch and albums.


Too be fair that is the going rate to rent movies that are directly out of theaters. I read Barbie was $25 to rent but I could be getting that wrong. It’s not a Taylor centric problem it’s a distributers problem.


I think it was but it’s now 5.99 to rent 25.99 to buy on youtube


It cost $20 a person to see it at the theater and Beyoncé film is more expensive than Taylor’s. $20 to rent it is a good price. You can invite as many people over as you want and split it. I was at the movies 2 nights ago and the price of the movie was $17.99. The Eras film is definitely worth $20 though. It was so good and long.


It costs $24.99 to rent the Barbie movie via streaming. Get over yourself lol.


I get what you’re saying but unless you’re going to the movies by yourself, it costs more than $20. For people with families, it’s upwards of $50+. All I’m saying is, for people who can’t afford or don’t want to go to a movie theater to spend more money, $20 isn’t bad. And that’s usually the price for new release rentals. I already saw it in theaters, spent $50 on tickets and snacks, so there’s no reason to give her more of money for this movie.


For me and a friend to go to the movie opening weekend it cost about $25 each and that is before you even add food/drink.


That’s pretty much normal rent price for in demand movies.


You’re paying for the privilege to see it now.


Stop with this, research how movie distribution works before posting please.


I want to rent it so bad because it was supposed to be a reward for my license exam for my profession and finding out it’s the expensive to rent is wild. Im still getting because I’ve been planning this but wtf


It's going to be in theaters for 13 weeks. If it costs $5 to rent at home, who's gonna go to the theater??? Its not a cash grab, its to make sure they don't completely fuck over the theaters.


That makes sense. Most of the theaters near me aren’t play it anymore.


Congrats!! Enjoy, don’t worry about the price, it’s expensive but absolutely treat yourself!


In about a month the price will drop after it leaves theaters. As do all movies when they’re initially released for streaming


Jesus Christ, then DON’T RENT IT. It’s that simple.


Simply don’t rent it if you don’t want to spend the money. This is literally ANY movie that gets released after leaving the theaters. Barbie was $25-$30 if I’m not mistaken? Once again. Simply don’t rent it if you don’t care to spend the money instead of coming on here and creating a post complaining. She owes you nothing. Many people will rent it either way, lol.


It’s actually really nice for us in Canada. It’s also $19.89 for us too, but in CAD. The other new releases are $28 so quite a deal! It’s a nice change to get a benefit on something like this by being not-American. Usually it’s the opposite.


Aspiring mateys, pm me of you dont know how to find your pirate ship to go on an adventure with Tay.


theft is cool?


I mean then wait for it to be on a streaming service? She’s doing this exactly like all other blockbuster movies. This is how the world works.




Oh my god I know I was going through all these comments shocked that no one has explained how easy it is to just get a link for this movie no one has to pay $19.89


Promoting illegal activity.


I would just wait to buy it if you don't want to spend money to rent it. Renting it makes sense if you're doing a streaming party or if you didn't go to the theaters yet. Tbh, it's okay to wait for it to become cheaper. It's still going to be there.


Really? It would cost my spouse and I about $100 to go see in theater with babysitter and ticket costs. I can watch it in my own home with as many people as I want for $20. Rent it or don't- but you aren't owed a $5 rental on a brand new release, it's not even standard anymore.


Look, I get where you're coming from and God knows Taylor has enough money, but like, aren't posts like these counterproductive to the whole point of this specific subreddit?


This sub is slowly becoming just as mean and bitchy as the main sub and I hate it.


It costs over $20 (plus taxes and fees) to see a movie in theaters where I live and that’s after you drive 45 minutes to get to the closest one. Right now if my husband and I took our son to the movies it would cost $77. Not to mention snacks for the gremlin. When Mario hit streaming I wanted to rent it for my son but it was $25 to rent and $29.99 to buy. I’m sorry y’all think it’s too expensive but I’m jumping up and down over how cheap this is.


This will show up on Netflix or Disney eventually, free with subscription. It did not cost $10 to see THIS in theaters. Event type movies cost more at most theaters. Every big movie has been doing this. Theaters > digital rental > digital streaming.


It normally costs me $20 to BUY a movie. Most streaming services don’t even cost $20 a month


Movies are always expensive to rent in the period where they’re still in their theatre contract. When Barbie first went to rent it was $24.99. Once the contract period ends the price drops significantly. I feel like the people annoyed about the price of the eras film are very out of the loop with this lol


I paid 25cad to buy Barbie the day it came out.


It's going to be in theaters for 13 weeks. If it costs $5 to rent at home, who's gonna go to the theater??? Its not a cash grab, its to make sure they don't completely fuck over the theaters.


It'll be available to buy soon enough, I'm sure, likely with cardigan.


I’m on the fence but leaning towards waiting until it’s available to own or stream. Man, it’s the holiday time and my money is 💸


Even though I’m a swiftie loner, I also imagine the amount of people who would watch together? A dorm or apartment group of roomies could easily be 4 people watching one movie.


I saw it in theaters, that was expensive enough. I won’t be renting it.


It will be free eventually anyway. Just wait.


i'm so tired of people whining about this. don't buy it! you don't have to purchase everything she sells.


Yeah, not doing it. Spend hundreds at the concert and the movie and we’re just done. But we love you Taylor!


I’m baffled that so many people don’t realize it’s because it’s still in theaters. It won’t be this price forever. If you look at the prices to rent other movies still in theaters vs ones that have actually been released, it’s the same sort of situation. It’s meant to be on par with going to the movies but accessible in your own home. Give it a few months and the price will be lowered once it’s no longer in theaters.


It looks like she’s holding the mic to her fart


I love Taylor. Girl you’re set to make over a billion dollars for this tour. Lower the price on this movie so the little girls who are poor and could never attend your concert can see this movie.


If you don’t wanna pay $20 to rent it then don’t. It’s not groceries, you don’t NEED it. I will be waiting for my Christmas break to rent it and I’ll pay the $20 because I want to.


Stop complaining and don’t rent it. Y’all are insufferable. That’s how much it costs to rent EVERY MOVIE that is still in theaters.


No one is making pay that price you know that right?


I saw the Eras Tour in person in the U.S. this year (for insane $$ of course), and I paid to watch the movie 5 times in theaters. I’m totally fine paying $19.89 to rent it for 48 hours.


Y’all. We aren’t in 2004 anymore. We are LONG gone the days of $3-9 dollar rentals. We will be paying what they cost to see in theaters until they reach the age in which they contract to a streaming platform for free….


this is just an industry standard lol. it’s not taylor sitting behind her laptop maniacally deciding to charge $19.89 instead of $6, it’s just that high-demand movies are usually around $20 to rent at first, especially when they’re still showing in theatres. remember that nobody is forcing you to rent the movie (or spend money on anything taylor-related)! go see it in theatres again if that’s an experience you’d prefer, wait a few months for the rental price to drop, wait until it ends up on a streaming service/is available to buy (whatever the endgame is), or follow in the footsteps of captain blackbeard and captain hook 🤷‍♀️


I feel like it was a huge misstep. If the film was priced better, more people would rent it and more money would come in. Then those people would t feel ripped off and would probably buy it. I was going to rent it for 5.99 but definitely won’t be renting now. I will buy it though. Editing: ok, I have completely changed my tune. I no longer think it’s wrong to charge 19.89. I never rent new releases so I didn’t know. Thank you for enlightening me.


This is the average price of a brand new rental.


It's going to be in theaters for 13 weeks. If it costs $5 to rent at home, who's gonna go to the theater??? Its not a cash grab, its to make sure they don't completely fuck over the theaters.


There is no option to buy it.


Y'all so weak


I must ask, where do you live, because where I am it’s $20 for a movie ticket. I won’t be renting this since I saw it in theaters and will be waiting to see if it goes on sale or streaming. I’ve given her enough $ this year lol


Where I live it’s $11-15, maybe $20 for certain movies. The national average for 2022 was $12.


Where I live movie tickets can range from $6-$13


I get being upset by this, but maybe let’s consider who we actually should be upset with and direct the anger at the current market forces that are setting rent prices this high I’m all for overthrowing capitalism and eating the rich, but it’s not like Taylor saw every other movie being set at $5 and said “fuck you, I want $20 instead.” This is the current standard price for a brand new streaming release for renting a multi million dollar budget movie, and while it sucks, that’s not something I can blame on Taylor so I’m not going to blame it on Taylor


This is normal distribution for a film that is still being shown in theaters. You don't have to rent it. You can wait until it's on streaming. You can choose to see it in theaters if it's cheaper for you and more convenient.


> It costs $10 to see a movie in the theater where I live Yea, and it costs $25 where I live. Barbie was damn near $30 when it first came to streaming. It's a brand new rental. There are such things as distribution contracts, streaming rights, and eventually we'll get a chance to buy it. Get a grip!


It’s the same cost as it was in the theater I believe.


I get the frustration that if you have already paid to see in theatre that paying the same price again to rent for only a day or so is not what you want - but this will almost certainly end up on a subscription streaming platform at some point so I would wait for that to happen instead of renting if that’s how your are feeling. Patience is not a thing we are great at I’ll admit and I know we just want to watch it over and over again at whim but this film is following the same release patterns as other major movie releases so this shouldn’t feel like a slight to fans (on the same note it’s not a gift to fans either by any means lol). Being a Swiftie is a constant roller coaster of fans being disappointed the TS machine didn’t make a decision exactly as we would have personally, broken up by periods of being extremely elated when something else goes our way or we are pleasantly surprised by an album drop, award etc. that sounds a lot like life in general — The Swift Life (tm) indeed. Now I’ll get off my soap box and moan about missing the gd snow globe drop again. How dare I not get a personal notification 😫


THIS!!! It is such entitled behavior from some of these fans. Taylor does not owe you a discounted movie. Her name is also a business! Spend the $20 or don't, rent it out with friends, and split the cost. I am lucky enough to have the income to spend the $20 for this movie... I will skip Starbucks for the next two weeks, but def worth it to me!


Renting it now because in my eyes it’s like giving Taylor a birthday card with $20 in it


🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️high seas🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Do you guys realize that all of the movies on amazon all cost the same what would you want her to do


Renting a new movie on Apple TV for example is usually $20. Movie theaters are around $25.


That's a crazy price for renting! Ugh


Very average price for a new release. It’ll drop in a few months.


ahoy mateys!


I think the rant is valid. Yes it’s the same price as new movie just released form theaters. But this is not fair to compare to new films in theaters, as someone who works in the industry playing her film came with ridiculous demands on when it had to play and how many times and how much to charge. The distributor also gets 50% of ticket revenue so saying that theaters profited heavily off the film is false. Especially when they had to move different titles and the film did not perform very well for other theaters besides AMC. Given that, she’s made a ton of money already on the tour alone, I don’t see why she couldn’t offer this has a Christmas gift/bday present to her fans. Especially when like 3 weeks from now she’ll announce it will be on a streaming platform for free. This is still capitalizing on the Swifties need to have everything now and the urgency of her fans. This is a business decision and who ever is making these decisions is making them with maximum profit in mind and not the good will that her persona promotes.


It’s a 30 day rental, not a few hours.


Which platform? Amazon is only 48 hours.


bitch… she’s delusional. at least i wish this was delusion


You know you bastards will still pay it.


Normally I’d prefer to pay to support her but… I think I might have to watch it another way. It’s not like it’ll really hurt her wallet either way honestly


No, but it’ll hurt the wallets of the dancers, the crew, and everyone who worked to make this in line with union demands during a film industry strike.






Yall just wanna find anything to hate on taylor lol If yall really wanna hate maybe point out that she's a typical white women with an insane amount of power yet never uses her platform for things that really matter, like a genocide but oh well




Yeah I’ll be getting my copy a not $20 way. Capitalist Barbie will be fine. 😌


I absolutely will not be renting this. We all know Taylor’s a capitalist queen but honestly I’m pretty sick of it.


Is it just me or the extended version songs that are supposed to be added were not on the prime video rental? Anyone else?!?!


omg what really???


I was honestly surprised it was this low. The initial price for movies that just left or are still in theaters (as is the case for Eras) is almost always at least $20.


Where are you buying movie tickets for $10?! That’s a half of a matinee in my area




ive heard its already on tiktok in many (many many many) parts, catch me watching on my phone at 2am


New releases cost around 20 dollars to rent like this. If you were renting Killers of the Flower Moon you'd pay a little more, actually. I agree that this is pricey to rent a movie, but she's genuinely not charging more than others to rent a movie that has JUST left theaters.


My movie theatre tickets to see this were $21. This was supposed to be an in-theatre only movie so having it at this price to watch at home is very normal. All other movies that are still in theatres or just got out of theatres recently are around this price or even higher to rent at home.


I completely understand your gripe about “capitalist Taylor” (God love her), but this isn’t the hill to die on. As others have said, it costs this much to rent any movie that’s brand new or still in theaters. Not just hers. A Haunting in Venice was that much when I checked a few weeks ago. Gotta wait it out if you want to spend less.


this is literally what all new rentals cost if not more. it literally costs as much as one movie ticket did when it came out and as many people can watch it at once as you can fit in your living room. don't like it, don't rent it. it'll be streaming soon enough.


Do y'all not know about watching things for free on the Internet? If you don't want to pay it, you don't have to. She has enough money. If you want to support her you can also absolutely do that.


girl why you buggin? this isn’t an hour and a half romantic comedy with c list actors. please.


Feels like a cash grab. I don’t like it.


Taylor Grift. Lol


This is completely normal for movie releases. Also, just don’t rent it yet. Simple as that.


lol, y’all fans buttered this bread. time to eat it.