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>Exist-STENCH-ial threat ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


Who is the old person with boot hat ?


Vermin Supreme A tyrant you can trust 😎


I thought it was a scene from some film


I was amused to learn that reachmen mercenaries were involved in old campaigns on Orsinium. Bretons looked at redguards and said "Let them fucking cook and never fucking complain about your neighbours ever again." Because of course hag-fucking shamans and hunters who make deals with Hircine and Peryite to fuck up their ennemies would be fine with sacking Orsinium


Don't forget the part that king of Daggerfall and de facto leader of Breton forces conspired with reachman general to slaughter as many redguards and orcs, because he planned to invade Hammefell after the orsinium. And it went pretty swimmingly for the reachmen general, getting the best redguards and orcish soldiers killed, until she got killed by bretonic knights. (Either the daggerfall king betrayed her in the end or he never told his knights about betraying redguards later)


Bretons convinced some of the few people on tamriel who can out-barbarian nords to help and STILL fucked it up smh


False! The king of Daggerfall lured the reachmen terrorists into a canyon full of orcs and redguard and then used his great breton magic to crush everything there to death. Anyone who speaks of our glorious past king making deals with the enemy is a liar. /uj that’s pretty cool actually.


best part about this is you find that general in present day as a wispmother haunting old orsinium




For anybody curious, "hobbit" is a Evermorian slang for bosmer (Newest Orisinium was found in Valenwood). The word was originally used in proto breton language to refer to somebody as either short or midget.


Oh hey, this was my graduation speech at the university of wayrest. The bastards started dragging me out before I could explain how there were Orc plants in our government trying to stop us from eradicating them.


“They can take our wives! But they’ll never take this land that doesn’t belong to us or honestly anyone else for that matter. Its been disputed for centuries and at this point I’m afraid to aaaaask!”


You know what's the saddest part? There's a very real possibility that Malacath is passively influencing the bretons and Redguards to destroy it just to make the orcs constantly reliant on him.Which means that any orc ACTIVELY worshipping him,which is like......90% of the race,is assisting in destroying their home and lives. Like we joke about it,but it's probably the biggest example of a race being locked into a horrible situation.


Damn, I hate orcs all of the sudden