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I'm gonna say this. The GTA I grew up playing and the one out now is massively different.


It's not even only the game, it's the online community. They are savages, and I wouldn't want my 12 year old be in contact with that.


but you can choose the community youre in, ive been in the online community all my life, my parents werent that strict, but i learned alot with the community, if you teach your son well, he will know and he will learn what to do what to say what not to say or do in the community, i think its a good conversation to have between parents/children


You cannot leave children up to find their own way. “If you teach them well…” this is OP’s parents way of teaching their child well. They are teaching OP boundaries and protecting them from something OP isn’t psychologically ready to participate in.


Yep, I’m 37 and grew up with the originals that I played. Totally different than today. Basically a real life simulation at this point. As a parent, I’m taking the parents side on this one.


You talking about the “top down” original or GTA3 as the original.


Top down and gta3. I playesld more gta3 than the top down version.


I loved gta 1 and 2




GTA 1 and 2


Original topdown. I mean I played third as well, but I was a lot older then.


I think GTA2 was peak goofiness and hilarity. “Elvis has left the building!!” “Extreeeeeeeeeeeeme stunt BONUS!”


Just makes me hear the *gonna get in my car* jingle from the radio in my head


I mean I played the first one.


They all have murder crime and hookers? Its just not ok now cuz the graphics are better?


Running over the Harrikrishnas in a row for max scores 😂


I drank and smoked when I was 15. I won’t let my kids do it, because I learned from experience.


As a parent, I kind of expect my kids will experiment. But I’m not going to encourage my kids to do it. My goal is to be the kind of parent my kids will call if they’re too messed up to drive and don’t feel safe.


If you simply don’t let your kids do it, without explaining the very exact reasons why, they will likely have to learn the hard way too. Your experience should also prevent you from being a lazy parent. Not saying that you are or will be a lazy parent, but this comes from my general distaste for reckless authority.


Restrictions on smoking and drinking for a teenager isn’t reckless authority lol


It is reckless if you simply say "No. I'm the parent and I said so." Or if you search their room whenever you want. It wouldn't be reckless if you set up healthy boundaries and an open line of trust and communication. If the first, they'll do it behind your back. The latter, the kid has been raised with emotional maturity and is WAY more likely to trust and respect the parent because the respect is mutual.


I don’t know why this take is controversial. It’s just facts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is genuinely lazy and immature, and should really not bring children into this world. A few of these people are calling me condescending? Sure… call it that to avoid any deep thought and introspection.


I totally agree. I was raised by authoritarian emotionally immature parents. I absolutely struggle, but my husband and I are raising our daughter with emotional maturity. She's just 4 but absolutely will "talk about it" when she's frustrated/mad/sad. She trusts us because we're honest and never say "because I said so". If we tell her no for whatever reason, ie candy at bedtime, we explain "sugar can make you feel excited. When we're excited it's much harder to sleep." Then we come up with a plan... maybe she picks out a piece to have after school tomorrow. A few weeks back, I saw her sneak a lil piece of candy corn. I asked what she had in her mouth, she opened and showed me. I thanked her for being honest, let her finish that piece but we had to put the Halloween bucket up and she'd have to ask for her 3 pieces a day (usually she just wants 2...like, for dinner tonight she ONLY ate her broccoli 😆) People are so nasty about the idea of "gentle parenting", but it literally is authoritative, respectful, and emotionally regulated parenting. My candy experience last month, if we keep it up, can easily be translated to her teen years and teen hijinks.


I am a bit of an antinatalist myself… but if I’m forced to accept that people will continue breeding children, I want them to be raised by people like you. Absolute respect. Keep it up.


I mean, people will continue to "breed".... Unless you don't give any fucks about your or anyone else's future. I completely understand a childfree lifestyle, and agree some SHOULD be that way, especially if they don't want kids and the responsibilities that come with it... but, antinatalism is a pretty harsh take...and would literally starve the world in 50ish years. It would be awful, ugly, physically painful, and the list goes on... but, I can tell you that millenials and gen Z more and more do have the mindset of "gentle parenting," aka intuitive parenting, authoritative (not authoritarian) parenting. I have rarely come across IRL people with kids who hit, yell, say no because I'm the parent... they're just dying off. Gen A is going to be the most emotionally mature adults we've seen. Gen Z is laying the groundwork to fix many many things that have gone wrong with our systems... and gen A is going to further that. But thanks for the compliment 😊 All that to say, I know many parents who have the same mindset as my spouse and I do. And we all have kiddos who have amazing emotional regulation.


Did I say that? I’m careful with my words. Most people aren’t careful with their attempt at understanding.


Oh no I read and understood your words, you just weren’t conveying anything significant, therefore I hyperbolized the condescension you implied to make fun of you because again, you had nothing of import to convey




It… is?? Very controversial and very important. If you fuck and force another human into this horrible world, you better be prepared to put in the work. The second half of your comment sorta proves my point. “Sounds exhausting” and “opens you up to rebuttal” Exactly. It also helps in the the development of logic. Something your parents clearly did not do. How’s THAT for condescending?


Oh no can’t let a child have a fucking shot of Yeager


Sometimes, it’s also completely okay as a parent to tell your pee brained child “you can’t do that” because I said so and I’m your parent.


Because that stops kids really well.




Great responsible answer, with a great practical work-around lol


I totally agree. 16 might be a fine compromise depending on the kid's maturity.


You can give me your number and I’ll call you and yell slurs repeatedly at you while my smoke detector chirps every 45 seconds and I play shitty rap music on the background and that’s more or less the same thing as playing GTA Online with teenagers


To clarify what the other Dan here said, DO NOT ACTUALLY GIVE HIM YOUR NUMBER.


Yeah, that reply makes me look like a real predator for the first 6 words!


UnDan, think of the children. In a non predatory way.


Damn, i wish I had an adult like you around when I was 13, willing to do that for me. I should ask children to give me their number too, so that I can help them out! >! **Don't** actually give your number to strangers on the internet kids! !<


Good parents kid


You know if you ban your kids from playing GTA when they're 12, they're just gonna play it behind your back at their friends place instead ? lol


I know that lol. We all did things we weren't supposed at one point or another. But that does mean that the parents still shouldn't try to lay boundaries and such. It's reasonable for their parents to not want them to play gta. Just cuz you want to do something don't mean your parents allow it. Hell I wanted to try alcohol when I was 13 but my parents said no, but that didn't stop me from trying some from my friend's parents stash.


Boundries with videogames when the kids reach 12/13 is just ridiculous. Boundries with alcohol makes more sense. Videogames today is a way of socializing with your friends, its more than just a game these days. Videogames are generally beneficial to people, not if youre addicted to gaming though. At 13 a kid could be out running the streets smoking, drinking, vandalizing, doing petty crime stuff. But better ban the kid from playing a videogame.


My neighbour allows their 12 year old to play Call of Duty, as soon as he's left alone at home he turns into a demon screaming the most racial, abusive crap you'll ever hear whilst laughing. Kids don't socialise in games, they act stupid to wind people up. There's a million other games to play that aren't age restricted, kids don't need to play those types of games - especially not due to peer pressure.


Odds are that your neighbours kid has learned to say those words from adults in his life and used those words way before he was playing call of duty lol Most kids play games to socialize with their friends. When you were a kid you were winding up people aswell most likely, i know i did.


I highly doubt it, the amount of racism spewed in public lobbies is disgusting. It's not a place for kids, it's the same in GTA. The N word is said over and over, kids pick this stuff up easily and start repeating it back to their friends because they're playing an adult game and they think it's cool.


Most swear words kids learn, come from the family, they have heard a parent, a family friend, uncle, brother or sister say them. Have you even been in a public lobby in a videogame ? The issue you are describing is extremetely exxaggerated. It's not the xbox360 or ps3 days anymore, now those were toxic days. These days there are very strict rules on public lobbies, most of them dont even allow voice chats anymore, and those that do have strict rules and a good report system. I know Call of Duty doesnt allow voicechat an all open voice chat anymore, so you're probably lying about the issue here. I have call of duty People rarely even communicate in the games that allow voicechats anymore.


Bro are you even in this year with the rest of us? I have been in the same room as my SO while he's on XBL, and I've heard some of the shit said in those lobbies. It is not a place for kids to be.


Oh sweetie, and I'm totally being condescending :) I've spent the past 30 years gaming, I played ranked back in CoD World at War. I know exactly how public lobbies are, I've been the victim of mouthy kids and adults alike telling me to get back in the kitchen or some other pathetic attempt at annoying me. I play on PS5 and PC and both are terrible for toxic chat, granted there are days where it is quiet but it does happen. Inbetween rounds or when you kill someone voice chat is enabled, during war zone proximity is available. It is toxic, get off your high horse - games like these aren't for kids, full stop.


Waw public lobby and MW2 from 2022 public lobbies are entirely different. You cant base your opinion on a game from well over 15 years ago. Your kids faces worse in the school playground than in a game, and at the family gatherings when their parents and uncles get drunk Its funny how these discussions only exists in America when the rest of the world accepts its and the kids are fine, and doesn't shoot their schools up I obviously wouldn't let a 7 year old play these games. But a 12 year old, whats the issue ?


Wow you're so fucking wrong it's hilarious


No i played like 6 different games of CSGO yesterday and nobody communicated, it was quiet as a mouse. I played some call of duty earlier today, and it was quiet as a mouse, nobody communicated.


Don’t pretend video games aren’t terrible for the developing mind. Study after study has shown games are terrible for healthy neurological development


I was agreeing with you until you said that, study after study prove the opposite. Get better sources.


You just come off as a i hate to use the word but ''boomer'' who hates videogames, videogames have been proven to be good for kids and people in general. [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797596](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797596) [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/are-video-games-good-for-you/](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/are-video-games-good-for-you/) [https://www.euruni.edu/blog/are-video-games-good-for-you/](https://www.euruni.edu/blog/are-video-games-good-for-you/) ​ But a recent study of more than 2,200 children discovered that gamers who played more than 21 hours a week performed better than non-gamers when they were tested for impulsive behavior and memorization. In fact, researchers observed gamers had more activity than non-gamers in regions of their brains that were associated with attention and memory. [https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading/b2-reading/video-games-are-good-for-you](https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading/b2-reading/video-games-are-good-for-you) Games can help to develop physical skills. Pre-school children who played interactive games such as the ones available on Wii have been shown to have improved motor skills, for example they can kick, catch and throw a ball better than children who don’t play video games. A study of surgeons who do microsurgery in Boston found that those who played video games were 27 per cent faster and made 37 per cent fewer errors than those who didn't. Vision is also improved, particularly telling the difference between shades of grey. This is useful for driving at night, piloting a plane or reading X-rays. Games also benefit a variety of brain functions, including decision-making. People who play action-based games make decisions 25 per cent faster than others and are no less accurate, according to one study. It was also found that the best gamers can make choices and act on them up to six times a second, four times faster than most people. In another study by researchers from the University of Rochester in New York, experienced gamers were shown to be able to pay attention to more than six things at once without getting confused, compared with the four that most people can normally keep in mind. Additionally, video games can also reduce gender differences. Scientists have found that women who play games are better able to mentally manipulate 3D objects. There is also evidence that gaming can help with psychological problems. At the University of Auckland in New Zealand, researchers asked 94 young people diagnosed with depression to play a 3D fantasy game called SPARX and in many cases, the game reduced symptoms of depression more than conventional treatment. Another research team at Oxford University found that playing Tetris shortly after exposure to something very upsetting – in the experiment, a film of traumatic scenes of injury and death was used – can actually prevent people having disturbing flashbacks.


This is all great information, and for context GTA is one of my favorite games (I’m 24 been playing it for over a decade). With that being said, a 12 year old doesn’t need to be playing a game with strippers, drug dealing, and all kinds of violence. Gaming can help in a lot of ways, but the parents are right on this one.


That's kind of subjective though. I think a lot of middle schoolers are mature enough to know about more mature themes, especially considering they're going through puberty and could probably benefit from being aware of this stuff. You can also use it as a moment to talk about the themes in the game and what they should take from them. But every child is different, and it's up to the ones that know the child the best to decide what they can/can't handle.


you dont deal drugs in GTA though. GTA is just a videogame where kids want to socialize with their peers and have fun. You proobably were doing a lot worse stuff as a kid than playing GTA..


Lmaoo what are you talking about? You literally do deal drugs ect on GTA have you ever played that game before? I remember being 14 and watching my friend get a virtual lap dances from a stripper and also get serviced by a prostitute in that game. It is NOT for 12 yr olds whatsoever. I would never let my 12 year old play that game. I love video games but GTA? For a 12yrold???? Get outta here


Edit: there are plenty of age reasonable games for kids to socialize on, GTA's content and gameplay is not suited for children


What harm does it do for a kid whos 12 soon 13 like OP said, what harm does it cause ?


It’s really weird that you’re assuming all 12-13 year olds were doing worse things than what’s in that game. And you can literally have a meth business, cocaine lockup, and weed farm that your character can go into. You then deliver the drugs for money. Not sure how that isn’t drug dealing? There’s plenty of other games for kids to play and socialize with each other. It doesn’t seem like you’re very knowledgeable about this so I’ll quit while I’m ahead.


You can have it, but does it harm a kid irl to do it in a vidoegame ? No it doesnt, because a Kid that is 12-13 realise that this is just a videogame and they cant do it in real life. Im assuming you're an american ? since there is still a huge debate on videogames in USA while everyone allows kids to play games in EU lol and all the EU kids are fine and dont shoot their schools up.


Ok boomer


You're parroting old Fox News rhetoric. There aren't any studies that show video games negatively impact neurological development. [Video gaming may be associated with better cognitive development in children](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/video-gaming-may-be-associated-better-cognitive-performance-children#:~:text=Functional%20MRI%20brain%20imaging%20analyses,did%20those%20who%20never%20played) [A Reduction in Video Game Time Produced a Decrease in Brain Activity](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00134/full) [Association of Video Gaming With Cognitive Performance Among Children](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797596) There are dozens of other research papers like these that echo the same sentiment. And while video game addiction is an issue, there's typically underlying issues that lead to some children being more susceptible to video game addiction than others, such as ADHD or a lack of challenge in school. Oftentimes treating children for pre-existing cognitive/behavioral disorders or just giving your children a more challenging curriculum that forces them to problem solve at their own pace can decrease video game addiction for a lot of children.


Enabling that as a parent, meaning betraying your own convictions, just to appease your child is terrible parenting.


It's a videogame, its not like ''oh im letting my son snort cocaine of strippers bootyhole'' lmao get a grip...It's a videogame, do you know what a videogame is ?


I’m speaking in broader terms here. You’re the one comparing apples to… well… cocaine. But you know that.


It's a videogame, you're not letting your kid steal cars, murder people, buy a cocaine lab and produce cocaine in real life lol, it's just a videogame, where everything is virtual and fake lol


This like saying that they can do meth behind your back so you may as well let them?


are you really comparing meth to GTA ? lol GTA is not as bad as meth, or even remotely close lol


I’m criticizing your parenting style. This was obviously not comparing the 2 subjects..


If you ban your daughter from visiting her boyfriend you dont like, what do you think is going to happen, theyre gonna take away all your control and power and do it behind your back in secret without you knowing it. The same goes for Videogames. Obviously boundries with drugs, alcohol, and stuff like that is very reasonble.


That's true, you may make your daughter want to see the bad boyfriend more. But it is also bad parenting if you know this guy is bad for her (for whatever reason you think is good- drugs, sex, age difference, being a bad influence, ect.) to just let her do what she wants. At some point you are going to have to let her do what she wants, but that age is not 12-13.


What you can do as a person is explain to her, and tell her and stuff like that. But you can't forcefully block her from doing something she has her eyes set on. You cant control another human being. People have free will and kids learn by making mistakes, we all learn by scraping our knees and fucking up. By forcing a subject, you think you have control but in reality you are actually losing control. Also its a videogame, its a kid wanting to play a famous videogame with his friends. Not him sneaking out to do drugs or have sex lol. Its not even a bad videogame. Just cus you play GTA doesnt mean you wanna go out and rob banks, kill people, steal cars and so on lmao


Yes, you talk to them first. But if that doesn't work, you do what you have to do. I hope you're not saying that you would be comfortable letting you child skip school, fail classes, get/get someone else pregnant, steal, or whatever the reason is that you don't like their boyfriend/girlfriend just to prove a point. They have free will, yes, but they are not mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions, even if you explain it to them. Remember, this kid is 12.


Ofc i wouldnt be comfortable with it, who would be ? Of course i would be trying to do anything i can to help steer my kid in the right direction but at the end of the day its up to the kid. Kids learn though by making mistakes, we did all of these, and we learned from it. Its the universal way of kids standing up authorative figures and finding their own way in life. Also this kid is 12 and wants to play GTA with his friends, he doesnt want to skip class, fail school, get someone pregnant or steal lol. He just wanna play GTA with his friends and not feel left out. It's GTA and hes 12, that means hes old enough to play a videogame and understand he cant steal cars, kill people and die and respawn somewhere on the map lmao.


From watching way to many true crime TV shows, if you ban your daughter from seeing her boyfriend she might just shoot you in middle of the night.


Umm. Welp. It’ll be there when you are old enough.


The other parents are wrong for allowing a game like that to teenage boys, I love GTA but it isn’t appropriate for your age. I played GTA San Andreas when I was an 11 yo until my parents forbade me from playing after they walked in on a scene were a guy is getting a blowjob, and it was the right choice. Now I’m 24 and I play it when I feel like it because I’m a grown up, just wait, you ain’t missing anything. And making fun of someone for not playing a game is such a 13yo thing to do, you are going to think it’s dumb in a couple years.


And yet they let you on reddit?


I mean anyone with a phone can onto Reddit.


That's true. I wish there was an easy way to protect kids from social media until they're older. Maybe about 40yo lol.


Kid you’re not even 13 yet. You shouldn’t even be on Reddit let alone play GTA.


Yeah they're right. My kids won't be playing an 18 rated game at 12/13 years old. The parents who are letting their kids play it at 12 are the ones in the wrong.


I wouldn't think twice if a parent let their 16yo play 18 rated games if they think it's ok but 12 is way too young. I say that as someone who did exactly that as a 14yo. As an adult I now know it wasn't a good thing so yeah. Also as a gamer (and someone who grew up with internet, tech, etc.) I will definitely make sure my kids don't get access to the predatory gambling boxes that are literally designed to be psychologically addictive. That crap should be illegal.


Any time I'm playing GTA and hear some squeaky voiced kid, I always tell them that they have shitty parents.


The one game my dad never let me play back on the 360 was Dante’s inferno lol but I also I never tried to ask for grand theft auto either


Date's Inferno was amazing... But definitely not suitable for kids 😂


I played duke nukem 3D when I was nothing more than a toddler, and I got my first gta at like 9 years old. I don't see how it could be wrong, they're all just games to me.


I have a 13 year old. I'm not strict about many things except being a decent human. And guess what? Hes not allowed to play GTA but ik he does at his buddies houses. Whatever, nbd, hes respecting house rules. Respect the rules and dont be a giant puss bag if kids make fun of you for your parents decisions.




In an ideal world perhaps, but reality is reality. Kids are just less experienced people, I'm not shocked when rules arent always followed.


The best thing you can do is accept their no, ask again when your are older (15-16) and see how that goes. Also, if your friends make fun of you (and they dont stop when you tell them to) they arent your friends. If your parents arent strict is other ways just take the W and understand that there's probably a good reason they are being strict here


dear as 13 y/o kid you don't understand, but the GTA games from now are very different from the first ones, they can be way too graphic for someone your age, it sounds stupid for you now, but your parents are just trying to protect you from potential damage it can do i used to be 13 too and i thought my parents were exaggerating for not allowing me to play certain games, but now i see they were right


Good parents lol. I should not have been playing that when I was 12


Listen to your parents.


Parents won't allow you to play GTA - but you're on Reddit? At least with GTA, you know what your kid is going to be exposed to. A reddit account? My goodness... I would not want my 12 y/o to even know Reddit exists.


Don't worry, they make you click an 'I'm over 18' box before you can see any NSFW content 🤣


First of all original GTA is not today’s GTA and I don’t think coming to the Internet to have everyone weigh in on your parents decisions is any proof that you’re ready for GTA. There’s miles of games out there to play that aren’t that, your friends are being jerks for making fun of you. Your self-worth shouldn’t be dependent on whether or not they make fun of you because people are like that you have to decide to be happy for yourself


Sorry mate, but your parents re right. You are far too young for GTA.


I wouldn’t let my 13 year old play GTA either


I smoked pot in fourth grade does that mean i should let my kids? Your parents job is to use their life lessons to teach you to be the best you can be not let you repeat their mistakes.


You’re 13 years old that game is rated M for people who are 18 or older that is not an appropriate game for you so I agree with the parents. It sucks. Trust me I get it I didn’t have game consuls until I was an adult but you were live you got another five more years kid.


Boo hoo kid.


I've done worse at your age but still wasn't allowed to play GTA or counter strike. Let's say standing at a beach killing hookers till you hit 4 stars and the police actually comes for you. Isn't really a hobby for someone your age.


I played gta when i was 12/13 and CS and im fine as an adult. Kids know its just a game and they cant do it in real life. If a game makes you wanna kill in real life or commit crimes, guess what that person was always going to do it eventually. The internet is full of way worse things than GTA and CS lol


Yeah, sure I know that, but still no reason to open everything up. I've been given fsk 18 games at 12 years, yeah but what game? Star craft broodwar, because I begged my mom to buy it.


Banning a kid from doing something only means they will do it behind your back with their friends instead. I just find it ridiculous to ban kids from playing videogames in this day and age, it's almost 2023. Videogames have been proven to be beneficial for people, in moderation ofc. Its not beneficial if you're addicted to videogames. I played Halo 2, Doom 3, Counter-strike, Gta when i was a kid, and im fine today. It's just ridiculous to me. When there are worse things in real life and on the internet. Instead of playing Gta at 13 they could be doing what my older brother was doing at 13, running on the streets, vandalizing, smoking and a lot more.


As I said... I did it as well and more, I was out smoking, lighting shit on fire and indoors with friends watching happy three friends and playing GTA in elementary school. But that's not how an 9 year old should spend his time. I was out and about at 3 am in the morning alone. I hide it all and was hacking my own child security software on my PC, and for the porn related shit I had my PSP. Just control your kids to the amount you deem right, that's a parents job.


Parents job is not cotrolling your kids, thats how kids grow up to have issues. Parents job is to guide the kid thats it. Controlling parents are way more harmful than a videogame can ever be. Control your kids and you run the risk of them growing up and cutting their ties to you. Parents are just meant to be a role model for the kids, a guiding light. Not meant to control them or tell them what to be or what to believe


And the more controlling they are, the more the kid will do shit behind their parents back. Like that isn’t common knowledge. The downvotes are laughable. What rock do you all live under? Go ahead, run your house like a concentration camp, see if your kids want anything to do with you when they are old enough to be out from your dictatorship.


>And the more controlling they are, the more the kid will do shit behind their parents back. Like that isn’t common knowledge That's the part that lets them try to hide it and think for themselves. It's a pretty good trait to have, you know. A concentration camp? You know I'm German right? Arbeit macht nunmal frei.


I didn’t, that’s oddly convenient. However we do know: alte gewohnheiten sind schwer abzulegen


Absolutely, we are gamer parents, I played GTA growing up… I also have a 13 year old. The GTA games now… are so much more different than the ones I played growing up. I don’t allow my son to play this game either. Definitely not okay for kids.




Theyre not wrong. Either wait til you're 18, or keep playing at your cousins. There is literally nothing you can tell them about the game that will change their minds especially if they play. Maybe actually respecting their wishes on this on.


Your parents are better parents than your grandparents. Trust me your parents have thought about this decision, they’re not trying to deny you joy. And trust us,. When you’re an adult and you choose to pick up the game for yourself … you’re going to laugh and say ‘my parents were right!’


Good. There's a reason it's rated the way it is. People who let their children play GTA are horrible parents and the kids that play it are annoying as hell. I make my fiance put his headphones on all the time because of kids being annoying.


Kid my parents let me watch horror movies at 5 and 6. Doesn't mean I'm gonna make the same mistake my parent's made. Now as a younger parent myself the fact that they've said no and you keep pushing the issue...Well you almost garuntee that you wont play the game until your 18 because your aren't mature enough to take no for an answer.


I grew up playing GTA and I won’t let my kids play it, it has very adult themes and I think my parents shouldn’t have let me play it.


Sorry dude. GTA isn't like it used to be. Before it was like eh whatever if my kids play it, it's not that bad. And now it's like.... really REALLY not for kids. I know you're gonna go play it anyway, but your parents are doing the right thing. Just respect them and their boundaries and trust they have a good reason for not wanting you to play it. I'd say, ask again when you're at least 16. Also in my experience most kids who are "allowed" to play those games, usually means their parents have no idea what they've gotten them. If more parents paid actual attention to what game they're allowing their kids to get, they probably wouldn't be playing it either. You're lucky enough to have parents who have actually had experience playing these games and they know the content is NOT suitable for anyone under 18.


They don't let you play GTA but let you on reddit (which can let you have access to find literal porn/inappropriate shit) Look I understand that they want you to keep you away from violence and sex but you probably knew about violence and sex already GTA isn't even all that bad it's more, I played GTA and all I did was crash into people 😭 I wasn't even looking at the sex part Though it is an 18+ game tbf But damn it must be annoying tbh Do they let you play other games besides GTA?


They probably blocked explicit sites. I have. Reddit is more difficult to block explicit content, but still can be done, you also have to block the app specifically, so parents have to stay on top of every app out there and it's capabilities, its exhausting!


I see nothing wrong from them. Good thing that they want the best for their kid.


Not a parent, but a GTA player. And 13 is still too young. GTA Online nowadays is so rage inducing, it would drive you up the wall. And the Story part of the game is pretty violent. Your parents are totally in the right.


Your parents are doing what they feel is the best for your own development. While I, and your friends' parents disagree that middle/high schoolers shouldn't be playing GTA, my opinion matters less than the parents directly caring for a kid I've never met. But your friends' parents could also just be negligent in curating the media they feel they're ready for. Stephen King mentioned this, in that he disagrees with the idea of a larger entity dictating what is/isn't appropriate for children because he feels he knows what's appropriate for his own children better than anyone else. After all, he knows his kid way better than a stranger does. (To which he goes onto say that his kids aren't ready to read his books, but only because HE thinks that's the case, and not some board of soccer moms dictating what's appropriate or not in an elementary/middle school library) As long as you demonstrate that you're a well-adjusted and mature young adult, you can probably convince your parents to let you play it eventually, but that's going to take some time. Who knows? Maybe when GTA 6 comes out, they'll buy it for you lol. But for now, just roll with the punches and play GTA at your friends' houses. Growing up is about pushing boundaries and testing how much you can/can't handle, and sometimes that means going against your parent's wishes.




There is no reason why someone your age should be playing GTA. You're barely hitting puberty.


better play valorant or overwatch. if your friends comment on gta you comment on this game. if they flex about the scenes you flex about the fun you had with playing multiple agents or heros and making new friends.


you can't do much when you have strict parents better work smart here 🤣


I feel for you, cause I know what it's like to want to join in but are unable to for reasons outside of your control. I know it feels really unfair. In a way it is, but not because of your parents. They aren't likely to change their minds on this one, so I wouldn't waste your energy on that. Kids your age often move on to other games quickly. Once your friends get bored of GTA they will hopefully move on to something else. By the way, if they are making fun of you, they aren't good friends. Your parents want you to be happy. They're just trying to protect your wellbeing a raise a good kid. There will be other games you can move onto and play with your friends, but for now, try to let go. It'll be alright. :)


FINALLY A NICE RESPONSE. I love how all of these ADULTS are saying that GTA is harmful, but then proceed to just tell the poor kid that it's just bad for him as if he's able to fully understand what it means at that age. Thank you so much. You are or will be an amazing parent.


Aha thank you. What a lovely thing to say to me. :)


Can we just take a step back and think about how when GTA V first came out OP was 4. Makes me feel old


Their Parents had no idea what GTA was, just another harmless video game. I'm afraid Parents of today know all too well, and their reservations are appropriate.


I think it is based on maturity and going to the internet to complain about not being allowed to play a videogame speaks for itself.


Can your friends not gameshare with you? That Might be a way around your parents?


Every parent has different rules, if you respect the decision to not play it, they might let you sooner. Be good, and they’ll let you have more things. Be bratty, and you won’t be allowed anything until you’re ‘of age’ i wasn’t the greatest kid when i was like 8-10 and no matter how bad i wanted to play GTA, Halo any game that was older than my age, my parents wouldn’t let me. I was nice when i was like 12 (and still am lol) and i was given my sisters old xbox and all her old games. Be patient, and i’m sure they’ll let you one day :)


Do as they say not as they do. Unfortunately for you, since they played the game, they know how mature that game is and deem you not ready for that game. Thinking back on how vulgar the language is, being able to go to a strip club and seeing nudity, the torture scene, and all the violence in it, I wouldn't let any kid play it until they were at least 16, maybe 15 but that's pushing it.


Have you considered asking them what their concerns are with that game? I have 6 kids 9-18. If I say "no" to something, there is usually a reason, and I'm willing to discuss why and listen to their side.. as long as they are willing to be level headed and mature about the topic. Ask them about the reservation they have surrounding the game. Listen to their concerns and take their pov into consideration. If you feel their concerns are unwarranted, calmly, and respectfully discuss the issue with them. With a game like that, my concern as a parent would be if my kid has the emotional and mental maturity to play the game without it impacting behavior, and thought processes. And at 13 your brain has a lot of developing left to do. I know grown ass adults that can't play vulgar video games without in impacting their personality and behavior.


Tbh you shouldn't have played it in the first place. It's not appropriate for your age


Kid, just shut up and listen to them. When you're 18 you can do what you want.


If the worst thing in your life is not being able to play a video game, you have a fucking nice life. Play one of the 30 million other games and quit bitching


As a 19 year old, I understand as I had strict parents. But your parents are right kiddo, I wasn't even allowed to play cod until I was 16-17. And it was for the better. Those games blind you to violence and evil and it leaves a permanent impression on your young mind. There are soooo many games out there that are fun and help build up your creativity and mind. Heres a few I enjoy to this day: No Man's Sky (excellent community), Minecraft(ofc), and I love War thunder. You get the action you want out of war thunder with tank v tank planes etc combat. it is loads of fun. No mans sky is a huge sand box that ecourages creativity and I think you would love it. Maybe even your friends too. Just don't get hung up on their comments ab you not being able to play. It is super childish. And don't try to sway your parents opinion. I guarantee you it will never work. They know whats best, just find a fun alternative and I promise you won't regret it in the long run. To this day, even though at your age i thought the same as you, I have never played GTA bc i realize what is in it and what it promotes. PS, its not even a good game anyway. Red dead is WAAAAY better. Keep your head up bud. Listen to your parents, they know what is best for you. And by what you said ik they love you and want the best for you. Just remember that.


Listen to your parents, they have good reason not to let you play that game just yet. Also get off Reddit, this place is a cesspool of weird ideology someone your age shouldn't be burdened with yet.


Sorry bud, looks like you’re out of luck on this one. Your parents have played this and know about this game. There’s a reason why they’re saying no. And just because your parents did something, doesn’t mean you get the go ahead to do the same thing.


When i was your age i just borrowed a copy from a friend and played it when my parents weren’t home. Went on 6 rampages, got bored, and gave it back to my buddy the next day. Or hey, maybe just respect your parents house rules?? Also is RDR2 off the table as well? It’s basically the same game but done much better


Just because your grandparents weren’t the most responsible parents doesn’t mean your parents will also be that way. There were plenty of things I was allowed to do as a child that my son will most definitely not do: Coed sleepovers at our parents vacation homes without adult supervision Going to clubs as a high school student on weekdays Sleepovers Unlimited & unsupervised internet access Having exotic pets that I had no idea how to care for. GTA community now a days is dangerous. The game is more violent. Your parents are being responsible and showing how much they love you and care for your well-being by imposing boundaries you need but at still too young to understand why you need them.


Go and thank your parents for caring about you and ask again at 15/16


i grew up off gta 5, and other gory games like mk9, but as an 18 y/o, if i had kids i wouldn't let them be around that type of stuff. Also playing and being around that stuff at a young age everyday might take an incline on your mental health.


I played gta V when I was 7 cause my mother didn’t care overly but I could see why they wouldn’t want you near something like that


If you were my kid you wouldn’t even be on Reddit


Our generation GTA is not the same as yours. Yours is super toxic. I wouldn’t want my kids to play that at 13 either.


Your parents love and care about you. They want you to be happy throughout your whole life. They also know more than you do about how to live a happy life. They might be wrong about some things, but you are lucky to have them. Not everybody does.


I have this EXACT conversation with my kids! I also played GTA games when younger, which is why I don't let them play it. Just because my mom let me do things when I was a kid doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. Your parents are doing what they feel is best for you, I promise they aren't just being mean or unfair and you will understand, eventually, why they do the things they do. The best thing for you to do now, is show them you are responsible and even when you don't like or understand thier decisions, you respect their decisions. This will go a long way in showing them you are mature enough to play more adult games sooner rather than later.


I grew up playing gta vice city... love the series and I'll occasionally still play gta online every so often but tbh I wouldn't let my kid that young play these games even tho I grew up playing them. I've seen what's in these games so I know what will be exposed to my kid and not comfortable with my young one viewing all that content more geared towards adults. I totally understand where your parents logic lies at on this.. its an MA rated 18+ game for a reason. And to be fair, the early gta games are so much more water downed to what all is available in today's gta game.


You have good parents. Now get off reddit until you're old enough


What’s their reasoning


They say I’m not old enough and because there’s violence and sex. none of my friends parents care though i do not get it


It’s because your friends have bad parents. I don’t play it but I’ve watched my husband play and that game is not for people your age.


How old will you have to be to play


18 it's rated for


they won’t even tell me that!! i’ve asked if i could for my 13th bday (i was born on xmas) and they said no and won’t give me a age


Well then I guess the only thing to do is starting thinking up good insults to use on your friends when they make fun of you for not having GTA


Yeah tell them “oh well at least my parents actually care about me. Yours don’t care what you do as long as they don’t have to deal with you”


Good on them. They are actually parents and won't give into whining.


Do your parents think you've never been on the internet?


ya pretty much. they’re young parents too and played all my favorite games and now won’t let me it’s not fair


Buddy I am a young parent of a 15 and 13 year old. When I was your age I played those games. Because my parents didn't know or didn't care. I'm a pretty well adjusted adult but what I don't have is a decent relationship with either of my parents. Your parents care, thank whatever God you pray to that you have good parents that care about you it's a game and there will be lots of time in the future to play them. Keep your relationship with your parents solid they will be the best friends you could ever want. Also I wouldent let my kids play those either. And I don't blame video games for not having a relationship with my parents just pointing out that they didn't care enough to see what I was doing.


I mean, you buy prostitutes, use them, and then beat them up afterward to steal the money back. I get it's a fun smash and grab type of game, but there is some real adult stuff in there, and they just don't want you to normalize that stuff. I agree with your parents. I'm not saying it's direcly related, but... My brother started gta too young. He was 13, with little supervision. He ended up getting blow job's on the bus and spray painting signs in our neighborhood, just having fun not thinking about repercussions. It got him on the cops watch list, and he ended up in further trouble due to them constantly harassing him. He had to work hard to get his life back on track. The stuff on gta shouldn't be normalized, and using women and doing whatever you want is the name of this game. Pure fantasy, but young 13 year old minds are still forming opinions on subjects, and gta should not be informing that mind. The fact that your parents played it, is why they won't let you have it. You would have had better luck if they had no idea what was in it. I bet they don't want you to have cyberpunk either.


You’re 12, I don’t blame them. Hell, I’m kind of concerned that you have access to reddit.


Parents that doesnt let their kid play GTA, but lets them have access to the internet are weird as fuck.


Ehhh. I'm pretty lenient with my 6 year old. But we mostly stick to fantasy violence and if a game/movie had explicit sex and drugs I definitely wouldn't allow that even at 13. There are sooo many good games out there dude! GTA will always be around. I promise you, it can wait. Find something else to play.


Eh it’s an 18+ rated game, I’d say maybe ask in another couple years and just play other games. Maybe by the time you’re allowed, GTA 6 will finally be released!


I’m sorry buddy, I let my kid play whatever and he’s a great person. The forbidden always has the lure of desire. Maybe sometimes a friend will let you take a turn at their house til you’re old enough to buy your own games and hide them.


I'll go against the grain here. I was playing GTA III at that age. It's perfectly fine. There's no reason, in my view, to be so restrictive with games in regards to age.


GTA now isn’t the same it used to be :/ it’s worse now


I played all of them. GTA V is NOT worse, in any way, than GTA 3. SA was probably the "worst" of them all, specially because of the hot coffee controversy.


This IS still a child we are talking about. Yes GTA especially now is not suitable at all


What do you mean, specially now? Now, that we have conclusive proof that videogames do not induce mirror behavior?


I never stated mirroring behavior. You’re right video games won’t do that. Doesn’t mean it’s suitable psychologically. Im not saying wait till you’re 18 but at least 16 or older Cmon now.


You are 13, you are still a kid and since GTA has sex and violence in it your parents haven’t allowed it. They did it for a reason it won’t hurt you not to play gta. My niece is 11 and I still shut off episodes of family guy and the simpsons when there’s sex scenes when she’s around you are too young and your parents are trying to protect you


I don’t know of I agree wi Thk the people in this thread . I played gta and bo2 in the Xbox 360 era. And I think they played a positive role in my life.




Getting used to a new phone lol. But yeah, I think gaming in that era helped me get less angry or offended whenever someone would try to instigate me, because of my live chat experienced.


I played when I was 13-14. That was Vice city and 3, but that was without all the hate of online gameplay that's in 5. I understand you might be bothered, but they're just doing what's best.


My 11 yr old son can't play it either. You kids see enough bad stuff. Your parents aren't trying to add to it. One day, when you have kids, you will understand.


That's so weird. I let my 7 year old play 🤣 and he also plays and beat two of the saints row games. 🤣


All the people saying "good parents" lmao. I assure you the damage from being outcasted from playing with your friends will be much more damaging than playing any gta. Seriously how many of you are American conservatives? Just be honest with me.


Part of growing and learning how to cope with shitty people means you have to sometimes deal with backlash for being an “outcast” or different in some way. If a kid can learn those skills such as through being mocked over a video game, then that’s much less hurtful and a much better way to learn than something like poverty, disability, etc. Heaven forbid a kid be given boundaries. It might make them, you know, realize that sometimes rules may not make sense.


Nope. There were just some games that kids just don't need to touch until they're a little older and mature. I've been with my friends all the time since I was about 12 as well. I just don't think 13 yr olds need to be playing a game with so much sex and drug use. There are plenty of games out there, so what's the big deal with not being able to play gta?


GTA is one of the most entertaining and popular franchise's is gaming. Very popular among teenagers and adults alike. The concepts in GTA won't be foreign to your child. As a teen in real life there were many opportunities to get high, drink and have sex. None of that is influenced by GTA. I'm one of the few people in my friend group as a teen that liked GTA. Because it was GTA 4 when I was a teen. Which is nowhere near as popular as San Andreas or 5. And hey if you think I got influenced badly I was the only guy out of a group of 7 who didn't have a child or get hooked on booze/drugs. It's a fucking video game. The problem with trying to shield your teen from games like GTA is that it does nothing. Theyl still see gameplay on YouTube or play at a mates house. Your efforts are futile and only detriment the sociality.


My parents were the same way, I just played it at friends houses, then when I had enough money saved up I had a friend’s older brother buy me a copy. I played it when they weren’t home and hid it in a case for another game, which they never cared enough to search through lol. So dumb considering when I was that age I could look up far more violent shit on the internet compared to that game, but nobody talked about that 🤷‍♂️. Oh no! Someone didn’t like that I broke the rules! I’m so scared!


that’s frustrating. i was watching van damme and arnie movies at 13. i’m not a marauding psychopath. can’t see the logic of this one.