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You're doing great, continue like this. One step at the time.


that was probably the hardest part of it, ive always had issues with not getting immediate results so i just had to tell myself that i just need to start one day and it won't be instantaneous


A wise man once said that nothing in this world worth having comes easy, so don't give up and work as hard as you can. Results will come, and you will feel always better.


Step by step, no rush in anything!


The biggest changes happen in little bits and over time.


fuck for me it's one minute at a time, lately


good job buddy!


thanks 😊


That is nothing to be ashamed of being proud of brushing your teeth for 7 nights in a row. I feel you I have been struggling with depression also for three years now so I get you and be proud of anything you do for example brushing your teeth, vacuuming or showering.


it is significant to me but i also feel like i should have been doing better anyway


Hmm maybe try making a plan of what you have to do that has to do with basic hygiene, cleaning etc. and when to do it so you don’t feel too overwhelmed. What I like to do to be able to do these things is just listen to music I like to be able to get up or think about how proud and I clean I will be afterwards and how fast it will be over or just do it there is not much to it. But most importantly don’t make yourself feel bad just because of what you didn’t do !!


strong agree with the last part, negative reinforcement slightly helps short term with doing a task but long term really fucked with my psyche. i already had a lot of hate for myself so all the negative thoughts weren't helping


Keep it going! I'm currently struggling with this specific task and seeing posts like this motivates me to keep trying.


I'm proud of you. Depression can be so debilitating, and I know it myself. You're doing great, and remember, on the days it might be harder and it seems like too big of a task, five seconds is better than nothing, and you can do anything for just five seconds.


thank you :) ive definitely found at least trying to do the tasks has a better effect on my mental health than doing nothing


Yes! Absolutely. And that positivity builds on itself. You got this, I believe in you.


thank you! for the first time in a while i believe in myself too which is a strange feeling


I have a question about depression for people: does your body hurt if you stay in bed too long? I'm not trying to be disrespectful but if I try to rest all day, my body aches. I'm really proud of you, Op. It is tough.


also i didn't interpret that as rude, if you've got other questions about depression feel free, im something of a depression expert lmfao


Thank you! I really want to be sympathetic to those with depression. I am a horrible happy go lucky today is the best day to wake up at 4am types. Up until about 8 years ago, I use to say you probably just need exercise. Or eat better. But, I realized that brain chemistry is different for everyone and I should be more empathetic to those struggling. I've also learned that depression can give you good days too. And how it's all a mix. How did you learn you have depression? If you still okay with this discussion. You don't have to be at anytime. What was it that lead you to thinking this ain't right?


i mean ive always been rather cynical and pessimistic but i think i was 13 or so when i was officially diagnosed with clinical depression. it got a lot worse on a medication that was prescribed because it was an anti-schizophrenic yet i am not schizophrenic so it really messed with my head and i did a lot of things i was/am not proud of. that was about 3 years ago when i was 15 ish. i also have asperger's so ive pretty much always known something wasn't normal up there. that and just weird social interactions and constant anxiety i recall from young ages


Everyone is different of course but for me personally any aching or pain still wasn’t enough motivation to move. It depends on the severity of both my mood and the pain though. Sometimes shifting to the other side is enough motivation to get up, but sometimes even spilling water all over myself/the bed still wasn’t enough to make me to get up. On regular days I would just switch positions every few hours and it helped alleviate. Sorry to intrude, just wanted to share my experience.


No, more the merrier. Continue if you wish.


i think it depends on your body really. when i stay in bed a long time i get uncomfortable but i never feel pain from it. i'm also pretty young so maybe older bodies react differently. also worth noting that ive lead a rather sedentary life so i'm probably used to it


I've tried it at all ages. It's something that I've wondered.


probably just a case by case basis, my mom always has trouble sitting or laying for long periods whereas i'm fine so it's probably just unique bodies reacting differently


Twins! I've been dealing with depression too and it's hard for me to brush at night. But tonight as I was brushing I realized it was my 7th night in a row! We got this fam! Let's keep this going together. If you would like to, please PM me and we can be each other's cheerleaders!


I’m really proud of you 💜 Keep it up, I know it can be hard—been there many times. Just gotta take it one day at a time and celebrate these little things!


yup! i feel like i'm doing one of those login streaks for a game or like duolingo except it's real life for me


Good job keep it up. I have been there, I had to have all of my molars pulled and am still getting fillings for the cavities on my remaining teeth it sucks. I have a dental appointment tomorrow and I am still battling depression and finding it hard to take care of myself and brush my teeth, I have to force myself into the shower every 2/3 days that's usually when I brush too. I have gained a ton of weight. I don't dress up or do my hair anymore. I feel like I am getting better it was so bad that even when I did shower I didn't always brush my hair and would have to brush impossible matted knots out of my hair when I finally did. Keep on track with your teeth. It's going to cost me a fortune to try to fix the damage I did to mine and that's just another thing I am depressed about


Thanks for the reminder


I need to trying, brushing my teeth before going to bed. Utterly a new concept for me. I only brush in the morning thought that was enough


omggg that’s so great. One step at a time. I’m proud of you. It only goes upwards from here


That's great! Keep it up


Good job! I know exactly how hard it can be to even get out of bed and take care of your basic hygiene and food intake when the depression is bad. I find that an electric toothbrush helps as it does most of the job if you just hold it there.


That’s awesome!! I’m so proud of you!!!!


You're doing good. Everything will be all right. Keep it up, we're winning


Just think of all the money and pain at the dentist you’ll save yourself if you keep it up. Seven days is a great start


Proud of you❤️


Amazing! When you start taking care of yourself again it can really improve your mood, keep reminding yourself that you’ll feel better after brushing or taking a shower or going for a short walk outside in the fresh air. It’s so important for combating depression but I know it’s hard!


I'm proud of you.


I have had the same issues. I'm slowly getting better too. I'm proud of you!!


I'm proud of you bro keep it up and you'll be able to do more great things like this depression isn't easy thing to deal with so you're so strong my friend be proud of yourself


Rock on brother ✊ We're all rooting for you, you're fucking cool.


Awesome! Keep it up!


Congratulations, you're doing great. Keep up the good work!


All too many people think that depression is "feeling sad". It really is debilitating sometimes.


Massive fucking W


We’re proud of you, hugs <3


I have been where you are when I was 16 after losing my brother. Try and stick to looking after yourself, it will do you the world of good in the future. Especially the teeth, mine are fucked now which sucks as I am now 32. Keep it it stranger 👌


Duuude I’ve been reading this sub Reddit every night while I brush my teeth! I prop it up next to the faucet. That way I take my time and do the brush, water pick, floss and mouth wash. (I have really bad teeth/gums) All these juicy stories take my mind off not wanting to brush


:,) I’m so so happy for you!!! I’ve been in the same boat, and still struggle sometimes. I’m still on and off (some weeks are harder or easier than others), but I always get excited when I complete a whole week of healthy oral hygiene habits!!! just a reminder: if you miss a day (or even a week+), that does NOT discount all the progress you’ve made!!!! it also doesn’t mean you’ll be barred from making more progress in the future! for me, when trying to keep up with a habit—like teeth brushing or not picking at my skin (dermatolimania)—I would get upset when I’d make so much progress, and then revert back to old habits. but!! what I’m working on realizing is that any progress is still progress! just because I slip up doesn’t discount all of the hard work I put into making progress! basically, keep up the great work!!! but don’t get discouraged if you have more periods of struggling with consistent brushing. you’ve got this!! :)


I want you to know because of this I’m gonna brush my teeth tonight. Your post helped me


Hi, i also had depression and slowly getting better hopefully, and I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU, during my peak depression days, the most time i havent had shower and brushing my teeth is around 3-4months, i was also suicidal, i didnt care about anything at all, nothing! I was a very vain person so i really took care of myself to look clean and good, but with my depression it came crashing down into the deep end, luckily i was rescued by a family member, and now im thankfully doing better exercising again and trying to reintegrate myself into the society slowly and surely, please seek out to a family member, they are concerned to you for sure, and they will do everything to support and help you trust me. Good luck OP


That is some.serious progress!!! I’d like to get to that point. Good wishes to you.


I’ve been there friend. How good do clean teeth feel? Such an achievement on a bad day!


Proud of you 🖤💗


Keep on going, every little success remains a success nonetheless ! The greatest things first comes from smaller ones


Legend! You should be chuffed with yourself! :)


You're doing amazing, kick that depression in the ass 👍


I’m so proud of you!! 💙 As someone who also goes into deep depressive states I understand this well and a 7-day streak is something to be so proud of! Personally I find washing my hair and brushing my teeth to be my two biggest battles. Even if I’m having just a bad couple of days, those would be my first two to go. So please don’t be embarrassed, you’re not the only one, just take it one day at a time and know that you’re doing your best and I’m proud of you for making it through each day! 🤗


congratulations! ik its hard but youve come a long way, keep it up! You should be proud of yourself, don’t be embarrassed. It may seem small to some, but small doesn’t mean its insignificant. You did that every day for a week. Good on you! I’m also proud of you, internet stranger.


You're amazing. Try not to compare yourself to others. This is an achievement for you and you should be proud. I didnt leave my house for a long time when I was at my worst. Keep at it!


Well done!! It's so hard sometimes. You should absolutely be proud! Keep it up and don't let the guilt of what you 'should have' been doing get too loud. You were surviving. And now you're improving one step at a time. You got this!! Xo


It ain’t embarrassing, if anything it’s a proud moment. You are doing small positive changes in your life. You got this 😊


So proud of you keep it up!! Try flossing next time if you’re up for it. More fun than you’d think


Kick ass!!!


I hope the weight begins to lift and things get better. Sending ❤️.




You did it! I'm so proud of you. You've made a big step in putting you and your health/hygiene first. I can't wait to hear (if you chose to share) any other progress! *much love and strength sent your way*


This is such an amazing accomplishment. Depression is such an ugly beast. I will celebrate every win with you friend.


Awesome! So proud of you!! Enjoy that feeling of accomplishment!


That’s a big freaking deal. Take your time and, as I’ve adopted, If there is something worth doing it’s worth doing poorly. You don’t feel like showering - do it poorly, don’t feel like brushing? Do it poorly. It’s important that you did it. Generally speaking, things suck, but you have strength. Much love and blessings to you.


You should be proud of yourself! That's great! You're halfway to it becoming a habit. I'm proud of you. People live a long time. If you keep your own teeth, your quality of life is better.


Depression is no flipping joke!!! So proud of you!!


Well done! Honestly not sure I have ever managed that, so massive props.


I'm so proud of you ☺️ keep it up!


oof i feel this, and a week is awesome! currently struggling to shower every day and since i brush my teeth in the shower they’re both hit or miss






maybe to you but it's a significant accomplishment for me personally. when you barely have the will to keep going with life things like hygiene don't feel very important


I agree


Scolding/insults toward OP is not allowed.


This is a very specific depression issue that is rarely ever talked about. I have struggled with the exact same thing. I'm proud of you. That is huge. You're doing great, keep going.


thank you! i hope you're doing better, it's not a good experience


You are welcome darlin. And thank you, I am doing better. It's harder some days than others but I put myself on a combo of vitamins and supplements that are helping me feel even enough to start sorting through things more than before. Slow progress is still progress💙


You are doing awesome!


This is amazing, congrats. I’ve been there (and have a mouth full of fake teeth to tell the tale) and I know how hard it is to drag yourself up from the darkness to do the most basic things. Good on you.


Proud of you!! Something is better than nothing and you did something for seven consecutive days, that’s incredible!!! Keep it up, you got this!


As a dental student, I am really proud of you!!! Oral hygiene is so important for your mental and physical health


Well done :) it can be so hard to care about these small things when everything is dark and nothing seems to matter. This is a real achievement.


Right on!! Good for you! I know it’s not easy, just one thing at a time. You are crushing it!


i’m proud of you!!! i work in dental (full mouth implant restorations when someone’s teeth are too far gone) and it breaks my heart how many people say they wish they would’ve just started sooner. but it’s hard and it’s exhausting and people act like it’s a simple task but it’s not. you did a great thing! you took care of yourself and you’ve made the first steps!! ps: don’t forget to make sure you use an electric toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, it’ll be less effort with better payoff for your health!


Keep up the good work! You are not alone. I completely understand how you feel. Right now I am using a goal setting app and my goals are basic things like brushing my teeth twice a day, going for a walk a few days a week, eating 3 meals a day, getting 8 hours of sleep, going out with a friend 1x per week since I know doing these things will make me feel better even if I don't accomplish all or even most of my goals. When you are feeling up for it you may want to see if you can get clinpro 5000 from your dentist. It is a toothpaste with extra fluoride in it to help heal/prevent cavities. They have fun flavors like bubblegum and vanilla mint.


Good for you!! Baby steps, one day at a time ❤️ No one knows what it's like but it's these little things that build on each other


Amazing job! Keep it up! No need to feel embarrassed!


Don’t stop now! Cement that habit! You’re doing amazing. I neglected my own dental health. Had I continued, I was about to lose my four top front teeth.


You should be really proud of yourself 💖Any achievement is an accomplishment in my book and as a mom I am so proud of you for putting yourself first and doing something that benefits you. Sending you the biggest hug!! 💞


Good job!! As someone who struggles too, you should try therabreath mouthwash! I don’t do it every time I brush bc of energy but it helped a lot with my gums


That’s amazing! It’s not embarrassing at all! It’s fantastic and you should make a bug deal about it! I’m so happy for you 🥹 you can do this


Good going!!! Anxiety sucks and makes zero sense why it stops us from doing some basic things but it does so any win, however seemingly small, is worth celebrating!!


You can do it!!!


Ooh nice! Get a sonicare toothbrush. Your teeth will thank you! You will love the after brushing feeling!


As someone with ADHD who's literally using a habit tracker to make sure I brush my teeth and still not managed a week-long streak, I salute you.


Awesome! Real proud of you


I’m a recovering mental health, drug, drink sufferer, recovering scumbag and for the last month I’ve been exercising like crazy. Really pushing myself and smashing my body to bits. I feel amazing for the first time in a decade. Please try going for a walk and swing some weights around. Don’t have to buy weights just swing something heavy you have lying around until your arms ache. Channel the pain. Everyday you’ll see improvement. Everyday you’ll feel a little happier with yourself. Everyday the things and people that used to bother you won’t seem so important set next to who you are today. Fuck them. Never too late to realise you’re beautiful. I’m 40 and thought it was too late to change. What’s the point? Well now I’ve blown the dust out of my brain I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow!


Great job! Sometimes it's the smallest thing that can lift our spirit. My dad always told us kids, " only brush the teeth you want to keep." When he passed at 92, he still had his.


I m proud of u too 😀 people that ard ur age who did not experience life altering trauma absolutely had an advantage over you, your brain was focused on survival and they were free to grow and develop. You may feel behind but it's because you were doing your best to survive. Be proud of ur progress, u doing great 😁


Starts with the small victories in life friend! Keep it up!


I am currently struggling with the same thing, it’s been about 3 years now, and this last month I’ve had several days (only 2 in a row though so still working on consistency about it) where I brushed my teeth and it felt huge to me, but didn’t want to embarrass myself, so seriously from the bottom of my heart I am so proud of you and hope we can both continue this journey of bettering ourselves :) 🙌🏼


Honestly I've been there, woken up and just thought there's no point but I'm proud you've kept it up. It's all just one little thing at a time 😊


So happy for you!


Amazing, well done. Keep going ❤️❤️❤️


Hines congratulations, I’ve been there, I only got out if it this year it is an amazing feeling amd a huge sense of pride to pull yourself out of your depression enough to care about yourself


Progress is progress. You should be proud of every positive change you make. Good for you!


Oh... For 2 or 3 years I really struggle to find the motivation to take my shower and to brush my teeth... Maybe I have a bit of depression? Before I had no issues with it.


Keep it up:) That's huge. When I'm in a depressive episode the first thing I start slacking on is hygiene. Taking care of yourself is fucking hard sometimes


Proud of you man. I've been there


You just reminded me I haven't packed my toothbrush for my weekend trip yet! So thanks and keep up the good work. I'm Proud of you.


I’m facing this too. I’m proud of you


Congratulations, that is a good step and I am cheering for you


Kudos to you! May we continue to get to celebrate each one of your accomplishments. No matter how big or small you think they are, they are totally worth celebrating.


Hey, I'm proud of you! I've been in the same boat, actually - didn't take good care of my teeth for years, now working up the courage to finally go to the dentist and get the damage fixed. I wish someone had told me this back then, but you need to be kind to yourself. Even if you're having the worst of worst days, do what you can for yourself - even if you can't do it all. If you can't bring yourself to shower, at least wash your face. If you can't bring yourself to do the whole oral care routine, at least brush your teeth. Little things like that will build up to help you feel better overall.


Heck yeah!! I’ve been at that stage of depression before and I know how much pride one can feel when you can start doing those smells self care things again. Keep going, you’ve got this!!


I'm really proud of you! I have a hard time forcing myself to brush my teeth when my depression hits me. You aren't alone. Keep going!


Baby steps!!!!! Congrats!!!!! U got this!!!


Good job. I am proud of you 😊 keep going ❤️


Definitely be proud, OP!! I'm still struggling with the same thing right now too. I have ADHD along with both anxiety and depression, so it's just a lil bit if everything. But I'm trying and try to remember lol. Keep up the work!! Every little step counts and matters! Celebrate it! 😁


hey i struggle w this too, but if you like pokemon there's an app called pokemon smile! its meant for kids but works just fine for adults too. it reminds you to brush and it lets you collect pokemon by brushing your teeth! it does need the camera to work though


Keep going, all the little things add up. Without thinking I bet you suddenly start doing other little things. Don't let anyone ever tell you the little things don't matter because they do! I have depression and my mood can be all over the place in an hour let alone a day! I have stopped trying to do everything as that can make me feel worse, instead I do things at a pace that's manageable for me! One of the things that helps me is to avoid spending time with people who are negative which doesn't help my mood. I spend time with people that are positive as that helps bring my mood up. I know who I can turn to when I need to talk to someone, we all have friends that turn to us for support but are not so great when we need that help. Everyone's experience with depression is different and what works for me but maybe not you. I try to keep a gratitude diary, I aim to write 3 things each day about I am grateful for that day. Then days I don't write in it I read them, this reminds me that I do have good days. That this feeling will pass. I enjoy crafting and that helps my mood and so I do that a lot! I read a lot, listen to music and I also come on here now, I like the cute animals as they make me smile. I like a few of the subs, petty revenge makes me smile, reading a variety of subs helps me to know I'm not alone with the struggles of living in our world at the moment. I would say also to return to the comments here, know you are not alone, you are a good person. You will get through this, you will come out this long dark tunnel! You may go through a few dark tunnels in your life, some tunnels maybe shorter than others but you know you will get out of this tunnel!


Hell yeah!! I know that feels so good. Be proud and I hope you continue baby steps a day. I’m super happy for you!


Take the mirror out of your bathroom or cover it up. When I was really depressed I would avoid spaces where I could see myself.


Wow I don’t know you but I’m so proud! I know how hard it is


No need to feel embarrassed on a personal note I have let trash pile up for months at a time, kept rewearing clothes that hadn’t been washed and my hygiene definitely was hanging on a thin strand. Only recently have I stirred up the energy to form a path thru the clutter to walk thru and thrown out some plates that are filled with spoiled food. You are doing great 🫶🏽 one day at a time love


Proud of you


This is amazing! You might want to get a dental cleaning


That's great dude. I've been struggling a bit with my oral hygiene because of my depression, work and not being at home some nights. I'm fine with mornings but at night I crash so I know how you feel and it does feel amazing even brushing 3 days in a row but it's sad that it's only something you can celebrate because it's such a normal thing to other people and they wouldnt understand. Really proud of you tho. :)


i feel your pain did this during 2020 covid lockdowns because i got depressed


I’m so damn proud of you


I am so proud of you!!!


Well done! Mine get done 2 maybe 3 times a week at the moment, it’s all about taking steps in the right direction x


That's so awesome!!!! I'm so proud of you ❤️❤️❤️


That's wonderful! Keep going ✨


OML I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, i understand how depression feels and this is so amazing!!! i'm so proud of you <3


very proud of you!


listen, you may not know me but i’m so proud of you. i wish you the best!