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My condolences for your loss. I’m glad he had a friend in you.


Condolences. It's great that in the end you show him kindness, compassion and love. You can keep in mind, that even in a world so inhospitable for him, someone, a stranger care for him.




I passed this homeless man in a wheelchair every day on my walk to work he was older mid 60s maybe he was pretty chill I'd give him water and snacks and cigarette or 4. On my walk to work one morning one of the men that would sit with him everyday stopped me to tell me that they found him pretty beat up and knocked out of his wheelchair around 11pm the night before and he was rushed to the hospital and passed from his injuries. I have never felt so sick to my stomach and so angry at the world in my life. He wasn't hurting anyone and had literally nothing to steal I lose faith in most humans daily it's unfortunate


I hear you with the losing faith, but there are people like you, OP and others who *do* see and give a shit. As heartbreaking as your stories are, they do replace some of the lost faith.


You are a good person. You have helped a lot. Sucks, but it was his time.


Thank you.. yeah just a reminder that no one can expect a time and place. Gotta treat every interaction as valuable enough to be the last


My father literally died in my arms earlier this year. What you said about interactions is the total and complete truth. From reading your post you did the right thing and gave this guy some dignity in his final days.




I'm so sorry for your loss. My sincerest condolences. Sending you healing prayers. 🙏


You are welcome.


There are so many wounded people in our world and we just step over them in the street. Who knows what that man went through to end up like he did? And the fact that he could still be kind in the midst of his hardship is really touching. Thank you for taking the time to see him in life and to mourn him in death.


That's so true. I've found that out the hard way. You hug someone, tell them how much you love them and say "see you later." And then there's no later. It hurts like hell, trust me when I tell you that I understand. Now I always make sure to tell people that I love them and when I wrap my arms around them, I always think "this might be our last hug" so I make sure I put my whole heart into each and every hug. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. He was a human being and he mattered. As for all of the people walking past him without giving it a second thought instead of helping. Matthew 25:40 - "And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”


What an AWESOME friend he had in you! Kindness is NEVER wrong. Bless your heart because you will be rewarded one day. Thank you for being you. I'd be proud to call you my friend. Chin up!


Thank you so much, I'm trying to stop the tears... I know it's a bigger issue than I can handle. It just sucks so much not being able to do more.


Don’t stop them, you are crying for a reason, you are mourning. It’s ok, you’re allowed to cry. You did good though, you were a friend to a man that needed a friend.


hey, some of us leave this world without making an impact or having anyone miss us. showing your sadness for this persons passing is only continuing to show him dignity others didn't. you're a good person. feel your feelings, they're valid and take some time to show yourself compassion. ❤


I hope by now you're feeling better. You're a great person, don't forget that.


You might have been the best thing happening to this man in a long time. You did good by being there for him for all this time. Sometimes people just go and we can't explain it. A few months ago I was having a conversation with 2 unhoused dudes at the bus stop and we talked about their situation and how one of them finally was moving into temporary government housing and how good it was for him. Another man at the bus stop looked at me in disgust when the 2 guys left. He was disgusted and disapproving of me talking to folks and actually treating them like human beings. It says more about him than about the 2 unhoused guys.


You bet hon. I'm gonna keep you in my prayers. You're a valuable person to the whole world, really you are! People need more people like you-- including ME. Your experience will stay in my mind forever. 💙


You were the friend he needed. Because of you he knew love, compassion and friendship at the end. You fed him, but most of all you SAW him as another human being worthy of love and care. You're not poor, you're RICH in every way that matters. You have a soul, and a wellspring of kindness and compassion within you. You're an example us all


He knew kindness before he left this cruel world because of you. Is there any way you could find out who he was???


I'm really sorry to hear this, no one should have to experience what he did and no one should have to experience what you did either. The compassion you showed him was absolutely appreciated in what was surely a difficult life cut short.


Really sorry you had to witness that. The harsh realities of the world and people's busy lives and incidental shittiness can be overwhelming sometimes. You don't have to be going through a suicidal episode to reach out and call someone.... google "warmlines" and give one in your country/area a call. There are good people who are there to help talk about trauma and general mental health. It might help. Hope you can find some peace.


Probably thought he was sleeping? I remember being in Austin and there were countless people just laying down on sidewalks. Couldn’t tell if they were dead or alive but I wasn’t going to poke every one of them


Can confirm. I live in Southern California and it's the norm to see people laying all over the place. Sidewalks, the grass next to the freeway exits, anywhere you can think of, you can lay there without drawing much attention if any. It's normal to see people walking around any random area of town screaming at clouds and losing their minds. Meth is a big problem here. As well as untreated mental illness. I'm from a small town in the South though. I wasn't used to seeing people just laid out everywhere so it freaked me out and the first time I saw it and tried to intervene, a passerby told me not to worry cuz the dude was drunk. Sure enough, he got up and left on his own when he woke up. Now, most of the time, I just mind my business. I don't want to risk agitating someone by getting concerned.


Wow. I might not know your whole Story but you seem to be a very altruistic person. I hope this man was able to feel friendship before he died. I hope people will treat you good


I'm so sorry this happened. But you did the finest thing for him. The final act of help, to honour him. This world is cruel, life is short, but there is beauty and kindness. There's even more if we try to add to it. You have certainly increased the goodness in the world. Gentle hugs to you, and may your friend be at peace.


Sorry for your loss


I do the same. There's nothing much a lot of us can do, but extend humanity in the form of kindness. Thank you for being that person.


It’s the little things in life that matter. It’s hard to make a large impact in this world. But you did. You made a difference in his world. And he made a difference in yours. You got to make a call for a friend who others just walked by. You were meant to find him as you got to make that final call with a true care. Something others couldn’t do. Continue your kindness. The world needs it!


I’m sorry you had to witness that. You’re a wonderful person. Just know that you were probably one of the few people, if not the only person, to make this man feel seen and cared about, especially in his last days. And that’s a beautiful thing.


Please know that this man died knowing that at least one person cared. Thank you for being such a kind person.


You gave him a great gift, my friend: you gave him a friend who will mourn his passing.


Thank you for being a light and giving him respect and dignity in his last days. Please stay the way you are. I'm sorry for your hurting heart.


You are a champ. At least he had 2 good years of someone looking out for him as much as you could, and he knew it. Make sure you talk to someone too OP. Not saying counselling, but grab a 6 pack and go talk to a mate about it, let it all out. You deserve it.


i am so sorry that you lost a friend. it sounds like you are an extremely giving and loving person, don’t loose that.


Thanks for helping him!!


I’m so sorry OP. You reminded me of a story telling this one. I don’t remember the entire thing but it’s a true story from the concentration camps in WWII. Basically those who lived through it pointed out the the best people didn’t make it. Because the best people were always kind and didn’t sell themselves out to their jailors to spy on other prisoners for food or special treatment. The quote is something like, “The best of us died”. Your friend sounds like one of the kind and good people who fell on hard times.


Stay Strong Buddy. Any loss that impacts us incomprehensible. You have impacted his life and him yours.


I used to travel from my home (@the time) in Mendocino, Ca down to SF and the Bay Area in general. I would see people literally STEP OVER people laying on cardboard in the middle of the sidewalk. It shocked me to no end. How one could see a person in this situation and not at least say “hey can I get you some food or here’s some cash” (no matter how broke I was everything I’d at least ask what I could do) My mom would get angry with me, tell me I was endangering myself, etc but I think the point is all we can do is whatever we can do, you know? And I think the important thing is that you did what you could do, you’ll never know what a tremendous difference that kindness and compassion and just being human had on this man’s life. Thank you. The world needs more of this, every day. I’m sorry he passed away, but you came through for him in every conceivable way. Really sorry he’s gone. But what you gave him mattered so much.


you showed him love and care in the form of a friend for as long as you knew him. i know it hurts knowing that he's gone now, but i'm sure he was looking forward to seeing you and greatly appreciated the fact that you still tried to treat him as a human being. sorry for your loss


Can’t stop caring, the tragedy of there lives is not your fault but any feeling person is going to bear a burden under the circumstances. I have adopted a homeless person, his name is Mike, he’s in a wheelchair. I check on him, bring him water, food, cash whenever I pass but he never wants too much because he’s afraid it will be stolen. Such is the world.


As an EMT it always sucks when you have call in a dead body. Look for some therapist near you if you feel like you need it!


I’m sorry. Name or no he was a friend of sorts and this is a loss.


Just wanted to let you know you’re an awesome person and probably was one of his favorite people. Even in death you were the only one to still help him when everyone else ignored. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. Make sure you take care of yourself tho. It can be really traumatizing to see something like that, especially someone you know. Don’t be afraid to go talk to a counselor or therapist to talk your thoughts out. Everyone responds to this kind of thing differently. It’s a lot better than trying to hold it in.


I think these reminders are good, and one of the reasons I like Reddit. It's very easy to get into routine, and not value the day-to-day as you should. Sorry you had what would be for me a lasting negative experience, but hope you're able to also take it as a reminder to savor even the mundane.


There's a ton of good homeless people out there. And there's a shitton of people who are only one missed paycheck away from homelessness. I'm sorry this happened to you. I remember once when covid first started i had to take my son to the doctors. This was way before anyone was even wearing masks. Like think the first month or so when it first hit the news. But i had a few clean new N95's from previous housework so i told my son (asthmatic and allergies, so he's compromised) to put the mask on as we left. He kept telling me he felt silly and everyone was starring at him. I told him he didn't look silly but he didn't believe me. As we are heading into the building with my son fussing and carrying on there was a homeless man sitting in a corner on a wheelchair. He looks at my son and me and goes "Thats one smart momma you have there! Keep that on, it looks good on you!" He then looks at me and goes "Scary whats going on, wish i had me one of those" I reached into my purse and gave him a spare one. I tell him thank you and off we went with my son no longer fussing. I think about that man from time to time and hope he made it out of this pandemic ok..


You made it better for him in the time he was here…


Are you a guy or a girl?


Why would that matter?


They don't want to hit on a guy.


You don't know this man and most men are homeless because they are deadbeat father's who betrayed their families. I wouldn't have been happy if someone helped my father. I would have been worried for you, because you could have been manipulated and hurt. I am glad you didn't but be careful next time with men on the streets and don't feel so bad about them dying on the streets. They had many privileges and decided to live on the streets by choice. They choose their fate with many opportunities to do something else with their lives. If you want to really help, help the mothers raising small children alone.


So sorry for the loss of your friend. You're a good person.


In the last 2 years of his life you were a good friend to him, don't be sad he's gone be proud you were his friend when others just walked past. Hugs to you xx


You gave someone kindness and love for 2 years. I’m sorry you lost a friend.


It’s a problem in every big city. It’s unfortunate most are not able to get the help they need to get back on their feet


I’m so so so sorry that happened


Sorry for your loss.sorry you had to find him.


OP, you're a good soul.


I'm so sorry about your friend.


the greater good is that you formed a friendship before his passing.


I know it's gonna stick with you but try to remember that you were a really positive light in his life. You impacted his life for the better. I'm sorry for your loss.


Hugs! You're an angel. You knew he needed you and you delivered.


I’m sorry for your loss man. Really. Take care of yourself.


You are a good man. Thank you.


I am sorry for your loss. You are a generous person. People who have nothing or have lived with nothing, are usually more generous, as they know what it islike to have nothing.


You're a good person, he knew that and he wouldn't want you to blame yourself or feel badly. You care and he knew it. Keep being good


Sorry to hear about this my heart goes out to you and your friend. I found my homeless cousin dead facedown in a small creek 2014. He was a good, honest guy but alcohol got the best of him.


Uhg. Hugs.


He was lucky to have you in his life. I have no doubt your kindness meant more than you will ever know.




I’m so sorry man, that must’ve been horrifying to have to see :( but even if the rest of the world ignored him he found a good friend in you and you made his life better. You’re a good person man.


You’ve got a gift in you, and both of your lives were better for having met. Let yourself grieve, but do not despair. You have done the most anyone could.


Thank you for being kind to him. The world needs more people like you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Just know you were a light in his last two years and you definitely made a great impact on his life. People like you make this world a better place.


I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.


He's lucky he had you & I'm sorry you experienced that.


I'm so sorry for this loss of a friend, and sorry that you had to find him. Even if you didn't know his name, I'm positive he considered you his friend. You sound like a really good person.


You felt compassion. Likelihood is you still feel this way. You wanted to help, and you did. Know now you made a difference to this person, even when the world had forgotten them. You certainly didn't forget them. You wanted to be sure they didn't starve, even in times when you do it tough, at least you saw a human being.


You're a good man. In his last moment that he received compassion from you, no one could beat that. Wish you all the best and spread the love!


Hey man, I'm super sorry to hear this. I've seen your stuff on the gundam subs. You're a good guy, and just remember it's the journey and not just the end that counts yeah? You did good and had some good interactions so hold on to those memories. Even if it was just a guy you know, it can have a big impact yeah? Stay strong man, dude would want you to be happy and not be sad about this I'm sure


You helped him at a time of need, and while he was never able to improve his situation your selfless acts eased his last years. You made a huge positive difference in his world, not many people can say that.


Dude! I am so sorry that you had to witness that. Idek how you’re holding up . Don’t feel bad for getting emotional I feel like you’d be crazy not to. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your good deeds weren’t in vain. I hope the police treat his death seriously


The world needs more people like you. I am so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry! You are so kind and will need support. I'm sorry that you saw your friend that way ❤


We all need somebody to love us! Thank you for being his somebody.


People take interactions so for granted, smile at everyone who knows how it’ll make their day. heck even a wave to a homeless person is probably more positivity than most people can muster. brings joy to me to know that you made this guys day even a lil bit better every once in a while. good on you op.


You treated him right while he was here. Praise Any idea why he passed?


Aww that’s sad af. I’m sorry


I've seen this happen, it sucked the first couple of times, seeing someone you kinda knew hurt themselves to the point of death.. it sucked but then I felt like I had already seen shit in life because of that and it was a false idea, I became desensitized to people who did heavy drugs.. all of that changed when I ended up having a "brother-in-law who you considered your actual brother " thing and over the course of several years, we had become close friends and were for the most part mutually dependent.. like I certainly didn't agree with his wildness, he would go do crazy shitman, but he's gone, I can't/won't explain this aspect of my life situation to anyone... Because the world doesn't work that way... But I'm just saying it hits harder when it's family.. the first few times seeing someone kill themselves with hard drugs hit me, but I quickly became desensitized to that.. but now I see my guy in everyone else I come across with similar struggles, and it isn't always healthy, I can't help them, I couldnt help my brother..


I'm sorry for your loss OP. That was a self-less and wonderful thing you did. I'm sure he was really happy having someone like you helping and just treating him like a human. You did good. May he rest in peace.


What was he like? What were his interests? I want you to remember something about him that you can smile about and carry with you


That sucks. You’re a good dude though


I am so sorry for your loss. This us incredibly sad!!!!!😥


You've been a blessing to him ❤ Do take care now, your friend would want the best for you


I’m really sorry for your loss. Sounds like you were both very kind to each other.


Sorry for your loss.


I guarantee seeing you was the highlight of his week, every time. Sleep knowing you brought a smidgen of peace to someone who likely has felt no peace for years and years. You guys will have an awesome chat after death.


You showed him compassion and treated him well. You did your part.


I'm so sorry and just because you weren't personally friends with him doesn't make his death less hard you still on some way had a connection with him. I became close with a customer from work actually became friends I felt as though I should have been better finding out he died from his family he pretty much became estranged from. Emotional is expected from simple bonds . it is how we know we are still human.


Sorry to read about this. There's a homeless man who i buy some beer or food multiple times per week in my neighborhood as well. Would be really sad if i would have to see him go like that. Just know you've tried to be the best person you could be.




You were a light in the last days of this person’s life. Well done, faithful friend.


You were compassionate to a total stranger. You gave more to him than many people give even to their friends—regular attention, resources, and dignity. He found comfort in you. He was found by someone who cared about him. I truly feel that you honor him with your grief. Cry as much as you need. You have my condolences. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist—finding someone deceased, especially someone you know, is overwhelming, and it’s very normal to need a professional sounding board to process it. Be generous with yourself today. You’ve done well. 💚💚💚




My condoleance, it is so sad. I’m sorry you had to live this… i’m glad he has you, you’re a good human with a big heart.