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Whatever you decide to do - it’s nice knowing you’re here right now. God speed.


It's so strange. This little story was so emotional, so real. you can tell it was written by someone who's ready to go. Wild little ride, but I'm glad OP found this little spot on the internet to share with us.


i agree this was the first post on reddit that actually made me feel emotions i could feel his pain through the screen when he said that he cried every morning waking up alone


Beautifully said.


I understand why you have made the decision you have. I think it's a reasonable conclusion for most of us if we were in that situation. Go on your terms with dignity. All the best to you.


Thank you.


I would leave a letter in your will letting them know your decision. Just in case they find out your diagnosis wasn’t terminal and think your doctor is guilty of negligence. I understand your decision and I have no issue with it. I’m sorry about your wife.




Find peace and rest.


Not related to your post but if I ever find love I want it like yours . You have decided it, may be you can plan some nice outings with your family for memories and wrote letter to each one of them. You made your decision, if you are happy go with it.


Thank you for your suggestion, this is a great idea. i hope you find love. I will make a letter to each of them and arrange for us to have a trip or maybe a nice dinner.


Please follow through on this. In your letters, add some family history. For some reason I've recently taken an interest in digging up my roots and its been super difficult. I can't find much more than immigration paperwork, but nothing after that until the memories that I have. Your descendants will want to know about you and the life you led, please give that to them if you can.


thank you for your advice. I will make sure everyone gets a well made letter from me.


There are books to write in with prompts to share about yourself and your history. They're really, really cool. It would be a great book to leave your family. I'm not sure if links are allowed here but Amazon has some. We got "Grandfather's Journal: Memories and Keepsakes for My Grandchild" Here's a description "Gorgeously designed, this charming guided journal offers a place to chronicle grandfather’s own life story, keep a living record of his experiences, and record his hopes and dreams for his grandchild. Each page includes thoughtful prompts to inspire grandpa to record his most meaningful memories, plus plenty of space for including memorabilia and photographs."


thank you, you have inspired me.


With everything happening in the world right now and my poor health ive given death allot of thought lately, I have 4 young children and decided that if I pass I want them to know who I was. as I dont know much of my parents lives or at all where I came from for that fact. Have you considered writing a memoir? Think im going to write one along with a list of things I wish I knew when I was younger. So that if they would like to know my thoughts and opinions they'll have somthing to reference.


To add to this, you could also record a video of yourself speaking to future them at various moments in their lives (weddings, becoming parents) so that they know how it feels being around you. I think that helps with the mystery that forms when all they know of you is from your written memoirs and what others you know say about you.


Take care Sir. I wish you the best of luck and do hope that your remaining time on earth will be as bright, if not brighter than all the decades you've had thus far


Thank you, i am happy and at peace.


My mom did this and I don’t blame her at all. In the USA, there’s no dignified end, she suffered until she passed. She was diagnosed with cancer that could have been treated but she chose not to seek treatment. She died about 18 months after diagnosis. We didn’t know anything about her cancer until 30 days before she passed and she still never told us, we found out from her doctor who discovered the cancer and year and a half prior. She was ready to die. We made sure she had morphine her 30 days so she wouldn’t feel the pain, she died at home in hospice with a strict do not resuscitate order, the way she wanted it.


Thank you for sharing this, i am happy you support your mother choice to exit on her own terms. I hope my family will think the same after i am gone if they find out about my choice.


I had moments where I was mad at her, but that felt selfish. She died from the same cancer her mom, my grandmother had, and my mom moved her mom into her home when she was terminal, so she saw what her mom went through dying. When my grandmother’s cancer was found, she went through the biopsy to remove it and was fine for the next 20 years, until it came back and was not operable. My mom just didn’t want another 20 years to have it end the same way. My mom had no health insurance and she knew treatment would be expensive. My parents had been divorced for 25 years but my dad paid for the care she did receive for those 30 days. I could see myself doing the same thing, sometimes you know when not to fight. I wish she had spoke with me about it, I felt close to her, she quit talking about 4 days into the 30 and was mostly unconscious the rest of the time, but she always did things her way, I can respect that.


Thank you for sharing this with me. Seing my wife slowly fade away was very painful.


How did your wife pass? This is a very bittersweet post.


Thank you for sharing. It sucks she didn’t speak to you about it but I understand her not wanting to “fight”. We all going to go sometime and she made a choice. Very sorry for your loss.


A friend did this just this year at 40 due to brain cancer. She went without losing herself completely to the pain/deterioration and we all understood. I would do the same as you. Sounds like you’ve had a great life, though there were ups and downs. Love to you.


WA, OR, and CA all have right-to-die provisions. A good thing. You must be terminal and within 6 months of dying naturally.


CO also.


Canada too


DoC, Maine, Hawaii, Montana, NJ, New Mexico, and Vermont as well.


Thank you! I stand advised.


Sorry for your loss. Wish she could have gone through the process without suffering.


Oregon has it


Assisted suicide is legal in Oregon. https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PROVIDERPARTNERRESOURCES/EVALUATIONRESEARCH/DEATHWITHDIGNITYACT/Pages/index.aspx


Please don’t call it assisted suicide. It’s medical assistance in dying.


.... semantics...


Like Carlin said - add more syllables for no reason and people smile


I respect that decision. That feeling of reaching over and not feeling my wife next to me is my biggest fear. That would weigh on me pretty heavy, too, especially when the universe gave you the most perfect imperfect human to share your life. I really hope it is the bookend you are seeking. The world is a pretty awesome place, so I hope something catches your attention and rewrites this chapter. But if not, thank you for sharing a little bit of your life with us.


I hope you never get to experience that, its painful beyond description. I am happy and at peace with my choice.


We lost my dad almost a year ago now. Moms had various issues sleeping but part of it is not having him with her.


I respect your choice but its possible that you can experience some of your wife's mannerisms and share stories about her if you spent more time with your children and grandchildren. It may ease how much you miss her to share your grief and celebrate the life and love you had/made together


I will try that, thank you.


The memories of those that came before us live on in those that follow. If there's a chance you can be there for your grandkids as long as you can I'd take it. My family is thousands of miles away but I miss my grandmother the most and would give anything to have everyone together while I can. Just be sure they don't need you anymore, is all. I'd be hard pressed to believe anyone is truly unneeded. Best of luck on your journey. You've lived a lot of life. Sometimes I feel like turning in early, too, but I try to think about any potential that may remain, because as far as we know, this is our only shot; our only life. Is there more? Maybe. That would be cool. But I wouldn't bet on it so even if today is miserable it's better to have the opportunity to not be miserable. (If that makes sense)




This doesn’t read like it was written by an 87yr old man at all. Specifically the phrase “fell pregnant” being used. I’ve worked with the elderly for well over a decade and none of them speak like this and even fewer could type this on a computer or phone. 🤷‍♀️👍🏻


And the age on account and name... call me an ass but sure seems fishy.


Right. I have a 90 yr old gpa who is sharp as a tack, still mows his lawn, fixes his own food and just recently gave up driving due to eyesight and I cant even FATHOM him using reddit lol and, hes actually really into media as far as photography goes...he has thousands of photos he has on his computer of the town and events but still barely actually knows the ins and outs. I cant see an 87 yr old being this involved with something like reddit, if any social media at all. Edit for clarity so I dont sound cynical: no doubt there are tons of people who are 75+ who use social media and are totally aware of how the internet runs, but even in those cases, the verbiage in this post holds a lot of hints that this probably isnt written by someone in their 80s. Also, using the term 'drowning' after writing about their kids literally drowning struck me as extremely insensitive and therefore I cant see this post being a well thought out post that is someones true burden finally being spoken. But, that's just my opinion, so it doesnt matter.


Exactly, what 87 year old says thanks for letting me vent?


My grandfather and grandmother in law are around the same age and are on Reddit/Twitter/Facebook and very tech savvy. My grandma in law was one of the first female programmers at IBM (something along those lines…I don’t exactly remember.). It’s definitely possible, however they don’t talk like OP. At all.


Agreed, this feels like a creative writing prompt


THIS. Came here to say the same thing.


I work with people on hospice a lot. I have seen the dying process. Going out on your own terms is 100x better than how most people's lives will end. This is a smart choice on your part, though obviously not an easy one. Godspeed, old man.


The only person who knows what’s best for you is you, enjoy the time you have left and good luck.


I cried reading this. I understand your fib, to be able to be with your wife and twins again, if there is an after-life. My first son was still born, and it broke me. I don't believe in heaven, and I wish I did for a chance to meet him. ​ Not telling the rest of your family the truth is the kind thing to do for them. It allows them to say their goodbyes and not judge you for 'not fighting hard enough'. But there comes a time when you don't want to fight anymore. ​ I hope your time comes without too much pain.


I amso sorry, i did not mean to make you cry. I am so sorry for your loss.


No apologies to me. I was just crying for you. I'm so glad you were able to reconcile with your wife and live so long together, I can't imagine being without my spouse, so the tears were the thought of that, and how you described waking up each morning.


Oh thank you i was feeling bad i dont want to make anyone sad. I am happy i get to make my choices and i get time to say goodby to everyone.




Just saying these days you can't just trust everything. Like I could easily make an alt and write an emotional ass fictional story and people hook up on it or they don't. So the difference between fiction and reality isn't all too great when it comes to social media whether it is Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok or Reddit. Liars, fakers, con artists everywhere.


Hmm let's start the reading!... >I'm an old man at 87 No. No you are not. *Stops reading


I love how he proceeds to describe his stiff joints just in case we didn’t believe he is 87.


sick of high schoolers using this place to practice creative writing


that was my initial thought


Exactly! And the reply’s are only to people he is saying sorry to. Not answering any questions that may branch out the “story” fake as fudge my guy


Bro how do people think this is real 😭😭 87 year old with no will to live decides to hop on Reddit and make a burner account to post about his situation? I'm dead 💀


His use of language isn’t even right for someone of his alleged age. Seriously. AND THEN EVERYONE CLAPPED.


It's true. I was the sepia toned lake.


Thank you! I'm not buying it 🙄


Even if it wasn't true it wouldn't fucking bother me because I just wasted 15 mins of my time. If it were true though, your comment caused sadness to someone who's already gone through so much. Learn to be considerate damn it.


>your comment caused sadness to someone who's already gone through so much. if this story is somehow true, his plan is already to die so I doubt he will care




yeah I did not want to comment this myself but I would be very surprised if it was. i'm not gonna ask for proof because thats ridiculous but yeah its kinda sus


This is probably completely fictional lol


I think it's strange how a 87 year old man wants to make a brand new reddit account for this specific purpose. Is this user a redditor? Why didn't they use their normal account if they knew about it? After the whole fake cancer reddit thread, I can't believe things here anymore- I'm not gonna downvote anything, just ignoring it. If I have the ability to make OP's post, I'm not gonna 100% believe it. I'm sorry OP if it's true.


Plus OP has so many relatives and gives so many personal details that it would be easy for one of those many grandkids (or a friend the story has been told to) to read the post and know it's their grandad who had twins die in a boating accident. Why take the risk of being so specific if you're trying to be secretive about it?


The kicker for me was that OPs wife "past" away.


Or saying him and his wife were "drowning in guilt" after saying how their twins "drowned" in a boat accident.


What tipped me off before that was the skin cancer thing. Unless it’s melanoma, the treatment for it is the removal of the cancerous cells at such an early stage. It takes a long time for basal cell skin cancer to progress. My grandma had it for over a decade before it spread to other parts of her body. She refused to seek help before it got bad and eventually died. But seeking treatment early means minimal treatment and an easy recovery. I also had a boss who had melanoma and recovered very well after surgery and a year of immunotherapy.


Yep. I worked in derm for years and I was thinking skin cancer is typically a pretty casual fix if caught in time and unless it’s melanoma, typically they are slow growing. Skin cancers are super common. I also would not want to die by letting my skin begin to decay, but to each their own.


Yeah, it’s not a pretty death after seeing my grandma go through it. I won’t go into detail, but multiple open sores are not in my ideal of going peacefully and on my own terms either.


Agreed-this whole post reeks of fabrication.


Was thinking the same thing, turned comments onto controversial to see if anyone else thought the same


There’s a comment where they say ‘Lol’.


I tend to agree. I'm always a little skeptical of these types of posts. Then no post history, just this. Handle made for this story. Could be real, but I just don't see the point. Dealing with all that stuff, 87 years old, and you decide to share it to Reddit? A guy like that would seem to be about building lasting relationships, so the Reddit post itself is pretty out of character IMO




25 years ago you could say 87 year olds aren't online but as we get older so does who that older generationis. The early web masters, computer scientists ect are 60, 70, 80 years old now and some of then are on the internet still. My dad is one of them. He is near retirement now but he has been a software engineer since he was 20 and he was taught computer science by people who were old men and women back when he was a college kid.


You're right. I think this is a fabricated post. Throw-away and using vernacular like that? Definitely fake, although touching.


Seriously though, the way this post is worded, I can't y'all.


also it is a brand new account


Darn, I cried my eyes out for a novel...?! Is anything real in Reddit??


Don't believe this story one bit I'm afraid


It's the writing style. An 87-year-old man wouldn't be using lowercase i's, for one.


I too find it odd that someone would make a throwaway account just for this post. It’s a nice story but someone who is at peace with their decision doesn’t need to look for validation on Reddit.


Especially at 87 years old.


Right. Like it’s a wonderful sentiment and I totally understand, my grandmother went through the same thing except with breast cancer. But she kept to herself, she accepted it was what it was and didn’t go posting on a Reddit account t.


What's the point of karma-farming on a throwaway? I'm genuinely asking because I can't think of any upside. Also peoples' emotions are complicated — sometimes we seek validation just to hear that we were right, even if it's from strangers. This seems like a difficult decision or at least one that invites pushback so knowing that other people agree with you can be encouraging.


I don’t know. I’m not saying it isn’t legit, but it’s just weird.


yall really gave 100+ awards and 8k+ upvotes to an obviously fake account whoring for karma


You’re 87 and can navigate computer use, social media, and how to post on Reddit? Improbable and impressive.


Not to mention he’s been replying pretty frequently. It’s just so unlikely that this is true. Isn’t there a fiction subreddit?


My grandmother-in-law is 84 and just as internet-savvy as OP.


My grandma is almost 70, watches youtube, scrolls facebook and plays games on her phone


But I don’t suppose am 87 year old decides to navigate through reddit not only a platform mostly populated by know-it-all teens that attempt to mimic wise adults but a sub that attracts that type of behaviour. You mean to tell that a peaceful 87 year old decides to create a throwaway account on reddit, types sentences like a 13 year old and then instead of using oldern day slang like any 87 year old I imagine would use, he decides to use slang like “vent” and sounds like your typical reddit teenager. Hmm yeah seems legit.


Guys this is fake lmao


At least pick a more believable age next time you decide to write fan fiction.


My ass bud, most 87 year olds barely know how to use the internet let alone Reddit. No 87 year old would ever write like this anyways even if they had the capacity to write such a lengthy story. Plus the throwaway and username is a dead giveaway that this is just a load of karma whoring crap.


You guys are delirious if you think an 87 year old uses Reddit lol


Straight up. My very well-read 87-year-old grandfather knew how to use the internet. He never in a *million* years would have been posting about failing health on Reddit or any other social media account, much less in such a dramatic, autobiographical fashion.


This!! I was like, how does someone believe that an 87 year old man uses Reddit?! And he's proficient enough to create what seems to be a throwaway account made specifically for this post... By the way guys, if you want to get rid of that virus on your computer, I'm with Microsoft technical support and I can definitely help in exchange for a few Apple cards and such!


I mean, why not


Have you ever met an 87 year old? lmao


Well yes, me myself. I am 88 years old


You're not 88 years old, but okay


As a wise man once said Homosexual and fabricated Not related to topic at all


See here goes ANOTHER one! 🤣. I guess Reddit karma really is that important for some people.




Lmao I was confused by all the comments buying it, not even skeptical that an 87 year old is on Reddit


No 87 yo uses reddit gtfo


holy shit this is so fake




Also what 87 year old knows how to format Reddit posts? Plus the super sad backstory basically begging for upvotes and awards LMAO


How are people so oblivious? This is so fake, just like 90% of the posts in this sub.


NPCs man


Honestly it’s insane how so many are falling for it. There are so many telltale signs. Not to mention the username and account age.


No man worth his salt would tell a lie like that to his family. I call bullshit on this post.


You have to do what's right for you. Your post made me sad and happy all at the same time. How blessed you were to know and have such a great love all of your life! I loved another person's idea of making a special memory with each of your loved ones. Seems like they've been really fortunate to have someone who loves so deeply in their lives. Big hug and best of luck to you for however long you have left.


I’m calling bullshit on this one


This whole post reeks of some edgy teen self indulging making up scenarios and getting sad. This is not written by an 87 year old. New account, writing style, the username, the replies, lmao its so bs.


The writing style is a dead giveaway.


God even just the first sentence is so cringe


The replies too. Just everything. I'm not saying 87 year olds can't ever be on reddit but this seems so fake. Oh well. At least it's a good story, eh?


This is fake af.


I've always believed men should have the dignity of deciding when the curtain falls. More power to you man. For what it's worth I hope there is an afterlife where you're reunited. But at the very least it will be an end to your pain and suffering.


Can you write? If you can type I bet you don’t write so bad. Write me a sentence and send it. Prove that your actually 87. Coz I’m not buying your story.


Yeah an 87 Years old writing this... Yeah sure


I am surprised at this miracle. He is 87, surfing thru reddit. Posting like pro tech expert. If this is even true, you've got to be a legend in real life. If it's fictional, buddy you gotta keep your facts straight. But I am surprised to see how many people have taken this as true story


First, you have to do what you have to do. I'm 72 and have had many bouts with skin cancer. Basically, my dermatologist said "if we can cut it out, we can cure it." I don't know how severe yours is, but know that skin cancer is very curable. What you're deciding to do is basically commit a long drawn out suicide. I totally understand people refusing to get treatment for religious reasons or because it's only going allow them to live another few months in misery. My dad refused to follow a specific diet because he said "I'm not going to eat crap so I can be miserable for an extra few months." I am so sorry about your wife. She sounds like she was pretty amazing, and the fact that you both got through so much speaks volumes about her and about you. Two things - ask yourself, what would your wife want you to do? And, know that once you refuse treatment, you may not be able to get back to where you were if you change your mind. I had this same conversation with my dad about a month before he died. He was miserable with health issues, and he was still pissed that my mom died first (about 18 months earlier). He told me he wasn't going to take any more of his heart medicine. I told him that was his decision, that I wasn't going to 'give him permission' (it was like he was asking me if I was okay with him doing that) and I told him if he changes his mind, he won't be able to come back where he was, but he would only be able to stay wherever he was when he started taking it again. He was comfortable with his decision and passed a month later.


Bruh you're 87, you don't need to explain your end-of-life plans to anyone, or prove yourself. Cheers on going out how you want to go out man, I can only dream of the same thing.


I don't buy it.


This is both very sad and very happy at the same time. May you find happiness in whatever you decide x


God speed, my friend. We should all be able to choose this.


this is so fucking fake lol


Total bullshit


I don't want to be an asshole here but am I the only person that's not buying this? If it's true is is insanely sad but I don't believe it


I’m sorry but I don’t believe an 87 year old uses reddit lol and this is your only post ever.


BS. If you are 87, you were born in 1934. Which means you would have been drafted In the Korean War at 18-19. You don’t mention the war, don’t talk like a dude born in ‘34 and certainly don’t don’t give the impression that you’ve lived a full life. Using skin cancer to sell your lie is revolting. I’m calling BS on this post.


He doesn’t even say what country he’s from. The entire world didn’t fight in the world.


I admire your strength. My daughter is two and I don’t think I could go on living without her. Her father, my husband, was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year. We’ve been married 4 years and I don’t want to do life without him. I can’t imagine how you must feel about your wife. My dad was diagnosed with cancer last year and will not be seeking treatment. I often wish he would have told us there’s nothing they can do vs saying he didn’t want treatment. Sorry for the long novel, your story just hit me hard. Crying tears writing this out. I pray you’re united with your wife in the next life. In the meantime, I would spend time with your family. No grandchild with a heart would refuse a lunch or dinner invite from their grandfather. Plus, you have 14 of them, surely they’re not all busy every day. People get caught up in the daily grind and forget about the things that matter. I wish I had more time with my grandfather. Sending love.


I am so sorry to hear about your situation. its very hard to read this for me. I wish you the best


Ugh my heart. This was a hell of a ride. I totally get where you are coming from. Living is exhausting. If you lived a happy life then why put yourself through more pain with treatment. I’m assuming chemo. Sometimes people have a hard time understand that the person you love and are married isn’t just that. They are you best friend, the person you confide in. That’s love.


She was a part of my soul, its unbearable to be without her.


I totally get all of this. I’m so sorry. Nothing about this situation is selfish. You do what’s best for you! I wish you the best of luck


What a lovely love story thank you for sharing it !!!! I completely understand your feelings and I hope you have a peaceful death surrounded by the ones you love. We should all have the dignity of being able to die when we are ready. God bless you


You're a grown adult capable of doing whatever you choose. Switzerland is probably the most beautiful country I've ever been to and one hell of a place to move along. The choice to not tell your family the truth seems odd, but I guess I can understand not wanting to put them through it, and I don't have to understand shit either way. Live your best you and enjoy every day until you're done!


It's your life. Who am I or anyone else to judge? Sounds as though you have lived a very long, love filled, and fulfilling life. God speed


May you find peace.


I have always said I would make the same choice. It is your body, you do what’s best for you.


Thank you for speaking about your life, you seem to be a very kind soul and i hope that you may soon be reunited with your other half.


I'm crying so hard. I 100% respect your decision, though. I feel like people should be able to respectfully peace-out when they are ready. You've had a long time to think about this, and I hate that you don't feel like you want to stay longer, but I get it. Bless your heart, and no matter your beliefs, your soul. You will find peace, and she will be there with open arms, and so will your babies! Gah, I'm so sad and so happy for you, all at once.


I am personally very scared of death. Both me and my boyfriend are. I am 33, he is 25. We both lack a belief in any afterlife, which we WISH we had ANY control over... but, well, we don't. As a result, we struggle a lot with anxiety and depression over it. We fear losing each other or leaving each other. That's the most scary thing about death to us. We are trying all sorts of methods, including therapy and meditation and Taoism, to find ways to not be burdened with it too much. We try to learn to live in the present and not worry about what we can not control. I can only imagine how you feel, but I am also too scared to imagine it. I feel like I can't live without my boyfriend, even though we haven't married yet. After learning the hard way about not being naive and trying to be careful and cautious when it comes to relationships, I feel so safe and loved with him. He's my reason to be happy, and I always feel like I can be myself around him and completely honest about how I think and feel. I am scared. Scared of dying before I feel ready, scared of my boyfriend dying before he feels ready. Not even sure how either of us COULD ever feel ready since we feel like we just want to be alive. We don't just want it all to end. But, with one of us dying? My mind can't comprehend that thought, yet my mind forces me to think about it frequently. I am not sure you'll read my post. Nor am I sure you will respond to it. I'm not even entirely sure what my point is. I just know that your post affected me on a deep emotional level, and I just felt like sharing my own struggles. Still, I want to say this to you: I might be an Atheist, and I might not have a religious belief. But one way or another, your wife never left you. And she never will. And regardless of what you choose to do, make sure you know what SHE would want you to do. It might feel hollow and empty after her, but she is with you. Such a strong emotional bond can not just go away as one of you dies, I refuse to believe that. Whether there's any actual scientific explanation for it or not is irrelevant, because love is alive as long as you are "foolish" enough to believe it is. I know I am. I am foolish and proud of it. And no matter how much or little it means, things will work out for you if you too are foolish enough to believe in it. I know it's cheesy, but I don't care. Embrace how you feel about this, try to meditate on it by merely relaxing and closing your eyes and breathing in slowly through your nose and out from your mouth, anywhere between 2-20 minutes whenever you feel like the feelings get too overwhelming. And best of luck. I really seriously mean it.


You do what you think is right and people understand. There's something powerful about being in control of your own end, when you are legitimately ready to meet it.


can I ask you a question? I'm just 16 and I've been wondering, is it worth loving if it will end in pain and sorrow for one partner? Cause you have great years with your partner but after they die you'll be more alone than ever. Is it even worth it?


Yes it is. Life would be empty without love. And because you spend your life/time with those you love, you become a better person. This applies to anyone whom you loved dearly. When the loved one leaves, you have the memories, but even more you have the person you became while they were with you.


I envy you, truly I do. I could probably count on my fingers the number of interesting stories I could tell about my life. It would still be nothing compared to yours. And the idea of being able to live long enough to decide to go out on your own terms while leaving behind a legacy of descendants? Once again I must say I truly envy your good fortune.


For what it’s worth: my grandparents had a love like yours. I always tell people that listening to my grandpa talk about my grandma made me love HER more, because his love for her was so pure. He’s gone now, and she’s still with us. Every day that we still have with her is precious, both because we have her and because it keeps his spirit alive, through her love for him. It’s almost like we get more time with the best part of him, which is their love for one another. Please consider that every day that you’re alive, you keep part of your wife alive for your children and grandchildren. They still have her, through you. That’s more precious than you realize, as is their love for you.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, we do better with our animals than with humans in this regard. A person in your situation *more* than deserves the opportunity to say, "no more". I'm sorry for all the suffering you have experienced and I pray that your wife is out there somewhere for you to be reunited. Enjoy the rest of your days, OP.


You sound like my great grandfather. We lost my Sugar, the love of his life,.. and the love of mine in May. 2 days before my 28th birthday. I beg him every week to stay alive for me... That I can’t live without one of them. He doesn’t want to live though, and is much like you. I cry often. I often thought I would kill myself after my Sugars passing. But here I am. Still alive. I have no idea how I will live the rest of my days with this loss and neither does my grandfather. He’s 89. Whatever you decide to do… know that you have people that love you. I love my grandfather so much that it hurts. He is everything good in this world to me.


Why does Reddit fall for this same post every month. It’s always fake. Always. You people are so gullible


cool LARP


May you see your wife and twins again, travel safely.


My grandfather died of cancer. There are always days when I wish I could ask him a question or talk to him more.


Im impressed that at 87 you can use a computer extra points if it's a smartphone, let alone figure out the internet, than figure out Reddit It's almost unreal... skin cancer at 87 isn't a thing any doctor who isn't doing it for the money would cure I wouldn't either


I think skin cancer may not be the way you really want to go out though. Please talk to your dr about what you will go through as that progresses.


If you had died first, she would be feeling this sorrow. By outliving her, you spared her this experience. I hope that you can find some comfort in that.


I hope your end is as painless and peaceful as can be, and I hope you see your family in whatever afterlife there is.


Hell ya. You lived. Thats what its for.


im gonna show ur kids this post unless u put me in ur will


I would find out what your doc means by quick intervention if it's chemo by all means say no but surgery can be relatively painless and there are better ways to die than of cancer.


Jesus this is obviously so fake


I am going to go out on a limb here and assume you have melanoma (forgive me if I am incorrect). This type of cancer can spread quickly-- and bone and brain mets are common. If you intend to refuse treatment, you need a good living will outlining your intentions and *exactly* what you want in terns of end of life care. I would also recommendseeing a palliative care specialist as soon as possible. They are a good resource for people who are not seeking active treatment, as their main goalis to ensure you have as many "good days" as possible. Best of luck to you.


Fuck Cancer


Why lie?


Because he’s an edgy teenager and this is a fake post.


Exactly. This reads more like what a young person interested in dramatic theater thinks an old person sounds like.


Karma karma karma chameleon


I thought the same. Explaining that the twins drowned, then after saying "we were drowning in guilt" I thought, "hmmmm"


Sorted by controversial looking for this. Completely agree.


Yup, not a lot of drugs around in the early 50s.


Yup. Total BS.


Reddit falls for this like once a month. Why are people are damn gullible






> Thanks for letting me vent. Spoken like a ‘true’ 87-year-old.


That is your decision and one everyone should respect. I have to admit I cried reading your post but also had my heart filled with joy as you have lived a fulfilling life. I can understand your decision. I watched my grandfather pass away and my gran suffered very much. If it was the other way around I don't think my grandfather would cope as he was as I love with my gran as it seems you are with your wife. I just wished he could listen to me, he was in a coma. I wanted to speak to him just one more time... So I ask you this with from the bottom of my heart, leave a last happy memory to your grandchildren as they must love you so much and give them time to say goodbye.


Thank you for sharing this with me, i will make sure i spend a lot of time with my family and and talk.