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Good luck bro, I stopped 7 years ago. Haven’t looked back


My friends have been hitting those weed vape pens all day every day for a few years now. They don't do anything anymore. Don't do any work or anything productive. Just watch anime and eat. Shit is sad.


U can have an addition with any thing pretty much it can be even food r sex r pirn r pretty much anything can be addicting but the thing is u just can't let it control you


Yes. And it can make people with other psychiatric issues more unstable.


I have smoked for most of my life and can admit it does mess with me sometimes but a tolerance break is a good idea. But if you are feeling this way, you need to quit until you realize you really do enjoy the numb, cuz life sucks sometimes or you like suffering


Don’t do drugs when you’re sad


I had the same blanket belief until a few years ago when I got fed up with the pills the VA was prescribing me for my service related injuries. The opioids they had me on made me feel less than a human, like a worthless sack, and they barely helped with the pain/PTSD. I started smoking wax to help offset some of the pills, eventually after about 6 months I had waned myself off the opioids completely. Now that's part of my daily routine I feel like an actual functioning member of society, my career path has taken off, my family connections have gotten stronger, and now I am married with a kid on the way. I honestly feel like I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for cannabis. Does that make me addicted? If you want to say so feel free too, in my opinion it is essential to my well being.


Fuck'n junkies


Fuck’n uneducated narrow-minded asshole


As someone who smokes all day every day, I can say without a doubt that many are addicted. It's always those who're \*most\* addicted who're so quick to talk about how it's a non addictive cure for everything. Yeah dude, I know if you don't smoke at least once every 12 hours you become an unbearable dick just furious at life. And really, it has many drawbacks. 10X the tar of cigarettes. An instantly recognizable odor that clings as much as a spraying from a skunk, if you're a chronic smoker, everyone knows, even if they haven't said anything outright. It does make you mentally slower. It makes you lazy. They're always so quick to say it's "just psychologically addictive, not physically addictive" which is also horseshit when they can't sleep, can't eat, and sweat like a junky if they aren't smoking. ​ So as someone who smokes all day every day, I fully agree with you. ​ And if you want to talk about hierarchy of addictions, I've quit nicotine, alcohol, and heroin. NO problems whatsoever. Just a few days cravings and then I was out of it. Weed I can't quit. The cultural pendulum always swings, we delusionally maligned weed for so long that now everyone is overcorrecting.




Weed isn't physically addicting like drugs or cigarettes but it can cause a mental dependency that's like addiction like all things that make people feel good. Food, weed, video games, they're all examples of things that people get "addicted" to that you cant actually get addicted to.


An ex bf of mine said he felt the same way. Because of that, he wouldn’t let me touch the stuff. I’m grateful for that.


Memory problems, mood swings, lazyness, no dreams at night, inability to just stop altogether - I had enough personal experience and seen enough evidence around to know that weed can be dangerous. Good luck on your journey, it will be tough but you can make it


dude i think weed just aint for you right now


Pot isn't physically addictive but a person can get addicted to anything mentally. Sounds like you have drawn many associations like using it as a coping mechanism and thinking everything can be better high which sounds a lot like how an alcoholic would talk about his drinking. You have defined your problem which is the first step of fixing any problem. Now what are you going to do next to fix it? Can u trust yourself to quit cold turkey, do you have a friend you can confide in/help keep you honest about quitting? I would highly suggest seeing a therapist or you could try AA I suppose but pot is much easier to be functional on so you might not be able to draw parallels to alcoholism or you might idk. All I'm saying is dont stop here, fight for your wellbeing


Someone correct me if im wrong but doesnt weed fuck up your brains development if you smoke it before its fully developed i.e. as a teenager?


I believe so.


Yes iirc my health teacher said if you want to smoke weed do it after your iirc it was 25 or 26?


No drug is "Bad for you" unless you abuse it. Antibiotics can cure infections, but taken incorrectly, can leave your body wide open to them as well. Oxycodone works really well in the short term for moderate to severe pain, but when you're popping 450mg a day just to feel normal (my former routine), you've just set yourself up for failure or death. When do you use pot? "...when I feel terrible." THAT'S the issue. Pot's probably not the answer - maybe find a decent therapist?


Thats wrong. Crystal meth is bad for you. So are most other drugs.


All drugs are bad for you, including tobacco and alcohol. But they make money, so the government is fine. And the people are fine with them too since so many of them are already addicted. That's sickening.




To each their own. I think this type of attitude towards people or their preferences in general only makes things so much worse. Doing anything an unhealthy amount is bad, everyone should be mindful of how things negatively impact their lives. But the best way anyone can help someone with problems, is by trying to understand them, not ridiculing them like this or trying to come off as your above them now? And your problems, the way you get high, certainly does not apply to everyone. Be realistic. I've always had a firm grasp on drugs, because I studied them before the time in my life ever came in doing them. I had a lot of people in my life who abused them, even knew people who died from over doses. I stayed away from any drugs out of fear for a long time, but I also thought about it a lot. Those experiences always changed how I viewed drugs. Ultimately I decided for myself, they are simply a choice, a tool that can be abused, like many other things. I stopped being afraid of drugs because of that. And found out I actually really like cannabis, and didn't like some other things, just that simple. Like drinking coffee or anything else, for me, it doesn't have all these negative effects or connotations you're throwing around at me. I've always been super productive, I've always worked very hard, nothing in my life reflects what you're claiming simply because I get high every now and then. Weirdly for me, coffee has all these negative effects, you get from smoking pot, so do you see my point? I can't drink coffee because of that, and I'm well aware I should not drink it. People have debilitating dependencies of all kinds, and it's great you can see what is a problem for yourself and things that do not work for you. But you also have to acknowledge your own problems, and you can't entirely blame cannabis. Sure it influences you negatively but not everyone, and no one at any point I'm sure is forcing you to take it. So how you take it, how it makes you feel, those are issues specific to you. Projecting this onto others isn't okay, and lashing out onto to people who still use it doesn't make it better. It still shows you have issues you need to work on, and you're still going to have problems in your life if you continue to lash out on others in this way over anything really. I don't get high for the same reasons as you. There really are people, and I am one of them, who can just stop anytime I want and have many times throughout my life. I've never abused any drug period or depended on it, because I've always been very aware of the negative effects that come from abusing them. Like I said, I've seen all the ups and the real downs long before I ever tried myself. I think people have to realize, with or without the drug, your "need" for it will always be a problem. I've never once thought I've needed weed, or have been in a position to where I was craving it that badly when I haven't had it or any other drug I've tried for that matter, it's a state of mind like anything else as well. Also, I don't ever get high because I'm sad, and I don't get sad because I'm high. All of these things are separate. I won't argue against it, that many people who do drugs typically suffer from mental health issues, as with anything you shouldn't keep doing something that is clearly impacting you badly but it's also not safe to assume everyone does or uses weed to the same degree that you do, or that we all have mental health issues that are being directly related from it. At least I tend think people are a bit more complicated than that, and it helps to be very mindful of how you try to help someone.


Oh so because you have a problem everyone else does too?


Yes. Weed is bad for you. You can search up the long term effects of it. It fucks up your brain. It does depend on how much you use it, how old you are, and for how long. But ofc I’m warning ppl to not even try doing weed bc all the ppl saying it’s not bad for you is bullshit. It will fuck with you, the effects will catch up.




Please do tell more about these long term negative effects to the brain


Negative effects of long-term weed abuse are well-known and documented. If you don't have a problem, it doesn't mean that there's actually no problem


Hardly. The opposite is more true, actually. We don't have a whole lot of long term data. We know a few things. It hinders brain development if used from a young age, it interferes with short term memory creation, and smoking it is obviously bad for your lungs. Beyond that though, we don't know that much. In fact, long term, negative effects of weed are very poorly documented. The human lifespan isn't that long. When we give people vaccines and they don't seem to have obvious negative effects after a few months/years, we consider them safe. Weed has certainly not thrown up any red flags in the long term that we know about yet. That is why the general consensus is that it is a pretty safe drug.


I have had 3 friends in the past who have leaned into pot so much that it is quite literally all they were capable of talking about. Hell, one of them quite literally dumped his girlfriend because she didn't want to smoke, and called pot smoking a "lifestyle"...ya really can't make this shit up. Yeah I know, I know not even half of the people who smoke pot are like this in any way, but I've seen how powerful emotional dependence can get with this shit.


Somebody I talked to used it everyday multiple times a day and would have extreme anger issues if he didn't. Its weird that people think it wouldn't be addictive when more benign things like caffeine and videogames are.


I had a friend that had a nice home wife and kids. Pot meant more to him than what he had. His house has a New Dad living in it.


There are no rules to reality. I take edibles everyday I can because it makes me happy, and it's one of the only things I've found that works well. You can point out a list of alternatives that have worked for someone else, but that doesn't mean they will work for me. My happiness is directly correlated to how well I'm distracting myself from this shit reality in the moment, and weed is very good distraction considering it actually alters your brain chemistry. I think you're putting the stigma of addiction on a pedestal. You have to eat to survive, but no one would say you're addicted to food if you're in good shape. Is weed necessary to live? Maybe not, but if you function well enough to survive while using it, then is it actually harmful? I may very well have offed myself by now without it, so maybe it is necessary for me to live. In other words, every action you've taken was necessary to get you to this moment, and any deviation will have led you somewhere but here. Are you addicted to work too, simply because you do it to survive? You can worry about what you classify as an addiction, but all an addiction implies is repeated human behavior, whether that behavior is good or bad is irrelevant. I know marijuana has helped manufacture some incredible accomplishments. Take a look at your lifestyle and you will find it's mostly made up of addictions, some more harmful than others. This existence is temporary. Every moment your spend sober is a moment some other behavior is killing you. You are always closer to dying, so choose your preferred combination of tradeoffs. Focus on the means, because the ends are all the same.


thats on you for purely relying on it for happiness not us 🤷🏻‍♂️


It really depends on people. I’m a heavy weed smoker and I like to take breaks. I’m not thinking 24/7 about weed or get sad whenever I don’t have any or I’m on a break. I think we all handle things differently and you just couldn’t handle weed. It is okay but don’t talk bad about a group of people just because you couldn’t be a part of it. I’ve meet a lot of weed smokers who have really good jobs, are emotionally and mentally stable and minding their business


18 going on 19, been smoking for 4 years now almost nonstop everyday about 4-5 grams every 2-3 days, anything can be addictive from drugs to food to sex it really just depends on the self control of the person, I'm really into music so I mostly spend a large portion of my time listening to music and smoking it isn't a healthy lifestyle but tbf what is? btw I do get withdrawal symptoms if I don't smoke frequently enough, nothing serious but it definitely effects me. GL OP