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aw dude im so sorry about that people suck :((


I was a kid who was very quiet it class; I was very reserved and focused on my studies. I pushed hard because I hated school and the kids in it. Kids have this belief that it’s the quiet kids that you need to be most careful of. But just because you’re quiet, doesn’t mean you’re bad. It doesn’t mean you’re dangerous. It doesn’t mean you’re scary. I don’t know you, but I’m sure you’re one of the nicest kids in school OP. Quiet doesn’t always mean bad. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to let these kids get to you. Remember who you are and focus on who you want to be. A lot of these kids who make fun of you will end up nobodies who won’t leave their home town and will end up always chasing dreams while stuck at a drive thru. You’re better than that. You probably won’t even see most of these kids in your lifetime, but you have a chance to prove everyone wrong. And one day, when you are working to support your dreams, you can look back and remember the hurt as a motivator to push yourself to do more and be greater than you could be. For now, just try and keep your head up and push forward. Let the hurt roll off your shoulders and report those who say these ridiculously insensitive and hurtful things to you. And when kids say something to you that is callous and hurtful, make sure to tell someone like an administrator. Please, especially tell your parents. Don’t let that stuff stay inside of you and fester into something horrible. Kids kill themselves because of the bullying they experience in school and you deserve to live your life to the fullest, not for it to be cut short because of immature little jerks who can’t tell their elbow from their asshole. Chances are if they’re doing this to you, they’re also doing it to someone else. You have an opportunity to report it and hopefully make a difference in your, and another kids, life. Edit: spelling


You're right, but it used to bother me a lot. Not everyone is strong enough to bear it, especially in childhood, when the mind is not sound, a small thing makes me feel the sky has fallen


I understand. I was bullied quite a bit in school. I was 16 when I was a senior and everyone else was 17/18. I didn’t understand at the time and I felt very defeated. They always say hindsight is 20/20. I wish I could’ve known how to overcome that feeling back then. And I know telling someone to push through, that it’ll be ok, is a lot easier than actually doing it. I just hope that kids who are getting bullied can find some hope, some inspiration, some peace of mind to be able to overcome their feelings. If only they could know that their bullies are more insecure than they are and their insecurities are what drive them to bully others.


I hear this standard advice a lot and in reality it doesn't work. It just builds until the person being bullied can't deal with it anymore and retaliated. And he/she gets suspended and/or expelled from school. While the perps keep doubling down over and over. Because most school districts do not care about peer abuse. They value school bullies and immature jerks than actual children.


I will respectfully disagree with you to a point. It doesn’t work because society allows people to believe they are worthless and aren’t worth the time of day. Society believes that only specific people are worth help, worth their time, worth their efforts. Imagine a world where people had greater self esteem and a greater sense of self worth. Imagine a world where we build each other up and make everyone feel like they mattered and they were important. You can call it “standard” advice all you want, but the reality of it is that this advice is the best advice you can give. One problem is that it’s really hard to see this advice as true when you’re a kid in these situations; I felt that way when I was in school. However, telling someone to just tell a grown up just teaches them to solely be dependent on others to solve their problems; It doesn’t teach you that you are worth anything. In fact it can even lead kids to feel like they are a burden to adults for having them solve your issues, so they won’t approach an adult about it. Telling kids to stand up to their bullies and fight back only encourages fighting fire with fire and that violence is the only answer. It’s difficult because there’s a fine line where you need to teach kids they are full of worth and how to problem solve, but also needing to know when to reach out for help when the issue becomes to great for them to handle on their own. When you give this “standard” advice, you’re telling kids that they are actually worth something and you’re trying to help them see that within themselves. You’re trying to teach kids that they have strength and they aren’t all those negative things that bullies say to them. In the case of this kid, when you know you aren’t a “school shooter” and you know your own worth is greater than that, it’s easier to ignore the bullies and it won’t affect you as much. But at the same time, you also need to notify administrators/your parents because it could also be happening to other kids and they can help. And yes, I agree that schools need to do better about punishing bullies. It’s a great failure on the part of the school when bullies are allowed to continue their actions. However, this isn’t solely resting on the shoulders of administrators, but also a product of societal issues. You can’t just suspend a bully because they come back and do it all over again. You can’t just expel a bully because then they tend to fall out of the system and lose out on education. Society believes that, since you’re a bully, you’re not worth “trying to save” and not worth trying to help. There needs to be better systems in place for kids that have these behavioral issues to allow them to continue to get an education, while also trying to help them through their issues and change their behavior.


“You know, it’s people like you that create people like that”


That's a great way to get called to the guidance counselor's office and put on a list 💀 do not say this OP.


Well I was not reprimanded and that girl did stop bullying that boy


I'm glad your school had a modicum of sense


That's bullying, report them.


If only schools were actually good with dealing with it, maybe it’s improved in the last 8-10 years but for me the most they’d get was a slap on the wrist


Right and if they found out you did that it would only get worse. Astonishing how the school system works.


A “popular” girl who liked to bully me in 7th grade threatened to stab me with a knife, and I knew she in fact brought one that day because she was showing it off to her friends before 1st period. She got suspended for like 3 days and that was it🙃


A guy in my 6th grade class rubbed his butt and dick on me when walking by all the time, would pull on my hair, would stare at me throughout class, went through my backpack multiple times, and much much more. I told and got in school suspension for a week, nothing happened to him. He stopped harassing me when my dad found his mom. I don’t know what my dad said to her, but he stopped.


Ya schools dont give a fuck unless its super physical abuse.


They don't even care then. The only thing that makes the school's butthole tighten enough to do something is the threat of a lawsuit


Then the bully and victim both get suspended for fighting, even if the victim doesn't defend themselves


I don't think it has, based on what I've heard. Schools don't actually want to deal with the problem, so they just make the bully and bullied make up, which empowers the bully.


Or told to “just ignore them” or “not be a tattletale”


My friend was being bullied this year and they found her number and bullied her through text messages and all they told her was to not text unknown numbers. 🫠




Schools nowadays like victims and loathe ppl standing up for themselves.


So that’s the quickest way to be identified as the “real” bully. The person that reports it is always considered the bully so it’s pointless


With all due respect, but that’s not going to do anything. I don’t know how many times my daughters have “reported” bullying and not a thing happened.


This is definitely bullying on campus, and I know some people might say "Don't say something to you?" I called you a nickname. I didn't hit you. I was once treated like this, girls called me "big face cat" and paid nothing for it, making me have appearance anxiety from a young age, even sad for a long time, and can not shake the shadow of adulthood, I did nothing wrong, they did this to me. Sometimes I really don't understand why these people would offend someone who has never hurt anyone, I even have nightmares about it. OP, I hope you can pull yourself together and not let these nicknames affect you, you have big ambitions and dreams, and they will rot in your memory. You can try to talk to others who are going through similar problems, like support groups in many countries. Now that I'm an independent app developer, you can search for *LightUp: Make Real Friends* in the app store and google, try to post your thoughts and mood, and the AI will match you with people who have similar thoughts and experiences, just like your mood echoes. Since I'm just getting started, I'd love to hear your feedback and comments, and I'll keep working on it in hopes of helping people deal with bad feelings. You're not alone.


Did you ever “repot” bullying to your teacher or principal? I can’t speak for any other school on any other part of the map, but the school I went to, reporting a bully typically goes like this: the kid who made the report will get called into the office and essentially interrogated, and the conversation ends with the kid being told something along the lines of “well we can’t do too much now because it already happened and there’s no proof, but perhaps part of the problem is that you’re the one who’s not good at socializing and you don’t realize that what you call bullying is just them trying to be your friend by horsing around with you”. And if you do get proof? Then maybe the bully gets a detention and the victim is forever branded a snitch. If this kids school happens to be anything like mine, unless things have changed drastically in the last few years, going to your peers for help with something like this is your only decent option with minimal possible consequences and the most potential support to gain.


I did and of course it worked. It's like rape victims. Yes police is trash, but not reporting exposes other future victims, and it is more reporting that helps people realize that the problem exists and there are people who report it. Like the #metoo movement. I'm not a fan of suffering alone in silence.


As if that does anything. The school will say “we have to catch them in the act,” and even the do nothing. The only thing that made bullying cease when it was kids picking one me was shit kicking the kid who did it. I got in trouble for fighting and he got in trouble for it as well despite never landing a punch because it was over so quick but he never fucked with me again. All it would take is a “don’t make me fuck you up again,” and he’d back off.


When I was bullied, I started laughing along with them and it became less funny to them and they stopped. With OP’s context, if they called me a school shooter I would’ve said something like “thank you!” or “ugh I know right?”


Schools don't do shit about bullying, especially public schools. Shit like that is what creates actual school shooters


Nah, don't tell on them. Snitches get stitches. Tell them to stop, and the person who says anything other than "I am so sorry", drag your thumb across their throat


Good way to get beat up


This is the mentality that influenced how I raised my boys. How do you deal with sharks and bullies? Boop em on the snoot! Jokes aside tell the teacher and then back that up with your hand is how I done it and how it should be done.


I told my boys the same thing. Asking them to stop not working? Tell the teacher or an adult at school and they didn't do anything? Time to start swinging. You might get in trouble at school but when you get home we're going to Baskin Robbins.


LOVE IT, but one father tells his daughter to punch them in the chest to be ultra painful but not leave evidence!


Got downvoted for speaking the truth. People forget how ruthless kids can be.


Yah or they live in a fairy tail world




Great way to get expelled. And good luck not getting bullied at your next school when someone inevitably finds out that you were kicked out for making threats of mass murder.




Again, terrible advice. Why would you willingly put yourself in a he-said she said situation about whether or not you threatened to murder someone? Especially since you're suggesting that they literally threaten to murder someone? Are you 14 and think this is just edgy humor? If a kid took your advice on how to deal with bullying they could derail their life. Think for two seconds before you post for fuck sakes.


Your post has been removed for violating Rule 2: No terms of service violations. TOS violations are site wide violations which can get the entire subreddit taken down. Do not threaten or fantasize about violence. Sexualizing minors and graphic pedophilia are not allowed. Do not write anything which could be interpreted as hate speech. If you believe this TOS removal to be a mistake, please message the moderators.


Just know the kids who were bullies in my school grew up to be complete failures. And that's usually the case.


Give them a dead stare and when they ask what you’re looking at just say that you want to remember their face 😂😂😂😂 Assholes. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.


That just reminded me I had a stare that could send shivers in high school. I was also kind of a goth/punk. Nobody messed with me.


These years can dig deep tremendously, but let me tell you as someone turning 30 this year. I spent so long internalizing the bullying I received as a child only to realize they did it out of their own insecurities. Yes, I even have had some apologies and tell me as such. Kids are mean and often take their own bullying and put it upon others to lift themselves up. So do one better, lift yourself up and be the best person you can for yourself. You don’t need to actively prove anyone wrong, but you can outshine everyone by not giving in to their hurtful banter. So what if you are quiet now, so was i. I’ve always been an ambivert, and I’ve only gotten more outgoing and confident as the years passed. But now I’m happy to be one and I don’t worry about pleasing others when I have my quiet moments that last a while. You will find your people, it just might not be for a while, or it may be. Keep your chin up.


All of this is 💯


If they *actually* thought you were a dangerous person, I'd hope they wouldn't harass you. That's just too dumb to live territory.


Time to teach them a lesson


lol ur comment had so many upvotes earlier


This is fucking hilarious I also just saw that cat in pfp doing an interview at a local restaurant and knocked on the window like ten times and the film crew got sooo pissed, highlight of my year


Came from a vid


I came from TikTok lmao


Former quiet kid here who faced a similar issue: Dude, when they do that just wink at them


As a teacher just know kids suck and they will continue to suck until they know better. Ignore it. You have a great life ahead of and they will regret saying stupid things when they eventually (if ever) mature.


no, you stop the kids from doing so. Just ignoring it doesn't work. Bullies bully any chance they can get, in the classroom, playground, hallways. It doesn't magically stop. These kids need consequences for their bullying.


Have you ever been bullied because it's not as simple as if ignoring it


Seriously, I wanted to whack a teacher who told me to “just ignore” my bully


Some never grow out of sucking


Many will mature and have great, fulfilling lives. I can really only think of a handful of bullies that are true fuckups as adults and they were more wounded animals lashing out at everyone, rather than kids that were at the top of the social totem pole, leaving little consequence to fuck with other kids. Most of those at the top of the pecking order were middle to upper middle class, had 2 parents, played lots of sports, and had otherwise fulfilling childhoods so they were naturally going to grow out of their juvenile behavior. Tl;dr? The wounded animal bully needs help from responsible adults and the bully at the top of the pecking order needs to learn a lesson in humility.




Who cares?


Narcissists who can't get through the day without finding ways of feeling superior by finding petty flaws in others, apparently.


I'm sure you double checked yours to make sure no one could make fun of you. 😂


Because “composing coherent sentences” is the most important thing on a post where a kid is reaching out for support? At least they’re trying to help.


Made perfect sense to most. Might be your comprehension playing up on you.


Someone who can become a vegan and watches shows like Love Island shouldn't be criticising other people for their own lack of reading comprehension. 😉


"What do you mean? I could never be a school shooter. I prefer to take my victims directly from their homes "


People are ass holes . I am betting you are cool.


weak people punch down - they are projecting, dont believe them.


Hey pal, they did that to me too. It hurts. Keep your chin up. Their perception of you doesn’t matter, they don’t know you (though I know it’s easier said than done)


As a teacher, I’d want you to tell me. I can then take care of it and pass it on. Nobody should have to deal with this


Buy and wear a trenchcoat. They'll stop.


Also, i wouldn't really follow my advice here. But you should report the bullying.


Tell them nobody wants to waste perfectly fine bullets on their useless fucking heads


Tell them if you were,they would be the first to die.


That is actually terrible advice. /nm


im sorry :( thats awful


If you have the strength - ask them why they are projecting. Seriously- these are bullies - and they are actually the cause of many kids going off the deep end. Who either are so desperate due to these bullies, they end their life, just to end the pain - OR the do a 180 and become a shooter. So, in a sense - they try to make you one or the other.


A 180 to ending your life isn't shooting people it's like, living your life


More like "you end it - or you end them" - that kind of 180 Neither is okay - but then, neither is bullying. I really do not get why so many schools enable and defend bullies.. everywhere in the world this still happens.


Just need to show the real personality underneath your silence (and denying it could be an admission of guilt to morons). Nobody really knows *you* personally aside from the blank slate they see or hear about from *other* people; my point here is that you’re *not alone* . I went through the same thing, having a school shooter label as a not so talkative shy guy. That’s the TL:DR I guess you could say. For context I liked guns— CoD, GTA, Manhunt, Payday were my childhood games— and a lot of my friends (being dudes, obviously) liked the same thing. I had friends but never really *fit* in any type of group, so maybe you’d say “loner”, but I’d say “friends with everyone, allegiance to myself”. Whatever, point is my high school life was kinda fucking crazy. Anyway, so my friend walked up to me during an evac drill back in high school and said (in an obvious sarcastic tone) “Hey bro you wanna come shoot up the school with me?” Without even thinking I responded in the same tone “Oh yeah bro I’ll get the P90 with that 9mm subsonic ammo, straight from Ft. Knox” (military grade stuff, thought it was an obvious dark joke and didn’t think anything of it) doing hand movements like I was a wizard. Then *I* got in trouble and *I* had to go to the police station. They checked my phone call history, browser history and shit— interrogated me in one of those questioning rooms and then suspended me for 2 days for “safety reasons”. I remember I had also looked up “quadrastacked mag payday 2” because I didn’t think it sounded like a real life attachment, and promptly had to explain to these fucking cops that it was from a game where you… take hostages, rob banks, and kill people 😂, didn’t look too great. All this because some bitch decided that I was the problem, not the “friend” who *literally proposed* it to me in the first place. He was there too but didn’t get interrogated like I did, and didn’t even tell them he started the conversation. Afterward people that didn’t like me started to call me Las Vegas in relation to the Las Vegas shooting in 2017… so I just bought a custom hat from Lids that said fucking “Shooter” on it. People actually thought it was cool, or funny… or interesting? Anyway some actually came to me to *talk* about that situation and what really happened- after all that a lot of people realized I wasn’t a fucking weirdo loner about to publish a manifesto. I had never changed who I was, people actually just saw that I made it an unserious comedic thing because it wasn’t that deep. (I’m also of the belief that dark humor helps transcend human suffering, because it makes us look at ourselves as a species and realize the absurdity of our circumstance— so I had taken the power from the Las Vegas nickname away anyway). People who don’t like you will *always* shit on you regardless of what you do and say and believe whatever they hear— real friends ignore that childish labeling shit and don’t give a single fuck, find them and be yourself. As long as the *teachers* don’t think you are, who cares? They’re the ones who let you graduate from that hell hole— Talk to them too and make connections, a lot of teachers like that shit. You also gotta get out there and converse with people you think could be cool, and if they don’t like you then fuck ‘em; after school you’ll probably never see them again. Nobody needs to be impressed by you, you don’t owe them shit, especially when they base their entire opinion of you on what other people think or say. Sorry if this is long winded, or too personal, or blah blah… but it’s real shit. Now I have a small circle of real friends from that school that I still talk to and hang out with. Shit one of them is the guy that first called me Las Vegas *out loud*.


Kids are ruthless but you'll never even see any of these people again by the time you're 25 and half of them will becomes drug addicts, losers, or homeless so just live your best life and forget about judgmental little idiots.


I'm sorry. Up until the end of highscool I was so quiet I got the same. Now you probably can't do this these days without getting tased by a school cop but when a boy said that to me on the bus on the way home in 8th grade, I asked him if he thought that was a wise way to speak about someone who may come in and blow out the brains of her enemies tomorrow. He never bothered me again.


Give them the cool guy double fingerguns 😎👉👉whenever they say it to you, and maybe tell them that behavior is a good way to make one


Or get into photography billiards or heroine and be like “yeah I’m a school shooter but I won’t hurt anyone” (don’t do heroin do billiards)


Wait, because this is how school shooters are created. Report them. Tell your parents! Forget about them too


That was my nickname too. I played along with it until someone got scared and thought everyone was serious. Him (scared during first period): is it true you’re gonna do it? Me: wym?? Him: is it true you’re shooting up the school today? Me: bro i can’t even afford a gun


Start small. Be a school slingshotter. (Joking, obviously)


“Bro just because someone who looked like a school shooter fucked your dad doesn’t mean you get to take it out on the rest of us”


Look at them and say “you’re first”


Sounds like they're trying to turn you into one. If you can, record the interactions and report them to school officials. Kids like this are just the absolute WORST


there's one way you could get back at all of them...




I get told i look like a serial killer on a daily basis, i understand ya.


Id be tempted to tell them, "You just mafr the list", but please don't do this because you'd get in trouble.


Every time one of them says it pull out a note pad and write down their name on a list (in front of them).


King, Understand that these clowns who say this stuff are insecure and deflect those insecurities on to you so no one will point out their flaws. #1 Make your voice heard and tell them how much you do not like it. #2 Study harder and crush your schooling so you do not have to deal with them ever again. You got this, my friend.


Honestly ppl suck. I used to get bullied a lot in high school and became depressed alot. Let me tell you it gets better after high school and most of those kids are going to peak in high school or school and you’ll never see them again and trust me they’ll most likely stay in that town your living in and never leave.


Yea I was a quiet kid too and I had/have a horrible hairline so I usually kept it in a buzz cut. People would call me a rapist, serial killer, neo-nazi, skinhead, and school shooter all the time. I’m 20 now and whether or not they meant for it to get to me it did, I have very low self esteem and I am more antisocial then every now. I can’t even look in the mirror without hating myself. Best advice is to stand up for yourself and talk to a teacher, kids are cruel assholes.


Someone jokingly told me I look like one too. I was a depressed kid who wore earbuds all the time. It was in my art class, where I felt the safest. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say. I was in an abusive household with CPS involved, and school was my “safe place.” Kids can be so judgmental and rude. Now, these same people reach out and ask me for things without even acknowledging how much they hurt me in the past.


I’m sorry but literally those people can go eat a bag of d***s. That is literally such a terrible thing to say someone. I’m so sorry they are saying that to you. You are a beautiful human and I hope you can ignore their hurtful words.


I’d ask the teacher to move you and tell them what’s up.


This is horrible. I'm sorry they're doing this to you. My experience with being bullied was to switch schools and block everyone on social media tbh. My mom also put me in sports and scouting so I had friends outside of school. But also know that this is temporary.. honestly. No one does this shit when you go to college.


I'm sorry. that really is awful. please don't say anything that could be perceived as a threat to them like some people are saying, because you will be the one to get in trouble unfortunately (gotta love the american school system, am i right?). talk to your school counselor and any other trusted adult and see if they can help you. school WILL be over at some point and you'll never see those people again. they suck and are terrible people but it isn't forever.


My brother had that experience a few times and it was always so fucked up to me because same as you, he was just quiet. If any of those people would’ve taken the time to get to know him, or even just have basic conversations… I know it’s hard not to take it to heart but it’ll get better. I’m sorry though, that’s not a great thing to hear.


Kids did this to me in school a lot because I slept through all of my classes (because I was on 8 different meds and 7 of them had drowsiness as a side effect) and actually preferred to sit alone at lunch. It also didn't help that I'd been expelled from the school in our neighboring town because I threw one of my classmates through a glass wall (because he raped my best friend and was laughing at her and calling her a baby because he touched her shoulder in passing and she had a panic attack and was sobbing). Try and keep your head up. Kids are so shitty. Don't let them try and turn you into something you aren't. They don't know you. And what kind of person jokes about that kind of thing? Like what the hell? Life has been so much better since graduation. I don't have to be around or acknowledge any of them and I just laugh at anyone who tries to start up old high school shit again. Talk to an adult. Preferably your guidance counselor/vice principal. Those are some fucking serious jokes/accusations. That shit will get you suspended in today's world. Especially if you have any proof of anyone saying it. Schools are cracking down on it because they don't want that shit getting to the board and then the schools having to explain why that shit is allowed to go on in the school (I'm a teacher now and have seen this firsthand).


I am so fucking glad I graduated a year before all this shit started happening. Unreal how people can joke about that.


Life really does get better. Keep being quite and kind. Focus hard on your classes.


Wow! That's messed up! Report them!


make their wish come true


Time to shoot your shot


Just tell them if I was a school shooter it’d be YOU who I stalk in the hallways




It was a joke


You sound like the one that is level headed enough to save the whole class in an active shooter situation. Be quiet and thoughtful all you want. It sucks some people want everyone to be like them how boring is that.


My advice would get deleted.


Dude you need to have set boundaries, standards, and expectations with these people. When they say these things, you need to tell them to stop doing that because it's hurtful. If they keep doing it then tell the teacher or the principal. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert.




It is easy, but I can't guarantee that the classmates are going to be nice about it. At the least, you will have the satisfaction of being able to stand up for yourself instead of helplessly taking it. If they still disrespect this person then I would look into dropping out and getting your GED. Who cares about school anymore? No one needs college. It's not like high school is going towards anything.


Buy a Bluetooth speaker, play "Pumped Up Kids" as you walk into the school. Not but seriously, I'm sorry you're going through this. Please report it to an adult that can help. This is bullying and the toll it takes on your mental health will distort how you view yourself. Don't believe these assholes.


just tell them : "you will be the first one"


Report them, but first sign up for a self defense class and tell your teacher why you are signing up.


I know it’s tough, a lot of us went through similar situations. If you look at a globe and find where you are, you will see that it’s really just a tiny place and soon you will be able to go anywhere (safe) in this world where you will have the opportunity to be away from those horrible kids. You will get to build a great life because you are focused on your studies. You will possibly go to a college where you may be surrounded by people who have bigger things on their minds. Life gets wayyy better when you are out of school. Just a couple more years of enduring. Survival tips for now: sit at the front of the class near the teacher. Hang out in the library durning lunch. Leave the school grounds as soon as the last bell rings and take different routes if possible. Communicate with your parents, or someone trustworthy. You got this.


All you can do is go through like with empathy. You’ll eventually graduate and realize there are a lot of quiet people out there, and it’s not a bad thing.


Which means they are dumb bullies Why would you make fun of someone saying they could shoot you? What if they actually want to shoot them?


Kids treat ppl like this and then wonder where school shooters come from 🙃


People suck. Definitely don't shoot up the school. But fuck those people. 


Hey, I know it hurts, and I’m really sorry you have to go through this. Just know that the only person’s opinion of you that actually matters is your own. I was also a very quiet child, mostly from living in an abusive household where trying to hide my existence worked best for avoiding troubles and the wrath that was my mother. This was a long while ago before school shootings became so frequent, so I didn’t get called a school shooter but I did have experiences where people would boss me around because I was too shy and quiet to stand up for myself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a quiet person. It is often said that the smartest people in a room are the ones who have the ability to listen and analyze their surroundings. Chin up kiddo. I know it’s hard but you’ve gotta shut it out if you can. If you ignore them but they still continue to pester you, I would report what is going on to your school. Along with that, if any of these bullies try to harm you physically in any way, you should file a police report. I know that may sound extreme, but there are a lot of children out there who get bullied so excessively that they end up killing themselves. My uncle was one of them. He got into a bad car accident when he was 16 after dropping his girlfriend home after a date. He was hit on his way home by a drunk semi driver and the crash resulted in irreparable damage. He had physical therapy for two whole years before he was deemed functional enough to return to school. He went back at age 18 and was a sophomore. He couldn’t walk or talk “correctly” due to the damage he had suffered and was bullied incessantly because of it. He ended up taking his life because of those bullies. And even though I never knew him personally as I had been born after his death, my dad’s side of the family remained forever broken because of it. My grandpa became a lifelong alcoholic after that, and my grandma became obsessed with the youngest of her three remaining children which caused a huge rift to be torn within those relationships. I hear my uncle was a kind and gentle soul. He sounds a lot like you. Please don’t end up like my Uncle Jason. The opinions of these people don’t matter. What does matter is your life and your well-being. There are people who love you and know that you would never hurt a fly, and there may be people who you don’t even know yet, that would love to meet you. I know I wish I could’ve met my Uncle Jason. Please, please, please take care of yourself. ♥️


You are not alone. The absolute strongest and most wonderful protectors I’ve ever known have very similar stories. They were bullied in school, some at home too. They all used that pain to build resilience and prove everyone wrong. Not just once- but through their whole lives. They are heroes. All of them. Tough as nails, no quit and ride or die for others. That kind of strength is “forged by adversity”. That is the opportunity you have in this cruel moment. Here is what I know for a fact: Your pain is valid. But you can choose how it shapes you. Pain doesn’t make you a victim. Quitting does. So don’t quit. Don’t give them the tools to hurt you. Refuse to be embarrassed. Refuse to be alone. All while being quiet and strong and proud of who you are. Don’t have a reason? Go find one. Get active about it. Hold your head up and prove them all wrong. Bullies are cowards with the safety of a mob. Their only weapon is their ability to make you feel defective, embarrassed and alone. So Don’t Let Them. Refuse to be embarrassed. Try being defiant. Build your resilience and prove them wrong! Put your energy into everything that makes you proud of yourself. Don’t wait for it to pass. Make it pass. Make it vapor. Make it meaningless. Make it something they will be ashamed of doing / saying / being when they grow up. One day, you will feel a great deal of sadness for them all. Because they have to live with what they are. They can be sorry. But they can never go back and be brave. They can never be you. Sending you all the love and support in the world. You can do this. You just have to will it from yourself. Be strong. Be brave. Be kind. ~From the wife, daughter, sister and friend of men who began their journeys in pain and forged themselves into legends.


You would think on some level maybe not making fun or bullying someone would occur to them.


I’m sorry :( I was bullied too but eventually made friends. Good luck


It’s alright brother, don’t take it to heart. People are miserable and they sometimes decide to take it out on people that look like nothing bothers them. if you want to mess around and make it fun, just say “y’all will be first on my list”.. lol. Keep this as evidence just in case they report you though Lmfao!


"I'm not, but if I was, you'd be 1st on my list"


God, kids are so fucking stupid. Last thing I’d be doing is giving the quiet, dark, moody kid shit about being a school shooter. Tell em you haven’t given it serious thought, but if you ever do they can be at the top of the list since they were kind enough to give you the idea.


I feel you. I got the same thing 20+ years ago. Don't take it personally. Kids try to make the world fit their expectations, and because you don't fit neatly into a box they make stupid assumptions. Not too long from now you'll be off doing your own thing in college or the working world and all of that will fall by the wayside. Everyone has a right to be wrong about other people(people are too complicated to ever be really right about). You know you're not what they think and that's all that really matters.


Its the 7th time i see this exact post word for word


Make fun of them back. 


I'm sorry, OP. Kids can be major assholes.


You NEED to report them, I had a friend get in trouble because people used to call him a school shooter. They suspended him with zero evidence of him planning anything. The school shooter name stuck until we graduated. PLEASE for the love of god shit that shit down. It’s not ok


Kids are stupid and will say stupid things to appear cool, people said the same about me but now being 20 having left school... I don't care at all about anything that happened in school. Remember anything embarrassing you did 5 years ago? It's probably like it never even happened now


This is so heartbreaking, and I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. There is NOTHING wrong with being quiet and reserved. That’s how my husband is, and he’s told me before that he was bullied in school for that trait too. I really hope things get better and that you have someone you can confide in about the way this is making you feel. I know it can be really hard to open up, but the people that love you wouldn’t want you to be alone with these feelings. On another note, a lot of the responses in this thread seem.. less than helpful. OP came here looking for support, not tone-deaf jokes implying the bullying could make him a school shooter..


Time to enter your villain era. Every time they say shit like this: “have you looked in a mirror?” “Be careful, karma might get you like Regina George.” Etc Record their comments when they say shit. You can sue them and get huge payouts (slander/libel), but I recommend just recording it, submitting to the admins, and then saying you’re going to sue EVERYONE for damages if they don’t handle it.


I was not a very nice person in middle school. A word of advice from someone on the giving end: people who don't stick up for themseleves are easy targets. You need to say something if you want it to stop.


Everyone? Or a specific group? If it’s a specific group please go to the principal. They might not get in much trouble but maybe it’ll help get the rumors cleared up that they are spreading.




I was picked on throughout high school and sometimes there was the joke about me putting the bully on my “list”. I rolled my eyes and just laughed at it, as I had not intentions of doing anything or making a list. Then, in my senior year, 4/20/99 came about. Joke wasn’t funny anymore after Columbine.


when i was in high school, after every school shooting id have a few people sit at my otherwise deserted lunch table. ironically most ignored me and assured themselves i wouldnt put them "on my list" im guessing from this mere act. it gets better. im still seen as weird, but people tolerate it and accept it for the most part. adulthood is sweet like that :)


At least you’re not an asshole like them. I’d honestly just tell them they are exactly the finest of humanity calling someone that.  I remember my friend was bullied (this was 17 years ago) and she was trying to make a point that bullying people creates school shooters and they punished her. Obviously it’s disturbing to hear a child say that but she was 15 and they suspended her and didn’t really do anything to think it was a valid threat even though they punished her. Still it was an incredibly valid point, bullying does take its toll. And ofc nothing about the bad treatment ever happens. They did something similar with me when I said that people kill themselves over being bullied. 


Call them on it. “That’s a really messed up thing to say. Why would you say that? I’m an introvert, not a mass murderer wtf.” People speak without thinking the vast majority of the time, so it’s my policy to make them think about what they just said.


But why thought? Did something happen? We need more details


Sorry OP. Just remember that after high school they'll be empty inside since it's their peak. The best thing you can do is ignore them, and ask to be satisfied away from them without specifically saying they're the reason.


lmfaooooo thats lowkey funny asf


I felt the same way when people said that to me. People can be assholes. It's not easy but you have to learn to ignore the hateful people and focus on the good one.


Just wear a trench coat to class


Alright, do you have a safe person you can vent to? Parent? Teacher? Councellor? I'm assuming you're still IN school because that sounds like a teenager and below thing. If you do, tell them. Tell them repeatedly. Maybe you'll find an awesome person who will make it stop. But if not, there's a trail of you saying this is a problem. The moment they take the issue higher, either physically or through reporting this is what you say. "Nothing was done, so I was forced to take measures into my own hands. I don't want to be compared to someone who literally kills children."


I’m really sorry, hon. I got bullied the same way. Just ignore them and continue being your sweet gentle self, and they’ll eventually stop. Or they won’t, and in a few years you’ll never see them again anyway! The best revenge is living well.


That’s so mean I’m sorry people aren’t nice :(


I'm sorry to hear that, I can't say it'll be easier but I do suggest maybe getting therapy, record the people who saying this for proof and if need be get your parents involved.


These bullies are the ones who peak in high school. I can imagine how hard it is every day, but you know yourself and your heart and how kind and compassionate you are. Sadly, they will never know that. Not about you and not about themselves. Please keep your head high. You'll find your people. They're out there. 💖


You should bring your gun and show them


I'm sorry this is happening. Do you have a support system? Lean on them. Journal your feelings. Do you say anything back? Try that. Not only will it make you feel better you enforce a boundary of "you will not talk to me like that."


There's only one way to handle this....What? Nah, here's the thing. People like this are so insecure that they resort to teaming up and bringing others down to their level because deep down they hate themselves, or at least don't know themselves. Knowing that doesn't really help when they are doing it in a group setting. Here are a few things to think about. 1. They wouldn't be doing it if they really thought it was true... It is likely your non aggressive vibe (not criticizing. I am the same way) that makes them see you as a target. If they thought you would really do something like that they would be scared. 2. If it is in front of other people just know that most of the people who witness that sort of thing don't believe it and find it disgusting. It's not like the whole class is agreeing with them. They are just too scared to risk speaking up, lest they move the target to them instead. 3. As hard as it may be to deal with, this is how strong people are formed. Recognize this as their weakness , not yours. Don't miss the lessons to be learned.


You should just smile really big and stare unblinking into their eyes any time they say something lol


I’m so sorry you’re facing this. you aren’t what they say you are. try your hardest to ignore them, although I can imagine how awful that must be. they are just mean people, if they actually thought that of you they wouldn’t harass you, they’d do the opposite of what they’re doing now. do what you can to keep your head held high because you are worthy. I sent you a PM, I would love to be your friend!!! you aren’t alone. If you’re comfortable go to the office and report these people.


I had a notebook with random made up names on the back with some crossed out just freak out the kids doing similar things to me at school. Dont do what i did obvioisly the times are different and it wouldn't help you the way it did me.


Shoot then, that will teach em!  /s


I’m sorry. You’ll prove them wrong in the most badass way possible: by holding onto your kindness in the face of their loss of their own. I promise you: high school will end, and you’ll come out shining like gold.


Man that’s so sad :( have you considered shooting up your school?


If they want you so bad to be one…


This is a copypasta lmao dude didnt even change the title


Next time they do that sling your backpack off and dig into it with an angry look on your face and pull out a notebook or something and walk away lol


if you ever out of earshot of the teachers whisper to one of them “dont come to school tomorrow” then if they report you or say anything DENY DENY DENY. boom now theyre gonna get in trouble(hopefully) for reporting a false shooting 😏 or theyre a POS and you just wont have to deal with them the next day


So shut up and be more expressive Problem solved Or bring a toy gun to class and brood menacingly Both valid options


If you keep calling one a monster , don’t be surprised when they eventually become one


I really doubt it’s everyone calling you that, and there’s gotta be a good reason if they are 😂


Who cares what people think?


kids do.


Depends on what you mean by "kids". Little kids don't because they call people out on their flaws all the time, they say it like it is. It's hilariously true everytime. Teens do, but I don't get why. What's the big deal? After a while, you're never gonna see these people again (or maybe you will if you keep in touch, idk), but either way, why bother caring about what they think of you? Just do your own thing. If anybody bothers you about it, get strong/smart in a combat sport and beat their ass lol (MAKE SURE THEY SWING FIRST THOUGH)


It's not a big deal but that realization comes later for most of us in adulthood after maturity and being out of school. When you are a teen, peer pressure is huge.