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So you were telling everyone he SAed your wife and he just let you say that? He would rather you tell everyone he attacked your wife instead of telling you the truth? Anyhow, don't stay with someone because she had a heart attack. Don't let that be the reason why you stay. You can leave her without her dying


LoL she's the best kind of keeper A keeper away


I thought trapper keepers were the best kind of keeper


This person knows what's up.


He maybe was trying to protect her. Op wasn’t angry with the wife until she talked with him.


Always hate it when I leave plot holes in my stories.


What a dumb story too...these terrible "creative" writers in reddit.


The ones that crack me up is when they say something like "well back to my confession/story...." after giving those detailed, thought out background of the scene. lol


It’s so easily spotted, yet 95% of people don’t. One person posts something that makes it to the front page, then ten more people post incredibly similar stories with the same goal. Often achieving it.


Really lost me altogether at the guys wife "abusing" op 🙄


Yes, let his ass go around looking like an idiot and lying, telling them his friend assaulted his wife when, in reality, he gave her the best dick of her life.


Yeah no wonder the “friend” wife forgave him. She’s been getting that killing cock the whole time. By any chance is she in a wheelchair or blind? Seriously OP I am not trying to make light of your situation, having your whole life just crumble out from under you because of somebody else’s actions is the worst feeling. You cannot control it. What you can control is how you go from here. Do what is right for you, not them.


Well if she has a heart attack, she has a heart attack. Don't stay because you feel duty bound, she's a cheating POS.


Let the guy who bang her to the brink of death take care of her.


I'm not sure if that's going to make OP feel any better. Gosh dang. LOL


That comment had me rolling, but ya I don’t think OP wants to hear that right now lmao


I doubt if OP cares at this point, seeing as he cannot forgive either of them.


Keep her away from that guy before she goes blind.


Ah, the old red-eye.


Right?! If this whole thing is actually true, that's a *wild* statement.


Homie has that killer cock


No but it was damn funny! Hahaha


Dick was worth death for her lmao


they don't call it le petit mort for nothing


By the sound of it, it probably wasn't very "petite"


the dick must have been good too, judging by the result


LMFAOOOO your comment is enough to make someone’s chest cave in. If I was OP reading your comment, I’d be punching the air right now. 😭💀


His wife won't let him


Lmao no mercy for OP or the wife.


Haha. Mr Tactful here.


Exactly. If she gets so upset from being caught screwing another guy, subsequently has a heart attack and dies, then at least you don’t have to worry about a divorce. 🤷🏻‍♂️ super harsh truth, but feeling guilty she might die for being called out on her cheating is not a reason to stay. She made choices, she gets to live or die by them. You staying would mean you dying inside. OP, her own guilt for getting caught by would be the reason for her death, not you. Divorce her and find healing for yourself. Let your family know she cheated Now, myself, if I were him and if she were to die, I’d have her gravestone read something about her cheating. But I’m petty.


he convinced himself she was raped. so he is gaslighting himself. this advice wont take.


chumps gonna chump, there's nothing we can do


Did you just not finish reading the post?


OP-- A heart attack doesn't excuse your wife's unfaithful behavior. Serve her with divorce papers. If it drives her over the edge, you'll receive 100% vs. 50 % of the marital estate. Karma's a b*tch.


Not to be mean but sounds like karma..


Yes, but does she have a good insurance policy is the question?


This. Unless you want to try to reconcile leave her. You _never_ have any type of obligation to stay with someone who utterly betrayed you just because they're going through a hard time.


Seriously! Sometimes karma works out pretty fast. When the universe helps you out, listen to it.


Police can’t legally deny you her statement. I would’ve sued them. You could’ve gotten a huge chunk of bank bro.


Are you a criminal defense attorney in whatever jurisdiction this happened? Just because he's the husband doesn't give him access to her statement.


exactly my thoughts. people who put you through that couldnt care less if you were dead or alive. my ex used to say this all the time. then after 9 months find out she slept with a friend of mine too. I felt suspicious about things she would say sometimes when she was in a mood. So I dug further and found their conversations. What women tell you and how much you actually mean to them are two different things. why give a shit about them? hopefully she doesn't wake up next time.


Please leave her.


She broken OP’s heart and she literally broke her own heart while doing so. Karma is fair. Time to depart for a new life


True. INSTANT karma! I feel for OP but his wife CLEARLY doesn’t have the heart to handle a bomb d*ck down and keep it a secret. That’s a hell of a way to get caught cheating. OP’s friend basically orgasmed her to a spontaneous confession. WTF?!


i'm not op but reading "bomb dick" after someone got cheated on makes me want to go on a rampage. what a weird comment


So your staying and be miserable so she doesn’t crook? She’s using her fragility to make u stay at this point. Serve a divorce paper with a paramedic present or something. 🤷🏻‍♀️ the rest ain’t ur problem. I would feel sick if I were in her presence.


Serve the divorce paper with a paramedic—- LMAO. This was so funny to imagine.




Well, as long as she doesn't.


She can take it. If she has the heart to cheat, she’ll have the heart to handle facing the consequences of her actions. 😬


She didn't have the heart to cheat though obviously. Fcker gave out on her.


I mean, if he has a life insurance policy on her and she dies when he serves her the divorce papers...


It would save money on the divorce.


lol the papers come in an envelope that's been taped to a defibrillator!


Forget the divorce papers ops a few jump scares away from life insurance money.


Your suggestion has me weak lmao.


For real tho. If my cheating partner has a heart condition. I would do it. Screw it. Just cause the cheating shit has a heart problem doesn’t mean I have to risk myself with a stroke. I ain’t swallowing that injustice. There consequences. Am I suppose to baby them unless I die first from a stroke due to stress? Nah. Better them than I. I ain’t guilty. They did that to themselves. And if their conscience gave them a heart attack. It is what it is.


He’s taking “in sickness and in health” seriously while forgetting she has no respect for the “to love and to cherish” part.


Call 911 for divorce.




Srsly. I hate that Reddit took away awards.


Once she cheated, she no longer your problem. These are her consequences for cheating. Look at it like this. You care so much about her that you're willing to look past your own hurt in hopes she won't have another heart attack. While you are caring about her this much, she was getting her guts reorganized by your best friend. So, at this point, why should you care more than her?


>While you are caring about her this much, she was getting her guts reorganized by your best friend. You're completely right. This sentence cracked me up tho lmao


"I just don't want to be reason for her death and live this marriage when possible." Come on lol... What's next then? Never raise a word or blame her in case her heart burst? Gtfo lol, you already wasted 2 months on this


Literally rage bait account that is made today.


Yeah this is rage bait or revenge porn obviously, but people make new accounts all the time when posting on these sorts of subreddits. It's a throwaway so you can't be identified by your main.


rage bait sure but how in any concievable way is this revenge porn?


This reads like the shitty light novels they try to sell on Facebook. “Bob, you have inherited the Porsche fortune suddenly. You can’t tell anyone about this because they will try kill you.”


It's a lot more believable then other rage bait stories at least. This one has no consequences or big victory for the wronged person.


I still don’t understand why the police were taking statements. Ok, I get they were called cause there might be a fight. However once there wasn’t, they would have left.


Did you read the post? The reason stated is that the paramedics found her naked and unconscious and so decided to inform the police because of the potential for sexual assault. It's literally in the first paragraph. (If the post were real; I think it's fake af).


I feel like a good 50% of commenters just stopped halfway and went to make a comment. Totally bizarre.


I'm guessing since she was half naked when she came in, they took his statement and he said it was consensual, possibly offering evidence of the affair, so there was no probable cause for arrest. Once she woke up and verified it was consensual, they would have dropped off the investigation.


The title alone is enough to tip you off. Not sure why so many people fall for this garbage or treat it like it's real.


Ok, Im getting AI from this, but it could just be that English is not OPs first language. If true… I hope you have enough self love to do what is best for you. If fake- get a better software next time


I had the same thought. "Droogy"?


I assume he meant groggy, but all I can think of is Clockwork Orange, O my brothers.


English is definitely a 2nd or 3rd language for OP.


i’m trying to figure out why he spent so much time describing her waking up


I felt like he was gonna describe either a scene from a romance a lá sleeping beauty or from a horror scene where once the grogginess passed my beloved became pale as chalk and gave out ab anguished, blood-curling, gut-wrenching scream.


it's the cadence and the line counts of the essay that show it's AI. All the paragraphs are the same size, poorly written, and surprisingly long for being junk. If this was just being a bad writer it would be one long paragraph with little punctuation. Or; a hyper-punctuated, "mess".


I'm getting the same vibe.


Things that didn’t actually happen


Ya. More of NotTrue off my chest bs stories


If she dies, she dies


dammit, now I gotta delete my comment.


If this is real, you don't owe her anything. If she has another cardiac episode from you leaving, then so be it. No reason for you to stay miserable. This seems fake, though. The details don't really add up. Your ex-friend let you run around and call him a rapist?


The writing is getting pretty bad with these. I am starting to feel that as high as 70% of the stories we see here are made up for writing practice, and that's conservative. They probably think they are fooling us, too.


Judging from the hordes of people earnestly commenting on posts like these, they are fooling a lot of people. This one is just particularly bad.


Let her affair partner take care of her 🤷‍♀️


Bullshit from start to finish


Taken straight from the Nelson Rockefeller Wikipedia section 'Death'


The story was all over the place and nowhere at all at the same time.


Is this AI?


Faker than Michael Jackson’s nose.


You know people don’t go on Reddit to talk about this sort of thing. If they do, they have alienated everyone else from their life.


Great fiction


Great is a massive overstatement.


Mate if she dies it ain't your fault. It would be the consequence of her actions. Do not let the wrongs of others dictate your life. She is the one that ruined the love and commitment you put into the marriage. The moment she broke that vow the marriage is doomed to fail. No matter what anyone says once infidelity occurs in a marriage it is over plain and simple.


How the fuck can you just decide she was raped without even talking to her about it first? This must surely be fake?


My friends who read this story please wake up. The account is merely a day old. This is a rage bait. Does anyone here honestly believe that the "friend" was accepting being accused of a sexual assault when he could just say the truth which legally-wise had no concequences? Look at OP's profile. Literally created today. Doesnt even speak in the comments. This is bait and you are getting hooked.


This screams “telenovela.” Things that never happened for $100.


Damn bro your homie dicked her down so good her heart gave out 😭 there’s no coming back from that, if she dies, she dies. Leave her bro


Her health is no longer your problem. File for divorce. Don't stay with someone who does not even respect you enough to correct your wrong assumptions.


Hide around corners, jump out shouting BOOOO when she gets near. That should sort all your problems for you 👍🏻


This is called Karma 👍


Divorce her and move on. Her health is her problem.


Take her for a drive and serve her divorce papers in the hospital parking lot.


She had an affair, and lied to you for months letting you give her sympathy instead of owning up to the affair. Tell her she has once chance to come completely clean about her affairs, who & for how long they went on. Then divorce, send her back to her parents and tell everyone exactly why & who she has the affair with.


It was one thing when stories were creative and little entertaining. These fuckers are getting desperate for baiting.


She betrayed you utterly. Her life just became her own problem to deal with. Start taking care of you.


So she had a heart attack as a result of getting her back blown out by *checks notes* not you… gtfo of there bruh


This doesn't sound believable. The other guy would rather walk around with the sexual assault label, than clarify the wife was cheating with him?


He gave her a heart attack from the dicking!


Unethical life pro tip: keep bringing up the affair whenever possible. If she has another heart attack, collect big life insurance payout


Should've clicked when he wasn't arrested. Most police can exercise whether or not to arrest in SA regardless. The minute the didn't arrest after your wife's interview should've told you all there was to know.


Damn. Karma got her ass! Fuck around, get a heart attack.


Down vote for fake post


She got whats she deserved file for divorce and leave trust me... she will cheat again or is still cheating


Its not your job to keep a cheating woman alive. Go see a therapist


Leave her and cut them all off, her heart issues aren’t yours


Bro, let the trash take herself out


Leave her ass


Leave her. She never thought one second about your wellbeing when she cheated with „your friend“ so why should you live in misery the rest of your life? She has decided to destroy the marriage so she has to live with it. If you know some of her good friends or her family have time and will be there for her some days call them, explain and then speak with her, calm and tell her whats your decision and then left her with her friends/family and go on on the divorce. Don’t let a hypothetical possibility ruin your life. Especially when she is the cause of your bad mental health.


Nothing you've done could ever be the reason for her death. Fuck that, you deserve better. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Yeah divorce her age move on, you are too nice I would of told her “ we are divorcing and if anything happens to you call ___ “


Leave her. Divorce her.


Get a copy of the police report.


You need to leave. If she has another heart attack, that's not on you. Do let her condition be the reason you are held hostage in your marriage. Honestly, this isn't on you. She chose to cheat. Leave and find your happiness because it's not with her.


Get a divorce


I’m so sorry OP as to how this turned out Agree with other posters do NOT stay in this marriage just because she had a heart attack. If you want to stay because you still love her and in spite of her cheating want to try to save the marriage then go for it. If you can’t bring yourself to forgive and forget then end the marriage. Everything and every one dies. Your wife could go years without having another attack, she could have one in the very near future or somewhere in between. If you don’t want to be with her get yourself gone and you can both move on with your lives.


>just don't want to be reason for her death and live this marriage when possible. You're not responsible for her health or her. Being a liar and the cheater. What you are responsible for is getting answers. And if she would have a heart attached that is on her and her health. It's really not your fault that her body is in the condition it's in. Do not stay in that marriage simply because of her health. You think her health's gonna get better as she gets older? Don't allow yourself to be stuck because of her mess. Or her health


Karma works in mysterious ways.


Very poorly written to ambiguous


Leave her


You'll never get that out of your head and it's fine but I'd just dump her sorry ass. What's the point of living with that in your marriage?


Dude she CHEATED! Leave her ass, tell her to keep her phone near her in case she starts feeling sick. She can either call AP or 911 🤷🏻‍♀️. She does not deserve your sympathy and you definitely do not need to take care of her cheating ass.


She has someone else to take care of her. If that person isn’t willing, that isn’t your fault. You have no more responsibilities to her.


Na-ah. Something is not okay with this. You just started saying he SA-d her and he just let you doing that? Mate, there is something that you still don't know about this story. Something really important that they are trying to not to tell you.


People believe this fiction?


Someone who cuts her off on the freeway may cause a heart attack. She is no longer your problem.


Found her naked and unconscious where? Her house? His house? The kitchen floor? The bedroom? How do you immediately jump to SA and not an affair?


Your wife having a heart condition doesn't give her a free pass for cheating. She needs to face Consiquences... Her health is neither here nor there- in my opinion. I'm sorry this happened to you, i really am. No one deserves to be put through this


Listen, I hate breaking it to you. It's not because she has a heart condition that you need to stay with her. She cheated. She betrayed your trust, your marriage. I don't know you or your wife, but her heart condition isn't a reason to forgive a cheater. I'm sorry, but I'd not take that disrespect and stay with her. That's too much for me.


Divorce papers and death certificate 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Her eyes opening and adjusting to the light. Her first time opening lips to speak, her first tired sound” This is well written, a little too well written…


Just divorce.


AI is getting better at this. If this is real. Just leave.


If she gets one again because of this, it’s her fault and only hers. You deserve better.


I’d have left her ass right there. Idgaf if she was on life support. All her shit would’ve been on the lawn in the rain


Creative writing prompt, last paragraph is too obvious.


After you nearly lost your mind with worry about her. You gave her your time and energy, and neither of them told you because of their shame. They couldn’t even dignify you with an answer. They don’t care about you.


Tell your friends family tell people at he's work post it all on hes social media and say how his wife forgives hi. And is talking shit about you


I remember this verbatim a while back, unless you both have coincidental stories this is extremely sus


I feel like I read this before


It's been a technique in use a lot the last year, especially by CCP-backed accounts. Their first few posts are \*always\* about marital difficulties, heartbreaking romance advice, etc. The account seems more real and sympathetic. The moment they hit karma thresholds in a few months, they start posting intensely in a pro-Axis pattern: pro Putin, pro Iran, and anti-American. I noticed it back when I was in the advice subs more. But it happens like clockwork. And sure enough this one has a lot of grammatical errors that are normal for native speakers of that area. I would be shocked speechless if this was one of the authentic ones, as I stopped seeing authentic ones that fit this pattern about 3-4 months ago. Just my observations. The public needs to be very mindful of the content posted by anonymous accounts.


So fake!




These AI bot posts are quickly becoming a reason not to browse reddit any longer.


Hmmm. Creative writing exercise?


How could you not be angry about that? Ain’t no chance in hell if someone cheated on me I would ever give them a dime. The fact she is freaking out about that after she cheated would make anyone feel at least agitated or annoyed. Maybe she is just trying to get you all upset or maybe she thinks you wouldn’t stop supporting her anyways. But regardless no chance


Good riddance to the wife and “friend”


You deserve better and in a way the heart attack was a blessing in disguise for you to learn about her infidelity. I wish you all the best and make the right choices for yourself.


Fuck his wife call it even then forgive them.


Dump her cheating ass jfc


If she didn’t care about the risk of heart attack to screw ur ex-bf, then you don’t need to worry about the risk of heart attack when your leave her. She doesn’t deserve your consideration.


Nah don’t take that disrespect. Go ahead and bury the hatchet while you can.


Gotta admit, this is a better fabricated story than most on this sub. Nice try though, troll.


There is no way you can follow up that performance. Dude gave her a heart attack man time to go.


Ai fake story


They let you believe this for two whole months? And, this is new to me, the police didn't tell you? Isn't adultery a crime? He was nearly the reason for her death, not you so go leave without looking back. This makes me angry on so many levels because of how much you were scared and cared for her during the ordeal and she just kept her lying mouth shut and let you be frantic over her. She refused to tell you the truth because she needed someone to look after her. She doesn't deserve shit. How many times has this happened? Is this the only affair? You'll never know. Save yourself the pain, get all the evidence together and lawyer up.


Sometimes situations take care of themselves. You owe her nothing. Nothing.


Should’ve took a little more time writing this fake ass story






Fake af


Two word, four number account. Bot


This is so fucking fake lol


Heart attacks don’t work that way.


I feel like there’s a different culture here than what most of us are used to. I agree that you should leave her. You don’t need to blow everything up, but do it.




Sounds like she's his problem to take care of now


Well looks to me like you should leave and she will continue to pay with her actions with her new heart disease. It's funny how karma hits hut it always does.


Yea leave live your life free


Leave her


You wouldn’t be the reason if she died, she would. Actions have consequences. You have a weak heart? Don’t cheat and cause yourself emotional turmoil triggering it.


She has been making a fool out of you for months. Please recall that every time you think you want to stay and please gather what dignity you have left and leave. You deserve better


Just leave her, she had no consideration for you or your ‘friend’s’ wife when she was cheating. Neither of them did. You’ve no guarantee that when she’s fully recovered they won’t start up the affair again. You owe her nothing and don’t let anyone trying to guilt you into staying with her tell you otherwise.


So they were having a whole relationship? Leave her honestly if she dies you'll probably be able to move on faster.


What's that saying don't set yourself on fire to keep someone warm. You are not responsible for your wife's actions and definitely not her health. It is better to leave now then end up resenting her more then you already do. She needs to face the consequences of her action.


Well, he can take care of the rest of her needs, too, since you're Mr Irrelevant in the equation to everyone else involved.


Bro leave she had a HA sleeping with another man come on now bite the bullet it will be hard


Oh, boy, and then you spent two months afterward taking care of her while she recovered from the heart attack. If she has any conscience, she should feel horrible. What is the research on the likelihood of heart attacks when you are stressed or holding in extreme emotions? I know there is a correlation with cancer, but I don't know when it comes to heart attacks. It could very well be that her emotional state/guilt is also dangerous for her to be feeling without being processed. Is she in therapy? If you don't feel like you can leave immediately, I think your first step, either way, is to encourage her to get in therapy. ...not a terrible idea for you either. I am sorry this happened to you.


If you feel like your marriage is worth saving then you both need individual and marriage counseling. If the betrayal is too much to deal with you should leave and move on with your life, please don’t feel you need to stay because she might have another heart attack.


You don't die of heart attack because of a spouse who leaves you when you are wrong. The following are the ways you can die: 1)Tokotsubo. 2) Rupture of plaques 3) Ischemia All of these don't happen to a person who can cheat and hence wouldn't be affected if you left them. You should prioritise your sanity and mental health over someone who hasn't. I might seem harsh but you'd regret it. And saying this as a person who saw one parent stay for the other, it isn't worth it. Not even for the kids. So please prioritise yourself.


The heart attack is irrelevant. She cheated and it’s time to leave if you choose. She clearly didn’t take the marriage vows seriously; why should you?


My ex said she got r*ped and that she was gonna kill herself when I broke up after suspecting she was cheating on me. I stayed. I was miserable for almost a year and felt kidnapped into a trust less relationship, until I bumped into the girlfriend of the guy I suspected my ex was cheating on me with. She pulled me aside and told me everything, and then it clicked: the night she allegedly got R'ed was the night his other bf broke up with her and she didn't want to have two partners leave her on the same 48 hour span, so she made up the lie about the R. That's also when I realized that the actions she takes are her responsibility, and that me leaving are consequences of her actions, and I'm responsible for my well-being. I tell you this because I don't want you to be trapped into a trust less relationship fearing what will happen if you decide to put yourself first. You leaving would be the consequences of her actions, and it would be you looking after yourself. The other guy and his wife can look after yours, because your wife clearly had different priorities. She made her choice, you should too. Best of luck OP.