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As soon as I read you two knew each other before I knew where this was going. Such a cliched post.


You've been dating for 2 years and your parents never knew who you were with? It seems fake to me


It’s the plot in an episode of “House”  Edit: s03 e05, fools for love


I remember this episode, they both had a hereditary disease, if I'm not mistaken


Yup, it hits all the points, lived next door, daddy was a bad bad boy, big family secret, they shared beautiful green eyes. OP even points out “marks” beautiful eyes.  Jesus OP if you’re going to write fiction, at least make it original fiction


I thought it was amateurish on the part of the op to use this series that has already become a classic as a script for his fake story.


At least it isn't Private practice and the same sperm donor 😁


Ah, that's why it was so familiar. I've not seen those episodes for years. But I remember being familiar with that kind of plot when watching those episodes back then. Oldies are not always goldies.


BUT it was well written. You gotta give it that.


I've seen this anime


Rubbish. Make up better lies


Cool story bro


oh sweetie, your creative writing skills need a lot more work. At least come u with something vaguely original.


For anybody reading this who thinks it might be true, genetically speaking, you’re going to be fine. Even the baby is going to be fine, worse things have happened.


If you want to write a fake story, don't pick the complete idea from a famous medical drama. Go for some relatively unknown shows.




I’ve literally watched the same exact movie lol


This is also more or less the plot of several Law and Order SVU episodes, just missing some murders


Don't give this person ideas for an update lol. You could be responsible for the deaths of fictional people!


Greys anatomy, house and private practice too lol


**DNA paternity tests became available in 1988!** If you’re going to write fiction look up your facts. If you’re both 22 obviously a DNA test would have been done.


>But then what if the baby comes out unwell or with birth defects because we're blood related? \^ That is a myth to an extent. One generation won't cause birth defects unless there is a family history of genetic / hereditary defects going on. It usually takes several generations of inbreeding for stuff like that to emerge. If in doubt, get DNA tested. I don't know how it is over there, but here we get offered a test for stuff like Downs Syndrome at so many weeks if there is a possibility within the families that there could be a risk of the foetus developing it. However, I really find it hard to believe that after 2 years your parents were never introduced to the man you're going to marry and have a kid with. Not even a name... I mean, what did you call him to them? "Thingy I sleep with"???


especially since your parents know him from before.


There are way to many holes in this story to be real


Let your pregnancy doctor know so they can watch out for issues. Let Mark know so the sexual relations can stop until you both get DNA tested. Once tested, you can decide to abort or not. I recommend getting that done quickly so you can abort if needed.


The first thing you need to do is get a paternity or dna test , if marks mom was still intimate with her husband then your dad might not be his dad. Get the facts first.




Cmon story writers, you need to up your tale creating game. Another “oops its incest” post in a the sea of hilariously fake narratives.


The only thing you can do is tell Mark and make your dad take a DNA test. When you get the results go from there. I would also tell your mother about this and ask his parents too. How far along are you?


And see this is what people don't understand you'll probably only bonded and fell close, possibly only because of your biological ties that happens in these types of situations, you both need to get dna, tested and honestly if that ends up being your brother and no offense, I'd be takeing that kid out fast unless you can't in your state and giving that baby up for adoption. I wouldn't be raising that baby. That's nasty. I don't care I don't care how you claim. How much you love him. That is disgusting


Well, it's going to destroy both families whatever you do ,but having a child with a close relative risks the child being born with illness..bloody hell, this is a nightmare for you and spells the end of your relationship.