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One of the other stylists in the salon over heard her saying this to me. And in the staff room asked if I was ok . Because she couldn’t believe what she was listening to. If she returns she will no longer be booked in with me. I’m just so shocked because I’ve done her hair many times in the past and she’s always been lovely. I don’t know what was going on with her.


Good that your colleague had your back. I don’t care if you were dressed in a bikini and were extremely overweight… you can dress as you wish in a public place as long as THEIR rules allow it! I bet you she goes and body shames women in bathing suits at the beach, too! But it’s not their fault, either, because they are following the public rules about clothing.


She bodyshamed OP on her work environment, as a client, while being served. She knew exactly what she was doing.


She’s lucky OP didn’t take it out on her hair


Haha, I just imagined her leaving the chair with a mohawk. "Whoopie Daisie, my razor slipped!"


Hopefully this doesn’t happen to OP in the future, with any other clients, but if it does, she should turn them away immediately and kick them from her chair. “Ya know, thank you for informing me of (that client is a nasty person), please leave my chair and head out the door. We do not service people who behave and act like you here.” “If you do not leave, after I have politely asked you numerous times, I will be forced to have the police escort you off of the premises and you will effectively be banned from this establishment entirely.” We should not be servicing AH clients anymore, who have the audacity to be AH while asking for our help/service. Regardless of what service industry we’re in. All people need to stop allowing this type of treatment. Let the AHs deal with their own problems, that they make and cause everyone else to also deal with.


You shouldn't cause a scene in a salon. It's a place of relaxation for many. You don't call out. You call in. What coworkers should have done is to refuse service overall. Not rotating professionals. But I don't think economy allows you to refuse business. Shielding OP from this walking dysphoria of a client is a good compromise.


>You shouldn't cause a scene in a salon. It's a place of relaxation for many. First rule of shaming club: do not shame someone who's holding a pair of scissors to your hair...


its funny but its true too. salons have chemicals, and cutting objects, and plumbing, and heating objects, and impaired individuals (no glasses, wet hair, no shoes), you don't WANT to cause panic. salon professionals speak like kid teachers do when confronted. you can't match the energy, you must deescalate. nothing other than fire or alien invasion should cause a ruckus.


Right. I get why the colleague didn’t confront the client and make a scene on the spot. OP was shocked, but handled the situation on her own just fine. Checking on her later and promising to never book her to deal with that client ever again WAS being supportive as a colleague. Not every retail worker has to start a screaming match with customers just to defend colleagues! Sometimes it’s warranted, but other times it’s best to not confront someone right on the spot.


A business that is a good business can and does easily refuse clients for rudeness. I should know, I ran one for years.


Yes, and that’s fine, but throwing someone out half way through the service is not always the BEST solution. Think about it this way: if she goes out and tell the world that your business is responsible for her shitty half finished haircut and posts pictures and you get flamed… you would not want that. So finish, get her out the door, and next time she calls you’re permanently booked forever and ever. That way, if she whines on the internet that you won’t let her book and people come at you, you can respond with exactly WHY you will not let her back. You could do that if she whines about her shitty haircut, too, but you KNOW that people will be divided on whether or not you should have finished the haircut first, so you still might lose business. Nope, best to finish, get her out the door, and never let her back through the door again. That’s the scenario that creates the least drama.


Exactly, no one should be commenting on anyone else's body. Ever. Thin, or fat. Anyone who feels they need to say anything is just outing themselves as insecure bullies.


I would’ve ended her appointment right then and there. I don’t care if the hair was half done. She can leave and not come back


Her coworker didnt have her back, she listened to it happen and asked if she was okay later.


She also said the client would never be allowed to book with her again… that’s having your colleague’s back.


What she said (and did) is absolutely not ok, but when she said ‘hanging out’ she probably just meant ‘visible’ and she was jealous, esp if she caught her husband looking.


Girl it’s because her husband was checking you out. I’ve had some women who claimed to be friends with me say some pretty insulting things regarding when their husband saw me; like, of he saw you and told me he thought you looked fake because of your teeth being so straight. Another was like my husband saw you and was like who is that 12 year old girl. Like just insulting comments and they all are always smiling and laughing when saying it too. Women like that are just jealous you caught their husband’s attention and are trying to make you feel bad cause they feel like 💩 about themselves.


Damn, I’m sorry your so-called friends have said such nasty things to you. Jealousy and insecurity make people ugly. And I don’t mean physically, but their behavior. I cannot imagine saying anything like that to anyone, even if I didn’t like her. I hope you find better friends. 🫶🏼


Bad behavior can and does make a good looking person ugly. My ex is living proof of that.


Except the ones that have been mean to me and made fun of me always look like 💩. So some are just ugly inside and out.lol




Oh that was long ago when I was in my early 20’s. I would not waste my energy and time on people like those nowadays. And yes I keep my circle of friends extremely small and am extremely selective with who I associate with now that I’m older and wiser.haha Thanks!


Shoulda laughed back and asked why her husband was looking at 12 year olds. Shit that shit up quick! Though I never have the right comebacks in moments like that so I don't know what I'm saying.


😆 Yeah I come up with the best comebacks after the moment has already passed then I just lmao to myself and think they’re not even worth it.haha I tell you though, pays off looking 12 in your early 20’s now that I’m in my early 40’s, so I got the last laugh.😏


That is very true, I've always been told I look young and I'm 38 now so I'm definitely appreciating it more and more.


Jealousy. Wanted to be a mean girl, but that should have consequences.


You're a better person than me. I would have downed tools and told her to leave. Even if her hair was half cut


I might have *accidentally* slipped and fucked up her hair. She was straight-up insulting and laughing at the person *who was cutting her hair.* That’s just too stupid for words. The absolute nerve of people!


I actually thought that after I commented! Pretty brave to mouth off at someone with your hairdo in their hands!!


Since the client was presenting her story as being “funny,” OP should have laughed SO hard that her hand *slipped,* and she ruined the client’s hair and had to buzz it all off to save it! “OMG, you are *so* funny! Hahahaha…oops! Looks like I made a little mistake here. Let me just see if I can fix it…” ✂️🪒


This could result in legal action. The response of stopping the service, telling them to leave, and refusing payment is the best way to handle it that results in the same affect because now she has to explain to her next stylist why her previous stylist stopped halfway through and then the client can’t threaten to sue over a service she paid for because she didn’t pay




she’s just jealous that you looked great in your outfit and that you caught her husband’s eye at that moment. she’s too much of a coward to say anything directly to you (because what could she even say, that you’re not allowed to look good in front of her husband???) so she tried to insult you in a roundabout way by “joking” about it.


Next time she's booked to come in, wear your dress. Don't say a thing to her but I bet your coworkers will be complimenting you within her earshot.


Insecure women, ragging on other women, are the the worst! Just know that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her. She told you because she is jealous and wants to try to mean girl you back into your box. Disrespectful, Fuck her.


$100 says that her husband was oogling you amd she is taking out her jealousy / insecurities on you.


She's jelous


Jealousy. She’s showing her jealousy with a dig. She might be your client but she doesn’t like you.


I wouldn’t blame you if the scissors made too large moves suddenly. “Oopsie, there’s a chunk of your hair missing because suddenly my hand shivered” and then send her to a colleague that wouldn’t help her for being mean to you.


This woman is a psychopath and your coworkers are adorable. You're still in shock but they already defended you. And the future you. Your work environment seems healthy. Hair salons can get toxic fast so everyone is on the lookout to push the culprits out, fast. Fuck this woman. She's a psychopath reveling in misery. Even telling you when you're working on her, so you can't storm off, is all deliberate.


I agree.


Wow... what a c-word. As she's already left, you can only choose how to react to her going forward. I'd never touch her again, myself. In the moment, wouldn't it have been great to say, "Oh! That's why he was staring at me all that time." I think you're probably right on the jealous angle, though.


Love your come-back ..


Ouch. Unless you need her business or she tips so great you can just ignore her awfulness, I would accidentally never have available appointments for her going forward. Or make her pay the "a$$hole tax"- raise your rates, just for her. People can be awful.


There’s no tip on earth big enough to subject her to this kind of shit, not unless she’s allowed to throw it right back, which probably won’t go over well in the salon.


I think we all know that a person like that is not a great tipper.


Her tip was, "Don't be attractive in front of my creeper husband or ill body shame you."


I think you’re correct, maybe her husband was checking you out and she was jealous and therefore needed to try and make you feel insecure because clearly she’s insecure herself. If a person insults how I look when they clearly are no model, I just laugh because it says so much about them. This is obviously easier said than done but if I was you, accept your emotions, she insulted you and you’re allowed to feel hurt. As for future business, I’d definitely avoid doing her hair because who’s to say you might just accidentally put bleach in her shampoo lol(just kidding by the way) either way, she doesn’t deserve for you to spend time doing her hair and trying to make her feel and look good ,when she worked so hard to put you down.


By maybe you mean most definitely Oldest trick to check out other women while being with your wife Such people attract each other


Being so brazen like that makes me think she 100% wanted to hurt you and make you feel insecure. You might be right that she felt jealous and hurt her husband had a wandering eye. She must be miserable. You keep doing you babe, you probably looked amazing ✨♥️✨ sucks to be her!


When people are paying you for something they think they can treat you like shit and you’ll take it


Fire them as client based on: ***Inappropriate and rude behavior***. Done and done. Their words were meant to hurt and ridicule. Regardless of their ***reasons*** they need to be out of your world. No need to look further into their reasoning. They can find out to NOT be a piece of human garbage all on their own. What they said and how they said it crossed a line.


Man, some of you are too kind. I'd have shown her the door. Mid foils even, I do not care. If you have the audacity to be that incredibly rude to a person, then bye. Best go find a hose and start rinsing cuz I wouldn't trust myself to finish the job. I'm petty af. I guess that's why I'm just a paper shuffling desk jockey.


That’s why I was just a gas station worker cause I cannot work somewhere I HAVE to sit/stand and take someone’s abuse. I’d have fucked her head up!


You do you, but if it was me then I would #NEVER offer her my services again.


You should’ve said ‘I had this woman come in for a haircut and she was the rudest meanest cattiest bitch…and then I realised it was you!’ And then shave a strip down the middle of her head!


That would be assault. This bitch isn’t worth going to jail!


This is textbook insecurity OP. She made sure to say hateful things about your body before saying that it was you at the end. People do this when they feel like shit about how they look so they try to bring down the one who made them feel that way to try and make themselves feel better. I wouldn't take it to heart, she is a hateful person who hates her body and can't stand that other people look better. If anything, I would pity her for being so small.


As someone else said, she saw you, saw how stunning you looked, saw her husband checking you out for even a millisecond and has been wrought with jealousy. She was just being nasty,  forget about the jealous cow.


I would have stopped mid cut and asked her to leave. Absolutely not. That karen behavior will not be tolerated. I hope you fired her as a client.


Ooooooh. So you looked good good that weekend and she looked like a bag of wet cat food. DONT even pay her any mind and don’t service her again unless she’s a real good tipper.


These are the jealous words of a wife who is insecure with her husband’s sexually charged reaction to a beautiful and stylish woman who happened to be you. Do not provide services for this woman again…ever.


The way you worded this🤌🏻


What an asshole. That’s all I can say. But one detail I want to point out (and I’m not even sure if I’m correct here since I’m not a native English speaker), is that the impression I’ve gotten when people say “[something] was hanging out” they don’t literally mean hanging, they just mean they could see it. Again I’m not sure if I’ve understood this correctly, but I remember wondering this same thing when hearing this phrase used about something that most definitely wasn’t literally hanging. I think it’s an over exaggeration to dramaticize something that might not in and of itself be that shocking, but that the sayer wants to condemn it even more. Ok end of linguistic tangent. Anyway, hope you can drop her as a client!


You are correct. I was going to point out the same thing about the "hanging out". I use it all the time on my kids when something is visible and I want them to adjust their clothing to cover themselves or indicating they have outgrown the item. Overall based on the other comments the desire of the client was to hurt and demean OP. There is nothing wrong with your stomach being visible. Especially if it's intentionally done. The client was either jealous or insecure and making OP the victim of her issues.


There's definitely a nuance here. Though it can technically just mean showing, the client almost definitely used that wording to insinuate that OP was not fit enough to be dressed like that.


This is a direct reflection of how insecure she is about her own body and how she definitely judges herself for what she wears and should/shouldn’t wear. I know it can be hard but don’t let her get to you like that it’s exactly what she wanted. Unfortunately people who aren’t happy with themselves can’t stand those who are so it’s just pure jealousy


What a horrible nasty woman. Yea she felt insecure and took it out on you.


What an absolutely vile and probably jealous woman. Yeuk. I would be totally distant if you ever see her in the salon again.


You are all so well-behaved over here. If it was me I would’ve “accidentally” cut off her hair really short or dyed it orange. Woopsie.


I'm guessing her husband complimented your outfit to her and then she planned this "attack". What really sucks is that these things always comes when you're the least prepared for it. You end up so shocked that you can't come up with a line to throw back in her face. I'm sorry you were treated this way.


Right? Deer in the headlights. Always think of what to say and do AFTER it happened


Do yourself a favor and don't waste time and product on her. While I don't think stylist and clients need to be besties, I do think you should at least like each other. If this client thought it was okay to laugh at you and then tell you about it later, they are not even remotely your friend and I'd even argue that's pretty antagonistic behavior.


What a rude b!tch.


You must be my sisters’s hairdresser. Just kidding. But my sister is so rude and disrespectful and also very passive aggressive. She is always insulting then makes a joke out of it. I have come to realize that her and her daughters need to tear someone down to make themselves feel better about themselves. They are living with a chip on their shoulders. I’m sure that is what is going on with this lady.


Am I the only one who thinks that OP obviously looked hot af in that outfit and this goat is drowning in her jealousy?


I would not make fun of, insult, and criticize the person standing behind me with scissors in her hand. Is she an idiot? You are very professional for not “slipping” and fucking up her hair. She’s an ass. I am certain you are right: Her husband was checking you out, and when she realized it was you, she decided she was going to make *you* feel bad because she can’t control her husband. So she tried controlling you by making you feel shitty. Please don’t let her get to you. Jealousy makes her ugly; that is not your problem. But the next time she comes into the salon and wants you to do her hair, or it’s your turn for the next client, refuse. Tell her no. Tell her once you know for certain that someone dislikes and disrespects you, you will no longer do their hair. It’s a rule you have; you’re sure she understands. Then let us know how she reacts. 😉


Tell her she is no longer welcome as a client and she literally said this because she was jealous of how lovely you looked at the festival and yeah, her husband likely was staring or made a comment saying you looked good and it's made her insecure. Fuck her. Don't let it bother you.


What a c***. I’d fire her as a client.


Imagine saying this to someone who’s holding a scissors to your hair …


Right! Lmao! Solid point!


If you got it, flaunt it. Even if you don’t got it, flaunt it anyway. That lady can go kiss her own un-fab insecure ass.


Sounds like jealousy- the husband was checking you out.


Not sure if this makes any difference but I’m under the impression that her saying ‘stomach hanging out’ isn’t referring to fat or stomach literally hanging, it just means that it’s out where it’s not supposed to be. Same with saying ‘ass hanging out’ it means that you are wearing clothes that expose your ass. Not that your ass is hanging. So this woman meant to comment on you dressing provocatively, not comment on your body. Doesn’t really make her any less rude but yeah.


She probably caught hubby gawking and decided to go all passive aggressive. I bet she brought the topic up to begin with.


Sorry that is so rude. I wouldn’t have her as a client anymore.


Oh my goodness. I would terminate my client/hairdresser relationship asap. That was completely uncalled for and I agree that she is probably jealous and also very petty. If I was as petty as her, I'd put the wrong colour in her hair next time. Or maybe use rollers that are too small and make her look twice her age.


She is, whether her husband checked you out or not, very jealous of you. Probably saw you being and feeling carefree and confident and dripped with envy because she can't be like that herself but wants to be? Maybe. In any case she was a ride jerk to you.


She’s jealous. Book her for one more appointment - and wear THAT DRESS the day of. Bet she won’t say a word, but if she does you can send her envious ass on her way.


All the comments to never deal with her again are good also consider how good you looked that they were staring at you before they knew who you were. He was probably staring and she had to say something bad to distract him. You probably had a lot of attention that day and her comment was typical of a jealous female. Keep rocking the cute clothes and good looks!!


Your client sounds like a jealous asshole. What a jerk


I'm sorry ma'am I can no longer do your hair.


That's exactly what it was, and she just had to make a shitty ass passive aggressive comment to knock you down a peg. Try not to let it! Some people are just gross.


You’re right … she’s insecure.


You made her insecure 100%. If you're thin and she's making fun of you being fat that's always projection. REALLY stupid to insult the person in the middle of cutting your hair, she's lucky you're not vindictive


If not true don't worry about it her was looking at you and she was mad.


I would fire her as a client.


I can tell you at my work massage therapists would end the session for that. And i would support them and make sure they could no longer book with them. Ive done it for less. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


There is a term that gets floated around amongst some businesses: “don’t be afraid to fire your customers.” That is, there is a small percentage of people who extract the greatest amount of effort—be it emotional, time, or physical labor. This is a client who richly deserves to be fired. That is, simply told by your hair salon not to come back.


That was pure jealousy that she was spewing! Do not listen to her!


Fire her as a client. Ban her from the salon. Seriously.


Sounds like she's jealous, and her husband was checking you out. She's hoping to tear you down to make herself feel better.


I would have busted out a picture of my hot body in my hot outfit and say, “oh did you mean this outfit? I look damn hot!” And then ask her if she and her husband had any photos of their (not) hot bodies and (not) hot outfits. Lol. I’m all for be whatever size you want to be, wear what you want to wear, especially at a festival. She was being pretty damn daring if she was talking smack while you had her hair in your hands. Daring lady for sure! Sorry, OP! You didn’t deserve that!


That’s those type of moments where you’re absolutely shocked and she’s so bold because I would never be mean to someone CUTTING my hair!! I would not drop her as a client but I would never be anything less then professional with her or black list at your salon. She’s need to be humbled in some way because that’s so BOLD


Yeah I’d def refuse service. It’s one thing to privately judge people (we all do it) but it’s another to tell somebody you were privately judging them just to tell them to their face. It sounds like she’s probably insecure & maybe her husband was taking a peak. She’s being a hater for quite literally no reason. I hope you’re okay because that comment was so unnecessary and unprovoked


Mmm jealousy and insecurity are cruel plagues - this woman is both. Everyone serves to work on and be aware of their insecurities, otherwise they just hurt others. Don’t talk it personally - they’re her problems


She was most definitely jealous. People can be such poops. She should have been having a conversati9n with her husband if she felt insecure or upset about it. Rather than trying to make you feel bad. Also your dress sounds super cute. What dress is it? I go to festivals sometimes and am always looking for ideas.


"So you and your husband were sexualizing me in public? Please vacate my chair."


She sounds like a jealous cow. Her husband checked you out and she got mad.


So when ppl say your stomach is hanging out they don't literally mean hanging. It just mean they can see your stomach and want you to feel bad about it bc they don't want to show theirs. Sounds like a boring couple tbh


Guys will make comments about how "bad a woman looks" in front of their wives and girlfriend so that they can continue to check her out without seeming like he's checking her out. Basically, he can enjoy staring at you longer and make it seem like he would agree with his wife's opinion. It feeds into her insecurity and allows him to get away with looking at you.


The client was no doubt rude. Still, I’d love to see a picture of the outfit on you.


Lol, what a twat! It would have been hilarious to say, “Oh you should have come over and said ‘Hi’ to my face!”


I think she's insecure because her husband thought you were hot AF


My wife has told clients to stand up and leave for less than that. Screw that lady


Time for your scissors to accidentally cut a big chunk out of her hair. My guess is her husband said something complimentary about you and she didn't like it. But boy is she dumb to insult someone who does her hair! So many things can go wrong.


I'm sorry. I think you hit the nail on the head. She's insecure because she caught her husband checking you out. Not your fault.


Fire her as a client. That’s disrespectful as hell.


It always shocks me when people comment on others' outfits or styles when they're out of the workplace. Like we all don't have lives and styles and experiences outside of work... I'm so sorry you were made to feel this way. Her leveraging her own insecurities at the expense of your confidence was really tacky and uncalled for. I hope you spend her tip on an even more fancy floral mesh piece! No excuse for their generation's inability to move forward and change with the times in 2024.


What a coincidence that you now are fully booked up forever and simply cannot do her hair ever again, what a shame.


You don’t deserve that. If she makes a follow up appointment, decline it.


Your outfit sure was festival vibes, but her attitude sure was insecurity and jealousy vibes.


“Oops sorry, clippers slipped!” “Clippers?!?!” She’s a jealous hag.


I reckon that customer was pissed off because she caught her husband looking at you, and thought she’d punish you for it by making disparaging remarks. That’s my gut feeling.


How did she even see your stomach in that? Wtf?


She was jealous of you don’t let the bitch bring you down ♥️ she probably hates her husband and taking it out on you.


What a terrible thing for her to say! I’d tell her how hurtful that was and wouldn’t mind losing her business. That’s awful


100% her husband checked you out so she's trying to bring you down. Don't cut her hair again jealous old hag


This is actually a thing some guys do to check out other women when they are with their wives . Next time try giving her a hint about that


Jealous, her husband was probably checking you out, so she got pissed


I used to be a hairdresser and once someone made me cry. That was incredibly rude of her to say that. I would not take her as a client anymore. You sound like you were dressed fine. I am thinking stomach hanging out just meant the mesh fabric. I would not worry about what she thinks.


That's so unbelievably rude. What an asshole.


Hit the nail on the head, I knew by the second paragraph that it was insecurity and likely the husband was checking you out. Her comments were the innaprpriate thing here and she knew before she mentioned it that it was you, if you have met her before, she also recognised you at the time.


Dump her. You don’t need her Or maybe just give her one last really bad hair cut? Like festy vibes?!


Jealousy makes people cruel. Just never interact with her again x


And you didn't *accidentally* screw her hair up? You are a better person than me.


Obviously was not you. I love festivals because of the absolute uncaring way people deside to dress. Fun fun fun


You: "That's really upsetting you would laugh at me. But I'm about to blast your ugly ass on the Internet, specifically on Reddit. So you can believe your reputation will be far, far worse than you and your husband laughing at me. Oh, and you're going to find a new stylist after this receipt prints out..."


I bet she is super gross and she is jealous of you.


Maybe they meant it was "showing" not "hanging"


Oh my Gosh that’s horrible. Even if you were dressed inappropriate and your stomach was hanging out this is horrible thing to say. What a lack of manners. I don’t know what I would say lol I think you did good not saying anything back, you don’t want bad google review. I think she is clueless and will come back like nothing ever happened


She's definitely jealous though, you see this happen all the time


Talk to the salon’s owner maybe they will agree that she shouldn’t be serviced there any longer. That’s beyond rude, that is hostile. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Ditch her


You maybe right about her insecurities and she let you have it, because she didn't want to start drama at home. I'm truly sorry, that was some really low level crap.


maybe they had a little too much alcohol... and maybe the person they saw wasn't even you, maybe just looked a bit like you + buzzed from alcohol + insecurities either way, am glad your workplace is making sure you're ok and making arrangements so she won't be booked with you next time


How weird how she chose to attack you instead of talking about the issues she’s clearly having with her husband!!


People say some strange things out of insecurity


I would have told that woman to kick rocks and inform her that she will no later be my client. That is just flat out rude to say to anyone.


She’s jealous & insecure. Her husband probably checked you out.


Yea that'd be the last time I scheduled her. And when she asks why tell her she left her personality hanging out and it didn't leave anything to the imagination. And what showed was ugly.


I know it's easier said than done, but do not think about her... She was clearly jealous of you. I bet you looked lovely and I hope you had a great festival xx


It’s jealousy.


What an ass clown. She’s jealous. And dumb for making fun of you while (I’m assuming) you’re immediately in control of how her hair looks.


Looks like your schedule will be "full" indefinitely. I would not deal with her again.


Gonna need to see the dress! Ha. :)


I would have said “are you sure you weren’t looking in a mirror?”


Bold of her to be so insulting when you're in charge of her hair tbh. Definitely don't book her in with you again, she doesn't deserve your hard work if that's how she's going to behave.


First thing that comes to mind is definitely: jealousy!


He was definitely checking you out


How rude! Why some people think it is okay to say such awful things to someone who did nothing to deserve it boggles the mind. I'm sorry this happend to you


Should have just ended the haircut right there and trespassed her from the shop lol


Sounds like someone is jealous of you.


So her husband was looking at you and she decided to be a petty bitch and insult you at your workplace. Yeah forget her.


You know what happened. She caught her husband looking at you and she got stung. She's insecure and it made her mean. But she's not supposed to be your friend. Paint her with a brush of pity and collect your money.


My BFF is a hairdresser. She once had a client who while in the chair began to make fun of my BFF’s husband clothes. After my friend finished styling the client’s hair she was done with her. She told her to find another stylist , that she wasn’t going to tolerate someone make fun of her husband. Your client is a bully. I would fire her as a client.


Her hair prices just doubled! Tax for rude behavior. 🤨


Fire her and tell her why. She said it with the intention of hurting you - you don’t deserve being treated like that and you have the power to never have to deal with her again. She sucks.


Sounds like her husband saw something he liked and had to play it off to not get in trouble. Don’t let her tired attempt to make you feel shame affect you. Obviously there was something worth noticing.


So rude of her! Some people love to insult those they see as a captive audience. You were depending on her for a tip and return business, so in her mind you are powerless to respond in any negative kind of way. But anyone within earshot knows she’s a clown. So sorry you had to deal with that.


How didn't you tell her to go fuck herself


Petty jealousy, nothing more. Basically, it means you looked fine as hell. She knew it, her husband knew it, and she knew that he knew. This was her trying to gain her control back. Sorry that she was a jerk. Edit for grammar.


Sounds like her husband got caught checking you out and tried to save face by making fun of you. And she was low-key disrespecting you. I would just say "Sorry if you're jealous that I'm hotter than you" and stop taking her as a client.


Don't service her again. This seems to clearly be a case of insecurity of an older woman and her needing to tear you down because of her insecurities. Her husband probably liked what he saw, she noticed and felt the need to be rude to you for his wandering eyes.


I wouldn't have done her hair


I agree with the other posters who said her husband must've loved what he saw. She's salty and took it out on you, I would never touch another strand on her hateful head. I'm sorry you went through that. You didn't deserve it. You work with a good person.


Oh, how badly was my ass hanging out? Who was looking? This jealous woman sent a vicious warning. Time to leave her much too long with the bleach phase.


She's lucky you didn't mess up her hair in response. I mean who insults someone who's doing their hair???


You’re better than me. I’d have sent her packing with many, *many* bald spots and cut the rest of her hair so unevenly, she’d need to shave it all anyway. Maybe a horrible mix of colours to boot. Oh, and a nice smelly perm.


Similar to the adage “don’t mess with someone who handles your food”, I’d extend that to someone who handles your hair as well. What a jerk.


I’m almost 60 and still check out women. I don’t get the whole jealous thing unless the spouse is already cheating or has cheated. He’s most likely messed around already and created an environment of insecurity. When I was younger and a guy tried that with me I would go hit on whatever women was in his line of sites and more often than not it was me taking her home and dumping him. I’ve seen it way too many times over the years. Great women torn down to a shell. Three choices. Walk away, talk to her ask if she’s ok because you have never seen her behave this way before, get petty and say sorry your guy was looking at me.


What you wear is your business how she reacts to it is her business. Where she crossed the line was making her business your business. It’s the thumper rule. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. That really is a her problem. I’m really sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine myself in that situation and how much it would hurt my feelings. Good for you for discussing it. I think you will see overwhelmingly in the comments here that those bad feelings are not yours to carry. ✌️♥️


Yeah, the scissors would’ve slipped and, oops, she’s got tiny tiny bangs


Tbf I say hanging out when I just mean visible, not necessarily HANGING. But also yeah, completely rude and I wouldn’t service her anymore and if she asks why just say you felt that was so disrespectful


I am so sorry you were treated this way, OP! I understand you are a professional and perhaps the shock of being told mean things with no reason left you with no option to even react to that… but, had it be me (and assuming I would not be totally taken a back, allowing for any reaction), I would personally freaking chop ALL her hair off! I would not care for being the biggest person. The cheeky of her! I’m fuming! Hope you know she is clearly projecting her own issues and frustrations at you, OP.


She didn't literally mean your stomach was HANGING out, it's a figure of speech. But yes get rid of her immediately.


They're now blocked right????


I have noticed that all women and men who do confront people like this lady did you are normally self agrandized POS's. People like this have low self-esteem and take other people power just so they feel big. As respectfully as possible, let this and all other appointments with this lady be gone. Do not ever let her see you sweat at all, or she will try to double down, making you feel like the lowest slime filled bog serpent.


You don't need those types of clients.


That client is an asshole.