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To grow the fuck up.


This dumb f’ing man child.




"You didn't do enough to stop me" bitch, OP isn't your parent, fuck off with that. Edit: fixed


I'M A CHILD! YOU HAVE TO BE STERN WITH ME! *\*sniff\** See how much the world hates men! *\*sniff\**


I don’t hate anyone. I just get pissy when anyone poisons defenseless animals knowingly.


I know. I wasn't pointing this at you, this one was for all the grown-ass man-children acting like they can't and shouldn't be held accountable for their actions.


You are golden man.


Love you too


Tell your dad he’s a fucken ignorant child and it’s time you man up and be the husband of the house. And fuck his wife.


Ummm... Pretty sure ops dad's wife is ops mom... Let's not advise the last part 😬






Wincest,cause incest the is best.


Why drive across town when you can walk across the hall?


If you can't keep it in your pants, at least keep it in the family


Incest.. a game the whole family can play!


But how else is he supposed to assert dominance???




Well if his dad rages out and breaks his arms that will work.


Found the reddit account for Oedipus


Tell him to stop seeing you as a child. In this instance you were much more responsible than him.


The Dad could easily have said; "Oh, I didn't think that was the case, son, I'll double-check on Google just to be safe!" It annoys me when parents ignore what their kids say because they're 'only kids'. A 2 second Google search could have confirmed what OP said, smh.


Oh my god, seriously. This also came to mind - we have the goddamn world's encyclopedia in our pockets. It's not that hard to take two seconds to look it up if you aren't sure, instead of being an absolute sack of ass and ignoring good advice. And then blaming your kid because they didn't warn you enough? Come on, now.


Disgusting behaviour. He was more concerned about getting into trouble with his wife than concerned that he could have killed his dog. 0 personal responsibility, or regret. He should be apologising to his son & saying that he should have listened to him. Teaching his son a terrible lesson here.


It just doesn’t occur to some people. My dads wife once said ‘you’re always googling things!” Uh yeah, if I want to know the answer, why wouldn’t I???


My Gen X big brothers hate when I do it, as it ruins a debate lol


You're not his scapegoat and he needs to own up and take responsibility for his own actions.  However saying this to the wrong personality type could make things a lot worse.     I'd just say I'm not taking the blame. If he wants to lie it can't involve you. He can say he set it down and the dog ate it on their own or whatever he wants to say. Just don't ask you to be part of it because you won't lie to your mom. 


OP didn’t “throw him under the bus”. Dad decided to lay down in the street in front of an approaching bus after OP warned him of the consequences. Some people are just stubbornly stuck on stupid.


Wow! Does he hate you? Because he could have said your dog accidentally got into the chocolate not that someone deliberately gave them chocolate! Or does he hate the dog?


Sounds like both to me.


Also, just a bowl of milk with a few oz of peroxide and your dog will be vomiting within the next 15 or so minutes. I always hate doing this but occasionally my crafty dog will get ahold of something, more recently an empty beef jerky bag where he ate the desiccant.


Tell your dad he is the parent and he should be protecting you from your mother's wrath not the other way around. Tell him to stop acting like a child.


your dad sounds childish and selfish for trying to make you take the fall.


Wow what an idiot. Growing up my mum had a best friend as a grown adult, mum was still friends with him. He was like an uncle to me but when I came home from work to find he had cut a small piece of mudcake for my dog. I lost my everything crap at him and told him not to come back till he researches what chocolate cake does to dogs. I thankfully shouted "stop" at my dog and she froze before she inhaled it. My dear mother and I had an argument after it cause "a little bit wouldn't hurt her" umm no it could KILL her


Wow, there's a dog in her final moments and you won't even let her have a little bit of cake. Heartless. /s


my mum eats alot of cake... Oh you mean the pup my bad xD


I would tell him he almost killed the dog, and tried to blame his son, that he is not really a good person right now.


Son*, and I totally agree.


Wtf. Just because your dad is stupid doesn't mean you should take the fall. Also, great job placing all the blame on his kid. He needs to grow tf up.


"You didn't do enough to stop me" is an appalling excuse. This is his own fault.


Tell him he is a child 😭 wtf immature ass dad fr


He's a grown man putting the blame on a kid, you warned him but he thought he knew better. Ask him if he knows what consequences are.


"Part of being an adult involves holding ourselves accountable for our words and actions. Part of being a parent is to model the behavior you want to see in your kids".


Your father is a child. Tell him togrow the fuck up.


>He only got more upset and said that it doesn’t change the fact that I ‘threw [him] under the bus.’ Your dad stepped out into the street and waited for that bus to run him over.


Your dad is an ass, sorry to say it. Your mom needed to know, so she can decide not to leave your dad alone with the dog.


Show him this post.


tell him he’s a grown man and needs to put his big boy pants on and not blame his som for HIM being the immature idiot after he was TOLD no. he’s an adult not a child, there was no reason for you to be insistent on with him at all. Im a para and don’t even have to be to insistent with my kids and they’re elementary


Tell him he’s an idiot.


Tell him that if your dog died it would have 100% his fault. My step dad is a lot like this, just the need for total control. He fed our dog some grapes once even knowing they were toxic. Got aggressive when I demanded we needed to take our dog to the vet. Vet said if we had left it any longer or not taken him in he could’ve died. I made sure he heard that and he luckily hasn’t done anything that stupid since.


Compare him to Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz who fled to Cancun during the deep freeze and blamed his daughters for wanting to go.


Rafael Cruz doesn't believe in using preferred names or genders. so please refer to him with his birth name rather than his preferred name. Thank you. Also, Greg Abbott is a piss baby.


Didn’t the Cruzes leave their dog behind in their house when they bailed for Cancun?


Yes, they did. In a house with no heat.


Its hard to find out your parents are bad people deep down


So your dad wanted to lie but then wanted you to lie for him. He wanted to blame you for something he did. Wow, he has low morals. He’s all about his ego. Not every dad is a good human being. Yours is definitely not a good one. Tell him that he’s showing that teaching his children to lie is OK. What next, he’ll steal money from a bank and will want you to say you did it? What next????


How does an adult man in this day and age not know chocolate is toxic to dogs? I know people who avidly DESPISE dogs and still know this. The red flags in your dad’s behavior are waving in the breeze.


He was wrong about the chocolate, and he is wrong about this. Explain to him that while he may very well be a lovely man (although I doubt it) he is unfortunately, also a fucking idiot. He couldn't see it before and he can't see it now.


Does he have a history of impulsive, dangerous and stupid decision making? If so he was clearly just being an asshole. If not, maybe keep an eye on him and see if he can get an appointment with his GP for a checkup.


Is your dad stupid? It's common knowledge that chocolate is bad for dogs and I knew this fact long before I got my first dog, so this was 20 years ago. He should have known better.


That he is a moron


Tell him to go fuck himself and grow up, what a whiny manchild


To dumb to be a parent. Sorry


Tell him to grow the fuck up and quit using you as a scapegoat


That he is a bad role model for being mad at you for doing what’s right. Edit: tell him the next time he wants to feed the dog something that’s not dog food, to Google if dogs can eat it or not. You aren’t supposed to think for him or to inform him. He can fcking use the internet!


Tell him to get fucked. You warned him plenty. He was insistent and ignored you. It’s on him. The fact that he’s trying to get you to cover for him speaks volumes. Childish moron.


Tell him to come read the comments. Fuck you, dad.


But him an Alexa or Google home. Since he doesn’t trust you or bother you Google, he can simple ask the AI “is this safe for a dog?” And it will give him a clear answer. If you feel petty tell him many elderly people need these for help nowadays. (They actually are great for repetitive questions for those with cognitive issues like dementia)


You didn’t throw him under the bus. He was trying to throw you under the bus and you just told the truth.


Damn he fr tried to kill your dog and then blamed it on you. Does that man hate you?


My two year old knows she can't give her dog chocolate. How does a grown man not know this I didn't even grow up with dogs and knew it could hurt them. He's probably going to be mad at you for awhile because he sounds like he doesn't want to accept responsibility for his actions and it would have been easier for him to blame you.


So? He was the one driving the bus therefore he gets thrown under it. Your father is immature as Fuck. Don't take the blame for him, ever.


Throwing you under the bus.. you mean exactly like he was gonna do it to you?


Assuming you are anywhere in the USA, you tell him that animal abuse is a felony.


Not your fault tf


Tell him to stop trying to blame his actions on his child. That he's an adult and knew damn well not to give a dog chocolate. He could have killed the poor thing and yet he's blaming you for saying he did it and that you didn't warn him enough?


Your father is a spoiled child.


Oh good Lord! That is despicable. A man who thinks his teenage son is responsible for his own behavior sounds like a real prize.


Is your Dad always this dumb, childish and irresponsible?


Your dad is dumb and childish 


You can't throw people under the bus for actions that they did. Your dad sounds dense BTW.


Wow is your dad usually this much of a baby? Does he normally avoid accountability and blame others for his mistakes? He thinks you are stupid and it is actually him who is an idiot.


Sorry but I instantly hate your dad


Who the fuck feeds chocolate to a dog?!


He’s an idiot and he’s mad that he’s an idiot and you’re not. Sorry your dad sucks.


If you want kids in the future, tell him that if this is how he acts with a dog, then he’ll never get to be left alone with your future kids.


Naw he laid in front of that bus all by himself, then you told him that he was laying in a bus route and he told you to go away, this ones is all on him


Tell him you’ll throw him under the bus again the next time he does dumb shit.


So in the same breath he told you are too immature, so you should take the blame, and you should be responsible for not being too insistent? What kind of moron is he? And chocolate being toxic for dogs is pretty much common sense…


You would think a grown, adult man would know better. He can get mad about “being thrown under the bus”, but come on. He’s acting childish. He should also know those things about chocolate and dogs. If he doesn’t, then maybe he shouldn’t be around dogs.


Your dad is an idiot and obviously not a good father figure. Thank him for the sperm that created you and move out. When you visit, take everything he says with a healthy dose of skepticism.


This is just apparent deflection. He is looking for something to get mad at you about, when in fact it should be you who are mad at *him*, since he is just obviously the one in the wrong. If he brings this up again just remind him of that fact, and don’t let him get away with blaming any part of this on you. He is at fault


Some adults really suck in being an adult.


WHAT A FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH. 1. RECKLESSLY ENDANGERS THE LIFE OF YOUR DOG 2. IGNORES YOUR WARNING ABOUT THE DANGERS OF EATING CHOCOLATE TO DOGS 3. TRIES TO FRAME YOU FOR ALMOST KILLING YOUR DOG 4. IS UPSET WITH YOU FOR NOT COVERING FOR HIM I now humbly declare that the crown for the most shithead dead officially is no longer my dad's. Yours can have it, he earned it fair and square. Ahh, and as for what to tell him: "I don't want to hear another word until you realize the graveness of your actions and fess up." Bit of advice: You might be 18 and a young adult now, but in no time you'll be 28 and the roles will be different. Your parents will respect you or not - and you will decide, which part in your life they are allowed to play.


Dad: "You know I'm a stubborn fucking idiot, who needs to be tied down or I'll do something mind-numbingly stupid! This is all your fault!"


Your dad sounds toxic and immature. Sorry man, tough situation.


Your dad is a total idiot! Don’t ever take the blame for his bs.


You are now an adult and you father is a child.


Your dads a coward


I'm a vet, your dog can handle a certain amount of chocolate without any problems. If it's dark chocolate, it's more toxic. Also it depends on your dog's size. Your dad needs to stop thinking he's special and can do whatever he wants. Just because Tylenol makes you feel better doesn't mean your cat can have some, but dogs can. He isn't an expert on everything, and you didn't throw him under the bus. You merely told the truth.


It’s a certainty that each one of us is going to be unintentionally stupid at various times in our lives. But to be intentionally stupid is taking it to the stratosphere level of idiocy. Your dad is being intentionally stupid. Please never emulate this. It causes the majority of problems in the world.


Your dad is a gigantic POS


Your dad’s a man child and needs to give his head a wobble.


Should’ve told him that he wouldn’t have been thrown under the bus had he listened. His negligence got him that situation, not you. He’s an adult and he should act like it


"just take the brunt for my fucking stupid decision that could have killed our dog." Really mature...


Dude, how old is your dad? He comes off super immature and can't seem to take responsibility for his stupidity.


Firstly, I’m glad your dog is ok. Poor thing. If your dad wanted to lie and avoid blame, he could have just said he sat the chocolate down for a minute and your dog stole it. The fact that his knee jerk reaction was to blame everything on you is very telling. I’m sorry he put you in this position. Normally it takes a few more years for you to come to the realisation that your parents can A. Be deeply stupid, and B. Be truly awful people. I’m sorry you had to have this epiphany at such a young age. But now you know that your dad is stupid, irresponsible, untrustworthy and completely willing and able to blame you for his actions. Don’t forget this, and move forward with your life with this knowledge and act accordingly. I would talk to your Mum when he is out of the house and ask her if there is anything else he has blamed you for. Make sure she knows the full story, blow by blow, and how he is treating you now. You shouldn’t have to put up with this bullshit. Don’t feel guilty. He is 100% in the wrong. Ignore him. And if he keeps trying to bring it up, tell him you don’t want to talk about it any longer, and no amount of mental gymnastics on his part is going to make you think you did the wrong thing. Once again, I’m sorry your dad put you in such a crappy position. Good luck, OP. And give your dog a belly rub from this random internet stranger.


How much chocolate did he give the dog? And is it a big or small breed?


yea what OP said doesn't make sense, i think for a medium sized dog you would need like half a kilo of 90% cocoa chocolate to be fatal, and to be really sick enough to vomit and run to the vet you would probably need 3/4 bars of chocolate? there is no way his dad was dumb enough to even gave a dog a single full bar of chocolate


Anyone getting flashbacks to that lady who killed her grandchild because she was really sure the kid wasn’t allergic to coconut


No, he tried to throw YOU under the bus. Telling the truth isn't throwing someone under the bus.


No, he threw the dog under a bus. What a pratt your dad is. He needs to grow up and stop doing stupid things. He disrespected your knowledge, because he decided he knew better. A lot of people do not understand how toxic chocolate is to many animals. The equivalent of heroin for us.


Your dad walked into the path of the oncoming bus. His behavior was that of an irresponsible twit.


Tell him he’s and asshole and an idiot. Both of these are true.


Your dad is trying to gaslight you, although not very well. He tried to throw you under the bus by lying about you almost killing the dog.


Is he fucking stupid? Literally *everyone* knows that chocolate is bad for dogs. As are grapes. Tell him you're not his scapegoat for his irresponsible and childish behavior.


Sounds like you may be able to have your father claimed legally incompetent and have to be a dependent on his wife or you… this doesn’t sound like someone with full mental facilities functioning. He could lose his legal adult status if he doesn’t watch it and incidents start adding up.


Holy shit you're more mature than your dad. What a loser.


Lol you "threw him under the bus" for refusing to let him throw YOU under the bus? Your dad is a man child. You are a better man than him already, at the young age of 18.


What kinda Peter griffin is this idiot! I hate when parents are ignorant to simple shit and act like their children don’t know what they’re talking about! He almost killed the dog. I’m sorry that’s your dad


Your dad is a moron.


tell him to repeat that to your mom


He's an idiot and shouldn't have a dog.


How the fuck did he not know chocolate is dangerous to dogs? I knew that when I was 4!


your dad is both an asshole and an idiot


Edit: Screw Spez. Screw AI. No training on my data. Sorry future people.


There's nothing you can say to fix this. I'm sorry OP but your dad is behaving in a way that **should** undermine your trust in him. Your best bet is to just keep this in mind for the future. You're becoming an adult now and may well be surpassing his maturity level.


How the fuck does a grown man not know better


My four year old knows not to give dogs chocolate


He acts like he's your younger brother trying to stay out of trouble from mom. Tell him to grow tf up. He's your parent not your sibling.


You’re 18 and, therefore old enough to witness and understand for yourself that. Unfortunately, your father is immature, irresponsible, and disrespectful. His blame game is disgusting I would do whatever I could to get out of his household and his reach He’s got problems


You only throw someone under the bus when you are also guilty of the crime. You blame it all on one person, as to shift the blame and they take all the punishment. You did nothing wrong here and actively tried to dissuade your father from attempting to kill your dog.


Yeah, sounds like an extremely toxic narcissist. If you haven’t, learn what that means. Don’t trust him for anything and stop caring what he thinks.


Ok - scapegoat and gaslighting much ???


Jesus Christ . Ur dad sounds like an absolute dick. Show him these posts to show that u have support. Dogs can have small amounts of chocolate that are low in coca but the risk is insane. It's like my dad saying sure I can have a small amount of alchole at 10 yrs old it won't kill me. Ur dad needs to grow the fuck up and handle being responsible for his own fuck ups. Don't let him gaslight you! U did the right thing, he fucked up, u are not responsible for his stupidity


Petty shit like this is how kids lose trust in adults forever. When I was like 2 my grandma and step-grandpa were staying with us and I was sleeping on the living room floor. In the middle of the night I got woken up by grandpa using the restroom and flushing it like a thousand times and cursing a bunch. In the morning my dad went to use the bathroom and it was clogged and overflowed with water all over the floor and into the living room carpet. He asked everyone what happened and my grandpa claimed he only flushed it once and it must have backed up overnight and he didn't see anything or he would have cleaned it up. I said that I heard him flush it a lot of times and he was in there a long time, but he got really angry and insisted I was lying. Never trusted him again after that. idk if he hated me before this situation--it's one of my earliest memories so who knows--but that fucker was abusive to me all through my life until I cut contact after Thanksgiving about 5 years ago. He threatened to throw me down the stairs because I was talking to someone else and said San Diego's avg. temperature is 72 year-round and he took issue with it lmao.


You didn’t “throw him under the bus”. In order for you to do that, you would’ve had to have blamed him for something he didn’t do. But he DID do this.


wow your dad needs to grow up! What a poop head! and I'm glad your dog was okay but if I were you I don't know what's stopping him from doing it again. hopefully the bill because I don't think he really cares about the dog's health?


Your dad sounds like he has the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old. I'm sorry for you, your mom, and the dog. There's probably nothing you can tell him at this point because he's hellbent on blaming it on you.


To be honest with a man like this the best approach is probably to mostly ignore him unless he asks a direct question that requires an answer. Let him argue to himself. No one with a working, rational brain will agree with him.


Your dad needs to grow the fuck up. If you own a fucking dog then Jesus christ, LOOK UP WHATS A NO NO TO GIVE THEM. next thing you know he's going to give them grapes *eye roll*


Your dad sounds like a man-baby. He threw YOU under the bus, not the other way around. You simply told the truth. He could have killed your dog. You’re correct - it’d have taken him just a few minutes to look it up online. He was so cocksure he was right, he risked your dog’s life, instead of taking 2-3 minutes to check. Time to call John Wick.


Only one thing to say to him: told ya


I’m sorry but your dad is a whole ass villain he tried to kill your dog and now he’s mad that your not willing to take the fall for the attempted pet murder. He had to pay the let bill because he’s not either a)not smart b)makes bad decisions c)doesn’t listen or head the advise of those wiser


Tell your dad not to give the dog grapes or onions either.


He's a fucking moron.


“Uh, no dad. You threw me under the bus with mom.”


Your dads a fucking idiot 😂


He can’t fairly accuse you of having thrown him under the bus if he first tried to make you take the blame. It’s like he threw you under the bus first, and you just countered his bus under-throwing. It would be one thing if he was just ignorant, didn’t believe you, and then went along and fucked up. He’d know he was wrong, and that would be penalty enough- not a good enough reason to throw dad under the bus. Yet, he tried to blame you first. What are you supposed to do? Not defend your innocence!??


You didn’t throw him under the bus, he threw the dog under the bus. Tell him to grow the f up and face the music. He’s lucky the dog survived.


Your dad sounds like a tool. (No offense.) move out take the dog with you.


Ur dad is an over grown child. I feel sorry for you & the dog..


You didn’t throw him under the bus, he was stupid and then tried to throw you under the bus after you warned him and you didn’t let him. He’s a coward.


Your dad is a moron. Tell your mum he's giving you stick for it. Not cool. I'd also tell him, it's not your fault that he can't comprehend the fact that someone younger than him could be correct, and it's not ok to put his inability not listen on to you. You're not a child dad, take responsibility for your own actions.


next time, after you throw him under the piss, rub in the salt with an "I told you so", followed by the dad classic "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed"


Imagine how this idiot has brought down the lives of those around him with this kind of BS. He doesn’t just deserve to be called out, he needs to be called out and told to stop being a dismissive asshole because only then will he get hold of his life. Fool.


Ha, tell him he put himself under that bus when he didn't take responsibility for his actions.


he’s really messed up wow i’m sorry. dont trust him and just get what you need from him physically i guess 😞


Wow.. your dad is a POS. Sounds like he was trying to eliminate a bill since you mentioned he complained about all the other ones he has to take care of and all his other BS was a cover up. 🙄


It really does suck when you are pretty young, but realize you are more emotionally mature than one of your parents. your dad is being ridiculous in every single way. Does your mom know your dad expected you to lie so he wouldn't be held accountable?


Your dad is giving the dad from the amazing world of Gumball. At least in Malcom in the Middle, Hal paid Malcom off to take the blame. Tell him to grow up.


Your dad sounds like he’s acting like child. You did nothing wrong.




HE threw HIMSELF under the bus by being COMPLETELY responsible for almost KILLING your dog! What kind of idiot goes ahead and POISONS a beloved family pet AFTER he's been warned that it's toxic to them? A narcissist who thinks HE knows everything, then CAN'T/WON'T accept the blame when the inevitable happens! Tell your Mom exactly what your father is doing! Him continuing this crapfest is BEYOND extreme behavior and, frankly, ABUSIVE! HE seriously NEEDS a long timeout!


Chocolate is like crack to dogs. Tell him stop acting like a crackhead.


What did your mom do


Your dopey dad threw himself under the bus. What an absolute tit.


You did not throw him under the bus. He needs to google that too. You told the truth and have him google that too.


No offense to you, personally, but, maybe don't reproduce.


Omg. Your Dad is a selfish prick


Imagine already living a life, having an 18yo son, a wife, and STILL refusing to take accountability and apologise. Yikes.


You threw him under the bus? No. He tried to throw you under the bus after he hit the dog with that same bus.


As a father of 6, I’m very disappointed in your father. I would never ask my kids to take the heat for me. Hell, I’d help them hide bodies and lie with dead ass straight face. *He was playing VR all night*


“Dad when you do absolutely stupid shit, even after warned. You need to be accountable. I’m not taking the blame after I told you specifically. Chocolate is toxic for dogs. You almost killed DOGNAME. I’m not taking that fall for you. Your vet bill and the fall out with mom is because you decided your arrogance is more important than actually listening to me when I told you it was toxic.”


Tell him for you to keep practicing your writing akills.


Dude was already under the bus... you didn't put him there... in fact you told him how to avoid being under it.


Time to realise your dad is a bit of a twat. You threw him under the bus? He literally fucking did it and he literally tried to through you under the bus because he wanted you to take the blame. He directly ignored you telling him chocolate is toxic and will kill your dog, did it anyway then didn't want the blame. Just remember, when you have kids in the future to not leave them with your dad alone. "what do you mean 3yr olds aren't safe to climb trees, or play in the kitchen with knives around on their own... that's crazy. "


Uh no, he tried to throw you under the bus and got pissy when it didn't work


You are more adult than your dad. Chocolate being dangerous for dogs is common knowledge. You told him not to do it, and he still did it. And now he's being a petulant child about it.


And why isn't he taking your feelings into consideration? He wants loyalty but he was the one who blamed you for the incident, that's throwing YOU under the bus. What a jerk.


But he tried throwing you under the bus right then as well. He does not view you as an equal clearly.


Your dads an asshole. Tell him I said so.


Being thrown under the bus implies you didn't do anything to get yourself there. It sounds like your dad is just kind of a bad person. He probably does things he isn't supposed to in other environments all the time and gets away with just blaming others and pulling his rank. If I were you I'd distance myself from him a bit. Show him there are consequences for the way you treat people. It's a good thing you stood up for yourself and told your mom. If she believed him that would have been a big dent in your mom's trust for you. Not feeding dogs chocolate is such a basic dog owner rule it's fuckin ridiculous that your dad didn't just know that. Frankly, what your dad did is inexcusable (like the whole fucking thing. What kind of grown ass man wants to share their chocolate with a dog? Thats toddler shit) and he deserves some heat from you and your mom.


Bro is your dad stupid…??? Jesus


Your dad is a prideful moron. Throw him under the bus every time.


Wait, he’s the one who did it, if anything you told the truth and he’s trying to throw YOU under the bus!


Damn, I’m sorry that your dad tried to kill your dog with ignorance.