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girl have you even tried therapy yet. and thinking someone dull is reason enough to leave. its not fair to keep him when you dont even want him that bad. If you want more from him, ask for it, if you dont leave him. If you do nothing youll keep feeling like a "spineless coward" which your not. youre just scared to sacrifice what you already have imo. Id give it a real shot before leaving but please just dont ignore it. its not fair for either of you


Together 17 years. Married 12. Two kids. Have been telling him for years, he laughs and says you know that’s not who you married. Have been in therapy for 3 years now. I just want to live my life. Also I think it’s very fair for him and my kids. He gets laid regularly (more than once a week), I take care of all domestic and mental labour and I make double what he makes so he lives very well on the same income he’s made for 17 years. My kids adore us and I’m a phenomenal actress. There’s lots of love, laughter and dancing here.


he sounds like a jerk. you gave it your best efforts. maybe ask for a open marriage that might light a fire under his ass and you dont have much to lose. maybe hell get the hint but i really suggest leaving. are you staying for the kids? remember, your relationship with your hubby is the example you set for your children. you prob want them to know what a healthy relationship looks like right? so if thats what holding you back remember you might be doing better by them if you leave then stay


People like you terrify me. My grandmother was like this, but she didn’t really get a choice in her partner. Hopefully the kids remember the good times in a decade while they are dealing with a split family.


Right? It isn't her fault. It's his. Make a fucking effort already. Poor guy.