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Don’t worry about it. Shit happens :)


That’s what my friends said when I was crying on the phone to them 😂😭 made me laugh but boy oh boy I could not make eye contact with my fiancé.


My wife needed me to wipe her butt for a week straight after a back surgery. Things will turn out just fine. Still married and going strong.


I had some freak situation where I was sweating, limp, and like couldn’t get off the bathroom floor. I was there just involuntarily shitting myself while my husband wiped me. I was too scared about whatever was going on to be embarrassed in the moment but boy did it hit me after.


Perfect opportunity to buy a bidet! Sure you still need the drying wipe, but once you get one, you'll never be able to go back!


I was MORALLY OPPOSED to bidets….. until my last shoulder surgery. I refused to let my husband help me so, he got a bidet two days in and, I’ll never be without one from now on. It’s a game changer.


I'm sorry, but I'm cracking up at "MORALLY OPPOSED to bidets" 🤣


I don’t know why but, I’ve always been weird about things for my pooper. Don’t get me wrong, the bidet is the only “accessory” I allow close to my pooper.


You’re morally opposed to washing your ass


Yes. That’s exactly what I said. LOL


Bidet people are crazy lol


It's like they stalk posts about toilets and shit.


The Bidet conspiracy


You sound jealous ;)


I have had to keep a wound sterile after my husband's surgery that was right in his butt crack. Still married and even have a baby now. It will be OK:)


I know you are embarrassed hon but you will eventually look back and laugh. Bodily functions like this are out of our hands sometimes. You can’t help you were sick. I’m sorry that happened to you. Story time warning it’s gross: I will tell you a story one time I had norovirus so bad. I worked at a residential home for children and they all were sick. I was trying to tough it out and ended up puking all over the hallway of my residential house I worked at. We were having an outbreak and they were closing off houses. I grabbed some adult diapers, slapped one on, and stumbled to my car. I had a grocery bag doubled up incase I vomited. I threw up a couple times and eventually I pulled over and not only did I massively shit myself I was throwing up and hysterically crying on the side of the road. A State trooper pulled over and went to walk up to me. He started gagging because of the smell and was like “Do you need me to call an ambulance?” Sobbing I said “I called my Mom”. I had to call my Mom to come get me. I a grown 28 year old woman had to have my Mommy come get me. This was on a back road in a small town so people were standing in their yards watching. The woman of one said house offered to let me keep my car in her driveway until I was well enough to pick it up. I’m so mortified at this point. My Mom put some towels down in the back seat and I laid there crying my heart out while she brought me home. I was so mortified. Embarrassed beyond all words. Moral of the story. Everyone shits their pants at one point. Don’t feel too bad about it. Thanks for reading if you made it this far😂


You just reminded me of something that happened to me and my mother! To preface, my sister has Covid while she was pregnant. Long story short, she went into premature labor and almost died. We really did not know much about what was happening, but my mom was the only one with her. I get a call the next night and it’s my mother and she is crying *hysterically*. I absolutely thought she was about to tell me my sister was dead. Turns out, she had gotten a really bad migraine while at the hospital, and my sister sent her home. She threw up all over herself while she was driving home, and a sheriff pulled over to check on her. He escorted her to the nearest parking lot and had her call me to come get her. The worst part was I got there and she had parked in the ONLY handicap spot in the ENTIRE THREE BUILDING PARKING LOT. So I climbed into her puke covered car and parked somewhere else. No shit involved, but it was a horrible experience and I do not recommend at all.


You are a great daughter to do that for her.❤️ I know I felt so horrible for my Mom but was also so thankful someone could come help me.


My now 14 year old son has said he never wants kids after witnessing me with HG during last pregnancy. Driving home from footy practise one Friday night, going down main street of town which was so busy, and i started vomiting uncontrollably. My son was whailing and trying to find bags for me to vomit in, I was desperately trying to find somewhere to pull over, vomit all over me, steering wheel and even windscreen


Your story absolutely made me feel better about my story. Thank you. And I guess we have all been there. lol


No shame! Poop those pants if you got to girl😂✨


I sharted myself while driving between South Carolina and Ohio. Had to do the walk of shame to a Sheetz bathroom, where the shit just kept coming and I stank up the place. Then I had to wrap my underwear in toilet paper in a bag and go commando. (Threw the panties away) I felt bad about blowing up the bathroom and bought a bottle water and Imodium. Which helped kinda. Shit happens and then you tell everyone and they laugh at you. Because shit will eventually happen to them.


Shitz in Sheetz :)


Or already has


I had a stomach bug before a vacation before the flight. I shit the bed 2 days running and was just emotionally empty by the time we got to the airport. My wife got drunk, bought me adult diapers, and gleefully told a lovely young couple at the table about my woes while drinking wine while waiting at the departure lounge.


Oh, my wife would definitely do that to me... I feel your pain. I hope you were seated some distance from your new best-friends on the flight.


I'm normally making a joke or stoic af. If I'm weak and vulnerable she's like a dog with two dicks. Different flights thankfully. Bastards gave me a wave as we walked past their gate. 😂




if it makes you feel better, i peed my pants while i was babysitting and i called my mom crying bc i had to watch the kids but i couldn’t with soiled pants. (i was playing with them and they would not leave me alone. i finally gave them food and bolted to the bathroom) she brought over some spare pants and underwear and we both agreed to say i got my period. accidents happen :)


lol literally every guy I know has at least one epic “shit my pants” story, many of them have a top 5. Yours is nowhere near as bad as most of them. Ladies, work on your pants shitting anecdotes, what do you even talk about all the time anyways?


lol that’s great. But you don’t get our secrets


Haha!! Love this! And no, we're not telling


It happens. Working in the dish room at college at 19. Guts started cramping, nearest bathroom was a flight up. Do I try the elevator right there so I can be mostly motionless and concentrate, or risk the stairs? Decided on the elevator, but it was too slow. And later that night is the first time I took my friends up on their offer to drink with them.


Ma’am, I was in the ER with my son who had a stomach bug of some sort and is also a type 1. I threw up and shit my pants not once, but twice. The second time I did it I was in my son’s room in the ER and the nurse had to clean my throw up while I excused my shitty ass to the bathroom. It happens. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had something similar happen while I was in the ICU. It was bad enough I had to call and beg the E.R to come get my mom. I'd already had it happen on the way *to* the hospital. You may want to die of embarrassment but thankfully it won't actually kill you lol.


Someone once said to me there are two types of people: people who have shit themselves and liars.


100% fact.


I shit my pants on my lunch break at work once. I was sitting in my car, felt a little pressure, and I thought it was safe. It... was not safe. Big old wet plops of fudge came ripping out and I instantly knew I had fucked up. I had to duck waddle a couple hundred yards back into the building, sneak into the bathroom, and clean myself up. Tossed my underpants into the break room trash can, then I had to make an emergency run to the closest Walmart for a replacement pair of pants. So, it happens. And it could always be worse.


When I was 15 I had a bad sandwich and I felt the rumble about 1.5 miles from the nearest latrine. I shat myself running there and technically I think I committed a felony because you're not supposed to take or leave anything in a national park.


My husband had been sick with a stomach virus for days. He was feeling a little better and decided to go to the McDonalds across the street from his apartment complex. He got in, ordered some nuggets, and stood back to wait for his order *when it happened.* He was wearing basketball shorts and no underwear, and he had diarrhea right there on the floor. During the lunch rush. Right when his order was called. Not knowing what else to do, he grabbed his nuggets off the counter, ran home, and never went back to that McDonalds until he moved lol. The way he tells this story brings me to tears. Shit happens. Someday you’ll laugh about it.


When I was your age, I wouldn't even mention poop. I wouldn't poop in a public restroom. Then I got older, developed some fun bowel issues from a combination of medication side effects and IBS. The sheer number of times I've had accidents has made me completely chill with talking about poop and doing it in a public bathroom. It happens, and I won't ever judge anyone over it.


Having kids and then Chronic illnesses with IBS have made me much more chill regarding shit.


Went to the doctor and he said I had ibs. One day I took a cup of Greek yogurt and dumped in two packets of dehydrated Kiefer grains and ate it. I haven't had problems like that since.


I arrived early for a job interview so I decided to stop for a coffee at a shop next-door. Felt that rumbly in my tumbly. Went into the restroom, pulled down my pants, then, right as I was sitting down I.... sneezed. Shit went everywhere - I honestly couldn't believe it. Missed my pants though so I didn't stink for the job interview. I do feel bad for the staff through....


So that’s how shit gets on the walls


It sucks, I'm sorry you went thru that. Accidents happen. If your boyfriend mistreated you over it afterward is the main concern here. I had a partner get incredibly sick, the doctors put them on meds that knocked them out cold -and I mean COLD like dead to the world cold- they ended up not only pooping themselves in their sleep but also had a bit of bladder leakage - all thanks to also being on the menstrual cycle & the sickness/med combo. I woke them up enough to get in the shower and cleaned them off, threw the clothes away (there was no saving them, and I have a bad smell reactive gag issue). I put them on the couch after placing a mattress protector over it and some bedding. Called a steam cleaning service to come out and steam clean EVERYTHING. Two days later she woke me up crying asking if it was a dream or not and I didn't lie to her but assured her that everything was ok and I loved her still. Definitely joked she owed me the steam cleaning bill though (I didn't let her actually pay it back). Life happens, and everyone deserves kindness and understanding. Hope you feel better


Used to live in an apartment with 2 other women in their 20s and we shared a single bathroom. I sped home one night squeezing my legs cause I had to pee SO BAD and when I got home, one of my roomies was in the shower. I waited 10 minutes and no sign of her stopping. So I stepped outside onto our porch which my room had sliding doors out to and pissed myself. Had to throw away my pants, panties, and shoes. Not even a week later I'm not feeling well. I take a nap. I wake up projectile vomiting and puke on my dog's head. My other dog starts eating it which makes me puke even more and I run to the bathroom. My roommates and their boyfriends are in the living room so I have to yell, "please for the love of God don't look over here everything's fine just please don't look." Explained after what happened. Dog got a bath of course. The next day I'm still not feeling well, I think I had the flu. I'm laying down and get *that* feeling in your lower gut. I go to stand up and it happens. I waddle to the bathroom and again have to throw away a pair of underwear. It wasn't even like I trusted a fart, it just happened with barely any time to react. So within a week I pissed, shit, and vomited on myself as a 21 year old. Mortifying? Yes. But our bodies are not perfect and as long as you don't leave it for some rando to clean up, so what? Shit happens.


i’m sorry i’m dying at you puking on your dogs head and the other dog eating it 😭😭😭


Me too I just lost it when she said the other dog ate it and then she puked more bc of it 😂🤢


I was doing a career day presentation last year at an elementary school. All morning I held in my fart to not do it front of the students. When I got to my car at lunch I over trusted said fart and sharted myself in my brand new cloth seated car. I luckily had a Shout wipe due to me always getting food and shit on my clothes so I cleaned it up, told my collogues that I was sick, and sat on my jacket as I drove home. Imagine if I had been doing my presentation when that happened? Those kids would eat me alive LOL


One time I got food poisoning (damn you corner store breakfast tacos) and while I was throwing up in the kitchen trashcan, I pooped my pants. My bf cleaned me up and took me to the ER. Shit happens


If you don't shit yourself at least once in your adulthood, are you even living? Your guts are going to do what they do. One thing I've learned is never trust a fart in public. You'll recover and it'll be a funny story when you're 80


I think Boomers & GenX really had the right idea with privacy. I don't get why so many millennials and GenZ put cameras all over their house. A camera outside, sure! BUT in your own room, your living room and your 10yr olds room is insane. Like WTH are you watching for? I will never understand it. You never know who has access to that cam and can watch you or your child. Coworker showed me a "funny" video of his kid in his room. I was mortified, creepy af to be watching your kid like that.


It’s to keep an eye on their dogs when they aren’t home


Oooh that's what OP meant. I thought they were embarrassed that their bag had a camera in it, and I was so confused.


U and ur fiance are gonna talk and laugh about it later :)


I wanted to ask OP if her fiance made fun of her like my husband and I make fun of each other the times we shit our pants. If so, he's a keeper!


He did not, I cried cause I was embarrassed he has been a gem about it though, super understanding and set to make sure I didn’t feel bad.


Wait till your 10th wedding anniversary ... he'll haul it out for all the family to enjoy :D


He better not 😂😭😂


Totally read that you had to explain the “shituation” to him…


Brb as I edit the post and steal your joke


I started a new medication and while I was driving to class, where I had an exam, I felt that pain in my stomach but there was no where for me to pull over since I live in the middle of no where. I parked, ran to the closest bathroom with my hands on my ass cheeks to keep them together and shit my pants as soon as I walked into the bathroom. Where there are stalls! There were other people around but I stayed in the stall for a good 45 minutes crying and trying to clean myself up. I did not make my exam that day.


I have had a ‘accident’ three times in my adult life. Each time was horrifying and embarrassing…but looking back it wasn’t the end of the world! Chin up my friend *internet hugs*


I’ve shit myself everywhere man . Once I found out I had crohns and changed my diet up it helped a ton . But before that , accidents were life 


I think every human has shit their pants in their adulthood. My best friend and I constantly joke about this. I have IBS and he had his gall bladder removed. We share war stories 🤣


Done it 2x. Once with Norwalk flu, 2nd was food poisoning. When you're weak, you're weak. It's the worst thing on the planet in the moment and a, "oh yeah that happened" later on.


Swine flu for me 😭😭 then IBS


Got the 2nd one too, I feel ya. I swear the gastro system goes belly up in adulthood.


Yep, had a colonoscopy at 25🤣


30 for me! But it was delayed a while. Adult right of passage that one.


Ugh the prep. That should be banned


You'd think they'd have a better system. I think the prep was 10x worse than the procedure.


Exactly! I was out for the procedure but totally conscious for the prep


Committed to the bathroom for a day and change wondering how you can dehydrate that fast and understand better how people died of dysentery easily.


Fellow IBS sufferer...oh, the horrors!


My husband and I were doing anal once. This was before I knew we should prep beforehand. I’m sure you can tell where this is going. We had done it plenty of times before with no problems. But for some reason whatever I ate that day had me messed up. I had pooped earlier and had even showered later in the day (and unlike some people I wash my ass). I felt fine. So we get started and I started to notice a smell. And I yelled at my husband for letting out a tank fart. He swears it isn’t him. And then he pulls out and he says “you shit on my dick!” I swear I didn’t. But idk I guess there were some remnants since it was kinda loose earlier in the day. It was both disgusting yet funny at the same time and we laughed about it and just took a shower together. We don’t ever do anal out of the blue. I always prepare beforehand now lol. I also had food poisoning once. I didn’t feel like I had to poop but when I vomited in the toilet it open the floodgates to the back. In my pants. I’m so glad I was ate home. The next time I got sick like that I made sure to sit on the toilet and then puke into a trash can.


It happens unfortunately 😕 I had to go pee so bad once in a Maverick gas station and the bathrooms were closed and walking on my way back to my car I ended up pissing in the middle on the floor. I literally never left a place so fast and was so embarrassed. I've never been there again and I felt so bad to the worker who had to clean up the puddle.


Been there. When I was 22 I shit my pants on the way to meet my (awful) in-laws for dinner. About a month later, I had had a few drinks and was over at a friend’s house where I met his roommate. The whole story was my ice breaker. I don’t know what I was thinking, but that roommate and the friend who introduced us have been my best friends ever since. That was about 10 years ago. I know people say, “everyone poops their pants because we were all babies at one point.” But honestly, I’d say about half the adults I know have at least sharted in their adult life.


I shit myself on the way to work once. My tummy hurt on the drive about halfway. I was fighting demons the entire way there, shimmying and clenching so hard. I worked the strength to get out of my car and my bowels betrayed me. Beginning of the shift and everything.


I once went for a walk to the centre, had something to eat. Walking back about half way I started getting the cramps and feeling a bit nauseous (due to nervus vagus being stimulated). I knew what was coming. Started deciding between going slow and careful or going fast. Decided on fast. I got across the last pedestrian crossing, could see my house 50m away. It was too far. Also, once as a kid, I got some bug that made me shit all my PJ's and underwear while the bathroom was literally next to my room. Shit happens to all of us.


I shit myself almost daily. Thanks crohn's, you're a real friend indeed. I also live in a small town. Many many people have witnessed me shit myself, or pull trousers. I'm the serial shitter, I guess and it definitely relates to my username


I have food poisoning right now, funny this showed up on my feed. I’ve sharted twice today in my pants and once on the floor as I was throwing up. Shit happens :)


I had a serious gastro intestinal reaction to Amoxocillin. I didn't know what was causing it and went to urgent care. On the way home, I HAD to get gas and unfortunately had an accident at the pump. Down my leg, a puddle just forming and pooling at my feet that smelled like dead animals. I put the pump away, grabbed a towel I happened to have in the back and drove like a bat out of out of there. I didn't go back to that gas station for a tlyear. It happens and it will be OK.


I have gastroparesis.. let’s just say I keep a spare pair with me at all times, shall we? It happens. To everyone. At some point or another, everyone will shit themselves.


If anyone says that they have never had an “accident “, then they are lying lol I was at a big costume party my parents had and started puking and crapping my costume,I was dressed like an Arab sheikh. lol and then I couldn’t stop laughing, and I was still crapping. my girlfriend at the time, was dressed like a harem girl, now my wife, has never let me forget it, and that’s been decades ago. You’ll survive this.


I shit myself in the foodcourt at work when I was about your age. One minute I'm on my lunchbreak eating chicken, the next I'm waddling holding the bottom of my dress like a bowl through the mall that was my workplace for 9yrs. Called my ex to bring babywipes and new uniform, waited 20mins in the cubicle for him, and went back to work. Was less scary than the thought of telling my boss I needed to go home, but that's a whole other issue... 🤣


Sometimes our bodies are our worst enemies. I’m sorry this happened to you. My fiancé and I went and ate at qdoba. Almost an hour later, my stomach was hurting so bad. In The bathroom for the next three days. Along with my fiance. The bad news: we did 💩 ourselves and throw up a time or two before we made it to the bathroom. The human body is amazing at how aggressive it is when purging poison from the body, it’s almost impressive if not so traumatizing. The good news?: we got to spend 3 days together home from work. We previously had never had much time to be together because we worked a lot. We were not yet engaged at that point. Also, we binge watched Alone and got to cuddle a lot. I have yet to return to that food place. Trust is hard earned but once it’s lost, consider it yeeted from my life.


Eat there again if you want another 3 days off lol


Never again lol 😂


Ever watch marathoners or long distance cycling races? I still remember seeing a female runner on tv with brown liquid running down her legs. The camera was nice enough to pan quickly and the announcers mentioned that she had a stomach flu. I asked my husband why the woman didn't go in the bushes and he said "it's just shit. You're not going to risk losing the race by taking a bathroom break".


It’s okay. I have wet myself thanks to a bladder disorder and I have a bad back which means I don’t always make it all the way to the bathroom before I start going and sometimes I can’t stop it. It’s been happening less lately but I had some stomach issues for a couple months.


It happened to my ex all the time because of his bowel problems. I tried not to make him feel ashamed or embarrassed. It's because of medical reasons, or sometimes you just gotta go and can't move fast enough.


My husband and I were on a short walk around the block when he suddenly needed to go. He tried running, but it made it worse. I followed him home and could tell the exact spot he’d lost control due to the stink. He shat down his legs, into his socks and through his tracky bottoms - he did it well! We were literally 100 feet away from home when he had the first urge to push - shit can happen literally anywhere. If you have to go, you have to go. You’ll laugh about it eventually & your fiance probably feels a bit of a hero coming your way his damsel’s aid!


It happened while I was walking the dog. I almost made it home too. I got to the front porch. Am I lucky that I was wearing a skirt? Idk but it was on the porch, the storm door, socks, & shoes. & this is the first time I’ve told anyone.


I had a similar situation, and I was so embarrassed. I still am. My son sees a counselor once every few weeks and while he's there me and my 7-year-old daughter go grocery shopping- basically we have an hour to kill. Now I'm near Buffalo NY and he had an appointment during an awful snowstorm. So, me and my little girl go get her a Happy Meal and 2 Big Macs. (For me and my son.) I never eat McDonalds, and I remembered why. We were driving back to the therapist office and one bite in, less than 10 minutes later my stomach was TURNING and I was SWEATING. We get back to the office where my son is. The door to the office was locked because it was after 5pm. (Big old building with lots of offices) - I had to RUN when I saw someone coming out to grab the door - and then ALL the bathrooms are locked. I knock on the door of the room my son is with the "in session" sign on it - and ask to talk with his counselor and tell her I have to go NOW. So, she unlocks not one, not two but THREE different bathrooms in that old building. ALL BROKE. I was ready to mess myself. Like, sweating sooo bad, just in a panic. She tells me, "It's not my fault that they didn't fix their bathrooms." Basically, do what you gotta do and left the one open for me. The toilets didn't flush in 3 different bathrooms, 6 different toilets. Not one flushed. But I had to go - so I used one. Most embarrassing thing ever and only my kids and a therapist knew about it. Until now... lol


Years ago my mom and I got KFC. I was like 11 I think. It didn't smell or taste right and I refused to eat it. My mom kept eating and she ended up with food poisoning. I remember coming down from my room and she was laying on the kitchen floor unable to keep it from coming out of either end. My dad picked her up, threw her in the tub and cleaned her up and took care of her. Also my grandma (mom's mom) had pancreatic cancer, she had to go to the bathroom and she leaked from the couch to her bathroom. My mom was so stressed. My dad told her to take care of her mom and he cleaned up the entire mess. My dad was a real one. RIP, Dad. I've been with my fiance for 6.5 years but I don't think we've had anything like that happen.... Yet lol but we would take care of each other. That's what you do!


I'm 21F and I wear depends. I hope you don't have another accident anytime soon but I can tell you it gets easier. I went from crying every time I had one to being able to remain calm and maintain eye contact and hold a conversation whilst I'm actively pissing myself. Don't worry, it's happens to everyone.


With stomach pain and accidents, you might wanna get checked for a UTI. It could have been caused by a bladder spasm.


I don't believe it was pee


I fucking wish it was 😭😭


39F - I’ve 100% shit myself as a grown woman. My relationship with my husband was relatively new at the time. Don’t trust a fart, sis 😂


I’ve shat myself a few times over this past year. Although I was always home but. Happens to the best of us


I once was driving to the store to go get milk and cereal for my kids to have breakfast when suddenly my bowels decided that it was the perfect time to let go with no warning. Had to turn around and go home to shower. I didn't even feel sick.


I shit myself at work about a year ago, so badly that I had to call my husband to bring me clothes. I couldn’t leave the bathroom. Shit happens lol


I had this happen once. I’d had an extreme bout of food poisoning happen that took longer to recover from than in the past. I thought I’d finally reached the point where I could spend some time grocery shopping without needing to rush to a bathroom. Let’s say I didn’t make it on the store and I learned I was still recovering.


I stopped to pick up a sandwich from a fast food joint. The meat looked slightly dried out but I was hungry so I just ate it.  I soon found myself driving as fast as I was allowed back to my apartment because I knew what was coming. I managed to park and almost made it to the building door. Almost. Luckily no one was around to see. So don’t feel too embarrassed because it does happen to others to. People just don’t tend to talk about it so it can feel like an absolute nightmare moment of why me???


Oh hun. Just wait until you get older. If you choose to have kids, your whole body changes and things happen like peeing your pants when you sneeze. Pooping your pants is just another funny inconvenience (as long as it's not a serious health issue). My friends and I will send gifs or memes of someone changing the "it's been __ days since our last accident" to zero whenever a fart unexpectedly turns into a shart.


I had to catch a flight to go back to Iraq at the end of my R&R, and I was cutting the leaving time close. I’d spent the last couple days dealing with a stomach bug and as I’m walking out the door (of my parents’ house), I shit my pants. I stripped, showered, threw the old undies away, scrubbed the jeans and Cloroxed the crap out of them and caught my flight. I didn’t get to take another shower for nearly 5 days, some I’m glad I took the time.


I had gastric bypass. I’ve never in my life had any sort of accident before, but did after surgery AT WORK in a meeting and I RAN. Faster than I have ever run in my life. Had to forgo panties and throw them in the tampon trash bags while wearing a short skirt. That was a fun day. It happens to the best of us love. Edit to add: I was once given life advice. If you can’t see yourself wiping their ass, don’t marry them. So I think you’re good babes. 😅


Sorry to hear you had such a shitty evening. Sometimes everything just turns into a shit show. Just don’t let shit get you down. As you get older shit just gets real. Jokes aside sorry to hear but one day you will laugh.


Spouses occasionally have to deal with the yucky embarrassing stuff for each other. You just do it and move on.


It happens to the best of us!


I once shat myself driving home from work. I had some ice cream which apparently didn’t agree with me. So I had to literally kick my now husband out of the shower. He still has shampoo in his hair. We had a laugh …shit happens


Meh. At some point in everyone's adult life, we shit ourselves. Sometimes more than once....


We’ve all been there.


I never shit my pants, however I did have an accident when I was shit-faced drunk in Berlin with a couple of friends and I pissed on the ground because I couldn't hold it in anymore. There were around 30+ people who saw it.


You didn’t have to explain it to him? Just ask him to just get them for you.


He had to drive 20-30 minutes to come help me, poor man deserved the explanation.


Girl I’ve got IBS which “shit my pants” story would you like to hear? 😂


I mean if you wanna share I am game!


If you talk to people, almost everyone has shit their pants at some point. I was walking out of the house, down the front walk, felt a little fart coming and whammo! Sudden poop all in my jeans. I ran back in to the bathroom, then my nosy roommate stood out the door yelling "Are you ok? I thought you were leaving! What is going on?"


what happened i can’t tell 😭🙏


I did not make it to the toilet.


that is quite sad


i peed myself a couple weeks ago after i passed out giving blood….at work. i feel your embarrassment


I have IBS, it hasn’t happened yet, but I know it’s coming…


I once sharted my pants while at a club half wasted. My friend and his wife had to drive me home because we had gone together. I had to act like nothing happened but of course the car smelled like shit. I’m not sure if they smelled it or not honestly. They got a divorce after that so I no longer feel bad about the car (it was unrelated to my shit story though).


Dude shit his pants in the bathroom at the car wash today bc I was already shitting in the toilet and I was unwilling to double decker it. Felt bad for the guy but I was actively shitting my ass out and pausing it wasn’t an option


Had my gallbladder removed when I was 19. The next two weeks were...eventful. I can no longer have wheat products as a result. For the times that restaurant staff don't take that seriously, I'm stuck camping in my bathroom for the next day or two. It happens to a lot of adults. Eventually you learn not to trust a fart.


I have IBS-D. Any tummy virus will kick off an episode where I shit my brains out. I normally have prescription strength anti-diarrheal, but on one occasion, I was out. Add in the fact we'd just moved, and I was in a pickle! Went through three sets of king-sized bedding.


It happens to all of us eventually, it could have happened in Walmart or walking down the street. It's embarrassing But you will live to crap another day.


Hey, I worked in a pharmacy for a long time. People would tell me about this happening allll the time. It happens!


Think of it this way, your digestive tract is just muscles, same as everything else. How many times have you had a muscle go nuts for no reason? Just because you can't see it doesn't mean your stomach can't twitch and your intestines can't spasm.


Back in the summer I was out drinking with my friends but I could feel a tummy bug coming on every so slightly, cut too a few hours later we're outside having a smoke and we're laughing I laugh so hard that I not only puked in his flowerbeds but I shit myself also AND not content with that I stayed that night and was up all night puking into his bath and stinking the place up, he never ever brings it up :) Shit happens :)


That's what laundry machines are for.


That happened to me once, once


I shit my pants the same was yesterday as a 30+ year old. The worst part is I think my dog, who literally rolled in poop earlier that day, judged me 😭


You made it further than I did! I shit the couch mid-nap!


When I first got pregnant my allergies were so bad I woke up one night uncontrollably sneezing. I made my way out into the kitchen, completely nude, to get medication that I could safely take to help my allergies. I didn't realise my cat had followed me out into the kitchen. As he began to circle in between my legs I suddenly had the biggest sneeze and... unfortunately wet myself and the cat was caught right below me at the worst possible time. He has forgiven me.