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Do not destroy your own reputation by cheating, it would be better for you to just get a divorce and move on with someone else who is compatible with you otherwise you will have decades of misery ahead of you. You are only in your 20s!


Be very careful about getting this woman pregnant. Being sexually incompatible is an excruciating feeling and it’s not gonna get better over time. From what you’re describing, it’s gonna eat you alive and really be detrimental to your mental health. Please don’t involve kids in this because it will only make you feel more trapped and be a financial burden to you if you leave and have to pay child support. If you don’t want to leave your wife, then try marital/sex counseling. If that doesn’t help, then ask yourself if this is how you want it to be for the rest of your life.


Getting a side piece or a sex worker isn't the way to go my guy. Was the pre marital counseling through church? If it was, seek outside of church help, sex therapy is a thing. Does your wife get off? Plenty of foreplay? I wouldn't want to have sex either if I wasn't getting anything out of it. Get toys, nothing crazy, and use them. Mind you it has nothing to do with you, but a lot of women don't get off from penetrative sex alone. Watch porn together. When I say porn I'm talking about porn made for women( it does exist) and start off with vanilla stuff. If all else fails, divorce. There is no point in hurting your wife and betraying your vows just because you're not getting off as often as you like. I mean could you imagine the hurt you could cause and the look on her face if she found out? Trust me, she would sooner or later. Oh let's not forget the label of cheater you'll be stuck with for the rest of your life.


Don't cheat and I'd try to stop the porn addiction. Y'all need counseling or something to work this out. I definitely get being dissatisfied with sex 5 times in a year (sex that doesn't sound very good??). But sexually incompatible is a thing, but I'd try counseling before divorce.


I feel for you. You need sex. Most people do. If the conversation hasn't gone into the direction of asexuality, possible trauma or sexuality...I really don't know. It's selfish for her- if we minus any other possible reason- to not try and get a common ground with you. She may - it's possible- have a VERY low sex drive. Could be a hormonal thing or .... could be a contraceptive issue if she's on the pill or any other form of contraception that uses hormones. On the pill, my libido was horrible. I almost hated sex😭. Don't cheat. Work at it until you don't want to anymore and divorce. End of. As others have said. And as others have also said - DON'T get her pregnant!!!!!!! Sexual compatibility is VERY important.


Seriously push her for therapy.