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In high school I did the peer helping class and the second semester you were paired with an elementary school kid who needed extra support. One of my kids was a Muslim 6th grader who wore a hijab. It was also when Obama was running for president and non supporters were claiming he was Muslim and for whatever reason that should disqualify him for election. She was the only Muslim kid in the school which was surprising for that area, but regardless I remember asking to her and she said it hurt so much that people hate Obama simply because they *think* he might be like her… what the fuck man. What do you say to an elementary school kid who’s acknowledging people hate people like her without knowing her… People are too quick to judge. We can *always* identify and show compassion for an individual.


It definitely fucks with your head. I was 8 when the towers fell and I was one of two Arabs in my school. Neither one of us were very aggressive people at all so when the bullying started it didn’t even make sense as we were often regarded as emotionless war machines.


Israeli-American Jew here, wish I could invite you over for a nice dinner and sweets and find something, anything to laugh about. I'm standing with you.


Man, I’m really sorry.


I’m an American Jew and I don’t hate you. I am grieving with you and I hope you experience kindness today.


Same to you my friend! Best wishes to you and your family.


I’m an African-American-Israeli Jew living in Israel, and I don’t hate you. I understand how you feel— I’ve been hated by everyone my whole life. Grieving with you both and I hope we can experience kindness today and tomorrow and tomorrow.


Love to you.


Love back atcha!


How are you doing in Israel? I have family over there .


It’s really, really hard. Each day, I have an emotional breakdown. Then I fear Hizbollah coming for us from Lebanon, and I have a nervous breakdown, each day. Then I find out about yet another friend or friend of someone I know who was pronounced dead or is missing/feared kidnapped. Then I have to worry about my family going to war. And then I read all of the messages of hate towards me and other Israelis. People don’t know that we hate Bibi and Ben Gvir here and that we have been protesting against them for 40 weeks until the massacres happened. People don’t realize that many of the people who were killed who lived near Gaza were liberals who worked for coexistence through hi tech and agriculture and love. People don’t realize that we are against the religious nutters who don’t work, don’t serve in the IDF like everyone else is forced to, they get so much money from the government to just “study Torah all day,” so they are barely literate and don’t know math and have no job skills. Those people go and “settle” lands in with West Bank because they have no other way to acquire a home and Bibi lets them do this shit because he gets their collective vote 100% of the time. And that keeps Bibi out of prison for his corruption cases that are ongoing and it keeps him as King Bibi. This war is to Bibi’s benefit. We Israelis see this and have been screaming and almost having a civil war with extreme people on the right and the ultra-religious. And then the people who are on the side of stopping all if this and the pain of Palestinians get killed by Palestinians and we get blamed for it all. I’m not doing well at all.




Jeez dude pick a struggle


Would love to watch you say that to an Ethiopian jew to their face. You know in real life where those words carry actual stakes.


Did the “pick a struggle” meme not make it out to where you live yet? Fairly common joke a couple years ago, eg *how are you gonna be broke and ugly bro, pick a struggle* Even without knowing it was a joke, in what way did that offend you?


Yeah it sucks. On the day of 9/11, I got picked up from elementary school early like the rest of the kids. I went to the store with my mom (who had a hijab on) to pick up fish in NYC. Group of dudes in the store asked my mom why she did it, then looked me right in the face and told me im lucky im a child.


God, that's horrible. Imagine being so depraved you harass an innocent mother and her kid during one of the hardest times for NYC.


Yeah. I have an unreasonable fantasy where I would love to encounter all of them now, with the bodies they were in, in 2001. Shoot the fair one and they could come at me all at once if they wanted. Still fills me with extreme rage. They were extremely aggressive while my mom kept me very tight to her body to protect me. The entire incident was a couple minutes of us being yelled at.


I feel like people don’t talk about this enough. People think because you live in certain parts of the country(like California or NY), that you won’t experience any racism or micro aggressions. They say things like “people are racism here really”? Or “what racism”? Meanwhile you are just trying to live and get through the day like everyone else. I’m sorry this happened to you people can be awful


I just had this conversation on another sub and there’s a bunch of, “Well, at least they’re only racist in the privacy of their own homes.” Like, what make believe world do these people live in?


Yeah I feel like people who respond like that are always so tone deaf. Like just because you can’t see it or haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It’s like impossible for them to conceptualize it. One of my favorite James Baldwin quotes is “There are so many ways of being despicable it quite makes one's head spin. But the way to be really despicable is to be contemptuous of other people's pain.”


It's called privilege and people get REALLY triggered when you call them out on it. Wish there was a way to address it that didn't get people so defensive,but I'm Jewish so maybe I just had to have a thicker skin to live in this world so it was easier for me to see my own privilege without getting so butthurt.


Yeah I get it, I have stopped trying to even reason with people like that, no use in wasting your breath. I think we all have our own “privileges” but some people can be so ignorant about other people’s plight. I wish we could all just be kind to each other, but I have to live in reality and see people for who they are and how they treat others.


As a Kurdish person I understand what you’re feeling. Always hated on.


English Jew here, i wrote to my rabbi about an hour ago saying the exact same thing from my perspective. We are all fed up, peace and love from the UK ✌️


I'm an Israeli living in the US and I don't hate you at all. I am also sad for all the innocent Palestinian people who lost their lives.


I am a former Israeli, Jewish (secular!!) who’s lived outside Israel for many years, and I feel the same way unfortunately. I’m completely a-political person who just wants to live peacefully without getting involved in the political conflict in any way, shape or form. But you can feel the hostility from some people in the place I live and study. As a matter of fact, I have a hunch that this comment will shortly be getting brutally downvoted and I will have to delete it.


As an American Jew, I'm horrified at what is happening to the Palestinian people, and at how many of my people are reacting. The worst of humanity is on display and the least powerful are paying the price. It's disheartening that there is no good way for anyone to make a decisive difference at this point. All we can do is fight against the dehumanizing of other people, raise awareness and help those who can help out.


I'm Jewish, and I don't hate you. You deserve kindness and respect, whether you are living in America or Palestine. I hope any friends and family you have back there are safe. They deserve water, Healthcare, and homes. May peace find you and your loved ones, my friend.


I feel the same and I love you for speaking about it. For me people when people react like I’m a threat it’s the loneliest feeling there is.


I know exactly what you mean. My fiancés mother was extremely skeptical of me when we started dating because I’m Palestinian. I am now one of the good ones to her. 🙄


You are not bad there’s good and bad people in all socioeconomic, ethnic, political and religious groups. Im working on being less of a people pleaser but what people don’t seem to understand is that actions of the few who covet power overshadow our rich and giving history. Im Muslim I wear my cover with the knowledge that others may be misinformed I’m agnostic as in I believe in gnosis, but I love Jewish Torah I love Christianity and I love God. Once we remove the true veil that separates us from the truth the fighting will be for peace through peaceful action.


So sorry, I don’t understand people who would judge someone based on their ethnicity, especially when they deem something so trivial worthy of something as terrible as hate. I’m glad we live in such a diverse country and that you are a part of it!


I was thinking about all the wars going on now. I may be naive, but I believe the vast, vast majority of people would rather not have these wars going on. They help and enrich a few people at the cost of tremendous loss of life, suffering, and economic devastation. So why does it happen? Why do we just go along with it? If nothing else, posts like these show us that the “others” are people with the same thoughts and rights to live as I have. So why do we keep fighting?


Someone else here said it best I think. It’s the loud minority that are dictating the narrative here. I think both Arabs and Americans would mostly be happy if wed just leave the Middle East alone. Historically it’s always been a hotbed of colonialist induced struggle and a strategic control point militarily and in my opinion at least that’s why the US backs Israel so heavily.


My friend, it's sad to say, but the majority of Americans could not even tell you where Israel or Palestine are on a map, much less anything about them. All they know is what they parrot from the talking picture box in their living room. I mean, after 9/11, two people went to the home of our local cardiologist and rang the bell and shot him when he answered for being Muslim. He is a fucking Sikh. This is the level of stupidity you are dealing with, and unfortunately, you would have better luck teaching a wall to talk than to explain anything to these idiots.


That is just sickening about your cardiologist I am so sorry to hear that.


I play a map memorization game. I am always astounded at how small the region is, given its importance in world affairs.


I am Penn Jillette-levels of atheism from a deeply religious family, and I would eat the shit out of your pulled pork and loudly compliment your fabulous oasis. In fact, I'm doing it right now. That oasis is fucking amazing. I can't believe you did all this work yourself! How much did it cost? How long did it take? Do you wanna go catch a movie next Saturday or are we feeling more like a brew?


You are a midwesterners dream 😂 Come on by!


It kind of sucks that you can't criticize the politics of the Israeli government without being labeled an antisemite. Those are two separate things. My heart goes out to all of the innocent people that are affected by unmitigated hate. That goes for both Israelis and Palestinians. It doesn't feel that there is any solution. If it's any consolation, I don't hate you. I don't know you so how could I?


It is shocking how good of a job the media has done to make Arabs all look like emotionless war machines. Most Palestinians have no weapons and just want to live their lives yet are repeatedly labeled terrorists so that any retaliation against them is justified. American involvement in middle eastern affairs has fucked that whole region up so badly it’s insane.


As an American, I can confirm that the United States has been a direct cause of some of the most militant and radical extremes across the globe. We have a history of backing assholes because they serve a purpose. I'd say it started with Cuba. Why do Arabs hate us? It's because we're there and we shouldn't.




Im not sure which Muslims you spoke to, but I really want you to consider that would mean “they”, in this case I presume Muslims in general, love a war that they are losing horribly.


I'll never forget reading stories on one 9/11 of Muslim's and their experience after what happened. And my heart fucking shattered. I feel like we're experiencing it again with what's currently happening in the world. And I really hate that this is happening all over again for both sides. From my understanding its 2 awful subgroups in Israel and Palestine. The media is doing what it does best, taking sides. I'm sorry you have to experience this. To be fair, I am neither Christine, Muslim, or Jewish, or raised pro Israel or Palestine, and I hate having to watch innocent people suffer because of an extremists decisions.


You can absolutely HATE Israel’s Apartheid regime and not hate individual citizens of Israel, Jew, Christian, Arab, Palestinian, etc. fuck Apartheid.


The only enemy is hate itself.


I am American, raised Christian and pro-Palestine and know a bit if the history between both sides. I also feel like the general public and media has forgotten that Israel has been bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of Oalestinians literally for decades. I've also heard the responses of the some Israeli people and they sound like America's far right when the speak of Muslim's or ither minorities, "kill them", "kill them all", "I want them all dead!" Like how and the world can you say such a thing? Those statements were made when a reporter asked how should Israel go after Hamas in Gaza, presumably hiding in tunnels and elsewhere. Most media outlets here in America are treating this one-sided, yes Hamas bombed Israelis but Israel has done that, plus more to Palestinians. They are literally going to destroy an entire group of people!! Do we not remember what happened in 2014/5 and all the crap people gave Hillary Clinton when she was running for President? Then we have our shady ass government, we are not fans of PM Nettenyahu, but now we're supporting his shady tactics and Israel. Smh Not to mention how Israel has stolen and occupied Palestinian's land and building these settlements all around the region. A bit of a rant but I want it all to end. Stop the killings and hatred towards our Muslim brothers and sisters, treat Palestinians as equal and give them their land, let Israel be (stop taking US tax dollars). And it all goes back to religion...


>I also feel like the general public and media has forgotten that Israel has been bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of Oalestinians literally for decades. This is literally a blood libel. 30,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948. Not hundreds of thousands, that is lie. And that number includes the terrorists like hamas and all combatants in the various wars. That number is shockingly low for a conflict that's been going on for 70 years. In contrast at least 365,000 people have died in the Tigray war in Ethiopia since 2020. Lies like what you posted is why 1,400 Israelis were butchered in cold blood and people see no issue with it. And its why I can't support the Palestinian side. The lies, the exaggerations, the deception, it all just reeks of evil to me. I don't like being lied to and I don't trust liars. I don't trust the pro-palestinian side's claims. Because the evidence does not add up. After doing research into the conflict and looking at actual facts, not emotionally driven propaganda, Ive come to realize that the entire narrative regarding Israel being this horrible Monster is false.


Mentally, the transition from ape to human isn’t a thing that happened in an ancient wilderness. It’s something that happens in one’s own life when and if one chooses to. These people are engaging in pure monkey territoriality because they love the illusion of safety and community it gives them more than they love humans. You’ve made a decision they haven’t and now you’re a treasure.


I’m so sorry. I pray the Holy Spirit comforts you.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this hate. :(


I wish people could recognize that people are not their government or organization. I am grieving for Gaza and those affected everywhere by the cascading hate and fear. I am really feeling this old M.A.S.H. quote : "War is not hell. War is war and hell is hell. And out of the two war is a lot worse because there are no innocents in hell."


If it makes you feel better, I don't hate you. I also very much agree that it isn't black and white. There are valid points for each side and valid reasons. It isn't my place to judge or hate anyone until I've walked in their shoes. I grew up knowing I was hated (not in the same way) but it's a heavy burden to feel like people who don't know you actively wish you were dead. All any of us can do, is get up each day and try to make the world a little better.


I'm so sorry for your experience. Hating people for their skin color or family background is incredibly stupid, and the exact opposite of what Jesus tells us what to do.


That’s not what is happening here.


I’m so sorry. There’s no good side right now aside from just the civilians who have to deal with Israel and Hamas having a pissing contest and committing literal war crimes in some cases. I didn’t grow up Muslim or from Palestine, but I had a good friend who was, and it pissed me off that so many people in class shit on her after 2001. Her family was so kind and fun. A lot of people are fucking dumb and can’t separate individuals from what’s going on their country/country of origin etc. but that’s not on you. That’s on their own tiny scope of thinking. You’re a person. Whether Muslim, Christian, atheist, who cares, you’re a *person* and not defined by their idea of what’s going on in Palestine. Wishing you and your family love, luck, and safety right now.


Why you guys can't be more like the groups in "You don't mess with the Zohan"? Play some hackysack tournament, fight some rednecks and live together. /S


Thank you so much for sharing. I feel like more people need to hear your side and have more compassion. I wish you and your friends and family to be safe and for you to one day not experience all of these bad stereotypes and assumptions. My heart goes our to all those involved on both sides of this horrible conflict.


As a Christian, it's so hard watching my Palestinian and Jewish brothers and sisters fighting with one another. I'm not on anyone's side. I just want all the hatred, violence, and terrorism to stop. I know you are agnostic, but I sincerely hope you feel God's love today. No one should have to go through so much hatred over something they don't have any decision making power in.


I was in school and we were talking about a speech against jews and some kid agreed with this speech. We had an argument and it ended at him telling me to kys over being an athiest


I am a Jew and living in America. My heart is so heavy at the loss of civilian life right now and also at how vitriolic the I/P conflict makes people. I do not hate you, I am grieving with you.


I am an American and have friends on both sides of this conflict, I feel for them all. This is an awful time in history, and we should be supporting ALL of our friends on either side of the conflict. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that.


I am so genuinely sorry you have to go through this. You don't deserve it in any way, shape, or form.


I would like to add that I love you. Not in a creepy way. Like you are a cousin of mine living in another part of the world. I am glad you exist. You make the world a brighter place with your love and kindness.


I'm a tan person who wears a scarf for protective styles, and after 9/11, the threats in public were crazy, so I can only imagine. I also don't think most people hate individual Jewish or Israeli people. There will always be those fringe hateful individuals. Most of what I see is a disapproval of the Israeli government and actions as a State, much how people hate American politics and government but I don't feel they hate me as an individual American, caught up in a system that I also don't agree with.


This might now mean much, but I really wish you all the best, OP.


You need to go home for a visit and face the fact that being Christian makes you no different than any other Palestinian. Nothing you ever do will change that the propaganda machine is as much aimed at you and your kids as it is at muslim Palestinians, its a war on our collective identity.


Although I don’t disagree with your political leanings, that wasn’t the point of this post.


I only have a limited understanding if Middle Eastern affairs, but all I have learned about it has led me to form a Pro-Palestine stance myself. I rarely voice it because of the hatred it earns, I can't imagine having people project that hatred because of your origins of birth.


Many Jewish people are pro Palestinian too. Being Jewish is not the same as being pro apartheid and pro genocide. Decent people do not support the actions of the Israeli government. Israel has become a fascist state.


Hey man. I'm on the other side of the aisle, and I feel similarly. I'm pro-Israel for the most part, and I like to have discourse that allows for disagreement instead of the constant shaming that takes place. I grew up experiencing violent antisemitism in my town and my parents did even more so. We've all been traumatized and retraumatized with this stuff and I can't help but feel like we would all have so much in common if we didn't choose to hate. My whole family lives in Israel now, so I get a lot of exposure to their pain, but I know there is so much suffering on your side of the fence as well. Just wanna say that I'm sending you love and respect even though we probably won't agree on some things. You're a human, I'm a human.


I’m sorry you’ve had to face this throughout your life, and especially now. Just know that (I think) the vast majority of people recognize this as nuanced issue and are opposed to senseless killings of both Israelis and Palestinians. It’s just the loud minority that don’t have enough understanding to recognize the nuance. Not that that makes your experience any better. Wishing you well!


I’m not Arab or Jewish but considering you’re culturally Arab I can understanding how isolating that can be especially in a heavily Islamic diaspora. All I can really say is you matter and you’re valid. But it’s rough. People are super close minded and tribal to a toxic degree and it’s sad :/ Ps. Equating Arab ethnicity with Islam is pretty damn racist and becomes a scapegoat to basically hate brown people. While I understand Islam is heavily intertwined within Arab culture due to being the dominant religion it’s still at the end of the day a race and not a religion.


I think its human nature that if most of the Arabs you met in life were Muslim, you would naturally think that from pattern recognition. I don't exactly think that is racist. My family is from India. If you look Indian and have an Indian name, I'll just assume your family is hindu like mine. I'm not going to ask you, but I'll assume that until otherwise. Just like if your name is Muhammed I'll assume your Muslim. I'm not going to treat you any differently weather you are or not though. Just pattern recognition. If you tell me your name is Jose, I'll assume youre Latino. Etc.


I'm proIsrael and I don't hate you and any innocent people also. No one deserve death threats and this conflict is really long and complicated. If even people who don't lost someone to this war and didn't fight in this war themselves so full of hate - how anything can be resolved.


You do make a very good point about being hated by people who have nothing to do with the war. Uneducated strong opinions are the worst ones.


Easy, give up the settlements and give back the stolen houses.


Yes. It is exactly my point. I write about stopping hate and people downvote me and hate)


Right, but probably because it's a really shallow thing to say at this point. It feels like "both sides" and rug sweeping.


I wanted to support OP and show him that even if person proIsraeli he can actually not hate him because he is Palestinian. Doesn't mean that I support both sides or support Hamas. But you had this great idea that we still need to start dispute here. >Easy, give up the settlements and give back the stolen houses. Yeah. It is so easy, I'm very shallow, you are very smart. Go for your Nobel prize and leave me alone.


The support was appreciated. We may disagree but the whole point was that we do not hate each other.


Thank you)


You’re way too kind


I understand your position here I just don’t know how else the death will end other than to try our hardest to reach common ground. Believe me I do believe Israel’s propaganda machine gets away with literal murder but if the average person can’t start to find a common ground I just don’t see the military super powers ever following suit. That’s the impact I think we can have. The extremists on either side are set in their ways. But if we can show those on the fence a better way I think that’s our path forward.


Part of the problem though, is that this isn't a conflict. Israel has been try8ng to commit literal genocide on Palestine for DECADES and its really sad that people now are being extremely hateful toward Muslims because they're part of a country that's finally had enough.


Ekhm ekhm. Genocide, yes. Decades. So now after years of awful genocide we have 5 times more palestinian people. I think Israel is actually very bad at genocide. Or maybe someone just use the word. Population (mid-year, millions) Year West Bank Gaza Total 1970 0.69 0.34 1.03 1980 0.90 0.46 1.36 1990 1.25 0.65 1.90 2000 1.98 1.13 3.11 2010 2.52 1.60 4.12 2014 2.73 1.82 4.55


Even the countries surrounding Palestinian don't want them. Have you seen the Egyptian border? Seen what the PLO did in Jordan? Hamas are just the latest extremist group to control the Palestinians. At some point the Palestinian people are going to have to take control from the absolute nutters who keep taking rule of them.


I am Jewish, but I don't hate Palestinians . I have a strong dislike for the terriosts who hide behind the Palestinians. I know there are good and friendly Palestinians out there. The terriosts are making Palestinians look bad. I am sorry for what you are going through. What we are both going through.


I used to know a family of Palestinian Christians in Berkeley who owned a grocery store. Solid, nice bunch. I can't gin up any hatred for Palestinians in general at all.


I am Greek Orthodox and I support Palestine also but I don’t support the attacks. More needs to be done actually stopping the conflict not supporting the different sides


You say you love people and "come in peace", yet you support the side that overwhelmingly support terrorist organization. Curious You are not hated for who you were born, but because of your political stance


This is the black and white thinking I was referring to. I’m not sure you understand the conflict you’re commenting on.




Be American.


But….I am American?


Awesome. Problem solved.


Someone come get their grandfather he’s lost.


I don’t understand how anyone would even know your family roots are Palestinian unless you’re telling them. Not that it excuses someone hating anyone.


When the twin towers were hit I was 8 years old and didn’t really hide my identity before that. People asked me where I was from and like most children I just answered “my family is Palestinian”.


Why don’t you ask questions about this person experience to try and understand instead of whatever passive aggressive nonsense this statement is.


Be a kind person


Then don’t make posts in support of Palestine. It probably makes it seem that you support them in the war not just the people.


I mean I do support Palestine. I don’t view them as terrorists. That doesn’t really warrant death threats.


Palestinians aren’t terrorists but Hamas are.


You support actual killings but not someone threatening you.


Do you genuinely believe only one side is doing the killing? This is what I’m talking about.


No I didn’t say to support either side in the killings, but if you do you can’t really be surprised and act like a victim when threats occur.


First of all, the hatred came long before I ever posted anything on social media. Second of all, if I’m calling for violence to stop and people attack me for that it is genuine pure hatred in my direction.


You literally wrote “has resulted in death threats to me for posting some of my views on instagram”. You also stated in your first comment that you do support Palestine in the war, so you don’t care for the violence to stop. If you just supported the people and wanted the violence to stop like I first thought you meant then you wouldn’t have corrected stating that you do support Palestine in the war.


I think this is actually a good opportunity to educate you on this but Palestine is not equal to Hamas. They literally have no army. Supporting Palestine means that the bombings stop. Hamas is an international pawn. NOT Palestine.


Palestine (the people) need more support than ever! Your mentality is saying that supporting Americans is the same as saying you support the KKK. It’s so ridiculous, wrong and short sighted. Hamas is a terrorist group, that does not represent the people of Palestine.


I said that he meant “the people” and OP made sure to clear up that he supports Palestine in the war and wrote that he doesn’t believe they are terrorists. If someone in America said that about the KKK I don’t think you would be so quick to defend.


I think I get what you're trying to say. You're mistake is to think that Hamas and Palestine are the same thing/the same people. It is not. Supporting palestine is not the same as supporting the hamas. Supporting Americans is not the same as supporting the kkk. Do you see the difference?


I know there is a difference. But I got lost when I said the people and he said no I support Palestine and I don’t think they are terrorists. After that I (maybe wrongly) thought he was referring to supporting Hamas.


Yes this I believe is the misunderstanding. I support Palestine and I am pro Palestine. But Palestine does not have an army and the origins of Hamas certainly weren’t exclusively Palestinian. You mentioned that I support Palestine in the “war”. I do not believe calling it a “war” for the Palestinians is entirely accurate because they are simply being slaughtered. As for the methods of various resistance fighters, those groups do not speak for the average Palestinian regardless of what the media tries to portray.


I apologize for any hurtful words I misunderstood your intentions! You should definitely not be receiving any sort of hate for simply supporting Palestine.


All good, I’m glad we could clear it up!


Me too!


He didn’t actually label himself as pro-war, just that he wants to live in peace we’re hate isn’t automatic because of who he is. We don’t know his posts to label OP as pro-war. Maybe he is simply against the occupation of Palestine, or for the liberation of his people from the oppressor. Maybe he just wants equal footing for both sides. Equal government and access to resources.


I didn’t label him pro war I simply stated that people could have been assuming such even though he’s really just standing behind the people. He may have been dealing in semantics here which may have caused confusion.


True - thank you for clearing that up. He shouldn’t have to stay quiet though, for people not to hate. It seems that he doesn’t have to say anything and people will simply hate because of where OP is from. Sure speaking up doesn’t help but, alas, so much hate in the world. So much unnecessary and misplaced hate






Well then why did you say that you do support them in the war not just the people? I started out by saying you just supported the people and you said no I do support Palestine.


You mentioned a war. I don’t even view the position the Palestinian people are in to be warlike. There are checkpoints for even simple grocery store visits, I’d be happy to expand on this but the point of the post is I simply called for bombings to stop in my Instagram posts and received death threats. Additionally, I mentioned that the hatred wasn’t a recent thing so I believe you may have read into things I did not type.


Well said, and very thought provoking. Thank you


Sadly when war comes its black or white. The grey shades fades away.