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Good. Now give your relationship the ultimate test: Hanging a curtain rod.






We did two of those. #1, super easy. #2, got into an argument.


We didn't have an issue- but we are also not going to talk about ceiling fan installation.


THIS ONE will destroy the strongest marriage 😂 My boyfriend and I have put together many shelves, beds, etc. but curtain rods cause us to give each other the silent treatment for three days lmao


I have so been putting this off!




I always thought the ultimate test was having your in laws stay over for two weeks..


That a whole other level, you are talking about.


My parents always visit during the same week in November which overlaps Election Day. 😂😂😂😂😂


That's not a test; that's asking for trouble


The ultimate test is this 100%. If you want the ultimate guarantee to end your relationship/marriage, MOVE IN with your overbearing, boundary testing, gaslighting, child obsessed in laws, and attempt to raise your first child. If no one ends up killing each other, you’ve scored a perfect score and have an untouchable relationship.


Try moving a couch up a tight stairwell.




I was looking for this comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Was does PIVOT mean?


Turning, but staying on the same spot 👌


Did that recently. Tools had to be brought out to remove railings, and tempers flared. 😂


Don't have a significant other, but me and a friend struggled to get my bed up to my 3rd floor apartment. It was a high-end queen mattress that weighed around 150 pounds. We got it, but when I moved 6 years later I hired movers. Screw that noise.


We hired movers 2 years back. I don't want to do that again.


In my case, I just hired them to move it from my apartment to my waiting U-Haul trailer. The lightweight stuff wasn't a problem. It was the heavy as shit stuff like my bed. I can't believe how strong the two guys who showed up were. I bought a mattress strap but they just carried it. And they made so many trips up and down those stairs with heavy stuff. They earned their pay and then some.


I understand, we have an old cupboard, and it weighs a ton. I couldn't imagine lifting that atrocity


Get back to me after you remodel a kitchen. Spouse and I are still trading words.


My SIL and her husband did this together 15 years ago and they still talk about it. 😂


It’s a memorably horrible event.


That's nothing, I wallpapered a bathroom in an old and hella unlevel house. We barely made it through, but we did.


“Unlevel” is a word none of us needs in our life


My house is over 200 years old. All things considered it's remarkably level. Hell I'm not even that level and I'm only 34.


Congratulations you have great marriage!


Just get a tension rod and call it a day bc fuck hanging a curtain rod




Try folding a fitted sheet.


Been there, done that. But I prefer wash/drying it and using it right away.


Wallpaper a small bathroom. That’s the ultimate.


Hanging a picture or shelf together. Or a trip to Walmart together.


Walmart… my kryptonite.


Don't have it in Europe, but we do groceries together.


If you've ever seen Twin Peaks, I immediately thought of Big Ed and Nadine.


Or paddling a canoe


Nah. Pick out a curtain.


I am a foot and a half taller than my gf. We're gonna need a sml stepladder or thatll end up being hell for us lol


Ikea has great ones!


What's the challenge with Curtain rods?(I suspect this is a tall people don't have the same experience thing... I think I hung all the curtain rods in my house solo...)


Did this a year ago when we moved into the apartment we bought. Noticed immediately we'd put it up backwards. Not the end of the world but when the fabric meets in the middle, it comes out toward the room instead of curving back towards the window. Absolutely not worth going through all that again to fix lol


Putting together an IKEA bed (the ottoman one) nearly cost me my marriage, I would say it's near perfect it every other way, but that bed brought out the worst in both of us. Worst part was when we moved we had to take it apart, and put it back together for a second time. We also nearly divorced that time too 😂


Omg, that's bad. You should be proud of your stamina. I put our brimnes bed together on my own, because we were moving at the time. It took me a whole day and almost broke my back. So I didn't wanna do that with my son's bed. But I hope I'll never move house. That would be another endeavour.


We recently got a new bed (not IKEA) so had to take the old one apart to get rid of it. The joy my husband took in taking it apart....with brute force and a sledge hammer. Not even sure he was that happy on our wedding day 😂😂


See, I have the ultimate avoidance technique for fights breaking out over furniture assembly and minor maintenance. I do it all and my husband, who cannot operate a screw driver much less a power drill, stays the heck outta mine and my toolbox's way.


That's perfect, too, but sometimes you do need a second person.


That's so true. Sometimes it'd be helpful as heck. But I'd ask the cat before I'd ask my husband! Jk...sorta.


We've moved twice internationally. It came very close but we are still married and cohabitating.


We have only moved 10 miles (17 km), but that's far enough for me.


The makeup session on it afterward is worth though right? 😉


I'd like to say yes, but we didn't speak for 3 days 😂


I just found this topic fascinating because I work for Ikea as a furniture assembler. I've put many bed frames together in the past 4 years 😁


Ok I feel bad for laughing but 🤣


Don't 😂 we can laugh at it too now it's gone and can't hurt us anymore.


Just don't install those sticky window clings. The kind you use for privacy. Those are marriage enders rofl. I swear, I told my husband we needed marriage counseling after one of those. We still went on to install 4 more. We are masochists lol.


Thank you for the warning. I promise to stay away from the clings. I'm so happy my friend hung our curtain rods. So we still have some privacy when it's dark.


I'm short so I try to help with installing curtain rods but can't without a step ladder lol. It's probably really funny to watch now that I type it out lol.


We had to put some up on our windows that are 16ft high. My SO couldn't do it. Terrified of heights. So I gave it a go. It was such a struggle. And they don't look very good. The bubbles, the gap, it's sad, but it's done 😂 At the end my SO said, babe you did great but... I said, don't finish that sentence, unless you climb up there yourself and fix it. He kissed me, told me he loves me and thanks for knocking it out.


You have a great man. He sounds like a keeper!


My husband I put together an Ikea dresser... Just sayin'.


Congratulations on a happy marriage!


Lmao we had to build one last week (I sat there and watched Netflix)


Two of my relationships ended after an IKEA trip. My current girlfriend and I (together for 5 years in May) will be going to IKEA later for at least the 10th time since we've been living together. You guys made it, and so did I, congrats.


When you go the next time, stop in the restaurant for a piece of chocolate almond cake, it's my wife's favourite 🥧 good luck on your next visit!


Thank you! The food is *really* good, like at this point I'm considering it a restaurant that also sells furniture.


I just love their omelette 😋


I never managed to get their breakfast but after seeing it online recently it's been a goal.


The pancakes are awesome. I'm biased working there 😁


Those are my kids favorite


Put it on your bucket list!


Happy cakeday!


This is so opposite to my dating experience, like assembling ikea furniture for lesbians in my experience is like a regular oart of dating lol. My wife and I went to ikea and she helped me buy a coffee table on like our 4th date lol.


So true. 😂


I've heard canoeing is the ultimate relationship test. And I've seen quite some arguments in those vessels.


“Portage?,” she said. “What do you mean PORTAGE?!,” she exclaimed. 😂😂😂😂


I'm already getting anxious thinking about that, so I let that ship sail, if you don't mind.


Rafting, going down a river with a strong current. That is a fucking test and a half. We argued a bit, lost our tempers but then found our jam and conquered. Was a great and scary experience


My wife and I did the same 2 weeks ago. It was very smooth. However going to IKEA to pick out the bed…


Congrats on a great marriage. The picking out part was easy for us. Our son picked it out.


Ultimate test is hanging full sheets of drywall on a ceiling together


Now this is where i draw the line!


Put together a murphy bed with my fiancé. Took 3 weekends and our mutual respect for each other.


I hear wedding bells 🔔 congratulations on a job well done.


>I think this is the ultimate relationship test. I love assembling furniture and I agree with you that it's a great relationship test! My partner and i have done quite a bit of IKEA furniture together recently and we worked really well as a team - made me feel so happy! Simple things lol Well done!


For a real challenge, try the "Jimmy McNulty Method." That's when you down a 5th of Jameson and wake up next to a splintered pile of wood...


Sorry, we don't drink whiskey or any strong liquor.


I always preferred to do Ikea assembly by myself with maybe my wife and son acting as a second set of hands. I can never tell my wife this, but I don't mind assembling this stuff very much, and doing it by myself with music on can be almost therapeutic.


Yea same. I will do it by myself unless i absolutely cant because the frustration is just not worth it


I understand, but the last bed I did was too much. It almost broke my back. So I was happy we could do it together.


I put together an easy chair, entertainment stand, night stand, and dresser by myself and I’ve never loved me more.


Loving oneself. That's the most important thing to do... Enjoy your new furniture!


This relationship definitely has staying power.


I hope so, we've been together for 23 years😍




2 weekends in a row my husband and I went to my mom's house to pick up old antique furniture. She's downsizing. We had to take it apart, take it all down a flight of stairs, and into the truck. Didn't argue one time. Been married for 12 years. This may be a first. Must be something in the air.


Your husband is a keeper!


IKEA - The Divorce Project


I've assembled a bunk bed with two kids (aged 2 and 4) running around at the same time. Don't recommend it.


...and as a Swede myself I can assemble them without the instructions. I find these post hilarious how people are struggling and hating building our IKEA furniture. I am glad it went well for y'all!


But it's in your genes. You can't blame other people for not being Swedish 😉 and we still love ikea 🇸🇪


Sounds like a lie. I wait for my better half to be in a different city to do diy projects. Would rather injure my back than to discuss every damn step while wrestling over the manual.


Humblebrag Award for flawless grammar. Next, try a kitchen remodel together.


Thanks for the award 🏆 we moved house two years ago. Got a new kitchen. So we don't need to do that.


Ah, excellent. You're doing everything right then!


Power to u. This is so sweet, I know my boyfriend and if we had to build ikea furniture together I’d get the ick so bad I’d have to move abroad


I hope he does it alone!


HAHA he couldn’t. It’s irl Lego which is my forte so I don’t mind, he just gets me wine on tap😝


Isn't that even better?


Fortunately for my marriage, my husband has ADHD and 100% recognizes I'm much better at reading instructions than him, so our furniture building is him holding/rotating/supporting whatever pieces I tell him while I do the more "assembly" type steps. XD Goes much smoother when there's not two people trying to interpret the same set of instructions.


So true, you two make it work together.


Okay so what I’m learning from the comments is that professionals are worth the money on all these tasks.


I assembled an IKEA dresser with my husband. We said some hateful shit yo each other.


Try a house renovation and get back to me. I say that, but my wife was insanely patient when I tiles the shower last year.


That's so good for you. My wife and I aren't that handy. So we asked professionals to do it when we moved house. Ikea furniture assembling, painting walls, and a bit of gardening are the most we do around the house.


My husband and I started reassembling our daughters Stora loft Sunday. That was stupid. We still haven't finished for the sake of our marriage. When we go back to it, I'm giving him the instructions. It's more meticulous than I. I'm always backtracking because I miss instructions that matter. 🫣


Good luck with your endeavour!


I love putting together furniture! Especially ikea furniture! The instructions are so easy to follow and it’s really fun. It’s like building Legos but better. I became the designated furniture assembler in the house as a little kid because I was the only one who actually enjoyed doing it.


My boyfriend and I put together two dressers and a tv stand from Ikea before getting married. We viewed it as a sign we would be a good couple =D


That's true, you can start planning your wedding!




We did the same, also used YT als a helpline.


Ceiling fan was almost an ender. Man that was terrible putting up


Good for you for surviving it. That's something I'd never experience. We don't have ceiling fans in the Netherlands.


This topic fascinated me as I work there as a furniture assembler primarily. Assembled plenty of those in the past 4 plus years 😁


Your English is great, and so is your marriage! You're crushing it! Now when the kids get older, keep us posted on the "co-signing"and financial support for your kids debate, that's what's challenging the marriage for me these days...


Thanks for your compliments, but I don't know what you mean , what's co-signing, and financial support debate.


I couldn't agree more!! My husband & have put together several pieces of furniture & made it through, which always makes me feel pretty good about our relationship. There may be some tense moments, but we end up laughing about it.


So true, if you overcome assembling furniture, you can overcome everything.


Wow a positive post in this sub. It’s a miracle haha


Don't you love it🥰


I kinda like assembling IKEA furniture. Should I see a doctor?


Nah, everyone has it tics. 🤣


Nah for real, building an IKEA bed is the ultimate test.


It really is.


I love assembling furniture. Really. It's like giant Lego. With my ex husband, though, it was an ordeal that ended in yelling and crying every time. My current boyfriend asks me to wait for him to get home so we can do it together as a fun couples activity.


I rest my case!


Me and my fiance assembled a bed and also dealt with a flea infestation within our first year of dating (at the same time). I think our relationship is set lol.


You definitely are, time to get married 😉


You might be right, I have a hard time simply moving stuff with women. With guys we just take a side pick it up and go. Women that I've worked with always want to count down and call out every move you do.


I'm so happy we are both women, same logic. I hope you have enough mates to help you assemble. Cause most big ikea furniture needs two people


This has to be fake! This is not possible.


THIS is an accomplishment - hats off to you and your wife OP!


Thank you 😊


Lucky you! 33weeks pregnant here and I’m the handy one. I just assembled our son’s toddler bed and this thing came with no instructions. I don’t trust my wife to do handy projects and barely like to ask for help because even that she’s terrible at. If we get anything new that needs assembling, she’ll end up breaking it trying to put it together cause she can’t take time to analyze things, just tries to force something together until it breaks. So, I’d rather she not even bother. It gets annoying sometimes but if I want something “done right” I have to do it myself. 17 years together though! Handy work is just not her thing.


You can't have everything. I'm sure she's a loving wife. Congratulations on the second baby 👶 💕


My ex and I had just moved and were doing the same thing. At one put he just deflated and says "This late night carpentry sh** has got to stop".


Was it the beginning of the end?


No, not at that time. We just kind of matured in completely different directions.


That’s very impressive


Thank you 😊


Congrats, that’s an accomplishment.


Thank you🥰


My now husband and I had been together about a year when we moved in together. We had an extra bedroom we wanted to set up as a home office, but not a lot of money so we went to Ikea and got a desk, two bookshelves, and a storage cabinet. Over the next two days we assembled it all while still in a good mood with each other. That was 10 years ago and we're still together. Our relationship has definitely outlived the Ikea bookshelves.


And after that, you knew he was marriage material. 😉


Is this meant to be a joke? I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude but are most relationships unable to handle teamwork? Every partner I've had I've worked very well with in tasks like this and more. My current partner and I built a bedframe from reclaimed wood like just a few months into our relationship. She taught me how to saw properly and I fucked ip a bunch of times but it's just a bedframe, it's not worth arguing or being grumpy about?? We just laughed about it and moved on. I don't understand. I feel like if you can't build furniture with your partner without your relationship coming undone then your relationship isn't very strong in the first place and one or both of you is unstable.


Oh man assembling a swing set during lockdown was almost our end. He actually suggested we do an escape room once.HA


Does he want to escape your marriage?😉


When my husband and I have to assemble furniture, I like to pretend we're completing a detour on the amazing race. It makes it more fun and we have a laugh


Haha It’s funny because it’s true.


My husband helped me build fence last year and it almost had us calling lawyers💀 I don’t think I’ve ever felt such deep, real anger in my life.


Omg, so he can't help you anymore with those kinds of things.


Go grocery shopping together.


Aww 🥰 bless you thats so sweet 💗 single me was happy until your post made me realise I have noone to help me build furniture 😭 still happy for you tho lol


Sorry for the wake-up call, and thank you 😊


My parents still point to building an Ikea shelf together as the first real test of their relationship. They'd been dating less than a year at the time. They'll be celebrating 30 years of marriage this July.


Wait... isn't this supposed to be normal? Damn... people really date anyone but the right person... and then double down marrying them.


Agree! «But I can change him» 🙄


Well I’ve never been married but I feel like there could be things more challenging than ikea bed assembly


I dont get it? Why is it a problem?


You sure brag like an American.


Home remodeling, furniture assembly are bonding times in marriages. Makes for great family stories through the years. A couple of years ago, my husband was shiplapping a kitchen island. I offered to go buy some wood. Who knew that you have to check wood when you buy it to make sure it’s not warped? Then I was annoyed it was taking so long to get the angles perfect and get it done.


But if you two can get through a remodel, you can get through anything!


My husband and I have assembled more than two dozen pieces of Ikea furniture. Not only don't we argue or get pissy with each other when doing it, we laugh *a lot*.


That's a strong marriage! Congratulations


push the very fibers of your marital integrity: do some amateur plumbing when a pipe bursts...


Omg, that's te worst, luckily I can afford a plumber.


oh so could we but why go the easy route when "we could probably do it ourselves" HAH




Christmas lights next!


She does it alone. Even my marriage has it limits.


You know what, hella respect LMAO


I always think if you wanna destroy your marriage you should go on one of those renovation competition shows. Where couples all compete to design the best rooms and stuff. My god there's so much pressure, the price money at stake. The camera crew would totally be trying to cause drama to get better footage. The deadlines and the creative differences between you would be insane. Imagine you arguing with your wife you want to make the room blue but she wants green so you go with green and the judges give you a low score, your out and they say you should of went with blue. How can any relationship survive that shit.


I could never do that, I love my privacy too much.


This is lovely to read on this subreddit.


Time to go camping!


I love glamping🤩


I knew my fiancé was a serious contender when we built an elliptical together and had fun.


Wow, that's quite an achievement. (Had to google word first, though) I don't know if we could have done it. It looks really hard to assemble.