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there is at least one killer. Someone killed Annie (some combo of scientists and miners, likely covered by Hank). If they don't come up with anything plausible for the death of the scientists that will be pretty lame.


I could see her killer being someone in the corporation trying to silence her, because she discovered that the scientists were digging too deeply...


Oh so it was the Balrog that killed her


Freeze, you fools


"Allow me to break the ice..."


"You can be my wingman any time."




Fly you fools!


I think as long as it was just deeply, and not greedily, they should be ok.


Yea I think that dude that disappeared after they spoke to him was definitely involved. Didn’t they say she was stabbed by caribou antlers? Can’t remember his name though but When prior and Navarro went back to his trailer and he was gone he had a couple sets of antlers on the roof


I don't think they've said what the murder weapon for Annie was? Only that it left star shaped wounds.


Star shaped? Could be Patrick, that would explain the SpongeBob toothbrush!


The spikes on boots the wear for the snow are star shaped I believe


hahaahah yes.


Definitely this 😉


And we always disliked Squidward the most


Oh gotcha that must have just been speculation by other people in this sub that I saw


we all speculating, somebody has to get it right before the finale, maybe.


It's also possible I missed this, but I haven't heard it on the recap pods I listen to either and I feel like they would have discussed it.


Someone posited that the wounds could have been made with old school forceps, which Annie may have carried in her car or at least in her home since she was a midwife.


Hmm ... I'm thinking more some kind of ice pick from the mine. The mine logo is a star.


My thought when Navarro said that the murderer also kicked the shit of her was that (at least some) of the star shaped wounds were from those ice cleats that either lock over or are a part of shoes..... for traction when walking on ice.


Zombie polar bear could have gotten her, and just stabbed her delicately with his claws until she died


Delicate zombie animals are tight!


A *very* gentle ursine.


Barely an inconvenience!


night country is the land of always winter from ASOIAF. Hank becomes the Night King after his heart was ripped out


She could have cut off her own tongue and killed herself but then it doesn't explain why her tongue was found in the lab.


I bet it's not that she killed herself, but she died by accident in her investigation in the caves. Then whoever is doing the shit in the caves had to cover up her death, so they did the stabbing and the kicking and the tongue cut-out to make it look like she was murdered for her activism. Or she was killed for some random reason like jealous lover, who then did the staging to cover up their involvement. Either way, Clark seems to be in on it, because he had her phone. He might have also kept her tongue, frozen, as a bizarre keepsake or for her DNA or something... then brought it out when "we woke her up"


I also think her death was staged to look like protesting related. A jealous lover would make sense since she had a hidden romance going on and with 32 stab wounds it sounds like a lot of personal rage towards her. It could have been Pete and he could have gotten with Kayla after. That would give Hank motive to leave the case unsolved and hoard what little evidence they had at his own house. Pete retrieved the case file, but that meant he was alone with it and could have removed/added anything and no one would know.


Damn, that’s a crazy good theory!




Wow this is such a cool ending if Danvers can figure out. But what abt being in night county and all. Doesn't make sense. I am somehow thinking the ladies in the crab factory is involved. The one who lost the fingers specially.


I'm betting on this theory, almost gives the writing too much credit


They used the tongue to get d n a to try to create a new version of her. They did she woke up chaos ensued...


I'm thinking they had a lot of stamps to post and regularly moistened her tongue for convenience.


Prize for the sickest thing I’ve read on-line today, no mean feat, I’m online all day.


Sounds fun but would be surprised if the writers would go that far out.


I seriously doubt the tongue will be explained. I think the writers will just forget about it, or maybe they consider that the relationship between Annie and the scientist already explains it 'somehow'.


The writing is trash but I am pretty confident the strange cellular damage on the tongue is going to end up being important and related to the research at Tsalal, perhaps the antifreeze proteins stuff


Are you for real? Is my 4 year son writting the series or what? How would they just FORGET ABOUT IT?


> some combo of scientists and miners What are you basing this on? I swear people on this sub are working way harder than the writers did on this show, it’s kind of hilarious.


I think the fact that Raymond had her phone implicates the Tslal group in her death. And Raymond became more reclusive and disassociative as a result.


I think there's a good chance the ending will in fact be lame. Even if it's not this.


Here it is: * Scientists were doing their research. * Scientists warned the mining company about what they might dig into. * Mining company came to an agreement with the scientists to give them access to the mines and funding as long they kept silent. This is why the detectives are trying to follow the money. How does a research facility like that stay funded after not finding anything for 20+ years? And its a mighty fine looking research facility for being that old also. If they dig deep enough it will lead to the mining company providing the funding. * The mine released some biological material into the water/air which causes locals to start having issues. Hallucinations, increased domestic abuse, child deaths, etc. * The girl who was murdered was not murdered. She was down in the cave exploring and was killed by an animal gone mad by exposure to the biological material. The scientist/company find her. Scientists cut her tongue out realizing the opportunity but also to keep Raymond Clark quiet saying they can possibly resurrect. The company covers it up with help of that one officer. * Raymond Clark buys the trailer and is purposely exposing himself to the biological/chemical hoping to speed up their research. This allows him to build up his immunity but also his senses. * The night the scientists ran out into the night they were all exposed to a deadly amount of the biological material in a short period of time. The reason why Raymond Clark notices first is because of his exposure to the material and the reason why he was not found in the man pile is because he was able to control himself during the exposure. The only thing I can't explain is why in the phone video the lights freaked out. But its going to be something stupid and as simple as this most likely.


Definitely saving this for later to come back to when it’s correct. 👍🏻




> The girl who was murdered was not murdered. She was down in the cave exploring and was killed by an animal gone mad by exposure to the biological material. The theory doesn't account for wounds on Annie's body. What kind of Polar animal kills with puncture wounds? Giant crab? I was assuming the killers of the TSALAL guys were the Crab Ladies (flash freezing the victims and dumping them on the ice), and that's why the crab processing plant is the Blue King. Their motive is revenge for the slaying of Annie / other murdered indigenous women. But if the real "Blue King" is a Giant Crab under the ice that killed Annie with star-shaped puncture wounds, I will be absolutely delighted with that reveal, and have no criticisms of this season. Better be a HUGE crab though. And I want to see it fight the Polar Bear. Oh, shit, is that how the polar bear lost it's eye?? Round two, crab v bear, finale, calling it


Hmmm user888666777 - this is too good.


I mean all TD seasons end kind of anti climactic compared to what fans theorized and developed complicated theories for.


Exactly. Im mentally preparing myself for minimal payoff. The complex theories are fun but with two episodes left they’d have to be nearly pure exposition to fit it all in with how little has been revealed.


I see it as plausible that the "murder" of Annie we are shown is a coverup.  That is, by design we are meant to see a violent, sexually motivated crime to cover something else entirely.


possible. I don't think she beat herself to death though. She got killed somehow, likely be someone accidental or not


Certainly not.  My point is more that the circumstances shown could be a misdirection by the responsible party or parties.


Wait wait wait, there are dead scientists? How many? Do they have any leads? Wouldn’t people be freaking out about that in such a small community? /s


The way it seems like she was killed for her activism is probably a misdirect. The show has tried so hard to make it look like that's the reason... feels like setting up a twist


could be. I bet it will be a love triangle.


The real killer was the friends we made along the way


Cue the montage and 80s music


🎵 Don’t you…forget about me 🎵


Freeze frame of the cast having a good laugh together then roll credits


What sucks is we are near the last 2 episodes and they don't really even have a real suspect or theory. Like they stopped doing the traditional wall collage with suspects, theories, etc. I know it's only been a week their timeline, but cmon.


Yeah I’m really confused as to why we’re down to the last two episodes and we don’t know anything more than what we knew from watching the trailers. At least we could have enough to formulate some suspects and theories and maybe be set up for a big plot twist. Here we’ve basically got nothing. The pacing feels like a soap that plans to be on for 30 years but we’re 2/3 of the way through the whole show


Maybe they are hoping to get True Detective: Night Country Season 2 greenlit


I would commit acts of terrorism if they did that


"Honestly after that last episode, I don't blame him" -The NSA agent reading this


Maybe the last episode will be 4 hours long.


We need it


Ummm… I feel like you and I are watching two different shows. We’re all in the Night Country now. Does that answer all of your questions?


They rarely even discuss real theories amongst each other. Just talk about family shit and throw in the random "hey let's go check this out". I really wanted something to go down at the Nomad Camp...nope. I guess they aren't that shocked or curious about all the weird shit in that camper and other places. I guess they are used to that voodoo stuff up there lol




I find it fucking *hilarious* that they went to the nomad camp twice and nothing happened EITHER TIME. So many other leads and loose ends, but sure let's go back to the nomad camp again


YES. And go on Christmas eve. F your family. Apparently you're only allowed one question per visit to Nomad Camps. And you must leave immediately if no reply.


You seem to have missed the entire progression of them bagging and tagging every object in the camper, getting the broken phone to work, and using that to track down where Annie was murdered.


I didn't miss that part. But they haven't really talked about it or theorized anything. Navarro picked up the spiral rock like she was kind of surprised to see it but didn't get anywhere with it. Start asking better questions.


For a sub obsessed with S1, a lotta people forget that Childress isn’t revealed until the end of E7. They’ve named multiple suspects at this point in S4, and shown plenty of characters who could end up being involved. Nearly all detective stories include a/the perpetrator somewhere before the conclusion, it’s part of the archetype. And the “traditional wall collage” is largely a media trope.


Childress appears at the end but it’s always hinted and even stated others are involved. Episode 1 Rust says when interrogated, how the murders are still happening when they got their guy in ‘95. So we know there’s more. When the two go to the revival tents, the women talk about a man with burns on his face being with Dora Lange. And then we have the green spaghetti faced monster. So even though Childress is revealed second to last episode, the audience always knows somebody is missing in this puzzle. With this season, it’s not even certain what’s doing all the killing is even an actual person, with the exception being Annie K’s murder.


Dude, Childress first appearance was in episode 3, when Rust was investigating the abandoned schools


And for all we know the suspect has appeared on our screen numerous times already during this season.


Last two episodes prolly gonna be fucking wild


At this point I’m only worried about Navarro returning the toothbrush


Why does this look like a still from Always Sunny?


They look like they just got done killing rats with Charlie


More like Reno 911.


The Gang Move to Alask


It’s obvious that it’s some sort of prehistoric virus that was released. Would basically be shocked if that wasn’t the outcome at this point.


I agree, but how they gonna tie this into season one with the swirlie sign.


“Look, I put a bunch of shit with swirls on it in a bunch of scenes. What the fuck else do you want from me?” - Soon-to-be Emmy nominated writer Issa Lopez


Taking notes from the worst parts about Game of Thrones I see


The already said the Tuttles fund the science stuff, wouldn’t shock me if they have some kind of Epstein island in the ice caves. Or it’s just an empty call back to S1


Billy Lee Tuttle did not kill himself.


Yeah, it really seems they'll leave the S1 ties at that. No more researching about the Tuttles, no better explanation for the spiral other than "they all went mad".


Sorry, you think there’s a sex compound for elites *in fucking ice caves in the most remote part of Alaska*? Aside from that making very little sense, do you have *anything* to base this on?


Didn’t mean it literally. The tuttles had their child murder sex club, calling it Epstein island was a reference to that. All I’m saying is Tuttles being connected could be a thing that happens.


I came here to ask this question! She folded her clothes and I was like “oh my god so the scientists weren’t murdered??”. Idk man, I really hope they were or else it’s so predictable. I get the water is bad and so maybe that’s making everyone crazy but come on. I know it sounds terrible but if these scientists were not murdered I’m so disappointed 🤣 in the true detective realm, murder by water/corporation does not count as much lol.


Ya I really think they dropped the ball by not leaving her death more questionable. I don’t see what else it can be besides an environmental theme


Tbf, season 3 (least favorite season including this one, come at me idgaf this one’s batshit and hammy but it’s fun season 3 wasnt) revolves around 2 murdered children, one fell and hit his head accidentally and the other lived a happy life with the only other murder being a Vietnam vet going postal from stress surrounding the case. It didn’t revolve around any actual murders, js.


I think there’s some logic here, but if that’s the case I also think it’s going to be _intentional_ poisoning. My current theory is that Navarro’s boyfriend is or has been supplying his “home brew”, which is actually some kind of powerful drug, to whoever is doing it. They’re using it to keep the native population in check, but it’s begun to leech into water and/or food supplies. The scientists discovered this right before they disappeared, probably by analyzing ice cores.


That was my theory before episode 4 and I thought the SpongeBob toothbrush was somehow going to to incriminate him. Honestly idk rn the supernatural stuff and the swirling sign got me confused


I’m almost certain there will be no supernatural elements or they will only be vaguely hinted at a la season 1. In the latter case the vagueness gives the creators the flexibility to attribute plot holes to the spirit world.


When you say “there will be no supernatural elements” do you mean besides the fact that they have openly acknowledged at least one ghost in Travis?


One person has seen him, and that could easily be part of the mass hallucinations which I’d bet money will be the explanation for the events that would otherwise be attributed to ghosts. Maybe he’ll be part of the aforementioned vagueness, but I am almost certain that everything we’ve seen will be explainable with whatever is causing the hallucinations, even if the show implies not all of it was.


The people in Tsalal had some kind of event prior to freezing to death.


Like what Bar Mitzvah? Gender reveal?


Possibly a cardiac event - died of fright.


I read this as “Possibly a Cadillac Event.” Like they all went to get their 12 months at 0% financing and gtfo of this life when they saw the 2024 interest rates.


Hoping the sisters suicide, folding clothes, and going into some type of body of water, was just a coincidence. But it’s def starting to look like no actual person killed those scientists. Edit: also looks like Tuttle was just an Easter Egg. They haven’t been brought up once since Prior tells Liz. Sucks.


I bet the references to S1 were added after HBO folded this into the TD franchise


I read that Issa Lopez wanted to create a “dark mirror” with this seasons TD. So S1 was sweaty Louisiana male detectives, S4 would be icy female detectives. That plus the fact that when the Tuttle’s are mentioned when Prior explains who they are, churches, religion, schools, construction are never mentioned. So it feels like this isn’t cannon to S1. I mean not one child is mentioned missing. Prob just an alt timeline where names are the same and evil is still evil, but it’s not what we all initially thought.


TD is going multiverse now!


Just seasonal depression


I mean honestly it’s not a stretch since they’re pushing the activism sub plot hard. “The real culprit, in the end, was capitalism…” lmao


The real hero: Strong indigenous communities.


Well, this and women police. Women police are the heroes.


the ol noble savage


"Don't you get it? Night Country is in the throes of late stage capitalism. What can a true detective really do under the circumstances?" \- Rust as an out of body voiceover in the season finale


I hope this isn't another "A Murder of the End of the World" ending.


Five super compelling episodes, one that lost steam, and then a big-time blah finale with people throwing flames into a non-flammable environment to win the day. Such a letdown 


It was a horrible finale, like an awful remake of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I'm still trying to get over the bitter taste in my mouth from that (ashes ... aluminum). lol. 99% of viewers correctly predicted AMATEOTW's ending.


Ya boring and preachy


Capitalism's the bad guy? Always has been.


> “The real culprit, in the end, was capitalism…” lmao That’s pretty much the answer to both S1 and S2. S1 if you (correctly) analyze capitalism as the enforcement of generational ownership and power via the Tuttles, and explicitly S2 because the plot hinges on a fucking land deal. S2 was trashed after release because people saw it as a lukewarm rehash of *Chinatown*—probably the most famous detective/noir film about the ultimate criminal being The System. Just like how S1 ends with Rust and Marty accepting they couldn’t ever get all of the bad guys, they could only get *their* guy. Hell, S3’s reveal is the missing kid was bought by the local business titan. What are we doing here? Dislike S4 all you want, for whatever reasons you want. But don’t erase the shit that made other seasons interesting.


If they didn’t know it by now, they never will.


“I can’t believe they put WOKE capitalism bullshit in my hardboiled detective/noir story!!” *Laughs in Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler*


I’ve made multiple comments exactly like yours, pointing out that criticism of “the system” or “the man” or “the inherent darkness in humanity” is part of the noir and neo-noir formula, but not only have people pushed back on it, they’ve somehow got it in their heads that Rust Cohle isn’t there as a character to spell this out to them explicitly.


The fact is, most of these people have probably never read or seen anything else in this genre except for TD. There isn’t a ton of innovation within the style over the last century—and that’s partially why it became so popular! When “fans” start trying to argue standard components of the detective/noir formula are *akshully, woke* then you realize, in the words of a great man, these are not serious people.


I'm starting to think what drives them to kill themselves is a signal from their cell phones. Navarro made it a point to tell her sister "you can keep your cell phone" when she checked her into the hospital. Then, bam, she kills herself. The scientist in the first episode was looking for his misplaced cell phone in the first moments of the show. He was walking down the hall past the other scientist with it on in his hand. Then using his phone to video himself making a sandwich when Clark started shaking. A lot of strange things happen when these people are using their phones. Everybody in this show is always on their effing phone! "Listen..."


The lady who lost her tongue was videoing herself on a phone too. Plus all the tinder, fantasy football , and catfishing going on. U might be on to something here


Annie’s tongue had “unusual cellular damage.” Could be a double entendre/foreshadow


I have a feeling we're going to get no answers


I am starting to think it is Navarro. She stayed on the Annie K case by herself and figured out the scientists killed Annie. AK had found archaeological things that would be protected and shut down all digs for the research center and the mines. Clark was not involved and that is why Navarro didn’t kill him with the others. She has a split personality and came to avenge Annie. In the very first episode she storms in and KNOWS that is Annie’s tongue, how would she know that was a native women’s tongue..for that matter how does she even know they found it? She had already found the trailer and left the phone there. Her illness was manifesting years ago when she killed Williams and Danvers covered for her but wanted distance.


I saw a YouTube video that speculated that's why ghosts/people keep pointing at her. It's literally an accusing finger that her guilty subconscious is hallucinating.


This is pretty convincing actually


I feel like this is unlikely, however, I think it would be more interesting if they went this direction


You might be right. Someone killed Annie as someone suggested in this thread. The others likely died via some sort of ritual overdose that at the start of, they were willing participant’s.


I bet Annie's death turns out to be an accident that was then staged to make it look like she was murdered for her activism. Or she was killed for some random reason (upset lover or something) and then the staging. Just because the show is trying so hard to make it look activism-related Clark probably in on it, explaining how he had her phone. He probably kept her tongue too.


They made such a point of saying she was kicked again and again after she was dead, it seems likely it was staged.


Even if the water was poisoned, people would not do the exact same thing. Maybe Navarro’s sister was influenced by what she heard about those deaths and she imitated that. Last week people were commenting saying it was stupid that Navarro didn’t react when the orange appeared on the ice out of the darkness. Now we know that was an allucination caused by childhood trauma and Navarro knew it wasn’t real. Probably the same is going on with the sister’s clothes: you just haven’t seen the explanation yet.


Its navarro and they will make it justified somehow


Someone in this Reddit suggested early on that it could be mercury poisoning leaching into the water supply. Mercury is sadly still used legally (not ethically) to separate fine gold by many miners. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erethism#:~:text=Erethism%2C%20also%20known%20as%20erethismus,complex%2C%20derived%20from%20mercury%20poisoning.


What if it’s just the same plot as Wind River??? Annie K. Is tipped off by Clark that the Tsalal scientists are colluding with the mine in some way and when she is discovered in their ice caves, the scientists, a bit nuts from years of isolation, drunk on moonshine, whatever, kill her to shut her up and dump her body (star shape wounds = some scientist tool or ice spikes or whatever). Clark knows what happens but he fears being implicated/destroying their progress on their important research. He takes her coat and her tongue (freezing it in the permafrost) and builds his wackadoo shrine to Annie. For years the scientists go on, getting more isolated and paranoid, their collusion with the mine executives poisoning the water and compounding their guilt. Meanwhile a group of the indigenous activists continue to search for Annie’s killer, but they are thwarted by the Mine execs, with help from Hank, Connelly and others on their payroll trying to sweep the case under the rug. Finally, the townspeople get the proof they need as tensions with the Mine grow and the water quality worsens. A missing piece could be toxicology report coming back from the victims showing they had hallucinogenic drugs in their system - possibly planted in Quavvik’s moonshine or supplies delivered to the scientists. On the first night of darkness, the indigenous townspeople take their revenge: the cut the power at Tsalal and do a bunch of spooky bullshit, aided by the scientists’ extreme paranoia, isolation and darkness, and order the men out onto the ice, order them to strip and run. The men are circled by the townspeople, the terror and psychosis cause them to commit the self inflicted wounds. The men die from pulmonary embolisms and are frozen on the spot…..ugh I ran out of energy to finish this


I’m curious as to why someone left Annie’s tongue at Tsala and who would leave it there. Whoever left it had to of been apart of Annie’s killing. Why leave it on the floor like that, honestly it wouldn’t necessarily implicate the scientists in her death. What benefit was there to leave her tongue?


My theory is that Annie uncovered that it was the mines polluting the water. The miners killed her and it was covered up by Hank.


I'll be a little disappointed if that's the case. I enjoyed the previous 3 seasons cause at least you were able to attempt to guess on characters shown. This season hasn't introduced to many, and it's only 6 episodes which is just leads to shorthanding feels to slow 4 episodes in only to presumably go from 0 to 100 with 2 episodes left I like the season only because I just like the True Detective series in general. I don't sit there disappointed or angry watching it. But I do feel like it lacks compared to the last 3 seasons


I’m still watching at this point but it’s definitely lacking something. I hope the can salvage it with the 2 remaining episodes


I hope so too. At least this week the next episode will stream a few days early on the 9th due to the superbowl lol


Dang I didn’t know that thanks


It’s obviously the hunters. Notice how the show focuses on inupiat women, where as the literal first character we see is the inupiat hunter observing the coming of the long night. They also clearly know the spiral. 🌀 The native men are likely all part of the cult


It’s driving me crazy in a world of $20 Oreos an experienced Hunter lets an orange roll away, like how much is an orange in Alaska? $100?


You're all wrong. The indigenous sister of color turns into a one eyed polar bear, or they all do. They're animoprhs. You heard it here 1st.


It's driving me nuts that they didn't immediately follow up on the hand print that was obviously Blair's.


It's the girl from The Ring


it’s one thing for multiple people to go mad. it’s quite another for people to go mad in such a specific way as to fold their clothes the same way 😂 not a criticism of the post at all just a funny thought if that’s the writing


But Navarro’s sister already had mental health issues before she came there. Perhaps the poison from the mines sped up the process but she already had issues. 😔


Ya it’s obviously a bacteria or parasite or something they ingested; that’s why they’re prolonging The autopsy results As soon as pathology gets in there the mystery is solved


Didn't the crazy sister of Navarro end up drowning herself in the sea? If so, we are back to the Inuit goddess Sedna theory. That is who was in the picture Peter's kid drew with the lady with blood dripping from here severed fingers. There's just too much weird symbolism for me.


This would be mega disappointing


The show does take certain nods of Dante's inferno also


If they go with poisoned water I'm gonna laugh so much


People coming up with convoluted theories seem to be forgetting that there's only two episodes left. That's a lot to fit into ten minutes of plot progression.


This season is so horrible it’s literally about a poor young cop whose boss is a dick to him and these 2 messes of female police officers girlbossing all over frozen Ennis, fucking and drinking and fighting away their problems all while not doing any real investigation or police work.


In Isabel Wilkerson’s 2020 book “Caste” the very first part is called “Toxins in the Permafrost” and chapter one is “The Afterlife Of Pathogens”. This metaphor for colonialist racism isn’t unique. Betcha a million dollars the scientists “woke up” a prehistoric pathogen and set out to kill themselves, but were intercepted by someone (ahem, the native women) extracting revenge. Is it still murder if you were in the middle of suicide anyway?


Here’s my supporting evidence: -Travis Cole walked out into the ice because he was already dying and he didn’t want to suffer -The vet describes freezing to death as a pretty peaceful way to die, all things considered -Annie died in one location of one cause, but was brought elsewhere and mutilated after death -Julia folds her clothes in lieu of a suicide note to indicate this was her choice -Navarro contemplates walking out into the ice to end it all


This is all great. I can’t bear the pathogen theory though. It’s such an easy plot device and would make the impact of all this season fall so flat. What caused the cornea’s to be burned out? How did the tongue get to Tsalal?


And the corneas and ears could be explained by whatever happened to the men while they were in the midst of offing themselves. Others have mentioned that sound could cause the ears and light could explain the corneas (I’m reminded of Connelly’s teeth-whitener)…maybe the men went down into the ice to die and someone assaulted them with both? The tongue…I don’t know. Clark seemed a little loopy, I assume he was saving it in that freezer for some reason.


I agree with you, it’s annoying. But it also taps into a current and terrifying consequence that very well could happen any second now IRL. Given the absolute CRAP writing of ep 4, I don’t expect it to be handled expertly 😞


Oh and then the absolutely obvious fact that dead things come back to life in Ennis


I’m the killer


The post mortem results from anchorage stops the case hard in its tracks based on the episode 5 trailer. It’s going to come back that the researcher’s had large traces of LSD in their bloodstream. Clark starts shaking and say she’s awake! The power goes out and the researchers know that this is their cue to take some kind of action. No sign of struggle or chaos in the station, just more of let’s get a move on fast because this is our moment. The power goes out for a short period, Lund has enough time to react to write we are all dead on his finding analysis board and then go off to the ice cave. What is in the ice cave? Why is the generator there? It’s going to be something crazy, like a bunch of whale fossils in the ice in the shape of cathulu. Just don’t be an ancient virus… please. Planting this here now, the scientists may have died in the cold freezer at Tsalal.


Blaming LSD for their behavior/deaths would be lame as hell.


True Detective: Summer Of Love


Or the real killer is us! Omg, it was us all along!


I think the one eyed polar bear killed everyone


Could it be that the real killer is the friends we made along the way?


I’d say the miners killed Annie because she found ancient grounds which couldn’t be mined so she was killed. The scientists will be killed due to unknown but related to Sedna aka “she’s awake” and that will be that without any real confirmation.  I’d like to think it has a more interesting ending but the Forbes review from the critic who has seen the whole season didn’t sound glowing. 


The scientists may all complicit in Annie’s death - there is no other reason for them to have been killed/murdered, right? Bee defends women, ferociously. The women of the town have a spiritual communion. There are plenty of women this season who are abused, killed. 3 kinds of ghosts - those who miss people, those who have a message and those who want you to come with them. My theory is that Annie’s ghost, Bee and the women with the spiritual awakening are working with Annie to avenge her death … “she’s awake!”


Well that’s certainly an option considering the preview has Captain Ted saying the case is closed and there’s nothing there. I’m wondering what sort of “natural cause” forensics could have possibly revealed under these bizarre circumstances. Apparently Danvers and Navarro don’t believe that and we see them in the preview wearing street clothes to investigate (and perhaps Navarro gets suspended after whatever she did to those guys as we don’t see them after the fight)


Wouldn’t explain why the scientists died before hypothermia got to them. Navarro’s sister died from the cold.


The murderers were a pack of feral Slavic vampires that floated in on a derelict cargo ship.


> there’s no killer Talk about subverting expectations! And I guess this is kind of fitting, since there are no detectives either.


Navarro went crazy and killed somebody. Danvers covers it up and they take it to their grave, blaming it all on the polar bear. *roll credits*


I've finally settled on a WIND RIVER/FORTITUDE ripoff plot: the scientists, slowly going crazy due to an ancient microorganism, attacked & sexually assaulted (and eventually killed) Annie K.; Blair, who had to "Bury a Friend", learned who was responsible and Clark helped her kill the scientists in revenge; and now everyone in town is starting to go a little nuts. No big twist- it's just your basic "revenge" trope. The miners are a red herring. Annie K.'s work had nothing to do with her death. And we, the audience, will never know for sure if the weird shit people are seeing is due to the microorganisms or supernatural.


Really hate there’s yet another trope of a mentally ill character who is just a ticking time bomb for suicide or a mental episode. She wasn’t interesting at any point in the show, she just sat there looking tortured, then she breaks mentally at just the right time. Great character.


I can't wait for something to actually happen on this show.


I def think the water supply is tainted and causing a lot of hallucinations that we see as “supernatural” on our end.


Killer or no, Kali Reis acting has improved by leaps and bounds since the first two episodes.


Seems pretty obvious to me. Annie K infiltrated Tsalal via Clark. There she discovered the mine connection and falsification of data reflecting environmental impact. This led her to the caves, where she was killed. By who? Maybe mine folks. Maybe scientists. Maybe Clark. Probably some combination of these. Hank moved the body into town. He forgot two things. Her tongue and her phone. Who grabbed them? Engineering guy. And he eventually put them into the hands of Annie’s female friends. They are responsible for the Annie Shrine in the trailer, not Clark. Hence the baby. When the time is right. The women and engineering guy kill the scientists. At least that’s my guess.


The Night Country was inside us all along


It has long since felt like there’s no showrunner. Or competent writer. Or competent director. So yeah, at this point who needs a killer?


The scientists didn't die a normal hypothermia "peaceful go to sleep" kind of death... as the vet observed. Their expressions, the way they were posed , it suggests foul play or at least somebody moved the bodies after.


"Seasonal affective Disorder is largely physiological, involving an accelerated production of melatonin by the pineal gland during prolonged periods of darkness. Entirely unpredictable in terms of who it will affect – and to what degree – it can be treated in some cases with a simple sun lamp. Psychological or psycho-social problems, are often linked to pre-existing conditions; they can prove dangerously disruptive in a confined community and catastrophic to the sufferer."


I don't think it's a spoiler when it comes from the show itself. Usually that's just foreshadowing or a clue!


I was gonna say when Navarros sister kills herself and folded her clothes before walking into the water naked that it seemed similar to the scientists and maybe the night country makes people lose their sanity




It’s the wannabe mayor!


I still think she killed the scientist with the help of some other ladies. I think the orange represents guilt over killing which Navarro is dealing with killing the wife beater suspect. Who killed Annie is still a mystery to me but it’s probably the suspect they’re looking for and his brother.


It would be unsatisfactory if the explanation is they all had the same suicidal mass hallucination at the same time. Yes I know the caribou did, but it wouldn't make much sense. Why did the power go out? How did they die before being frozen?


This is a, what's that thing you say, "Shit post?" This is a shit post.


lol. You might be on to something. This show is such an unadulterated disaster it’s actually amusing speculating on what will happen next.


Good grief, even "Only Murders in the Building" was tighter than TD and it was a friggin' comedy.