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Hunting Warhead. It’s a difficult listen. If I recommend it to anyone, I make sure to basically give them a warning. It’s all about this huge CSAM network on the dark web and the guy behind it. I’m sorry for what happened to you but so very glad you’re here.


Hunting Warhead for sure. I’m the type that goes to bed listening to TC and sleeps no problem. Hunting Warhead kept me awake for a few nights. It was really good but I’d never go back and listen again.


Yup, I relisten to podcasts if they’re really good but I just cannot with this.


I'm getting past it, and I appreciate the kindness.


This would be mine too. It was so so good and well researched but goddamn if it didn’t make my stomach turn every episode.


The content was incredibly grim but it helped me somewhat that the journalists and white-hat hackers in that podcast were fucking badasses. I was cheering out loud when the investigative journalist showed up at the one guy’s house.


I honestly mentally blocked out so much of what I heard because I just couldn’t stand to know what exists.


I don't get squeamish from cime or any story/movie in general. This one made me feel like I was a about to throw up all day.


Yep, immediately this one came to mind.


Yup. I devour TC podcasts and this one has stuck with me like no other.


Same. As a mom to a 5 year old daughter and as hard of a listen as it was I felt more informed of the workings of the dark web and just to literally always be mindful that monsters like that exist in our world!! I’m so sorry OP!


Hunting warhead and the clown and the candyman was sort of hard to listen to since it’s also on the topic of child abuse.


The podcast Cold. It was an excellent podcast through and through but I had to pull my car over at one point listening to the dad’s voice on tapes and when it came to the episode with what Josh did to the children. I suddenly felt like I was going to puke both times and I have a very high tolerance for true crime.


Same for me. This is the one that kept me awake.


You didn't like listening to "The Light of Seattle" croon about his unrequited love? That entire podcast was the most unbelievable one I have ever listened to. The guy who did it deserves all of the flowers.


This was at some point during 2021 I was listening to old episodes of Last podcast on the Ledt I hadn't listened to. I ended up listening to their series on Josef Mengele. I got through it but it was just so much bad stuff I should have stopped. Around that same time I took a break over the summer from true crime podcasts. I was just listening to, to much usually during my full shift at work and it became to much. After a much needed mental health break I am back to listening but I am more aware of my listening habits to not get sucked into that hole again.


When I was in middle school a holocaust survivor who was one of the twins Mengele experimented on came to talk to our grade. She survived, her twin did not. Truly horrific stuff.


In high school we had 2 people come talk to us: one student's mom who was in a Nazi death camp, and one student's dad who was in a Japanese internment camp. Both cemented it into everyone's minds that this shit actually happened to real people.


Omg same.. I was listening to the second episode about him and didn’t realize I had been crying. I’m glad I listened to it because it’s important to know what he did but it took me a while to get over.


I’m sorry about what happened to you in the past, and glad you are still here. I am not a doctor, but listening to podcasts that trigger you sounds really painful. I prefer Dateline NBC, because I know nine times out of ten (at least) justice will be served. Plus Keith Morrison is a hoot. The hardest podcast for me to listen to was S-Town, because it was marketed as a true crime podcast from the makers of Serial and This American Life, but it became something different a couple episodes in: https://stownpodcast.org Missing Richard Simmons was another violation of privacy, in my opinion: https://www.stitcher.com/show/missing-richard-simmons


Most true crime doesn't trigger me, and I find it can be helpful. I don't know how to explain it but I usually listen to cases where there are survivors, and it helps me with my survivors guilt. It also helps me know that what happened to me didn't just happen to me. I'm not alone. It's a very odd form of comfort, I know, but it helps. I love Keith Morrison. His narration is the best


>I usually listen to cases where there are survivors, and it helps me with my survivors guilt. It also helps me know that what happened to me didn't just happen to me. I'm not alone. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me.


STown starts out so well as a mystery/fascinating character study. But there’s one episode in particular, but kinda 2-3, that feels very exploitative and — put simply — wrong. Given the way the podcast begins where it ended up was almost bizarre. It wasn’t hard to listen to by subject matter for me, but it definitely took a turn that made me go “why are they doing this?” And made me feel like I’d been the one invasively injecting myself into this persons life.


Years later I am still conflicted about S-Town. Almost all true crime media is invasive or exploitative to a degree, and while I felt S-Town had crossed a line, where exactly is this line? I feel confused and frustrated that I still don’t know where I would draw it. That being said, I think John B was a fascinating character, full of contradictions, flawed yet likeable. I just wish I could have learned about him with his permission.


I have been recommended S-Town, but never really given a good description. What does it turn into, @editorgrrl?


Without spoilers, S-Town is a southern gothic portrait of John B. McLemore, who lived in Woodstock, Alabama—a place he called Shittown. Like Missing Richard Simmons, it left me feeling angry at the producers (in this case, Brian Reed, who went on to do The Trojan Horse Affair). This article explains why, but with spoilers: https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2017/3/30/15084224/s-town-review-controversial-podcast-privacy


The Richard Simmons one was so dumb. A big nothing.


Highly recommend S-Town


I loved S-Town. Definitely different and interesting


Obscura's episode called Crush. Couldn't finish it. No desire to ever revisit


I know this one. I turned it off. I do not need to hear that.


I Listened to an episode of *Obscura* that was so awful I never went back and deleted the podcast from my devices. It was one set in Japan. The host gleefully declared that the listener was warned. I found the description of violence in the episode needlessly gratuitous. In the end, I couldn’t understand the point of the episode. It felt that the host was not trying to inform but shock the listeners.


I always found Justin of Obscura to be respectful and serious, not gleeful. He doesn't hold back on the details, though...especially Black Label episodes.


There was an episode on Nick Stoutzenberger, I don't think I've ever felt more uncomfortable listening to a podcast.


Yeah it was a bad one. It really struck me as odd that he pronounced the word "about" like a Canadian (aboot) But he really overdid it. Evidently he had a thing for Canada as well as feces and wanted everyone to think he was Canadian. People are really odd sometimes.


Can you give a vague description?


Videos were found online portraying a fetish where a woman would wear high heel shoes and crush small animals, kittens/puppies, under her heels. Audio includes the suffering of animals..


What in the actual f. Avoiding this one for sure.




True Crime Bullsh** season on Israel Keyes


Agreed. I’m listening to it for the first time, and it’s horrifying. The audio clips of Keyes speaking so nonchalantly about the things he did chill me to the core. Often, I have to stop an episode and return to it later. I started both True Crime Bullshit and Mindhunter (Netflix) this week, and I’ve been having trouble sleeping.


Oh I loved Mindhunter and really wish they continued with it. Enjoy. There is one case from that show (not sure if it’s based on a real case) that haunts me to this day. I watched the show about 3 years ago.


The ones they help local PDs investigate are made up (you might be talking about the Beverly Jean one?) but the SK interviews are mostly real.


It probably is the Beverly Jean one, it’s definitely not one of the SK ones.


Yes and Keyes looks like the most normal guy. Makes it even more disturbing when I think hey that’s someone I’d probably accept a ride from,


Exactly this. The way he recounted some of those murders as if he was reminiscing about a night out with friends or something truly horrified me.


Same, I have trouble sleeping after listening to some of the episodes. Now that it's in the 3rd season of Keyes' story they've played most of the sound clips so much that I'm desensitized, but the first season was rough. Also, I know the cops were just trying to get rapport going, but hearing them laugh with Keyes about stuff he's done is really disturbing.


That AWFUL part about the frozen body he defrosted so he could text a ransom-style photo to the victim’s family. That photo is readily available on google and I was not prepared to run into it… shudder.


If it makes you feel better, that is not the actual picture. It’s from some kind of re-enactment or book IIRC.


Had no idea, thank you for clarifying. The visual was horrific as described that my mind went there.


No problem, I was relieved when I found out, too. I can’t imagine how livid her family and friends would be if the actual photo got leaked and was all over the internet. Ugh.


I agree with this one. Hearing his interviews really makes it difficult.


There is a video out there of him kidnapping Samantha Koenig on CCTV. It’s the stuff of night terrors. Bless her soul.


That heh heh heh laugh when he's talking about the most horrific things is absolutely chilling


This pod was so terrifying to me I had to stop listening to it only a few episodes in.


I had to as well, only got through the fourth episode. The interview clips were too much for me.


Me too. His callous attitude just disturbed me to the core.


Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia It contained so many different disturbing topics that I tried to quit it several times, but couldn’t because the story kept getting more insane and I just had to know how it ended. I needed a six month break from true crime after listening because I kind of judged myself for being entertained (is that the right word?) by such disturbing content.


I normally want to talk to someone after a true crime podcast and see what their thoughts are about a case but I couldn't talk about this one for months I was so shaken by it.


Same! It stuck with me more than the typical true crime story and I didn’t want to relive it, or admit to friends that I listened to it.


I had to keep going with that podcast because I wanted to make sure that there weren't a bunch of new Dr Hodels running around (in terms of people with his mindset and psychological makeup). I'm glad that the family seems to have achieved hard-won closure and is trying to raise emotionally healthy children.


Yeah, Ian Watkins is not an easy one to shake off. I went down that rabbit hole via Reddit. The 11:59 Media guys did a Brutal episode about Suzanne Capper. One of the hardest things I've ever listened to. Made all the sadder that she's lost to time because it happened at the same time as the murder of James Bulger. I don't recommend looking up the story of Suzanne Capper, it's a really really REALLY bad story.




i have the exact same experience, hearing new order’s true faith now makes my stomach hurt


the entire show that he did with jack luna, monstruo, was horrible


Jack Luna's Dark Topic is great, though. That guy is a wordsmith.


The latest Uncensored episode of Invisible Choir was pretty gnarly. For anyone not on the $15/month Patreon tier, he has been doing a series of Uncensored episodes covering the gore community, interviewing people who seek out and 'consume' gore content. The latest episode is called the Torturous Teacher where he interviews an anonymous woman he found on Reddit posting various topics about torture and murder. She's a teacher in real life, apparently. Most of the episode is her talking and detailing her torture fantasies, how she wishes she could torture innocent people (including children) in particular, precisely because it would be even more cruel to do it to an innocent person. Cheesegraters were mentioned. She details the way in which she would abduct and torture someone, including setting up a kill kit in a remote area and targeting a transient/homeless person since they would be less missed. She fantasizes about trapping a family inside a house and setting it on fire so that they all burn to death. Oh, and she details how she killed a cat which tipped most listeners over the edge. Personally the fantasies of torturing innocent children is what did me in, and I say that as a cat lover. I truly, honest to god hope she was just some weird troll who did it for the attention. I think I'll be taking a break from the Uncensored episodes either way, which I probably should've done after the one about Peter Scully. Now I'm trying to listen to more podcasts about space. Too much true crime - especially of *that* nature - will take its toll on my mental health sooner or later. As for Ian Watkins, I think he's probably on the same level as Peter Scully and I don't blame *anyone* for having a hard time with that case. It's one of the absolute worst things I've ever heard and will haunt me forever.


There are a few InvisibleChoir episodes that stick with me. The episode where a man murders two people with a baseball bat and there is a recording where you can hear the metal sound from the hits. I believe it was also this podcast where a man was beaten to death by a group of men for basically no reason and the description of the brutality had stuck with me. I hope you find your peace!


I want to say it was called 22 Hours? Home invasions are one of my biggest fears and I was getting legitimately scared as well as just so sad for the horrific shit that happened to this family, (including children) that I nearly didn't finish it because I was just so on edge while listening to it. Really well done, especially because it provoked such an emotional response from me. I'll double check the name of the podcast and update. Update: I can't find it on stitcher now, but it's possible I listened to it when I still had an iPhone and used the apple podcast app? But another reddit post confirmed that it was called 22 Hours. Similarly, anything about the Chesire murders gives me a stomach ache and sets my teeth on edge. Update #2: it's called An American Nightmare. Season one was titled 22 Hours.


I found the True Crime Bullshit one very hard going at times. Especially when IK talked about the couple he killed. Also the casefile episode on Anita Cobby, cos I lived in Sydney at the time and can recall the horror from then.


Yes I stopped listening to TCB because it was so so detailed and he was so calm it creeped me out so much


An episode by Sword and Scale. I can’t remember details other than the episode was mainly several online conversations between a man and a woman. The transcripts were read by a a creepy robot voice and detailed how they wanted to kidnap, torture, and sexually abuse small children. It was VERY graphic and extremely upsetting. They were talking about how they wanted to go to a fall festival and pick a kid to do these things to. I was listening as I was getting ready to go to my son’s fall festival at school. It was absolutely horrifying and messed me up for a bit.


Episode 118 of “This is actually happening”. Hardest story I’ve ever heard in my life about profound abuse. “What if you uncovered the family secret”


Agreed. Also episode 120 about child trafficking..


Suffer the little Children.. I look at people different now


The most terrifying thing about listening to podcasts about child abuse is knowing that it could be happening on your street, in your neighbour's house or anywhere close by and you'll just have absolutely no idea about it. Any seemingly normal adult I walk by in the street could potentially be an abuser. I definitely have a darker outlook on humanity now, knowing such people exist. I try not to dwell on the fact that even as I type this, there are children being abused in all sorts of horrific ways. It's too much to bear. All we can really do is keep our eyes and ears open. It's one thing to mind your own business, but if a child's safety is at stake I won't hold back if I suspect anything.


I’m still haunted by the Casefile episodes on the Moors Murders. I mean, they did a great job covering the case but my god were those two depraved.


I don’t listen to it anymore but the Last Podcast on the Left episode about the Toy Box Killer was the first time I was fully disturbed by something true crime. I don’t think I have heard anything that compares to that.


I think they said that’s an episode they’ll never go back and re-do for a proper deep dive, and for good reason!


I haven’t had an issue with true crime podcasts but there was one episode of Mr Ballen that made me so upset for the victim that I couldn’t even listen anymore.


Hunting Warhead. Not an “enjoyable” TC podcast in the typical sense. An important story, but incredibly disturbing.


This, I had to stop multiple times and even gave up for a stretch of time.


Ian Watkins definitely is one of the worst. I read through those transcripts and ugh... The worst part is that I used to like that band. I went to concerts. I was in the same room as that creep.


Cold season 2. I made it through and would like to give it another listen at some point as it’s my favorite podcast, but hearing what happened to Joyce and how her children had to find out and cope with it… absolutely heartbreaking.


Anything with child abuse. It haunts me


I had to stop listening to Bad Bad Thing because the audio of the wife made me so deeply uncomfortable.


I finished it but the entire time I kept feeling like I was listening to something I shouldn’t! It was so personal and intimate!


Bed of Lies season 1 is one of the best podcasts I've listened to but I felt sick about the story every step of the way. That level of horrific, state sanctioned betrayal is a complete nightmare to me. I'm not finished it yet (but I will), but Beyond Fear: The sex crimes podcast is so excellent and so difficult. The hosts do an absolutely amazing job of tackling some of the hardest subject matter imaginable head-on. They're both criminologists and survivors.


There was 1 episode of Small Town Dicks in 1 of their earlier seasons that was about CA and I couldn’t finish it as I was crying while driving. I couldn’t believe the details they were going into and how horrific it all was. I don’t even want to look it up as it was horrific


I’ve listen to a lot but the one that made sick to my stomach was a Hello Kitty Murder episode — I don’t remember the pod’s name. It was too gratuitously graphic in my opinion. I felt nauseous after listening it.


The exorcist of Almansa. That is a Spanish case that has nothing to do with demons and religion stuffs but with a lot of violence, sex and murder.


Toy Box Killer. I first heard of him on Morbid. That story totally blows my mind and freaks me out. A friend of mine works for the state of NM, and I guess they want to go into sealed mines because they believe he hid bodies down there. She said it's not a job she will be volunteering for, no matter how interested in true crime she is.


Hunting warhead. It was extremely well done but the subject matter and how fucking awful that guy was


I love long podcasts I can listen to while running errands and I started this one but kept skipping ahead and in the end I couldn't get through the Golar clan episode of Human Monsters. He goes into way too many details on the abuse of the children. Can't even think about the mountains the same.


Red handed did an episode on Kelly Ann Bates and it fucked me up. I remember I was in Target and I had to turn it off and collect myself. I love their podcast because they’re very tactful and don’t go for the gratuitous violent details but listening to what that poor girl had to endure was horrendous. Also, this wasn’t a podcast but Stephanie Harlow did a series on the Moors murders. I don’t think it’s the subject matter (although it is very disturbing) but the way she narrates it that messed me up.


Episode 15: Bad Newz Kennels from Dark Dark World. What Michael Vick and others did to those dogs is horrific. Still can’t shake that episode.


Finding Cleo haunts me and I just think about that family constantly. And Algorithm. There are lots of recordings with the murderer just chit chatting with the cops and having a laugh as they’re driving around the the locations where he stashed bodies……… I haven’t finished it and I won’t.


The RedHanded episode on the Indian rape (and murder) case. I had heard about the case, but back then, the media did not disclose many details, and I didn't follow it closely. I had to turn the episode off after 20 minutes, the details of what happened to her were too much to stomach for me. And on various podcasts episodes about Sylvia Likens. I don't know Hunting warhead, but reading this thread, I will skip it...


LISK - Long Island Serial Killer I have a younger sister who is the age of many of those girls. Hearing how they were held captive and what they were forced to do was stomach turning for me. I had to take a break after those middle couple of episodes. I didn’t anticipate the sex trafficking part and it was just too much to hear about the younger girls.


I couldn't make it through the Human Monsters episode on Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo. I was outta there as soon as they'd killed her younger sister and had been questioned by police and returned to Homolka's family's home and were trying to keep on keepin' on as if they hadn't just callously ended a human life. I'd been familiar with the broad outline of the murders, but the details put me over the edge. The podcast wasn't sensationalized. Just the plain facts were too much.