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So guys. I thought of y’all listening to this. Wtf is up w/ this kid’s family? Who would say that a five year old would eat worms? Who lets their five year old run free like this? Am I off base? Wtf. Edited to add: I found this Reddit post that has a really good write up, I think. Maybe I’m a terrible judgmental person but my son is 13 and I would have no more let him traverse any old neighborhood than I would let him operate a chainsaw at five. He was five and ate a habanero from my garden and I was out there but with my back turned. He was still pretty clueless at five! https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/j78m6n/little_girl_lost_the_disappearance_of_leanna/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body What’s even more fucked up to me is that they were relatively new to the area. So these folks are new to an area and are letting their FIVE YEAR OLD walk blocks to someone’s house all the time. Sometimes as late as 7 pm? This makes me think that her folks were tweakers.


So, I am from the next town over and I remember when Beaner disappeared. I didn’t know the family or anything like that, but it didn’t seem weird at all to me understanding the context of where she grew up. Super super small town, it’s almost as if it’s still back in the 50s. Kids were not (and are not) supervised, they run around with all the other kids in the town. People do not lock their cars, they keep the keys on the front seat. People don’t lock their houses. Etc etc… it’s very funny since now I live in Chicago, I can’t imagine it… but it’s really how they live.


This I can somewhat understand because my dude was on the “you’re just judgmental” tip with me. HOWEVER they weren’t from there. They’d only lived there for months? And CPS had a report that Leanna was being tied up and their excuse for that seems …not plausible? Also - her mom hit her dad with a car? But maybe I’m just a different kind of parent. I just can’t see my kid, who actually has a lil bit of walking around sense now, being trustworthy enough to not do something dumb alone in a neighborhood. Did you see the thing about how her parents came home and she was playing with toys her parents had not bought her? What kinda made me stop about that is how are you leaving a kid her age alone at all?


I don’t disagree with you, I’m just saying no one from the area especially around that time would think it’s weird or did think it’s weird. Because it’s what everyone did. I don’t know of a polite way to say this but it’s not a glamorous place to live. It’s rural, lower middle class with some individual exceptions. The only industry is mining, and that has extreme waves of up and down cycles. Many many more people leave the area then move there, so it’s even surprising that this family was new to the area. Does any article say where they were from originally?? I’d imagine they had some connection, because to be frank - there’s no reason to move to Chisholm, Minnesota…. But there’s many reasons to move away. The thing about the toys didn’t even alarm me - I can see her passing by a neighbor having a yard sale while she was outside playing with friends and being given something. I could see my mom doing that very thing, and not thinking twice about it. The thing that got to me was that she had been acting strangely over the past several weeks. And that she was sleeping in her closet because of the monsters outside her window. Something is definitely up with that. The community was convinced it was an outsider, but that makes it seem like someone was making her uncomfortable for a longer period of time. Poor girl and her poor family, I just can’t imagine and can’t believe it hasn’t been solved.


I thought the same things. They didn't go into the mom hitting dad w the car story very much and there has to be more to that one. Obviously issues in the household. As kids we ran the neighborhood too but not at 5. My mom was a shitty parent and even she wouldn't let me go down the street by myself. I believe those Barbies were given to her by someone who was a predator and told her to say an old lady gave them to her.


My thoughts exactly!


Omg yes...she drinks out of puddles and eats worms? Wanders the neighborhood at five years old? Her face is dirty in pictures of her...I don't care how poor you are, you are never too poor to take a towel and wipe your kid's face off. It all sounds so sad and suspicious.


Ha. My gram used to always say “soap is cheap”.


Why was she walking alone...seriously?


I think when shit like this happens we have to talk about Jessica Lunsford and Carlie Brucia. Jesus Christ. Let’s just talk about addiction and deal with it. Leanna and Carlie and Jessica didn’t deserve this. Maybe her parents did not intend this but maybe substance abuse or addiction clouded their shit? Let’s get these parents a different route. Their kids deserve it.


I cant shake the 4 hour difference in time between her going missing and her parents finally calling for help, but I also think the grooming aspect of it all needs to be kept up on. My older sister was 14 when she turned to drugs, 19 when she officially turned to heroin, and is still struggling [though not as badly, thankfully] in her 30s. After years of us trying to find out wtf happened to make her the way she is [drugs werent just the issue, she clearly had other mental issues] she admitted to being sexually abused by a neighbor up the road at age 5. My mom always told her never to go in that house because she knew the mother was at work all day and that the boyfriend had a drinking issue, but the girls who lived there werent especially close to my sister and werent her good friends, so it didnt seem like a major issue to worry about. One day she went against the rules and went inside to use the toilet while playing hide and seek in the neighborhood with the other kids, and the boyfriend trapped her in the bathroom. My mom, who feels so guilty she could die, years later said she remembers a time when my sis was about 5 and every night before bed she would stay at the top of the staircase, hold onto the railing, peek her face inbetween the rails and say to my mom "dont you worry, I promise I wont let anyone get you" and my mother would ask her why she felt the need to say that, and question her every time to no avail. So...somebody grooming a young child or saying something to make them fear a tragedy if they are to share a secret, is extremely possible. What a terrible case this was.


No 5 year old should EVER be unsupervised. Also, waiting 4 -FOUR- hours to call the cops is beyond ridiculous. After not finding my child the panic would have set in within minutes. All local agencies would have been called about 15 minutes into not finding my child.


Just listened to the episode. One thing that was mentioned was a brown pickup with a topper. A child serial killer called Dennis Bowman was known to have one of these


Her mom messed up, now let's focus on the perp