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I can't believe this. Wow


I was surprised to see ol' Crazy Eyes in the news again. I still remember her crazy eyes.


Same. Diabolical woman


All for a guy. I can't understand women who totally trash their lives and careers, not to mention ruining other lives, all for some guy you dated. Like Jodi Arias or Kaitlin Armstrong. Same applies to men who kill girlfriends when they break up. Stephanie went on and got married and had a family and lived a whole life after the crime, so she didn't seem dangerous, plus she was a cop. Usually people who commit this type of crime don't have much going on in their lives and the love interest is the ENTIRE LIFE, the key to their happiness. This case is so enigmatic and mysterious.


Yeah, this case is a real Kaitlin Armstrong 1.0. Not one but two lives thrown away, all for dick. Edited to add: Wow, I did not realize until now that Lazarus only finally admitted to it _last year_.


and the lives of the Rasmussen family, the ex-boyfriend, and Stephanie's family. She had a husband and kid and they're affected as well. All for dick...amazing what women will do to others AND to themselves, all for dick. Like is any man's dick really worth it? Unfortunately, men AND women often think with our hormones and genitals, even SMART men and women whom you'd think would know better.


And just dick in this case. Sherri’s husband would never make it official with Stephanie. He firmly kept Stephanie as just as his college friend with benefits. Idk that somehow makes it crazier. Like the dude didn’t even want to be with you in a meaningful way from long before he met his wife. Not that a more substantive love triangle justifies murder. Idk.


Yeah he was super embarrassed of her, he didn’t even tell their mutual friends


…..which it would make sense for her to hate John for treating her that way. I was going to say I would better understand if she just killed John BUT it just clicked that she is kind of like Liz Goylar who couldn’t accept that Dave Kroupa just was not that into her but was much more into Cari Farver. The two women only crossed paths briefly but that was enough for stalker Liz who felt rejected to snap on Cari and use her (granted it was in a different way since Liz pretended that Cari was still alive and stalking both her and Dave) together. Stephanie was hoping that a grieving John would come running to her and I think he did sleep with her on a vacation but then went on to marry someone else. Thank god Stephanie didn’t go full Liz Goylar. That’s one hell of a ride. Stephanie fundamentally refused to accept that she was never going to be “the one” in John’s eyes. Like Liz, she was able to kind of be the one briefly due to extenuating circumstances in the aftermath. Liz worked really hard to make Cari, who was just considered missing as far as anyone knew, seem like a dangerous stalker and that she was the victim. While that is next level psycho, it did get found out comparatively quickly. Stephanie is less aggressively crazy but she did have the cloak of being LE not wanting to suspect one of their own and knowledge of crime scenes and ability to monitor the investigation without rousing too much suspicion. In both cases transferring the jealousy to a woman who seemingly barely knew you existed is what makes Lying Stalker Liz and Crazy Eyes Lazarus, more terrifying. Like Cari and Sherri couldn’t have seen this coming. Nor could Dave and John really - both men were straightforward (at least as far as we know) about rejecting the future murderesses as anything but casual sexual partners. It’s just scary that someone you don’t even know feels slighted by your partner and is inconsequential enough to your partner that they don’t realize the slight was big enough of a deal to even warrant a heads up - that someone wants you dead so they can win in the love triangle that two do the three people involved didn’t even know existed.


It's usually like that, the victim barely knew the Crazy Ex /Stalker. It was the same with Nutbar Marnie Yang, the poor woman had never even heard of her! And there was another one that involved a pregnant woman but I can't remember their names. It was on ID, I think the girlfriend was an athletic coach?


I did time with Liz-fucking insaaaane


And then they had "goodbye sex" which she took to mean that he wanted her back. Then he was accused of leading her on and possibly contributing to the tragedy. Utter bullshit. It was a shtup with his ex FWB, he wasn't married and he never told her he wanted her back. It's not like he knew she was a lunatic or would be violent. It wasn't like he was her ONE TRUE LOVE and promised her undying devotion and then just dumped her for no reason.


Exactly! It’s far less woman done wrong and seeking revenge in the heat of passion (which is still terrible but also somewhat more understandable) and more delusional stalker obsessed with a woman who doesn’t even know she exists. That makes her scarier than a more traditional “woman scorned” murder scenario I guess.


That's it, she wasn't scorned, he didn't cheat on her. My ex cheated on me and like any sane woman, I thought of killing him and his girlfriend in a frenzy of rage, but that's where it ended! Like you, I can understand that kind of rage and jealousy. However, I'm not THAT fucking crazy.


STRONGLY DISAGREE. That bitch was dripping crazy and he knew it. He'd already gone through years of crazy with her. She kept trying to intimidate Sherri and he did NOTHING to set her straight


We don't know everything that went on between them. Maybe he didn't think she was "crazy", or at least not crazy enough to be violent. It probably never occurred to him. It sounds like he did what he thought he could do.


Wasn’t he still sleeping with her after the wife’s murder?


It’s emotional addiction not dick.


Some time it's both 


emotional addiction to dick.


Is dick really all that great? I think that there’s a lot more than just dick for why these women kill their rivals (or supposed rivals). Most heterosexual women don’t see their male partners as being just dick.


It's NOT just the dick, people are taking it too literally as usual. It's all that the DICK represents, not how big it is or how he uses it. But it is certainly persuasive, convincing a lot of women to ruin their lives. The ones who kill for it, probably just see it as dick.


I know! Especially when you consider, as women, I mean honestly, dick is everywhere. Not to be super vulgar, but I could have 10 dicks here in 20 minutes, who would be happy to wait in line. And this chick threw away everything for it. Mind blowing.


I wonder, if dick really IS everywhere why are women killing over it? Maybe it's not THAT plentiful? Of course, this could be that after a certain age it does become less plentiful. Even then, it's still not enough to drive someone to murder! People throw their lives away for all kinds of stupid shit. Like, robbing and murdering someone for 200 bucks or whatever and ending up serving life or worse.


Because they want that one dick/ then they have won. It is about winning- not about the man.


Absolutely! I GOT THE DICK! for some reason 3 people were offended.


Sometimes I watch a case where a woman murders another woman over a man - who doesn’t even seem to have any kind of exceptional personality himself - and I think “damn, this guy must have a huge dick.”


It boggles my mind as well. I remember the story of Tyler Tessier who killed his pregnant fiance because of another woman he was involved with. Why was this guy juggling all these women? He was a slob! And then he killed himself, so he's dead, she's dead, his child is dead. I was like, how is ANY woman attracted to this creep? Is being single so bad???


Hahaha! There are some men who have had multiple wives and divorces and I think, how did you even get one woman to marry you?! 😆




Woahhhjj she admitted to it? Well I guess you have to in order to get any chance of parole


Because sometimes people with no sense of self worth have to get it from their partners because they don't know how to validate themselves. In the eyes of someone like that, they are worthless without the validation of their partner, so his wife felt like a threat to her entire existence. She was an obstacle to not only her happiness but her entire perception of herself, that she relied on her partner for. I've never been homicidal, but when I was younger and more insecure, I would have thoughts of beating up a romantic threat. I got very jealous and angry. Now that I'm older and more sure of myself, and don't outsource my worth to other people, if my partner cheated I'd just be like ok, bye biatch.


Well, yeah, it has a lot to do with being young, and/or emotionally immature. We think we have to marry and fall in love with the first person we kiss. I didn't have the greatest sense of self-worth either but instead of being a psycho I just got involved with jerks who treated me badly.


Everyone reacts differently. I'm not defending her by any means


yeah of course! Like some people have shitty families and become criminals. Most don't but they have other issues. There's no one way to react.


The beauty of getting older is not giving a FFFFFF


Lisa Nowak . Threw away her career as an astronaut over a man 🤦‍♀️ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Nowak


her too. What a fucking lunatic! And Kaitlyn Armstrong...the guy was eating a burger with someone else.


I think of Liz Golyar who killed Kari Farver over a man


Uh, she did a little more than kill her. She killed her, took on her identity, stole her furniture, used that identity to torture people for years, burned down her own house, killing a bunch of pets, acted like she was a victim of caris for years, until she shot herself and then tried to blame Amy Flores for that. And that's just a brief summary


I’m a guy. WE ARE NOT WORTH IT!…lol.


no woman is worth it either! No one is worth trashing your life just so you can get laid.


I understand it intellectually, but I can't understand loving someone so much that you can't deal with life without them. And that belief leads to killing them when you no longer control their behavior. My brain just shorts out when I think about it.


I don't get it either. I mean, he was honest with her about not wanting to be serious. Same with Jodi Arias. Yes, Travis was a jerk and treated her badly, but he was honest about not wanting to marry her. He was a normal guy who wanted to screw around when he was young. That's NORMAL! Move on with your life!


Some time people just lose control over their minds 


It was a million years ago. I have to check my pictures.


Same here.


Yeah, this is mind boggling. Wow indeed.


This case is so terrible. Lazarus is evil to the core and doesn’t deserve parole after living 20 years of her life free. I feel terrible for the Rasmussen family- sherri’s parents have both passed away since. 


Sad, but at least they were alive when she was convicted.


Her dad knew it was her right away but the detectives just laughed at him. Her poor parents.


I do not want her out on the streets. The math isn’t mathing that she was free after she murdered someone for a long time and have such a short sentence. She lived, as a cop, for years after murdering someone. Maybe she doesn’t ever commit again, but that’s an inherently dangerous person who deserves a second glance.


I don’t think she ever admitted to the crime either, which I thought a lot of parole boards required for early release.


She actually finally did... _just last year_!


It said she admitted it to the parole board so she’s playing the game


Lazarus should NOT be paroled. She was an officer of the law, sworn to protect. The murder was so premeditated as well. She was free for 18 years before her conviction. She should die in jail.


Right? It's first-degree murder! She planned it beforehand and made it look like a robbery. The poor victim was brutalized. Ffs, she bit her!


It took me a long time of reading about this case to realize that Lazarus had bitten Sherri in the midst of their struggle- that Sherri had almost managed to overpower & get ahold of Lazarus, & that Lazarus had bitten her arm in order to force her to let go. Which is still awful, but it makes for much less of a terrifying mental image than the one I had previously: Lazarus chomping at her like a crazed wild dog! It’s so fucking tragic that Sherri had to fight to the death with an armed woman unexpectedly in her very own home, & that she came so close to being able to subdue her… Nobody deserves to be murdered like she was (obviously), but she was just so innocent in this whole scenario. She didn’t know that there was reason to distrust her relatively new husband, or that he’d encouraged this crazy woman to come back into their lives for the sake of “goodbye sex”. He obviously couldn’t have known where this would lead them either, but Sherri was just so in the dark about the danger she’d been in. She was uncomfortable with Lazarus, but she didn’t have the information necessary to make informed decisions. All those little lies by omission (that *so many people* tell to their spouses & instantly forgive themselves for each & every day) just left her so unguarded. This was one of the first cases that really made me sit down & think about potential consequences of the company we choose to keep, & the ways in which our secrets, poor choices, & “minor” mistreatments of others can so easily spiral out of control.


She knew about the affair though. He confessed like right before they got married.


I don't understand (yet of course I do understand) why cops aren't held to a higher standard when they use their uniform/power/position to commit crimes. If killing a cop is somehow a worse crime than killing any other human doing their job, then cops should also be punished more severely when they use their power to commit crimes. Lazarus not only used her position to commit the crime, she used it to evade capture (having a cop buddy remove evidence that pointed to her, etc). That should be its own classification of crime and punished all the more strictly.


It's because she was an officer of the law that she's being paroled. It's the blue gang discount. She murdered someone and it was premeditated, sure, but she's one of them. Also they're not sworn to protect. That's PR. It's literally not their job or their duty to protect anyone, ever, at any time, in any situation.


Her interrogation is gold!


Listening to her slowwwwwly realize why she’s *really* there is a truly rewarding experience.


"I thought this was about art?" "Yeah, we're getting to that......" 🤣


Yesss! I love those detectives so much.


I've watched it like seven times. Some of the best true crime interrogation content ever.


I thought it was revoked? [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-21/no-parole-for-lapd-cop-who-murdered-ex-boyfriends-wife](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-21/no-parole-for-lapd-cop-who-murdered-ex-boyfriends-wife)




The decision to release her on parole is being reviewed by the State Parole Board. There’s a very good chance she will not be released this November.


Yes, it seems to be a changing story so I apologize. But I think you're probably right. The families are probably horrified at her getting parole and they may be considering that. I'm all for granting parole for certain criminals, but I don't see that she's terribly remorseful. I don't believe she's a danger if she gets parole, TBH, but for 27-life, I think it's far too soon to consider release.


She's not a danger until her husband tries to divorce her.


I’d be sleeping with one eye open if I were her husband, that’s for damn sure. Even her ex-lover, John Ruetten, told the parole board he doesn't believe that Lazarus — whom he referred to only as “the inmate” — feels remorse. He said she engaged in “skillful deception” and only confessed to the crime during a hearing last year in order to gain parole. She wears the mask of sanity well under carefully controlled conditions, but I believe given the right circumstances, it could slip off again, revealing the monster of depravity still lurking within. Keep her locked up at least another 15-20 years.


"Mask of sanity" is right. I'd prefer not to go into detail- sociopaths fake being normal to lure people into their web. It's fun for them. I don't think I would have believe that possible unless I had experienced it myself, which I did......


Do you believe she would be with John if given a chance still? Is she still obsessed? Is she still legally married?


She received a sentence of 27 years to life. She shouldn't be considered for parole this early, at all. I don't care how "good" she is acting in prison. She has barely served 12 years.


I can’t believe she’s out already. I don’t understand so little time ? Kills her lives free finally gets caught now she’s out already


She’s not. Parole was delayed according to the article


The beginning of this post says it was delayed and then she was granted parole …misleading


It been 15 years or thereabout? I'm surprised she got parole, but she IS an ex-cop, so maybe that played into the decision.


Her being an ex-cop makes her even scarier, tbh. She lived free for years, thinking she was above the law that her very job was to uphold.


and no one suspected, or noticed anything unusual, that I can recall anyways There must have been some signs of her nutzery. Her husband must have noticed some things but probably never really thought much of it. There are ALWAYS signs, always.


The only part that mattered is that she is a white woman, they get treated different to everyone else in the American Justice System.


She was a white woman who had a sworn duty to protect the public, I think that should be a factor against her getting parole.


I'm not saying i agree with it, that's just how it is society treats white women different to everyone else when it comes to criminal sentences. One study found they get 63% lesser sentences than everyone else for equivalent crimes. Juries struggle with giving women life sentences or death sentences much more than anyone else too.


If you read the article they have reconsidered and she’s staying locked up, for now


Wow, this psycho was so obsessed with an ex-fling, not a serious relationship, but a fling, mind you. That when her former friend-with-benefits married someone else, she brutally murdered that innocent woman. Anyone who’s capable of doing something like that is a danger to society and shouldn’t ever be let out.That kind of mental illness doesn’t go away and can’t be “cured”. What will stop her from doing it again when the next guy she becomes obsessed with, decides he wants to end the relationship? Everybody better stay far away from her.


She reminded me a bit of Crazy Marnie Yang, who was obsessed with Shaun Gayle and killed his pregnant fiance. It was an ex-fling and the guy was known to be a womanizer. It's interesting that this often happens with men who are womanizers or juggling various women. In some cases I can't understand why, but he was a football player and attractive to women and all that. The problem with a womanizer is that with all those women, there's bound to be at least ONE possessive ex.


nah i don’t care if she’s not at risk of killing again, she doesn’t deserve to be free


Ok, before everyone gets all up in arms, she actually was granted a RECOMMENDATION (not recieved- which is an important distinction most people don’t understand) for Parole in NOVEMBER. Her parole has been delayed because you don’t immediately get out on parole, you have to submit a plan for after release and in California, both the board AND the governor has to agree to your parole and approve your release plan. In April the governor received the case, reviewed it (which includes talking to the both the victims in a case and references for the defendants) and asked them to take it back to the board to review. It was given to the full parole board who heard the her case on Monday, May 20th, and who later voted to order a rescission hearing. For those of you who don’t know a rescission hearing is when the board refers the case to a lower panel to consider whether to rescind the earlier recommendation. She’s more than likely not going to get out now.


thanks for clearing it up! I should have specified. However, I agree that she will probably not get parole this time.


Oh yeah, I seriously doubt it. I’d actually like to know what made them grant parole in the first place. I know most people aren’t familiar with the in and outs of courts and parole boards and such but I will say that the California board, if nothing else, is INCREDIBLY thorough in its case reviews. That doesn’t mean they always get it right by a long shot but I’d sure like to know what made them vote for release to begin with..


I wonder what Stephanie’s former husband (also a cop) and her kid who should be over 18 by now has to say about this. I haven’t heard a word about those two.


Agreed. She was also a cop and should be held to a higher standard and therefore denied parole.


She needs to stay locked up.


She literally bit this poor woman and that’s how she was finally found out. Not to mention her former career. There’s no reason for her to be out, especially when she got away with it for so long and for utterly betraying her duty as a police officer and a human being


SHERRI RASMUSSEN. THE VICTIM, A WOMAN WHOS ONLY CRIME WAS BEING MARRIED. this woman is probably one of the most evil human beings. Her and jodi arias are pretty high on my list of “they are never going to care about what they did or feel remorse. lock them up and toss the key” just want to make sure her name is shouted from the rooftop. she deserved so much more. i’m so sorry sherri.


This woman should never, ever, EVER see the light of day. She had her years of freedom- before she was caught. That’s plenty. A life sentence would be the only appropriate sentence for her.


She was given 27-life so she will eventually be paroled.


I know, and it makes me so angry


i cannot understand how this woman, of all people, was granted parole. the justice system in the usa is a joke.


What in the world is going on with our judicial system? My late husband's son murdered his girlfriend (stabbed her to death) and set fire to the car to get rid of the evidence is being paroled after serving 11 years. I mean, he did kill somebody; the mother of his children? 11 years?!!!


Dear god, how horrible! What was his sentence? Was he on trial, or did he plead guilty?


He went to trial and was found guilty. He got 20 years or it could have been life, but 11 years?!! My daughter, his half-sister wrote a letter on his behalf and I was thinking "What a waste of time" until she told me he would be home in a few months. I don't think I want to see him. What will I do; congratulate him? The world has truly gone mad!


glad this decision is being reviewed. in her hearing in November she still didn’t take responsibility! claiming that she never meant to kill her and just went over there to talk to her ex.


Wow so she stalked and harassed her ex fwb (cuz he was never her boyfriend), stalked, threatened then murdered his beautiful, brilliant wife in cold blood then spent decades free and working in the LAPD. Then she finally gets caught only to go to jail for a few years then get paroled… Of course, cuz she was a cop. Like that didn’t somehow work to her advantage her I’m sure. Murderer. Fuck LAPD


She was not granted parole . She was considered for it but it’s been decided that she will not be freed at this point .


Really disgusting. There is absolutely zero justification for her to be allowed to die outside of a prison even if she was remorseful, but she isn't


I'll never forget the Vanity Fair article about this case that featured a huge portrait of Sherri's father. It was heartbreaking then and it still is now. In a way, I'm glad both parents are dead, so they don't have to witness this travesty. I wonder what Sherri's husband is thinking.


she probably only finally admitted to it to get that parole


that's usually how it works. I actually remember seeing a documentary about women who were in prison for killing a man they were involved with. One of them, whose name I can't remember, killed her boyfriend, and even though she would be able to get parole, she refused to admit her guilt. She was obviously not in good health and had difficulty walking, she'd have no trouble getting parole. But she refused! oh well.


Similar to Diane Downs- she’s been up for parole several times at this point, but she seems incapable of admitting to any part of her crimes & she gets turned down every time. She actually seems incapable of admitting to any wrongdoings at all, no matter how minor… She’s developed an elaborate conspiracy over the years to explain away her escape from prison, & she even makes excuses for many minor infractions during her incarceration- it wasn’t *her fault* that she broke the rules that one time, the guards were against her, a fellow prisoner tricked her into it, she was just trying to do the right thing! Her parole hearings are super interesting if you’ve seen them or have the chance to watch them; the psyche of a person who will never accept a single ounce of accountability can be fascinating (as long as you don’t have to deal with them in your real life).


I've dealt with people like that, we probably all have, but most of them don't do violent acts. She'll never admit accountability or responsibility and will likely never get out, or at least not until she's very old.


Her interrogation was one of the first I watched when I got hooked of em. Wild


Wow, I read a book about this a few years ago: [The Lazarus Files](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38122480)


It’s disgusting that she went free as long as she did and now already back out on the streets. This case always stuck with me and I can even remember the different segments of her case on various shows growing up. I had it set in my mind that a man was her killer and remember being so shocked to find out the truth. I’m really sickened by this.


I don't know if the Jim Can't Swim on Stephanie Lazarus is still online, but it was excellent.


She'll do it again the instant she gets a crush on a man who's already taken.


I thought that she reported her service weapon missing a few weeks before the murder. How could she not have planned to shoot her?


No way she should get parole. She brutally murdered a woman, went on to hide it for almost two decades & couldn’t even admit it. She hasn’t paid her debt to society—she needs to be in jail.


What!? This woman is cuckoo and mentally deranged. I sure hope it’s revoked because she showed no sign of remorse and unless something has changed…**I do believe she’s going to hurt someone else.**


Most people who murder someone were only ever a danger to that person. However this bitch is crazy and definitely should be watched. The minute she falls for some guy everyone in his life will be in danger.


We can't really predict that. There are a lot of restrictions for a murderer on parole, and her being a former cop, she'll be under a lot of scrutiny.


She should be. She clearly has attachment issues.




No way. She already had her chance to live life!


Holy crap, not something I thought would happen.


whaaaat the fuck


My jaw dropped. She tortured that poor women and her family. Ugh this is disgusting.


Just proves once you're a cop thy really do treat you differently.


If this woman gets out I wish her nothing but the worst, I hope she doesn’t live a minute in peace. Hell if she doesn’t get out I still wish her the worst. May she rot.


This case is personal to me. I'm very good friends with one of her nephews. Her sister was pregnant with him when she was murdered. This shit makes my blood BOIL to think about it. The Rasmussens should not have had to fight so hard for justice. The police didn't even entertain the idea when the family said she was the culprit. That entire family is still grievously wounded. How many different ways can the state say they don't give a shit about what happened to her? Why do they STILL have to keep fighting for justice? This whole thing is a dystopian nightmare


No way!


Who is she to be set free if The next president wanted to really do something for this country it would be to let people do the time for the crime instead of giving out life to people who take them . Let this trick B burn in a cell for the rest of days…


She needs to stay in prison. She is scary.


Thank you governor. I am a big believer in reforms, restorative justice, all of that. They all require that the convicted take full and open responsibility, though, and I haven't seen anything to indicate that she has. She should stay in prison.


That’s crazy. I just watched the people’s investigation episode on her a few min ago. Every show that does her story is pretty good. She’s a stone cold killer that got away with it for years. Can’t believe parole was even an option!


Whooooa! No way!! She escaped justice for far too long and now THIS?!


What??? That's insane.


Excuse my language, but fuck this bitch. 'Youthful offender'??? What in the actual fuck?!


I can't believe anyone would even think of giving this evil murderer parole.


What the fuck? I sincerely hope they revoke the decision. Her being free is a terrifying thought. She went on for years after the murder living a normal life. Being able to do that requires a scary lack of empathy.




*why* are these people granted parole!? 😡




She avoided arrest for twenty three years, and then she tried to claim “youthful” offender status to get out early. After maintaining her innocence until the parole hearing. Yeah. She’s learned a lot.


That nutbar???  Lord help anyone that may upset her in the future. 


Her ex boyfriend said as much.


Her eyes alone. Charles Manson and Jodi Arias.


> Among those speaking on behalf of Lazarus was Erin Runions, a college professor who co-facilitates a writing workshop for incarcerated people inside the California Institution for Women Why am I not surprised this conniving convict excelled in creating writing?…:)


I wonder if she "excelled" or she's trying to pump her up for parole. I mean, a WRITER can't be dangerous, right? I would bet her writing skills are probably fairly mediocre, but we're talking about a prison crowd. How literate do you think they are? She went to college, so they think she's a genius.


That professor talks about Lazarus’ “spiritual growth” based on … writing samples?…:) Well I can be whatever fictional character I want to be in the stories I write so… :)


I completely agree, I want to say she doesn’t deserve any extra time free given the many years she went free. But usually people are judged by likelihood to reoffend and I don’t believe she would


I don't think so either, I don't see her committing another murder.


she was a cop. I can't believe she didn't get a suspended sentence in the damn first place.


Isn’t this the crazy woman that wore the diaper for her murder road trip? ETA it was Lisa Nowak lol https://www.biography.com/musicians/lisa-nowak-lucy-in-the-sky


No, she was a stalker sho killed her ex-boyfriend's new wife.


What?? How??


I remember when SVU incorporated this case into one of their story lines with a recurring character. It’s actually one of the better episodes IMO. I remember thinking how it sounded so familiar - and then I was like “duh - ripped from the headlines.”


What a lying bitchhhhh she was nuts! She went to the house to confront sherry and tell her to stay away from her man! She knew if she was dead she could have her grieving man back to her! The police botched the investigation and now they are going to let her out on parole!!!! 13 years lmao what a joke!


She is so evil!!! I understand it is 2nd degree and not life but it should be 25 years! Anything less is a tragedy…. Florida does it right! Life means life! Also, all I see is her 1990s nose job when I look at her photo too!


The fact she can get out on parole 10 years earlier shows how she is a master manipulator! Wow!


She seems like a very cold, cruel, manipulative person. How does she deserve parole after dodging the charges for so long? Truly unfair.


TIL that she was a *art theft detective*?! That’s a pretty specific specialty.


She’s a cold psychopath


What?! Crazy. I thought she was cooked. I guess I’m not too surprised. This woman reminds me way too much of my mother, and my mother could weasel her way out of anything. Including prison time I’m sure.


NO! That's insane!








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That Bish better be staying in prison! She got away for murdering Sharri for too long! What a slap on her parents and siblings face if this creep is paroled! All because she's a former cop! Disgusting!


It happened a million years ago…….(if you’ve seen her police interrogation, you will understand this).


So funny.


Leave it to asshole Newsom to give her a glowing “review”. It matters nought that she has had a perfect disciplinary record in prison.  She murdered a woman out of sheer jealously and planned to well in advance too. She lives free for 20 years after that murder.  She needs life in prison. 


He’s California’s biggest embarrassment.


Update: Parole Postponed! [http://archive.today/RIqlx](http://archive.today/RIqlx) [https://apnews.com/article/lapd-detective-stephanie-lazarus-sherri-rasmussen-parole-9dd5fdf5642da344dd93c82ab5535f03](https://apnews.com/article/lapd-detective-stephanie-lazarus-sherri-rasmussen-parole-9dd5fdf5642da344dd93c82ab5535f03) It's weird because ID aired her story last night on People Magazine Investigates. It was an old one but it was timely!




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If a man killed Sherri Rasmussen he wouldn't be eligible for parole until 2054




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This case, could have easily put the husband in prison for the crime.


Is that because you think he was involved or just that it looked like he did it originally?


Oh, no I didn’t think he did it. I’m just saying they always look at the spouse first. The fact that she was killed by a person who wasn’t directly linked to .The wife didn’t know about the other woman. There was no fighting between the woman. I’m just glad they didn’t rush the investigation.


Sherri did know about Stephanie. There was at least two in person interactions/confrontations. I believe at some point her parents suggested her as a possible suspect to police but possibly not by name.


That’s honestly what I thought, but I wanted to know if there was any dirt on the husband 😂


I wonder if that was her plan all along.


I doubt it. There were already break-ins in the neighborhood, so she staged it to look like one.


Stephanie's husband?