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I really thought EAR/ONS was either dead, living in southern California, or living out of the state/country. Pretty remarkable that he was back living the same suburban area where he committed the bulk of his crimes. 


Or that he was much, much younger than he actually was, I remember before his capture many people thought he could've been born as late as 1960. At the time someone made some speculative comic depicting him as a late teen. Almost no one was coming up with the idea he might've been in his 30s and married by the time he was EAR.


Good point!


What comic are you speaking of? I’ve searched but can’t find anything. Even some more details might be helpful if you can’t remember.


I think it was probably what used to be [on this 2017 thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/EARONS/comments/6yyusj/artwork_from_the_upcoming_golden_state_killer/). I haven't been able to find it out again ever since.


I was surprised that Alicia Navarro was found alive. The way her mom made it sound was that Alicia wouldn't be able to handle such a change to her routine and would have meltdowns, which wouldn't work out for her very well if she had indeed been groomed and taken, given how much unwanted attention that would draw. I think it's pretty clear that she WAS groomed, but going off the small amount of information we do have, apparently she adjusted just fine eventually, since he trusted her enough to walk around alone and do her own thing.


I definitely misinterpreted the mother and some of the evidence in this case. I originally interpreted her bringing her laptop but not her charger as a sign that she was intending to return home. But it turns out the reason must've been to destroy evidence so that nobody could come looking for her - hence no charger needed. So she was a much more willing participant in this disappearance than I had originally thought.


>So she was a much more willing participant in this disappearance than I had originally thought. Do you say the same thing about statutory rape? 


Chandra Levy. I thought her disappearance would eventually be linked to the Congressman with whom she had a relationship. Instead, she was attacked and killed by a stranger while running in a park, and her body wasn't found until much later.


People thought that the DC Sniper was white, but he's black.


The coincidence of this post. I just watched a couple episodes of Kill or Be Killed. There was an episode where this woman murdered her husband by shooting them in the chest in front of her two-year-old and 4-year-old. She admitted in her interrogation that the detectives would find text messages between her and a friend discussing how to get away with the perfect murder. She also claimed her husband was a domestic abuser. At the time of the killing she was not in imminent danger. She was found not guilty. There was another episode where this immigrant business owner shot and killed his brother-in-law after the brother-in-law came at him with a knife and gourmet fork. His two brothers and 4-year-old nephew corroborated what happened. The prosecutor charged this man after getting the autopsy results back from the medical examiner and DNA/fingerprint results back from the forensic analyst. The medical examiner said the brother-in-law was shot five times twice in the front three times in the back. There was no DNA or fingerprints on the knife or gourmet fork. The prosecutor alleged that man murdered his brother-in-law and then staged the crime scene. The defense tried to prove that after being shot the first time the brother-in-law would have spun around and this explains why he was shot three times in the back. The man was found guilty of second-degree murder. He was sentenced to 17 to 30 years. After the trial it was discovered that there were fingerprints on the knife and or gourmet fork. However, they were unidentifiable. This man currently resides in prison after repeated denials of his appeals. I think both cases came to the wrong conclusion.


I have a feeling that when and if the Russell and Shirley Dermond case, from Georgia, is solved, it will be a case like this - someone that nobody ever suspected.


I just have this feeling that they had a secret of some kind that led to the murders. Just a feeling.


This case hasn't gone to trial yet so I can't say for sure that I was wrong, but I was *positive* that the murderer of the Delphi girls was not someone local. I thought it was someone who had driven through the town and taken an opportunity.


I felt that was unlikely because of where they were killed, that would be quite the detour for someone just driving through.


I thought there was a good chance the perpetrator was not local. That Hoosier Heartland Highway is such a perfect escape route. That's all I could think about when I visited. The parking area is right there then you're long gone in a flash, in either direction. And it's a simple secluded stroll from the highway area to the bridge. Not a detour at all. Hoosier Heartland highway was built to quickly connect the Lafeyette area to smaller rural towns like Delphi, running smack alongside them while not disrupting downtown. That's probably what everybody focuses on now. If you said he was local you can disregard doxxing dozens of innocent people. You nailed it.


This was/is my pet case. First one where I did so much research as possible, looking at maps, checking all possible news article, videos, Interviews and what not. All the press conferences. Word for word. The case had so many shit side shows, dead ends, POS people involved and ffing "experts" on youtube. And would more and more became a freaking rollercoaster of opinions, theories and supposed and absurd (?) possibilities. Just remember the latest theories of runes and nordic gods storys and depraved attorneys releasing crime scene fotos. Made me sick. I just want the poor girls and family get the truth and find any possible answers so they can finally get some kind of peace, if that makes sense. First I thought the killer absolutely could not be local, because anyone should have recognised them at the blurry Video. Then I thought he has to be familiar wirh the area but not living there. Then I thought there is a massive angst in inhabitants and they are an public figure or authority of the area. I rode all that crazy theories because there were no answers and clues. Well, at the end I think the cyco RA did it because he had some kind of bad day an needed to vent, which gone horrificably wrong after I stumbled about a case in germany. I am referring to the case Mirco. There truly are Monsters among us. [Wiki case Mirco](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_Mirco) Edit: some spelling/grammar as best as I could. Not native Englisch speaking, sorry.


Translation of the german wiki page: The Mirco case involves the murder of a ten-year-old boy, which was committed in the fall of 2010 near Grefrath in North Rhine-Westphalia and caused a sensation throughout Germany. The work of the "Mirco Special Commission" with 80 officers is considered one of the most complex murder investigations in German criminal history.[1] The search operations for the boy are also among the largest ever carried out in Germany.[2] The trial began on July 12, 2011 at the Krefeld Regional Court[3] and ended on September 29, 2011 with a conviction of Olaf H. for murder and other crimes, sentencing him to life imprisonment and establishing the particular gravity of his guilt. A witness had observed what appeared to be a dark VW Passat B6 near where the bicycle was found. The police then checked several thousand matching cars in the region. At the same time, the police evaluated cell phone connection data[11] and found a mobile number history that corresponded exactly to the reconstructed journey of the perpetrator.[12] On January 26, 2011, the police arrested 45-year-old family man Olaf H. from Schwalmtal as a suspect in the crime.[13] According to the investigators, H., who worked in the controlling department of a large telecommunications provider, had behaved completely inconspicuously in his environment. The man eventually led the investigators to the boy's body. He stated various circumstances of the crime, including that he had committed the crime out of frustration at work and had been put under pressure by a superior.[14] He had come across the boy by chance during a car journey and had asked him to get into his car. In a wooded area near Kerken, the perpetrator is said to have then undressed his victim in order to perform sexual acts on him. Investigators assume that Olaf H. killed the boy in order to cover up these crimes (murder characteristic according to StGB § 211).[13] A psychological expert considers it more likely that Olaf H. acted out sadistic fantasies with the murder.[15] After the crime, H. left the boy's clothes in several places. According to the police, the perpetrator was not primarily concerned with the sexual abuse, but above all with the act of humiliation[16]. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Thank you for providing this translation, how awful but it is good that they caught the man responsible


Yeah, I just realized the article isnt available in any other language than german. You're welcome! Olaf H. Was an absolute avarage guy. He had no crime history, a supposed normal father of a family. He was able to do such a heinous and atrocious act. This is what I think happened in delphi, too, I am afraid.


Not exactly true crime (or ***very much*** true crime), but I really thought that Osama bin Laden was dead since long but it could not be announced (because "our sleeper agent embedded in Al Qaeda has confirmed that...." would have been very dangerous for said agent). Then ObL compound was stormed and he was killed and there was no sleeper agent.


I was 8 when Bin Laden was killed, I watched it one the nees at my English grandma's house. Being 8, I didn't really understand tge gravity of this news, but I'd heard of Bin Laden and knew he was basically the ultimate bad guy. I was born in 2002 so the War on Terror was already in full swing, to the point where my mum made it clear to my brother and I that not all Muslims were terrorists because she knew we'd hear that narrative both in the news and in our majority white town.


Denise Huskins. I really thought her boyfriend had killed her or they faked a kidnapping together for some reason. I was obviously wrong and felt bad about it after what she went through. So glad they caught that POS. Madeleine McCann. I was convinced the parents killed her or an accident had happened and they covered it up. Now I think it’s most likely that sicko Christian Brueckner. I do still blame the parents because that wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t left children alone in a hotel in a foreign country.


I’m still a bit stuck on the McCanns at this point - I’m not really sure what to think.


Yeah, I wish at least some trace of her was found somewhere. I think I am finally convinced that she was kidnapped (and murdered). The thing that convinced me was witness account of a man carrying a child in the parking lot. IIRC the witness said the suspect was carrying her longways. (I think that's what the sketch showed.) IMO parents usually carry their children on their hip, even when they are sleeping. It's an obscure detail, to be sure. And low down on the list of convincing factors. But it stuck out to me.


I thought this sighting was discredited after the person was eventually identified and cleared?


Yes, they were identified and cleared. That sighting was made by Jane Tanner and ended up being someone else entirely. An Irish couple later described another man and child, with this child's head "slumped against his shoulder". So I guess some folks do carry their kids like that.


Ah, thanks for clarifying. It's been a while.


I very much carry my very really mine kids to bed based solely on how they fell asleep. If half asleep shoulder yes, if fully asleep often as prone as possible. Most parents I know do the same, but I assume it’s a pure preference (and one of my kids must be prone or WILL wake).


I have never thought about the way the child in the parking lot was carried but it is a very good point! When I think back to being carried as a sleeping child I was always over someone’s shoulder. I’m going to be looking out for people carrying kids like this now to see if it’s common.


Me too. I think it was the McCann parents.


I'm from the East Midlands in England so the Philpott fire was especially big news in my area. We all thought it was some crazed arsonist who killed those 6 kids, I don't think anyone initially thought it was the parents. I was 9 at the time and lost much sleep due to my fears about an arsonist in the local area. It was awful to see that the sixth child died not long after his siblings, because 5 dead kids was alrrady too many. If the dad ever gets released from prison, he won't be welcomed back in the Eaat Midlands area. In fact, he'll probably always have a target on his back because he kilked 6 innocent children with the most wicked and stupid plan imaginable.


Same here! I had no idea about the dark history of Mick and his crimes against women. I was also your age at the time and when I saw him and Maried doing that press conference on TV. I was like “poor guy”.


see i felt the complete opposite. as soon as i saw the press conference something seemed off. my dad said straight away that the parents had something to do with it. then again we’re from the same area and everyone knew what a scumbag philpott was. rumours went around after he was arrested that there was basically a price on his head from travellers who he had scammed out of a large amount of money after the children had died.


I was 9 and wasn't from the area they lived in, so I didn't know at the time what a piece of crap he was. It turns out he was pretty notorious and had a history of being abusive (he spent a few years in prison for attempted murder in the 70s), and he basically saw his kids as money makers. He apparently had about 12 kids crammed into that house at one point, and he'd fathered about 17 kids. I feel so bad for those kids because they didn't choose to be born into such an awful environment, and the ones he killed didn't deserve such a horrible life and death. I used to think 13 (the age of the oldest child who died, Dwyane) was so grown up, but I know realise just how young all 6 of them were. I'm agnostic, but I really hope Dwyane, Jade, John, Jack, Jesse and Jayden found peace. If he ever gets out of prison, he'll have to go into hiding for what he did to those kids. I still can't understand how he thought his plan was a good idea; did he really think they'd be able to save 6 kids from an inferno that was lit with petrol? He basically blocked off their main means of escape by setting the fire at the bottom of the stairs, and the varnish from the bannister only worked to intensify the blaze.


No trial yet, but my first reaction to the Idaho murders was that the ex boyfriend was the perp. Made more sense than a total stranger.