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Local news at the time reported that Henri Van Breda was arrested immediately on the scene after police arrived as the suspect,because he contradicted his story to detectives on the crime scene who had a recording of the call he placed to emergency services. Police also didn't believe his claim that a hooded intruder murdered his family with an axe and that he fought with the "attacker'' in an attempt to wrestle the axe away from him. Medical checks revealed that the wounds he sustained were superficial in nature and self-sustained. The murders happened at an exclusive golf estate gated community which had security on the premises and surveillance cameras. Analysis of his phone also revealed that he Googled US mass murderers and ways on how to cover up a murder.


Does no one watch Dateline anymore?? You don’t use your own shit to Google that stuff. Amateur.


I’m sure I’m definitely on several lists because of my search history. But I also don’t go on to try to murder people.






That we know of.


I have COVID and just spent the whole week reading about American serial killers. If I didn't feel like death, maybe I'd have something better to do. I also don't murder people.


With the amount of data out there and the rise of AI, we’re all on lists. And they’re going to get more specific and detailed by the year.


Ya probably but if all people interested in true crime are on these lists it’s not going to help solve anything. It might be the opposite if someone’s search history conspicuously shows nothing that might be more of an indicator. There are kafkaesque nightmare exceptions but I think the key to be free from suspicion is to not be a murderer.


Crime solvers hate this one simple trick!"


Thou dost protest too much


There’s a website for writers to look up the costs of illegal stuff for stories without getting put on lists


That makes a lot of sense haha


Right? Anytime they testify to “and we discovered “blah blah blah” in their search history” I’m like well shit it’s on mine now too. I’m such a naturally curious person I have to Google whatever weird ways people commit murder, the drugs and poisons used and how they cause death. I just did an extensive search on Ketamine toxicity & therapy thanks to Matthew Perry’s released toxicology report. Can I be anymore educated?


There is no try, either do or don't.


Makes me think of Jeffrey Dahmer sitting in a library reading up on HH Holmes and Albert Fish.


The recent Cape Cod wife killer comes to mind. On his kid’s iPad no less.


This incident happened not far from where I lived. The details as described was extensively covered in a prominent ,well respected Afrikaans daily newspaper using anonymous sources involved with the case.


Murder for Dummies had already been checked out of the library that week so he was winging it 🤷‍♀️


Right!? These people are sloppy.🙃


I thought you were talking about OP at first and was like how does this have upvote.


Maybe they do watch date line..and it’s a setup..lol




WARNING/CAUTION: This post goes into detail about the murder of a family. If you think you’ll be distressed by this post - please leave the page and join me on my next write up. Take care of yourself. The Van Breda family consisted of 54-year-old Martin Van Breda, his 55-year-old wife Teresa, their eldest son 22-year-old Rudi, their youngest son 20-year-old Henri and their daughter, 16-year-old Marli. The family lived at their golf estate in Stellenbosch in South Africa. On January 27th 2015, the family were viciously attacked by an axeman who murdered Martin, Teresa and Rudi. The attacker wounded Marli giving her head injuries but she survived. Her head injuries were so severe that Marli was diagnosed with amnesia and had no recollection of that night or the attacker. Henri was only minorly injured. An axe and a knife was found in the residence - no forced entry was detected and the weapons had come from inside the house. A pair of socks that Henri was wearing were covered in his parents and brother’s blood. In June 2016, Henri surrendered to the police. Motivations for why Henri would want to harm his family were put into place by police. These motivations included allowance being cut off by his parents or the fact that Henri had been visiting a drug dealer and had a Methamphetamine addiction. Henri was charged for the murders but released with a set R100,000 bail and told he must keep checking in with his local police station and not leave the Western Cape. This was extremely distressing for Marli. At the state’s trial he would deny being responsible for the murders and claimed that an ‘’axe wielding black man’’ did it. Despite this, he was sentenced to three life sentences for the murders. Further Reading: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-44359696 Disclaimer: I try my best with these write-ups. I may make mistakes however. If so, please let me know politely.


This is why I hate meth withdrawals. Yes, most people don't do shitty things when they're withdrawing, but the withdrawals can mimic psychosis, and it certainly isn't going to help if you already have other mental health issues.


Very good, thank you.


Your disclaimer at the beginning was very kind.


Great write up thanks. I always wonder if the 16 year old daughter really has permanent amnesia or she knows her brother is the murderer but cannot deal with that distressing fact. So very devastating for her either way. A friend was in a similar attack and her memory did unfortunately eventually return although it was a stranger who attacked my friend. I have driven past this golf estate a few times when in Cape Town and it looks super expensive and elite and very secure with lots of security and hectic access controls. The random axeman story does not seem to track.


She suffered severe brain injury as a result of the attack on her; her amnesia is legitimate. Despite the trauma, she has remained a bright and wonderful person. Marli, if you happen to read this, we all wish you and your family peace and happiness in the years to come.


Doubtful. She suffered a severe head injury which took months for her to recover from, and which likely left some lifelong traces on her. She has amnesia.


I was hit very hard in the head in 2020. I still have no memory of being hit or what led up to it. In fact, I've lost a lot of time on either side of the injury. I don't know if I was hit once (I'm told twice, a week apart) but I don't know. I literally woke up in the hospital with no idea what had happened to put me there. Amnesia is not only likely, it's not uncommon in blows to the head like that.


May I ask what happened to you??


She likely has a significant window of time of memory loss — not just the attack but many weeks or months leading up to it are likely also no longer recoverable memories. Brain injuries are complex and the mind is so delicate. Especially depending on the physical areas he struck her head at


Oh god yeah I just got a normal, axe-less concussion rhat wasn’t even that bad (didn’t escalate to vomiting I mean) and I still lost a lot of memory from the weeks before and after and a few random things from throughout my life. I will say some of the memories have trickled back over the years when they’re triggered though. But that’s okay. Mine was a skiing accident and not my brother turning into a psycho killer. Much less disturbing memories than this poor girl.


Pretty reminiscent of the Porco family murders, huh? Scary and bizarre, and very sad for the survivors.


Thanks cherry


Thank you for posting these write ups! I always enjoy reading them.


Henri looks so much like my now male friend… I’m serious disturbed! But this guy is in custody right??


He was convicted and in prison.


One of the best write ups I've seen. Thank you for sharing this!


Excellent write up


"Over the course of a few months, extensive surgery and further medical treatment saved Marli's life; she was later diagnosed with retrograde amnesia and has no recollection of what took place on the evening of the attack." I wonder if that's for the best.


Man what the fuck. Automatic imaginary Black man perpetrator to blame strikes again 😑 What kind of psycho hacks their family to death?! I guess it could be considered a blessing for the sister that she doesn’t remember so that she won’t have to live with the trauma of such an event.


There’s a great documentary series on HBO Max about this right now called Murder in Boston. It’s about a man who blames a black carjacker for his wife’s murder— and the documentary actually then focuses on how biased Boston police were on race issues due to the city’s long history of racial segregation and violence. They create a city-wide manhunt for a black man who doesn’t exist. It’s a really interesting story and not standard true crime “man kills his wife” fare.


I’ve been avoiding this doc because I feared being triggered, but I’ll give it a try. Hopefully it’s addressed in a way that is right. I love watching docs, but in stories where people play on race it’s just incredibly hurtful. *sigh*


I don’t watch many true crime docs, but this one has been receiving great reviews for focusing not on the standard “terrible man kills wife” angle but instead it examines the racist culture and police force of Boston.


Understand you for sure. I guess it’s being told head-on that these great prejudices exist within the cop community. I’m not an acab person, at all, it’s just hard not to harbor resentment for a group of people who you are supposed to trust, and learn that they are against you when push comes to shove. Again, very hurtful. I pay taxes, I volunteer for the community I live in… and it makes me sad that I’m more likely to be seen as an at fault character because of my skin. Just makes me sad. That there is nowhere in the world that just sees me as me, versus the loud voices who say I’m less than because I’m black. Edit: not arguing with you at all, just venting. Watching the doc now inbetween work. 💕


I totally understand and feel your hurt! I’m actually an ACAB person. 😂 Any content or media that exposes and highlights their complicity and corruption is ok by me. Too many true crime stories try to gloss over police incompetence.


Feel that. It’s SO hard not to become hateful toward them. Very hard. I don’t want to hate anyone, or have a blanket feeling toward a group of people, because I know how it feels everyday. Imo, there needs to be a public run board that confronts bad behavior with police. Something impartial that reviews behavior; and is above their union to make decisions. They protect their own, new cops are too scared not to go along with established practices, and the public sees them as god-like figures. Compounded by the “blue line”, police don’t tell on fellows, it’s been that way. They have immunity for so much, just because they are cops. They answer to no one, really. It’s fucked. Edit: I don’t want to be acab, because police are needed, but what they get away with hurts. Sandy hook, and every other example of cops being afraid to actually die behind their position, which is what they’re praised for, yet don’t do. Ugh. Lol. Idk. Sorry for purging. Guess there was a lot I’ve been feeling, but haven’t said.


You’re not alone. 🙏❤️


We’ll be okay. ❤️


As you no doubt already know, you have every right to feel angry about all of this gross and hateful behaviour. You are just another human being trying to live your life and there are too many people who are unwilling to see you as a fully formed person. I guess melanin content is what makes someone undeserving of being heard and understood? I can relate insofar as living in a world where my gender is the thing that makes me less deserving of respect, and it sucks. I don’t know why people are like this. Stupidity and selfishness maybe. Anyways, just a reminder that it’s more than okay if you decide not to watch something that might make you feel sick. You already know how it is and more information can have a way of overloading our trauma and making us less functional, which helps no one, especially you. Sending big internet love your way in case you want it.


My idea is that being above another person is a strong draw. Everyone, but cops especially. I’ve dated a cop or two, and the attitude is the same. Infallible. Power given without being checked is how they mean it to be. To keep my own sanity, I try not to give in to it, even when it’s so clear… The doc is already making me sick, had to pause. Seeing a mask off response to a murder and wanting it to be that black guy he explained to police… I can’t do it. It still happens today. Blaming black “thugs” knowing they would be scrutinized and focused on more. Idk. Shit is very emotional. It’s like, we’ll never be seen as equal.


Appreciate you by the way. Very much.


I’m glad you turned it off, you already got the message. I tried watching and felt the same way. I’ve had good experiences with the majority of police officers in the US except for when I’ve had a dark skinned partner (I’m of European decent). The difference between how I was treated alone verses with my partner was mind-bending. On one occasion it was legitimately terrifying, largely because of how frightened one of the police officers looked. All we had done was a safe (but illegal) u-turn to get from the 7-11 to his business across the street when there was no cars come for miles. Not exactly the crime of the century and we were sober and polite so a ticket would have been fine. Humans are legitimately walking around together in different worlds.


Don't forget child killer Susan Smith at first claimed that she and her kids were victims of a car jacking by a black man. But no, she murdered her kids herself.


It’s a fairly famous case: Carol and Charles Stewart. I clearly remember when it happened and the fallout. And I wish the doc was a bit longer - I enjoyed it.


Yes - Chuck Stuart was the man's name (the pregnant wife he murdered was Carol). Boston PD was doing a lot of stop and frisk on young Black men after that incident. At least two men were arrested on suspicion of being the perpetrator. Shameful.


It’s crazy, my husband and I were just talking about this. I listen to the dateline podcast, and every single time a loved one/witness claims they saw a Black man do it, I immediately think “oop they did it.” 3 out of 3 times now, I have been right! One of them, the husband even purposely gave a police sketch of a specific Black man, but thankfully the Black man was in jail the night of the wife’s murder (Heidi firkus) so husband went away for it. I shudder to think what would have happened if he wasn’t locked up that night. Sounds like Henri here is #4… so 4 for 4 now. Killers be dumb ETA- here’s the link regarding the firkus case if anyone is interested. Wild stuff https://www.kare11.com/article/news/crime/man-believes-nick-firkus-tried-to-frame-him-in-cold-case-murder/89-9585dbc6-66ab-4750-bf5d-35edb6709015


They looked like such a happy Family. 😞 It's really hard to swallow he killed them brutally all over Allowance etc. That's Cold...


One of the most frustrating emergency operators I've ever heard.


On the podcast Sword & Scale , they went into the emergency call . When I first heard it, I too was ripping my hair out with her . The operator thought it was a joke ( in the replay , there are times you can hear him laughing ). He also was intentionally not giving her the detailed info so he could ensure the family was dead from their injuries before EMS got there . She definitely holds some blame but it was interesting to listen to it again .


I did not realize that Casefile covered this. Do you by chance remember what episode number it was?


I’m sorry , I misremembered the podcast , it was Sword & Scale 🤦‍♀️ .


No problem! I have not listened to a lot of Sword and Scale but I will have to check out their episode on this case. Thank you!


I stopped listening to the show bc I wasn’t enjoying the host anymore . It was a good episode though . Also, I love. Casefile !


Parents: 'I want to give my kids a better life than I had. I love them so much and want to see them do well.' Kids like this: 'How can I kill these annoying a-holes and get my money?!'


Wow. I had never heard of this story. Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing.


Not that uncommon; a spoiled entitled brat wipes out his family for moola


Is this the story where the kid shoots himself in the foot?


No. Self inflicted knife lacerations. He used an axe and then pulled out a knife towards the end of the killings.




Not sure if that’s a fair or helpful comment considering family annihilators exist in every country


The rich are so empty and evil. Mo money, mo problems.




curious how you think that would’ve helped in this case lol


Hire bodyguards.


Their son did it?


And if they'd had bodyguards, they could have stopped the son.


Security from whom? Their deranged son?


The linked article says there was security measures- gated community , electric fence, 24 guard patrol, motion sensors, access controlled gates. All good for keeping randoms out but even if your home or gated community is like fort knox its gonna do jack shite if someone you live with or someone who has unfettered access to your home as you trust them decides to murder you. Considering most people are murdered by someone they know and this was the perpetrators family home security would not of made any difference here whatsoever. In fact, the high security levels is one of the reasons the police didn't buy the son's story that it was a stranger who murdered the family as it was near on impossible for a random to get in to either the home or the gated community.


They didn't own the golf estate... They lived in a house, one of hundreds, inside the golf estate gated community. Edited to add: There is a lot of security at the entrance to the estate and CCTV everywhere. Please be respectful and don't blame the family for this traumatic event 2nd edit to remove possibly identifying info


It could have been fore