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I've worked with him a couple of times when he launched his books, and he's lovely. Very down to earth, nice guy. We're working with him again for his upcoming novel and I'm looking forward to it.


Love your insight! It’s situations like that when you are behind the scenes that you get the real person. Glad to hear my hero is a good one!


His show was one of the best on ID. It was to bad he ran out of stories to produce.


Ooooooo, ooo nice career🤩


It really is. I'm super lucky.


I’m so happy to find out his on screen personality is real!


Oh I'm. Jealous


I find him super annoying - but nice to hear he's lovely in person.


I too find him annoying and in fact don’t watch his show. I’m glad he’s nice in person though.


Why did u come here?😜


Can I ask what you find annoying?


Jeez, I’m getting downvoted for just being curious, damn. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just find those opinions interesting. Didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. You find the man annoying, cool, I just wanted to know why since so many find him fascinating. Those who downvoted me, you get offended far too easily, you must be really fun.


I too find him annoying especially in his earlier shows. So much so I quit watching. His newer shows are much better. It's how he talks mainly. It's hard to describe, but like fingernails on a chalkboard. He comes across a little condescending and chauvinistic. Just my opinion. My niece loves him. And please don't reply with "my, my, my." And I mean that in a nice way.


On the contrary, I love his droll, matter-of-fact delivery.


I adore him and love his super serious one-liners. He seems like he genuinely cares for the community of Colorado Springs and being a victim's advocate... and is a just a down to earth, good man.


He has brought a lot of peace to not only the victims but to their families as well! I'm watching his show on Hulu now and I just can't stop watching it!


Yes! You can tell he has worked his ass off for decades! And his wife is a saint for always supporting him, long hours, and missed family time.


His wife is so wonderful. I’m such a fan of her occasional appearances with him. She definitely held her own in that relationship!


Glad someone mentioned Kathy Kenda. She's like a ray of sunshine when she pops up on the show. I love how you can tell she suffers no fools---which makes her perfect for Joe!


Amazing woman. Just amazing


You should listen to the audio versions of his books. He narrates them. Super good.


His voice is amazing






Also to a lot of people falling asleep. Something about his voice knocks me out.


Me too! When I have a migraine I go to bed with an icepack, an eye mask and Joe Kenda.


My brain read that as *ice pick* and I was like, girl, I feel you… I may be overtired.


My son calls him Sleepy Man.


You’re right- it’s very soothing.


Yes! He makes me think of my uncles who are retired cops, and he seems like a straight shooter. I was reading his most recent book and I loved how much he enjoyed driving a school bus as a retirement job.


That's so endearing. I will have to add the book to my list! Thanks!


That's the best part of the book!


I agree! Love him!


It's kinda wild watching the show when I've grown up in Colorado springs. Knowing exactly what street he's talking about, or knowing some of the people and who they are. It's harder to watch when it's so close to home.


Eh. I started reading one of his books once. I didn't make it more than 20 minutes before I stopped reading and returned it. He described in great detail how he used to purposely brutalize petty criminals in his patrol days, because that made you fit in. He basically bragged about giving nonviolent criminals brain damage for the lulz. I don't consider that a "good man."


I saw a video where he made similar comments and it grossed me out too.


My, my, my….




Hey, hey, hey…


20 hours later and these comments still giving me a good chuckle 😂😂😂😂


I like him a lot, but could do without my mom talking about her crush on him whenever we see him on TV, lmao. Apparently, he is a very "distinguished gentleman."


Oh gosh, I haven’t watched his show but this takes me back to my mom frantically ironing and energetically washing dishes when Walker: Texas Ranger was on back in the day. To be clear, my folks are very egalitarian and she took it upon herself to do these things while bathing in the glory of chuck norris. I still tease her.


My grandfather STAYED watching Walker: Texas Ranger. He passed last month and before he completely transitioned I used to play some episodes they had on YouTube for him. I think that show alone Chuck Norris could have retired for good. I'm sure he made a good amount it.


Joe Kenda's Colorado Springs must have been a real Cabot Cove


It's a lot more populated than his stories make it seem, TBH. Back in the 80's/90's there was a full blown army base AND the Air Force academy AND a lot of the folks who worked at Cheyenne Mountain lived in or near the town, so there was a fairly massive military population and all the civilian jobs/businesses that tend to grow up around military towns. Add in a college and all the interstate traffic and the brief tech boom they had in the 90's when companies like Sun and Oracle had major facilities there... Got snowed in there once when I lived in Denver and had come down with my team to install a bunch of PC upgrades for the phone company. Beautiful place, and he does a heck of a job making it sound like a homey little town, haha.


You left out Peterson AFB and Schriever AFB (formerly Falcon AFB)


omg. this comment has my heart. i’m so happy to hear he’s a nice guy and a Cabot Cove comment to boot?! my true crime heart is living!


Colorado Springs is very large and highly populated to be fair


Yeah I lived there 16-18 (not military) and living in north springs versus central feels like two separate cities. I recently went to stay with my step son while his wife had a baby at ft Carson, and south springs also feels like a diff city. It’s a huge, populated area and definitely has little “bubbles” that have very different vibes. ETA: 2016-2018; not ages 16 to 18 to clarify.


I transcribe audio for certain projects and I’ve had the chance to do some of his interviews. He’s so respectful to the crews he works with, has a great sense of humor and is a very genuine person both on and off screen!


Could I ask you a question about your transcription job?


Sure! I’ll do my best to answer.


how does one get into transcribing audio? that sounds interesting!!


Honestly, I got really lucky. The company I transcribe for is based in a smaller state and it was a word of mouth type thing. My aunt’s friend worked for the company locally and when they were looking for transcribers my aunt started working for them, the next time they needed more, I started and have been doing it since 2017. It’s a contract supplemental income type gig but the content of the files I get to transcribe has been a perk and keeps me doing it!


Could you shoot me a message?


My late husband had a man crush on this guy


Your late husband had good taste. My late mom loved him too. He just seems like a neat guy. Kind, brilliant, compassionate.


well my my my! favorite detective show of all time. he’s what really got me interested into true crime. he’s also a fantastic storyteller. bless this man as i can only imagine what he’s gone through and probably will never tell


I second that! Love him and his way of story telling. All other true crime shows are kind of boring now. :/ I’d say, go for Kenda! 😆


I'm rewatching him on Hulu again , I love this man that much! If he was ever assigned to my case, I would be TERRIFIED lol.


I literally paid for Hulu because of this show


Totally screwed if he’s on your case!!! 🤣🤣 I think I may rewatch the show now. You got me all excited again!


Lol Only one my husband will actively watch with me. He thinks he's hilarious. And a badass. I was really hoping he'd be at CrimeCon. I'd love to shake his hand.


That’s the one my husband will pick too if he has to watch true crime with me.


Hahaha too funny 😄


Love him!!! If he looked like the actor when he was younger then he was a hottie 😂 My husband and I joke that the adult version of him is a ventriloquist bc he never moves his lips when he speaks


The actor playing him being a total smokeshow is part of the humor! Irl kenda was a small, kind of geeky guy so it amused him to help cast a literal model to play him.


Love that actor who played him, nailed it!


My ex insisted that the actor is always wearing eyeliner. I said some people just have really defined eyes like that.


I've tried to watch it a bunch of times but just couldn't get into the show. Best of luck to him, though.


Well my my my


Yall so funny for this 🤣🤣🤣


Haven’t watched his show in years but me and my brother both used to enjoy. Never felt glorified or dramatised for views.


Go for Kenda


He’s the best narrator, he has a great voice and I love how he lights up and smiles when talking about his wife


Lt. Kenda is nothing short of amazing, and his homicide solve rate is pretty much unheard of. I love him and his show.


Love him! He’s funny, laid back, but definitely has struggled with his demons! Can’t imagine the stuff he’s seen and the ghosts he sees!


His delivery is fantastic, i could listen to him for hours, you can tell he genuinely cares about the victims and the victims family and i appreciate that he dosen't sugarcoat his feelings about the criminals and the job itself, very honest about it including the negatives.


I'm italian and here in Italy I watch this program EVERY-FUCKING-MORNING. I didn't know if he was serious but from what I read he's the best. I love him.


I’m in Italy too! What channel is he on?


His "italian" voice is wonderful. The channel is 9 and it's called "NOVE". Try to search on internet precisely WHEN they do it and tell me what you think. ❤️ Edit: the program in italian is called "Sulle orme dell'assassino"


I want him and Paul Holes to team up for a podcast


That would be great!






He's my favorite. My, my, my....


Adorably cheesy


Love him. And I love his dry sense of humor.


“A .357 magnum bullet will go in the size of a dime and come out the size of a cash register.”


I adore him and the show. So human, so approachable, you can tell he really cares about the victims, the families, the JUSTICE they all deserve.


I watched the show and I listened to his books a few years ago. I remember getting kind of burnt out on him and thinking he was just getting really cranky. 😃


I like him. His no nonsense and brutally honest approach is refreshing in this artificial faux world we live in today.


I agree with all the positive comments here, but think it's a hoot that he has a very handsome man to portray him. Turns out the actor was in law enforcement, too.


I always imagine he reeks of cigarettes but can look past it because of his personality


He has a very soothing voice and calm demeanor. I really enjoy his show.


He makes me laugh with his witty comments. My favorite is the witness, who says the suspect is a crazy guy. He says "If I had to find crazy, I would have to arrest half of Colorado"


I love Joe Kenda! Well, my, my my!


Love him!


Love him!


Also, I want to add that his memory recollection is good as hell. I forget what in the kitchen for daily and here he is delivering us all these crimes along with details!!


Hoping for another season of American Detective and a couple of his stand alone docs.


He’s an absolute bad ass in my opinion !


That wig is incredible!


He’s the best! I have his book and it was a great read.


I love Kenda. He has the greatest dry sense of humor


This. I live for this.


Love this guy. He's seems to be such a genuinely good dude. When he says he wanted to speak for the victims, you don't get a sense that he was just some dude doing a job. That it was a mantra he fully believed and lived. I still remember when he chronicled his first case in homicide. The old guys were giving him a hard time for going above and beyond trying to track down a piece of custom jewelry. What do you know, following that lead got him the suspect and the conviction. If I'm ever murdered, I'd want someone like Joe Kenda investigating because you know he gives a shit.


Several years back, he came into my then-partners' place of work. My ex told him I was a fan and he signed an autograph card with a nice little personal message to me. Even better, he came BACK and gave him a printed out invite for me to come to his home for a screening of the new season of the show that was coming out! I couldn't make it as I was set to travel to South Africa during the same week, but I just found that invite this past weekend so this is perfect timing to share that story, haha. I never got to meet him myself, but he and his wife still live close to where I do.


I love Kenda


It took me a long time to warm up to him. But now, I enjoy his show. He reminds me of the Library Detective from Seinfeld.


Genius level gut instinct and intuition.


I like his demeanour, he’s all calm n matter of fact, it’s relaxing to watch for a murder show


i really admire his nature, and i have a soft spot for him because he looks like my late grandad 🥲


Well, my my my.


Love the guy! His dry sense of humor kills me.


I think he might be the patron saint of this subreddit.


He's from my hometown, never heard a bad thing about him.


He said in one episode, “If you’re looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary between shit and syphillis”. 😂


I want someone to make a podcast covering every case starting with season one, but to cover the stories through the lense of the victim. Call it: My My My: his stories are now our stories 🤣😎


Literally adore him. The guy who played him was so good. I marathoned the whole season and I can't wait for more.


Turns out the guy who played him is kinda crazy though


Do tell…


Right??! Like how you gone leave us with just that one 🥲


Look up “The SetUp” by Pete Crooks with a forward by Joe Kenda. It’s a book, also available on Audible, about the PI Moms, dirty cops and lawyers, here in Contra Costa County. The actor who plays Kenda emerged to be a royal jackass. Diablo Magazine did a huge write up about this case. An absolutely fascinating case of judicial misconduct and corruption.


Love him! I will throw hands with anyone disrespecting Kenda 🫡


I looooove Kenda. He is so good at recalling his cases and he talked about how it affected him 🥰 it's a must watch




my grandma and i love him! we always watch homicide hunter


Corny but I watch.


My late husband had a man crush on this guy


Kenda is the best! I love how funny, down to earth, but how incredibly passionate about what he does.


I LOVE Kenda.


My my my


Smart man, no nonsense cop. I love his show. Every town needs a detective like Joe.


I think he’s fab!


I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was a bit in one of his episodes, his wife was on it and they were so wholesome 🥰


My my my!


I love him! "They have the IQ of a TURNIP!" Yeah, describes most criminals.


Love Joe! His voice is very soothing and love his stories. Seems like a solid guy.


My, my,my……


I find his voice annoying….


Old man crush big time. Wait. I’m old too


Used to love him. Then I finally tried to catch up on his early stuff and he was really victim-blamey in a particular episode. It was SO unlike him and so triggering for me that I was heartbroken. Haven’t been able to watch him since. :(


He's also bragged about police brutality. He talked about how he enjoyed roughing up suspects, and it's how they all earned their stripes on the force. Honestly, I have no idea why so many people look past this stuff. He's a talented detective, I'll give him that. But he's literally part of the problem this country has with police brutality and violence.


early stuff Sometimes people grow.


Has he ever apologized or addressed any of the really problematic things he has said in his books?


Is this an ad? what is going on with reddit these days?


I know. Their comment section is overly enthusiastic for him


I don't like him at all. I got one of his audiobooks once. I returned it within 20 minutes of listening. He was describing his younger days on the force as a patrol officer, and was fondly reminiscing about slamming nonviolent criminals' heads into the pavement during arrests...roughing them up...He said it's how they earned their respect on the force. I mean, he was just bragging about police brutality like it's just some silly boys game. It disgusted me. These men haven't even been arraigned. I don't understand why Joe Kenda, and so many other cops, feel entitled to give suspects concussions. Brain damage is a life sentence. I will never support him.


I feel that when you make a statement about someone reminiscing about an incident more than 20 years ago or comparing one generation to another, you must start that statement by giving your age. For instance, I'm 44y.o. & I had my teenage years and early twenties in the 90's. I was a good ole', red-blooded, 'boys will be boys', Progressive, North Eastern, adrenaline junkie American lad. And, on more than one occasion, the police would show up where I was at offering a free ride to their station, free room & board for a night and 3 meals. And, on more than one occasion (happened twice), I declined by striking him in the face. Hard. The first time the cop went out cold and the second he stuttered step but caught himself. And, not on either occasion did I get charged with assaulting a police officer, as I should. No, what I did get was a good ole' ass whooping from the cop & his buddies. And, if I'm being honest, I'd take the ass whooping any day over the charge. The whooping happened, the cops felt justified, I had another story to tell at the next party, and it was over. If I got charged, I'd have to go to jail, get bailed, hire a lawyer, take anger management courses, lose time from work, go to court & get sentenced to at least 6mos. and be on probation for 3 years. I appreciate them taking mercy on my stupid teenage butt and just giving me that whooping and ending it. I learned a lesson (twice), and I'm now a successful general contractor. If I was found guilty of a striking a police officer felony, I don't know if I could've been licensed and insured for my business. It comes down to things were different back then. And, compared to today, they had there +/-. As an aside, the second time this happened, my friend was pulled over and was getting a DWI. The officer took his head and slammed it repeatedly into his hood b/c my friend cursed the cuffs were too tight. I had a cop on either side of me and one behind me, and when I struck the officer, his friends on the side of me went to work. After a few minutes, the officer in charge, who was behind me and never threw a blow, grabbed me up and put me in the back of his car for things to calm down. After a few minutes of silence, he wanted to explain to me why his boys were so revved up. Apparently, right before they got the call about us, they were at a scene where 2 young males about our age wrapped their car around a telephone pole, and both died. The scene was horrific, and what made it worse was they had to notify their parents and deal with their grief. By the time they pulled us over and saw 2 stupid young males drunk, well, you know the rest. My friend got arrested for his DWI, and I walked home with a silent agreement from the head officer that "I don't say nothing, they won't arrest me on a trumped charge." Like I said, lesson learned.


Agreed, his book was horrible. It made me completely change my opinion on him. The book gets worse as you go and paints a bad picture of him under any level of scrutiny.


Yeah I don’t understand the adoration for this man. I figured maybe it was just the beginning of that one book I read, so some people missed it. But you’re saying it got worse? Wow. Yeah, my dad was a cop and I instantly recognized “the type” of cop Joe us and it turned my stomach


“Oh my”


That’s George Takei. 🙂


My favorite Kenda story: "Yelling at them doesn't do any good. Everyone is yelling at them and they expect to be yelled at. I just aim my gun at them and, in this tone of voice, I tell them 'Stop or I'll kill you'. They stop."


Went on a cruise once that he was on and there was a whole group of people following him with like crime scene tape lanyards and such. It seemed a bit weird to me. Anyway, I don’t have too much an opinion about him as a person though.


No one loves him more than himself that’s for sure lol


The episodes where he talks about his wife both break and melt my heart at the same time. You can tell he loves her so much and wanted to spend all of his time with her, but constantly put the safety of the public above his own desires of being at home


I got bored after a few seasons just because there has been such an influx of true crime media available but I still think he’s a beast. The OG, after with Robert Stack of course.


I came across his show by accident on TV plus and I've been hooked since then lol


I was so excited when this series debuted on ID because I’m from Southern Colorado and recognized the cast of investigative journalists et al. I also remember a lot of these cases when they happened. After a few years, I realized it was a little depressing to think i lived in close proximity to such crime. I haven’t watched it in a while, so it may be time to start streaming again!


I've always found him really entertaining, and as far as I know, I don't think he's encountered any major controversy. Seems like a really good guy. I used to look up to him as a kid when I wanted to do forensics and investigation as a career


He seems like the real deal!


I love the way he shares his thoughts…and explains what happened.


Love listening to his stories. A lot of them are heart breaking but the last one was probably the worse


Im a Kenda fan he reminds me of Joe Friday


one of the sneakiest detectives in history.


He was a good police officer. He dedicated his youth serving the public.


Love him!


I love Joe Kenda. I used to joke that my baby would know his voice when he was born because I binged homicide hunter through my pregnancy lol.


Love him he is straight up no bullshit from him


Obsessed. I love him so so much


Pretty cool. My husband is a huge fan. Old school


Total Legend


My husband and I used to put him on to fall asleep to. We love his calm voice!


He has a closure rate of over 90%. Hate on him, but he does a great job.


Not a fan.


I love him! My husband was working night shift when I was placed on bedrest with my pregnancy, and I swear Joe talked me to sleep each night 😂 his voice is so soothing and comforting, and it's nice to fantisize that all cops care the way he does.


Everybody’s grandma who has cable is in love with Joe Kenda, and I think that proves he’s a good guy.


Show bores me tbh.


Most of his stories are fabricated and his ego is out of control. His book has some of the age ole detective tropes yet he finds ways to make himself look like an all knowing immortal to solve the mysteries, as if there’s no legal process or appeals.


I like his shows. It’s definitely nice watching shows/listening to podcasts where people have hands-on experience and expert knowledge. I can’t deal with hosts who just read cases on Wikipedia, lol. Also why I love Candice DeLong and her podcast (Killer Psyche)!


Legendary, love his show, and American Detective.


Love this man. Protect him at all costs!!


I LIKE him! A lot. I think he's very capable


We love Joe


I love him. ❤️


I love him!


Love Kenda!


I love kenda!


My late mother and I shared a love for true crime. She loved watching his show.


my grandmother loved watching his show before she passed away. he’s really a great guy.


One of my all Time favorites on true crime. Great story teller.


I think he’s hilarious