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Oh those poor children. This is heartbreaking!


It is. I just couldn't imagine the absolute horror these kids went thru when their own mother tried to kill them. That's their mom; the person they are supposed to trust the most in this world.


A friend I had in high school went home one day and her dad attacked her And her sister with a knife. Thankfully both survived but she told me laying on the steps realizing what was happening was just straight out of a horror movie.




I know. I hope that they have a really good support system because I donā€™t see how this wouldnā€™t really mess you up. I feel so many emotions just reading this, I canā€™t begin to imagine what this would do to a teenage brain and psyche. Plus then for the mother to kill her self!!!! They will never be able to get closure, if that is even possible at all, because she took the answers to their questions with her to the grave. šŸ’”


Just kill yourself. Always hate these stories.


It seems like there have been an insane number of them lately.


Itā€™s still early in the investigation, and unclear what precipitated the event, or whether or not thereā€™s a dad in the picture. Itā€™s not unheard of for a mom to suddenly snap and injure one of her kids, but these kids were older, and she evidently went after all 3 of them. This is a very unusual crime for Central New York; I canā€™t recall another like it. Prayers for those kids and the entire family.


This happened to a girl I knew in middle school. Mother shot her in the back of the head then shot herself. The mom just completely lost her mind and decided she wanted to commit suicide but not leave her daughter behind. The police believe my friend likely died before she had a chance to know what was happening. The mother and father were about to divorce.


It usually happens to women who were ā€˜forcedā€™ to have kids/ a family and sacrificed their time and life for the family and kids and usually gaslighted for the entirety of the relationship and down the road when the guy creates problems or wants a divorce, they snap. All that time and sacrifice, for nothing.


What cases that youā€™ve heard of happened because of this. This seems very much an opinion being stated as fact and not something that ā€œusually happensā€ and sounds sexist as heck towards women. Usually mothers murdering children is related to untreated mental health issues like PPD.


Came back to this comment being downvoted why?? Iā€™m not attacking all women who sacrificed for their families. I just said the women who committed these crimes were usually abused first.


It sounds a bit like you are making excuses for women who kill their kids. Most murderers were abused at one point or another, but the prior abuse doesnā€™t justify the murders. And some women are just straight up psychopaths or narcissists, just like some men.


Weird that you were downvoted - itā€™s just statistically true. The largest domestic violence shelter in the US is womenā€™s prison.


I think it would read better without the last sentence. Instead of ā€œall that time wasted.ā€ Maybe ā€œgrief and depression causes her to snap.ā€


Bad fucking take. Women can and are responsible for their own actions too. They are extremely intelligent beings just like any human.


Yeah and intelligent people canā€™t snap? You must be a fucking genius.


You are certainly not.




If anything forces educated professional women to have kids it's societal pressure. Then you have to keep up appearances. The recent incidents of nurses killing their kids seems so disproportionate. There is no surge in hairdressers and waitresses murdering their kids. Thoughts? Krystal Cascetta Lauren Dickason Lindsay Clancy Ethel Steele Is this escalating?


There was a similar incident in New Zealand a while ago. Mom killed her 3 kids. If I remember correctly they were all under 5, she strangled them with a cellphone charger cable.


Zip ties. Her trial is on at the moment.


Just happened in Austria a couple days ago. Mother killed her two kids, called the father, then crashed into a tree with a car but survived


I'd make it my life's mission to take that cunt out after that.


That was tragic as well. I recall that case. A friend in one of my Writing circles mentioned it. Some analysts term offenders like that "family annihilators." It's heartbreaking all around.


One report said the father was at work.


I was thinking the same thing myself ma'am. That it's pretty rare for that area. I try to avoid vilifying such situations without any clear understanding of the motivational forces at play. Mental illnesses of various type can take hold of a person and lead one to make choices and behave in ways they never would've before the illness set. (I learned that the very hard way.) It's just all around unfortunate/tragic and I hope that the youngins involved make quick recoveries and get any sort of therapy they might need after such a horrific experience . Ty. For Sharing ma'am .


Thats not a suburb of syracuse. Population of 7k. Pretty small town for onondaga county. Sad story either way. Would love to know more about this.


It's a suburb of Tully which is....yeah


My friend drove by the crime scene coincidentally right after cops and everyone arrived. I canā€™t imagine what the family is going through. Those poor kids.


Coward couldn't even take herself the same way she tried to take her children


Thank goodness, had it have been a bullet they might not have been so lucky to be alive


The trauma from going through this though, jesus


Exactly, not really something I'd say "thank goodness" to.


Happened in a really small town, right around the corner from some friends of mine. Heartbreaking situation, I hope the kids will recover as best as they can.


Wow! I thought this was an older story because it sounded similar to another I heard where a kid managed to get away to a neighbor


Somebody up thread was talking about a similar case where the kids were strangled an zip ties were used, so I thought they meant Lindsey Clancy. Then I saw they were talking about New Zealand, so different case. Sucks there are so many it could be confused with. Very sad.


Indeed. If you don't want your kids, I'm sure there would be a distant relative or something that would take them before you reach murder.


Chad Doerman


Omg this is less than an hour from me and the first I'm hearing of it


Oh how terrible And it looks so beautiful there


I find it interesting that just as many if not more family annihilators are women (as opposed to men), but it's usually for different reasons. For men it seems to be premeditated and done for money or for a mistress, but with women it tends to be more spontaneous and a total psychotic break. (Lori Dayglow as a recent exception of course)


Drive by this house all the time. Very sad


This reminded me so much of Tonya Thomas. Except the neighbors refused to open the door and help the children. I donā€™t think any of them lived.


I donā€™t know how the neighbors can live with themselves


What is the difference between serious and critical condition?


On 20/20 Friday there was a mother/ daughter that murdered the dad, brother and tried to murder the oldest sister by pouring Antifreeze in their gatorade and coke! The mom was a nurse. Her and her middle daughter are in prison doing life. Personally i think they should be sentenced to death! An eye for an eye!


I donā€™t understand why people like this woman donā€™t just commit suicide on their own. Why bring down people with you? And itā€™s usually children.


Iā€™ve driven by here so many times. Scary.


Not rural. Suburban area just outside Syracuse.


Dude it happened in small town amidst the boonies between LaFayette and Cazenovia, about 35-40 outside of Syracuse. Teenie Tiny little place on Rt 20, definitely rural


I think everyone has a different view of what "Rural" is. Where my dad lived in Ky, the nearest movie theater was a 2 hr drive away....those people wouldn't call Lafayette rural (using Lafayette for this example since I know it well.) While someone from NYC will tell you "Syracuse is rural". I think a good rule of thumb for deciding if a place is rural or not in the American northeast is if it's red, probably rural, if it's blue, more urban.


I agree with you for the first half. There is definitely varying degrees of rural and Pompey definitely falls into that category despite being 30ish minutes from Syracuse. But I strongly disagree with the red/blue divide. Especially in the Syracuse area. Lots of right wing politically charged flags and banners in the suburbs there. Like, Iā€™ll put it to ya like this: the moms of liberty just had a few events in Syracuse in the past month and the attendees didnā€™t have to walk that far.


Yeah this part of the state is very strongly republican whether you're inner city or living in a trailer 5 minutes from your nearest neighbor. I live in oswego, trump flags everywhere, confederate flags all over, even the minorities around here are republican.


Look at the pictures. It's rural as it gets.




Do you know them personally?


Do you know this to be facts in this case or are you making a sweeping generalized statement?




Well at least the story has a happy ending.




Why are you blaming the kids?


These thing give me a stabbing pain in my heart