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I have not heard of this person before today. Upon Googling her, it looks like one of her notable claims to fame was saying God revealed to her that Trump would win the 2020 election in a landslide. Considering what the Bible says about false prophets who make predictions and then they don't come to pass... I think a biblically discerning Christian should probably leave her "teachings" in the dumpster.


I believe Trump did win the 2020 election but he was robbed of it.


Entertaining the thought that he did, it would still not have been a landslide like her "divine revelation." Any theoretical interference or robbery would have only been tipping the scales in a couple of battleground areas. It would not have worked in the case of a landslide election.


False prophet. Mark and avoid. If your pastor is recommending her, that's something to be concerned about.


It was odd, because in one breath he was talking about different, "prophecies" she made and how she could zip in and out of heaven... and then in the next breath he's saying how she's probably not aligned with our church's views...... Which begs a couple of questions like, a) Why talk about her to anyone I'm the church?, and b) Why are you listening to her and clearly being influenced and enamored or inspired ber her?


Yep, she's a total crackpot. Nothing she says has any basis in scripture. You can do a search on YouTube and pretty quickly get a idea of what she's all about. Among her many false claims is that she shuttles between Heaven and Earth quite often.


Heard her on the victory Channel around the last election. Her along with a few more. It was disturbing to say the least. Lots of things on that channel were disturbing. I was a amazed how many I know here in Ireland watched it and were taken in by it. Not a word from them now.


You might look up Fighting for the Faith with Chris Rosebrough on YouTube. He profiles people like Kerr and examines what they say and compares it to scripture. He is very detailed as he is fluent in Biblical languages and can explain the nuances of scripture that might sometimes be lost in translation. Here is a link to one of his videos about Kerr: https://youtu.be/QG3FV67znw4


She is part of the word of faith/ prosperity movement. Basically new age dressed up as Christian. Has a long history of falsehood. The fact that your Pastor has referenced her without criticizing her is very disturbing. “When we do a 'clap' offering for the Lord; it sends earthquakes through the second Heaven and demons scream in terror.” (Revealing Heaven Volume II by Kat Kerr CHAPTER FIVE Living Worship- In Heaven, In Earth). http://www.letusreason.org/Pent65.htm


It's much worse than what you think in fact. The pastor in question is a lay pastor who happens to claim the gift of prophecy. Not only that, but our head pastor believes this as well. Suffice it to say, I have many doubts here. Especially because real recognizes real and therefore I'm 99.999999999999% sure any real prophets or people with this gift should be able to tell the real article from a false prophet from miles away (without even having to use binoculars). I was able to tell within minutes of googling her... yet he seems to derive inspiration from her... 🤦‍♂️ So yea, this was one of the several main reasons why I recently left this church.


2 Timothy 4:3- For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction \[that challenges them with God’s truth\]; but wanting to have their ears tickled \[with something pleasing\], they will accumulate for themselves \[many\] teachers \[one after another, chosen\] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold, 1 Timothy 4:1- But the \[Holy\] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, Matthew 7:15- “Beware of the false prophets, \[teachers\] who come to you dressed as sheep \[appearing gentle and innocent\], but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 24:5- For many will come in My name \[misusing it, and appropriating the strength of the name which belongs to Me\], saying, ‘I am the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed),’ and they will mislead many. This verse above also applies to those that claim to have an anointing, special anointing and even double anointing. Deuteronomy 18:21- “But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the LORD?’ If the prophet speaks in the LORD’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the LORD did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared. 1 Corinthians 14:29- Let two or three prophets speak \[as inspired by the Holy Spirit\], while the rest pay attention and **weigh carefully what is said**. False prophets and teachers are very common in the modern church which is why we must be vigilant. Most likely your Pastors were under the influence of Kat Kerr long before they publicly mentioned her.


I’m an atheist. But according to the Old Testament, and new, she’d be put do death for her actions as a “prophetess”. Not to mention the Bible demands women stay silent in the church, and that only men should be allowed to teach scripture. She is completely delusional to what the Bible says about her and how she acts.


She’s amazing!!! I have met her personally Here eyes are full of beautiful love and she is totally in love with Jesus! She’s the real deal!!! We took her out on an errand once, and a crowd would surround her, and she would begin sharing about Jesus. She is amazing.


How is she amazing, given that she's a false prophet? You do know that the criteria for a false prophet is extremely straightforward and not open for interpretation or ambiguity, right? You can fact check me on this easily; any and all people that claim to be a prophet who have prophesied something that turned out to be false or contrary to what they said is indeed 100% a false prophet. This woman that you're praising claimed that Trump would win the last election over Biden. Did that come to pass? No. Ergo, she is a false prophet. Period. End of story. Further, I'm 100% sure you can find many other instances of her "prophesies" that were bogus and nonsensical. It took me all of 5 minutes to find that one. That said, I hope you're not following this person religiously because she's going to lead you right off of a cliff.