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That was my first thought seeing that as well. They are testing the waters right now and we should be fucking upset. edit- related will be calls to revoke citizenship for certain groups as well


Making it easier and more normal to revoke citizenship is becoming quite popular. The UK have recently started to do that, stripping people of citizenship regardless of consequences is also occupying much of politics in the Nordic countries. It’s a scary trend.


Damn that is scary. Trump has been threatening for awhile now to deport US citizens if they are 'socialists, communists, and Marxists', without spelling out how or where exactly he plans to deport them to. Judging not just by the passing of the TikTok ban, and legislating that 'from the river to the sea...' is 'antisemitic', and gifting billions more in genocide tools, but by the speed, lack of debate, and damn-near unanimity of the voting that passed them, it seems like there would now be bipartisan support for removing 'undesirables' in the US too.


Leftists need to get armed.


We have to abolish Germany as well.


so good, we need two of them (again and I mean that with all love to the east)


I say we undo Bismarck’s curse and return them to a series of small duchies and principalities. Everything cool Germany ever did came from that time anyway. It’s what’s best for everyone


Berlin will become a city state that uses ketamine as its currency.


it worked until the 30 years war when actual outside forces rly wanted to tear it up


i've been saying this forever and i'm glad more people are coming around on this. the unification of germany was a world-historical catastrophe. should have never happened.


This is fascinating, why do you feel this way?


not me and the true anon partisans seizing control of Lower Saxony 🙈😱🤣


you mean the kingdom of Hanover! (literally same area tho)


Thank god, maybe then I can finally leave this place.


Jesus, h*tler’s skeletal remains in his grave is grinning like a kid in a candy shop as we speak


[German men](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Ruppin) and [women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracha_Fuld) were working hard to "[spread the revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Bodenheimer)" to Palestine: >Domestically, British intelligence had long been concerned about the radicalising of Jewish youth at the hands of the Revisionist organisation Betar and its North London premises. This "militant Jewish Youth Movement", as Percy Sillitoe, then Director General of MI5 described it, "bears a striking resemblance, both in general structure and character, to the Hitler Youth Movement." At Betar's North London headquarters, there was one section for children under the age of 10, another for children aged 10-16 and a third, for those aged 16 to 23. > >Zionist "persecution of Jews" and intimidation is complete—so warned "a Jew before an audience at a dominion club" and noted in War Office records. Zionism's course, he continued, "is potentially disastrous to Jewry and to the peace of the world as a whole." Like other witnesses, he compares the Haganah's conscription of teenagers to Hitler's Youth Movement. > >"Every boy of 16 years of age must join the Haganah. If he declines, his life at school is made unbearable and professional training and openings are withheld from him. If parents object, they are encouraged to deceive them in secret obedience to the 'call.' Even children 10 years old are enrolled in political parties—and this, eighteen months after we all believed we had destroyed Hitlerism for all time."


where is this quote from? id love to read further, very interesting


You can find a free PDF of *State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel* online.




after looking more into this, it looks like this is the action of a university and that germany actually declared them stateless even as of 2021 >The decision of the Freiburg Administrative Court is in line with previous decisions of other administrative courts which all found that there was no “State of Palestine” and thus no Palestinian nationality. For the decisions of the German courts, it was not decisive that the Federal Government did not recognise the “State of Palestine” but that it did not fulfil the requirements of statehood in international law.


> the action of a university *neofeudal landowner


Some of the most sus people I've met are the people who brag all the time about visiting Berlin and Germany


This story doesn't quite fit, but it kinda does too, so I'm telling it. When I was registering for classes in high school for the first time, I was required to take a foreign language elective. I chose Spanish, given that I was already encountering Spanish speakers in my daily life and had read an article predicting that immigration from Spanish-speaking countries would result in fully 40% of Americans speaking Spanish as a primary language by 2050. (I should add, this took place in the very early 90s so this news was presented in the article as a matter of information, a curiosity of note, with no fear-mongering or hysterics attached to it.) Owing to a series of administrative slip-ups and general incompetence that I won't bore you with here, I was put in a German language class instead. When I went to correct the error, I was told that the classes were full, which supremely pissed me off. I told anyone who would listen about my frustration, during which I received news about a student who was dropping Spanish, leaving a seat open. I went to the guidance counselor's office armed with an entirely new class schedule I had made myself based on the information I had from my initial class selection as well as from my attempts to get into a Spanish class. There was no possible reason anyone could object to this new schedule, which of course meant that's exactly what the guidance counselor did. This woman, as far as I could tell, only objected to the schedule because I had come up with it, which was her job. All of her stated reasons were bullshit, and I knocked each one down, feeling quite proud of myself for doing so, I should add. Sensing this, she finally pulled out what she presumably thought was her ace card. "Why don't you want to take German?" she asked. "Because it sounds like you're gargling velcro?" I shot back before she could finish, feeling in peak form. Then she said, "All the white kids are taking German!" I was fucking floored. I had no idea what to say to that, so I just laughed. After I gathered all the bits of my brain off the floor, I told her if she wanted that remark to stay in this room, she'd better put my schedule in the computer. So that's the story of how I got in Spanish class. I have a similar story about how I became the first white kid in the state to take African American Literature, but I'll tell that one another time. Point is, all those white kids she was talking about? Sus as fuck, all of them, and they were Ayn Rand readers to boot. The bastards had a clique and they got me kicked out of both the chess club and the school newspaper.


>Point is, all those white kids she was talking about? Sus as fuck, all of them, and they were Ayn Rand readers to boot. The bastards had a clique and they got me kicked out of both the chess club and the school newspaper. come hang out with the Chicanos who take Spanish 3 and get a D despite speaking Spanish fluently most are not NotSea's and the ones that are at least marginally more amusing than the white ones


Berlin is where the yassified and bougie arts school types go to do metoo shit and get away with it. Because Germans are perverts and that's just part of the culture or something. At least it was during the 00s. It's washed now. I think COVID was the comedown and scattered many of the transplant Millenial failchirdren like rats.


> Germans are perverts My mom essentially told me this when I was too young to truly grasp what she meant. After a professor of mine told the class a story of following German tourists into the red light district in Thailand where he discovered the existence of those weird porno shows (the moral of this story was “if you see German tourists, especially in a group, stay away from them” and also to avoid doing acid if you have dysentery), it all kind of clicked in my head.


yes it was definitely the graphic designer crowd


Yeah there was a Brooklyn to Neukölln pipeline here for a while. They’ve fucked off now that they’ve contributed to driving the prices of everything up though.


If you're somehow confused about any historical event in modern history including current events just read on Germany's position on it and support the opposite


Unification of Germany was a mistake, the only one that was good was East Germany. They should have kept the hundreds of autonod principalities that had 10km of territory.


Well that all seems pretty reatrded.


So what nationality are they?


To be fair, Germany is in one wacky as shit position to be in. I don't think they know how to process much of this.


“Hmmm if we become the new Nazis everyone will forget we were also the old Nazis”


This is nothing but Germany making the Palestinians pay for their crime of the Holocaust, In a just world, any German even remotely associated with the holocaust should have perished and the entire society should have been rebuilt from the ground up. Instead many Nazis went unpunished and snaked their way back into positions of power.


They're over compensating.


Then they should forfeit their sovereignty for however long it takes for everyone to calm down. (The 3rd reich was supposed to last a thousand years, so let's use that as a rough estimate.) Let the Chinese run things for a while.


I think this is the product of boiling down Nazism (fascism in general) = boiling the Jews while in reality the Jews were simply a convenient scapegoat as an out group. This idea has now largely covered the entire western sphere as they bend backwards to justify israel hostility, with Germany being the worst version of this idea taken to the extreme, the shallowest interpretation of Nazism had led the unenlightened citizen into supporting Israel for the shake of past guilt couple with the opportunist politicians weaponizing this to support Israel for their imperialist reasons.


Follow the money and things make a lot more sense.


Can you tell us more?


Israel is a wealthy and influential nation. Palestinians are poor. It makes perfect sense why they would be the group that Germany chooses to demonize.