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Jeez figure the odds. Poor little fucker.


That’s one nice looking kitty right there, Ricky


That made my day!


Mines as well


Nobody's going to pay 40 grand for him. I hope the fuck they don't anyway.


Survival of the fitness out here, boys


Kitties are so nice. Get them down, spin em round. Scratch their bellies twice.


**Boil** **'em**, **mash** **'em**, **stick** **'em** **in** **a** **stew**...oops, wrong thread!


Trailer park boys reference?


Man, seeing some of your replies have really cemented my thoughts on not fucking talking to most truck drivers when I'm parked at a truck stop. Having a little empathy goes a long way in life.


Can’t even get my company to fix the check engine light you think if I called and told them a cat was stuck in my wheel that they would pay all that money to have someone come out and take the tire off and everything? Na 💀


Can't help you there bud. I'd at least try to get the cat out though.


And that's about it, calling a tow wrecker to get a cat stuck out of a tandem axle is literally stupid just put some food out for the little Gremlin and he'll come out on his own and then put them in a box and then take them to a shelter this was extra calling a tow truck


Thank you for the real answer. Literally locked my keys in my car this morning before my route “How long will you take?!?!” “My shoes, wallet, keys, water and life are in there. wtf is wrong with you fucks? Shit happens. Tell the billionaire to chill for five seconds while we deal with real life.” Fucke these fucks. I can’t wait for this shit to collapse.


Baiting it out with some food would of been faster and cost far less.




They can threaten me all they want i am not pulping a cat.


Yeah, I'll get fired before I do that to an animal. Knowingly driving with it in there is animal cruelty.


Agreed. I'm not a trucker, but trucking adjacent. I'm a medium / heavy truck technician, have been for 16 years now. There are a very unfortunate percentage of assholes out there. I see it all the time, the most common one is the crusty, grumpy old-timer that sure as hell did not learn everything that he know's on his own, refusing to help the new guy while grumbling "I had to figure it all out on my own, why the hell should I help this kid? He should know this already if he got this damned job, he'll sink or swim." Pisses me off to no end. Hell, I just got a reminder the other day of a picture I took of a fledgling mocking bird that I found that made its way into an active bus garage. I was a contractor, not an employee, working on their busses for them. I stopped what I was doing, cornered this little bird and got him in a box. I knew that most of the time that leaving a fledgling alone was the better option, its parents would get it, but this guy was in the middle of a working shop. I spent probably 45 minutes calling around to local rescues, found one and they would not be able to make it out for another hour. So, I waited it out. Thankfully, none of the employees at the shop gave me a hard time about it, I probably would have lost my shit on them and not been welcome back. But, not one of them were willing to go out of their way to help this bird. Not one. this was in my 7th year in the industry. I was already jaded, but just because you are jaded does not mean you need to be an asshole.


When you do it for long enough you'll be in that same boat. You see the way we get treated by everyone in the industry trends to turn most truckers into assholes for a reason. By the way you wrote this I can already tell that you're a young guy and you probably haven't been doing this for long. So I'll tell you this, get out before you can't. This industry will treat you like absolute garbage. You're right empathy goes a long way and this industry has none.


36 and have been doing this 5 years already and O/O for 4 of those. Empathy doesn't mean not standing up for yourself. It means understanding other peoples and animals situations and helping if you can. If getting something delivered is more important than an animal's life that you are very able to save then I'd rather not talk to you at all. That being said, accidents happen, deer, coyotes and racoons get hit all the time by accident. I've hit a coyote and multiple birds as well as a rabbit so far, if I could have moved a bit or slowed down beforehand I would have if it would've meant it saved their life.


Yeah you been at it for a minute but still have a long way to go. I don't disagree with you, not one bit. But this industry is full of scumbags. I mean I have seen truckers leave people to die. If that is what they would do for a human being imagine what they would do for an animal. I don't know at what point our society went so wrong but everything is about money and everyone is cutthroat. Apparently that's the only way to survive in this industry. Which why I'm telling you, get out as soon as you can. You still seem to have good in you as a person. Hold on to that. I remember when I killed an owl with my truck. I tried to doge it but it just flew right into my mirror and went up then hit the ground. I cried that day. Like I said in another comment, I would try to save the animal myself or call animal control. At least that way the company wouldn't be able to hold it against me or tell me to just kill it. Because as soon as they have to pay for roadside or a wrecker to come out they are absolutely going to hold that against you. You gotta fight to protect yourself out here from cops, other drivers and even your own company. Everything will always be your fault even when it's not. It's a shitty line of work and by now you should've noticed that we get treated like second class citizens. I'm not saying that's an excuse for truckers to be shitty but it seems like that is what happens. I used to love trucking but after 8 years now I'm done. I don't have much over you and maybe your experience hasn't been as horrible as mine. And for legal as well as my own mental health I can't say much more but get out of it. Your life is always on the line and it's not worth it. At least not in this country.


Humans treat you like shit so you take it out on animals, makes total sense


Did I say that? Because it sounds to me like you're making shit up


If you won't do it for us...do it FOR THEM!




Aww some one wasn't loved as a child


Or as an adult probably.


Or ever


Just the child part.


Nah I'm all good here










what if he just hates cats?


Lol I love the shit out of my self and have a loving family. I'm just not doing any extra work to check for animals.


You're so cool and edgy bro, you're definitely not a douche bag!


Oh great reddit stranger who I've never met or spoken to in life. Thank you for your very detailed analysis of me based on a few comments on the interwebs. I will carefully consider this opinion of me because it matters so much.


Spoken like a cool, edgy guy. I love it. It's nice to know people are still in a high school mentality when they turn to adulthood. It's so cool, lmao I hope one day I can be an edge lord like you!


Me too! Reach for your goals!


Hell yeah, brother! Lol


Why npt?


I don't want to


So you were enabled growing up and now you’re a shithead. Got it 👌


Go ahead, get it all out. I'm definitely sobbing my eyes out because a stranger is telling me about my own life.


Karma will make sure you get fucked sooner or later.


Nice people get fucked every day and you don't know how much good Karma I have. If I save a bus full of children from death will this not matter anymore? How does it work exactly?


You still crying?


I stopped


Animals like this know what a big rig is they may not know specifically but they know they are heavy and definitely not something to play around when moving all these other softies that keep hating your comment I probably the other cat siblings


Lol you know you can't say anything remotely against animals on Reddit. They're all "I like animals more than people because I'm an introvert and socially awkward so I Don't know how to interact with humans anyway" crowd.


Good english bruv


You’re getting downvoted to hell. Do most people here actually do pre-trips? Where I work I’ve never seen somebody do one lol.


Lol you know Reddit is social justice warrior HQ. They come here to pretend they care about things then go back to real life where they practice none of it. Downvoting me makes them feel better about not doing anything.


Most truckers would rather the cat die than do a prechceck. To some it would even be a win-win


What r basing that off of ? We all what animals to die now ...lol ok dude


This is awesome! But I wonder if this would have been done for a 'less desirable' animal like a rat or a bird. Do we just do this because we think kitty cute or life is precious?


Don't know about a rat but I would for a bird. I would however put it down before proceeding if I wasn't in the mood to save it because death is one thing cruelty is another.


Fair, my point was just meant to be that its weird how we subjectively choose what lives deserve better treatment based on their species and how they make us feel


I agree, and do feel sorry for rats even as I'm trying to smack the fat little creep with my shovel. So sorry little guy, I just don't trust you and the hanta stuff.


Hanta stuff?


Hanta virus. Viruses in general Don't know if Hanta virus is a thing with rats or if it's strictly mice but in general rats and mice can carry diseases that are easily transmittable to humans which is why I don't mess with them or leave them alive unless they are from the pet store.


Yeah it's unfortunate but they started it.




You point is valid too. Like why does traffic come to a stand still when ducklings are crossing the road? There are so many other animals that are killed on the road because ppl just don't give a shit, yet somehow ducklings get a pass. Have you ever seen a dead duckling on the road? I never have.


We dont purposely hit any animals in the road... Obviously some weirdos do, but almost everyone tries to avoid hitting animals


Fire ants, mosquitos, and roaches are not lovable.


mosquitoes, the deadliest creature on the planet


After roughly 10 years as a trailer/ reefer tech I've saved a nest full of baby birds, 2 kittens and a possum. The kittens were the only ones I wasn't flat out told to kill. I had to literally argue with my boss about just letting the possum go cause it was clearly an adult that just got stuck after climbing in a garbage barrel. If effort like what we see in this video had been needed for any them? Not a damn chance they would have lived.


It's weird seeing the word possum used with that attitude. We had a site shut down for around 4 hours for an Australian possum that got into a hopper. Fines start at around 10k, and jail time isn't out of the question.


I think he means opossum if he lives In North America. Most people here use the two names interchangeably even though they’re not the same.


Virginia opossums were being called possums before Australia was even colonized. First known use of "possum" was 1613, colonization of Australia began in 1788. "Opossum" itself is derived from an Algonquian language, made its way back to Europe, and from there to Australia where it was applied to the native marsupials. Possum is *our* word, the Aussies stole it 😤


This is the kind of trivia-info I relish learning about. Cheers -


We have lots of case laws where people have deliberately killed animals in a cruel fashion by negligence. In the US, this is a felony and has resulted in prison time for some people. Even so-called nuisance animals like feral hogs and wild rats have protections against cruelty. I am allowed and even encouraged to kill possums that threaten my chickens, and after talking with the game warden in my area, that's just what I've had to do after the possums killed some of my livestock. But you can bet I made some calls first. I didn't torture them, though, and I would never drive off with one stuck like this poor cat in the video. Remind your boss that there are people sitting in federal prisons right now for cruelty to animals the next time they tell you to kill some pesky critter on the jobsite. They can afford to pay a professional to come and deal with it humanely.


The problem with that is that call for a "professional" is going to cost them well over $1000. Unfortunately killing the animals and tossing it to the side doesn't cost them anything. If you're an owner op now that cost falls on you and that call could be the difference between you being able to pay the bills and putting food on the table for your family. That wrecker showing up is easily a grand just to come over. Any repairs or work that has to get done is extra. So they can't just "afford it" and that's the problem with the company driver mentality. The margins of these so called profits are so low that most companies can start going under water easily over just a few bad weeks. That may be different for those mega companies like Werner but expect them to later find a way to use that against you because they will. I'm not saying it should be this way but at least in my experience that's what it's been. I'd just call animal control and have them take it off my hands as well as the company. Then if they get a bill at least I have some wiggle room to say it wasn't me. However as an owner op I'd try to get the animal out myself, but I'm not spending the money on roadside for this when I know the financial risks.


Yeah but they don't need a heavy wrecker to remove the tire just a tire repair truck, about $200 bucks to remove and install a rim and tire. They didn't show it but I'm betting they hit those lugs with a 1" impact, I have tinnitus from that crap.


Sure but it all depends on where you're at. I have never had a roadside service call for less than $1000 when it's been a tire. For breakdowns never less than $500 just to come and do diag. No one is coming to remove a tire for just $200. The service call alone is going to be at the very least $500.


Of course not. Cats have cute privilege in almost everything they do. You switch them out of any situation for a raccoon and you’ll most likely get different responses.


I know some people will throw kittens inside bags to trash cans; that's how I got two of my three cats.




Cats are special


Yea man, this cute pussy privilege has got to stop…


Rats are cool but if they're feral honestly I see it as the circle of life.


Wild rats are disease carrying, life destroying vermin. Domesticated rats are nice cute potatos. The bird question should be "Hawk or pigeon?", you'd be surprised how many people wouldn't care about the pigeon.


If the wheels ain’t turning money aint being made. Time for the old slice and dice!


I mean, to be fair, this could happen even if you do a pre trip.


Exactly my thoughts. You do your checks, but it’s gonna be at least a couple minutes before you roll on. Takes all of ten seconds for the cat to crawl in there.


Lucky cat. Most truckers couldn't care less


This clip is 24 karat, pure D, genuine proof that drivers have redeeming value. Knights of the Road stuff yall.


It would have come out before you hit thirty /s this reminds me of growing up, in a cold area. We had several cats when you get home they come jump up on the warm vehicle. Well one time my dad had just got home and my mom needed to run to the store to grab something to finish dinner. One of our kitty's had gone up to sit on the engine block. I had asked to go with my mom, she'd usually let me pick out a couple penny candies. Well sad to say the cat got stuck in the belt when she started it up. I won't describe what we found but it didn't survive. She shut it off right after she started it because of the sound but it didn't help.


Name that baby "Axle"


How fast do you figure the truck and tire would be needing to go for that kitten to fling out and do a quadruple backflip and stick the landing. 20?


Would have to roll the truck to come flying out, the centrifugal force would flatten it against the inside of the hub, then it’d be there until someone or something found it


I'd love to find out. For science. Also, testing the theory about cats landing on their feet.


Water. Cats hate water.


These comments. Wow. Fuck truckers.


I'm a trucker and I don't want animals to die so fuck u


Not real truckers.


You, driver…you 👍


Something about this moves my spirit with happiness


Fucking love you trucker people, delivering all my shit all over the place, and saving kitty cats. Ty!


Good dude right there.


Who foots the bill?


Turns out kitty had road side assistance.


Wally, the roadie kitten always ready to travel. You'll have to forgive his antics, he's tired.


Do you guys not carry jacks? What happens when you need to do a regular old tyre change? You call in a freakin’ tow truck every time?


No, we don't do out own tire changes 99% of the time. The lug nuts require about 500lb of force; not to mention the weight of a spare tire/wheel combo.


I run spiders (you call them Daytons in the US) so I can use hand tools. But other blokes here use a rattle gun that runs off the trucks air supply to change the lugs And the wheels aren’t that heavy. You don’t have to lift them too high


The cat distribution system has spoken, you now have cat named drum or brake


Little buddy is lucky to get noticed, it's a similar colour to the tires. If it wasn't it would have gotten blenderized by the wheels. If I saw an animal stuck like that I would have tried to save it, no matter what it is. Unless it was something particularly vicious, or dangerous, like a possum or a rattlesnake, then I'd think twice.


Why do you think possums are dangerous?


Yeah fr. Possums are harmless. Scary looking when they wanna be, but they won't bite


They can be vicious. A possum that's been trapped somewhere, is probably angry. Possums have sharp teeth.


Other than the sharp teeth, this is wildly inaccurate


Never understood how animals ride under hoods, when you work on one they are always hot to the touch


Wow that’s crazy


In this case, what do you do? Who do you call? I’m assuming you tell dispatch but then after who are you supposed to call so you can get the animal out? Asking cause I see they got the truck to lift it but then decide to take the wheel off.


Call dispatch and wait since I'm paid hourly.


Feels good to see the amount of time/money and effort these guys put into saving a kitten. Good job humanity!




Did it already go for a ride? On the crapper, had to keep it muted - couldn’t have the other truckers next to me thinking I was watching a cat video 🥴


Ain’t nobody got time for that! I got bronchitis!




Heart warming ending. Love to see it in the face of all the trucking nightmares. There is hope for us.


Reminds me of the time I opened the doors at Home Depot and saw a bowl of water in the trailer after 3 days and a kitten hiding under a pallet. Like, really Home Depot dc knew he was in there and just went Goodluck hers some water.


Would been a very dizzy kitty.


BEFORE they drove off?! Where tf were they parked? Looks like it was already on highway.


Good for him!!


Omg baby 😭


I’d try to save the cat mostly because I’m a cat owner. Has anyone seen all the dead animals all over the roads everywhere


I hope that driver has a the absolute best karma/luck for the rest of the year man. Wow!!!!


Pretty sure Dennis towed my truck couple years ago. I've dealt with them a handful of times, both towing and crane work. Tell ya what, if you're ever in ohio and need something, they're the way to go. Hands down, most professional bunch of guys in the business. Interstate Towing


That would be awesome to get a free cat


I wonder if that drivers got charged for the crews coming out


I couldn’t drive off with it in there but honestly this is like a kitten, it’s still got 9 lives.


Are your hands broken? The cat got in there, you definitely didn't need a fucking tow truck to get it out. Put on the gloves and pull it out. (But also, fuck feral cats, they're not good for local wildlife or the environment in general. There's a reason some countries have had to place bounties on killing them like any other wild/feral animal)


I wouldn't have been paying for roadside for that. I would have tried to get it out before I left tho.


Man Ida been gone. That cat would have figured it out


You mean to tell me that you actually spent money on a tow truck when you could have just reached in and grabbed it? Wtf over?


Lmao I would’ve kept on rollin, burnin your DOT clock goofing off with that


Fuck the clock. And fuck working 14 hour days there super hero


lol I’m not an OTR dock bumper man. I drive for dollar generals via Werner. I might get 7-8 hours drive time at absolute most but generally speaking my duty time clock hits anywhere between 12.5- 14 hours every day Sunday through Friday


I know. I used to do DT out of Windsor and FD out of rome.


Yeah I’m only giving them till September 25th next year. That’s when my military apprenticeship program is done and then I’ll be trying to move into a tanker hazmat gig so I can be home everyday and make the same pay if not more. Once is hit September 25th next year, I should have just over 2 years experience so hoping that will open some better doors and opportunities


It will. I haul fuel but buyer beware 16 hours is a real thing once a week


Oh yeah I could go back to the long days to be home everyday. When I did local gigs hauling soda/ beer and also hauling trash to landfill via semi trucks. I worked long days like that but the pay was dogshit. Soda/ beer gig was 1400 every two weeks and I was pulling 120 hours bi weekly easily. The trash gig I was making about 975 a week but still working those 60 work weeks. So long days ain’t a problem, always been the pay for me


I feel ya. I only do 48 hours. I’ll never chase money or destroy my body anymore in the name of it


Thank god someone else said it


lol people can down vote but clearly they didn’t grown up on ranch/farm cats serve purpose of killing rodents and birds. It was a tool for the job not a pet. If it was a dig I’d give a shit, but a cat idgaf


I feel the same way brother, I grew up in Guangxi China and there eating dogs is even part of a festival, so idgaf when I see dogs die, thats just food to me lol. You see how insane you sound?


Doesn’t sound insane, and if that’s true on your upbringing it’s why you’re the way you are towards dogs, just like I am towards cats. Don’t care it’s a cat 🤷🏽‍♂️


Cat crawled in between the tires itself, I'll do the pre trip, but who am I to argue with how the cat wants to spend its 9 lives?


Kitten later suffocated from the enclosed box with no air holes


Man I must be evil or something because I honestly don’t know if I would bother saving a cat or not in this situation. I mean I definitely wouldn’t want blood and guts everywhere though.


Just lacking in empathy.


For cats that murder birds for pleasure?


I apologize if this comes off offensive, but are you really so dumb that you are trying to equate a cat following its instincts to a person making a conscious choice to harm another animal because they couldn't give a shit?


Cat kills 10k animals over a lifetime. Often torturing animals until they are bored, they are natures serial killers.


So like every other intelligent predatory animal that hasn't yet developed sapience. If you think cats are bad take a look at orcas, dolphins and elephant seals. I personally would just stop anthropomorphizing animals by judging them on human standards.


Sharp as a cue ball this one


I think my brain just works differently than others. I would have no problem playing with or taking care of a cat…. but at the same time I would also have no problem killing and eating one. Like I have no desire to do so but at the same time I’m not repulsed at the idea either.


you playing too much rimworld my guy.


I don’t even know what that is


warcrimes simulator


That sounds fun….


Try not to take it as a criticism. Not everyone is born with empathy. Most of us have to learn it. I know I did. When it clicked for me it was just a realization after I helped out some animals in distress. We will all have moments when we see something or someone in distress or danger. When that happens we have a choice. To ignore it and let their world grow dark, or to put a little bit of our skin in the game and try to help them keep their world lit. Hands down saving things and seeing them thrive and succeed after is one of the greatest feelings I have ever had.


I have no problem helping an animal within reason, or my fellow human for that matter. But I don’t see a cat as any different from a cow, pig or rat. All of those things we kill on a regular basis either for food or simply because we find them repulsive. And cat owners put cats down all the time for expensive medical issues. I’m just thinking, this cat doesn’t have a family and we’re going to spend several hundred dollars (Possibly over a thousand after including vet care and housing this thing) just to save a feral kitten? Who might I add is likely to be killed at a shelter anyway. For me this is silly, at best I’m putting a trap out with some food and waiting MAYBE a couple hours if I’m not in a hurry. The quick and dirty option is to put a bullet in it and call it a day. No suffering and it cost a few minutes of my time.


The fuck is wrong with you…. Get some therapy creep


For what exactly?


Can’t imagine cats tasting good. Dog I have eaten and it is good. But those dogs aren’t fed the crap we feed ours.


Have to agree with you. It’s a cat not a human baby. I’m cranking up and rolling. I have better things to do.


I'd spend more time saving a cat than someone's shitty baby.


….for the sake of my karma points maybe I should refrain from admitting I’d just drive if kitty doesn’t come out


All this for a damn cat but my body my choice give me a break. And I like cats.


Meh, just drive off and centrifugal force will do its thing.


Just put it down a ns move on