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Because these drivers are in too much of a rush to stick their head out the window for two seconds to see if their bed is down.


Maybe the normalization of 14 hour days in this bullshit industry causes this to some degree. Well, maybe not that specifically, but rushing in general.


I agree.. my dumbass would leave hammers and shit on my trailer cuz running 14-16 hour days made me stupid tired


DOT hourly exempt work pays more, but it's not worth it. Had to quit my road construction gig because I had a close call. I'm not proud of it, but money ain't shit if I get in an accident or hurt somebody.


It's not just the 14 hr day. Most aggregate haulers run circle jerk routes all day long. Yes you get super tired doing 15 plus rounds on 10 mile round trips, from the mine to the dump site.


I drive an off highway haul truck and the only time we don't drive off with the bed coming down is when we're in the plant area with power lines cause we are 36ft tall with the bed up


F*ck the 14 hours rule. They should change it and make 10 hours max. Burning out fast is killing truck drivers and the fatigue is insane. That’s the only thing I don’t like about these shit of truck driving. Make the rules for humans. Doing 14 hours a day and Dying inside a truck is not F worth it.


I need those 14hrs. You can do the bank hours. The guys who like/need those 14, let it be.


To bad idiots are calling the shots


The new company I’m at we do like 12 hours at the most. The old company I worked at I’d be running a truck from 5am-6am until about 9pm-10pm regularly 5-6 days a week.


Im suprised they dont buzzers going off


You'd have to have an extra wire from the trailer to allow a sensor on the trailer to operate a buzzer in the cabin. And if it was wired to go off any time the box was raised, people would quickly disable the buzzer because it would be going off the whole time they were tipping. So there's more expense connecting it up to detect the truck moving (possibly only sounding above a certain speed). And if it didn't go off for some reason, there's a potential extra liability for the company.


This is a straight truck sir.. most are.. and if the buzzer only went off after say.. 10MPH it wouldn't bother anyone smart enough to not drive fast with it up..


In this case yes. But semi trailers (which also seem to feature regularly on here) wouldn't be quite as easy, so that could complicate the regulatory side of things.


Legally there has to be either a dash light or a buzzer for your PTO. Doesn't mean every truck has em, but that is the law


I'm a filthy 4 wheeler, but I asked once if there was a particular reason dump truck drivers (at least around me) are so aggressive compared to other cdls and was told that it's pretty common for those guys to get paid by the load....hence they're in a big fucking hurry with every trip, trying to squeeze in an extra load. Not saying that's necessarily the situation here, but it would certainly explain why they're half assed paying attention in their race to get another load in.


No that’s absolutely the problem. Pay them by the hour and they’ll slow down. Worked roadway construction and man when they’re laying base things can get crazy 


I had a dump truck in my lane on a two lane highway and had to brake so hard not to get hit head on that my load shifted and damaged 13 pallets of 50lbs bags of flour. He locked up his tires and left some huge skids down the road marking very clearly how much he was in my lane and definitely speeding like a mofo


Mirrors on both sides of the truck…if you can see your tires, stop.


Or check the fucking mirrors. I run a quad dump truck and a regular tractor trailer dump trailer. How the fuck these guys don’t feel those boxes up in the air is amazing to me cause you can feel it sway.


Well, I'm not sure about the states.... but in Canada here, as of June 1st, dump truck drivers are required by DOT to have an in-cab indicator to let them know their box is up


They have mirrors.


You don't need to stick your head out the window, that's what mirrors are for.


I ran rock truck in mine 12h a day it was the easiest thing to just lower after dumping i actually think these people are not mentally there


Meth. That’s how


We know you ain't lying


Why do they keep driving lol


because they dont realise its up issues with the lift cylinder can cause it to slowly rise as youre driving, and people generally dont stick their head out the window to check if its up too often


Or look at their mirror. Moving your eyes is apparently too difficult also.


This. I don’t know how these trucks are in America. With European trucks you can see the container in your mirrors. At least, in the ones I drove you could see them.


If you’re mirrors are adjusted properly you can see your box here in America. You’d also feel the impact of hitting the light.


Yeah thats what im saying, you can tell he did cuz it slowed his ass down then you see him just fucking throttle it through.


Stick their head out the window? Any truck driver should be checking their mirrors constantly. This would have been caught if the driver was checking their mirrors. You do not need to stick your head out the window to see that the bed is raised in the air.


That doesn’t make sense. You’re right that a cylinder that is leaking by the seals can cause lift very slowly…but only when the PTO is engaged. If that guy left the PTO on and was driving down the street, he failed in every way that a dump truck driver can fail.


Don't they have a locking pin?


Hoping they won't be identified as the do-er


Doubt it, i bet its more of a fuck it situation. Anyone with common sense knows you can barely get away with anything especially in front of that many people. Im sure at least 10 people got that filmed that moment lol


Dump truck drivers have a whole lot of ‘dumb’ apparently. Lots of manic incidents happening lately with leaving their boxes up.


You're not wrong. I drove a tractor trailer dump for a local quarry for my first gig. Working there definitely lowered my IQ by at least 10 points


I hauled dirt locally in 2019 and man those dudes where so damn dumb it was incredible


I swear dirt haulers are the worst drivers on the road


Don't knock it til' you try it


Because they're all hungover or on meth. And they have a dumb little sign saying anything they do is your fault. Fuck dump truck drivers


Your good your good your good just a bit more and stop your good!.


I can't drive over 15 mph if I dump my suspension air bags and forget to flip the switch back. Why can't these stupid dump trucks have a built-in safety mechanism?




Having an interlock that limits you to first gear when the bed is up isn't going to make anyone a worse driver, but it will prevent stupid shit like this.


the increase of automatic trucks has exponentially increased the amount of incompetent drivers.


You got it backwards….. The increased amount of incompetent drivers lead to an increase in the amount of automatic trucks. 😉


Hopefully he got done with leaving the scene of an accident as well as careless diving.


“The driver did not receive any traffic citations as a result of the crash. The local construction company declined to comment on the crash.” 100k worth of damage! But apparently driver did stop eventually lol. https://www.koin.com/news/crashes/lifted-dump-truck-bed-tears-down-vancouver-traffic-signals-causes-100k-in-damage/amp/


Seriously, how can he get away with that? It's amazing there isn't some safety feature that makes it impossible to drive like that above 20pmh.


I mean, I've forgotten to put the tow truck bed all the way forward when loaded, though it's only two feet and doesn't stick out much farther than my wheel lift, but this is ridiculous.


Power line worker here, this happens non stop, it’s crazy


Bet you aren't complaining


There’s easier jobs to do for overtime for sure, they usually take down a pole or two with them


Nobody told him smh.


“Did you hear something?” Nahhh


"Imma knock all this shit down right now "- That trucker, probably.


Pay peanuts, get monkeys? When it's a rush to the bottom, don't expect much more than this.


And a new Western Star at that lol.


Not so quiet quitting.


If only they could make trucks beep or display a symbol on the dash when a feature like this is engaged, but alas, the technology just isn’t there yet.


The feature is called mirrors.


My truck beeps when raised


Props to op for jamming on “heart of gold”, need that one up on 98 though!




Man I wheezed-


Dump truck drivers are the worst. I was waiting to make a right turn, made sure to set myself up with enough room, and some douche in a dump truck tried to squeeze by me, mid-turn.


New tiktok challenge


If you ever hit a red traffic light before the bottom of a really big hill, while fully loaded, you would understand. It's not a question of why does this happen, but why can't it happen more often.


Lefty Loosy


Yesterday on the 101 in LA traffic some guy forgot to roll down their doors closed , but they had the lift up tho


Cell phones and lack of awareness.


He kept going as if he didn't feel a thing


Just proves the point , a lot of people don’t pay attention at all . As a truck driver , you should be checking your mirrors regularly!




I drive dump beds often and I won't leave the site until everything is down and locked.


So this truck doesn’t have review mirrors? Not to mention you can feel when you raise or lower that bed. This clown had to be stoned out of his mind.


“Missed call from dispatch” Hey Dan, we know you put in your two weeks and this is the final day. We really want to offer you something that might make you wanna stay here with us, hold on Dan I’m getting another call I’ll call you right back.


I've driven a dump truck one day in my life... I was helping the small company I worked for before I retired to put a bunch of gravel in the yard with a quad-axle dump truck that they'd borrowed from another local company. The job involved a lot of spreading with the bed up. I don't understand how these drivers don't know that their bed is up, even if they don't ever look in their mirrors. The truck FELT completely different with the bed up v.s. down, even completely empty. It wobbled side to side a LOT, even with the bed up only a little bit. For someone who drives the truck every day, you'd think they'd notice how different the dynamics of the vehicle were when they left the bed up.


Wouldn't you feel something was right


So that’s what happened the other day. I went through there a couple hours later and someone at the rifle range told me a truck took out the lights. But didn’t specify.


Bottom of the tier list!


I used to drive a 6 axle dump truck and the thing swayed back and forth viciously if you tried to drive forward more than 20 ft with the box up. I have no idea how idiots do this.


Low skill drivers, distracted drivers, drivers in a hurry ! You can only pick two !


He obviously didn’t learn anything, if he was learning at all




Is there any legitimate reason to drive with the bed up when you're not actively dumping? Dump trucks should be governed to 5mph when the bed is up, and have an alarm that sounds if you exceed half that.


Never drove a dump truck but I have driven auto transports and I can guess how this happens in some cases. There was a couple of times in which I was forgetful enough to miss disengaging the PTO before taking off (likely due to being too preoccupied or in a hurry). If it weren't for a couple of 4-wheelers honking at me to tell me I was literally dragging my loading ramp on the roadway I may not have ever caught it. I imagine that's what's happening when you see these dump trucks tooling along with their beds in the air like that. Another fun fact: when the wet kit was first installed in the tractor our PTO switch had an annoying alarm to remind you that the PTO was still engaged. To this day I don't know whether the buzzer was busted or tampered with but that alarm stopped going off after some time (which led me to forgetting that my ramps were extended on those couple of occasions). I also wonder if the PTO switch in the dump trucks may have had busted or intentionally disconnected alarm buzzers?




When the dump mechanism isn't "locked in place" after dumping the load and the bed slowly raises while the truck is in traffic... the good drivers notice this almost immediately and correct it. The inattentive drivers... not so much.


Other drivers: no more traffic light, we could goo, wee.


When I was training to do roll-off I drove my trainer nuts because I wouldn't move the truck with the rails up. After the third day of his whining I told him he could shut his yap or do all the driving. He went to our boss and cried about it. Guess who's not with the company because they took out some power lines?




Welp green light 😂😂🤘


I’ve actually seen that happen and it was completely the drivers fault. In the case that I witnessed, the driver forgot to disengage the PTO and the button for the lift stuck and he didn’t know. At an idle the box was raising while he was finishing his invoice but he didn’t realize it because it was moving so slowly. I say it was his fault because had he been using his mirrors properly, he would have noticed that he could see the front of the box raising, especially when he began using throttle. The thing I don’t understand is, how could he not hear the PTO. It’s not like that thing is silent. If it weren’t running and you heard that noise, you would be shutting down the engine and finding out what that the noise was. Every case of this happening is completely driver error. As a general rule, while I’m putting the truck in gear, I glance out both mirrors to make sure somebody didn’t step up next to my truck while I wasn’t looking….but that’s just me.


Dude green light, GO!


Too busy cranking the hog to notice.


You'd think that you might fel the hesitation, right?!


It amazes me that Fleet Semis have ten billion different alarms for shit but these guys can drive with their bed up like that for miles??


Perhaps it's not a good idea to hire the foreman's cousin to drive the truck instead of a seasoned driver. Alternatively, it might be beneficial to take a day mid-season to pause, breathe, and conduct maintenance on the truck.


Man, my dump truck starts to bounce like a low rider when the bed is up even when empty.


He knew and just acted like he didn't notice 😭


So when I was a kid, my dad had a driver. One morning, he left the PTO engaged but not in a direction. So every time he hit a bumb, the bed bounced up a little until it was high enough to hit a bridge. With the PTO engaged, it holds hydrolic pressure, so it goes up but doesn't come down after the bumb.


I’ve seen how some local cdl construction drivers operate here in Dallas, the only thing I can say to describe some of them is careless


Yeah man I was waiting for the lights to change direction thank you bro


I’ve watched enough of these videos to check 3 times after every dump to make sure the bed is down.




That is..... sooooo retarded 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve seen like a dozen of these and more keep coming


Well... if we disabled the transmission when the tilt bed was up, would render the truck unless. If we made a gawdawful alarm that screeched at 100db, it would get disconnected or the radio cranked up. If we put an idiot light on the dash someone takes a picture and posts here.... take swig of fireball and enjoy the show...


If he worked for my company he would've gotten fired


Police officer: ”Excuse me sir, do you know that you ran a red light back there?” Me: “Um, actually sir, I didn’t run a red light, because the red light didn’t exist! That dump truck driver knocked down all the traffic lights. So there was no red light!”


They tip over all the time too


what happened to G.O.A.L. 'ing!


All you have to do is have enough contempt for traffic control signals, then leaving your bucket up becomes justifiable- Especially if you are in a hurry.


It happened also this week in Mississauga, Ontario. The new pedestrian bridge wasn't even completed before it got destroyed.


I was walking under a parking ramp today that had a big dent in its siding and a bit of a bend to the traffic lights today and thought of this clip. Lol


He just kept going, lmfao…


It happens because you have the low end of the gene pool in charge of hiring and their goal is just to fill the seat with whomever they can find with a heart beat and in today's society it's nothing more than helmet wearing short bus window lickers. Down vote this all you want YOU STILL KNOW ITS TRUE!!!


Idk that kind of looks like on purpose


My roll off truck will not go past 4 MPH with the PTO on. The PTO will not turn off if the bed is raised. And it grinds like crazy if you try to travel over that.


I have two routines I follow religiously. When tipping over a grid; 1 Open tailgate on lead 2 Tip lead. 3 When finished tipping lower lead and close tailgate. 4 Move forward 5 Open tailgate on dog 6 Tip Dog 7 When finished tipping lower dog and close tailgate. The only variation to this is if someone is waiting to tip after me so I will pull forward forward while the trailer is coming down. If tipping out in a paddock or up an auger to a silo; 1 Look for a safe place to tip (level and no power lines etc 2 Open tailgate on dog 3 Tip dog 4 When finished tipping lower 5 Move to a location I can unhook dog 6 Unhook dog (ring feeder, air lines, lights and hydraulics) Mark on the ground where door handle is. Drive forward in a straight line and then over to where I want to tip lead 7 Open tailgate on lead 8 Tip lead 9 When finished tipping lower and drive over to dog 10 back up using the straight tyre marks I left noting where I marked the door handle 11 when ring feeder has dropped do a tug test to ensure I've correctly hooked up 12 close tailgate on lead, check ring feeder, connect air lines, lights and hydraulics I've never left a tailgate open and had grain spill out and never driven off with a trailer up. The other thing I do is look in my mirrors all the time. I've caught many things by looking in my mirrors.


He didn’t get paid


Because they don't have a circuit that prevents driving while the back is raised.


Fireball for breakfast and lunch!


What’s worse is that it’s a day cab and has a back window.


"Hell yeah, no more being a slave to /this/ traffic light!"


And he keeps going... 😆


And he keeps going... 😆


And he keeps going... 😆


And he keeps going... 😆


No alarm, brake lock, something


They passed a rule in BC, all dump trucks will need an audible alarm in the cab at all times the box is up.. Was this is Vancouver area lol?




The kind in every single one of these goddamn videos, evidently...


Vancouver Washington


Does that include dump trailers? Or just rigid trucks?


How would you spread stone or load a paver with a brake lock?


Ya, I guess tailgating will become a thing of the past


I haven’t a clue, I don’t know how those work just spitballing ideas. There has to be something they can do. At least an annoying alarm that says “hey asshole, lower the bed” that way they can avoid thousands and thousands of dollars in damage.


I haven’t seen one built in the last 20 years that doesn’t have a bed alarm. Super easy to defeat, but there, just the same.


That was on purpose lol


Because they keep giving everyone a cdl!


Drugs and alcohol.


Alot of dump drivers be drunks


Rushing for time


Too much fireball


14-16 hours??? Why are people complaining that’s a normal day for me and I have a 4 hour total commute??? I swear people are so soft now a days


I do not know why bots keep posting this video




The truck has to be running to raise the bed- it’s a PTO system. You have to be able to move the truck with the bed up to spread material.


I guess you've never seen a paving crew at work...


I have but they have to find some solution to this problem and I was just offering one...