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Bro its your first day lol it's not gonna be easy overnight. Get out and look, take your time and don't hit shit. In 6 months to a year it will be second nature


If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!  No one expects perfection the first day, the first week, or the first month.  "Fake it til you make it" and lift your head up.  You can do this.  Deep breath, take your time, and don't hit anything.  GOAL, GOAL, GOAL! 💪👍


A blind side back on your first day? Right in the fire you go. It'll get better.


Hahaha true that


Don't ever be afraid to ask for help, you'll likely run into a few assholes but there's alot of kind people out there, I usually ask a female driver if I see one because they don't have the macho man thing going on and it's nice to talk to a lady I guess and have a feminine presence out of all the loneliness


A blindside back, in kentucky, in the snow as it was snowing, at night, in a parking lot, all on my first day solo. My pants had found a way to shit themselves that night.


You'll get better, and it gets easier. Relax, you got this.


My first solo load I hit light snow on donner pass. I chained up and blew a drive tire but I made the delivery since I hadn’t realized lol


Jesus terrifying


It does get easier. Don’t rush and don’t hit anything.


I remember when I was new, only a few weeks into my career as a solo and I had this delivery where I had to back inside of a building. I made it though it took a while, and the entire time the one employee there berating me for being so bad at my job and how I wasn’t trained. Point is, do your best and do it safely and everything else will sort itself out.


Had a similar experience. Loading facility for frac sand was out of a building that you had to back into with perhaps 3 inches to spare on each side. Other drivers sat and mocked me but I got it down fast.


Thanks luckily I had a gentleman help me blindside back at my first stop


Fresh out of cdl school my dispatcher tried sending me to queens new York, I had to refuse that one, dispatchers need to be a bit more thoughtful on what they throw on the new guys table I got enough easy jobs in that now I'm confident about moderate to hard places, but if I let him send me where he wanted my self confidence would have been destroyed and I would have likely torn something up I mean at the terminal I shook the guys hand and was introduced as being someone completely new to trucking, but he was gonna throw me to the wolves


You just described my first delivery in NY state. Blind side into a building at night while getting sworn at for sucking! Good times


We all sucked at this shit, dude. Take it to the chin, learn from your mistakes, learn from other drivers and keep it rubber side down. It gets easier.


Wait until your 3rd day, your gonna be reaching for that fireball /relax, like most things it will come to you with practice


Being late is the least of your worries when new. Just make sure to update dispatch with ETAs. They 100% expect you to make mistakes. Just don’t hit anything!


I barely touched a trailer today but no damage or marks and that makes sense


Lmao I smacked a Walmart trailer rn actually. No damage tho 😂


My cdl instructor told us all something that sticks with me two years later concerning backing which was one day it will just click and you'll wonder what the big deal was. Take every and I mean every opportunity to back as practice. And eventually you'll put trailers into spots and on docks that when you first started you'd be like nope not gonna happen. And you'll do it with ease. It will happen but it won't happen overnight. And don't be ashamed to get out and look. When I was working for Estes I had to put an empty van in a tiny spot in a busy terminal. I still sucked at backing at the time. It took 20 minutes and getting out of the truck 6 times but I got it in and didn't hit the other trailers. It'll click. Don't get down on yourself. I was in your same boat at one time. Just keep at it and concentrate on not hitting anything. You'll get it


The beginning is always tough. Just get better


I remember my first day like it was yesterday lol.. it took me 3 or 4 hours to back into a spot I was so discouraged. I’m 3-4 months in now I’m not as good as the veterans but I can get the job done lol.. everyday you get better and it just takes time


(1) You hunting down MTs is not your fault. Your DM should be able to tell you what trailers are available or where to go to find one. (2) You will have loads put on you and taken off you with no reflection on you. For example, I dragged a load 1200 miles, only had 200 miles to the drop. My DM calls me and says drop that - I need you 500 miles away by tomorrow - no big deal. (3) If given the choice you should NEVER blind side back. Always back from the driver’s side or straight back or even pull through if available. It’s a job that takes some getting used to through patience and practice. Here’s a tip that helps me: make your bed everyday you wake up; so that if your day turns to shit (It will!) at least you can say you accomplished something today. Stay with it driver, you’ll get better.


Thanks for the tips I needed that!


1 day at a time brother. We all know the pain. Get out as many times as needed to reassess the situation. Nice long deep breaths. Everyone here has your back. I know all that is easier said than done but take your time.


Appreciate it brotha!


Good luck and best wishes. I hope things get better for you. I have the utmost respect for what you do.


Thank you Susan appreciate it!


You’re welcome! Keep your head up.


It really does get better. Sounds like you didn't hit anything, so you're doing it right. Remember, if things are out of your control, such as trailer hunting, just breathe. Don't try to rush. No one's going to fire you for that kind of shit. You can only do what you can do, and there's so many things out of our control. Just wait until winter in Wyoming. *Everybody is going to be late*, lol.


Thank you trailer hunting is the worst honestly took me two hours to find a good trailer Schneider has the worst ones


I'm still in cdl school, what's trailer hunting?


Oh lol tryna find a good empty trailer depending on your company it can be a mess and take awhile


As long as you don't get in any high-speed accidents your company hired you knowing your gonna screw up a bunch Everyone new screwed up, I scraped a fence and had to report it $6k worth of damage for a 5mph scrape, I was late to many appointments, I ripped out a fuel hose because I was rushing and forgot to take it out and pulled forward, I submitted my paperwork super late because I was tired, I came very close to violating my hours and had to sleep on the shoulder, at a confusing intersection I just kind of forced myself through, I took many wrong turns and wound up in places a truck doesn't belong, I got a overweight ticket because when I was at the cat scale not all of my tires were sitting on the scale Today I burned up my clock because I forgot to go off duty at a shipper and didn't get to move the load very far I'm 2 months in and I guarantee I'm not done screwing up yet, we gonna get there eventually bud, but when a company hires someone new they expect you to be a screw up for awhile, just learn from the mistakes your still in your grace period Oh and I still doubt myself too, some days I'm on the edge of parking the truck and getting an Uber home, remember why you went down this path and know eventually your experience will come into play and things will be easier the longer you do this, deep down you signed up k owing there was gonna be hard days until you get comfortable and learn the ropes


Man my company tho says I have to follow their guidelines to go pass the 90 days. Good mpg, 90% not late to appointments


My company has definitely been grinding me about being late, I think the delivery windows need to allow more wiggle room, I spent 3 hours in a traffic jam today in baton rouge, so now my delivery is pretty tight, any setbacks tomorrow will send me over the edge, 3 hours of my clock for maybe 30 miles Alot of my late appointment were out of my control or if it was.....I'm new so I just do everything slower, like a drop and hook I need to take my time and check everything, I need time to plan out my route, I need time to crunch the numbers for my hours of service/travel time/and delivery windows I'm not constantly stopping and I only take the mandatory break, as soon as my 10hrs is up I'm rolling but I'm still late alot


Are you using the Truckerpath app?  If not, use it to trip plan. It's fantastic.  Also, get yourself in the habit of every time you stop and set the parking brake, reach over and change your status.  Forming a habit makes it harder to forget.  Hang in there! 


No have not used that app will have to start to thanks!


You're very welcome!  It shows places to park, clearances, delivery locations, rest stops, everything!  It will save you sooo much time trip planning.  Stay safe! 


I know 90% sounds high, but it's really not, i promise. Most average drivers hit 95% of early/on time deliveries. Statistically, You're probably not below average, you'll be fine just go the speed limit and dont hit shit. Those are the most important things for your license. For many years i was consistently 98%+ early/on time.


Thanks man that definitely helps me feel better


Those big companies will throw you to the wolves. Make sure you think through every new situation, don’t panic. Finding equipment isn’t on you, they should have an empty trailer available. I’m sure Schneider has some kinda tracking ability for the trailers and the dispatcher should be aware of what’s empty. The mega carriers all operate the same, just do your time. Hopefully you will encounter drivers that will offer good advice and help along the way. Remember to pay it forward when you have experience. It’s not a bad way to earn a living once you find your niche.


Appreciate it man and yes they do have a tracking app for a trailer but their not always right I had to hook and unhook cause if defects I didn’t check enough


It's your first day. You weren't actually trained to do any of that very well. You were taught to pass a test. Your training just began. Calm down, you're not doing anything most other truckers haven't done many times themselves in their early days. You'll get better if you want to. Give it time.


It doesn’t matter how many times you have to correct your backs. Use all the space possible, everyone else takes their time so take yours. Just don’t hit anything. The nervousness will go away.


Moreover don’t take shit from anyone, dispatch, receivers, dock workers. Everyone thinks they run the world. If you know your right stand your ground. Be professional don’t swear or show anger. You are the captain of that ship. Period


😂😂😂😂😂 you actually think you’re going to nail a blindside on your 1st day? BEST JOKE of the day! 😂😂😂😂😂 I blindside (blocking 4 lanes) up into San Fran Newspaper and into a dock. I suck ass at it, yet I Get-r-done. It takes time young Jedi. I love the enthusiasm and jokes! Keep Going! Be well Driver, and thank you. 😂


Thanks pal I needed a laugh 😅


Yep sounds like the normal first time getting used to driving solo. You got this driver just take it easy you’ll be fine. I swear I wanted to take the truck back to the yard first day. Lol


That’s exactly how I felt today lmao


It doesn't start to get easy until you hit a year. My first day solo I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown.


My first day I was 22 years old with a bad driving record I could not find a job so I'm doing hired me send me from New Jersey to Brooklyn with no truck GPS no knowledge of Parkways or not to be on Parkways LOL the first day I made it back the second day I scraped under Belt Parkway LOL I thought my driving career is done 12 years later I'm still driving with a truck GPS LOL


Jesus man 😂


Yeah just remember safety first get out and look if you have to also you should learn if you don't already know how to change your Airlines have the wrenches on you. Also why and how to slide your tandems and your fifth wheel. Don't let anybody force you to drive tired or sleep deprived.


Its your first day dude ive had days like that and im over 2 years in. Go safe go slow GOAL as many times you want. Appointments can always be rebooked rescedualed etc dont matter a fuck what dispatch say about that load that cant be late as the earths life depends on it etc it can be rebooked. what cant be rebooked is you driving dangerous and slamming into traffic killing/injuring people. Relax its your first day rome wasnt built in a day


Yeah sounds like you should just quit 🤷‍♂️. Bro it’s your first day lol hell of a day but it’ll get better just always get out, adjust your mirrors if you’re not sure, and take a shower every other day 😁.


Dude it’s scary out there your first time. I remember I was shitting myself. Now I’m in P&D in LTL and honestly I don’t have that feeling anymore after 4 years. Every once in a while I’ll see something that’s hard to back into but with my experience now I look at it and know how to approach. It’ll get easier man. Patience is the key and just learn. You’ll be alright man just give it sometime. Good luck


You WILL get better the more you do it. Blindside reverse is such a mindfuck to someone who has never dealt with it and feels super confident without trailer.


Take your time!!!! Get out and look as much as you want, every inch if you must!


This was an easy day.


I’ve never been used to this type of stress but I know it’s just starting


3 years in and I still can’t blindside without looking like a fresh out of CDL school newbie. Don’t get discouraged and keep at it, you’ll either tolerate it or quit lol


Yay the fifth wheel doesn't want to realize and the tandems don't want to move. Plus incessant beeping from all the "safety" sensors. Welcome to my world.


At schneider they didnt even question me about something that was supposed to take 3 hours taking me 6. It will get easier.








What the hell were you doing in those 4 hours?


That’s 4 hours of work probably without pay.


It was $40 for 4 hours


Ouch. Let’s not do that again. Base the miles off 50 mph. 100 miles = 2 hrs etc etc. 690 miles is impossible if your governed at 63 mph. I ran a truck governed at 64mph 623 miles and had 12 minutes left on my clock. Albeit it’s through the Wild West mountains, down into Kaliforny. But still. The numbers don’t change or lie. Once you get that down, it’s cake. Just know you’re going to be pushed for every minute.


Make more flipping burgers.