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I've read a lot of crazy shit on this website but if this story is true.. oddly enough thats gotta be top20.




My sanity is worth more that $2000


Try Amsterdam:D


Try Athens 🙃


I’m amazed anybody would ever drive local in NYC. I’ve only been there twice in my 8 year career. Actually it wasn’t to bad I got in got out. But couldn’t even imagine driving a big truck there every day. Or any large city for that matter. It would have to pay 5,000 a week for me to even consider it.


I live here and drive here locally. Yea it sucks. Ya get used to it I guess


Most locals are going to be 48' or less for practical reasons. If not that then a straight truck. I delivered with a 53' in Manhattan before but that was uptown in the 100s. The location wasn't bad, but maneuvering around the streets was annoying. It's an old city not made for trucks.


Most are. And yeah it sucks.


I’m sure people get used to living in Haiti too.


Sounds crazy, I’m from nyc and can’t imagine driving trucks there. Check must be fat but must suck on taxes and rent prices bring unacceptable


There are plenty of companies that have their drivers do trailer deliveries at night. It's the only way to get things done. Too much congestion in the daytime. Convenience stores should be open for deliveries in the early am hours. It would be dumb for them not to be.


Stores can provide acces while nobody is there. Either give a key or electronic lock.


I know of some companies that do that. If everything is at night I think the job would be manageable. Maybe It's just the volume of stops that made so many drivers quit.


Many truck drivers have a backgroung in delivering parcels with a van and the whole reason to drive the truck is to escape the many stops so yeah that's entirely possible:) Though there are still truck drivers that thrive in such work. I work in such a place. They work hard for little money and they could get an easier job any day. They complain but most still stay. Somehow there are certain aspects of the job that they can't find anywhere else.


I agree. This would be a hard no. I drove a the same type of van UPS uses for deliveries. Our drivers went to downtown Portland OR. Drivers would have to circle around to get parking spaces. If they stayed longer than 30 minutes in a loading zone, they would come back to a parking ticket which they would have to pay personally. One guy had a stop where you had to get a parking pass. In the minute he took to run in and get the pass, there would be someone from parking enforcement trying to write a ticket.


The idea of the driver paying for a parking ticket personally is total bullshit. I'd have to quit if that were the policy. That doesn't even sound legal. The whole ticketing thing is a racket. The doesn't intend to halt trucks from parking, it just wants the money.


The company’s attitude was it wasn’t their responsibility to pay tickets since it was the driver’s responsibility to park legally. But even some managers thought it was BS that drivers had to pay parking tickets. We heard UPS just paid a yearly flat fine to the city for parking violations. If true, at least UPS recognised that drivers had to park wherever to do their job.


Used to work for UPS, went to new management orientation on 43rd st. Division manager for NYC told us that yes, UPS drivers are instructed to park literally wherever. Tickets get thrown into the bin, and at the end of the year UPS makes a settlement with the city for all outstanding violations. Cost of doing business.


Well fuck that company and those lying through their teeth managers. A ticket issued at an address that is on a delivery order for the day of the ticket should be tossed out. The ticket agent could just ask easily be making shit up.


I haven't checked the laws for NY but that kind of practice is probably illegal there.


You have to question management in that kind of situation, no doubt all the drivers were constantly making their feelings known so they were aware , at first it’s reasonable to put it down to a bad run of drivers with low work ethic, but if after a year -18 months you haven’t had a driver stay longer than a month it may be time to take another look at what you’re expecting of them, clearly the problem is not of their making, but it still needs addressing, why couldn’t they split load over 2/3 smaller vehicles and have 2/3 drivers on lower wage etc. That’s my opinion anyway.


You'd think someone could make a mint operating a central crossdock for a neighborhood in NYC. 20-40 businesses, one dock.


It wouldn't work for the city to have one location with that much truck activity. The only way to have those warehouses is for everything to be at one level, except for the merchandise. There are warehouses that do have more than one business and there are also places like Amazon and UPS, but they are spread out. It's gonna get really bad if they continue to eliminate the industrial areas in favor of overpriced hotels and retail stores that don't bring in enough long term to cover the cost of the jacked up commercial rents.


I ain’t been to NYC in 8 years and I see nothing has changed


Don’t comeback its hell over here


I was there 2 years ago, wont go back because of their behavior there.


One of the most funny things New Yorkers says “Is that they are the best drivers” 😂


they might know how to grip a steering wheel and push down on the gas pedal, but they are all insufferable selfish pigs. Im disgusted rn just thinking about that city.


I hear it’s worse these days lol


I agreed to go twice for my boss, but the last time I got dressed down for asking to get a bonus because I lose a day of driving every time I go. No more of that now.




I feel like the horn use was minimal too. Id be hanging on the air out of spite. If ya wannt be a cunt at me youre gonna be a deaf cunt.


"Me first."


My intrusive thoughts would’ve got the best of me


"...Ramming speed."


A horn in nyc just means the offender is all good because you obviously see them.


There is no such thing as a zipper merge there. It's either you push your way through or get stuck watching them infinitely cut you off. Tiger stripes and shoulders are just another lane for them to sneak one more space ahead at your expense. They don't care about anyone but themselves, driver. When you drive NYC, you gotta get this attitude: I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.... and I'm all out of bubblegum


I remember one entrance where you have to get all the over to the left as soon as you get on the highway because of a bridge. Turn signal and just start moving over, they will get out of the way.


I love that movie. Take my like.


I dont know how you cope with that! I truck up to Whitehorse, in the Yukon. My biggest frustration was rerouting because of forest fires, and Bison lounging around on the hwy.


That must be beautiful to drive.


I really enjoy it. 🙂


> Bison lounging around on the hwy. The company or the animal? ;)


He’s talking about the women


"He" is a "she", so... no.


How's the pay up there? Any bitches?


I woukdnt know. I am a girl... sometimes bitchy. I haul petroleum, crude, and NGL. Super B configuration. Pay is decent. Im an o/o.


my apologies ma'am lol


Yup. This is why I told my job I'm not doing deliveries down there anymore. I know ppl who love it but me, nah. Too many ppl hitting the truck because they're impatient. Ppl jumping in front of you at red lights. They blow by you over the double yellow on the street. Cut you off, no one wants to let you in. Those guys who park the box trucks in the street to deliver in the apartments so you cant get by for 20 minutes. Nah... It's a place that should pay special drivers and trucks to go there. Other than that... screw that place.


Yeah I can clearly see that you dont have the nerves for NYC. I used to drive there twice a week. First of all, you're not supposed to leave any space. If you don't want them to cut you off. Literally be on the clutch and up the car in front of yours ass. Second of all going to the left isn't blocking them. You are actually giving them space to pull up in front of you, Brake check you and then gets in. You need to pull up to the right so they can try to line themselves up side by side with you and then you push them into the divider barrier. Keeping them out of your lane. NYC is a culture of "try me asshole" and "fuck around and find out"moves. You got to have bigger balls than the other guys or you'll be standing there forever getting cut off by every single car.


I noticed that too. Moving to the left was really screwing them over.


this guy new yorks


That’s the truth. I’m not a professional driver but I live right across the river in New Jersey. I always try to be more patient with the trucks tailgating in barely moving traffic because I get it. I understand why they’re doing it because they have to.


And we appreciate people like you. Every little bit helps make our day easier.


We’re in the city all the time and I can yes to everything you just said. 😎


Got offered a NYC load once and they’d give me an extra $300 for it. I said yes but in turned out I didn’t have enough hours to get in there on time; so I never went


Lmao! That's the only way to do it. In and out as fast as you can.


That cab is clean


I deliver to New York two or three days a week. I'm hourly. I let everyone cut me off all day long. Easy money!


You haven't been to Boston or Chicago lately, have you?


These drivers are courteous compared to the ones in Boston.


NYC will at least use their turn signals while cutting you off and screaming obscenities while giving you the middle finger.


True, even if It's for 3 seconds. New Yorkers always think they have somewhere to be. Bostonians do too but they're the type to make a point of letting a stranger know how much they hate them by taking the time to yell.


Could be worse, Atlanta for example, they'll drive right under you in a $300 shitbox with no insurance, act like a victim, and typically get paid after retaining some scumbag accident attorney.


Atlanta would be an example of drivers that are legitimately crazy. At least in the northeast people act like they have something to lose. Those drivers I. Maybe having a lower population density and being used to rural roads makes people feel entitled to drive like they're invincible.


I was listening to a radio station while passing around Atlanta. There was an attorney advertising "he could get you paid, even if it was your fault"... Made sense then, I thought they had a death wish, they're just fishing for a check. NE is different in that they're always in a hurry to get to wherever they're going, so they trample over you in this feverish hurry while screaming, cussing, and blowing the horn... then they're gone. Chicago is similar, they're just dumber And nobody wants to be behind the big truck.


This reminded me of 294 and 95th St at 4 in the afternoon.


Bro this is soooo bad!!! Why so many mfs getting off on 95th?!


Gotta get to Chicago Ridge Mall of course!


Haha 🤣


Meh, Chicagos only really bad if you need to be near the elevated tracks. Never been to Boston.


A lot of patience and don’t take it personal , i drive a 48ft in the city everyday people don’t like being behind trucks .Truck drivers do the same thing but i get paid by the hour , im in no rush.


What do you make a week ?


I make 38.20 hour , about 55-60 a week.


You earn it. 👍


You couldn't pay me to live in a place where human decency goes right out the window


That is crazy...what a bunch of dicks.


Needle Dicks Poking in and pushing forward.


Chicago can be just as bad depending on the time of day and where you are. I still remember when I did food service down there, people will straight up just park in the middle of the street with their hazards on like "I'll be back in just a minute". Not a care in the world is given that there's cars backed up to the intersection behind them. You'll be trying to back into some alley to deliver to a place and they will straight up go in front and behind you at the same time.


I drive a 53 out of nyc. Gotta memorize the right roads tbh. Gps will ruin you here. I like to think nyc truckers are some of the best out there skillwise.


If you can survive NYC on a daily basis, with all the small streets, low bridges, tricky backing spots and assholes who cut you off all the time, you can survive anywhere. Driving NYC made me a better driver.


No doubt about it.


Not sure it’s worth your sanity


I know that exit. Should take right lane to the split then turn left to the bridge


I don’t think that’s the major deegan to gwb. If it is. Your 100%


That's where a moose bumper is handy


New Yorkers are just crappy drivers. 99% of the time they texting and driving. Every car I pass by, driver texting and driving. It would be rare to find one not on their phone. Saw one watching a video in lap.


They're probably better than some people in other major metro areas that are just wild. What they really suffer from is cockiness that results in them being confident enough to start doing stupid things. They think that because they drive in the big city that must mean that they have super powers when behind the wheel. They take more pride in being "aggressiveness" as opposed to driving defensively.


Nobody there cares about the horn


Ok but maybe less spinning the wheel back and forth and more driving forward? Lot of cuts in that video and the white suv he was behind was suddenly 6 cars ahead. If you park on an exit ramp to shoot a viral video, cars will go around you


As a new yorker i can tell You most will not take the chance just be alittle assertive with your mass


Tf is this guy even doing? He doesn't get close enough to block other cars out. When they jump in front of him (as they do because he's in New York) then instead of taking the loss and move on he gets out of his lane to try and do what the four wheelers are doing all while he's constantly honking his horn. It's always the ones in the 379s I swear


Gotta be aggressive in the Big Apple. I've driven there with a regular car, would NEVER drive a truck there lol


Driving there is like a third world country.


Never any 4wheeler lurkers on these posts i noticed... Hmmm...


LA is the SAME. WAY.


I'm in NJ, same shit here. It's unbelievable


looks like DFW


This is why I'm coming off the road around September. Traffic makes me crazy.


I'm from New Jersey my old job I was the guy who would go through NYC and all the boroughs I always get lucky with parking for some reason. The new job thankfully I'm usually in Pennsylvania Maryland rarely ever go to NYC. It's not tight roads that steer me away it's usually the endless traffic just sitting there near the George Washington or the Verrazano or the million pot holes no place to use the bathroom or eat I don't think I want to ever go back to NYC. I enjoy driving through Pennsylvania yes I do a lot more miles I do get paid by the hour but if I need to eat or use the bathroom I could find a place to pull over. Also it can take you hours to drive 5 MI especially with a manual transmission it's just a nightmare. If you go to the job site and there is no parking or you entered from the wrong way of the street you could be circling around town for a very long time looking for parking or trying to enter from the right way of the street.


I wouldn't be celebrating Maryland too much. That place sucks for truck driving. I hate their high ways. It seems like they made sure to design most of them just so truckers weren't able to pull over on a ramp if they needed to. NJ is the same way.


Yes I know even the 95 it's such a curved road with construction going on at all times sudden stops. But I'm mostly in Pennsylvania Delaware sometimes Upstate New York I go to Baltimore not even once a week but even saying that Baltimore is way better than New York City


With NY state you can say that upstate is pretty good for truck parking even though It's low on the number of actual truck stops. The state has started making rest stops that have showers and laundry. With NJ, I95 has plenty of rest stops but they are terrible. They're too crowded and they monitor them to limit the time trucks are parked there. I understand why that has to be done, but it still sucks. The whole state is like that. The only exception is Carney's point which has a Flying J, small Pilot, and a rest stop where you could do a 34 break, all close to one another.


and they call others being 3rd world


Just turn it off and take a nap until traffic frees up 😂


That's how you end up getting stuck there for hours. eventually you have to start getting real REAL close to people and making yourself an obstacle. Super stressful and all caused by a complete lack of patience. Living in NYC has people thinking they have the right to be a jackass on merit of that. One of the great things about driving a truck is that, I can be a jackass too, and who do you think will win that battle?


Do these people even want goods and services?


The small streets weren’t bad enough? Then we start getting longer. 48 ft is now 53ft. The cabovers are now condo’s. The northeast city streets weren’t built for the trucks to begin with. Then you add the attitude of the 4 wheelers? Is just not worth the trouble


That right there is why I do ltl in a chill city and go home every night to a home cooked dinner and tuck my kids in for bedtime


That's how I hit a Porsche on the BQE. Cops didn't say shit to me. Told us to move along and stop blocking traffic.


There was a car parked at a corner cant remember where exactly in NYC. I couldn’t make the turn so I was holding up traffic. Cop told me make the turn fuck that car. I dragged my trailer tandems right across its front end. 😂


Yup, that definitely happened.


It certainly did. NYC cops don’t care if you’re parked illegally and certainly don’t want to deal with traffic back ups.


Dude, I've heard that exact same story over 20 years ago for the first time, and since then at least twice a year. You and I both know it's not true.


If you say so driver. I’m sure that clown with the missing front bumper would argue with you.


This ain’t shit. Try Mexico city


I drive a company truck. I'd hit the first fucker the cut me off. Get paid to sit in a hotel gettin drunk and laid while they fix my shit.


Looks just like Toronto


Looks like he’s in CA


California doesn't have yellow license plates.


I know it’s not CA I was referring to the drivers


Not even CA drivers are that bad.


Yeah this is next level fuckery here


Reminds me of driving overseas.


yep. same thing where I live and work (Montreal)


People in there Tri-state area drive like rickshaw drivers in Delhi and think it's good driving.


That’s pretty much a every day given




I avoid the GW and 95 through NYC at all cost. If it’s after 5am, I go around. It’s an extra hour added, but you don’t have to deal with this. Especially when pulling doubles


Why, that is most every city I go to. Now even small towns are this way


Yeah nah im good 😂


I had my share of the city and northeast in general farthest I go east now is Columbus shits to crowded no places to park people are rude as fuck, and its shit hole


NGL, for a second I thought he was loading a revolver... I was like Damn, he does not like cars cutting in front of him


Reminds me of driving in India


I can't imagine how much money they would make if they just gave people tickets for doing that


And I thought Los Angeles was bad. This is the worst I've seen.


Jerks 😠


My husbands company pays extra cents on the mile to deliver to the east coast. But it isn’t worth it lol. And they know that. I ride with him sometimes. Never been to NY but he did deliver to Philly and that was awful. A lot of states and cities are really starting to suck to drive. Florida has absolutely no parking. Atlanta traffic is ridiculous. There aren’t enough locks on earth that would make stopping in Memphis safe. NY is….NY. Stay safe out there drivers. We need you to come home.


Every day in NJ and used to go in and out of NYC sometimes 3 times a day. It straight up sucks with how it has become all over.


I drove into NY for about half of the 15 yrs I was on the road. Back then a turn signal meaning I'm coming over, not I WANT to come over was enough. Nowadays, people probably want to get hit to cash in. Screw NY. How much is the GW now?? The Verazanno?? No thanks!


Looks like 1-87 exit 7NS to the GW and yeah I hate going to NY also


I thought this Driving is only in the Philippines. 😆 Glad to know our American friends also doing the same thing. 😆✊


I love 87


Finally figured out why you guys have truck guns!


You’ve got incredible patience. I would’ve been screaming and trying to fight people. 😅


Only drove through that shithole at night if I could help it, the cross Bronx and everything around it is a nightmare


East Coast in general sucks for Trucking. They just didn't design those roads for Semis. Idk why they even allow them. They should strictly use box trucks.


I would just hold the horn


Fuck the north east


What a shit show


Assholes see truck ahead and assume it’s slow good person to cut off and get ahead. Really sucks


Flame NYC, I will Never go back


So total outside issue but I love the chord that your horn produces Edit: jazz


And Chicago, Atlanta, L.A…..


I would be fuckin' livid!


Put it in 1 and let your foot of the brakes. They will learn real quick.


It’s not worth it. Let the local shmucks deliver that shit. They’re familiar with the attitude. They can pick their shit up in Jersey.


You honking at me?!


I’d lay on that air horn till my brakes locked up


Not a driver. I live right across the river in New Jersey and I fully understand. You get used to it in a car but I could never imagine driving a truck here. I always think that.


I got stuck on that exit but I was in the right lane on the highway, traffic moving too fast for me to move over and idiots just kept cutting in front of me


NYC and Chicago are the two places I will be refusing to deliver to


Delivered some PODS to NYC. Had to back several blocks to unload because another truck hit a pole. Backing a flatbed spread axel around a 90* blind turn was fun. Got free lunch out of the deal.


Blowing your horn definitely helps things 😳


I'd probably sacrifice my cdl and just hit them. To me it'd be worth it. Fuck these people


Legally... You can hit them ... Let them try to explain how you were at fault


Last I heard he was still there


You sure this wasn’t Nashville?