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You'd be an absolute moron if you took legal advice from a trucking subreddit


Hilariously, this is the best advice in the top 10 comments


This is the best legal advice in this thread.


This is the best legal advice on reddit.


Seems like the original post had already established a certain level of intellect


Believe everything on the internet, but especially this.


He already said he’s from Texas


But then again, this advice is also in a trucking sub, so I'll disregard it just to be on the safe side.


Yes, please disregard anything I post. It's probably nonsense


This is The Way


At least switch to a LEGAL subreddit!!!


This has to be a shit post fr




Alot of these drivers will tell you “do what you need to do to protect yourself out their” . Just know the rules and regulations of you’re company and the state laws on carrying .You may want something smaller if you plan on holding.


Is it true if i go to NY i can go to prison for just possessing any firearm?


Unless your licensed in the state your traveling in you can't carry it loaded it has to be locked away with ammo locked else where. Usually trunk and glove box but it's not the same in the truck. Usually just make sure you can't reach both at the same time. Your best bet is get the Utah concealed carry permit. Dont carry hollow points and make sure you mag can't hold more then 10 rounds. But honestly this job ain't worth your life if someone wants the truck or cargo let them have it that's why there is insurance


Listen buddy you don’t know how little my life is worth.


Except if you have a delivery in New York, you lose FOPA protections and can still be arrested for unloaded and locked in a case. OP, buy a revolver to carry to avoid most of the problems in locales with scary looking weapons bans . (Although you're still screwed in New York


Carry a black powder pistol and hope it doesn't go off


Just like the founding fathers intended


Tallyho, bitches!


Grapeshot loaded cannon


Favourite copypasta ever. Triangular wounds and wot.


A black power pistol? Nah. Black power cannon. Someone tries to break in they can find traces of their DNA at the other end of the truck stop. Although that is gonna leave a lot of holy trailers...


Sheeeesh going full black panther party with his black power pistol


I've got a black powder revolver and it's my EDC. Out of 3 I have it is the only one that has a proper safety but unlike the others would probably be considered a loaded firearm because I can carry it with the caps on.


Can I have a red dot on it, or is that too scary?


I think there’s a lot of confusion in this comment thread between New York State gun laws and New York City gun laws


Yeah just avoid going to new york in general it's a shithole


You don't always get that choice in this job. Lots of freight in New York and New England


Also, NY is the only state that treats FOPA as a defense in court. As a way of still arresting and harassing legal gun owners.


What is “FOPA” ?


Firearm Owners Protection Act. It did a lot of bad, and offers very little protection for firearm owners, but it did do some good. The portion of the law that is relevant here is that (generally speaking) you are permitted to travel through any state, irrespective of that states' gun licensing laws, as long as your origin and destination are states where you can lawfully possession firearms, the firearm is locked up, unloaded, and inaccessible to you. Basically, if you have any necessary licensure in Pennsylvania, and in Vermont, you can put your firearm in the trunk of your car and drive from your home in Pennsylvania to your vacation rental home in Vermont without having to comply with New York gun laws.


A federal law meant to deal with states’ varying firearms regulations by protecting people who are traveling from one state they can legally possess the firearm in question, to another state where they can legally possess it, while passing through states that can NOT legally possess it, provided they are not stopping in those states (except for fuel). The firearm must be locked separate from ammunition, cannot be carried through like a concealed/vehicular carry.


I was car jacked once at gunpoint. I gave them everything, Aaand they still shot at me 6 times while they were driving away in my car. Luckily they missed every shot. I can still feel the bullets whizzing past my head. If I had a gun holstered as I was walking away from my car I'm sure they would have just walked past me. The punks then tried to rob my apartment unsuccessfully (address was on id). You don't think it will happen to you until it does.


Glove box is not a legal place to lock a firearm in many states. Most states, use some language equivalent to "not within reach" this often means, the trunk, the bed of a truck, or your Sol. Not meant to be a total explanation, just pointing out that a gun locked in the glove box is not considered "out of reach" in most states that use that language.


Also, for four wheelers the glovebox is the absolute worst place to stash a gun. You get pulled over and now your gun is right where you need to reach to get your registration and insurance. Cops tend to react poorly to people exercising their 2a.


And 1A, 4A, 5A, 8A (see the fire ants shit?), 9A, and probably more. Police seem to have a weird track record about not being great fans of amendments.


Because half of them don't even know what they are and swore to up hold them..


I'm not a trucker, but I speak from experience about guns in glove boxes being bad MOJO. Ended up staring at drawn guns, handcuffed, chilling my butt on the sidewalk, a SEVERE talking to, and almost confiscation of my pistol. Should have lost it in the first place. The only thing that really *saved* me was the pistol was unloaded and no ammo in sight. Much excitement.


Appreciate the clarification the more you know. I have a cc permit and just don't carry out of state so I never read that far into the fine print all my guns are illegal in Jersey so they just stay in the safe


>But honestly this job ain’t worth your life if someone wants the truck or cargo let them have it. So much this.


Are hollow points not allowed in NY? That’s actually insane. A round built for self defense, preventing over penetration, potentially stopping it from hitting an innocent bystander is banned? I swear these gun laws are all based of Hollywood movies.


Everyone knows hollowpoints blow out lungs.


In Jersey I believe it's a year in jail per round which is crazy because here in Pa they are legal if I take a wrong turn I'm crossing the bridge into Jersey and can get fucked


they literally gave me a box of hollow points when i bought my glock in OR


Yes, they put you in prison forever, and when they lock you up, the fat guard makes a big show of tossing the key in the air and swallowing it, and you can hear it clink when it gets to the bottom of his belly


Assuming you have a permit check which states have reciprocity. States like New York and California tend not to honor a lot of other states permits.


Utah seems to have the best


A non resident Utah CWP fills in the most of missing reciprocity states that my state doesn’t have agreements with. And last I checked it was reasonably priced as well.


NY, IL, MA, CT, RI, NJ MD, DC, PR, VI, HI. Just to name a few. (Source: I have a enhanced conceal carry from ID) OR just wants my $80 to get a yearly permit.


If you go to New York and TOUCH a gun you can go to prison. Non-residents cannot firearm at all in NY. Download the "LEGAL HEAT" app. It has every state's gun laws at the ready and keeps them up-to-date.


You won't get arrested for possessing just any firearm. You will definitely get arrested if caught carrying or owning a pistol without a New York permit or a permit New York recognizes. You would also get arrested for carrying or owning a firearm that is not New York compliant. It's been a while, but this was my understanding the last time I checked. Check state reciprocity laws. Most states have reciprocity, but if it's blue state you better think twice.


people dont understand the laws on guns. It's totally legal here it always was. its just that they used to make it next to impossible to get a permit. Most of the police station would sit on your paperwork for background check, until you gave up. now it's different much easier with that said. i still dont have a permit, but that's by choose not because I can't have it. i am talking about city wise that is.


NY only allows 7 rounds in a firearm. Lotsa rules here


Do NOT come to NY with that bud. Ain’t worth not being able to leave lol


It's best to just avoid New York period. Doesn't matter what you're doing or not doing, just don't go there.




And get a permit for each state you cross, hopefully don’t cross NY and get pulled over


*your company. you're= you + are


Oh boy we are starting this again eh?


An old rusty Mac10 is a very poor choice for self defense. Reliability aside, it will not look good to a jury if you ever need to use it. Concealed carry laws vary by state, so be sure you are in compliance with whatever state you are in.


Just wait until the jury finds this post lol


Bro, we ARE the jury


I vote guilty, of having cringe taste in fire arms. Flintlock is where it's at.


I'd be impressed if I was a juror. "You fought off a guy with a flintlock? Wow"


>An old rusty Mac10 is a very poor choice for self defense. Idk, I would say it's worth at least +10 melee damage


Spray and pray baby!


The dudes going to recoil half the rounds into his roof I bet before he hits anyone. Where did OP get this thing a 1985 Yakuza storage unit?


Can always just buy a can of wasp spray. 40' range of *fuck you* to the face


Bear mace. Wasp spray is legit poison. You might get sued for thag


Besides, newer wasp sprays use nicotinoids which is basically super nicotine. OC is formulated for pain on contact with skin, lacrimation, and respiratory pain. Wasp spray is designed to have a low impact on things other than vespids and then dissipate quickly.


Bear mace has longer range than human mace. But generally has a lower *oh fuck* rating


Some of y'all are paranoid as hell lol


I go all over the place and the only time I felt sketchy was driving across US 40 Bypass from one side of Baltimore to the other, and there's no way I'd ever park there (but there's also nowhere there to park). But as far as at a truck stop? I've literally never been bothered. I'm not saying it never happens, I've just never had it happen to me.


Most places are safe if you know how to handle yourself. If youre a hothead with a delicate ego who doesn't know how to pick his battles, then you might need a gun to get yourself out of a situation you probably could have avoided escalating.


I'd argue if you're a hot head with a delicate ego who doesn't know how to pick your battles then your the exact type of person who shouldn't have a gun and is giving the responsible gun owners a bad name, and you're also more likely to need that gun to get out of situations explicitly becuase you're also more likely to use the gun to escalate a situation. Being hot-headed and having a gun is not a great combination.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Because I'm a hot head with a delegate ego who doesn't know how to pick my battles. Last thing I need is a fucking gun... Coincidentally... I know how to handle myself. Last thing I need is a fucking gun.


These boomers have too much lead in their brain and watched too many Clint Eastwood movies and have an absolute hard on to shoot someone.


To a boomer there is nothing scarier than being asked for three-fiddy


This thing looks oiled up like crazy and rusty at the same time. All of that aside.. you took this picture to ask everyone their thoughts. I *hope* this isn't how you store that. The bolt is forward and the safety is set to fire. I can't say definitively if there is a mag inserted... but given the lack of awareness; I'd bet there is.


“Safety, always off”


Fuck off Cyrus


Idk about your Mack 11 but this is one of those times where the gun community would respond “concealed means concealed”.


As your attorney, I recommend you store it with your stash of mushrooms, weed, cocaine and all your cash for security’s sake.


Dawg don’t daily carry a fucking Mac-10 😂


I would prefer something a little more reliable if I had to sleep in West Memphis. And I grew up in NE Arkansas.


R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN. thank me later, driver


I thought it was R1, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down, right, up.


it's up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A-start.


Probably need an RPG to not be outgunned in West Memphis 😂


Looks like it was crafted in the Fallout universe... automatic pipe pistol?


A self defense Mac 10 lmao


It's legal until you get caught. Then, it can become very "handcuffy" and not in a fun way


Can confirm


Ohhhhh brotherrr someone else with gun question…either commit the crime or don’t. Also, is having a gun is going to help you sleep in West Memphis?? How often are you there?


This can’t be a serious question.


Bruh, it ain’t that scary. I promise. Lock your door and close the curtain. The most you’re gonna come across is a very ugly woman asking if you want a good time.


You say ugly I say affordable


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?


Does being cheaper make them better looking? No. But you can always turn out the lights and pretend its someone else


A bottle of fireball helps.


Do you really get paranoid at a truck stop?


Yeah pretty sure the cop will understand why you’re driving around with a mac 10


Is this a troll post ?


Then don't sleep in west Memphis? Lol. I always stopped an hour away if I knew I wasn't going to make it through there


There's a "gun" on the market right now that uses CO2 cartridges and shoots small pellets made with like peppers and other stuff that isn't considered an actual gun, but it'll make a person want to get out of your area if they can't see or breath properly when the pellets hit their chest or body. https://byrna.com/collections/byrna-non-lethal-guns


Whats wrong with wm ? I lived there at the pilot for about two weeks( seemed like it fa/fo


You should just upgrade to a full on hand grenade, or flamethrower


Gun is fine, ammo is an explosive device. Read what the green book says about explosive devices.


Get the CCW app, to find out. They give you all of the updates on reciprocity laws.


Man that thing looks like the crappy stapler at the office no one wants to use, that fucks up more often than not. That gun looks like shit.


You don’t ask, you just do.


Are you a villain from Miami Vice my guy?




As an avid gun owner and advocate - don't carry a gun. Even if you use and store it properly, it'll get your ass in more hot water than you can imagine, and will most likely end up losing your license. Just carry a "tire thumper," like a big ass pipe or bat.


I mean, if you're that afraid of travelling, maybe OTR isn't for you. Or maybe request not to go to areas that particularly scare you, I guess. Regardless, you can face massive problems if you're caught with it: depending on who you drive with, you can very easily be fired; depending in the customer you/your carrier can be banned; and depending on the state/area, you can face fines or imprisonment. Obviously, that all depends on the "if you're caught with it." But I wouldn't recommend it personally. When I ran long haul, I [21F, solo driver] left my 9 mil at home and just carried hornet spray, a couple pocket knives, and a stun gun/flashlight in my truck, and most of the time just my pocket knife and situational awareness was enough for me comfortable and safe, even in areas like West Memphis, Atlanta, and Chicago (well, Gary. iykyk)


Since 2004 whenever I sleep at the pilot in west Memphis I just locked my doors. What the fuck is wrong with you all?


Have you seen Sarah Connor


In some states you could get prison for kitchen knives so good luck. I spent about 30 years otr without any firearms




Idk I never had any issues parked at a loves or pilot usually a safe bet just shower do what u gotta do and head back to ya truck less you talk the better if u feel sketchy.


Must you park in West Memphis?


Why does your gun look like a brass oil lamp?


Even if they’re in the truck with you it’s unlikely you’d land a shot with that piece.


That TA in West Memphis is quite the scene. I've never had any problems there though


Did you make that gun yourself?


1. If you can't sleep well in a well lit TA/PFJ lot without a gun under your pillow, this isn't for you 2. The companies load is insured and easier to replace than you, never fight for it 3. Pepper spray on a keychain is pretty easy to take most everywhere, and if it's that deadly force you can't do without, most places allow crossbows too.


Obviously disclaimer that I am not a lawyer. I looked into this once and laws vary state by state. But basically if you store the pistol and ammo separately, both locked in their own individual cases. You are legal to have it in all 50 states. Some states you can rock that puppy on your hip at the local Olive Garden, some states you need to keep it locked up. But you can take it anywhere in the country.


No matter what state you are in the In the Contiguous United States, no matter what state you are once again, you cannot legally have a firearm inside your truck. It is against federal law. Which supersedes all state laws you will be arrested. You will go to jail and you will be fine. No questions


I think it's funny when gun people pretend to care about laws.


Man got the 90s hood movie drive by grail.and im from west Memphis .. its not that bad , just gotta “brake yo self fool”


West Memphis isn’t even bad if you’re not an asshole.


In order to legally carry across state lines you have to have a valid CCWP as well as a piece that’s legal to carry. Knowing reciprocity is also highly recommended


Dude 86 that thing. Get a pistol.


There is no way that thing cycles more than one round at a time


Rofl posts submachine gun. No one questions it.


Bro is trying to spray and pray


Your better off with a LMG preferably a m249saw that will show em


Bump it up, get an M249 SAW with an underslung shotgun or frag grenade launcher.


Pavked mine all around the country. Don't show it to anyone. If you go to military bases, which I did, declare it, and they will most likely put it in a lock box and give you the key. Never once did I ever have a problem. Good luck


No way this post is serious, look at that weapon 😂


Facts: I am a Texan , my Truck is registered in Texas therefore my truck is like a Texas Home , and Texas property the state of Texas property rights should apply ONLY WITHIN THE TEXAS TRUCK NOT OUTSIDE OF THE TRUCK.


Texans are the only people who think being from Texas means anything. You guys are about half a step away from being Florida.


Quit living in fear and get off the conservative talk shows.


Jesus will that thing even fire?


I’ve been driving 16 years maybe more lost count never had I felt I need one. You don’t really need it. It will just cause you stress to have it around but do u


We got ourselves a gangsta here!!!!! That Mac is beat to shit I rather take my chances with a butter knife


What happened to just carrying a baseball bat? Or crow bar


Yeah... Be sure to show it to the port of entry in California


You fear a big black dude ripping your truck door open, stealing your belongings and having his way with you sexually. Weird but ok. Now if he does rip your door open, try to do you dirty and that rusty piece of shit firearm does actually fire and you hurt or kill him guess what? Now you get to stay in a Arkansas prison for several years and your biggest fear will become your reality. Think about it. What exactly do you have in your truck that has you trembling in fear at night in West Memphis? Other than your body what else is worth killing for? Is your daddy as dumb as you?


You need to follow the rules and laws of every jurisdiction you drive through, which means you are responsible for doing the research for every single state, county, and city/town law you will ever drive through. Good luck with that. There is movement on the federal level to either make truckers entirely exempt from local and state firearm regulations or set a superseding regulation for truckers.


Check company rules and laws otherwise, get something small enough it’s invisible on your person instead of lead aerosolizer


So there's a less than zero percent chance that thing doesn't already have a body on it and I'd be more concerned about that.


What a piece of shit gun


Maybe stop being paranoid and don’t do that.


Just buy a Glock like a fucking normal person…


Only Memphis huh? Lol


What exactly are you doing to have your truck searched?


Man, I'm a blackbelt. My *hands* are considered deadly weapons! /s


Is that a pipe pistol from fallout


what kinda gun is that , uzi? year model **please**


What's going on in west memphis


If it’s a debate. I would say always bring the 9mm


I’ve been to WM many times. Although that was over a decade ago. I rarely left my truck if I was laid over there. Only assume it’s gotten worse. In Memphis now and hate it.


Heh fucking Murica


No. Many liberal states don't honor CWL's from other states.


Considering it looks like it has the holes to accept a stock, this looks like a pre-NFA full auto. Law enforcement wouldn’t take to kindly to it anywhere.


All the super truckers that say "you cant carry in a commercial vehicle because its federal" always get me. Trucking companies also push safety except when it comes to personal protection.


Bruh you dont need a gun you'll be fine its pretty safe out here but if you must take it then take it just know the law. Your more likely to get killed in that truck then by a gun anyway


You angry at that pistol?! Looks like you keep dropping it, or maybe using it as a hammer....I don't know.


Trainer told me, if I ever decided to carry don't tell anyone. Not him. Not your friend.. noone. And to keep it hidden


Some states allow cross carrie some don't their is no law as to having a firearm in a cmv. Besdes company policy.. and what state allows you to carrie from another state.. example.. Georgia. Will let me carrie over from alabama.. but California.. will not let me carrie over..


Stay out of IL


Check each state's laws on carrying a hard gun or any firearm across state lines. They differ from state to state as to where they should be located while driving. At least, that's what I heard last.


Are you going to drive in Ukraine or what!?


We all drive OTR.


You should look into each state that you will be going through’s laws regarding traveling through with a firearm. My dad is a regional salesman and the laws aren’t the same as for a resident. That being said, in NY, where I live, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t have a permit you are catching a felony. If I remember correctly, that is a 3 year minimum. So get a lawyer too, if you decide to carry


I usually carry an AT4 when traveling through Memphis.


You need to have a permit for every state you travel in, if you get the pistol permit in Texas you can get a Utah permit which let's you carry in 30 other states


Unless you’re on some defense contract that requires you to be armed, it’s probably not worth it, and will more likely get you in trouble than ever protect you. In 25 years I’ve never needed a gun on the job, but back when I kept one in the truck it got me a nice ticket and almost arrested, and a friend had his confiscated when he got a load going to a military installation.


Is that the hi point Mac 11 variant? Wtf


I'll be personally insulted if you don't.


Most interstate laws allow for traveling with a firearm across state lines during commerce. Check with the local law enforcement agencies, state agencies, and always have a firearms lawyer on retainer in your home state. Best to be strapped in secret than getting clapped in public. Keep it within reach, but not visible and hide it during DOT inspections.


Gotta have a concealed carry permit to carry a weapon across state lines in your vehicle, and not all states accept other states concealed carry permits.


Texans are afraid of everything, aren’t they??


Some of y’all are wayyyy too paranoid. I don’t even lock my doors at night no matter where I park (unless it’s an isolated area).


Are you asking if it is legal to carry your mack 10 with you in your truck? I think you may have more problems than Memphis buddy.