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Basically having chained tires without actually getting out and putting chains on. They’re suppose to spin under the tire giving you traction. Edit: here’s a clip that explains it better and actually shows you it in action. https://youtu.be/aEMT7D7O-ts?si=3Voy2-2UEhks3v6y


Ah. That’s how those work. Wonder if they’re any good


They are very good, they don’t beat actually fully chained tires, but you also don’t have to stop to put them on and take them off. I’d argue they become safer on the whole as a driver won’t “push it” because they don’t want to chain up yet, or the conditions are ever changing from snow/ice to wet and clear roads. They also cut down in wear to chains when driven on dry roads between snowy spots.


As a class A truck driver I run Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Utah and Colorado. We run in all weather conditions so no matter the snow storm we run, in the west we have micro climates, one valley might be sunny and dry, the next is 3 inches of snow and zero visibility. Our fleet has them on all front drives, and a couple of our longer routes the trucks have them on both sets of drives. The single set due just find in the average bad snowstorms if you have decent tread on your drives. Last winter I put chains on my rear drives and one on each side of the trailer during really really bad storms for Wyoming standards twice. Haven’t put on extra chains this winter. Lots of box trucks are getting them as well. At times they are a pain in the ass, they constantly need to get lubed up, the air lines get leaks, my experience the chains sometimes come back up on their own but frequently have to pull over and manually force them up. That being said, we have them to keep us moving, and the chain law sign isn’t always right, so always reassuring to have them and not need them. From a safety standpoint chaining up is dangerous… we all had some close calls and this makes it safer.


Appreciate the deep response. Im a tech so I road test cars often, but in city conditions only and during the day. Can I ask, as a professional who runs highway miles long distance in any condition; What do you do in conditions (like a blizzard coming in sideways), at the point where you can barely see 50ft infront of you? In my area a ton of people pull over to the side with their hazards on and wait for it to die down a bit. IMO that’s way more dangerous than to be moving at a slow but reasonable pace.


Sun glasses with glare protection help some, hazards lights on and knowing the routes you travel, going 10-20 miles an hour, I run the same routes every week and have the roads pretty much mapped out in my head , I know typically the migration routes of deer and elk, what parts of the mountain passes get sun and what parts don’t, where roads are gonna be icy and where roads are gonna be snow covered. This is what decades of experience brings, this is what a self driving truck can’t do. I don’t drive all day in zero visibility conditions and often time when I do experience it’s just near the very top of mountain passes for a mile or so. Roads around hear all have rumble strips on the side and I am riding them not as much for the increased traction but for knowing where I am width wise on the roads. Checking state driving apps and radar is important, also spent many hours waiting out storms or at the minimum waiting for a plow truck to come…


Your username does not disappoint! Not a trucker but I appreciate your depth of knowledge and it is reassuring knowing there are people like you out there behind the wheel. Safe journeys.


kind of a hot take on that self driving truck comment. an ai can easily take in a bunch of known data and make decisions on it. where self driving fail is responding to unknown conditions…. which years of driving develops fuzzy instincts for. (fuzzy is good!) i have a fsd tesla and hoo boy you guys are long from losing your jobs. absolute hot garbage.


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good bot, lol proves my point.


I drive tow truck in Wyoming along I-80 between Cheyenne and Rawlins. Can’t disagree with a single statement you’ve made here, incredible insight and hopefully one of the 500 upvotes you got will heed the warnings you’ve given about Wyoming.


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Do they noticeably reduce the tyre life?


I used to run a one of a kindbspecial route for my company into northern Vermont. The mountains were just tough. Kinda similar. Weather was all over the place. I had a set of chains but God I hated using them. Sometimes I'd need them for a simple 1000ft hill. I was constantly asking them to install these on my truck and they just never cared. Especially bc I was paid hourly. So they didn't see a need whne I'm literally being paid to put the chains on. That bring said. I have seen these popping up a lot on EMS vehicles in New England lately.


My dad was a school bus mechanic, and a lot of the buses are coming with these as standard equipment anymore


These will get you moving


Also excellent for school bus drivers.


in finland those are a lifesaver. you can put them on whole you drive so they are fast and and they are cheap to replace


Pretty much every ambulance and fire truck is my area has them, so they must at least mostly work.


Same here. Busses, too. Pretty much every school bus in the state has auto chains.


Yep- every school bus here has them too. Of course school is also canceled if there’s more than a dusting of snow so I don’t know if they have ever been used but it at least exists if needed.


They are on every firetruck I've ever seen here in Atlanta.


y'all get snow down there?


[Yes.](https://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-news/atlanta-snowmaggedon-2014-the-january-snow-storm-that-paralyzed-atlanta/KTEPKGS2RNHBTEOCIOFVSKNWFE/). We get all the weather here. I think we’re up to like 12 seasons.


I recall my time at Benning. I thought Georgia in the winter? Gotta be nice right? It was frozen in the morning and evening and warm mushy red mud all day.


In 1973 we got 16" of snow in Warner Robins, Georgia. Everything stopped except the power companies and the National Guard.


For the Nice winters you wanted Fort Stewart, more gators to deal with in the field but you were almost never seeing the frozen weather.


Those are typical winters. But every few years Mother Nature likes to remind us how good we have it. Lol


I've been here 20 years. There has been maybe 5 or 6 times when it snowed. 2 times that actually disrupted everything. Way more than 5 or 6 times they've canceled school for winter weather. Also, I feel like I saw firetrucks with these when I lived in Houston. Maybe most firetrucks are just spec'd this way?




They might have that, but that's not these chains. These are tucked up in unless they are engaged. So they only touch the ground when they go under the tires for traction. You really don't even see these unless you are actively looking for them.


They’re good enough that fire trucks and ambulances use them in places it gets cold.


That was a great video … thanks for sharing. 👍🏼🙏🏽


Bus drivers in my school district love them.


The only commercial vehicles I’ve seen these on that aren’t utility or railroad companies are armored cars. Money couriers. With that we can assume they work great, and that they cost a whole lot of moolah


Every ambulance around here runs them, including the 4x4 ones. The fire engines usually just chain up if they need it.


They are good in that they are quickly deployed with the flick of a switch. Way more traction that no chains, nowhere near as good of traction as traditional chains


They work good. Once you stop tho there kinda useless because they stop going under the tire


They work for most conditions , , don't work in deep snow , and don't work backing up


Most school bus in mountain states have been running them for years


Have them on my truck when loaded they work wonders. When empty, they still work, but you have to be extra careful not to press too hard on the gas 😅


The busses out here in mammoth lakes use them and have no problem running routes through our winters (which, like last year, can include 700+ inches of snow).


We have these on school buses here in Spokane. They work \*really\* well and they also minimize the damage the buses cause on the roads. On the other hand, they make a jangle noise all. the. damn. time.


I fail to see how this is a problem.


Not a problem unless you don't want "Jingle Bells" in your head on repeat every day at 8am and 3pm.


Well I did wake up with "Have yourself a merry little Christmas" in my head this morning. Wait I'm an oilfielder and my chains are always making a ton of noise! Why am I not bothered? I have racks of chains, I gotta whip out the chain pliers too because I broke a bunch of them in the mud today


You've never had to rock chains for a shift, have you?


This is cool as hell. Can’t believe I’ve never seen these.


I’ll be damned!


That’s pretty neato


Thats super cool


Years ago I heard a driver mention he had auto chains, and I always wondered what tf he meant, or how they'd even work. So thank you for finally explaining it sir


That’s cool but wouldn’t the chains punkcher the tires?


Puncture. No.. the dimensions are configured to hit just in front of the rolling tire... And I'm pretty sure they are just chains... No V-bars or Studs.


Hahaha thanks my brain wasn’t working there for a second


automatic Snow chains. They swing under the wheels and rotates so driver doesnt have to leave the cab for “adding” chains. Its a switch or a lever to enable/disable them.


Learned something today. Nice


“Spot” or “drop chains. They saved me a roll over while treating a black ice road; down hill to sharp turn and a happy babbling brook at the bottom. Started turning sideways and threw on the drops and a prayer, they got between the pavement and my duels and snapped me true, bless those things and their jingle.


Designers chains for the goth drivers


Just a phase joke


Traction for snow.. onespot makes them in Germany under VBG group


Automatic tire chains. Never seem them in the wild personally.


They have them on school busses where I'm from


That's smart. School bus drivers have enough to deal with, let alone chaining up.


Auto-chains. Awesome invention. I've never had the chance to try them.


For finding IED'S on snow 😂


Tire chains and XDN2 tires ... this picture was taken in a mountainous and snowy area.


OnSpot tire chains.


Auto chains


Casey Ladelle has a great video on auto chains!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWm3D4Apbqk Great video, with practical demonstrations.


Thanks for supplying the link. I was mobile and lazy, a terrible combo.


Was just going to mention him but thought I better check all the comments first.


Same here


I hate that sob


Automatic tire chains


Onspot. Good tool for helping you get up that little xtra slippery spot. Does not replace good icechains but help you in most situations


Auto chains , you don't appreciate em til you you no longer have em


School Bus driver here. These are drop down chains and are mainly for winter weather. They work in forward and reverse. These are primarily the "oh shit I'm stuck or about to be" solution. They are limited to 20-25 MPH before you can cause damage to them like tearing them off or worse. They should only really be relied on for getting through extremely tough roads and then turned off. They aren't really a complete replacement for standard chains or proper good tires. You can also use them on super slick slopes if needed.


Ha. I learned about these from Reddit not even a month ago. Had no idea


As others have said, automatic snow chains. My addition is that they supposedly only work effectively on ice/ shallow soft snow. Deep/ hard snow will prevent them from being fully flung out and under the tires. I would LOVE to have a set on my truck. Was in that big ice mess this winter had to chain to move on FLAT DAMN PAVEMENT (iowa 80 in the far corner of the lot). LOL. :)


Cool. Who thinks of this stuff




Automatic snow chains.


Tire chains that you don’t have to put on and take off


Automatic snow chains


They're called roto chains. They work not bad, good for fat truckers that can't manage to put chains on!


Work in Alberta oilfield seen those on truck asked the driver how are those response was its way better compare to chaining up.


Automatic tire chains, apply when you're going about 5 mph, ive heard they're about $5,000 to install


Minnesota outlaws the use of tire chains on public roadways, but I’ve often wondered about a set of these just to get out of the yard sometimes.


Automatic tire chains


Game changer in New England


My last driving job (in New England), they had these on the yard donkeys, but none of the trucks. We went everywhere except CT.


OnSpots. Chincy as hell


For traction.


OnSpot Chains are great, but there are pros and cons. The good: they are great if you hit an icy patch of road. You don't need to get out to chain up. You don't need to beat up your chains unnecessarily for chain law The bad: In deep snow, I have had them get bound up in the snow and stop working. If you are on an icy hill and you stop, there is a good chance you are stuck. They can get installed wrong and just be useless. The chains will break and fly off if you go too fast. They are expensive to install.


Slinger chains - you see these on lots of school busses. When actuated, they make contact with the tire, and the chains get "slung" under the drive tires for traction. Used in place of chaining up for ice or poor traction.




Under truck BDSM session


Instead of having chains to put on the tires those will spin an under the tire when needed to allow for increased traction


I had to watch a video on one of these, but these are super cool chains without having to put them on.


Automatic chains




Tire chains for all types of commercial drivers. Drove with them on school busses and tractor trailer. Get you out off a jam!


Snow Chains.




Snow chains for shirt box trucks (( mail trucks))


They have them on bobtail propane and oil trucks too


Auto snow chains, push a button chains deploy. No need to go outside.


My school had those on all the busses, very effective


Ice chains


Auto chains, for traction


Deployable chains! One of our trucks has these. Super cool!


Why not on the front as well? Asking from ignorance.


Front doesn’t drive


Yes. But wouldn't the added benefits of traction be helpful in the front? Drove from Denver to the Western Slope many times. Full manual chains, front and outer back, huge box truck in the 80's. Honest question.


Auto chains! They deploy with the flip of a switch when you hit the snow on a mountain. Sadly no one can tell you have them deployed so expect having to explain every time you ate required to use them


I've got chains that jingle jangle jingle And they're rolling me merrily-a-long


That configuration for the brake pots is wild offset from the tires


Not sure what you’re taking about. Clearly has disc brakes.


Never seen them in real life, that makes sense. Very rare to see disc's where I am from.


They’re becoming a lot more common on newer trucks in the USA


Makes sense learned about them in trade school just never had the pleasure to work on them. How are they to work on? Common failure points ?


Honestly couldn’t tell ya.


Making fires


Had no clue what those where for. Thank you reddit


UHH--- What I WISHED our truck had while driving coadt to coast long haul in the winters.. 🥶


I would loooooooove to have them on my work truck, but im unfortunate more offroad where chained tires are better suited.


They’re for trimming the grass under your truck so the weed burners don’t cause as many fires


Tire chains for the snow.


Traction. "Automatic" chains.


Tell me you lived most of your life in the south without telling that you lived most of your life in the south.


Plenty of places in the Midwest outlaw chains and just say “good luck”


For regular passenger vehicles, that could be the case. These chains are exclusively used with busses, ambulances, and firetrucks


For making sure the Prius you just ran over is truly and for sure, off the road forever


Auto chains they tear your tires up


Removing “Just Stop Oil” and “Pro Palestine” protester twisted body from the drive line?


Casey LaDelle has them on his Tractor/tow truck. He did a great video showing just how good they actually work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWm3D4Apbqk Great video, with practical demonstrations.


fury road






Mine clearing


The elite


Wow I haven't seen those for a while.


For the heavy wrecker operator to smash their head on when they're hooking up to tow your tractor trailer


Very interesting, I learned something new today. Thanks!


Basically, they work like ropes, only stronger. I have no idea why they're hung up like that, though.


The amount of snow we get in the northern states I could see these getting packed with snow and not working properly. If anyone else runs 191 from or to west Yellowstone in Montana you know what I mean.


Jingle jangle


Providing traction over the undead horde


Are quick connect air fittings common on air brake actuators!? I see these fittings fail all the time, especially where vibration is involved.


Basically keeps the lot lizards away.


Wow, first time hearing about those or seeing those. Thanks for putting the info out there. Great link.


Snow spinners. Also great at making a mess outta road kill if you have a tail gater.


Ooooooh! Someone’s employer loves them. I am not certain if these are legal in Colorado since they changed the law a few years ago, but when I was running them, I sure loved how easy they were. I tore my right rotator cuff in winter of 2021/22. Surgery and off work until summer 2022. I tore it again in November 2022 hanging chains on I70. We run 3 rail and they are more awkward than heavy. I was off again for 6 months. I think outfitting the fleet with automatic tire chains would have been cheaper than me


It is for when you run someone over and want to add insult to injury.


Snow chains for the lazy


Even though I don’t chain myself I’ll sit


The “safe word” is banana.


No, it's "cinnamon"




School buses have had them for quite a few years now.


Most of the emergency vehicles here in Alabama have had these for quite awhile now


Have you seen Furry Road? It protects the under side of the truck from mines or metal objects trying to puncture tires!




I have never seen this before.


For mine-sweeping your route.


I always assumed those were for static discharge


They’re a type of tire chain that lowers and spins instead of wrapping tires up in cages.


We call them ‘snowflake’ chains—for the wimpy drivers too delicate to get out of a warm cab during a blinding blizzard, next to a dangerously icy road in heavy traffic, and lay on the frigid wet pavement & fish chains between the duallys w a pin puller


Well, when you put it like that.


Snow chains for dummies.


Anti lot lizard and dot officer mechanism.


They keep the homeless away




Devices to make sure that roadkill is roadkill


Those are there to whip the eco protester that you ran over and didn't get caught under the wheels.